_* Oae Episode Each Week wwr wlmteoio«M of •St' , ha ku hot Jm b» •mok MU a an _ laL Ta a Mttajin _ **'• (udn In baa jam «« anthropoid a** akatoaa and a llrtn« Inhuataa saatura halt Mahay, batt «*a daauayad by Ira la his naw bar. ayycarad boa awkm buck baas* cn stain I na sarcastic. iknataalM ao(a •Wnad bra gTTarJXaiCiZ. Laura »bd Laaara. bu assist aata —W Oral#. asTHJrsy #53 ftr-iis?*Sh;Sh«ir jsEs ^ Hands Lraara Is abdaetad la Leaden ^.Tftiar^-1* TENTH INSTALLMENT CHAPTER XXII. THE SHIP OP HORROR. Qaom leaned a little forward and ■aged down tha Una of otcaBor chair*. Tha profeeeor. la a borrowed overcoat aad cap. WU radioing at fall length, at tidying a hook aa aeagulhi which ha had found In tha library. Lavra and Laaom ware both doling tranquilly. Mr. Hnrrlt of Raotland Yard waa deep la a volume of detective atortaa. “Aa a pleasure crulee." Quart re ■nrhod grimly, “thla tittle exouretoa aaaaaa to ha a eomplate anrraaa ~ Lam opened her ayae at once. "Trying to gat my goat again, eb*“ aha retorted. 1 auppoee theft what you're after. Going to let) aa, I rap Pone, that tt waaa't Craig x aaw aboard thla at earner r “Wa are all I table to make mls tnhve.- Qnaat obaarvad. “and I am to tdtaod to believe that thla ts oaa of ytaan" Lnarn'a cxpreealoa waa a little lot Tf Wa too clever tor yoa aad Mr. Baarla.* aha amid. “I cant help that, t only know that ha re me on board. ■ My area are the ona thing la Ufa I do “V yarn'll eseuaa ana taring ao. Mtae Lanrn." Harris ventured, leaning def o flatty towards bar. “thara last a on board thla ahlp, or a . ar one of tha crew, whom wa •o. We've bean tato every aad wa'ra even searched Wa'ya bean over the ship, backwards and forwards. The cap taka's own tt award baa been oar guide, and we've coadarted aa astro search an aw own account. Poraoaany. I ■net aay I have coma to tba aaaaa eooctoafaa as Mr. Qaast. At tha prop amt moaoaat there is ao each parson ao tha man wa are looking for co board this ateemer." ■than ha atthar changed into an other ana.” Inara declared obstinate ly. “or alas ba lumped overboard." “Coma an. Harris, ywa and I prom Mad to report to tba capUin this morning, t don't suppose haU ba any too plaaaad with an. Left pat through wttk It ■ ?:v f thought, when ho vaa shoving ua round th* ship,” Qaest agreed. "Horn," Harris murmured, softly, the geotlamau who wrou the rel ume of detective atones 1 am reading guta It. to hasp our eye on Brown.” . . . The captain, who waa down to din ner oousually early, rose to welcomo Qeeet'a little party, and htmaclf ar ranged the eeata. They settled down Into the places arranged for them. . An elderly lady, dressed in some what oppressive black, with h big cameo brooch at her throat aad a black satin bag In her head, was being shows by the steward to a tent by Onset's side She acknowledged the captain's greeting acidly. ' Qood evening, captain, she said understood from the second tteva: that the seat on your right hand woo1 he reserved for me. I am Urn. Fc-. foa Rowe." The captain received the annoupc ment calmly. "Very pleased to have you at tv table, madam," he replied “Aa to uk tasting. I leave that entirely to th steward. I never Interfere myself.” Laura pinched him arm. and Lcaora glanced away to hide a smile. Mm. talon Rows studisd the menu diasr yroTlngly. -More d'oekvree." she declared. "I never tench. No one knows how Ion* teen opened. Bouillon—I will have some bouillon, steward." *Tn one moment, madam. The profeeaoi came nmbUng along towards the tibia. *T tsar that 1 am a few momenta late.” he remarked, es he took the chair aast to Mri. Foe Loo Hows. I of fer you my apologies, captain. I ooa grain let* you upon your library. I have discovered a mast tatarestlag book up on tba habits of seagulls. It kept me engrossed unto the vary laat moment, nad l am hungry." "Wall, you’ll have Co stay hungry a long Una at thin table then," Mrs. Foe ton Howe snapped. “Seems to me that tba service la going to be abomln able." Tba steward, who bad lust arrived, presented n cap of bouillon to Quest. The others bad ell bean served. Onset stirred It thoagbtfally. “And aa to tbe custom." Mrs. Fusion Bowe continued, “of serving gentle maa before ladles, it la. 1 suppose, pe culiar to this steamer.’ Onset hastily laid* down bis spoon, raised the cup of bouillon sad pre sented U with a Utile bow to bis neigh bor. Trey allow me. madam,- be begged. "The steward was to blame ” Mrs. Fusion Rowe did sot hesitate ter s moment. She broke up eome toast la tba boulUoa and commenced to sip tt Tba spoon suddenly went claitertag from bar fingers, fthe caught at tba Fldss of the Uhls, there was a strange "A Mmh From tba Hand,! Laafcl" •oak *■ bar taaa. With acarcalr a mmrwmr aka faO haafc la bar aaaL 1 Qaaat laaaad barrtadlr forward. Thaaa waa a alight aa—atlaa. tji» 1 daaaar caaa harrylag ap troaa Ik* oih ' ar atda of tba aalaoo. Ho boat oaar bar aad Mb faaa grow grara “What la Mr tba aaptala l«nli Tba baatar gtaaaad at him mmm ■ba bad batter ba aarrted aat," ha •tCmT a fafcur Laaara aakad "Wa aboil baaw dtraeUr." I ha cap tala raping Battar baop roar plaaaa I Ibtab Mavard. aorra tba dtaaar aa Tba aMa bald aat Ma boad ha wttb ktw tba aap at biamia, bat Vv«y," * professor, who had been etand ; os one side, suddenly gave sent to •oft exclamation “WsIM" be whispered "Walt! I i I'TTe an Idea" | "e hurried off to his staceroozn. .0 doctor was poring oxer a volume of tabulated poteoaa Quest was still watching bit tubes, [.snore sat upon the couch. Suddenly the professor i reappeared. He was carrying a small notebook In hit hand, his manner be 1 trayod some excitement He closed the door carefully behind him. ~t want you all." ho bagged, "to listen vary carefully to me. You will discover tbo application of what I am ruins to read when I am Hu Inked. New. If yon please." “This." be began, “is tbs diary of a tour mad# by Craig and myself In northern Egypt some fourteen years »*» Hart Is tbs Brut edtry of im port: sownaT—Twsatr-mno more eootbeast of Pert Bald. We have atayed for two fan el e lutle Manser vttuure r have today come te the definite concloeloa that oril'ircpoid apea vtra at ova lima dul seas of thte country. THRuoaT-Both Craig and 1 bar* been a UttW 1WflT today. Thao* Mongers Into whoae onctmprapot v» have found way, art aoa nf th* atraagret and Horcret nf tb# nomad tribes. Tbay are dakemdod. wit hoot a doubt, from tho-en rJaat Vring®ran*, who invaded thin cmib iry boum terra hundred yaara before Christ, but have preserved ta a marvetoua way tbdrir Individuality aa a race. They hava the narrow ayoa a ad tha thick now baaa of the pure Oriental; alec much of his cunning. Ob* nf their *p*ctkl weak noaare aeema to b* tha Invention of th* moat hideout form* of torture, which they apply remorecloaaty to thalr nw ml**. WEDN EM DAT-Tbl* baa bo*a a won darfnl day for ua. chiefly oartag to whal I must place on record aa an act of % real bravery by Craig, fay servant Early thta morning, a .ma a-ret tag Hon found hi# way into the encampment. The Moogart Inhered IPo arrant cowards. They Hod right and t*ft. leaving tb* ckleTa llttk daughter. Feorda, at tb* brut*'* mercy. Craig, who la by no mean# aa adept ta the ua* of flrrerm*. chared th* animal a* Ho vu making off with th* child, and. mon- t»y good took tbaa anything oka*. mnnajr*d to wound It mortally. Hr brought th* child back to tho encamp n»*nt Juet aa tbo chief and th* warrior? of tho tribe returned from a hunting «k podlilan. Our position here ta now abso lurriv secure. Wo are treated (Ik* god*, and. ftMirodattif mr VMkaUa for all mailer* science. the chief ha* today rxpi.ikw! to me many of th* secret are (•rib nf the tribe. Amongst other thing* ho baa shown me * wonderful secret poi son. known only to tMs trfbe, which thoy call Tee damson. Tt bring* almost Instant death. an« la exceedingly didPolt to tram Th# addition nf auger reuse* a curl ore condensation and rv*o|v*n It almqgt to a while paatn. The only antidote la a sub rtanre which they ore boro fvorly, and. •Mrt Is axaclly equivalent ta our cam nhar 1 Th# nrofrator dowd hi* book, ret promptly rang the b*U. me Hear." bo ordered. terming fn Hik Ktwird. Th«y w«lt*4 In Ab»otvt« ■!!•&««. T>- »ugf**ttoa which tb* profaoeor'p - Vr. nir* had brought to them *ai etupe'ytag. rr*o Qnmte Unger*. ao a "•ofryeot or two later ho rub bod tiro ► nob* of «ogar togothor oo that th# content* ahould Ml lato tb* tab** of bouillon, oboob. Tb# rooalt waa nj-pleat Tb* boaltloa turned to a ••raturo fbad* of gray and bogna ilowly to Ulehoa "It la Hangar pot*oal" the profan oar cried, with breaking rude*. They all looked af on* aoother. "Craig moot b# Mr* eacogot an,' Qa**t muttered. "dad tb* bouT11e*." t/*«ra ertad. draping Quoat'i arm. "tb* bootllaa waa meant for yen!" . . . Thar* t**m*4 to bo, ramphew. among an of tb*m. a ewrtoao ladto podthm to dlocaM thin metier gad donly t sworn, who wao *tttt*g oa tb* hraag* aadoraonth th* port hod*, pat oat her band aad picked ap a oard which cm lying by M* rid* Bha dteaeod at M. at drat, oartoaaly Tboa ok* ehrtnbod. oaga from Tb* Honda! Lank!"**** TMy trowded errand bar, la that oorawlad err pop th* Ha* of tb* art tb*** b* word* baaOprd Qvoati Voa haw* oooagod Mo llat by | “*• • Hwart Cnrt^* Quart R.mork.d, -Thl, QjBsurrtOfi laua. to Ba a flufiom** ! wfte are keen, not because of your rum eSrvwdneee; simply because rats willed It. It will not b* for long. Underneath was ths drawing of the clenched hands. “Thera le no longer any doubt." Lsnora laid calmly. “Craig la oo board. Be must hare bsea oo drck a few tatuute* ago. It was kls hand which placed this card on tbs port, kola . . . Listaol Whet ■ that?” There was a scream from ths deck. They all rsoogniesd Laura’s voice. Harris was out of the stateroom Brat, but they warn all oo deck within ton seconds. La sre was standing with one band ctasplng ths rail, bee hand fiercely oetatretebed towards the tow er part of the proauoade deck. Through the darkneee they heard the sound of sagry voices ''Whet Is it. Laura?" Leoora cried Bhe ewaag roand upon them. “Craig!" She cried. “CraigI I saw hie ties as I sat ia my chair there, talking to the captain. I saw a man’s whits face nothing else He mast have been leaning over the rail. He heard me call oat and hs disap peared.” The captain cams slowly oat of the shadows, hmptag a little, and fal lowed by Us (toward, who was mar “wring profuse apologies ' Laura demand. * «• nos captain repllad. a little Unely. *T ran Into Brown bora and era both had a ahakwep." "But ha waa there a saoocd agol" Laura triad one "I bag your pardon, mlaa," Breen ▼entered, ‘bat the dock'! cloned at the end, aa yon can eee, with tail cloth, and 1 waa laanlag over the rail myaelf when yon shrieked. There want aaroa* elae near me, and no one can possibly have passed round tba deck, as you can aaa (or yotu* ■elf." "Vary well, them * hi aald, “yon people had better gat a atralt-wnltt. ooat ready (or me If I didn’t tea Craig there, rm going of my heed” flueet bad disappeared some wo ond■ ago. Ha came thoughtfully back, a little later. "Captain.* ha naked, "what shall yea eay K I tall yon that 1 have proof that Craig la oe board f" The captain glanced at Laura and restrained himself. 1 should probably aay a great many things which | abould regret after warda," ha replied, grimly. down and wall tell you what has happened la my room." Quest con tinued. Ha told the story, calmly and with out remark- The captain bald bla bead. “The *lp shall be eearobed' the captain declared, *onee mom Wall look Into ovary track and every cup board." Leaora turned away with a little •hirer It wee one of her rare mo menta of imaltns— "Toe Woel And him I Too wont Ond him!" she mannered- "And I am afraid I" » » • • * • # Lea or* (reaped the rail* of the •teemer aad glanced dowuwarda at Uo (TeaI barge full of Arab ration aad aefahaadlea la tba aaar back ground ware tba dock* of Port Bald. It wea tbatr Brat gllmpae of aaataro atmoaphara aad color. “I can't tall yon bow happy I am,* too declared to Queet. "to think that thta royaao la or or Sr err night I bare cota to bad termed. ” Bo railed grlaly. "Ceatag oa chore, aay of year Harrt* tagalred. “Wa toay whaa tba boat booth up,* Qaeot npM- "The profaooor woat of on Uo Brat barge Hare be la. kMlL** A llttla boat had abot owt from tba doeba, aaaaad by a eoepte of Arab#. They aeald aoo the profaeaor Mated to the Mora. Ho waa poring orar a aaran daiaraoat which be bald to Mo 1 band. Re wared to tboaa ouUodly Kara got awwal” Qaaat ■attarad. i Ho eaao tt might to Qaoal aad baa | eta aad crlBfod tba larraar by the "LookI" bo artod. “Leeki ^ Ba batd eat a aard Qaaat read It ▼ban to aaB ewe amaagaB yen arttb the *Mt af a Manger abMd. OeM-kyl Tba iMdil - jTtoa did yaa gat hr Qaaat da ^TbainiUapofaV-tba whole po^all" '■a’a 4aa» aal Kara toadod! That toBWT waa^parahod tota ay head by 1 *< : +>■ * mac Burned off across (he docks. On tho leading stage, mind I" The cnptsln came end pat hie hoed oat of tho door. "Mr. Quest." he eeld, “csn you spere me s moment? Tou can ell come If you Hke.“ They moved up towards him. The ceplelu closed the door of hie cabin. Ue pointed to a carpet-aareeper whleb lay against the wall. "Look at that." be Invited. They lifted the fop. Inside were see erel sandwiches and a email can of tea. "What on earth la this?" Quest de mandod. Tho captain, without a word, led them Into hie Inner room. A bugv lounge stood In one corner. He lifted tho valence. Underneath were so die crumbs. “Tou sen." ha pointed out. “there’s room fhore for a man to hare hidden, especially If be could crawl out on dack at night. 1 couldn't make out why tho dickens Hrown was always •weeping oat my room, and I took up this thing a little time ago and looked at It. This la what 1 found." "Where's Drown?" Quest asked, nnlablw “1 ran* down for the chief itaward," tbw captain continued. "and ordered Brown to bo Mat up at wee The chief steward came himself Instead. It seems Drown went off without his wage*, but with a bnge parcel of bed din*. on the flrst barge this morn ing, before anyone was about." Quest groaned aa be turned away. "Captain," be declared, “I >0 ashamed. He baa been bar* all the time and we're let him slip through oar angers Girts," ha want uo brisk ly. turning towards Inara, who had Juat oome up, 'Indian off Wa ll catch tbl* barge. If there's time Our luggage can be put oa shore when tbs boat docks." The captain walked gloomily with them to the gangway. ■'Professor,- Quest naked, "how long would It take us to get to this Monger village you spoke about!" "Two or three day*. If we can get camels." the other replied. '1 sec you •ere* with me, then, aa to Craig's probable destination T' Quest sodded. I “What sort of fellows era they, any way!" ba asked. "Will a bo safe for aa to push on atone!" “With me," the professor assured him. “yon will be safe anywhere. I speak a little or Uieir language. I bar* lived with them. They are far more civilised than soma of the In terior trfbeo." They disembarked and were driven to tbe botel, still discussing tbalr project. The professor had dlsap peered for some Urns, bat rejoined them later. "It la all arranged,' ha announced. “I found a dragoman whom I knew. We shell have four of the bast eameie and a small saoort ready tn Start to morrow morning. Furthermore, I have news. An Recllshnsan. whose description precisely tallies with Craig's, started off only an hour ago In the same direction. Thla time, at any rate, Craig cannot escape urn" , They made their way back to the hotel, dined In a oool, bare room, end •ooflt^red out afilii Into the itroatJ. The professor led (ba way to a Hula building, outside which a man was vot abty inviting all to cater. “You shall sen one of the sights of Port Said." ha promised. "This la a real Egyptian dsaelna elrl." A girl, who seemed to be dreeeed tn little more thee a winding veil, gilded on (o tbs atago, swaying end moving 1 ■lowly to tbe rhythm of tha monoto aooe music. She danced a measure i which none of them except the pro tee tor had ever eoen before, coming bow and then m eloee that (boy coild almost feel bar hot breath, end Lenorm ' felt somewhat vaguely disturbed by I the glitter of bar eyee Suddenly leers leaned forward. 'Look at the professor.' she whip pared. They ell turned their heeds. A queer change »earned to have com Into the professor's thee Hie teeth were glaamlag between bis parted Ups. bis bead wax threat forward a Httle. hie eyee were filled with a strange, herd light He wae g transformed being, unrecognisable. perturbing. Sven while they watched. Ike girt Moated eleee to Whore he eat end leaned to wards he with t queer, aeon It lag mntle. Hie heed suddenly --i iralil upon her foot Mbs toughed still mere. There was a Httle ex eta me ties from Immm. The profeeeor'e whole frame (hfiaiel. He sent shed the anklet the gtor* ankle and brat ever IL I Bit* leaned towarda Mut, a torrent ot wards streaming from her llpt. The professor answered per tn her own tan ' guaga Hire listened to him In amaie n»*ut. The anger posted. She held out both her herds. The professor tUL argued. Sha shook her head. (Tnatlj he placed some gold In her palms. Bho patted him on tha cheek, laughed Into hit eyes, pointed behind and resumed . her dance. The aaklot remained In the professor's band. “Bay. well get out ot thla," Quest •aid. “Tha girls have had enough.” Tha professor made no objection. “Congratulate me." be said. “I bars been a collector of Egyptian gold onto menta all my Ufa This Is tha one anklet I nuodsd to complete my oolleo tton. It has the doable mark of the Pbaraoha. 1 recognised It at once There are a thousand Uka It. yon would think. In the hataars there. In reality there may be, perhaps, a duseo more In all Egypt which are genuine.“ They all looked at one another. Thrtr relief had grown too poignant i for words. j "Early start tomorrow." Quest r» | minded them. i*i. * . _ Lenora, a fair nigh la later, looked down from the star-strewn iky which seemed suddenly to havs dropped so i “d®1* nearer to them, to the shadows j thrown across the daaert by tho dano tng Samoa of their Bre. Laura rose u> hor feet. "Say. I’m going to get a drink." aha aanoancr J. The dragoman who bad been holer ing around, bowed gravely and pointed . towards the water bottles She took Ibe horn cup from the dragoman “Have some yourself. If you want to. Hassan." she Invited Hasson bowed gravely, filled a cup and drank It off. He stood for a mo ment perfectly still as though some thing were coming over tun which he l fulled to understand Then hi* lip* i parted, his eye* for a moment seemed to shoot from out of hie dusky skin. He threw up hla arms and fell over on kls side. Laura, who bad only ripped her cup, threw It from her. Sha. too. reeled for a moment. The professor end Quest came running up. attracted by Lencra's shriek They're poisoned'" ah* cried 'The Voedemxoo!" Quest shouted. "My Ood! Hull yourself together. Laura Hold up for a minute.* Ha dashed back to lb air little an 1 eempment sad reappeared almost Im mediately. He threw I a sra'l head back and forced soma liquid down bar throat. “It’s camphor!" he cried “YooH be all right. Laura. Hold on to youroelf." He swung round to where ths drago man won lying, foread his raosth opes, bnt It was too late--the man was deed. He returned to Laura. Uhr stumbled to her feet. She was pate, and drop* a perspiration wer* standing on her forehead. She was able to rise to her feet, however, without assistance. “I am all right now." she declared. Quest felt her pulse and her fore head. They moved back to ths firs ‘We arc within a dozen mites or so of the Monger village," Quest said grimly. Do yon suppose that fellow coni* have been watching?" They all talked together for a time la low voice*. The professor was In ■-1 “Craig!" Che Cried. "Crelgl I «*w Ml* Fee* Thera.' dined to eooat the theory of Crete her lac approached them “Toe muat remember." he pointed oat. “that tha Hoacaxa hate thane let l*w* « *a* pert of my arraacemeat with Haeaaa that they should lee re as Then w* cot la tight of the Moarer encampment It may hara beta meant Car liana n The Mon cart hate tha dreyo re en who brtac tour leu In thta direct loo at all." They talked a little while loafer and anally Hole sway to their tents to ■laap Outride. the camel driven talked Mill, ehatterlnc away, walhlac how and then around Haeaane body la aalama prooaeckm Finally, ana of them Who learned to hare takan the Uad. broke la to aa tmpaaatoaed stream of wards. Ooea they stole away—a knar, chostty yroceealon—'Into the Bight. Thoe* feOew* seem to bar* left of their Infernal ahatterlac all af a and lea.* Qeeet remarked. Inally. from la rid* tha teat. The protester mad* to aaewer Be waa ariarp (TO BE COJfTlJtUCD.l waawu- * MllL•• was- Ml«t UiW*r uad by virtu* of tn power uf uji contained, in a certain mort r»«« owed executed lo W, K. Hocks oay by banian Norden and *Ul, Ms rands Nontan, which mortgage deed la tecordad ui book No. Uw un page W7 records of Harnett county, ue Cnuit having bean mad* in tb* pay moot ol tue debt thereby secured, the undersized will Mil to the high eat bidder for cash at Utt oourthous* door in Ullmgton, N. C. on Monday the 13th day of March, 1916, at IX o'clock, M. the following described lands: 1st tract: Doing a part of lot No. i in the division of the estate of Wm. Hockaday ea will mors fully appear m the recur- of said division aa rocordod in Bokk No. 176, Pag* IM uttlce of Kcgisier of Deeds of Harnett county: beginning at a stadia, the south eastern corner of a b-acre tract sold, to A. A. Beasley by W. P. Hocka day and runs thpnco aa the Ned Mnilhews line S. it N. XiJHi chains to a Stan* ana black jack pouuars in a bedgo row, hod Matthews* cor ner; thence N. 66 W. XI. 16 chain* to a stake anc, porniar at the neon of a branch in Alex Hockauay'a line; thence aa his bns N. X t, i-. cnaina to a stake ui ami Noraun'a une; whence S. X 1-2 W. j.lo chains u> me souinacst corner ol tae o uience Li tno unc ol tho muu uici a m i. lt» chain* w uu beginu-ng containing J4 l-i acica. iiiu timet: njiowa aa lot No. 6 in toe V* m .llocaadiy division moove lefeued to mna oouudmu me loliww*, beginning at a corner of the Vr. ». aocmaaay houae tract a. tna naan ul a email ormnch Ale* HucJtaoay a one and tuna aa aatu lui* b. i te. to chain* to a (tame, llenion taucnauay a corner; mencu aa bit liao a. »* b. iff Vb chatua to a tube on the nan •oge ul a amail branch, thence N. : b It comma to a ataaa and. point era m Vi f, Hockaday * line of lot No. n; Uicnce aa nia line N. M W. ih.ib comma to the beginning con taining HU acme more ur loam. 3rd tract: Ihe land conveytd in the 3rd tract u ail of that luioraat conveyed by M. h. hockacay to par ty of the aeeond part Uauculai aa ord tract m oecd iron W. r. Hockm oay and wile to ffenton Noroeu and containing lb acre* ant1, fur a more definite description aee ae*d W. >. Hoc km any mini wife to boo urn Nar can ma rmcoroed lII Kegiatcr of I ‘atm office of Harnett county. Ihii February Xlh, 1x16. W. V. UUCKADAY. Mortgage*. t- V. Young, Atty. ■ ' ■ ' " V ■ ■ 1 - ■ FLULIC BALK OF LAND WHk.K2.AB, lb* underaigoe mortgagee aid expose u> sale the hereinafter described land. In the town of Dunn, h. C. on the lsth day of January, 1016, when and wbare r ml Jsruigao became Ibe last and highest turner for same at the price of I'birty-two hunbred and seventy nve dollars and baa refused or fail ed. to pay for same after saaae baa been demanded of him; Now the un dersigned t>y virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed to him by W. L. Hud son on the 26th day of March, 1014, and duly recorded in Hook No. 110, on pegs 580 records of Harnett county and by reason of the said Fred Jernigan refusing to pay for said property at b- said purchase h« agreed and promised to do, the undersigned mortgsges will sell to the highest bidder for cash on the premises in Dunn. N. C„ on Friday the 17th day of March, 1916, at 12 o'clock M. to satisfy said mort Ege default having been made in > payment uf earns and the refus al of said Fred Jernigan to comply with his contract, the following des cribed bouse and lot in the town of llunn: Beginning in the south margin of Broad street et a noint 70 feat from Magnolia street, Mrs. Jsckson's cot ner, and runs thence southwardly with Jackson’s lins, parallel with Magnolia street B00 feet to Cumber land street; thsnee eastward!/ with Cumberland street to the alley 70 feet; thence with the alley and parallel with the Bret line to Broad street; thence with Broad street to he beginning, it being the seme house and lot conveyed to Dr. W. L. Hudson by J. L. Thompson and wife * as recorded, la Book No. Ill on page 31 records of Harnett county. The lot will be sold first in halves and then a* a whole and sale that brings most will be confirmed. This February 12, 1916. K. F. YOUNQ. Mortgagee NOTICE OP HALE by virtue of tbe Minority granted by a certain Deed of Trait executed by R. li. Taylor and wife, Mmnte i'aylor, to J. C. Chfferd. Trustee, which aaid Deed of Trust is duly registered in Book 10«, Page 6*4, In the office of the Register of Deads of Harnett county, the undersigned. Trustee, named Unrein, will on Saturday, March 2oth, 1216, at 12 o'clock M. offer for sals, at public auction, to tha highest bidder, for cash, at the door of lbs Municipal building ill tha town of Dona, Har nett county, North Caro 111*, the following described real and person al property, to wit: Real batata. The same being in Averaaboro township, bounded ss follows: Be ginning it a pine stump, Andrew Tart's corner, and ram thence North 20 West 1040 chains to a stake at a ditch, John Norris’ corner; tknu* North 70 Eest 12.76 chains to a stake in Julios Stewart’s line; thencs South 20 East 10AO chains to Jul ius Btowart'a corner; thence direct te the beginning, rout ining 21 1-1 •ores, more or less . Personal Property. All and singular tha stock of goods, wane and merchandise of every kind whatsoever new located and contained witlja the store build ing an East Broad Street ta the town of Durni, which store building belongs to 0. f. Pope, er.d U the building In wWh the Mid B. 0. Taylor lately eondostdd and tarried on his mercantile business; also all stare flxtarea and store fond tare of any and every kind inctodiag show cases, counters, Iran safe, tahlee, typewriter, sowing machine sad any aad all ether istorse now leMtsd la the store buBdtag above referred te. Inventory *U) betoken of the stock ef goods ini espy ef soase east be asen by calling oe the sadsrslga This the 22nd day ef rob.. 1212. J. C CLIFFORD, i