THE DUNN | S===^==^=r^=5HBBSSB55 V0L* 111 Dunn, ». C. 8*t. 80th, ISIS 10. IS uuai nawg Duka, Sept. 1».—Tha revival- ser vieae at tha Methodise church cloaad Sunday night after having run oas weak. A data of twenty wan re ceived into tha church and soma nam es for other churches. The pastor Bav. W. L. Kansas declares it tha best inerting ha was aver connected with. Rev. K. B, Craven of Garner satiated Mr. Manesa and did tha pnachiag from Tuesday until Sun day. This waa tha second revival Mr. Craven has assisted in at Duke aad ia much beloved by the members of tha congregating. Bav. W. Mama Hoggins pastor of tha Baptist church, returned Monday from an evangelistic tour ac companied by Mr. A, W. Bryant per sonal worker and Mias Mabel Wood worth pianist. During his absence Mr. Huggins held meetings at Clin too. Mount Olive, and Wilmington. He advises that his revival here will begin the first Sunday ia November .and that Dr. E. T. Carter of Speacer will assist him. Dr. Carter ia e grad uate of the Southern Baptist Semin ary, aad Spurgeon Bible School of London aad is a preacher of much note and ability. Prof, B. P. Dalton, principal of the graded school will roach Daks tha Both end make srnu»geenents for opening the school the seceod day of October. Two new rooms have been added to the school heikiiag during tha summer end three extra teachers will be put ia service when the school op eat 6UNDAT8CHOOL INSTITUTE The Harnett County Presbyterian Samday School Institute will rnaal at Harnett Church September 17th. AH Bonday School superintendents aad taathere an cordially invited ta attend. PROGRAM: Morning Session—0;30 a. as. to 11:30 p. m. Piaoo at Sunday School In program at Church—Rev. Gilbert Glass, D. D. At Sunday School Hour, J. L. Pair lay Sopt. Miairj wort Grading. Or—all id Oasam * ,r Kathode in Elementary Instruction. Conference. , ■ Closing Exercise. Afternoon Baaalaa—2:00 p. at ta 4:30 p«m. Haw ta equip sod conduct a one room Samday School—Rev, J. E Hall had- Mr. W. E Neat Tbm General Assembly's Standard ' —Ik, y. Wilde. Tha .Workers' Masting -E A. Gllb Leod. Tha Work of tha Teacher—Rev. Gilb ert Glass, D. D. BETTER BODIES N EEDED. Gantry's Service Crippiad an Ac sent of Ham’s Wash Badtas. That batter bodies la ooe of tha country's greatest need* it evident from tha large percent of rejections ■tads recently in tha Ame.Hcan arm aa aeoount of physical un1ta*«s oi defects An exchan— says that at least SO percent at all who present themes 1 res fer enlistment aro found physically unfit, soma of the defects being narrow chests, flat feet, pool teeth, heart trouble, weak "Tea, de fective kidneys, under weight, and aad stomachs that era In aa condi tion, to master army faro. "Prom this, it seams,’* Jays Dm State Board at Hsalth, the: tha old Injunction to cruelty the fM hai boon taken tee literally la Anirta with the result that morn si out manhood when teste I Is foun t until ter tho country's sstyw*. t it |1.U< sttentlon hes mk-e<l> km gives the body ml the o*lf iw*'i. li feet, the holy has r.vt Hal due roe si deration the appet>'c» sv other pi ness - w hi«.i mlu'ge at the expense x the body's welfare The candle of Ufa ho* been allow*, to bum at both rads with xrtrtn bodies and tasdklast aerries for that ——try — a result. Dwui-Iee The following snnounrwment bai Sana reeatred. which will be of la l*ret to many of osr readers: Mr. sad Mrs. Jeeee B. lee an non see the marriage of their daughter Katie to Mr. Nleelae DeMsI ■l>timber twentieth, nlawteea baa dred end elite— Dana. It. C. At Bom* October 1st. 411 Arlington Btraat Beehy Mount. K. 0. Mr. C. C. Murphy, of 0—share 'em a haeiaiii visiter be D—a tbl weak. Mr. Marptg spout several weeks la Dean lest fan. durteg whir' Mam ha coadurted several lewd. —la tec Morphy Brsthmu I—d Avtte OUDWIfl-MCMMU, IN JOINT CAJ4FA1 IS Jalat Canvass Arranged to Begin In Brunswick and Ekd in Fayette ville. «4I Hon. H. L. Godwin md I. C Clif ford, chairman of ' the Democratic Congressional Committee for I tie Sixth, district were in the city yes terday. and met Hon. A. L .Mi Caa kill and John R.T olar, Jr, of the Republican Committee, for t ie purpose of arranging tba Itinirary between the two candidates for a joint canvass of the district. According to the plana formulated at thli meeting yesterday the joint campaigns in Brunswick, Tuesday, September 24, and will continue un til November 4. They will close (be campaign with a joint debate in Fayetteville the night before the election—Cape Fear News. THE OLD NORTH STATE. (Dr. Archibald Henderson.) In hssrt* at si I of os, I dare any than is a dasp, abiding affection and reverence for the virtue* of a people who, throughout an historic past, have given to North Carolina the rich mallow naans oftho Old North State. I sans# those ancient virtues as a fragrant breath from some distant garden of old-fashioned flowers—a full blooded parochialism redeemed by the abiding lore of Christian faith, of family, sf Amaide; an inflexible] integrity which puts love of the truth and passion for the making of men above love of place and pnaaion for tho making of money; a rugged pro vtnaaliam which had its roots firmly fixed in love of naturalness sad a acorn for all pretenm; s granite con servation which cherished tradition and ever looked with stern disfavor upon the new and the empire. This is the Old North State—al ways fighting for her rights while neglecting her interests; generous, reckless, romantic, improvident, an. pretentious, chivalrous, and brave. Ia oar hearts is caabriand tho fi gure of the most venerable, tho most Americas at ah the sisterhood ad Am ericas commonwealth—tbs uapreten am -bsnpmpmr, ywr iimanmy suistne Rip Van Winkla of the states. POU GETTING INTO JOHNSTON 1 CAMPAIGN Kmrthflsld, Sept. 16.—Congressman Edward W. Pou, with bis son Edwin S. Pou, of the Washington Cavalry, returned to SmithAeld n few days ago. The Congressman is looking well and strong again and is in good shape for the campaign. He is strong in his praise of President Wil son and declares unequivocally that be will be re-elected. Mr. Pou does not appear to he disturbed in the least about his own prospects tor re-election. Mr. Pou will speak at Princeton next Thursday before the Wilaon-Biekett chib, end st Clayton on Friday ni/ht with the organisation of a Wilsoa-Biekeet club. The peo ple of Johnston are proud of the stand Mr. Pon has taken la Congress and especially of hla lowahy to the President. Col. Ed. &. Abel, chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee, completed preliminary organisation of the county campaign, and befoae ha gets through old Johnston will be organised as never before and great results are expected. The De mocrats are aroused end are work !■* Hon. T. W. Biekett will speak here Tuesday, September 26, end a greet crowd will greet him. Seven teen presidents sad 170 vice-presi dents of WUsen-Blckett dobs will be on the reception committee. LOST—A BOT (By Souther* Missionary News Bu reau.) Net kidnapped by bandits end hid den in s cave to weep and starve end rouse a nation to fienxied search mg. Wen that tha ease, a hundred thousand -man would rise to tha rescue if need ha. Unfortunately,-the losing of tha lad is without any - dramatic eiettonaat, though very sad and very real. The feet is that his fath er lost him. Being toe ’>eey to ah with him at tha ft reside and anawei trivial questions during the yean whan fathers srs th* graat end onlj harass of hoys, ha tot go his hold span him. Tea, hie mother lost him. Being math engrossed tat her teas, dinner* and dab program*, tha let her mate hear tha bey my hi* prayers, and thas her grip slipped, and the boj was lost to Ida brain. Ays, Ms ehsreh last him. Being t math occupied with sermon* far th< wise and elderly whs pay the MBs and having good ear* far dignity, tfc< ■ minister and aiders were tauAindfu of tha hnmaa feelings of th* bay it i th* paw and made no provision it I sermon or song air manly apart; anl . as many aadhmrtad parents are look lag for that/ last boy*.—Bel acted. N. C. TKOOI-8 TO START FOR BO HOE* THURSDAY “t'rrr c.^ Hiwpital a ad Ambulaaoe C*_ manda Depart PlnR. More bead City, Sept 18.—Entrain mmt order, were received hesr day from the War Depart®*., for the muvment of the unite of the North Carolina National Guard. Brigade headquarterm. Troops A and B.of Cavalry, First KUd Hospital, Ambulance Company No. 1 and (ha First Infantry will leave Camp Clean for El Paso Thursday afternoon. The second Infantry will follow on Friday and the Third on Saturday. Railroad equipment la arriving and it I. .aid everything will be in read i nee j for the movement of the troope. I’OPK-BARiiOL'K The following invitation hot been received: Mr. and Mre. David Barbour re quaet tbe boner of jroor preenaee at the marriage of tbelr daughter Mil dred Allen, to Mr. Henry Clean •"opr. on Wednesday. the fourth of October, nt .ia o’clock in the after* noon, at Horne Memeria 1 Church, Clayton .North Carolina. The bride-elec t ia the yo ungoat daughur of Mr. and Mre. D W. Barbour of Clayton, and |a one of the State's moot ch-rmlng nod popu lar young Indian. She ia a graduate of Greensboro Woman’s College. Mr. Pope is a nativo of Dunn, but haa made his home in Clayton for the peat three years, and it the junior member of the drag firm of Pose A Stalling*. The announcement of the engage most and the approaching marriage of Miss Barbour and Mr. Pope l. „f State-wide Interest to aoctoty. The w'*ddiag will be oca of the moat brft. nant nuptial events of the f»n _ Sunday*. News and Observer. JWREYS.DAVIS Urest to the Dun friends of Ik* eto trsctin* parties: Mr. sad Urn Frederick L. Pureafl smosaoe the encncesncnt of their coasts, Miu E®e Mijr Davie, of Undsn. to Mr. Ernest Marlin Jeffreys of Dunn. The wedding to telce place at the residence of Mr. end Hra. Pearsall, No. imn ton. N. C„ Mr. Jeff rex* Mn. P. J. I one of the young men. Klee bar of the taet jeer and Dunn and SMITH Fuquay Springs, lapt. 16—Quite ■ surprise mamage^eok place when Mr. Irring a Snith. of F.qn • Springs, and Mias feette Pcarie Hol land. of Buie's ClJBk. motored to Raleigh and were apletly Berried in the Presbyterian gfcrsonage. Dr. W. MeC. White, oihtdlbg. The groom b tM eoa of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Smith gad on* of our highly esteemed yhpsg men. The bride is the aoco«dplished daughter of Mrs. Lillian lilland, of Bub's Creek. ■ d SENATOR CLAPP' A VISITOR AT CLINTON POE THE DAT. Clinton, Sept. 14k—Senator Mom* B. Clapp, of Mhumgta. waa a Clin ton waiter laat nlghi and today. Ha la dotag tome apea^ making ia tha Third for Major QAorge E. Botler, whe wanU to oncopad Hon. George Hoed la OngTeea. and during hil ■toy here .ha waa t guaat la tha Butler home. Tha Jtimaaota Sena tor daa not effort pay eta teaman Ilka manner, but hg Vooka Hka one of the people. It la' aaid that he it making acme apaatMl that hia bear, an like. Major Butler is cmftdent that he will ilaiwi u.t. nAi. i_l._.u » moth in all of Ut« bumerooe speech •• Uwt ha haa mad* as far is Us district. But tha Ppprnata <L> n* think M Ukely that, enough people *01 humor Mr. Butldr's auS • oa tu accomplish the reauj» he. doufroo. There la no question hat that tin Butler forces are bbtb la the oee political si the Wry green Con haa bom HWa "“W ha la easy papular par oonaUy sooty*here la hla dUatet. Dunn TMtea By lni| ru-»—rt Walker. Mr. Garrett, who U nuking a hike across the continent, spent a few days here last wash, la UU ha, jeith alertn other young men ftartec out from New York apdor tho auo picea of the Olympia Athletic Aeeo elation, of Ban Vraneeico, to tme a toUl of 10,000 milee between Non York and Charleston, 8. C. Be it the only one now on the road) th< others either warn caught riding, as wrm handicapped la acme way. Hi alerted oat from New Ysrk with only one dollar, and at the aad of hii journey must here tea dollars; aad la not allowed to beg money ei breed, bat, instead. Is supposed U work, end moot all his axpenaae. Mr Oerrett baa been traveling for four toon months, daring which **■»» Im has bad many inter anting experienc es. Mr. Carratt baa 8(0 milee more »o moke in forty days. At tho and of tho tour ha wll' be made happy by receiving $10,000. NEW SCHOOL BUILDING BILL ED TO CAPACITY The Liltington School opened its doors this foil to the Urgent amo ve at children in It* history. Tha total enrollment, inciodtng all gralm, is already two hood rod end increas ing each day. At this time last year there were about a hundred sad, fifty pupils all teld a considerable terrenes over the years prsvWms The high ichooi students already number about sixty, aa in erases of flfteao or twenty for this time last year. Many of these students am attracted from outside, some driving from the neighboring communities SI far as eix and seven miles from Lillmgtea. Them am eixtsea girls boarding in the dormitory cad in private homes and nine boys, with the prospect at aa increase in the numbers pi each. It would sum tbst another dormitory in already needed to overftosrtiig. TVis wonderful growth is du to the oo-o pore tioo at tha. dtiisai af tifct dtnu at tha town and by tha people of the next/.— Harnett Bo porter. After spending a few days la thi city with bar parenta, Mr. sad Mrs W. S. Jackass. Mm. J. B. Motley re turned Friday to her hoots at Chaly beate Springs. All This Week and Next Lange’s Model Shows Modal in Fact M Wall u Noma * BASE BALL PARK IT • Owing to the fact that the grounds se* linfirP * lected by the committee of the Dunn iivuwt Base Ball Asso. was within a district where cotton was stored, and consequently would increase the danger of fire to those buildings, It was deemed advts< able to change the location of the shows to the Base Ball Parle. Both the committee and management regret very mucn 10 nave uisappomceei uie amusement-lovu. public, but under the circumstances It was unavoidable The new location will five more room on the mldwaj and Is more desirable In many ways. The grounds wll be electrically lighted and perfect enrder maintained ai all times. OPENED LAST NIGHT WHOLE-HEALTH OB 8BO HEALTHr Aa Average of Only Oh ia Treat) Bajoye Whefe-Health. "Only one in twenty eeye the Stole Board of Health,* sc Joy* whole health; the reet live oa io a Mate of semi-haalth, not ski enough to go to bod nor wall aneag) I to eagmgo in thoir work with tee 1 >ad rajoymeot. Those who KeU-itvi I from the standpoint of health, half live fToai many other view points I For toot ones, a man who Uvoe oalj , half well ia ealy half aft dent. Hi | is capable of using only half of hit meats! powers and therefor* he It I oaly half productive. “People live to a state at semi health mainly for two reasons: Flat, ! hoc* ooo they don’t know the pleas ure at good health aor do they ap preciate Its veto* hi Ufa. They havt «Mlao tote the habit of enjoyiai poor health and. really want nothing bettor. Second, they live la a atsti of satMtanlth, on account of thoir Indiscreet modes at living. They neo ally over-indulge at the dlaaer Uhls, leav off phymciol eneretoe, lee* story end get tosufident reet, fresh ail l and e»ehtoa la other words, they don’t order the affairs of the day toward aa aftciont and haalthftd life. Good health most he ordered at every m#*l and caltivatod to ev ery habit in order to bo enjoyed aad man moot to Ufa” FAMU.Y KETT5ION A Reunion of the children of the Ufa Ransom Went, at the Oh' flume P'aca abnnt eleven mil •> from low*, yraterday. Bept l*th AM of the bro thers and deter*, ten it nnpiher. nod nurlr all of the gra-id-clilldrvB wore prana at; aboat Btty la namber. Qetd a namber n* the aetgfcbor* war* IT riled to ho prefect amt everybody glad te eer each other sad* a ral good Hew war bad fj ev.vw vr'T Ahorg ec ■ o'clock Uf alb wia apraad mtt b oyvyU-Mlh+1 to •at aad tho ’.aba foartr grooved an UM ■«; good The jrpaW nf iht ——I ooofm) ha i braagh* '\nd tba moo bad barbaemed two ilav plan, as) •varybody** appetite ew-cod to be U ■ae coadktoa. After dtnotr mute was farmlahod by Mr. <Mta Ward, with hti violin odd bta good wlfri the organ. Much to the nttlornent of overyoao. and than tomn rood dnglag by tbo family. About 4 *1 o’clock the happy family bejm* tak ing leave of each other and ererybodj voted a hearty good time and every one snantmonaly voted to make tba reunion aa aaaaal affair to amembti •ace a year at the old home and apeaf a happy day together. There own aboat 1*0 preeeat la alL DKMAI-LEE. Lest olgbl at 10 o'etoek at Ihi home of Ur. and Mrs. Jeans B Las la tka eastern part of the dty. that! oldest daughter, Mias Katlo. becalm tbe bride af Mr. Nlrolas DcMal ot Rocky Mount. Tba ceremony wai performed by Her. J. M Water* pastor of the Christian church. ii tbs presence of only a few totlmau friends sad relatives, of tba nrm trading parties. The beaattfal rla| ceremony was used. Tbs birds, who has spent tba pea two rants at Rocky Moaat. whan •be has ben serving la a bosptls •a trained nure. baa a wide ctrek of frtoods who will learn of bar wad ding with a great deal of Internal i the Is a daughter of Mr. and Mn Jseae has. Mr. Lee being a pros* ; least stock dealer and baalnass MSI of Daaa. and is wall known and popt ; tar la away sections ot tba State. Mr. DsMal. who Hess at Rook] , Moaat aad holds a postrlon as can ’ doctor on the Atlantic Coast Lias. I aa saeettaot yoaag wan who Is grad • sally rising In the service of kl company Re to watt knewa «• | popular oa tha district which hi works L InatdUtfll* iflsr Ike naeamna. »V 1 ravpta left cm train No. II tor Waal testae, Cleveland and Detroit, lb [ taler dty boles tHe old borne of th trooa. and they will epend ter an J day* there with his relative* Aft* ' October dint they will bn at boa r te Rochy Mount The dtaplay a bandaoao and useful present. we ■ evidence or the popularity of lb | oonlraellas part lea. Ttaoaa preeaal from a distance t [ wl^neae Um ceremony wero: Ml# Bertha Ooablnser. Mtra Oortba Trn Mr. A. ■ Money, Mr. Talar, aa Mra Oaa. B. Atkinaon. Dr. W. a Wakefield, of Cbariott ■ N. C. wfl) be In Dine at Oentr Hotel Thursday, October tth; > I tan Owen Friday. October ft) Duke. Sat onlay. October Tth for fi purpose of treettn* dtaeaaaa of Fy Far. Nana, and Threat, and fit* (Hasses. ual war nimriB TW MmTm tern Im •tad dor ragtatratiso tm tko aOaa ad Rogiatar ad Daada stass aw Uat Pattta Kmm aad wtta to W. B. Bryant, SB4 H ion In Andaman1* Croak towaoMp. CaasldamtSon, IL MA Daad B^fkar § 4IU. A X. Bponoa and wtfs to WOao.i A Hobby, 1-1 aoroa In Bnak Dood dated Octebar A 1MZ. A. O. Wort, A ate, to Barak L Waat, IT oaraa la Baatotam towaabip. Oonaidaratfoo, $100. Doad dated April 12, 1912. B. U Patter and orUt to H. P. Uteaa. Lota Hat. ISA IBB and U1 la town od Araraaboao, aad U acrao la Aroiaabato laaaaklj Can rtdaaatioa. IAMB. Daad doted Fab roary 29, 1B1A W. J. Godwin aad wldo to H. P. Laeaa. Lots Noa. 4A <7, «A 49, SB, 51. St LA *4. OaartBtoatlaa. «B7A Daad dated Pabraary BA 1B1A J. H. Cragory aad wtfs to A B Upcborck, ana kt la Urn* od Batata CNok. Court damttaa. KUO. Doad dated Baptfbw A MLA Haroatt Foot Mr. /ease MeLaaib. who llwad aur oral miles worth ot Daae la Araraa bora towaahia. Mad n hie hone laat Moadaj eturaeee at • o'clock. Paralyeta waj (be laaothta coaaa af bit death. Ba «w atrtckea whb puralyala about a weak aco. which **o ot each a oerere aatara. (hat ha aarar rmUlad. Ba was a ilium fai tamer aad laaraa a arvdaw aad acraral chBdrea. Ibcant was df tr raara aid. tm. Bp H Md. hT^L* ta Durban Mr the pact aaaeral raara aed-bed may Meade there aa weU ea M thte eouaty who heard of her death with tow rwnt • . a « Tha Oadwte-MaCaekfll canpat*n has koaa urund aad the caaraaa ot tha Dtatrtet bectaa at Hewa Creak. Braaawiok eouaty, Taaaday. M»t- t' •■her Itth Tkay wlll'anka if i ot ea la erery eouaty la the ntotrlet, - eloelnf at Dual PrMayl. Mma- . bar trd. at t >. n. educational p looms The opadai *f the —WU aad tcUagm at the Mata te tba teat two ‘ week* baa arptiteii by tba largely ■uroaaed attaadeaea at bath public aad private heHtatlen two things: That te this State thasa te “ trar growing Intsrvat being *own i by tba paapla te tba snaaa ad ednea tian, aad Saeoad—That tbsrs te at gnat i prosperity te MscthOarettn that far ■on largely ths> ever te Ua history ; its people an saablea to and the childnn at the State to advaaead te •trintteaa ad karate* Bath od thaaa an good thiaga far I thaState aad ter tba paapla. The . better educated am papi tba batter will tbay be prepared te da tnaa thing* wbdk wB t*M «u ranka o( Nartb Oanltea e rvea’sr State And ***• genera) Itffaaian of education i win offer taertasad appert—liy to i raach backward «Hh a pnernewb'ch w» grip tba edatt Phteratea of tba r State aad giva te North Oardteu g higher paloe te the Hat ad State* i edaeatleaaBy prepend. W* pr"‘partly that te dm te i the Inrreae* attulinn at tea higher I inetitatiaaa at kandag gtvea added i Iwaed to the iterienttea teat we new have an een ed tea gnataet proeperi i if uk uni aasauy boa nr aa)vy ■ ad, mod that North Carolina to haviac » ka part If thfc pra^rrtty Uatao. > than Is musf Is too toaai mt too I rteto than Is a* apprrtautty to r fWo to too bayt sad.(Ms tooas ad > anaflnal iitoraUgM «tf which too? t arc worthy, asd II la paod to hsaw I that now to North Caroltoa tost* an i tha aiesot to d» tola. TMr Mata hat atadr Ms float ad ' OfliTMmil Will* Qlt PMMK i rraey la aastoaL WMk tha tap*. 1 Haaaa to powar -*t—~ lappod. I and than «H • Mats whoa tha to M— ad Nw State looted to# raaaay fro. to Mat traaaory. daay i. ia« oar paato tdaraMmaal adoaatap ilaa.ll kata* toft to tha risirnTh Party *a tafta ■» tha aMsa sad- to lt yaaa tt to Ads toad day, whoa wNh a tha Paatiarapy to (harps ad tha i, Plata gasa toraard hy toapa asd * Now. .Id OWir,

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