THE DUNN I V0L’ U Duun, S. l^U, lvitf RSCOKD MADE LN COTTON L rJEU D>au< Far Haw 11 a Uriel la March EscmsM 606,0*0 bales. Ameri can C*M« Goods Puahistg lhcir hif lain Foreign Markets To a Greater Extent Ttuui Ever before. Colton manufacturers used mare raw cotton during March than in any one month before in iht nation s his tory. Censes Bureau Cilriisucs, an nounced Friday, show the 600.000 bale mark was passed for the firm tin*, as far as iwcortU show. Tho axact quantity uf cotton used during tho month was 611,626 boles, ex caoding the previous roeord month which was March last year, by al most 90,000 bales. Indications art that ths year's consumption of cot tan in tha United Mates will be a record one as the cotton manufactur ing Industry ia extremely active. Up to the end of March. 4,228,9*0 bales of cotton had bann usod during tho first eight months of ths cotton year. .That ia 641,000 bales more than ware need last yaar in the same period. Cotton spindles, active during March, numbered .12A)£2£89 or lr 126,000 more than were In operation at ths close of March last yaar. Tha number of spisidlsa is a record one. Ansericaa cotton goods arc push ing their way into foreign marksts to a greater extant than ever before They are taking the place of goods formerly manufactured by countries now at war. Latest available statistics, those for the first seven months of the fis cal year of 1916, show that *d«,024. 1R1 wsap4L of _- _..S. -a_- a ton ware exported. That ia 926,000, 000 more than exported in the ixiine period of the previous year, and al most 9892)00,000 more thm the tame period two jraara before Cotton oo hand V -h 31 In ron ruDusg establishment ires 1,980. 776 running bales. exAtaiv* of iint »rs, compared with 1.741X0 a year ago and in public storage and at compresses 1,4102)89 bales, excJu atva of Uatara, compared with 878,714 a year ago. Imports ware 69,744. five.hundred compared with 200,789. Cxports were -169.437 running bales, including Inters, compared with 1,209,673 a year ago, and for the sight months 4.124.477 bates, compared with 6,689.621 a year ago. Linters not included in foregoing statistics wore; Uurd during March. 80X0 bates, compared with 83,234 last year, and for the eight months 686,016, compared with 224,272 x a year ago. Lintels on hand March 81, in consuming eutablishmenU, 169,143 bales, compared with 1612160 last year, and in public storage and at oompreaaee 209.992 bales, com pared with 100,387 ( per ago. linters exported, sod included In foregoing export statistics, were 77, 619 balsa, compared with 60,176 lost ysar, and for the eight months 11?. 678 bales, compared with 160,924 a year ago. t'ATAia-T WUUNUED IN RESISTING ARREST Lilfmffton, April 14.— Deputy Sheriff F. A. Byrd, while trying to erreet e dosparate negro, Will Bay, ia Upper LilUa Rivur Township last night, was forced to shoot in aolf deftnae and inflicted injuries which proved fatal. The sheriff was at tempting to make tha arrest under a warrant charging resisting aa of ftcar, Ray was hit three times. The sheriff and Dr. J. W. Halford, county physician, took the negro to the hospital in Duko for aa opera tion. Ho cited about h o'clock thin morning The coroner's jury found that tha (i sc eased came to Ms death by tha wounds inflicted by tbc officer and that the sheriff was Justifisd. It was shown In the evidence that the negro had a gun In Ms hands and was attempting to shoot at tha time the shots wars fired. W. J. RDWABDS Prominent Sanford Mae Passes Away In Waahlaiten. Sanford, April 14.--News was re ceived here this afternoon that W. I. Edwaida. of thia place, died in Washington City today after a briaf Ulnaaa of pneumonia Hia remains will arrive home Saturday morning at StSO, accompanied by Mra Ed wards and son. H. p. Rdwards, who war* called te his bedside last Wed aasday.' Funeral arrangements have not TV* been made. Mr. Edward* haa Head la Sanford fir aver twenty-five years and wa* rweognistd aa the prime builder of Sanford and one of its ablest finan ciers and nsihroad promoters. mi Mr Harper Holiday, a student at A Mon Callage. Is -pending the weak W with hia parents. Mr and Mm McU ■ JieUtday. LIGON OKOPPK1) FOB NEGLECT OF DUTT Poatofccr at UlUagtoa IMtral Va raal by Ik* Department. Washington, April 17.—The post | office department ha. declared va I c>nl Ike office at Ltllington, Hemet! I county, and aelted Representative Godwin to recommend e man to sue ceed former postmaster J. E. Logon, who was dropped for neglect of duty. Postoffice department officials com plained months ago that could not get Logon to answer their communi cations. They charged that he ignor ed them entirely. Repreeeniativa Godwin asked the department to gtv* him another trial. Thia waa dons but without fevornbls results. The office st UlUagtoa pays about *1.600. CAPE FEAR AMATEUR LEAGUE FORMED W. F. t lay Lon Elected President and Mr. Inua Secretary. Th* Cape Fear Amateur League, composed of (be towns at Red Spring*, Dunn, Parfcton, Raeford, Fairmont and Fayetteville was or ganised her* last night. lb* first game of the saris* will be played at Fayatterlll* May 16th between FayvttevtUe and Raeford. Du.'.n has Just recently expended 67e found at trd base . Watson left field. Each team of the league will be required to pot up a forfait at $00 to finish (he season. U.. W. F. Clayton arma elected ;president of the league; Mr. Jonas, fcaati-in. >!.■■■, The Seuthera Is Prepared. Atlanta, Ce., April 16.—Prepared ness on tbs pan of tha Southern KaDway to aarra tha government should this country bs involved in s state of war was shown ia the movement of the Eleventh Cavalry in seven special trains frets Port Oglethorpe, Chattanooga, to the Mexican border, declares the South ern News Bulletin in its current is sue. Orders for the movement ware re cmved at 2 o'clock In the morning and by breakfast time a sufficient number of Cara had been assembled at the fort for loading the heavy equipment and by four tt'deck in tha afternoon the first section was made up and ready to depart. The trains ware operated on fast sched ule, making only necraaary stops for feeding and watering tha horses, and covared the disuses of 1,402 miles to El Paso in about sixty-nina hours er sixty hours actual running time, which arms several hour* lass than the time the rovemmen 1 bad allow ed. It required . total of 122 ear* to make up the train*, twenty-seven of those being tourist sleeping cars, fifty-two stock care, and ths remain - dsr being baggage, flat aad freight rare. •' That the railway could assemble this largo amount of high class •quipment upon short notion without robbing equipment from its regular trains, ths Bulletin point* out, indi cates the Southern's preparedness to handle emergency calls from the government should any grave situa tion arise making necessary the quick transportation of large bodies of troops from mas point to another. ■oral Carrier Ess wins t ion The United States Civil Service Commission has announced an ex amination for the county of Har i nstt, N. Carolina to be hekd at Dunn | rm May 12. 1914, to fill the position of rural carrier at Coats aad vacan cies that may later occur an rural routes from other postoAcae in the ■hove-mentioned county. The an amination will be open only to male citisens who are actually domiciled j in the territory of a post office La the county and who mast the other re quirement. set forth In Form No 1977. This form and application blanks may be obtained from the of flees mentioned above or from the United Plates Civil Service Cotnmia sk»B at Washington, D. C. Applica tion. Should be forwarded '• ths Commission St Washington at the earliest practicable data. Mr. J. C. Bell returned Tuesday morning from a business trip te Richmond. FROM DUKE Duka, April IE—Tha Democrats of Duke township hsfcl a mass meet *'■« and primary Saturday afternoon ui the auditorium. B. k. Thomas presided and was alerted chairman of the precinct executive committee. Delegatee war* alerted to go to Lsll ingtoa tha coming Saturday for the tounty primary. Xnthuaiastie talks wore mada by many of the dtlaena. l erfect harmony prevailed and dom inated all the transactions of the! mealing. Arrangements wars mode to carry twenty-live persons to till-1 mgtoc Saturday. A similar moat ing was bald in Stewart's Croak, township and the following ware an-1 dorsad for ceadidaUa. 0. Oran tham for representative; J. c. Byrd and t K. Thomas for oounty eora nnesiouers. R. S. Kelly arho has bean in the ! office of the Erwin Cotton Mills Co. for some time was yesterday trans ferred to Number 8 Kills at Cooleo-I me* and will be In the oAee there I tor a few weeks. Dr. W. P. Holt and Dr .K. B. Ruff' left Tuesday for Durham to at I said the meeting of tha State Kedlcnl Society. In their absence Dr. F.j Smith will look after their practice. The yoong folks of the Kethodist' 1 Sunday School wUl moot at tha church Saturday afternoon for an I Easter Egg Hunt Kr. R. H. Knight t H. Thomas, and W. P. Brook is i the eommittoe to look after the little ' folks. PLEASES HARNETT WORKERS UJlington, April 18—The sduca I lional forces an well pleased with *ha showing made here by the ne groes gathered for the first twenty school commencement. A large' number of pupils wars present to listen to epos rises by Couaty Super intendent B. F. Gentry and Prof J.| W. Byrd, of Smithfield colored school A large parade featured th* sees ! sioo. and the exhibits from the in-! dustrial departments of th* severs, 1 schools were very creditable. -». I I n a lts i , . n, o w-mri Dunn colored schools, ia th* leader of a recently begun movement to place negro instruction upon s high er end mors practicable plane, and; the commencement showed that his efforts hsve borne fruit- No more orderly well-behaved gathering of colored people was ever seen in LUi mgtocL Gain of S12.80UW ia Remoras by State Beaks. A gain of $12^03,929 in resources for the year catling March 7 ia the) significant snd auspicious showing made in tbs summary of th* condi tions of North Carolina State hanks issued on the 13th by tbe Corpora tion Commission. The increase was to 892,471,976 and the commission confidently expects th* resources to pass tbs 8100,000,000 mark before the end of the year. Capital stock increased $876^31 and undivided profits increased 8894, 484, while deposits show a gain of over 812,900,000 and bills payable a ■ ecreams of J 1.906,070. The total capital stock ia 811.287, I 000: surplus fund 88,638,000, undi sided profit* subject to checklETA ject to chock 134,161,000; demand certificates of deposit*. (6383,000 and savings deposits (1(1822)00. linta* Academy vs. Beaeoa, In a alow and oninteraatinx game 1 Union Academy defeated Benson Batnrday on the former's diamond. | . The viaitinx »l*b artiat’a drop*, inaj 1 and wouldbc “fed so ways" ware all received eilke by the local battam. end rapped them to every part of (be field. The local twirier though bit bard at times, kept his hit* well Mattered. Wh.n the seoreman fin-: ished hi* task he found the score i stood 28 to 7 in favor of the locals. — Mr. Yooag la Maaton. | Hon. E. F. Younf, of Dunn, e romtnsnt candidate for the Con creational nomination, was la Max ton ycatorday shaking hands with the sovereigns. Mr. Young confi dently expects to carry the hem* I county of himself and Mr. Oedwin,; Harnett, and 1* receiving moch en couragement throughout the district If he carries hi* county and gets in the ascend primary he la confident of i being the next representative from i five fthrth District—Maxton Scottish Chief. Water Bond Flection Carrie*. IdUlneton, April 18—Water works work* bend advocate* carried the1 bond election her* today 77 te 4. The -ompany whose force Is now here ln •ta'ltng • sworegs and other pobl'c Improvements win he awarded the' contract for water works, and wllli I heein installation as soon as prac -| cable. harmcit oA'n clOvkk llurd Annual M^Kg to bo Hold ■ at CoatqKy 14th. Harnett Couat^Bornr Club meat, ol Coata reboot iWkduig Saturday May 14th, at H:sna of th< torn vrill vote op a |>md issae oi U16/-P0, the proceeds of which would be n-kled to the fund of improve ments. The indlrsUisru ate that thi election will enrry almost unani mously. With th* contemplated lm provcmenU completed. Ulllnytor will he one of the prettiest end clean est towns in the State. MrNRILL LED FOR MAYOR IN Yf YETTEVn.I.R PRIMARY Fayetteville. April 17—In a thrv> cornered flyht today in a mantdpa primary n'octiea McNeill far meyoi led. as fellows: McNeill. 42b; Roe* *M; Barfclnyham, **« This necea ritatns a second primary betweer MrN*ilt and Roan as there ware ttt vataa east. | A HOME GARDEN Tto borne garden ia one of the . moot important means- of cutting oown expense* anti producing the living of the family un the farm. It ij *>•» be«» ihown that bo per cent of tha supplies for the table can he fur nished Hum a good gardes the year round; therefore no work on tho . farm should be considered of mure ' importance than the work of the izui - ! deu. It la truly a source of largo' ■ PcaSt and also a uoorcc of contort! ‘ and health. Every reader of tl.'» article should resolve to have a good garden this I year. The results are sure to be! profitable If it ia gives5proper atten tion- For best reset* a h tune, can nor to save the surplus products of the "g»*den should U procured. The cost of a Conner is small. It will pay many times its coat. Select fur the garden a rich, loamy soil; teat to see U h is add; tf so, apply lime, for tha plants need a asroet. rich, loamy soil in which to I . grew. After liming, break the' 1 ground • to It nchaa deep, “edging-1 the furrows to prevent putting the l sabeoU on top. Harrow well, two j °r Ihree time*, the tame day the' breaking ia done, to pulverise the! luasps before they become hard clods' i*rspen it with ajstra enre and apply 1 barnyard manure’ liberally. R*m*m I hee that »Ll. -«-» _■ _l a ... .. ----—.w r~T ■■■ BUU wm, TJ | **■*•* property, Mr. per acre from1 $100 to *600 tm yoqr expense ae-| e®unt; so do aet hesitate to M m» Xate liberally at tha rate of tt to 80 tons par acre, if available. The tna oere should be well rotted and tbo ■-, oughly incorporated la the «dl; to | fact, 'do good forming here, if aot I anjrwWv alae oa Om farm. A wall prtpared aead bad moot b> I made, qsing a high-grade f«rU< or I with about 7 per *»r phosphate. 5| per cent nitrate. 7 per emK pel isli. as sdsrly this ss pmetie.ible, #« plying st the rate of from M - j -M* pounds per note. Time la Moat. ? The following dataa were a I *P*o$ lh» central part of th- -..j.' [28^* of this the . I II—I- tea. W | three weeks, according to oomli. -ind locstioa: January—Son lettuce, cab..age. garden peas, mustard, onions. Kant the following In boxes to be truns-j planted after danger of frest is past: I Tomato, pepper, beet, eggplant. I February—Sow garden pea. spin-' j ach, sale, lettuce, radish, turnip i j Irish potato and carrot. Transplant . I«t »nd etrawberry. March—Sow snap beans, sweet corn, cucumber, eijuaeh, eantnloape, spinach rape onion mustard pa-a ley j indish cauliflower carrot beet nod' bunch Lima beans. For later trans planting: Tomato, eollsid, cabbage. April—Row boons, sweet corn to mulvn beets popcorn Swiss chard j okra, eggplant, kohlrabi, cucumber; carreA melon parsnip squash salsify pumpkin rape, sweet potanvwi. Transplant pepper asparagus, straw j berry, tomato May—Sow beans sweet cam I squash, okra, cucun.'ier, melon cele ry. Transplant tomutoda, Jims—Sow bcuns sweet com.! «qo*«h. cucumber, m* Ion. Transplant I | wmaioe*. mft potato*.. —Sow bean* sweet corn Brus* | Ml* sprouts, carrot, rutabaga, ou I cumber perennial hardy flower Med. Traneplam collard plants. August—Sow Irish potatoes beans beets, kohlrabi, carrot, turnip gar den peas perennial hardy flower Med Transplant tomato, cauliflower cab bags, celery. September—Sow lettuce, spinach, halt mustard, winter radish parsley I carrot celery. Transplant leUace,' endive. October—flow kala. hardy peren nial flower seed. Transplant lettuce endive. November and December—Treu* plant cabbage, asparagus, rhubarb, strawberry bush fruits such as black bsrriaa, red raspberries purpla Mite and Mack raspberries, dewberries. For more detailed Information .r ply to Agricultural Editor, RnV ‘ N. C,. for Bulletin No. W on ,V i Crewing, or to the United gi-ntts » pertinent of Agriculture. tWarh f • n. D. CL, for Fanner*' fc,. Noo. 266 ami #47, on Gurd.nlng — Hr tension Farm News. VALUABLE LILLTNRTON RE8IDKNCS 18 B T UDInfton. April 14.—Mr. Blalock last his nice rrexl. eight by Are about. It o’clock . origin of the Are has not bean < -»-« ITIiTIvt], The loss Is about #7,600, with on*/ 11.600 Insurance. If you do not pay your poll Us by Nny 1M yea rennet vote In the elec-1 *l«n seat fall. It i* noet Important that ynu look afUr this matter at I <**». Only ten more days la which '• arrange this matter. U.VR.NETT ELECTS RURAL SUPERVISOR MR* Anal. Cherry Uartad Ta tha t'uauai; Saw Apprepria-ed far Club Hark. biWngton, April 1C—Harnett, -oaiii of education took anuthar for •***<1 Hep la >ta laat mooting whan it riartud klu Annie Uitr.y auper '■ nuor of rural athoola, and appro priated bir.0 for the furtherance of •«nn»a|t dub work in tha county. lliaa Charry'a home la in Scotland Nitk. Por aoverai term. aha baa been uadilng In tha Duna graded achucU. An effort Wki made by the board at the firm of tkia year to Meura her *arvuM* fur tba work aha will now Lake op, but at that lima the Duan achool ofilciuia would not content to her leaving their achuola. l'ka turn appropriated fur tha can ning dub work la merely « a tartar, Uue being tha firm year jV«i the tciiool boam ha. taken an active In ternal in the work. Other appropri ation. will be made at n and art. KKAL EfcTATK TRANSFERS The following deed* hare been H •C fur registration in the office of Register of Deed* since ear last ia I. . M. Yeung end srif. to M. P. Young, It acres in Grose township; contidcrattoa, $128. i 0. S. Young to H. P. Young, 3 arret in Grove township; conaidere H. Bennett and wife to f' R Draughon, 40 acres in Black ' i-.ur township; consideration, g 1,000 1. M. Itorcfnot sod wife to C. T. n- 18 1*2 areas is A ve rashes* ■whip; consideration, $600. *!. J. Johnson and wife to K. U s<- • n, 1M acre* in Stewart’s Creek township; consideration, $400 and, a her saleable coaatdsralfane. W'-.T. Godwin and wifa to R. U dwla, 25 acres in A verm shore "r-ahip; consideration, 11800. C„ u Gay, commissioner, to Ed-1 Jh ldt Oslo lot in Dona; coneidora-1 fftoity PwpoCTt 'wti% t8“ T*r 1.Hires * Holliday Co, one earns-! tery lot. Greenwood Cemetery, Dans t.r ,ideration, $70. R. L. Godwin and wife ar.d Hyman Fleishman and wife to trustees of Hel.iW* Presbyterian charch; oon sideration $1 and other considers i lions. '5R| S. j. Rogers and wife to A. H. I Baker, lil acres in Boekhorn town-, 'hip; consideration, $700. J. S. Johnson to Beulah Catherine I Johnson, et alt, 1M acres in John-] sonrille township; consideration, levs and affection. E. M. Fowler and wife to Wash! iiryani. 113 acres in Stewart’s Creek township; consideration. $2600. Vcetma Junes to D. d S. Ry. Co, J art of lot No- « in Block “CP’’ in Dunn; consideration. $10 and othor • o-iKiv nations, D. A 8. Ry. Co. to Vattina Jones.! pur: of lot No. 7 in Block “CP" in Dunn; consideration, $10 and other considerations. C. B. McNeill and wife, et ala, to Martha H. Buchanan, $0 acres to U. L. R. Township; consideration, $1$ and other considerations. J. P. Weaver to W. R. Turlington * «cr«a in Grove township; consid eration, $466. D- F. Wiggins and wifa to Mrs. W. R. Turlington, 6 aero* In Grove township; consideration, 5175. J, W. Me Art an to Gilbert Camp bell. 28 acres to Anderson’a Creek township; consideration, $40. J. A. Griffin and wife to John H. Fuijuay, 10 acres in U. L X town *hip; consideration. goo. J. B. Allen nnd wife to Nancy Bethea, on* lot to Bonnlesel; con sideration, $76. C. L. Ryals end wife to Mre. W. R. Turlington, 9 acre* In Grove township; consideration, $380. W. L Holland and wife to 8. 8. rogera, 81 acres la Bnrkhorn town-; . p con-ideration, $780. 1 8 -Bradley and wife to E. W. dlny and Car Bradley, M acre* Hr-tor’e Creek township; conaid ion. *** •— Hnrnoll Poet. R HTBAN N. STRICKLAND DEAD /nyei crflle, April 14.—Mrs. ftos n N St rick tend died at the brans of * r*efrhter and son-In-law, Mr. •» M i. g w. Hall, on Elm street '»*i night at a late hour, Funeral “ ’iera win be held tomorrow at 11 c’Hock. The body will be carried to "en-nn for borlal. Thy ladles of the Mlsrlonary 8c e'ety of the Methodist chnreh wfll supper at the Shell building on Moln street, opposite H«od 4 Gran tham’s drag store, neat Friday af ten,eon and evening. TV proceed. »•» go to the charch The led in* Will appreciate K If yM win drop h» and taka a lunch with them Frf !« | WBBCk ON MS* HAVEN VAJAJL ■mny Phmi Iifml 0m4 hf **»■« Crwahod mat Mum to Oto>a la < Mliatoa Mow Bradford, invar imcI i naMMd aad Maraud doHUoni. B. C April 17—Thin* or iuor« panun* wan raportoa to bava toon quail ad or baraou to oaalli in eolation of train* on tho «•» lota. Maw Ha van aad Mart* tMd dadtpad. bar# lou.*bi. Tiu ac cuivut uvcorcd at 7^0 o'clock, and ivor tow a laiar wracking and boo t>*»Ai crow* wara said lo ban rocov •l.w thirl/ bodioo. Ibo dead wore in th* roar ear mi a loui-coatk local train bound from doxua i« Mew London and which uhan H W*» ran down hr th* Gilt Udgo Axpimt, bound front Hoot on -~t mow York. Ihia coach wax tetooropod. act ailia and burned. UK1 A UUW AMD PLANT A CAB DBM Advice of the 8 taw Baud at BnM to Anti-Pellagra Cwmlp . "A milk cow far every family j*. Bladaa county" ia the slogan that has been adapted In ftri with the anU-pellagra r-wipalgn *^r» ia uow being conducted in that county by the 8 Lai# Board at Health. A bulletin *o "Pellagra, Its Cura and i reventien,” prepared bp Am State Board of Health far urn la this UXit paign, advocates the “community cow” idea in teaching the imp nr aii« ef frisk milk and butter M the cue and prevention of pellagra. D <*F>: “Ktrvt and foremost in »—y—‘~i— • fresh milk and batter. Vn want to hiidM tho dap whtu every fan lord or tenant, win haee a mBea cow which will provide fresh milk every day ia the year. Further ’.*ans. Led evey farmer ia tha coun ty make his garden "king" instead of his cotton field. Furthermore, raise rhirhaas and eggs. For every osen eggs sold, le a. doean be kept at home and eaten by tha family. “Finally," the bullathi continues, "get that cow aad plant that garden now. Don’t wait anil pellagra ap pear* in yoer family to provide these every day noeaesitiaa. To fight this dies css does not require an outlay of thousand* of dollars, but simply a little intelligent forethought and af fort on the part of ovary mail, wo men and child in he county.” Boa. E. F. Taang. Vf - ma an %*__ at* .a -- » • v»*Hl W MUUII, WHV •pent Wednesday night aad part of yesterday ia Maxteu, going front here to DumWton la the interest of hie caadi'aey foe the Congressional nomination by tho Democratic pri maries of tho 8lxth District oa Jane the fird, served on tho House Finance Committee with oae of ear towns au-a. Mr. H. C. McNair, ia 191S. Mr. AlcAair sms impressed bp Me ability and is ready to say if Mr. Tseng 'hook be nominated the Math Dis trict will be ably rejneewilal Ha cKes as a reaaea fer thto eptit ion, that only six day* before the expected adjournment of the House, that body recommitted tho reran aa and. genera] machinery act to the committee erhh the inatrwettoas to change the principle epos which the fvrmur Uil was based aad report a new hill to tho House fee considera tion. Time being short the Com mittee had to work rapidly aad than tho MU was turned to Mr. Young iatn night when it was neeeaaary for him to hare H prepei n| ,, written and pat in chape to be re Ported te the Beuee for toe dm reeding by 10 a. m. the next day ta oritr that it might pais Re sorer el readings brfere the day ftxad far ad Jeircaent. Mr. Yeung aceemplub •d the task and Mr. McNair dses not believe that them are many men tohe could have done R. The rereads net It known to be <(u:te a pamphlet. —Mnxtoa Scottish Chtof. ... t Wd bar* been Informed by Meyer Tiwaage that a pipe win he put ia the ditch which rune west by too rreebytminn (hutch as tor down aa Dlrino street aad aorered ap. This will d« away with too ditto which has been da un rightly abject far many yean and will he aa emelle-ir improvement from a sanitary etaad poiat. Be *ayc the wort wfl] he corapletsd within ninety day*. Tide win be need news tor toe people who Ure In toe western part of to# city and ft i* te ha hoped that the work wifi progress with aa IRtle delay as poeeibl* that R may he rriiplittl * a#nea tka k.l to-_-to___