• * i >*-' y ,>>% J* THE DUN1ST DISPATCH a! « % ' jii"' VOL. II _Dunn, K. C.,l|lj 19U EAST WOODEN HOTBL IN ..I DDN.N IS NOW RURNED Fir* Early Monday Morning Almost Destroyed 1‘reprrty of Congrea* man Godwin and Othvra. Ad a result of a fire during the early hours of Monday morning the McLeod Hoarding House, tha last re maining wooden building on Railroad street is now almost a total mass of smouldering ruins, and n Inundry, « barlier shop and several smaller plates of business practical wracks. Thv budding owned by Cion green man Hannibal I*. Godwin, was onu of the first to be erected here for hotel purposes. It was of two sloriee and contained about 20 rooms, few of 'vhlrb were oeeupied wbvn tha blase wet discovered shortly after 1 o'clock hy a member of a train crew which happened lo be passing at that time. He jumped from his place on the front cars at the Divine street cross ing, ran along the sidewalk to the door of the Chinese laundry at which he yelled and at the same time gave some vigorous knocks. By Ihe time he did this his train eras rapnlly moving out of reach so inj order to catch on he ran to tha Main! street crossing and grabbed the last car as it passed. But fnr thia warn- \ inc a Brest rniiSBmHM —a_ emuietl. It waB only • *hort whiu' licfore the whole upper part of the I building was wrapt hn a cloud of ■ moke, and it was feared that the atv ; tire hlnrlc would bo pwept by the Hemes, lnit the fire department re sponded promptly to the alarm and confined the (Ire damage to the hot-l building ant’, thoae places of business which it housed, though there was considerable water damage to adjoin ing buildings. The dsnviga is estimated at $10. 000, partially covered by inmirsnra. II. Is Godwin, J. W. lengley, Mrs. Esther Mrleod and Sum Jung are the hoariest losers W. L. WOODALL. OF SMITHFIELD , DEAD community was aadjy shocked at It* I ■uddanoas. * The deceased seas born in Kiev a tion Township in 1868 and came to Smith field at an early age After clerking sootu time for Setb Woodall, he went into business for himself and became one of tho loading mer chants of the county. On the oi gwtusatinn of the Smithfteld Bank he became president of the Institution' and continued in that capacity until; ilia ■’rath. He was an extremely safe financier, yet, very progressive. Un der his presidency the bank grew un til today it is one of the strong ret insulation, of its kind In the State. He was also secretary of the board of trustees of the graded schools of Smthfield end was recognised ss one of the most sealous members of that body. Ilo took a deep Interact in the building of the new school house and was a moving spirit in all that per twined to the progress of education in this town. He married, in 1883, Mist BeUic Hood. Mrs. E. O. Ayeock of Micro, Miss Katie and Hubert and Edward survive of this marriage. He mar ried, after the death of his lint wife, Mias Cornelia Pool. A son, William Ryal Woodall, now living, was bora from the second aaion. The whole town will attend the funeral. A large delegation of dt iverts will meet the body at 8elms snd accompany it to the home from which the reremonies will take place Kov. T. H Hpence, assisted by Rev. R. B. John, will conduct the services, Judge P. H. Brooks, Judge W. B. Stevens, SupL A. Vermont. Messrs. C. V. Johnson, E. S. Abell and H. L. Skin net will art as pallbearers. Buttermilk Ut Be Made Into Cheeae. Thu oftee of Dairy Experimenta tion lunow perfecting plan* for taking care of the buttermilk left over by the Experiment Station Creamery in tho making of butter for the market. The milk will be made Into butter * milk cHroue, which ha* been found u be eery dlgmtihle and of much better texture than the cottage cheeae madi from clabber. According to Mr. Eaton, who hai charge of the work, "One gallon ol hattanallk will make on* pound ol cheeae.and th* cheeae la equivalent 1> food bain* pound for pound to root * xteak. Aa *onn aa a vufTleieut quart tity of the cheeae haa been made, I wf|l be put on the market te teat lb marketable value " “The milk which la being oaed ii thla work ha* aa far been going h yii. aa a by-product of no rahx Hereafter we expect to uaa all of thl wart* milk and to add materially t the pro lit* of th* creamery."—Eaten Man Tin* Dm BRITAIN REPLIES TO THE AMERICAN NOTE New R*xpmi no te American Pre Against Order ia Coun cil Win Delay Awaw vr. Washington, July gs.—In announc ing today the receipt from Great Britain of a reply to the American note of Mnrcb JO which protested the Britiah order in council and iVfnch dcci*w* of nimilir i*on tents. Secretary Lansing slated that the dispatch of a new note te the allies on the subject, which has been under consideration for several weeks, would be delayed now until' the latest communication from Lon-' don was thnroughty studied. With the sending of the note last week to Germany on submarine war, the general impression given in of ficial quarters was that the protest to Great Britain would go forward within another week. Hie arrival of another not* from Sir Edward Grey, arguing at length in defense of the' sors!led blockade under the order In council, ho* giver, the lawyers of the stale department additional phase*' of the raa# for sramination. The note which arrived from Am bassador Page today doc* not. It Is understood, reveal any important deviation in the argument already made by Great Hriaiin.bul lays add - od emphasis on tbo policy pursued by the United States in tho Civil war is a precedent justifying the British law. While the new Britich not* will re quire study, It doon not in the opin ion of officials affect the American position In insisting that non-contra band gods destined to or from s bel ligerent notion through a neutral country, is not subjoct to the rules of blockade. In support of this, the American government stands on the famous Malamorns rases in the Civil War, in which the United State Su preme court ruled that the non-eon Lrabend portion of a cargo shipped from England to Mexico, destined to Texas which was the n blockaded, mult he released, since a blockade y operated against Ire*’* • . , ? -ft a- » tire subjee. _,if WCTm i'ent Wilson on hla return to Wash ington. Secretary Lansing today announc •d that the not* will be forwarded to President Wilson at the Hummer Whit* House at Cornish, N H . aarij will be given out in Washington for publication in the morning papers Wednesday. The British note is a lung, exhaui-' tive legal discussion nf each point I made in the American correspond-' nice. Its keynote la a declaration that the British government has I steadfastly held to the principle* of international law that has been done under the order in council; and that if a neutral government feels ag grieved at the application of the or der there is a remedy in the courts,! or eventually in arbitration. FROM CHAPEL HILL Chapel Hill, July 27.—'-Teaching! teacher* how to teach olhrra the art] of cooking” (nay uot be an elegant expreanion, hut it expresses compact ly what the home economics depart ment of the Summer Schuol it doing to make women hatter housewives and. belter home builder*. The de partment it in charge of Mins Eliza beth Pryor, of the Cary Schools, and is equippod with all necessary i nil* and convenience* without any pretention* arrangement* or frilla The work in the department constats of daily preparation of wholenome food, the examination of all ingredi ents to show their purity and use fulness, the weighing of proper ■ mount* for each meal, and the ec onomical buying of everything for the table. In addition to this In struction i« given In the management of the home; in short, everything which it of value to the home maker is discussed In such a way aa to make the subjoet practical and. really worth whilo. Course* in this depart ment have proved the moat popular of uey in the Summer School. This week is examination week • pit mark* the bogianing of Om close of the six weeks ****ion. By Friday of this week practically al the teachers will have returned. t» their home*. In many ways thli session of the school has been thi most productive and Important of all Briefly, the great factors which havi contributed to the permanent sue cnee of the session may be indicate* thus; increased Intoreat In all proh lem* touching rural life; mere thor ough instruction In educational mat ter* aed a fi-eor discussion of tod! vldual problem*; ■ realization tha i expert professional training to 1 servica to those who support II ' 77*000 facta seem to he the tentimon (l which pervaded the school and mod .jit ana of the most *i*ecea*ful eve held. OFFICIAL TEXT OF AHDUCAN KOTK Washington. July 22—Following la the official text of the latest wuc> ican note to Germany regarding submarine warfare, which wns doliv. evert to the foreign office at Berlin1 today by Ambaaaailor Gerard) The Secretary of State to Ambas sador Gerard: Department of State, Washington, July 21, 1916. You ar* requested to deliver text uully the following not* to the min ister for foreign affairs: "The note uf the Imperial German government dated the dth uf July,' lam, has received the careful eon-1 shieration of the government of the United States, and it regrets to be|J obliged to aay that it has found it very unsatisfactory, because it tails to meet the real differences betwoan the two governments and Indicate* no way In which the accepted princi ple* of law and humanity may be ap plied in the grave matter in contro versy, but propose, on the contrary, arrangements for a partial tuspon- < "■on of thos* principles which virtu ally set them aside. "The government of the United 1 Slates notes with satisfaction the) . tbs imperial German government re cognises without reservation the val- I u.ty of the principle* insisted on in l>>* severe) communications whch : this government has addressed to , the imperial German government' with regard to its announcement of I " wsr son* and the use of subma rines against merchantmen -on the high seas-—the principle that the' high leas are free, that the chars* must first tot ascertained b*f mart are to be in th* present war in' I regard to neutral commerce The I Imperial German government will i readily understand that th* govern- I ment at the United H tales cannot i discuss the policy of th* government I of Croat Britain with regard to neu tral trad* except with that govern- . ment itself, and that it mutt regard th* conduct of a^her belligerent gov- ' am manta aa irrelevant to any discus sion with the Imperial Herman gov ernment of what this government re gards as grave and unjusiifialble vio lations of the rights of American dt ixana by Carman naval commanders. Illegal and inhuman acts, however justifiable they may be thought to be afsintt an enemy who ia believed to havo acted in contravention of law and humanity, ar* maifaaUy inde fensible when they deprive neutrals of thsir ackowledged rights, particu larly whan they violate the right to life itaelf. If a belligerent cannot retaliate against an enemy without injuring tha lives of neutrals, as well aa their property, humanity, as well aa Justice and a du* regard for the dignity of neutral powers, should dic tate that tha practice be diacontinued If persisted In It would in such cir cumstance* constitute an unpardon able offense against tha sovereignity of the aeatral nation affected. The government of th* United States in not unmindful of (.be nxtraordlary condition* created by ’-hi* war of the radical alteration* of rircunutance and method of attack produced by the uw of irstrumentaKtia* of naval warfare which th* nation* of the world cannot hav* in view whon the existing rule* of International law war* formulated, and it i* ready to make every reasonable allowance for these novel and. anexpectwl aspect* aspect* of war at sea, but it cannot consent to abate any essential er fundamental right of its people be cause of a mars alteration of etreum ■tance. The right* ef neutral* in tint* of wir are baaed upon princi ple, not upon expediency, end the principle* er* Immetabte. It I* the duty and obligation ef belligerents to adapt th* new circumstance* to them. “The events of th* past two month* hav* clearly indicated that It 1* possible end practicable to eon duct such submarine operations a* have characterised the activity n1 lb* Imperial German navy within the so-called war eon* in substantial accord with the accepted practical ef regained warfare. The whoU r world has looked with interest art . increasing satisfaction at the dem ( nnet ration of that possibility by Cer I ms* naval commander*. It I* mani lastly possible, therefor* to lift th whole practice ef submarine sttad above th* critic Urn which it ha -T-rr-. ~ ~ PROGRAMME- ' Harnett Caanty rmhyla^Li trail tou at Saiama^Ue Church, Ttte day a ad Wadaat lay. Au^hat »-«. Tucaday L i*.,] 0:30-11«*0—Devo tional exarriaa, o ic'ucted by Jfr. S. J. Hooka. •»' Oncanliattan. • „*■ EranjtalUm, thi Giant Object ot' the Chucb—Kev. ] A. Ijclaurin. «> uoaal EvanAliam.—Mr. John William.. T WufflftcatJ«» (t SolM-winning,— Kev- J. Z. Hill. T • Organiiatioc Jt fndlTiduala for Soul-winning,—M^ Fairly Marray. Family Evanyt^mT haltk JP. < otirreaaUnnalTJlTAn K. T. Caaaitar. £ Evanjillam InJAhe Surrounding ’oantry,—Mr. P. «. McKay araeaity of awPiurdiM Co-oye iraling In the ' Wk.—Kev. A. T. -ntimcr. . mX Beat Meaai a(£ni iperation—Mr. JaAa Wednesday, 10 Xhx •otioant ZaaraaeaBooc antes Shaw. V Prima Object If the 8ubbuth School,— Mr. R. iCPciirudl. How can the SAath School be ®ade a more BUyit Soul-winning tgcucy,- Mr. ChaSiLaas. The Miavian Mijliy School,—Mr. Tern Inc. t Individual preyfV -Kev. A. R. Mc£ The Fatally AluS -Mr. W L. WiUI&. Evangelism aiuW^ahU »be. Imperial Oermar government neeeertt, foe a ecrapulnui nheerrano* of npatral righto In tht* critical matter. Frlond *hip Itnelf pmmpta it to nay to tin Imporv] government that ropetlUoni by the rnandan^era of Gorman nava vmm.1. of eap n contravention o thoao right* matt hp regarded by 0* I govern mew * the* United State l when they American Mtlaena i at nfrjeadly. ^—— UED CKOKH WILL WITHDRAW HSU* American Ov*suU*tion Win Glee lip Work OB ForeifB ItatUeftekds; •Vnshinfjton, July LY—American Red Crew* doctors Bud auric* will be w..bdr*wn October 1 from the Karo p.nn battlefield* bemuse of lock of fund* u mainioin them at their *ta luni. /ho two unite id belgiuin, where Du greatest need egiate, may be coo l.i.uvd, but the other 14 detachments wul icum to die United State*. The Me.Inan Sanitary commission aud O.lair work supported by special con-' tri'iution will go on a* Imig xs contributions are available, but Uw general fund collected in the United rllnxCs, umuuutinf to fl&iUJtOO, will lie exhausted October 1. ( "The American Red Cross by Oe- , icbCT I will have maintained its per sonnel in each country a year with i Lhe exception of the Belgian unit* , ami tho sanitary commission." aaya | the statement made public today by | Rios Mabel T. Boai Jsnnn, chairman i it the Red Cross Relief Committee, t “The tour of duty required of each i turgoon and nurse does not exceed I tin months so Dut a number have al- I •Cady returned and substitute* been ( *eut. Ike cost nf the transportation t if these sureeona sr.d nuiwa mat- . .-onsiderslile financial demand upon i he Had (,'nuu iruesuty. The month- I y payroll i» also a large item af ea pvnsr. Ia view of cheat facta, and I ■ocause its funds «ro rapidly Ucnsi | ::g exhausted the American Bed i 'roes haa decidnl by October 1 to i rlihdraw the personnel now in Eu t»pe; posslldywith Urn exception of he units inrjy^fefufn. nuch as it rc rrets this roccaeiiy, it reallaee that » **1 Cross of e neutral country | nrct before rendered. un long anil ci- < aeirive senior in the wsy of person- | ‘•I to Nations engaged in war. I “The work if the American Rad ■ Irns. Sanitary Commission under Dr i Richard P. Strong, for whick the i Rockefeller Foundation ha a —I tanoroua contributions, haa bead J nost sneeeaful. The *-Iran mm- 1 Mar at Bucharest rggli to the l »"«»iniri msmhM^sgWl I The Bed Cross, the repelri shows, < lent to the warring countries M7 < irrsuna engaged m humanitarian en- i reprises. Of that number 71 ware I mrgeona and 2M noraes while <1 I were members of the Sorbian Sani- I ary Communion. England, Francs, i Russia, Germany, Aoslrm-IlongaTy, i Serbia and liolginm each received i ne rr mart complete hospitals with i Joctors, nurses and other attendants i and with all necessary supplies and i ni|-jipnu,cL Thuuanda of wounded i iind sick have been cared far. Fin ancial aid was sent also to hospitals I ns1 other Institutions in many coun tries and supplies of bandages and ibugs-have been rushed to tha war tores by every steamer. The admin istrative aapvnect of this undertak ing have already amounted to $11,291 and this has been paid by the Rad Ciwe itself and not taken from tha fund contributed for relief. This report shows that tho Red Cruse haa sent lnm the war sons al most 1,000,000 pounds of cotton for the hospitals, 82/100 yards of sorgi-. ral rhiifh MM vnrdu tot r-v-inr'il irvM I 72,006 assorted bondages, >6,000 yards of adhesive plaster, 9,240 stretchers. 10,267 blankets and 16 motor ambulance* for the Hod Cress: personnel. Resides greet quantities of various kinds of anti-toxins and vaccine, disinfectant*, surgical in struments and anaesthetic* and medi cines there were four army field hos pital outfits. 60 array hospital tents and 30 field medics! Cents. Following is a summary of scrvl res rendered belligerent countries: Austria, 11 nhipmants, value $97, .4CI; Belgium, 12 shipments, $96,708; Knckmd 12 shipments, $47445; Franca, 24 shipments, >110,165; Ger many, eight shipments, value $182, 796 Italy, two shipments. $14,461; Montenegro, three chlpsnenta, $15, 620; Poland, one shipment, $7,200; Rmsta nine ahipraenta, $1)9412; Ser bia eight shipments, $130407; Tur | hey, two shipments, $124*0. In the work of cleaning up Serbia I the Red Cross has uaed, 868.7KI pounds of snlphur, 7O0/>90 bkhlor.ds tablets; 7490 gallons Werossna; 600 pounds of formaldahyda; 12490 dos es of cholera vaccina; 600 whitewash brushes, 700 both tubs, 60 ateplod 1460,-700. leaving a balance of >17441$ on hand, for which the demands already arc has 7 . Of (He erpenditorex Use cash r» ' mittad totalled $42>4**: salaries at , surstars and nurses $21041*: travel and supply transportation $140,472; i war Insurance $19,192; equipment’ and outfits $9049$; appropriated out ' of the contingent fund for widows ol i sargeons sacrificed Oielr tiros in ths II work $16,000; for 0>s American sent ,1 tnry commission far transportation t pphts, salaries and oqvdpmont N4 ACZD COLOBBD WOMAN 18 BtATBK BT SON-IN-LAW Aaa« Joae Lancaster H effacing Tram BwImm lajarfee Sustained WMIn Visiting Her Sick Daughter. Aunt Jana Lancaster, an age! and iSi|sctsd colored woman who resides in one of the houses on tho old Hotel Dlrlne property, is suffer tag front ••rious injuries about the head aud '•ody as the res oil of an altercation aKh Romeo, the negro who married i Iter daughter Arvia. The daughter had been seriously sic* for seversJ weeks. Severn I Liasa she bed sent to Aunt Jane, isiting that she came and watt upon Because Kotnoo had always I wtad badly toward her. Aunt Jane I taerisd none of these calls until Mon **T. when a particularly urgent re-1 i |U*et came from the daughter. Than I he west to the little house down i war Pope’s aiill tn do what she < •ouM for the relief of her child, lomno resented her proas nee, and I iroceaded to lay upon hor an thor- I «gh a cussing an his vocabulary i rould permit. Aunt Jane It true to < hat type of colored person of ante- < *Uu» training who takes no alack I rom any young upstart, and she re died ik kind to Borneo’s vociftra- I ions, with the result that that wor hy personage became considerably l tied, seised a chair and struck the Id woman amend time*. Tor a time K was feared that the njuries would prove fated, but, at •’snout, Aunt Jaae seems to be ron ■aleeriag very nicely. Romeo has ot been caught. **■•» Wtaa i'mi HanarieveL t The ball raise hare Friday betwoen l kmaslevel sad the second nine was < oe of the moat interesting ever wit- i eased by local fans. The visiter* t tarted the fray molt aospiciootly, I •aeimf “Cia-sard'a" offerirg* early c ad often. With the aid of two hits I ad ai* error or two. they sent three I •ea a*rouJ|ejmn in the IfiMi ut a Sreek, Pleasant Union, LOHngd _ nd ocher aggregation had fallen be- i ore their prowarn; sad, after the' 1 list inning of Friday's game, it I Miked aa if the Dura) fellow* were < rolnr to prove the easiest picking of ay they hail been against. Then 4 Jong about the fifth Inning they 1 eat throe mere runners around the < tmilt, and counted another in the 1 eventh. That looked like adding in- < silt la injury; but it puffed the via- < tor* up to that degree where acme- < hing wa* bound to boat—and. ; 1 bunt” came in the eighth, when. *Uh every station cluttered with le al runners, little Jimmie Pope mol me of Jlyrd'n fast ball* square on he nose for a circuit clout. That hit see a peach; flying high and far, it vended Ua way majestically over the nfteld, far over the heed of the ftifthy lad who revolted around the tenter garden, through the far neray Use tops, down into the cornfield time which Aster Barnes gathers 1 bis choicest “rousin' years". Up to ihis stags af the game Dunn's ina bility to wore had dampened the ar dor of the local fans to the degree that they showed no enthusiasm at all. Now, however, they went wild; and, with the noise they made, the' l-_e kknl. -UAt I vkluallj «b4 colfectivoly. TVjr couM' mo nothing hut thoir finish—on 7: but1 barring that Inning In which tho/ had so successfully emulated (he c e' ebrated craft tovsntmi by Count Zep pelin, they had given local faj.s about os rood an exhibition of base ball as Is usually soon outside of Mg league circles. The Dispatch ere-rfe I advise that, upon thoir next visit lol those environs, they Inert thoir prV.e at homo. Thee K will not so clutter op the field aa to handicap their play ing ability. Aad tho Cash Is a Bear "Everyone In our family is some bind of nnimsl," said Jimmy to the smarod preacher. "Why. you shouldn't say that!” tbs good man exclaimed “Well," mid Jimmy, “mother’s a dsar, the hahy Is mother’s little lamb, I’m the kid and dad’s the root-"— Ladle* Homo Journal. Mrs Wallace E. Col Iran* returned yesterday from Bmllhdeld, whore she had boon to spend severs I days with borpa rents, Mr. and Mr*. Thom **» nooo. Her many friends will be moAt •ban glad to learn that Mist Drown la Esael) has entirely racoiorad from aa Ulnoaa which, at first, was feared ti bt puiUcItia eight cents will be ■ • GOOD nuci FOB CHOP •'""■taeat Banker kji tooth WUJ Ba Wrfl Taken Care ef Iflt Gate IVt Prie* far Ceoan. Washington, July 2C.—“If tka act ion poop)# ef the reath get eight rate e pound for «hi, i ear's cotton rap, the financial condition in tho >ouih win bo wall ukaa earn ef," •ai'l W. U Cooper, pMaident ef the t'nron Kevin*, and Uollnd States Saving* bank, of Waihiugton. end a nernlirr of the atria* of Cmiy»r -anka in the Math. Mi. Cooper hna just returned from tfoiih and South Chielina and, after l thorough ranvaaa of the cituaUen, to u convinced that tho oaUoa crop till not bring mere that eight cents I pound and if It w sold for that imoent there will he no huaeal iituatiou such a* waa caused last 'ear ae a result ef the European war. Mr. Cooper ie considered, one of he best and meat conservative bank ta in the national capital end hence great deni of Ueportnnee la attach 'd- la hU statnaMot that the cattail rep will net bring ever eight cento pound. IOVINC riCTUEEK and HEALTH I onager* d Nwiat Picdate Dm ■anwm Health Worker*. About tho newest feature of the mtioa picture theatre ie ks meant iLercst amt activity along tho line f public health work. TM* is tip* lolly true of salt* a number of pro • eeslve and attractive picture thca era about over the State. At a *ae la point, the “tin can stunt” tway e cited, which has Iwca the f not only rendering the towns la 'bleb the xtuat was pLilted off JUR icon ami attractive in appearance ut has doubtless corsidarabie «w Boed the erne quite poet and peetepe talari* favor ta those towns. This f those unsightly objects. * The “movie" managers have aided a health work in other way* They ova not only accommodated health ■Steers nr civic league* by nuuitag, roe of charge, eevral sets of sHdos ■n Health subjects, but they thma il ve* have written the State Beard if Health for slides and lectures and Lave given them' to the poeple, free. Ftor instance, a young man of darshvUte. conducting a moving pic urc show in hi* hc^ns town this lummsr, he* arrange,) a health pre rram, fra* to hi* peci.lv, one* a week for eight week* He has arranged with the Suite Board of Health for ta supply of lecture* sad sHdaa. which he pro poo** to supplement with other*. Ha **j-»: “Our town ’ends a clean up. Oar people need health information," Ho write* es pecially fur the patent medietas loe l ure and slides and any* it is astoss ishtng how much patent medicine is fished oat over the coi.ntsrs to hi* people. The possibilities of the moving picture shove for furthering health information cannot be over estimated It Is per,I tibly the greatest modem day amusement and is capable ef rendering a great good. Dr. Wallace E. CoKrane returned yesterday from Richmond where he had under rone treatment in a hos pital ef that dtp for a euppetsd ease of appondicltla. It itsvolopad, how ever, that the diagnosis waa mrotof— Ms appendix had nothin* wioap with It at all: *o no operation was par* 'ormed. and the popular youna doc tor returned to Ms host ef Was da with hi* anatomy Intact. We ore rind to have Mm hack and are equal ly pied that be had no iahi» all* meet. Whatever may ha the result ef the action of the Beard of Education In the election of a succresor to Prof. J. TV Knoll. H In duo him to aay that the present condition of the poMte school ayatem ef Harnett is ■ due Inrrcty is the faithful sad afdeM wort don# by Prof. CatoT) darMptha past twelve years. Toktnp bite oaa • tdsmtion Harnett fppnty'e papule - t*on and wealth our pnhMc |ek||k w»B compare favorahly pith , nay county hi the State.—TlerinB ^eptp Mr. and Mrs. -- PaiWs ef i Kinston, and Mr. and Mta. tap at Parham, of Oxford, are here to epihd severs] day* as pueet* in the home ef Ceptala aad Mrs B. M. Wheha* The Meaare. Parham are HiEW ef . Mr*. Whaima, and are emtl> la Mn bvIJNH*