THE DUNN; ~ — —... i sd Y0L‘ 11 Ouuu, N. 0., tn. I7ih, 1V15 _____ m V •' mo. *7 DUKE NEWS Duka, Nov. 16—Thursday night of thin wash at the Baptist church, •a*. 3. 3. Taylor, a returned mi* siaaary freaa Brartl. will deliver an illustrated lecture oa mission work Brasil. Lantern alidaa will ba weed to Uluatrmta th* lecture. AM *ha earn* church on Sunday night tho pastor; B*v. 8. W. Oldham, will praaah o special sermon for th* hoy scouts, who will attend aervicae in a body. Mrs. Farquhdrd Smith, Jr.. the nowly elect ad pie. Idem of the Rohe •a Book Club, presided tor har drat tim at tha regular moating Wednes day afternoon. The dub mat with *dra. E. P. Davie. All mam bars ax eapt on* war* present Bra. Roba na WslAi, of Klllaboro, after whom tha club was named, presented on* of tha haw books, “Aunt Jane of Kentucky!" Tha club members in structed their committee to purchase i**lv* now booka for its net. Tip ay cake and coffee were served aa refreshments. — ” • - • erwiewH, pi .UU^CI R Ua graded school attsndod the Har-' B«tt County toattiers' meeting ati UIHagton Friday. Mr. Dalton ad **»M»d Che assembly on the subject,, “X Successful Night School.- He| probably conducts tha beet night •ehool in the county aad among the boat of the state. The result* af1 complishad by his night school ia Duke have boon wonderful. | Mr. E. U HaaeoU who Is at Good Hop# Hospital after a* operation »PP«ndlcitla Is improving very "fiddly. He o now oble to ait up. , "TVs Birth af a Nation,- given at Bnlalgh lost week woe enjoyed by ■nay of the Duke people. Among 'boss going Saturday were Mr. aod Mrs. T. H. Webb. Job* Graham Wobb, Mr. aad Mrs. W. P. Halt, Proasaa Holt, Mr.and Mr*. E. 8. Yarbrough, Miaa Mary Lucy Dupree. Mlaa Bettis Peart Flamming, Mr. 8. T. Daniel*. All who aaw tt war* &. lighted. Mt, M. A. Osborne, for the past of the Method tot church, loft Monday morning fir meet* this weak at BeuUvill* Mr. " Orfmnxs will join ihn conferees «^d a aaw pastor for ths church boo* will bo supplied hy the N. C C«d*mone* which meets st Wilming too December first. Mr. ami Mrs. Franklin McNei'l, Of Raleigh, passed through Duke Monday morning, having made the trip Is aa auto from Balelgh to Ell "•*y and war* on their return to; Balelgh. Going down they had the miefortane of getting stock in the •amd between Angier and Coate and had to secure some on* to pull them into Coats for the night. Mr. E. R. Thomas and family1 motored to Durham Saturday after noon aad spent tha weak with rols Uvee returning Monday afternoon. Tha cotton crop for thia section has boon unusually good. In spite of the feet that not so Koch fertill ■*T was seed many of the firmer* nve mad* more than a bale to the' have made more than a bale to tha' **** and the good price has pat them |n excellent condition financial ly. Thera ia ati 11 a considerable amount of retton In the field, and It U being picked and marketed aa fast *• The price yesterday was 11 l-« cants. JOT—TANGOIST8I “September Mm- Cm to the La Theatre, Payettorilto. Harkaa, Y# TnngoteU! Liaton ye devotee* of tha ItazUa, the Ou atop, tha Turkey-trot, tha Canter, Oantar, tha 8w1.h Dip, tha Lama D«ak. 400-1 Stop, and all tha other ■aw fangled danearal Be H known "September Uom’l—LaComta e»d Flasher's sensational Mtaoloal Comedy Tango and fan earnlr d, Wbkh cornea to the Lafayette Thee toa for an all too brief engagement •f one night—December lith—wlta Gn»l Qaarga and fifty Jolly dancers, ringer* and entertainers. J* T*y »ar, “The American Goby Doalyt" wh# fairly aaOa through the atmrf pltore—elnga, dances and dees oth er dashing things. Curt Vases, Jama* Baber and many ether of the •rigtnal earn pa tiy an eleo to ba The production cornea from a de Hghtful run at tha LaSalle Opera Hoe** Chicago. Dedaiag Parents. littla Alfred wma aakad to arrito a »—petition on parenta, and errote (Mat Paranto era things which beys hw»e to leak after them. Meat girte bare parents. Parents consist of pas and ease Pa* talk a goad deal aheat what they are going to de.j Herne Joe real. 1 IUMT CUBIC K>R TUBKKCI I.OMS North Caroline Afford* Good CU ■tale for Treatment of Tu bercuieaia. A bulletin of the State Board of Health ffivea out the following bit of advice to conaumptivee. eepccially ta thoee who are prone to go away to take the “climate cure." It u;i “Care without climate is a far bet ter cure for tnborculoaie than cli mate without care and unless one has the price of both that he bad better remain at homa oral have ihc bes* care that he can afford.” The reneon for thle advice ie found in the now well known fact that ccn eumption can be cured anywhere. "And bocuee Ihia is trim.” ssya tbc bulletin, “it U far better for a pa-, blent of moderate moans to remain! at home and take treatment at |l nearby Sanatorium than it Ie for him to aeek tome advertieed climate di-l nate or reeort without meant to se cure the proper care and treatment that hit disease demands and that he might otherwise have." “Rest, complate rest, freedom from worry or care*, it now consid ered perhept the most vital •actor ■n the cure ef tuberculosis, and »b‘M the tubercular traveller with moder ate means U not likely to have.| The secret of the climate cure after nil,” advises the bulletin. "U living out In the opes eir day and night and this U as practical in North Carolina as much of the year as in many of the western states. “Taking the cure ie right mock of, e game anyway; if you play to win; if you are careless and indifferent you are more likely to lose than to win.-'—Stele Board of Health. CHAPEL HILL LBTTKB Chapel Hill. Not.—16.—Extension I Series Bulletin No. 12 on 'The Teach lag of Country Geography" io bow roady for distriboUoa. ThU Uille Un was gotten op for tho University, Bureau of Extension by Professor1 M. C. S. Noble, Doan of the School of Edueeuoa. As Profaooor Noole ■*>■ «» too Itewtetes -Um-pw^j cue hen who Wish to teach their pupUs the geography of their coun iy-*’ In this study Orange county is used as o model. First on ou*. lino of topics is presented, and then follows a brief presentation of tho | geography of Orange county based m this outline. Professor Noble ts: »f the opinion that a carful rsai'jng >f the outline and of the presents . tion of Orange County geogmph; | will suggest to teachers in olhr' rounUse how thoy may follow flan! urns outline in teaching the grog-! raphy and history of their own coun-' ty. Tbs general outline for this study rolls under live hands: Physical-Po litical; Historical-Political; Indus tries; Towns; History; and Educa tion. Each of those heads Is then taken op in detail. Realising that a bare outline of county geography and history woiiijj te insufficient, Professor Nobis fol low* this up with a resume of Orange county geography and history. For Instance, among tho items taken sp under tho Historieal-PoUtieal hood Ing, ho shows—for whom tho county waa named and by whoa settled, population, occupation, crops, wealth of county, road system, manufac tures, towns and schools. Tho last five pages of tho bulletin »re glean seer to- "tuggeeUvs qaea tlons for the teaching „f county geo graphy and history, taking Orange bounty as a Modal." A* Professor Noble points out, the purpose of those question, and of the outline in general, is to old the pupil In build ing up his own county guography ind history by writing at least one ■ontaoea under each topic of the out On* of tha moat striking features Hi the syllabus is ths collection of illustration*. Sesenteea cuts wars us«d In th* compilation of this littl* forty-pegs ballot ta. On* of th* pic turn* show* th* Orange county Courthouse at Hillsboro, end clock in th* lower which *M presented l* the town by king Georg* m in I7» and baa boas a reliable tins p(*o* tsar sfaico. Th* moot striking illustration ia a double pug* m»p of Oraoga County drawn by Pro feasor Nobi*. It la probably the only map of its kind in existence. Tha hoary border Him of th* map show the noend*He* of Orange County as de >n*d In lit! and 17U; th* dotted lb.** la th* cantor of Urn map show Ornag* Coenty of today, after tan counties hara baaa formed in whole *r In part from th* county aa first formed. Th* bulletin coo tains numerous other ante and tapirs of iatamet, too numerous. In fact, for a mors detailed account of thorn boro. A copy of th* bollotia. will hr aout t* aaary school ta North Cam Hna. Other sop la* can he obtained by writing to Mr. E. R. Bankia, Bor rotary of the Bureau of Extension. HENSON NOTES A Honey J. R. Harbour spent Lhi tiay >Yidujr in Kacigb oo proleuion al business. Ure. W. T. and J. P, Martin r* luraud th* hurt of the week froa Yadkin County where they went U attend tbc funeral of tbwr mother. Mr. W. J. Edwnrda, president oi tb« Central Carolina Railroad ii spenuiuK this week m Nsw York. Miss Cabic Turlington left Sat urday for Johnson School near Smith fitld whero idle will teach thia win ler. Attorney J. A. Welluna. of Smith field, was a visitor here Saturday fur a few hours. Mr. ur.d Mrs. Ralph Caanaday of Four Oak*, spool tho day here Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. C C. Cane day. Mr. and Mra. Hebar Creech. of Hmlthliald. wero visitors hare Sun day spending tho day wth Mr. on>' Mrs. J. H. Rosa. There wen services Sunday morn ing at the Missionary baptist church by the Rev. A. T. Bankc, of Hender son, and Sunday evening by the Rev W. C. Wickea, of Elon College. Mis* Jews) Hall of Fayetteville, i» spending the week here tha gnest af her grandmother, Mra Duncan Mrs. J. W. Stephenson, of Smith field, hat been spending several days in this section visiting relatives and friends. * ti. P. C. Iltiicn^ill tod t*r, Mis* Klttio, of Pour Oaks, re turned homo yesterday, after (pend ing several days here with Mr. Wal ter L. Massengiil. Mils R*» Smith visited relatives CoeU Sundsy and Monday. Mila Bertha Johnson was a visi tor to friarda in Poor Oaks, Sunday and Monday Mra. Cornelia Jernigan and sligh ter. Mias Florence, spent the day Monday with friends in Dunn. Messrs. O. A. Barbour sad S. L, Williams went to Goldsboro on baai I'nsa Saturday afternoon. The Board of Town Commission ar« met Tneedsy night sad elected. resigned recently to accept a posi tion in Selma. 1 The road Imnd election for Ban ner township Is being held today.1 TTvrrc is quite a great deal of Inter set in this el action end it seems at .•rcient ae if we ere to travel over lind roads for some time to come. Mr*. N. T. Byale is (pending the day with relattvoe in SmithAeld. There were serwee at the Primi tive Raptist church Saturday end Sunday by Elder J. T. Coals and Jas. Johnson. Mr. Robert Weeks left last night for Florence. Sooth Carolina, for a Few days visit. There are now under construction in the town two new residences, the new brick school building and three' hrirk stores. W. N. ROYAL QUITS AS A. C L. MANAGER P- R. Albright. Assistant, k Prom *d at Meeting of StockhoMera. Richmond, Va., Nov. H^W. N Roynll, tendered bis resignstion s. [ general msnsger of the A Uanti Coast Lins Railroad Company, a (he annual meeting of the stockhold ers of thet road, held, bare today and P. R. Albright, who has been as sistant general manager was pro moled to the position. Mr. Royall> retirement from the services was be cause of ill health. All of the praa 1 ent members of the board were re •lectod. At a meeting of the board of directors, dividend of 2 1-2 pci rent on the common stock, payable mi January 20, 1916, to stack hold ers of record on December 20, 1911 was declared. The board elected the following officers: H. Welters, chairman of tbs Board. New York; J. R. Kenly, pres ident), Wilmington, N. G; Alexan der Hamilton, first vice-president, Petersburg Vo. No second vice president waa elected. Lyman De lane was sleeted third vice-president Wilmington, N. G; R A. Brand! fourth vice-president, Wilmington j N. G; Alexander Hamilton, general counsel. Petersburg; H. L Borden, secretary, end assistant treasurer, Yevk. R. D. Cronly, Lyman Helmie, Oeo. & Eliott, asst secrstarise, all ef Wlmlngten. N. G; J"*** T. Poet, treasurer, Wlming H>n; J. J. Nelllgan and Joe. B. Kir hy. both of Belli snore, and J. Moul kk Leo, of Savannah, Qa., aaalvtant troaenrens; P. R. Albright, general manager, Wilmington; W. J. Craig, passenger traffic manager. Wil mington; James Manatee, freight traffic manager. Wilmington, and H. G Prince, comptroller. Wilmington Mies Rmma Young, who holds a position at Selma, spent Sunday and Monday here with her mother, Mrs. T. L H. Young. Thankee* vlag "State of North: nor * uiflce, i uon by the _ I yield a another , I earde toiL On , , pronounce* ita Hu* try 1* | uicieaae with | vnad coitarianre of , and create* , I end re* pond to I pier and _ i i* buoyant with ward with I achievement. I int'xh*u*tible I . effort is eocou _ , right* of nwn in I are locogniiad than in any other "Now, there/are,] governor of the Sb | olioa, in obedieoo I tabliahad by our cold with the I‘real dent of the United Staton, do proclaim Thureday, fta *5th day of Noveinbai, a day of j call upon all the ^pple to obeerve Uti* day by aaaambSg la their oaaal place* of wanhlpCi pray far tlrangth '*nd gurtait aad to give thank* to the AljaigEy foe hi* Vlti* •bga. and far lha tftioua opportUD li.ea granted tb us fbaea all people. According to oaf anana wo pro vide for the faihartcas children and widow*, tbd ail orhp are deeaiala and -ppreseed, for if wdjdo not wo are unworthy of'our goaf fortune. "Let us on this diy dodicau our eajvoe with tdbswad* margy to the work laid off U e*c£ of us, and cal] ouxMivao to tha i ffftlil Inn 0f oor obligations as ~iigMim. sail illiaim that w« may strive With. «mhb and earnertaor* for tho>gh*r sacUl or der, whose law is perfect forties. bet ue in humiiity sad gfetitada rewea bcr that wo haro bam spared while •be world is >oartieied by war. Wo ohoold pray £ai to lffh now atrieh ™ by daooiatios end death, •Acerica if yt*V ha and tha -’■wt "t this (ho in the you' of thone-i and nine hundred mid fifteen, and m the on* hundred end fortieth year of our American independence. "LOCKE CftAIC, “Govern-r.” By the governor: J .P. Kerr, Prtvmte Vecrt ar> Owe Every M Miautca. The New Haven Kailroed bee just leaned S bulletin entitled “A Deadly Peril." It deaervet wide reading. Footed in end about stations end train yards, this bulletin calls atten tion to the feet that lest year is tha United State* M71 person* wars killed while eralkiag on railroad tracks. This was at a rate of fif teen a day, or oua every ninety-six minutes. Hare Is a peril for which tha only remedy l* prevention In the farm of individual caution and common rents. No ore can save a man from tha danger of walking on a railroad track so effectively M the man him «#lf. If he neglect* prevention, no Lom of )if« from this mum—last year'* total la r res tor than the pop.' u la lion of many a town—U mainly ota to willingness to take a chance. The temptation to get to the shop la a minute or two at the noon hoar or to aovo a walk af half a block by a abort cot oeer tha tracks la too strong for thousands tvary day. If people can rver ha made to see the disproportion between what they Rain and what they risk U walking on railroad tracks, casualty Uet for thU class ai accidents will be among the shortest— Evening World FllTHCR STATE MAT FBOSBCUTB When Liquor U Shipped Uni.belled From One State tq Anether. Washington. Her. 16—The Su preme Court held today that a man who ships liquor from one state to another without labelling H as sneb in violation of law may be present ed in either state. It revoraed tha Judgment of tha Kansas J ederal Coart which qaashad an indlotmaat against Joseph Freeman oad re manded the ease far prosecution. Freeman was charged with shipping trunks fail of liqaer anlnbal|ed from Joplin, Mo., te Chart.kee, Kaa « a ar.-w. •.• of Uio XacU. n.u it. iti.i.. I given by Pretuio .._• !. Leader bringy fm,-, ’ jlt ^ •poem iu the conin’oh, Ct' »• A ttura fvoAonal i« \,C u , | Up to that tir.iv, A.\ t.. | the number of ailiui l.vl , -c , » • ; 1 Iowa: ! Croat Britain . . , Krone# . ; , , j Bukaio . : .^teljtiuni . ... Scttno . . ,,, Japan . Total Allien .Vivo... . ioX.Cf A“*»>» hii'd’J *»•*•* . Total central Poweri 54 „-i Total all belligerent!) . . %,:■ Since August 1. The llijr* . -oj... •ayn, the central pose.-, r od their offent.m in Jl 3vu» .i^». undertaken the Solan ,tf. and have boon f. . . <, cootly countar-attarki ,n .Krni.n. u I recover the grounJ lost .a :lv : rl tember drive. The * ici.ta hi probably rained the Co .n.u. .-an., average el klltad Ivcni dl.IVti 1c 0#0 for tho mootr.» Ul' - ip.^. . . ,. tahar iiwlokiva, Tn« u„. „ j._ probably Joet no o.on- ,uer tofor* to th* aeet, i u. hnft .mnc * heavily fiat,, tl#C v|f*r..iO' • rj,. ii • Italian frontier. TK* l«n>. Kj. mnu of their lore., il.„i ^ aojOW>, with other vr.tniu.ui i......... •« high a# 1‘MfitiO. iii. VviLp. .. haa# certainly loet men ainca Auguat than Juttrg the month* preceding einr* tbc o> •t th* head of the Feraiac Cih is th# Rnaeian attack* from T an*...*. ta*ia have taken a diaoHrcue toa. Ob tha eide of the AJliee, th» Gel 1**“ have loot leva men .unce An tfi* thaa tharabof ora - -the Italiaat ed about ai many a mark 0* • if. lag th* Bret year o? thr *tr Tl.e raeoalttea of the Bn- n ar.l th* Serb* have rriir nlr it.fix. ,.-S ,,v og in the ono cam to lia. .» .. Suvla Bumu and in th. <>• ... n«w campaign t-„ tin i Constantinople Kailrotui /, Belgium . jt-.u v' 8*^ . I' japan . Italy . Total Aliiet . — Germany . Austria .. Turkey . 10UM UtitlRl j'OTrftV* .l£l'. Total all he’ligeicnts .2,KKi.»- • “TTioso figure-.,'’ The Nrrvr L-,w 4 flnd», "lack more than a,.}«0.i reaching the *tag{r*rii'g tc;0| oel lleusaler ha* calm later." ^ 4; t»ot they arc had enor..;h tn all . sequence.—Charlotte CHitorver. BLPKEMB COLRT OPBOLPS CAMPBELL IN MILEAGE ( A£3 :.y Not Bo Forfeited ■catad By Original Pari Sax r. Washington. Nor. 1.V_A mc transforablo railroad m!l»j-c ,.i < •old ondcr condition-, that it w.;uj;t ho rorfoitod If presented !>y .m; ctn •r than th* original |Mrcb*»«:, not ha forfeited, if pr*t*i, tyy .i,, purchaser himself tor Inti.>„• -.i tkm «f another perm Vl>.. prome Court so hold Ud»r tt tc,» «*ee of Samuel J. Cbinpi’vK. presented to a southern mil,,u> . ^***. C*j»pl«#Tl roeoveixe Jt**l 1 meat of $*7 against tin. rallroa I tvf «h# eoadaetor’s action. The forfeiture cettdi’ion dots no’ nH. this case." snid Javtirc riutliy •n>a action of Ihe South Carelitip .•ourts In girtng ifdmseol and K .i *"* Ihe railroad U th; itiiri Urrt of the contract do n.d deny :t(< \r, \ mad any Fnderal rfoht " Mr. L T. Wallaee a.* Rler.inond. h I® He dty for a few days nn hie nooa ***'• • UUMIlUW ' • k--*» •*•■**» I ' (M u'lOii, 1 •' • •*• •• tivf'vo w*>. ) . .. — - •» *i Oi. J. uovtiij " ■’• ‘ •’.* ! •-v. . ItiWUil of . w .<.« w4l« «K>k4U t»4*4i irLoUl^ ^iv * fall 4i.‘«d uui • • L- '.uj* 04 o *1*# • • • u>;ic)r. II# cu<» . <• ci -J« pi o* ratal ra "i-'i along till* Ima • ... . .... tu-'. p.3.»ona addict r‘' >* • of intoxicate ' -.. OUgt rosy ■« ...... .. i. •,x.kac{ judyv. oi ' .*0-V -U-Cijjxva. " ' '•• - •• !’•» of Mr prr . } •■•-•> La op,.tin - • .**ai ...» aaiw oi •j,i .• rbuutiJ b* rog •" a::,, •••-».. ui to p.l/aicfaua . piKascip ioi. in u'tM}. Coioiu-a af ' ui sjui i.L :t u: jvcm ircra, at IUM« i"i.wii„;.> i c i>it uolcty for tho ».. ip.ti.i of wi .vttco or Liumi ■* * ' ■ • Vwiiur, t.Opy. •1 *'•'.■!•• C.. I- IIOY. 03 toot in •'■ * • . *>-CUi t( 0CC4.0 tho p*l *** ■* •••• .Vr.ti-Aarvotic Law, '. ■'a baiiovao, will '• ••■ i-it icr.ce likti the Modal *—• --»w. It writ tii« • --* ps war V4 Wt »_acc lagiala • • . .; i inning Savor, ut» • not iicci. idouied ii m - -• V. ». tna suiiae. • • ■ • 't ' •»; -»> — in p peaking of 1 '1** ''oiitu, pmfcMion ■ t . i.o.T.g ifc£ LsMficijj re — « biped CO ccerue from - • •< li. nnti-liarcotic Law, - ••• impress the pati -.1 Kki»r» of the core * r' '■’* •••* ■ i—of remedies it • *■•••» i .ji do the mtP ' * •* "*.* -. u. .-ays /oj the Hoioe I'aw.-uuiiK, wuikaru. Coutv ..v... ».r m >;..v u«m*. 11 ■ «e.iiisoe. ii«Ke Demonstrs \.;*i \,.(t at once the 'u ..... : ll. uftuuic Olid ii ■11 *i .i.'u ■ took mg ■' '■' '* .. ,i 11 - k ii tuple in • ' rfi.ute course to . i ■ -v vHe cconly agent. u. . •-.i»u ,’ili uieet once a weak. 1 ‘ 1 • •.•'•■ itrea: interest is aiao • .»i1 ttf aii xtcits to bo - •! in .*:» ■HosolhTUSCi, where the • m-.T. . !.. u--••'•* oi jn i ecu ring - •-■ -c ~ •■» .(favorhecd kitchen fir ;j;c d«muiis:raituai. • ;.-r i » pie to be tupple <*J '"“i .n making baiter •> •1. .1 J. . J-.:.~ putting (kit but ‘ ■ ' ’• 'd •' *•. in grading and ..••i.i.p ■'.... |„ saioble cartons, j.-.* j . ^rni.iig and- arranging ' •* -dill surplus form sad .. i ; d <-.» ,-n :„By be destined V r^irVot, womc* arc breaght ■ dir a/>iA resulting not . ’• i\ fa; meeting their . l m m the community, in .«< •.... . i- I-i,l \r-.en questions of ' '* i.-V ar.- brought ap. V~ ui„ v J*,., hnne'-or, to add ■ r. . . nr-c 'v»*. n- also, the,, ma • ( -r.jy have the slim 1» ••■} me ••; str I -,J *1.rough ta rt: .r. t :vcr., u..d foe: that they • ; t i’-.s- alt or J sh.. time to come to V.'. ioffered to Canning Glob i:<' »h„ h»v- l>xn in the work a ■c-l vho foevo made Ana rec • If dch ameer* an all-Mar badge, ■m vi,., a., an indication *f o«r -:>y-s«:/tlir- ►. ..v many girl* wiu reoeiec '•*« iwsiitr To IJVKt Huh mom • » "hi »rat in recordt of thair . - v !fl< b> Oitobor iMh, a club 'rti Hie motto, "To Malta the E;■ ter," wag given. ,'ouf.’ .if theta girt, reportod «raall • T' -ud fer- can* nuad, but they ■■I 'cirri atrenUy with wtH, •"* i‘«(r.,aoar'iente— Exteiuioa '. ". Meer U'tyagmoiw Annan need V‘» iiithtni given by Mr* H*n ! • *" ‘ rV" rtth portion throughout, fVi., a a U*-y are trail known' Afi4 \-etr popular. I AGED KING mu BKBKI I DEATH AT THE FBOXT IViUi hTtlm Him Hr U Kilted j Cm Plat ar Karraadrr. Flight Deeper*!*. S^auUd. Nor. 1A— Via London Mm Deary fighting who (he n.te toiead Bulgarian troops 1m southern ht-ibia Qm IVtnch wave compelled to rtliro at two potato bi tha vicinity of Credlac*. Lf Bulat north tt tha Greek border. A Bulnrio attack along tha Corea Blear wat repuiaad, with hoary loftot to tha attacker*. The battle of cfc« Ccraa wat wag ed along tha left bank of tha riror. T«e or three Bulgarian dirteloru wrra engaged and a daaparata at *t» mad# to piarca the i cental. Tb* engegaisant waa fat prograa# fot SO haara, after which tha Bulgarian* were batten hath along Uds an tire front. Tha rftaaUon in Hacodonia 1* da vtlopiog rapidly. largely rein forcement* have beta brought In bj tha Bulgarian*. who ar* making re newed effort* to force Bahtina Pea*. The Serbian* are rtfll holding out but llila movement threatena Far tent* «f Monartir arc preparing to •iapart. IV member* of tha • yet bean devised, considerable dif icully being encountered bocauso of ■be proacnce of two traO-markod broods af U* iniect- During tha >*rt J*ar a largo amount of oaru rtubbla baa boon examined at diffar tnt ir.tcrrali, to ascertain tha par entage af tafflotation of com plant id early and lata. Pram preUmin iry results It baa bean found that »ra planted approximately bafow Hay n la affected with both broods; :om planted approximately after that date it affected by only owe Tbe presence of tbe borer may be tctermfoad at tbie time of tbe year >7 examining com atnbMe; ■ wan frown white worm wfl] be feaad In he Up root of tbe itubMa. In tbe rowing eeaean tba work of the In ject ia noticeable by tba darkened thanael made in tbs (talk near tU Use. Tb* Department will waleema re port* of it* pretence and injury_ Extension Pam Km. 'September Hera" la be at Fayette viB*. "September Mam” LeCamta end Flaabar*a eocreaefol mutien) oomody rtet from tba LaSalle Opera Hottec. Cbieago. baa bean eaeorod for ea m nkmnmt af oae aigbt at tba La Fayatta Theatre, Fayetteville. “Sep tember Mara” la without question the creates! meskal aareim of tba rantary and Uelndaa a east «f meal eomady oelebritiee far above the •Juraga, together with a beauty chorus salaried far look* and ability to toy. Among tba many *oag hit. that have Ukan tba rvoatry by •torm amt 'September Mem.” “1 Lo« *7 0*1 - *roedw*y,“ 9m J*" 'Wto- • LKOa Bey Leva* a Uttl. Olrl” 'Everybody** Tapgo Creey." "Beautifri Druame I'm Dreaming." “A 8 pare-Rib from the Butoher Shop of UN.” "The Sen «ud* OM." and -Where te Urn Weaeora In Wiaa aad Seag if tb. Woman t* am Thawt" It's a big dance festival hiHftij *a Tango, Maxim, and Heelution WaHata. flamming h all up. Hup. tombm Mar.” ia • real marital jam to ocmr hstator