THE DUNN V0L* 11 Dunn, N. C.,ttof ^ ___*: INTERESTING NEWS LKTTEK FROM DUKE Duke, N. C, September 22.—The farmers through this section en rushing their cotton to the market just at last as it can bo picked and ginned. More cotton has been bought here already than ta any previous year up to the sera* date. Friday of last week uno hundred twenty-five bale* were bought- Th* price is squel to any market in the state and cash is paid for every bale. The market closed Tuesday at 10 1-2 cents. The farmers claim that they have just es good stalk, but on account of not having used much fertiliser are not getting ae mach cotton as in recent years. However a good spirit prevails and they ere cheerful over the 10-cent cutsets. Mr. William A_ White, who last spring wae compelled to give up his petition a* book keeper in Bank of Hsmett has returned and resumed his duties with th* bonk. He spent the greater pert ef hie time with hi* parent* at StateevUU. Us has entirely recuperated. • At e recart meeting of th* tchool board it was deemed advisable to change the date of opening the Duka Graded School from Octorber 11th, to October 4th. which will be the first Monday In October. Prof. B. F. Del too will again be in charge at the school and with th* exception of Mia* Flora McQueen and Mia* Mary kk *1 J ■ 1 I_ sk a no last yaar. Mias Wycha and Mias Flamming will taha their places. Mr. Thoa. H Wcbfc and Mre. Webb left Saturday and are this weak sad next week touring through the famous Shenandoah Valley end up into Pennsylvania thence through Washington, Baltimore, Char le t tea villa, sad Richmond. At Hillsboro they will be joined by Mr. and Mrs. Janus H. Webb who will make the trip with them. Work ia progressing rapidly on the Duka and Dunn road- Already aaad-clay baa Lean placed on tha half nearest Dean and Tuesday the read force began wwk in front of tedding hi'Duke and will complete the work. The sep frooi Mr. W. raw way Engineer, to co-operate and ad viae about other Improvements on the road*. Rev. N. C. Duncan and wife, rec tor of St. Stephens Episcopal church who have been spending several weeks in A shiv in*, and Lincoln ton on a vacation granted him by his pairish, has returned and reports a most pleasant vacation. Tha millinery opening of the Has sall-Johnson Company last Friday and Saturday drew a large crowd both day* Tbs display of head wear eras good. This year Miss Anne Powell from Baltimore ia io charge of this department. Miss Powell originally came from Johns town, Pa. The E. R. Thomas Drug Co., has recently installed a vary handsome marble cased soda fountain, of tha latest stylo carrying *U tha modern conveniences. The large mirror was broken in transit and another will have to be ordered and whan ft la raertved and placed the store trill be equal to any, if not so parlor to - aay In the eounty. GIVES PORCH PARTY Mrs. W. H. BUtknm Entertain* Par Mr. L. L. Youag. Angier, Sept, ti—Friday evening freer 8 to 11, Mr*. W. H. Stephen sen charmingly entertained at a porch party at her new and attract ive home. In honor of Mr. L L. Yoong, who left for Richmond, Va. September SO, where hr will be en rolled aa a student of the university college of medicine. Tbs spacious porch war beauti fully decorated with golden rod* and ferns. Tables were placed for progressive games of rook and flinch Delirious grapes, era am sod cat war* served by Mrs. Btepheason end Mia* law Young. At 11 o’clock the guest* departed, bidding Mrs. Stephen* n a charming hostess. These present were Misses Psnnt* Robertson, Laura Godwin, Kathleen Creel. Ose Taylor, Pearl Taylor EUa ghellbame. Lord# Dowd, Lola Young, Ima Young aad Mrs. J. K. Dowd; Messrs. Thurman Yeung, F* Mas Stephenson*, and Irving Btaph ausen. JKty Jlaflle “III give a nickel for a kiss,' Bald ChaHy to a pretty miss, “Ekidool" the cried; "you st'npy cues, "You’re looking for a Jitney hwi. —Derr Mr. E. C. West, on* of the recent applicants to Tocsin* Me Hrense t* prmetis* law, has opened hi* offics la the new first National Bank HIT HEK PKIDE A Story at Dsvetiea and Weakness. IVoot Atlanta comaa a human in terest story that some of ut have seen lived—that eome of us have lived at least, in part. It is from The Journal, a front page spread, and presumably It hap pened. It rvlatea that a—wall, to have it perfect, Just as it was writ ten, let us quote the story as fol low*! “Preferring death to separation from her husband, Mrs. J. J. Cooler, ftfly-Hve year* old. W Washita are nas, took carbolic acid at 11:44 o dock Wedneeday morning and died at noon in the Urady hospital. “Mrs Coulter ia said to have been the sister of a millionaire manufac turer of an eastern city. Friends of Mr*. Coulter state that her husband has been Invalid for more than a year; and that har wealthy brothers were willing to aid her and asked her to come east. Wav ing her husband ia Atlanta. “This, however, though <WetiUiU, Mrs. Coulter refused to do, and, it is said, has bean living for the past several months almost ootirely upon the charity of sympathetic friends, keeping constant watch at har hue I INM. "Mrs. Coulter sad her km band hoarded at the Washita avenue houaa. When aha waa discovered Wednesday morning, U waa found that aha had awe.lowed a large quaaUty of lha acid. The Grady auto ambulance made a record run, but aha died jest as the —a— drew up at the hospital dean. “Fareone living at the house aay that Mrs. Coulter received a phone call a few minutes before aha took the aedd from a nea who said he eras cooung oat to levy on bar furniture. Soon afterwards aha went ilia the dining room and lay down on a soda. Hare aha drank the --ta Mr. Coulter, whom health hat been feeble tot three years, didn’t ■earn to realise what had happened. "Friends atate that Mrs. Caul ter waa once wealthy. Whm her fath er died ha' left Me foftaaa tp Up “Mr. Coulter and hia bride moved to Chattanooga sad than to Atlanta twenty years ago . Han they lived In comfort until thrm yean ago, whan Mr. Coulter lest all his money. "Mrs. Coulter it aornved by bar husband, two brothers and one sis ter." Thera you have It! The strange part of a woman's devotion—the in consistent part of bar philosophy— the Inexplicable sum of her different figuring. Hers she was with rich relatival, vulgar, purse-proud repro bates—and triad to tall 'em this to their foes, if the story is true, will, ing to cars for bar, to piece her be yond want and perhaps put her IB tbs lap at loxury, if she would desert her husband. Hysterical, emotional, we call the weaker sex, and whatever it waa or is aha said; no, oiT-e-et Wtth a faith aa sublime end beau tiful aa a doc’s devotion, and on earth that is the superlative of the thine called Love, she spurned the offer at the rich brothers, and said that ''until death do os part”—hern, in thin wratchednaaa and in this pov erty and in this misery I will abide -and aha meant it With the husband who had been l true to her, ae aha, aa a wife, had been true to him, would she walk the path of thenu. But— Commercialism made a howl—and It stopped bar. I. “To levy on the furniture”—that wee the giant's blow larva, devotion—everything that Admiration could have dreamed was thrust aside—and the law's harsh voice to “Levy on the furniture," broke her pride, sad caused surra dor.—Kverthlng. The Stronger Force. Love le e stronger force then fear. Tomorrow a peat siTny ef prison ers, of slaves, at those under some •ort at taskmaster, the world over, Will p> to unwilling toil, heesneo they dare not de otherwise. But there ere uncounted millions high and low in every walk of tth and hi all lands who will go to their work with the morrow's sen for love's sake And thane last will pot heart Into what they do. Tho labor may be weari some, the task uncongenial, K map involve hardship end sacrifice, hot for seme one’s deer sake, it will be willingly undertaken. The difference between false re ligion la the difference between lev# end fear. From freed of some creel fiety, men will torture them selves and sacrifice their choicest poshes stone; hut Christianity alone renders the glad service ef love.— Forward. HAD TH» DUIOC DISPATCH Dameron-Jackaon. Faison, Sapl, it.—On Wadnaeday waning at 8 o'clock the beautiful country homo of Mr. and Mr*. V. U. Dameron wal the tone of 1 simple bat attractive home wadding whan their slater, Mias Mary Meas ly Thompson was united in mar Hags to Mr. Wilbert Jackson, af Dunn. The tpacioui oak grove and rar •hders were lighted with Japanese lantern*. The reception hall and iwrlort wets a picture of love lines* in natural decorations of pine, ivy and Southern amilax. The arch wai Imnkari with paimt and ferns, while the soft glow of shaded candles add ed beauty to the (cane. While Mrs. J. M. Bowden played the bridal choru* from Lohengrin, little Miee Lucy Dameron, in a dain ty white frock, preceded the bride, scattering rosea m her pathway. The bride, handsomely gowned in a traveling suit af dark green chiffon broadcloth, and*carrying a shower bouquet at bride'i rosea and HHee of the valley, entered on the ana of hor brother, Mr. Wm c. Thompson, of Clinton, N. C. They were met el the arch by the groom and hi* boat man. Mr. Warren Jackson, of Dunn. The Rev P. McIntyre, of Goldsboro, N. C. performed the cer emony In hit utoal Impressive man ner. The bride is the daughter of the late Dr. Wm. I. Thompson, and has a host ef frisnds ia Sampson and Duplin counties. By her cordin' manner and charming personality she has endeared heewalf to sD who know her. The groom ia a een of Mr. L P. Jackaoa, a prominent and well to do farmer of Harnett county. He hn ishee a course this year at the Bal timore collage of Dental Surgery. The many beautiful praaeat* at test the popularity af the happy ssms Banana, 8ept, of Bwmb, afternoon at f •’< tarian church of Mary McLauchlia of Mr. and Mrs. Sanford. TVs formed by Bov. of tho church ia took place. Only relatives s4 tho wers present to Baltimore and Wi a few days bridal turn t« be at heneo at thr ffrootn la buetneae I from Cl in loo ia chares of know theta ettractive Played. Juat aftw tW'lMbf u b formal roeoptioo ^BbU for tbo rolaUvei of 1bo>fb» .aad brido rT«*> _ Ik V*W Mr- Ifn.'jgAubfl on tbo [*ortl> boood wPlt Bottimoro vbcro thoj vilf donng tbo oriotor. VgQ ‘ D-th of Mr. D. £ Caflrretfc. Nr»« of the auddaa death of Mr. t»an»al C Culbrvth of Pertaec, wee received In thie city yesterday af teraoou. Hit Culbreth panned through PeyatUviUa last Kriday in excellent health to visit hie aid home place In tha upper part of Cumber land county, e»d at Ua line of bia death wee a guest st tha homo of hie brother-in-law, Mr. Alan. MeArtan, linden. N. C. Ob Saturday night Mr. Culbreth complained of fooling • Mule unwell on account of indigaetioo, but ap paronUy recovered from the alight, attack. About 2 o'clock Sunday af ternoon ho raftrtd an acuta attack aad died very euddenly. The faaoral will t.v. ^ tt Mencbeetor today at 10 o’clock, and Ua remains will be laid to root ia the family burying ground beardi Us wife who preceded Mm to Ua grave aovoral yoare ago. Mr. Culbreth leeree two eoee and «m daughter. Mim Mary Lou Cut broth, and a largo atmUor of rela Uvee to mourn Ua death. Mr. CBI UoU wee a highly --j dtinea of Parkton, whero ha had epoat tha ■ *f<w year, af Ua Ufa. Ha waa a duvoted fathar, a kind aaighber and a troa aad faithful frtoad. Ha waa alaty odd yaara of ago. The numerooe frtonde of the bo roovod eoau aad daeghters fad groat rympathy for them, u docs also the largo number at frtonde and acguaiatocua af Ua family.—Kny ottaviDe Obaorver, SOU. Mr. George Pope will aaoa have la operation e fleer odU at bto lont bar plant to Ua eaatorn part of tba «*7 Mia. Esther Wade TTfTL Peterekerg, Va_ waa hare tom weak an a abort vteit to bar po rente, Mr. •M Mrs. M. L Wads. -1-^ ^ M I || I LLMTI rTltl ILEll I LILUNGTON FARM LIFE SCHOOL, WHICH OPENED THU WEEK WITH A LARGE ATTENDANCE A Death At Uades. The many friends of Mr. Rufus H. Byrd havo boon saddened by his •i which occurred at his heme in Undea, M. C. on Thursday, Au gust 24th, 1916. He wsa 74 years said. One of the oldest and meet honored citizens of the comxaunity. He served as a Confederate soldier during the Civil War and was ooea slightly wounded in the cause of Ms country. A severe attach of acuta indigestion took him vary suddenly from time to eternity there to he united in a closer union with Ms <°d whom ha loved, trusted sad •erred. He had been a consistent member of the M. R. Church Sooth for about forty years. He was one of the original members in the or ganization of Parker’s Grove church end ■erred acceptably in ths capac ity of steward far a number of years He was loyal to his church, attended upon Its ordinances and supported ito Institutions, was faithful to God, affectionate to his family, kind sad considerate te kis friends. Thee* are some of the chat aetsrtstice of his earthly career, which is now fsc over ended. ile has entered hie re ward. He leaves a devoted wife and all affectionate children: Mr. 0. H Byrd, of Bunns Level, S. C.; Mrs. A. B. Godwin, Of near Dunn; Mrs. W 0. Johnson, of Dana; Mrs. J. S Byrd, of near Unden; Mrs. L. A. Be thune, of Bunns Level; end Mrs Lonnie Dmugbon. of Durham; sou aral grandchildren end a number el relatives, who mourn their toes But what is our loss |* her gain. Hie family miss Mol The rent inanity- mine him end hie church, M loved so fondly, Wll continue to arisi him In the days that win come am Hie funeral services were conduct •d by Me paster end from the chan ml of the church he loved, Ms bod; was borne to the cometary and |ak (a rest with M see ale hot ore amide • ls*Y* congregate sf thye wit loved him.May the Orest Comfort* enetala sad save hie loved ones. ntOM DCftft DuV, N. c, Piytimlm 11.—At Um regular Meeting 'of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Method!>t Church hoW Friday afternoon. KIh Vara Hairing, district ooerotarj far tho Fayettevflla District of tha Woosaa’i MiHdouary hociaty, conducted tha ratigioaa warship sad addraasad tho •otiety. Bar plaa waa far tha ar rani**lion of a women's Hiadoury Sockty, far tha organisation of • Yeung folks satiety and for the or. ganiaaUoa of the dUUdron into aa auxiliary, No dsftnlu stays wan takm axcapt that asms feembai would sea that tha cSttdran wars or ganised. Tha supervisors of Aa roods to Duka township are hasp at work having a sand-clay HP pat aa Um road landtag from the Avoraoboxx township Uns to tha X. ft. Thomas Drug Oa. hi Duke. This la know* aa tho Dm and W road ami whan completed w01 give a sand day read from Duka la Dam. TV aarriem of Aa Dana mad Area Vo Van secured and ark doing tha war! Bepelr work has aim keen dans m Aa upper Bhrer read and an As LAO ington and Duns ready end other re pair work will bo token up naal weak. TV local motion picture shov has Just ramplitsd a wash of show tog "Duke Boeotian" . Mr. W. H Cannady. lead phidigTuphar. ma£ •11dm of amny vtoaa Vd mam k and • rawed town cf all As V him ap to a mrtaia age and th Birring pictora dhow Aad Asm V twaan Aa reals. A .keen interns was taken to tho schema aad ch I daw was atlrely lattofactory an. i wsO attended. l. TV agent of Aa Dtihan an, AmUmrn railway gnaa.aat flaturda loom hi* that a special trafe weak totormaAa D<<Mtoto AkVw**" ** I dty for Aa employees to atMn7 A 1 1 11 ’ Aa train wfll leave ADaad at 1 a’dook aad DarVm after Aa fua craL 0# fewertfc Leagim Sects Now OIScctJ The induction of tho following! •OctoU at tho Epworth League of tho Metbadtst church took place Monday night: Mr, Henry Harring, president. llr. J. W. Langley, let rice preu Miaa Nannie Thompson. 2nd vice praaliiant. Mine Bageao Herring, «rd vice praeidaeL Mia# Mattie Lewie, 4 th vice prat done Mr*. H. a Mattox. Tnaeeror. Mloa Mary Freeman, Secretary. Mr. Garrard WUaon, A an .tan •oc ratary. Ml»o Paulina Blaylock, Organiat. Mr. Walter Strickland, Ropoatar. Mlaa Hattie Wilson. Epworth Bra Agent. Already plana hara boon fonou Iktod for broadening tho noose at Influence of the organ tee tlor. in 1>mm 11 la hoped that a greater number of the people win become hA^totefl than heretofore; and if tha efforts of thooo at the holm reach the principal objective, bigger tUngo will ba aceompllehed oat on ly for tbe momborthlp bot olao in tha elevation, ayiHteally and men UUy, at these who heve allied them ’ aalvoe la tho leagoa far no other parpen* than la ha holpfol to thorn aolvo* and to other*. Now mg,, i has been created for the hwptioa i of the highest end noblest thing* end we cam* bot any. may thio lofty » **Mtioo bo fully realised are so other election roll* around. k V - ■ ■■ m i G*od Benda Day will he observed I at Cento on Monday, September 17. Mr. D. S- Winslow and Mr. O. K. I Grantham wfll moke -j— -»--rr and win he held in the acheol •t l:M o’clock la tha of f "n. Tha pub Me Is cordially tn te be present. Short talks , *F Mher cMamta ef the county wW L also bo made. I -- ■ " Ye«*g and ie ugh ter ■ Mlto Teehel, bar* returned from a Aort vMt to MlMfcroa at WUaon. CABKLE88 Cot'CBih'C AND wnrwo Don't Mp«— Laws Bhaaid ba MU Kora Thu Mm The dc'varoua and dirty habit « tnralaaa spitting, coughing mu '• '•-in* to Without doubt tha isos costly caratosanass that driiiiad so ctoty indulges in. Tha saying, “Ni •pit, no consumption", to litaralh ttua, and this means that tha coe sumption that WS ha»«. With tJHK •toalhs a year, would ba largalj avotdud It this habit csuld ba avoid ed. It ha* tea shown by exrufal ad •ntiflc experiments that la tba ad ef roughing or iMMiif, nrlaaa a hanrfkrrchtcf or other thjort la bald ic front of the noee aad —s. croecopic particle# of aaJira aad aa aal #ocraUoB ara discharged into tha air in which, even In a quiet room, amy ba carried a dietaaoa af tram tan to Afty yarda from the place where they ware expelled. Many fa those droplet# caa ba aaan If caa will couch or anaaaa la front a4 a mirror or wtadewpaaa they caa aaa than, however, are too email to ba viaible to tba naked eye. Om caa new readily aademand how vary Impolite It ia to eoech ar-r Without boldine a handkerchief fa front of hfa face, far aodb a paraoa literally epita on object# awl yaapl*' porhapa «a Ia«H. withia a diatano# of from ten u Afty yarda about Mm The caram of toborculoaia, diph theria and parhap# crip, eaide, paaw ooafa, wboojCnc coach, maadias aad acarlet fever, are conveyed throach expectoration. Many pm factiy healthy paepla net aooariac from tha diaaate carry tha perm# of paaumerda aad diphtheria and other cootaciea# dleeaeae fa their mouth* and threat*, it "--man aaraaaary that not only roaogetxx Uy otek people aha* dan at from taroiaaa epittiaf. but that tha ap paraatly waU, who may be germ thrtfara, ahaald ala* be carafai fat nance until tbay ara randy to en force It. Prom a health point of view anti-a pirn tic ordinancea ara not to ba lightly regarded. They ahoald bo aartoua law* and the vio lation of them should bo aiad* more than a joke—State Health Bulletin Mm—ftwrtt Sunday night, last, th« restdanco of Col. W. s. Cook, I. P, na ia T*4«l by an anxieoa aoupia from th* country, mho deairad to be unit ed marriage. With hit rharao tariatlc urbanity ha invited the young couple into bis par Ur. whan tbey were obligated by Cal. Cook and duly united in thb holy hood* al ■mdUct James Faaoatt was th* name of the groom and ballad from Manchester, while Mm Nara Lae Mason, of Broad* ay, was the prwUy rating lady who becamo the bride. Immediately after the performance of the nuptials th* happy couple left town. Joy go with thaw_Fay etteville Obaerver, KKh. 1HJNN GRADED SCHOOL FAC ULTY The Dunn Graded School recently opened the fall seaeion with the lar goat enrollment In the history of the achool. Prof. J. B Martin ha* an excellent faculty thia year, cotapoa •d ed the following teachers: First Grade—Mias SeJtt* MeCol ■ma. McColl. S. C. Second Grade—Nisi HattU Star ena, of Matthews, N. C Third Orade—Miaa KatU Smith, of Geld aborts, and Miaa Maria Mose ley, «f Kinston. Fourth Grad*—Miaa EM* Daria, Of Unden. Fifth Orada— Mias Mam* Batch*] of Petersburg, Va. Sixth Orada Miaa Courtesy Wil li****, af Rldimand, Va. High School Teachers—Miaa Pan Um Ha*tall, af Edanten, MU* Kelt Jamaa, af Raleigh, Miaa Winifrec Twrliagtoo, of Clinton, and Mlai Graa* Cheatham, of Lynchburg, Va Agalaet Ir rsass la Tsi Mr. 1. W. Wilson, county sttorsoj tm4 Mr. Dsvid Henry Sector, chair Ma of tho board of coaaty commie Manors, want to Kalslgb loot wool •kora they appeared bofora Ik State tea commission sad antes* a protest against the dve par eeo laaiaote in tea asoosmaant far Bar note county, la Ifcoir spsarksa bo hrrs tho body they mads a air an nan aMert to can vinca tbs cmamlaMoi that tka taerwaa van an iajcsti* to tho teapaycra of Barnstt an that tho proaont proposition was am pU. Tho commission teak tka prop aoltioa praasotod by tkaaa tvs Hal natt gawtlsasssi aadsr rnaoMetalla and tha result of their arystaate will bo kaewa later. MBWS RON MM09I • Barbour woat la f-^'yh aa baai mo Tbanday ratitfntay kmt Tri day. Mr. Jako Oraaadkal raturaad thia wocniay from a two waak*a rtofc to ralatlvaa la t nil torn i Mr. W. U Mnaamylll wu mU tar to FayattoriU* Monday aa tod. •Mm. A. W. Body** aad Carnal JtrmgAa warn riritora to Oxford Suoday aad Monday. Mr*. M. A. Poacaefc aa Friday from I •' Mm __ wo# kora iaat Friday aad to-dim tko ttmo With raUthroe. fade* P. H. Brook*, o< SmHhBald. wbo harp Friday for a tor town an Mr- A. A MrQoam mid ti I. PoaroaU, ad Dana, warn Am* Sad today tor a tow hoar*. Mr*. Baltad Crrinyton. ad Lw Mrthav. cam* Saturday aad to totodtay a tow day* wtoh tor atotor, Mr*, j. m. Bartoar. Mr. Stt Barn**, ad Darham. ha* haaa Aw* tor toa post • tow - day* Mmhiay‘ hand* with *M fttonda. Mr. Joha Cola, ad Faar Ooka, ami tor* Saturday far a tow hoar*. SMar 3. T. Ttnyk. ad Omttoma. wa* torn yaotordoy' an *, Arid oarri «*• at th* PrimMa* Bayttot Ckadah Lamd .<^4 M—its. u C. Bartow aad -WIIbi Bartor. of raw Oaks, wara ton Sunday with wlillin. Mr. Arthur 0*Maal wto toa tow worktop with tto Du Fata Fowdar Oawpaay far (to put faw natato, af walcsuw ww dattrarad by Or. W. T. Martin, aad thaw wto bad tto ptonoarn af toartnp to. aa, that ft wa af tha tout addrwwa baud ton ia ao«M tin*. Mr. CUada Caaaaday. waa paiatiy amrtad ta Miw WQUa Dweaa thia aftanaw at at* attack. tto aarn nawiy baiac yarftmiai ty lar. J. M. Duacaa. pastor af tha Bapttot church ton. Ito affair waa fcaiwu to only u faw of tha fitaa da af tha eowtowtiny psrttoa sad was esa atnaatod at tha rutdsnia af (to pas tor af tto brida wd (no. ffr. Caaaday to a prnadatnp javp |aw yar af this city and hta tha yoanpaat dauphtor af Mas. ft. t, Duncan af our town. Ttoy will .pa atda towparurfly at tha topw af "Dr. aad Mra. B. H. Ottoy. w Main itmt Bar. John M.Pwwa.sf Bwaw. win praach la. tha Aahaftaro Strut Baptist church today at • p. pa. He to aaU to to aw af tto atowpast ywap nUoiator. to tto fepttot itauwtoation. Bartap praffnatad •t Waka Faraat CaOapa and also at Saadaary. Tto pahHc to torttad to toar hha. - Saadayto Qraawh.n • ** N •• ' TV* Tbs. FraSChar. TW tm gaaathar is eartainiy a ■an with a task. Ha to tha ftfaw* •W aarraat af all awn-tdW. *W W <ng *a, h* rasa at ha aaft, «r tax, ar 4fiaha>i, hat a stasis am la jrr •ry was. la a sattaia Sanaa* ha ia tha sal vans] (h af Oat* tha giant, far Ms trath la tha wiafani *f Oaf). AW hi it an hs I* ta staha H waatfaat that tha vylas *f tha pat pit ia tha salt* af Oaf. I* m®r* hThf. uL^b^aA^wT'th* rhh that tha trwa rWhaa ar* aat a*, tartal; tha Msavs staaa that thsysaa rwfar a aataiea that mM? alta csa raafar, aW thaaa «ta wagarata shaawataaaaa that th*s aws aan ta aadaSy than stalls **■ staha, a hr ing^lt ia Mb ta haataa tha ,4*y Htfsr.** far thaaa wh* Hriag on war i 4a aat ga 4swa ts.hattln, aW thaaa 1 wha angags hi tha taWtt has* as : thing against ***h athar. ft is hi* ■ ta aaaatify nat only tha haaata af am. hat iha atraata aW tha dfcys t tha thapa aW tha stats*. ah tha t hahitntlana af naan. Y«*. «a a sa | Ma wan, t* haw* Mb aahls gaaftht— • aiwn^wn^m^thwwiamaNfc’ t gas A* T liwi!g^f^S|gg, ma Ian |ttMhf,hr a Anr ham

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