I Have Just Unloaded Two ?.:oi e Car Loads oi FINE FARM MULES ( You will now find in my stables a hundred or more of the finest mules you have seen in Dunn for some time. All well broke and in good - condition. They are selling fast and if you need a good mule you had better come at once before they are picked over. Also a large stock of Buggies, Wagons, = Harness which will be sold cheap. If you are interested ccme and let us show you. i Will Sell For Cash or On Time ^^5^1 I IT. L GERALD, Dunn, N. C. | NOTIC* or SALB By rlrtne of tho ;■»** t i h dead met* by B. C._ wife, e A. Caaaedey, toT. A tow, which mortgage dead io tend io book 110, page MO, eg rec ord* oi Hanot* County, thssotrr tbe*WuT*iy,S*'lemnn* IPuT^e* U o'clock 1L offer for sole et pabUe eoctioa at the court house deer et IdlUwgton, North Caroline, the fsi lerwieg described real aetata ia Har nett County, to-wtt: It being tho «nt piece of allot ment to So. * hi the division of * M- Ceimaday. Sr, lewd, and heiag ea the north sfte of the Jealyer Creek, beginning et e stoke and pine pilot ora. Bad Tort's tang to McLeod’s Um. end rnos then re ea Tart's Um Sooth dl tut IT chelae to a stake end pointer; thanes & 41 W. US chains to astake sad pine stamp pointer; throes N. 4S W. 1S.1S chains to a etahe ia MsLsaffk the; thence North M B. MS tkehs to the beginning. natalalag twelve <U) This dth day of December. ISIS. T. A. THOHNTOM._ Clifford A T i war ml. Attn'4”*" MORTGAGE BALE Of LAMB Under end by rtrtae ad the yeww gaga dead aasaatad te tha aadar aigned by T. H. Tayler and wife aad J. m. Laatar aad wife aa Deeeatbar tttk. IfU aad which Is reseeded ta Beak No. lid, sage Ml, tha aaato having ban tranrfarrad ta tha Mar ektntf KaIImiaI BmIu 4«£ul> having ban adds la tha nwaaN af tha notes thwahy catered tha aa dereigaed will aaU ta the highest balder far cash at tha eeart aiaai door io UUlagtaa, N. C, eh Man day, the iflth i*f a/ Dmwber. 1*U. at Id o'clock non, the fallowing dwarihad lento 1 laginning at tha 8. E. Caaaar ad Block U at the iataraartkiw ad Mala aad Church moats aad rane tkaoca atoag tha earth side ad Chart* street ta tha 8. S. Caaaar ad la* No. J In hlaah L: tkaoca atoag tha coat Hae at let No. > to tha M. B Caraaa af acid toil thaaaa atoag tha aanSh Uaa af Phrkar atraat ta a Itraat which to M. M. ad aaM MOBTCACE BALM OF LAND hf ttaMhyh luMty, U1B at U e’atoat, M. tha following daocrib ad laada: lit Traat: liagtanln* at a watar •ah ia Waifpitbraadt, Thmpann aad ftajitlln uaiaar aad runa tbaaaa N. PO W. 4BT A»ii to a •taka aad fatalace; tteoca N.NL •BM ahatoa to a ataka; tbaaca S, M B. IBM chaiaa to Smith'* Uaa; ikaara BMW. IBM chain* to a ptaa ia tha adga ad tha craak; tbaaca aariaaa counoa at tha rue ipla, Smith's and ; thaaea N. t W. u bagtaniag eoo or laaa as Ad bound ■ tha atraaga taken by tha BaO raad aa tight ad way aad 6 acraa add to tea. Byrd. ted Tract: Bagiaalag at a aoar waad tree. aa itowarfa craak. Har ris aad Bail'* corner, aad rani 8. 78 W. with Hatria ar Daria Uaa 17^ Ik «h*t*a to a Mall piaa aa tha aid* ad tha road; tbaara with tha read N. IBM ahataa to a elate; thaaea W. BM chaiaa to a ataka aad paiatora oa tha aida af the road; thaaea N. 71 E. 18 chaiaa to a ataka and aa tha •dga ad tha irui awaaap; tbaaca dam tha varlaaa eouraae ad Um adga ad tha awaaap at high watar ■ark to bagiaatog con tola lag 10 acre* mere ar laaa. trd Tract: Bagtaniag at a a mall pin* aa tha aad af tha road ia Caro lina Harrto’ Uaa. CUUam Parhar'a *«ar aad rwaa thaaea with Par tea’a Uaa N. IBM W. 4.7k chaiaa to a state aad piaa paiatora on edge of read: thea B 78 W. IkM chain* to a ataka and pain tare; them 8. ISM 4 4.78 chaiaa to a ataka aad pma potato** ia Rarria' Uaa; than with hat Uaa N. 78 B. IBM chain to •agtnaiag containing k ncraa more ar laaa. Thin December trd, ltlB B. P. YOUNG. Mortgage*. NOTICE OP SALE UNDER MOCT OAOE tlon *4 1-2 tool to the ktfWg, and bain* that anaaa baoaa and let at er near South Dunn whan the mortgagor* bow roalde. Par far ther daacnpUoa, aaa beak lfl. af Deeds. peg* IPO, Kagtotrr of Bar net* county. Place of aala, Tba A. C. L. Depot, Dunn, N. C Time of Sale. Janaary 1*. 1*1*, at 11 o'clock, noon. * Terms of aala, —-1 This Dacembar it, 1*1 A J. W. WILSON, Trustee. NOTIC* OP SALS By virtue af the rewar of aalo eoo tainod in a certain mortgage dead execetad by George T. Halgae, and wife, M. d Bodges, to the under signed. which aaatt*n*a la ragjataraii in beak 1C*, page US, ad tka rwcwads of Ham ru county, data ok bavin* boon aada tn the -eymant ad the bead aoeurad thereby, the a ajar ai*nad mortgagee. wtil an Monday, January 17th. 1*1*. at it o'clock M. offer for aais at pabHc auction to tba highest bMdar, for cash, at the Court Hosts Dm ta lilHnftaa. N. C., tba following dearrhsd lands ta Avermaboro township. Harnett eoaa ty, ta-wit: FIRST TRACT: Bagtanla* at a ■take on tbs North aide of t£o Pay Sttrnlla and Smith* aid road, and rune tbanca HOW. lB.tO chains to a Mulberry Tree; tboaeo (.10 1.1 ckalna to • stako at tha road: tbanca S. 46 W. 20 A* ebatna wtthtke read to a stake: thanco K. *4 chains ta a stake in the Parker Una; tkeaee N. W K. 1» chains U ■ pin* stump; tbanca N. U E. IP chains ta a aUka; thaaco direct to the beginning, oan in*. exeeatiaf aad ia—nine. bawar «*, all ot *aid tract at land lyins am th* Want side of tha rayatorflto and Smithfleld road, th* MW bains 8 acre*. mar* or laaa. Th* laad here in conveyed bain* eat *7 acraa Mr* SECOND TRACT: D**!eiiies at a stab* on th* roadaida, aad rona H. 68 E. a. ZS chela* ta a pUa. faUan; thanca N. 64 W. RAO nhala* ta a •taka; thane* S. SB W. UJS chela* ta a career La a Said; thaaaa N. >7 W. 16.10 chains; thane. W. B4 E. B chain*; thane* S. M E. 1LM chalaa; thanes ta th* bafinaln*. eaataiahaf a acre*, mere or laaa. Ala* aa* othar tract eentaiahi* three aad ana third acre*. adJaMn* tha toadi ad Ashford Ucw adraM. ala* Mm with aad la a part af th*_ atiri treat SdtC LaeaTTS the land *ha*oia cearayed bate* BS and t-0 area*. THIRD TRACT: AO af the land *f which tha lata Uha Jaahaae. died. ■dnl, tha a*M hatns * treat af ■hast M area*, tdjahhf th* Ian£ share lnwtt il , ar laad* of tha tot* a C A rare. delate Laaa*. Iflaa Umm. and Mhaw, Nte* Mo SBM toad a* WU naaaill rets Oaa. T. Hid#** *d th* Brel past by daad af dh*^o*rere]^k*tra ad tow ad tha nid THE BAKE OT HABjfETT, CHEaad A TawaareB. Atop*. ^,M Mr. A. V. Oaanndap, ad OsBbad, "*hto baaihZ* R'nMilToLJL1 - ^ ^ * NOTICE or LAND. BALI UNDID MORTGAGE By vtrtoa at the power and au thority |hrw by a certain mortgage •lecutad by H- 0. McNeill to th* Dean Qgawaiui A Supply Coxa paay. which is recorded ia tha odVee of tha Bawl at or of Deed* for tha eeoaty of Haraott, in book 100. page ISO. the foUoeriag property will be mid at public auction, via: A iwhli tract of land situated la Stewart** Creak township, Harnett county, drarrlhad as follow*; Bo and, •d m th* North by tha load* of Dock Byrd and Maggie Porker, on tha East by tha Vanda of Margin Parker, aa tha South by tha lauds at Bkhard Byrd, and on tha West o> the Vanda of Dash Byrd, balag tha ■am land conveyed te tha mortga ger by W. W. Alloa and wifi In or ahoet th* yaor IMS, containing 32 l-t scree, aura or laaa. Par Author description, reference ie hereby mode to the ioid deed from W. W. Alan and wife, and rafarence is nlao mods to tha land In contro versy bate sen said Allen to And ar son MeNaiQ ia th* Superior Court of Harnett oounty and to the Court Papme aa Bio in th* sold case* in said Superior Chart. Place of-sole, A. C. L. Depot, Dunn N. C. Time of 8alo. Saturday January IS. ISIS, at IS o’clock M. Terex* at aala, cash. TVs December IS, 1»16. THE DUNN COM. A SUPPLY CO, Mortgagee. BALK Off VALUABLE LAND By virtue of the powej i contained la a mortgage deed executed to me by Moeea W. Barefoot and wtfa Z. D. Barefoot, aad duty recorded m the Bagiatry Harnett county, Book 111, page »«, default having been made la the payment of the note aw cared by aaid mortgage, I will offer far tale far caab to tba hlgfceet bid der la boat of tba court houee doer la the town of Ulkngtoo, Harnett county, N. C. an the 17th day of Jaauary, 1*1* at IS e-dock, It., the f el lowing deecrlbed property, to-wit: Bogina lag at a corner In Uia pob Ua read ever iba ran of a branch where K rent under the road, three p data re ea the South aide of the ■•ad aad rant dawn the knad Stilt *00 chelae ta twa hlaak gwaae wttb patatere la tba breath, thence S. IS S-4 K. ITJ* cb* ta a (taka hi the read with one black Jack taa Makarya aad twa p|aa paiatdaa la the eld Bee rf the 811-1 ••n* tbaaaa M'thet fee N. It S-4 W. (aU can W. l**g dm.) to a pine 8rV2S&*«!£r SL.* the Baa It B 14 W. IT dm. U a £*V(dd Sr?) xl’tTk'^rS twaa^algh^Jd^abalf aaptad that area a Id to — — tJSZ TJaee ed aala, Jmmrr ITtb, 1*1* Taram at aaU, aaab Th*c MB day ad Plunk m, I PI* UBN B. WTLSOM,^ mad rim wim bobatch ' NOTIC* OP MORTGAGE SALE OP LAND By virtu# of authority con La in ad in a car tain mortgage dead executed by J. H. Moor* to J. O. Johnson, and duly transferred to the undersigned, being of record Registry of llamstt county, book No. 104, pars 490, de fault having bean made In the pay ment of tbs notes secured by same, I will sell at pubic auction for cash at the Court House door in the town of lillington, Harnett county. North Carolina, to the highest Imlder at 12 o'clock, M., the 20th day of January. 1916, the foiloxring described real property, to xrtt: Beginning at a stake in latwit Messer's line and runs N. 76 W. 7 80-100 chs. to a stake; thence N 38 W. II 5-100 chs. to a stake; Ihenro N. 45 X. 24 chs. to a stake in the Whittwiton Una; thence E. 4 25 100 che. to a stake in Mesar’s line; thence | at Messer’s line to the bglnning. containing twenty-eight (29) arras, more or leas, and is luioxm ns the Henry Norris place. This 15th day of December, 1915. J. W. NEIGHBORS. Asaignoo of Mortgagee and owner nf debt. Ears Parker. Atty. NOTICE or LAND SALE UNDER MORTGAGE By virtu# of the powers and au thority contained in two certain mortgage deeds executed by J. V. Bars foot to the undersigned, ami duly recorded in Book 101), patron 1M and 1S6. Registry of Ilameti. county, the following lands, iituat sd in Arerasboro tosmshin In said county, will be sold at public auc tion to-wtt: FIRST TRACT: flounded on tho North by the landc of thcMortgngr. on the East by the lands of M C Barefoot, on the South and West by th# land* of S. C. Nrighl. •“*, con taining forty-one acres, i,..we or leaa. this being one of t>« tract* described in a certain deed by W. A. Stewart. Commlrsioncr to the Mort gagor. and brim- iuvt No 3 named in the aid deed. Beginning at a stake a corner of the dower, 3 chaiog nnd li"k* from the eorpor In the pub lie road, and runs a* a dividing line S. 4 E. IS chains and 23 links to a stake In th» original line N. BO W. ZS chains and 70 links to a corner not far from tha dwalllng; thenre as another line 3 R. R rhams nnd 73 Unk* to a Pino stump with pointer* a branch, thenc* N. 7 E fl chair and BB Hnks tn a slake and pointer* In the original line, a comer of the dower; thenre tha dower line N 8SV> W 23 chain# and 30 links to the be ginning. The said deed being re corded in book 1*0. n*g* MB, of said SECOND TRACT: Being the same where th* mertgager raw lives, know* ae his horn* pier*, bound*.! on the North by th* lands of Angus Standi, dsossesd. on th* Kiat hy (he land* *f W. C. and M. C. B*raf«o\ on th* Smith by th* first tract above d—crfksd. an don tha Wert by the tawd* dlC Neighbors, containing »• acvee, more or Us*, belnr the mm oonreysd to th* mart go gov he W. A- Rtmrt, Commlitiontr, ind r*#*senes I* her* mad* to hook 1M, png* Ml, Registry of Harnett roun tr fer full dMeriptfao. Place of sale, A. C. U Depot, Dun j N. C Time of aale, Saturday, January ! IS. 1916, at 12 o'clock, M. I Terms of sake. Cash, i Thi» December Id, IBIS. I THE DUNN CUM. A SUPPLY CO. Mortgage* NOTICE OP SALE UNDER MORT CAGE - By virtue of the power end an thariiy given by a certain mortgage executed by A. W. McLean end wtf« Amandcr McLean, to The Dual | Commission A Supply Compan] | which is records*! in the ofBct of tiy i Register of Deeds of Harnett count] I III book 110, page 4C9. tbs folio win j property will be sold at public aoc lion, via: FIRST TRACTi Being lot no 19 Block ‘‘A" in and according to Un pint of 4. A. Cook and wife, whiel smd plat ia of record in the office a the Register of Deeds ef Harnet county, and the said lot being a oar ol ibe lands purchased by 4. A. Cool and wife from T. F. Barefoot, utu subdivided. Bounded on the Nortl by an alley 38 1-2 feet, oa the Soutl ' by lot 11 38 <-2 'set, on the East by Mrs. Staff'. lot. and on the Wee liv lot 20, in. i»ing a tot S3 1-3 fee1 bv 139 feet. For fui-thc-. iloacription, see car tain deeds executed March 30, 1913 and December 6, 1912, to 4. W. Drivor by J. A. Cook and wife anc 4. 0. Clifford, Mortgagee, and by 4 A. Cook and wife Do C- 8. Hicks Mortgagee, end a certain deed date* October 2*. 1918, bjr 4. W. Drivel and wife to L. P. Lee. all records* in the office of tho Register of Deedi of Harnett countv. SECOND TRACT: Adjoining On lands of the late John Oats Estate The Dunn Hordwood Mfg. Co., enf other*, beginning at an Iron poet or I ho Want side of Wilson 8t-. and be l vn.il Bay and Oaitary Streets, ther run.1 a straight line in a Northerij direction with Wileon Street to Bai 8'rcet; thence a straight lire in I Westerly direction with Bay Sirs* ft 12 feet; thence . straight line is a Southerly direction, parallel sritt '.he first line, and of oaits distance; thrive e *tral*ht line In on Eastsri) direction 44*4 feet to the beginning For fall description tee bool el Deeds No. 171. page 190, Registry of Harnett eounty. Place of sale A. C. L. Depot, Durr N. C. Time tot sale Saturday, faruary 15th. 1916, ot 12 o'clock M. Terms of sale cash. This December 10th, 1911 THE DUNN COM. A SUPPLY CO. Mortgage* WHAT RED CROSS 8SALS 8IO mrr Red Croa* Reels WH Reapeet fas Their Users. “The fesllng that corns* over ms whsn I open a latter on which haa iwen placed a Red Croat Christina! Reel, I* an of increased odnriratior and reepeet for the parson who moil td It," said a young woman recently haring In charge the matt ef *a* at (ha State’s Depart menu Tt makes ■ me feel.’* said she, “that ha it not only willing to aid. the ftgbt against tuberculosis but that ha is sympa thetic at haej-t and generous in spir it. “The letters that come hi stamped | *1th R*d Croes seals bring Other mas sagos than the one pertaining to business To me thoy say, ‘We are not only living and doing well but are willing to help others live and • do well. We feel the Christmas | spirit and are big enough to want , others to feel it, and in tha mean i time we want to see the plague of ’ tuberculosis driven out of our land. “In other words," said tha speaker "the uso of Rad Cross seals on a , man’s letters, to me, takas all the ' stinginess out of that man's heart. 1 On the other hand, the use of other : kind of seals, those mean leg lass : stickers, exclusive of the Red Cross seals, only marks the user es either selfish or ignorant of the Red Cross seals and the great sentiment they carry out into the world to others." —State Board of Health. President ud Bride to Hot Spring., Va. President Wilson gad Mrs Edith Boiling Galt were married at 8:80 o’clock tonight and left afterward to apsnd their honeymoon at Hot Springa. Va. The President and his bride traveled in a prlvau car at tached to a special train leaving bare at 11:80 o’clock which is due to arrive in Hot Bprings tomorrow at 8:16 a. m. At Hot Springe, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson will live at (he ITempatead Haul until after New Year's Day unless soma development should ne ceaaitate the President's earlier re turn to the Capital. Two White House automobiles have been sent on ahead and the couple aapoft to »P«ad thalr honeymoon motoring, goMing end walking over the moun tain trails. Betide the secret ser vice guard, the party was aeoompan led by a stanographor. The Presi dent wiD keep in loach with the White House ever special wires.— Washington Dispatch, 18th. Tea Short Acgnalntaaraa. "It’S no use." pouted little Freddy. Who had jnet completed hie Hret week at school, eays the Chicago Herald, “I shall nsvar go to school again I" “But why," asked hit mother. "What’s the ass of going T I shall nsvar learn to spsIH” . “Whet do yen meant" "Well, how can I learn to spell whin the teacher changes the Words every day?" l

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