LACK tl „ by E. PHILLIPS OPPENHclM Al the HJOC llBATtK i n.iiLiin,n JU u i.» ii .1 — 'i i mh' I Black box I mJJPS OPPENHEIM "Tn.Tn.rr^ * - wwhk Mkrouir. wo*aj tha —rtim tt lart tar. ka haa (at Jaat ba> t (1 ^ at^aETS* * mT*~ —-g sfeL^! V&5&TS5; aaartw Mata bun __,--J tat had bar* tort NINTH rNSTALUNENT cHAmtn xx lo«t in lon dox QmK, notwithstanding lb uml ■■Are af kb sorrocndlngs, slept that bght as only a tired aad healthy maa eaa. He waa awakened the aext msrn «M hr the quiet anoremsatu of a maa. wnut who had brought hack kb Noth sc carefully breaks 1 aad null "Breakfast b Barred at alaa o'clock, air. It b »o» kail-past eight.* TD ha right there.* The baa withdraw aad Quart made a brbk bolls*. The aamlras (ears of lb prerleaa eight had altogether dls he aad hreka (ram Me kps ^4e mt as thoagk taraed Ua. oa the top mt pile of white cambric, wee ■gar* which was almost me ha remerii the Md and draw metnmary Uttle scrap of pa-{ ■■■dll It cat before him' oa the dr—Nb ernes aad read the esse Tse wiu fall hero sc yoa hare Ailed before. Hotter go back. Thera b more daager for too la this country thaa poo dream of." Hb teeth eamo fiercely together aad ble heads were oloachod. His thoughts had peas kho a fiaoh to Laaora. Was ft poaetbb that ham waa latemdeO tar kerf Ho pat tho Mao swop (ram hbt thlag wee rcatmaglsable- Craig was hem most ho hoes. A the does «f ^|TTmf atmosphere of the pleasant tody Aohlelgh had already tokaohsr place St tho head of the table. fihe taoshag aa aleetrle bak naler her Mml a eieal or two later "Oa op aad sea how leap poor mas ter wffl) bar Lady AahMgh gfraoted. “Vary good, year ladyship." The maa waa haofrtag through the whoa ho waa eaddeaty peaked oa one ■Mo. The waist who had waited apeo QMg. end who was Lard AdMgh'i Bo elmoot shouted w Lady AahMgh: "Tear tadyahlp—the master) tome thlag bag hoppoaedl Ho wool morel tag la « warn ha 1 “W« lot aat or drink or ales*" Qaaat declared. fteroely, "eatll wa hero brought thla matter «o an end. Cmlg ■mat ha laud. Tkla la the auprnma horror of aH.“ The butler made aa apologetic ap pearance. Be apoka la a boated whie »ar. • • “Toe are wanted downatalra. gentle m» Middleton, the bead keeper. Is Chare.* Aa though Inapt red with g common Mae, both Quest and the profeaeor hor rled out of tho room and down tbs broad stairs. Their Inspiration was a true one. The gamekeeper wel comed them with a smile or triumph. By hla aide, the picture of abject mle cry. bis Mother torn aad muddy, waa Craig! Tr» imagined thla Uttla Job. atr." ■ Middleton announced, with a smile of Mow triumph. “How did yon gat hla 7" Quest de “UtUe Idea of my own,* the game continued. “I gneeatd pretty well what he'd he up to. He'd tumbled to it that the aenal aray oS the moor waa pretty wall guarded, aad ho d doubled bock through the thin Uae of woods eleae to the bouse. I dag one of my >naterra' pits, atr, aad oot •cod K over with a lot of loose atnO. Tbot got him ell right. When 1 went to look thla morning I saw where he’d Mien through, and there he waa. walk lag round and round at the bottom Like ft caged aalaaal. Tour eerrants hare taiepbooed for the poUca, Mr. Ash Qa«*t aaddanly whispered to the pro teaaor. Than ha tamed to the keeper. "■stag hla apetalra. Middleton. Car a aornem.- he directed, •reflow oa. They paaeed into the bedchamber. Osset signed to the keeper to bring Craig *e the sUa at the foe r~ poster Jhem he drew dewa the aheec "la that year woskr ha aakad. 1 Manly. Craig, ap till them had spoken no word. Ho had stumbled to the bed •Ms, a broken, yet. In a sense, a stolid •*ara The eight of the dead man. however, teemed to galvanize him Into sodden and awfal vitality. He threw op hie arms. Hla eyas ware horrible an they glared at those email black ■ante Hla Upe moved backwards and forwards, helplessly at am Then at last ha spoke. "Strangled!- be cried. ‘One more!" “That la year work." the ertminolo gist said, firmly. Craig collapsed. Ha would have Mao bodily to the ground if MkJdlw ton’s grip had not kept him up Quest band aver Mm. It was clear that he had tainted. They led him from the "We’d better lock him up until the police arrive." Quest suggested. "I suppose there la n ante place some. whareT" The professor awoke from hla atopor. "Let me show you." be begged. 1 know the way. Waive a subterranean hiding place which no criminal on thla earth could escape from * They lad him down to the back part of the house into n dry cellar which had the appearaaee of a prison ouU *TMs place has bean used before new, la the eld days, for malefactors," the professor remarked. "He’ll be ends there. Craig," be added. Me vetoe trembling. 'Craig—I—I can't apanh to yen. How could yea!" There was no answer. Craig’s face •was basted la bla bands. They left Mm these and tamed the hay. CHARTER XXL OR Ml Mood, (rowmtap. noon the KRMMi fating at the obrlosaly •RRr km* Ho looked eaee more ol tho ally of paper whieb Loners hod ptraa hid*. There woe so poaalMHty •t toy ■detski: Mrs. Wide*. W Cistnare Rood, Hampateod. This wsa 1*7 sad the boaao wee taptf- Altar a moiaast's baaltaUoo ho rasp the hall si tho adjoiaina door. ▲ wtiaiia. who had base wauhiaa “Dm yea tall ■a," ho toaairsd. "what baa besoms ol tho lady who aead to Hr* at 117—Mrs. WUIstr *T aa ary mask ahhpod to yea, i . a i • The maldsermnt stood oo one stds I to 1st him pass. Almost st th* nma ■otBMt th* door of tbs front room opened aad a pleasant-looking elder- , If lady appoerod *1 am Mrs WtTUL* she announced ' T am Mr. Quest." th* cnmlaotodlet told her quickly. "You may hare heard your niece, Lenars, speak of Mm ■* 'Tken perhaps you can tell me what baa become of bar?” Mrs WlUst ob served. “Isn't sbe here?* Mrs. WiUct shook her heed. T had a telegram from bar from Ply mouth to say that eh* vaa coming, hat res seen nothing of her as yet." Ton's* changed your address, yon know." Quest reminded bar. after a moment's reflection. “1 wrote sod told her.- Mrs. Wlllet began "After all. tbosgh." sbe went on thoughtfully. “I am not sure wheth er the could bare had the letter. Dut If she went up to Hampstead, aayone would tall her where I had moved to. Thsrv'e no secret about ms” “Lenore did go up to 1ST Kismets road yesterday." Quest told her 'They gave hor your address hers, as they have lust given It to me." “Thru whet's become of the child r Mrs. Wtllst demanded. Quest, whose brain wsa working qalekly. si rib bled upon one of hie cards the address of the hotel where he bed taken rooms end psssed U ever. " wm uiuu i con« on to you here I can't Imagine," he amid. "How •V*r. HI go beck to the hotel where •be wee to spend the night after abe arrived. She may have gone back there That's my address. Mrs. Will at. M yoo hear anything 1 wish you'd let »• know. Lonora'a quit* n particular friend of mine and I am a UtUe anx ious." Quest had already opened the front door for himself and paaead out. Ha ■prang lute the taxi, which he had kept waiting. “Clifford's hotel In Payne a treat." - he told the mao. Ha lit a cigar and smoked furiously all the way. throwing It oa to tka pave ment at ha hurried Into the quiet pri vate hotel which a fallow passer,gee on the ■ learner had recommended as being suitable (or Leoom'a one night iIom in town. "Can you ten me If Mias Lemore Mscdougal la staying here?" ha asked at the efflee. The woman shook her hand. "Miss Meedougat stayed ham the alght before last." abe aald, "and her taggaga la waiting for order* She left here yesterday afternoon to go te her •ant's, and promised to send for her things Inter as during the day. Thera they stand, all ready for her " "What time did she go?" "Directly after aa early loach, ft must have bean about two o'clock." Quest hurried away. So arter all there was soma foundation tor this queer senes of depraaaloa which had been hovering about him tor ths last few days! "Scotland Yard." he told the taxi driver. He thrust anothar cigar between hie teeth, but forgot to light It. Ha wea 1111111111 — Craig Eacapta Fnm Uw Collar. araaxed at hie ova arauttoaa. oo«v actoaa of faara aad emotieae at which be wonld acrer hare haltered hlmaalf capable He gave la hie eard. aad after a few momaota' delay he waa efeowa late the praaaaee ef oae of the chief a of the deteetlea deynrUneot, who greeted him warmly. "My namn la Hardaway.'* tbo latter aaaooneed "My aaatataet a yoaag lady. Mtaa Laaora Macaloogal. haa dlaappaaradl •he and t aad Profeaeer Aahlalgb left the etaamar at Plymoeth tad traveled op la the boat train It waa atoypad at Hamblin road for the profaaaor aad I myeaU, aad hflas Macdeegal name aa I to Loodoa. Iho waa ateylag at CMf fard'a hotel la Payne afreet far the eight, aad I hen going on te the aaat Wall, fra fnend that aant. flbe arts aapeellag the girl net the gVl aerar iftttnd “Where dM tbla aaat Near Harda way ta *■ trad "Ke IT. Prior* aa OoaR road. Waal Kenetngtno “ Owen replied "She bad )oat atorad dm* from ■imari road. Mampaleod t went drat la Hawyaffd. 1 wara bad bee- there aad I aero ad bar aaat'a oorreet addraaa la Waal jtewfewta I faftewad aa la Want waa gtEl awaltlag bar * imgin- i r- ■■ill-MMrtMTMMlWTWWWTFirTrMnMT" | *m Qtva • r*»fmid Mata ta Aajrtni Who Oata Ma Out to tha Bartan Ba tura Bha Balta.' A new Interest teemed suddenly to hare crept tato Hardaway'* Banner. •'Let me da*," he eeld. "« efae left Clifford * hotal about two, aba woald bar* bom* at HaBpetead about half paat two. 8b« woald wait* a tew tala ataa la aetlM tegaMaa, tbaa aba probably leq^^pmpatead ter West A Qurttf to throi otra me < [description of tba young ! they were i about throe noon when a who was ob Too , If your sa ber way to i tea. She the daah the best moans of gettUflo Weat Ksnetngloa without taking a taxicab Bar de acrlptloa tslllae exactly with the pho tograph you have shown me The wom an whom my maa were watching ad dreeeed her aad offered to chow her the way They left the piece together My men followed them. The hooeo has been watched erer etace e-ad we are raiding It this afternoon- Ton aad I will hmt be la time." oat. A mao who ssamad to bo stroll lag almlastly along rsadlag a nawtpa. par snddsnly Joined testa "Wall, DUomT* hts efaisd anelalmsd. Tha ass gtongad around. Tts got thros maa round at tha hack, Mr. Hardaway." ha said. "It's Impossibl* tor aayoas to loara tha pltM." Hardaway gaasad to ooatldar a a» "Look barn" Qaaat tmggasted. "thay know all of yoa. #1 couraa. and thayu aarsr 1st yon la aatll thay-ra forosd to. I'm a straagsr. Lad a* go. ru gad la all right." "All right." ho saoaotad. “W. shall follow yon np grotty slossiy, thoagh." Qaast stappad hash lato tha tari and gars tha drirar a dJraotloa. Whaa ha sarsrgsd la front ad tha haadsnan gray stona hoasa ha aaamtl to haro bo eoma eomglataly transforms*. Thora waa a fotaoas amils agoa hts lips. Ha sroaasd tha pa ram sat with dUBenlty. stambltag ap tha stags, aad bald on tha knoshdr with ena hand whtla ha aoasaltad a dip of pa par Ha had —rally rmag tha hall balsro a aHghtly parted cartels In tha front room fall togothsr aad a mootst later tha door waa apsnsd hr a maa la tha Hrory of a bailor, bat wlth tha tsoa aad phy sUfaa of a prtaa dghtar. "Lady of tha hoasa." Qaast domaad •d "Want tw — too lady of tha ** set— of A w-sslVa'ataadtsig la tea ban "Tan had bodtar asms la." sbs ta ds sat stead la tha . . , .. . . J VI* woman shrieked The biller n4 deoly sprang upon ike last man to ■» tor and sent him iplnnlnc down th* ■taps. Almost at that tenant them wna n acroam from upstair*. Qwest took a running lump and want up the stalls four at a time The butler, who bed »o fir defied arrest, suddenly matched the revolver from Hard away's hand and fired blindly in front at him. missing Quest only by an Inch or two. “Don’t be e fool, Karl!" the women sailed out. “The game's up. Take It quietly.” Once more the shriek rang through th* bouse. Quest ruabed to the door at the room from whanoe It earns, triad the handle, and found tt locked He ran hack a little way and charged tt. Prom inside he could bear a tanno 11 of vetoes. White with rag* and passion, ha poshed end kicked madly. There was a shot from Inside, a ballet seme through tbs door within an inch of hi* head than th* crash of brakes crock ery and e man's gross. With a teal effort Quest dashed the door la and staggered into tha room. I sanra was standing la the tar comer, th* front of her dress Corn and blood apoa her Up*. Bhe held a rerotrer In her hand, and was covering a man whoa* head and bands were bleeding Around him were tbs debris of a broken lug "Ifr. Quest!" she screamed “Don't go near him—rre got htm covered, rm all right” Quest drew a long breath. • The man who stood glaring at him was wall dressed and stfll young. He was un armed. however, and Quant secured htm In a moment "The gtrt'e mad!" he said sullenly. “No one wanted to do her any harm." Hardaway and hls men came troop ing np the stain. Quest rallnqitahsd hls prisoner and went over to Leaora. 'Tv* hern . so frightened." ah* ■ebbed “They got me In her*—they told me that this wee the street tn which my suit llred—end they wouldn't let me go. The woman wag horrible. And this afternoon this maa cams The brute!" mfucwb uiiovu iu uwuawBj. Til taka th* young lady away.** ba •aid "Too know wbara to Bad ea " Lsaora had alnoat recovered whan they rwaahed tha hotal. Walking ap and down tbay found tha professor. "My friend!" ha exclaimed—"Mr. Onset! It la tha deal) Incarnate agalnet whom wa flghtf" "What do yoo mean V Qaast de manded The professor wrong bis hands "I pot him IB oar James (I pris on.' b* declared "Why should I think ot the secret passage? Mo one has osed It lor a hundred years. He found It, learned tke trick—" "Too mean," Quest cried - "Re haa earspadV’ the professor brake hi. "Cml* ha* escaped again! Tbay am searching for him high and lew. bat he has aeae!" Quest’* arm tightened for a momeat la Lmmt’a It wag eartoas bow be teamed lo hare loot at that momeat all aeae* of proportion. Leasts was •ale . . . the relief of that sue thought orarshadowed everything else la the world. The fallow east get far," ha mat* "Who know»r* the professor re plied. dolefully. They had been standing together la a BUI* rsoass of th* ball gad da sty Lowers whoa* (so* was tamed to ward th* satraas* door*, gar* a Httls say. Iks took a gstek step fbrward. "Learn!" she exclaimed, woader ! legly. "Why. If* Laym!" They all temad around A yeoag woaag had jn»t sateaed be hotel. Mowed by a porter carrying some htggngs Her arm was la a si lag sad them was a bandage around her fere heed. tha walked, too. with the help ef a stick she msoghlaed them at •see sad waved N gaylr "Malle, you peep!*!" (he dried, “•sea rwa yoa to north, ahf" They were tor • metaeat dam founded Lea ora woe th* drat ts Bad word* -Bat When did yea Start. Imgmr eh* asked “I thought you war* to# 111 to mesa far weeks - The girl smiled awetamptaowefy. ,"1 led throe day* after yea. ea fee Tatoar Balrif aha regard. "Th«g wm seme trtmhto at Flyuaeath. gag 0 wa camn into Southampton eatly thle morning, and bar* I am. Bay, baton wa go any further, tall ma about Craig." "Wa>e had him.” Queat eonfueoed “and loat him again Ha Moapad laat “Where from?” Laura naked. “Hamblin boat#.* “Bay, la that anywhere near tba ■oath eon at?" tha girl demanded u mindly. “Ifa not far away.” Quant replied quickly. "Why?" "HI tall yoo wky,” Laura explained “I waa an tare of tt at anyone could bu. Craig panned m« |B Southampton water thla mo re lag. being rowed out to a at earner Hot only that, but ha racogntied ma. I taw him draw hack and hide hie face, bat nomchow I ooaldnt believe that It waa realty ha. 1 waa |oat earning down the- gangway and I nearly tell Into the tea. I waa no aorprtaed.'' Queat wee already turning over tha pagea of tha timetable “What waa tba at renter — he da ntanded “I found oot,” Lean told him. “I toll you. t waa eo aura of tte being Craig that I made Do ead of Inguln loo. It wan tba Barton bound tor India. *rel atop Port Batd " "When dona aha ealir' Queat aakrd "Tonight—eoaewfaere a boot eereo," T a nra pnnlla^ Qnaat glanced at tha clock and throw down the timetable. Re taroed toward tha door They all followed him. *Tea for Southampton.- ho en aounood. Tm going to try to (at os hoard that e(earner before aha aalla Lenom. you'd better go o petal re and tla down. TheyTI give you a room her* Don’t yoe etlr out tm I come hack. Professor, whet about your “I shall accompany you," the pro faaaor declared. -And nothing." Lanora declared. Arm It, aa aha caught at Quaere arm. “would heap me away. TU telephone to Scotland Yard, la earn they earn to seed a man down.” Quaat decided They caught a train ho Southamp ton, where they were joined by a mao from Scotland Yard Tha tittle petty drove as uelckly aa poealble to tbe docka “Where dote the Batten start from r Quest aaked the pternaater. « The man pointed aet a little way down tha water. "Khe’e net la dock. atr“ he eatd “Hhe’r. lying eat yonder Ton'll here ty catch her. I'm ifrald.” he added, fteaetag at tha eloek. They burned to the edge of tha guny. “Look here." Quest cried, ml ting hla votes, -rn give a ten-poand note to enyooa who geta me out to the Bert on before aha aalla.” Tha little patty erere almost thrown Into n tug, and in a few mtnutsi they were eklmmtng acroea tha smooth water. Just aa they reached tbe steamer, however. As began to move "Jtuo up elm (aide." Quest ordered The captain came down from tbe bridge, erhtm be had been eoaferring with tbe pilot “Keep sway from tha aide there." be ahouted. -Who or* your “We are tn search of a desperate criminal whom we beHrve to be oe Q«Md liMirw Hha la a Moment. board rm •taeaar," Qaaat explained "Ploaao tako M oa board.' Tba captain ebook kla bead. "Am m bam Scotland Yard 7“ he aabad. "Hare poe «ot peer warraatr 'Wo in bam America." Quart aa ■wared. 'bat we're (ot a Scotland Yard eti with es and a warrant, rlcbt oaoech.” Tba eeptala ahook hi* bead 1 am trrmr aa hoar lata," bo Mid. *aad If* ooetta* mo Bftp panada a “Wet* U I taka pee oa board. pea'll bare ta oetaa rt«bt aloac with mo. aa btt pm tad the fallow before we're left peer tab babied." Quart to read eraeed "win m iM nr t< aabad "ThI" tbcp ell n>ln "We're eomloc. Mptala.' QaaM dm aided A rape ladder wee let dowm. The Tea farced te «o fell epead ahead In ereee the bar,' be told Qeert Tm Mrrp. bet the Mde'a feet ea the term " TVep looked at ewe aa other a Httle bbuiktp Tba prefnnr. bawerer. beamed ■Poe then all. 1 bare alwapo e naM. ”t%at Pert bald littn Ptboe ’ i.*o as ooKTormxi MOJCTGAUE HAUL Of LAND Under and by ol tha power of **4* conmmeu in a certain booty gaga mm KunniMM to w. r. nocaa -*i oy nwittoa XMoruaa ana wua, *t*> tauua Neman, wrucfi mortgage oeeu m Aevoruea in nooa ivo. no on page JV< recerua ol oanat county, ve la uil naving oeen meat m tne pay ment ox u«« ueoi tneieoy lacura^ Ukc umiereignco will sail to UM AigO eat rnuuar lot caan at toe courtaouae aoor u» Loiungtoa, N. U on moacgy lowti any ux nntn, leio, at id o clock, Ju. Um loiiowiug oeacnben nuiue; tee tract: being a part of lot No. o in me uivieum ox mo ootato at ** ui. nocamoy aa win more xuiiy *pp«ar m ma <«our. ox aaia ui vision a lecoioeu in 0044 da i iu, rage oe oiine ol A4ttg*aMur of u««ua at 4i4.u*e.t county: Deguuuag at a stake, Um eoutA mmimba»« coiner ol a o-acra uaa eOU.'. m a. a. neaaiOy by w. t. nocka «*ay anu runs aa um Ned «*A4*tAia*a lute b. xe n. kt.5b raaina bo a H4M aau cnmUL jack pointer* m a Ougc aow, dcu ma.ukcwe cor nar; inance N. 55 w. mama m a auuta anc. pointer at me ocea ui a braiAcn m ami ncciuunty • line; menco aa ma line N. * a* xodo cnaxne to a 4 take m Aiex No roan a •o me tvuwiotu coiner 01 me fr eer* tract sons u> n. A.tlnifr;; L*ence es the line of Us* sue tract o. 08 h. lb enema to me oegmamg containing <s« i-X acre*. Ana tied: usown a* lot No. 6 in use \Sd nocseaey oivimuii above referred lo ena wuiaMu aa louowe, oeginning at a corner of Use W. oocaaoajr house tract at me bean o( a insail branch Alex Uockaday's itna ana runs as saso is ns t>. i w. lo chains us a stake, hen urn Uockaday's corner; Usance as ats line b. 88 Il ia 76 chains lo a stake on the east sage of a smell branch; thence N. A hi. 16 chains to a etax* end point ers us W. y. Uockaoey s line of lot no. u; thence se his line N. 88 W. i8./b chains to Us* beginning coo tesniag 80 acres more or lees. 3rd lract: The land conveyed la the 8rd tract la all of that inierest conveyed by W. R Uockat'ay to par ty of use second part aeesgnateu aa 8rd tract in deed Irons W. 1. Uocka uay ano wife to Menton Nordeo sod containing 16 acres sod for a mors uehniie uascription see deed W, F. nockaaay ana wife to hen toe Nor ccn as recorded in Hagieter of Dead* omen of Hsnsetl couoly. 'Ibis 1 etrusry 8th, 1816. W. Y. HOCMADAY, Mortgage*. £. Y. Young, Ally. FUBL1C SALE OF LAND WHAhhAH. um undersign* rooiigsgee aid expo** to Mi* Um wrtuuuwr oeecnDed And. in tha town of l>unu, N. L. on Um Hath day or January, l»ib. urn*c and whare r red jermgan became the last and mgSest bicmtr for same at the price ol i ainy-two handntu and seventy nve oouara and Sa* refused or fail ed to pay for same attar aanso has omtn oemanaed of him; Now the un oursigiMd by virtue or tnc power of eaie contained in a certain mortgage need executed to turn by W. L. Mod ton on um rath day of March, una, anu duly recornad in Ovok No. lid, oa page oev records of Barnett county ana by reason of Ua said reed Jar rugae refusing to pay for •am property as D- uud purchaaa ne agreed and pro mi tea to oo, ina uduaiaigned moi tgagee will sell to Ac big ban burner tut cam on tha premia** in Uunn, N. <J., on Friday A* Irtn day of Mercn, 1*10, at Id o Clock hi. to aauify skid mart gkge derau.t having been mao* la a* payment ol same and the refus al of laid Fred J or tug an to comply with hi* contract, the following des cnbeo bouse and lot A Ibo town of Bunn; beginning in the south margin of Broaa street at a oouit 70 feet from magnolia street, Mrs. Jackson's cor acr, and ran* thane* southwardly with Jackson’s tine, parallel with Magnoua street 8uu feet to Camber lend street; thence saatarardly with Cumberland street to the alley 70 feet; thence with the alley sod parallel with the Am line to Broad street; thence with Broad street to he beginning, it being the sauna house and let conveyed to Dr. W. L. Hudson by J. L. Thompson and wife as recorded in Book No. 181 oa page 81 records of Harnett county. Tha lot will be sold Am In halves and then as a whole end sale that bring* most will be confirmed. This Febrnery IS, 1818. E. r. TOUNG, __ Mortgagee NOTICE OF BALE By virtue of the authority grunted by u certain Deed of Trust executed by B. C. Tty lor sad wife, Minnie layior, to J. a Clifford, Trustee, which sold Deed «f Truet ie duly registered la Book 102, Page 924, in the other of the Register of Deeds of Harnett county, taa undersigned. Trustee, named therein, wU on Saturday, March 25th, 1919, at 12 o'clock M. offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the door of tho MwMdpal building In tho town of Dunn, Her nsu county, North Carolina, th* following described real aryl person al property, to-wit: Meal Estates The same being in AveraMwro township, bounded as follows: Be ginning r.t a pins stump, Andrew Tart's comer, and rune thaeice North 90 West 10.20 chains to a stake at a 4tah. John Norris' earner; theacn North 70 Bast 12.72 chains to a stake In Julius Stewart’s lias; »him Stuth 20 East 10A0 chain; to Jul ios Stewart’s corner; thence direct to the beginning, cssit-inlng 21 1-2 sere*, more or lees . Personal Property, AU end singular the stock of foods, wane and nwrekandise of rrery kind whatsoever new located and contained within the store bulld iag on East Bread Street in th* town ef Dune, which store building belongs to O. F. Peas, and la th* MUiag la whteh the mid B, G, Taytor lately conducted and carried on ,kia mercantile business; alee aB star* hrteree and Store furniture ef any and every kind including show eaaee. counter*, iron safe, table*, typewriter, sewing machine and any aad aB ether fixtures new located b the stem bnOdtor above referred t* Invenytory will betaken ef the sdTreetea. This the Had day ef Bab., 1212. J. C. CLIFFORD. Tiueto* .i

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