local A. C L. PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULES: Southbound. No. 88. 6:18 A. M No- »8- 6:82 A. M Nr 88. 8:48 P. M. No. 38. 11:27 P. M North bound. No. 84. 6:18 A. M Nr 80. 12:62 P. M. Nr 64. 7:41 P. M This I* clean-up week In Dunn. Are yon doing your duty? Miai Ruth Jones, of Beneon, spent Sunday here with friends. Mr. JL A. Stewart, of Raleigh and LiUmgtou, is in the city this week. Mrs. Wiley Barnes, of Raleigh, spent several days this week with hire. Ed PurdiR Mre. M. L. Wade anil sister, Miss Clara Pope, spent Thursday after noon la Fayetteville. Mr. Lucian Tiam, of Richmond, Vr. representing the Evertlt, Wad dey Company waa here Friday, Mr. Harvey Tyner has returned from • visit to Petersburg, Rich mood, and other Virginia ciueR Frederick H. Brooks, of 1mm. flald. Judge of the Johnston county Recorder's Court, waa here Friday. Mr. Byroo Ford, of Raleigh, spent Monday here with Mrs. Ford, re turning to Raleigh Tuesday morn Ing. Squire J. R. Godwin left Tuesday for Rocky Mount, where be will spend several days visiting his daughter. Mr. T. V, Smith, cashier of the Bank of Cape Pear, returned Satur day from a week s visit to Laxing ton, N. C Mrs. J. W. Nobles, after spending a few day swllh her son. Mr. E. J. Nobles, returned Monday to her home at Rocky Mount. The furniture department of the Barnes 4 Holliday Company's stores has boon greatly improved by ths addition of a now floor. "Freckles" will be the attraction at the Opera House here next Sat urday night The show comes high ly recommended and ia said to be s good one. Mr. Mason, of Wilmington, die triet manager of the Metropolitan Lifa Insurance Company, was in the city Friday, working with the local agent, Mr. McFadgsn. Quit* a number of the people of Dunn and this section of Hsrnett were in Lullington Moruisy to be present st s mooting of the Demo cratic Esacutive committee. Mr. John I*. Johnson left Monday night for Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, whore hr will pur chase the spring stock of goods for ths Johnson Brothers store. Squire J. R. Godwin returned last week from a two-week’s visit to His •on in Jacksonville, Florida. The Squire returned much Improved in health and says he is feeding fine. Mr. 1. W. Medlin, Field Secretary of the North Caroline Conferencr Kpworth Ixsague, is scheduled to da liver an illustrated lecture here on Africa. Thursday evening, March 10 Mr. Ellis Goldstein returned Sat urday from a two-week's visit to Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, where he purchased the Spring line of goods for The Coldatoin Com pany. Hr. James B. Strickland. of Dil lon. 8. C., h»B accepted • pewit ion In the atom of J. W. Jordan and wilt be hero permanently. Formerly he was with the Arm of Bel) and Jor dan at Urn above-named place. Miae Georgia Milo, of New York, has arrived in the city and Ukaa charge of the millinery department of B. Fleishman * Bros. She anil be naaisted this season by Mise Mar tha Taylor and Mrs. Mary Mitchell. Mr. U. N. Bissau was In the city yesterday. He is Dow located on the htft farm belonging to hie eon. Dr James Bissell, of Cornell University. The farm is in Cumberland county and la being improved along eefen tiAc lines. Mrs. Will Taylor and daughter re turned yesterday to their homo at Greene boro. sfteT spending several days bars with relatives Thoy came to Dunn to attend the burial of Mr. 0. B. Cash-well which took took place Sunday afternoon. Mine Agnes Warren, who is teach ing in the graded school st Lacema, spent Saturday and 8anday here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gse. Warren. She was accompanied home by Mies Loots Murphy Faison, ano ther of the teachers of the Luca ms school. The Singing Claes at the Oxford Orphanage artll give a concert at the Opera House In Dunn next Fri day night. March 10th- This means aa enjoy able evening for all who at tend. Tile price of admission Is emeu end the people of Dona should patronise the concert liberally. Mias Grace Holliday and Jaunita Crockett, of A. a College, Wilson, soent Sunday sad Monday hare at their respective Vanes They wore oaeompaniod home by Ml sees Emily Mldgett. Mary Praetor and Char let*# Hedge*, their ? -Son! mates They ell returned to Wilson Tuesday Mr. Alfred Wilton, of 8t. Peal, t in Ui* city today. Sea "Practice" at tho Opera Haas next Saturday night. Mr*. J. It. Butler U spending tin day with relative in PayotWviUa. Mrs. Georg* Owen* returned Mon day frum a visit to rvlatives at Lo cams. Miee Vir* Ployd, uf Orujn, arrive* ; yesterday to viait her brother, Mr G. M. Ployd. Mr. John W. Draughou ban return «d from a business trip to Baltirmor* and New York. Mr. Howard Fariey, repreaenttai the Keystone Type Foundry, was it the city Monday. Mrs. L. D. Oebnam, of dolma, wai here this week visiting her daughtei Mia Archie Hooks. Mrs. Colon Lee, who has been quit* sick for the past frw day*, is re ported belter today. Mis* Julia Holt Davis, of Bentoo •pent Sunday in the city the guest of Mrs. McD. Holliday. Mr. Black Lee, of a mi th field, il spending tho day in the city will his mother. Mrs. Colon Lee. Misses Maude Breeden and Jam Gibson, of South Caroline, are guest* this week of Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Bain Mr. J. H. Pope, who has been con fined to his room for several dayi suffering from grippe, is repo no. belter, Mrs, H. L Godwin returned yes terday from Washington where ehi ha* been spending several weeki with Congressman Godwin. Miss Maynard, of Baltimore, ar rived Saturday and will have charge , of the millinery department of th* Goldstein Company this epring. At the meeting of the Republics* Executive Committee in Raleigh lari week Mr. A. P. Series, of Dunn, arai , elected a member of the committee Mr. T. C. Young, manager of Uu Dunn Hardwood Manufacturing Co was in Raaford yesterday on bus! nca*. Miaa Ruby Godwin, who is a stu dent at Greensboro College for Wo men, arrived yesterday afternoon am will spend a few days hare with rel atives. Mr*. Lloyd Wade Entertains. Mn. J. Lloyd Wade was the charming hostess to the Thursday Afternoon Q4>i and additional guaata, at her attractive home Iasi woek. The living room waa a accni of spring l ore lines* with its profus ion of beautiful white hyacinth* in termingied with great fern. Mr* C. J- Smith led the meeting which proved to be very inter**ting. Thi minutes of the lest meeting wen read and approved and the roll call ed by Mr*. R. L. Godwin, each mem ber responding by mentioning *oro< current event. The subject for tlx afternoon was American Music. A piano duet. H Trouertoire.” wai rendered by Maadames R. L. Godwir and Lloyd Wade. An intarcstiny paper, "The rise of secular music ir America," prepared by Mr*. J. I.loyi Wade, waa read by Mr*. Nat Town send. Mr*. John Kitagerald, in bej usual captivating manner, sang “Be cause." “A Poem" waa read witl much expression by Mra. Clifford nnd Mra 1. Faison Hicks read I most Instruct, v* papar on "Th< growth of the orchestra in America' After the exchange of hooka, : delicious five course luncheon wmi served. The members of the elob in at tendance ware Meadamea J. C. Clif ford. Faison Hicks, J. W. Fitzgerald Jno.Tbomton. Horace Freeman, J.W Whitehead. H. O. Mattox, tf. A Townsend. Chas. Qighamith and R I- Godwin. The special guest* wen Meadamea J. J. Wade, Jack Lee Wm. Thompson, B. O. Townsend Zab Vance Snipes nnd J. R. Butler. Merry l)ei»ee Rook Oik One of the molt Interesting an* entertaining social gathoringt ir town for quite a while was that ol the Merry Damea Book Club on the afternoon of Tuesday, February ; twenty-ninth. The meeting was a guest of Mrs. C. D. Bain and it waa at her very pleasant home that *•' the members of the organisation sart one and quits a few invited friends spent the very enjoyable occasion Everything was resplendent with in numerable contributions to the pleas ore ef those present, all contrived by the "Bess Dams’* of the dub, th« hostess. It le impossible to enarrey definite ideas of the many incidents I In which the guests participated from which they obtained great big lumps of purs merriment. The CJub ha■ the correct appellation, for t morr Jolly membership ne organisation poatesees. What they can't do f« fan, entertainment and instructive neas ne other group ef women need attempt. After the usual exchange of views seasoning currant events about the town and elsewhere, and tha transaction of the bn etnas* ol the Club, e sweat course and erye tallied pineapple were eerved. Bo side the entire membership of tha Club savo one. the following wen present: Miaeet Broaden and C.ih son, of McCoil, S. C., honor guests Missae Viols McNeill. Mamie Staph ana Win Cooper, Belli* McColmaa Pauline Herring, Ira Pearson; Mas damea R. 0- MaUex. H. B. Prccroa-’ B 0 Tewnaend, J W. Whitehead Ches HlghemKh. I WHO GETS THE MONEY YOU EARN T DO YOU GET IT. OR DOES SOMEBODY ELSE WHO DOES NOT EARN ITT YOUR “EARNING TOWER" CANNOT LAST ALWAYS WHILE YOU ARE MAKING MONEY BANK IT AND BE FIXED FOR OLD ACE. JUST A LITTLE THINKING. BAtltt IYiT*1 MI WE TRY » TER CENT INTEREST STATE BANK & TRUST CO. HYOUT CLOTHhri KJiO.M DAWN TILL Dl.SK An Economical aiul Comfortable No th* lor hammer; Bright Colors Ntw Yorh, March 7th.—If all pre dictions prove tree the coming aum m«r should be a most economical one for the family with daughters, fashion says: “Sport clothes from dawn till duak, and after dark, a* simple or aa elaborate ar. evetting frock aa the fancy demands." Da sidts being decidedly practical a< d money-saving, this regime should la comforting and comfortable to a de gree; just stop for n moment mid consider how many puzzled moments aill be saved, and how many times one will be spared that eternal ques tion, "what shall I wear today*" A good supply of smart linen blouses, a sport akirt or two, with a chic sport coat, and one's srardrobe trou bles are solved during daylight hours after. It is a simple matter to select a dainty dance or dinner dress of net. or rale of the exquisite summer fabrics now in favor, and don it in perfect peace. On* mutt wonder at lli* sudden enthusiasm for out-of-door sports being shown by the American gif! this season; we have boon grodua. y coming to it, but this year it look as if wo were ou* and all to rat* up sport for all that it Is worth, or a*, least to look aa if we adored Iannis, golf, boating, swimming and the numberless other excuses fnr gcttli p out-of-doors. Boms Charming Effects. We have been gradually accustom ing ourselves to the vivid reds ycl lows, grsens, and I bo varioui start ling plaids and stripes which blerd so effectively and harmoniously with the blue skies, and green grass of the simmer Adds the mountains an > I A Middy Suit of Uim th* ■Hot*, whori torn* of us or* for tonal* mN|h to dream thr rammer through, and other* are privlledgre te spend a playtime week or two. Among the smartest af thn now •port auita are many af silk jarwey, or aa it ia porhapa more generally known, Italian etlk. Thee* salt* nr* often mad* with eont of a plain mi nt, emerald groen. for Instance, worn with a smart abort skirt of black and white stripe* While or rrctm eerg" too. it a faworHa.. combined with th" , coat of acarlot. emerald, or bright bloc. The coot Is atua'ly enffod. rol larwd snd belted with the matorta! !• * 'h' »V**t one see* n I. ...• rf f r|r*s ">b ki t r.f ]>|<|i" material. Th* silk Jersey <vn*t * CAROLINA PHOTO COMPANY W. A. CASQUE. Muicr. All Slylei m erged portrait*. .. East Mala 8L, Dana. N. C.... T. K. DARDEN Veterinary Pkytlran. Harfaon and DentlaL PHONES: DAY, no. 80 Night, No. ilKi Dona. N. C. FRANKLIN T. DUPREE, ATTORNEY AT- LAW Office In Grurory Bldg. ANGIES, N. C E. CARLYLE WEST Attorney and Coenaellsr at Lao First National Bank B'tildlng Dean. N. C Miaa Kaubc Gertruds Jackaue taarher af Piaao, Harawuy and Theory Tsl.ahao. US. i c o.n'o.-d—■ iqiMi i i CLIFFORD * TOWNSEND ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW nrve on 2nd floor of First Notional n*nk. Prompt attention given to all burin waa spoil cowls of other materials will be worn with all types of frwck this summer; for in spite of the popular ity of the plain I.loose and skirt, there arc «ny number of attractive tub frocks baing shown just now,j and I am quite euro that they will lie worn quite as much aa In seasons more fascinating than for many a1 year. This it another practical and I economical notion. Charming Sport Blouses. Simplicity af cut, combined with the daintiest possible of linen, virile, organdy, or tub silk is the recipe for the most popular of the summer Mouses, to wear with tailored suit, sport coat, or separata skirt. WOMAN’S CLUB Program Music Department af Wo man's Club, Friday Afternoon, March 10. Crude* School. Subject, American Mule. 1. American Composers—Mr*. T. L. 11. Young. 2. Nason-Dante * antique—Duet Misses Ruth Caahwull and Irene Par ker. • t < 8. Carrie Jacobs Bond— A Little Pink Rote—Vocal Sole, Mtse Flora McQueen. 4. McDowell's Life—Mrs. Gran ville Tilghman. 5. McDowell—To a WUd Rose, and To a Water Lily- Misa Gertruda Jackson. 0. Charles Marshall—I Hear You Calling Mo—Vocal 8oh>, Mrs. J. W. Fltagorald. 7. Romance of Stephen Foeter— Mra Ruesell Young. §. Nevio—Dawn, and Gondolier, and Good night—Mlee Iva Battle. •• Victor Herbert — Gypsy Love Song—MU* iv* Peeraee. 10. Dr. Wm. Kaeoo—Mra. J. W. Whitehead. It. GottodiaJk—The Spark, Op 70 —Mlaa Mabel Lynch. IS. Cattaehalk—Creole Byea, quar tat—Mlaaea Clifford, Battle, Hood and Lynch. The public la cordially Invited to attend aa the program trill prove to be both entertaining and inatmetlve. MRS. I. U WAD*. Dm Irmas Mode Department — — - ■' v ■ By a vote of M to 14, admlntetrp tlon forro* In the Renata Friday ta bled Senator C.ore'a Vmolation to w*n Am clean* off the ' anted ehlpe of the European hoMgeront*. Sen eter Goto voted to tab^a because be did ne* favor M* crwn awbotltate and •• C • ee l I* merely M get an a* - r*rr elm "f tha SenatgjMpd Bom ^PREPAREJNESS! $ * • ‘-A Is the watchword of tho Nillonr, tun) |irf|i»iitiim it luimc to fight diseases Is just a* Important as for National defense. One of the flrat step toward this plan of Prepa redness Is in fully equipping your kitchen with Kaultury Cooking rtentllt. The medical world declares that all other uirlalMiMd lor cooking purpose** are relegated to (lie scrap heap of thekilcheu. and un aniuiouflly endorses Aliimtnuin Ware. JR* ""T Mlcheu In (hi* community with these wonder,ul utensil*. Call or phone for particulars. c fT To the first fifty patroae who trade 91.00 or More oa the above H ahsot«tr!iT><^U,,S “ Alaadaaai Card, we wffl give if htoolwtely free a aattaad pepper set auaaiactared la aare Alamla. (T “ •«< «• each easterner. This Is taaAttlea to the uuxt free offer. 5 JOHNSON BROTHERS 5 DUNN, .... N.c SALESMAN WANTED TO SOL1C it order* for lubricating oil*, rrcaaea and paints. Salary or Commission. Andreas Tha Viator Oil Co., CUsaUnd. 0. FOE RENT—ONE OF THE REST located boarding houses in the town of Dunn All modern con vania ness. For further inform* tiou tea McD. Holliday or Sully Cooper. Dunn, N. C. FOR ANYTMNG IN THK PR1NT inp line luidreaa the Pope Printing Co.. Ouick scrvire, tatitfacinry work. RESIDENCE FOR SALK: — THri Mittea Herring offer for inlo their handsome maidenc e near graded school building. Easy terms. Ap ply at ones to Miss Vara Herring Dunn. N. C. , IF FT DJ A MONUMENT, TOMH stone or iron fence you want, toe ui before you buy. We have the right prices and gut rente* satisfaction. Southern Marble Work*. Dunn. NOTICE Notice ii hereby given that appli cation wfl! bo marie to the Governor ef North Carolina to pardon John l William,. who wn convicted of veil ing whiskey in the Recorder', Court of Dunn. N. C., on tho «th dar of January, 1916 and anyone who e no poert to said pardon to Ale t.ieir protrat with the Governor by March 24. 1918. This 8th day of March, 1918, C. L. BAGGETT. Petitionei. E. C. West, Atty. BARNES * HOLLIDAY ROBBED The Barnca t Holliday store, worn broken into and robbed last night. The burglar entered at ooe of the alley window, after be had cot the Iron rads protecting the window with plyera stolen from June Jehneen’a blacksmith shop. The plyera were not removed from the arena and. were recognised this ararnlng by Hr. Johnson. More than s hundred doners worth ef pistole sad’ Car tridges were taken from the store. The street light a were set horning last night and Urn town eras in total darkness wkh the exception of the light furnished from staree and ree tdoncea, which gave the burglars an excellent opportunity to do their work. Ne one has been snooted yet 8LIB AWAY AND MARRY Yewr Couple, Felling at A lexer 1 dr la, Ve, ere am cried In Reckvilk. hi, Bride It and Greom M. Alexandria Va. Fob Tight If board In Hymen', bond,, tied yeater, ter day afternoon by the Rev. Mr White, of Rockville. Md., Mr. and Vr- H HnrV. ho«h non of Dunn. N. C spent the Aral nlgV FARMER FRIENDS EAT AT THE DUNN CAFE BEST OF FOOD. MOST SANITARY SURROUNDINGS PUCES ALWAYS KBASQMABLE at Lhe.i honeymoon a, tbr Hotel hammcl iat this city and wu] depart for L>uiin this morning. Tha onoc, formerly >aa Mis. llarjont Deb nam. is, daughUr of L. D. Debnam, baokar ana prominent btoineea man of Selma, N. C.. about 25 milse from Dunn. When Hr. Debnam went to Washington on Thursday he was se cern pa mod by his pretty dark-eynu daughter. Mr. Archibald R. Hooka, 22, cotton buyer at Dana, X. C. had in soma myatorioua way laarnad of tba journey and arrived in Washing ton about 11 o’clock yesterday mor. - In*. In an erjuaiy strange manner Hr. Hook* learned where Mr. Deb and, his daughter were stoppig. The rest seemed easy, Put It was not aa easy as It seemed- While the Selma, N. C. hanker wee engros s'd in bosinees affairs the young cm.pl met at the Raleigh Hotel and they "slipped over” to Alexandria. Under the laws at Virginia both parties to a Karri age contract mast have ar rived at tha aga of 21. The Scenes clerk was sympathetic, however, and suggested Roe Wills, Washington's other Gretna Oreon. When the young couple returned to this city late in the afternoon and the bridegroom proudly wrote on the hotel register “A. S. Hooka end Mrs. Hooka, Dunn, N. C. It was evident that a eewly wed held the pen end the ro manc e toon unfolded_Washington Rost, Largs Aaaeeat at Available Pnli Par Street Impravemisl. Mr. D. C. Puses 11. president of the Bank of Cape Pear, appeared before tbe commiseloners at tbalr regalar maothif last night and offend to load Um towa I SC .000 for twenty years, to improve Um streets of tke 1 rltjr. He told them Um money was ready Is ba pis cod to their credit ct [ soy time, Um notes to bear B1-4 per trot interest. It asms the propo sition of Um Bask of Cape Psar is liberal eswrugh, provided Um town wants to trend tbe money In this oray at tbis time It Is a Mg nmp ! asltton. however, sad sneak* well Toi I a hankie* Institution In a town Or j site of Dunn. *Tb» Men of War*-,•' f.-ata-t-a tVBtan Lac keys, Harr]' Myers and Re»isary Tksby at Mpm flatarday 1 aftsmaaa and algbt. Skew atarii at I t'dtU, - _M IhAAC WILLIAM TAYLOR Whereas, our Supreme Giand Maater m Ilia Infinite goodness mud wisdom has nwae fit to summon to that Celestial Lodge above our wor thy and as tee mad brother, Isaac WU •iam Taylor, therefore, bo it resolv ad; That while we bow In humble sub miMtom. to the will of the Supreme A rcbatecl of the universe, we do not tl» lees tuuitrn for our brother. He waa ever faithful and true to his ltn'cs, active and zealous jB his work as a Mason and always ready to ad vance the Interests of th* ordor. W« chensli his memory for his noble qualities of bear, his true friendship and Us faithfulness to Us brethr.u. We sympathize with the stricken family and th* mourning Mends end commend to the Great Oosnforlcr above who daetfa all things for the best. And be it ferther resolved that th*** resolution* be sprMd upon the minatos of this ledge; that a copy be forwarded to tbs family of th* deceased; aad also to th* Or pbaa's Friend aad Masonic Journal with a request to publish same. O. PRIMROSE. J. W. DRAUGHOV, EUGENE T. »-»■, I WHAT MANNER OP TALKERS ARB THESE? Siaitkfield. March XpartarU. at fifty and m hundred dollar* •ack m botnf offered for aale In lahaMan county, by a oouple of mat •Ubo pretend to be expert oeaHeU. They ere hum come W*i earth and tmeel through the country In any tollable eeuaayanae. There m two and Cram tba way they hare talked to aorta of tba people they are net aaly expert* In acnllam. bat a|«o In tatkia*. Oa# man wae taken in for *• dollar*, and another oat wua an | <h* patrt fa be taker far ana bun ; dted dollar* whan be thaught that on# handrrd iWata waa tao much , to pul in e pair of apaetaelaa, and ; rtdlmed to buy *h» ebfacta. TV ! r»a*d« r-a d-hailn* what kind af • mrn thu« a-* ard «a H po*.Me that aema n»ean<irc* wlR he taken to my rant them from Iraerlh** any far ther ” twf mnm dispatch

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