(irifM Futrly (rood and Prlcci Batta Thun Kvor and People ara Prow pcoann. Clinton. Sapt . 10.—Clinton and ttuuauD county ara now probably aa toriug ui fair, and they will aa* th* groaad of th* Agricultural Soatety. Tb* uegroea or Bampeon eoaaty ara very prugraaalvo. have aom* wlM leader ... —- -mi a crwiu M« iliovlng with Utelr exhibits. Tho Sempaon County Medical go r'ety baa an important meet lag on Monday, at which time they wtU here ae their goeeC Dr. * J. wood. Of Wllmiogtop. D*. Woe<% g iw1). Ir* specialist Id akin >Bher^ pellagra, and hie original tavastj. lVV*tt«y in lbM dlaaaae hare Wee ■IWTtfcd recognition all wear the ' xwar old clilsea of fiampuoa onunty. suffered a atroke of paraly »!• the past week. The old gentU t’an ha* led inch a Ilfs of aottrlty sad usefulness that hie children dad It dlfflmilt to keep him eat of the ftlda When work la being done there At the time of Ue stroke he t-r.* out In the cotton field, where the picker* were be*y at their work AXNTAX, Mintxa •ncmM Rlrhmoad. V* September If.— Thn twenty-third anneal meetlag of «be stockholders of Southern Rail way Company will be held In R«ch mond el the principal nfflee ol the Company. Ttaaaa-Dtapatch building, on Tuaedey. October Ifttb. at 19 A M Following the poller tnang*rated by President Fairfax Harrison la 19U. the meeting win be open to Ihteuhllc and the report of the op eration* of the Company for tha fis cal year ended Jane ISth win be cut before the meeting for dlseuts Ion. All lh* principal nflKura Of lb« Company win be present la order Out Questions isked hr any stock holder* may be answer**! and that ncy Information deal red concerning l)*e affairs of tba Company or tha territory If serves may bo • -polle-l. A large attendance isf Individual stockholder* Is expect*.! IHHRCrOBfl OP OOMMUimr PAIR MEET. The ouuftn of tha nommanlty felr here directed tho prasldoat to call a meet Inc of tho Director* to meet at CoaU School bulldlaf oa Saturday afternoon Oct. 14 at >:!• The oblect of thlo BHlIif la ba Ur deAnlto pUaa far conducting tho fair on Tilda? Oct. I7tb. There am a free! many tbnea to bn don* to ■•t ready to dlaplay tha axblWto aad anirrtala tba crowd. It In bop ad that all Director* will And It poaat ble lo ba praoant on thla occaaloa. Any friend who may leal Internet cd la cordially Inrltod to bo pmoont and to offor any miinUoa Tha pram lorn Uft already la tha hand of tha pablte will gtra detail* a* to tbo management o( tbo fair. If you ham not already aaaarad one ICO your neighbor aad got one . OWEN ODl’M Pro*. O 8 TOtTNO. goo-Tmae Me. UiImb Aummerlla I* tba la ir M addition to tho polloo fore* of the city. Ho waa recently put on daly hy lb* coamlaafaner*. aad hla wrrb will ha around the Coeat Ida# elation, principally. Ha will keep a •harp look-out for boy* wbe aaaae awariiy lump on and off raaalng irala* and for boboaa aho am )Our naylag aouth for tho iiaav UXJAL NOTES. Dak*, Oct. 2nd Hon. N. A. 81 cHlr of Fayetteville. elector i l*rte for North Carolina Ikorotil lr eotueed the Democratic streact •t Doko Saturday alffbt by a rou 1b» (poach mad* la lb* latoreat < •ha present administration. Tt nudltorlam was almost fall, ooarl •rsry democrat la th* town as many front tba aarroandlni oon aisalty were prcaost and man 1*diet, and toot rcpabticana. Cex ulna uthaalama and opprerclatln of Sinclair'* apeech were demonatr ted tkroashoat by continued an lesgthr applanse. The apeech wa clear cut and coavlnelos. oatUnia th* history of both parties, tb •i-eeker made an appeal to think ■tu •erred la the dining room of the do mettle edence ecbool. A oordtel welcome woe extended the teacher* Thad Smith who waa accidentally •hot Sender afternoon by Will Cam tree died Monday at hospital la Fey •lienn*. Ha we* Brat carried to Bood Hope Hoepltal here la Da We. •ad after an examination the doe Irn addend that they aa r oo hope* r«r him. Sender n.ght ha wa* ear idd ta Fat rttaril l» witero ha d'rd •arly Monde/ n'.tod any operation MVMC? IMPORTANT PLACT IN “RAMONA/ While “Ramona." W If CUnc". clrma operatic apectai le. coming to lha Metropolitan Open Itoeaa Pr|. fay Saturday Oct. f-7 la rnamrlly l motler piste -a and eotn<-a herald ed aa lha Bred thing erar achieved la Ihle line, it would l>* anfalr to limit II to t\al term b«*"*a*e It hoe maitcal aaehel’diment bleb lha •pnaean at'ortl in ita presentment » place of imptrtame agaai to the •eraaa tlnua jit me Aa ipiii in thu pH mxkea "Ramona." It la claimed, one of th* n*** Inprrapt t«em;.|<-g extant la MMordtaatlea of raipndy and ilae a etography Lloyd Iron. Mr. Claaa'a man NORTH CAROLINA DRA1MAUK *• aauocxation, chafhl hi lx It I h ► if • I Tt« North Carolina Drainage A» II ■ociacion wish** to **eo*r*g* th< " >r “»« moo ot th* But* to aivi*r. y drainage of their wat laogj in or. ' dor that they map racalre maximum 1 .that tha educational ralaa of tha 1 Club work map ha aahaacad. To 1 thla end. U* Association oSara a ■ Oold Modal to tho member or tho 1 Sort' AgrUmltoral Clab* who tab ■ Bite th* Boat approved plea for ' th* undardralnag* of • field or por r tlon of a field. Tho following ralaa apply; 1 1. Tha laid map ha of aap alia 1 from on* acra op aad map ha aalac ' tad bp tha eoataataat from aap lead 1 NuBhar ef feat of tUa r*qalr for each lino with ala* and coat of tile, and *aumat*d coat of digg ing and backfilling tho ditch aa. Naylor. Song—Loyalty U> Christ Introdaction of Leaooa—by land er. Scripture Reading. Acta 11 1-10 Mlaa Madle Ball. Sentence Prayers. Special Manic—Charch Orchestra The Cooraralo* of Sent of Tanas —Mn. E C Watt.. Eatabllahaaat of a Now Caatar— Mra. V. U Marans JllaatraUoa Jmdiasa. tba Mall of Christianity—Mia* Lala Strickland. pr*oek!n« of tbo doapol to tbo H talk am.—Mia* Margaret Pop* Pater's 4Kwm of hi* Aettow—Or. 1. R. Batlar. Tba Eatablfahmant of tbo a aw Hatlgtoas Canter—Parry Morgan (an. Script or* Raadl»c Mina Lola Strickland. —Ok Stoa Haste. Closing Prayer. at th* helm’ darns ’ Ramons a’ ■baking, originated aynchroalcatloe •’ Picture play. HI* grat ashlars, meat In tbla art. the prodeetlot) of •l-bo Birth of A Nation's” aaaoleal a ore, eeae aa a rrrelatloa. to a kiamt Bearer* It waa raapoaslbla for tba amastng aarcaas of that tn r*rb photodrama Mr. Olaaa. who » one of tbo prodoearo of "Tba Plrtb of A Nation" had come to folly raollta tbo laportaae* of au '‘e ■“ tbot grat experience, tear f'atoty comnloalonod Mr. Bream to mile a fall oeora whoa "Kaaoaa' vaa andartakon. Tba Cap* Pear Pair will b* held ** 7eyette»lt1* tbla year Ootobar tttk to 17th lartaetre Aaaorlatloa haa aroctad a baadsoma aad com mo float grandstand. LEOAL IpTSOM. A RESOLUTION Ok THE BOARD or COMMtSSIOrdRS or THB. . TOWN or Dt*v NORTH. . cabolQa. I. J. W. TintMHMtr. Of the town of Dais. Ac trsbr maest roar hoaorable Mr 4 rim aa aa •mergancr bmm(« tl i taSowtac at rgaoJ nlloC tl “A RESOLUTION graORHINCl THB PAVEMENT Off SHEET ASPHALT PAVEM1 f 'OF CER TAIN 8TREBTB I l|#EHK DE SIONATED POINTS tn> TOWN OF DUNN. N. C. AF*^ FOR ASSESSMENT TINO PROPERTY DEFRAY PART OF THE SAME UNDER TUE OP CHAPTER LAWS OP NORTH HU.1 Tba aaM I lz>D| tba pinatal tioaa or the tr recta Kin* at real. I do hereby .. elation be flaallr . *aoey maarara at Jooraad maatla* t Comaalaatoaara of tb oa ibis data. Tbla tba l»tb 1H». J. w. them. A RESOLUTION THE PAVEMENT ASPHALT PAVr TAIN STREKTS NATED POINTS DUNN. N C. ANO ASSESSMENT ON PROPERTY 0WN1 PART Of THB SAME UNDER OF CHAPTER Or NORTH 0. BE IT BOARD OF THE TOWN That vbaraaa '• badly In aead prove manta itt convenience of nqnlra Uimt traded. Imp 'ba llmlu aft or other suite Board of Com Pad that tha accessary; as In aamber of •cat more that llaeal foot of loads abattlad betviaD r aba ttlac directly eordtaf to tha spectlre freetafee rata par toot of __ arhareea (ha mid petition-'Jrae fair lied with the Clark of the Tows of Cfnhh who loTmUdhied the ewdlcJ •ncy thereof, and eertlted tha rre ■tll of hla lareetipatldn to the Board of Commlmlonera to tha affect that a majority In number of tha ewitri who raprasant more than a major ity or all tha lineal font of Troetate of tha lands shuttled *B«m Pearsall Street batwam payottarliio gtroct and Layton Street hare duly alaoed mid petition aad that sodd petition eompllm with Chapter it of the rabllc Lawa of 1P1| la an rmpaeu. ai>d. Whereas the Board of Com mlaatoners _of tha Tpwa 0f Didtn and that the petition I* anfllcirnt in all respects sad that Chapter SI of the Pahllc Lawa of 1»H has bwg compiled with la all >*• pacta as to tha mine and certify!** of mid po llen to this Board. That whaeaaa Wlleoa Street from Kdcerton St. to CnAberlaad Street la badly la need of repairs aad Im provements and the welfare and ccnrealenc* of the pnbll« at larsv rvqaliw that mid Streets ahoald be (Tsdod. Improrod and paved within tha limits aforsmid With asphalt or otbor suitable pavement aad the Board of CommlaetoaOS of said town hereby And that the sbve Improve ment Is necessary: **d. whereas* — ib* vwn«n. who represent more thdh a majority of all the Itaaal fact of tho frontages of tho lands abutting Upon Wilson Street between Kdgertoa street aad Cumberland Street ba*e petitioned to the Board of Commissioners or aetd town to pave the same with as Phalt navomoat requiring la said petition that two-third a of tho cost or said pavement he aaaaaetd upon Ih* lou abatttag directly on Mid gt according to the axtoet of thotr re spective frontages tberoou by aa oqeel rata per feet of aald frontage: and, whereas the aald petition was daly Sled with the Clerk of tbs Tows of Dean, who Investigated the sufficiency thereof, and certtfted • be result of kla Investigation to tho Board of Commlaaioeera to tho of foot that a majority la number of the owners, who raprtweot more than a majority of aU tho Iteael feet of frontage of the lahda abutt tog apon Wilson Street between Kdgertoa street aad Cumberland Sliest bars duly signed said peti tion aad that said petition oomplles bllh Chapter St of tb¥ Public Laws of lilt la all raspects; aad. whare *• lh» hoard or Oommlaetoaora of *he tow* of Dana Sad that tha petl ttem (a sufficient la all reopacta, aad that Chapter It of tho Public laws of lilt ha* He#* complied with la all respects as te the Shag aad aer "fylhg of Mid petition to this Board WHH,r.AS the Beard of Cam .“S®*"* ot lh* *•'*■ of Dana la of the opinion that alt of the Mid ■tract* above mentioned between •Jt* Petals designated aad proposed *® *•, 0»’*d should Ve paved with **fhfu. of the Wed aad character fosolred aad apeelSed la the cob "L'4 Uywm 10,4 r- J- Me Oetro. the eon tranter; gag, wb«r» •• *• *tw* ualformlty of work lb* Mid Board of Oemmlaatoaer* la Of the opinion that the work should »hh* has already been dee* by or a*T *f tbt* Board a odor tho aealit adrlca of OH beet C WhIU. the aagtaeer cm ployed bp said town m a DBSWMtV M DEAD IN Muaoi. ■UWfk. M O; Occt. —John 0. Drawer? II rears old. Orand Sacra tary of tha North Carol na Grand Lodge of Nasons for 14 year*, diod 'taro today Mr. Drewry had been ill for more than eighteen month*. Hta condition bnenma aarloaa *ar • ra! waaka ago. Ha had bean prom inent ta beatneaa and civic again (01 many year*, aad waa widely known ihroaghoat the South ta ia •uranee circle*. Ha waa a thirty third degree Maaoa and waa Orand High Piicai of tha Royal Arch Ma ■one of North Carolina and Orand Commander of the Grand Comman deer of Heights Templar in ltof. Ha waa horn a) DrvwryrlUt, Va., ai'd waa a gradaata of tho Universi ty of Virginia. Ho r*ao to North Carolina la •fits. In IMS ha waa elected to tha Oeneral Assembly. Tha faaeral will b* held Wed re* day morning at 11:14 o’clock at ChrlM Church, here at which ha waa a reatrymaa. and will ha eondacted by the Orand Lodge of Maaoa* of North Carolina. A widow aad two children, n son aad daaghtar, ear rlra him. ®*r L f- Motley aad family, who for tha peat few years have mads thalr home la Fuqaay Bprlnr*. have returned to Dana and In tha fntare will make this their home. Mr. Motley waa a resident of Dona ba (••ra going to Pagaay Spring*. aad tbatr many rrtvada her* era glad to walooms them hack home. THWI> Incalculable value aa an histori cal work la dalmad for the w. H. n«ac cinema operatic specLaeU RamDoa." which noon la to ha pea wntad her* aa one of the moat Important theatrical events U faithfully deplete on# of tha »t tally ohaptera of whlU aalamsni t-*d dominance at the North Amer ican continent. Tha portiwnl of tha wooing of "Ramona." daaghtar of Angus Mo ll AH ttoo Scotchman, and bln la 4j* *•»» hy Alessandro the le dM to ad rapes ef tense thrill aa t-w--■ .1 . B*MliJWnee^hm^n>muNaM—ffii of' the events had Incidents la tb > Uvea of tha chaiuctan In Helen Hunt Jsehas^fr bstoved book. “Ramona'| lus ’COTju a tremendous Intereat in booh land as well ns la tha dra ctstlc Held of eudoaror. This pop alertly Is further enhanced be ctuse of superb photographic rohleremenu la plrtorirg tba aa * rpaaaad splendor of tha beanUfuI moan tains and valllsys of CaUforaia In which the scenes are laid. “Ha i-ona" will be seen hers at the Metropolitan Opera House Two days Friday and Saturday Oct. g-T. and that this method would be cheap or and bettor for property owners and for said town: and. whereas said of ConmliMriosivni ia of Uie o plnloa that the pavement aforeaald la tho best and most suitable for said • 1 r.e e I s and that said Improvement should bn made aa aforesaid and that two-thirds of the wist of said pavement should be aa aeeaed upon tba lota abutting di rectly on said streets wiibta the limits above prescribed according to the extent of their respective front ages thereon by an equal rats per vnn m laid rrontagoe; NOW THKRKFORE. be It end H la I'wabr resolved by the Board of tommtsslOBera of the tow* of Dna N.°- *» » rcgalar meeting fitting t'lla l»th day of September IP It. that King Street betweoa Pearsall htraat sad Cleveland Street and that Wllnoa Street between M gertoo Street and Cumberland Street be paved with asp be It save went, as aforesaid, carter aad by vlr tun of Chapter Id of the Peblic Laws of lilt, end the procedure there under as hereinbefore set forth, and ll>e general laws of the Bute exist - irg. And It la farthsr resolved that two thirds of tbe rest of said pave ment of ell of said streets a furs aald vllhla the limit* prescribed he here after aiwasid apoo the lots ebottleg directly on said streets according tb tbe extent of their respective froa tarea thereon by aa aval rate per foot of said frontage, the assent. maat against the saM lota ebettlBg oa held atresia to he baaed apoa the trial cost of paving that street be tween tba limits prescribed. epos *Weli said lots shat exclusive of *o mack of the coat aa may ha Is rwrrad st street Interscntlods sod •be share of the railroad to be here inafter determined Be and It Is hereby farther rvaolv. *■“ thal the proportion of the coal of aald Improvement* bdreln pro. vldad for on tbe etreeda above de • *® he ease wed upon the abut ting property shall be divided Mo tea equal aaaaal Installments, the mid iBftallmeats bearing later •■I at tbe rata af elx par cant par aaiam from the date ef the cnntr matioa of tbe aaaeeement roll, and <*••1 become dec aad payable on tbe date on wbeb taxm arc payable, the dtwt Installment ta be dan aad pay able oa the data oa which taaea for tk* year 1P1T arc due aad payable and aacb yaar thereafter lor a period m7*h “d Inelaiiag the yaar Tha forego! sg rseeUtloa waia nnsaimoaaly adopted at tha ad rcgalar meeting of aald Fears this i»th day of Beptembei j*1.*- »»d ordered published and declared by law. H R MoKAT. Clark. nca run aaaatna 5U«E OAT PEOPLE WILL AC1 SSAD TH* DUN* PUPATCa MOOU VUU AT lil.l«0 UlUagtsa. Oct. t—Tb# Dtmocra ey nf Himtt maty gave a very cordial welcome la A. L Brook*, of Oraaaakera, who apoke In the ooart kaarn today. Mr. Brooke* repmie Uoa h a weaker to well kaowa tnrongbont North Carolina and the . large aamber who assembled from every eectloa of tha eonaty to hear him went away wall planed with hla pneeataOea of tha lama la tho y roe eat campaign. The epeakar waa Introduced by Col D K. Mf Uaa. eaadldcle for tha Maw mat* from thlc dletrlet. For aver aa boar aad a half Mr. Brooke held tha aloe* aUratlos at kM lad Mae* a* ho told o< the record of Democracy la State aad nation. TM act* wu Ailed with facta, ■ores aad ream aad wUI appeal etrengjy to tha average laUUIgeat dtlasa. The speaker*! reasarha to the yonag mam eaatlag bu first vote war* parttsalar atriking and *10 da mack la tha way of startles the yoaag men of the Mat* along tha right Baa politically Tha Daaee eraey of Barnett Is wideawake. M actings, ipsa ah ns aad pnMte gets srtngs ara kelag hold la every 41* trtat of tha eoaaty. That tha eena ty wUI ha again placed la the Demo cratic oo lama at (he November alae tioa by aa ovarwhataaiaa majority •a already aa aaaarai tact. > ■octrees bars tMMf to ttorwi c re Um barrora or Uke war act on l bacaaaa oar mahalartoo tall aa. btet aiaob acaaaa we can oo loiter graap Ike extant of the banes lao rilse la Bcrepe We toad, almost ■ Wheat cam treat. that IMIWII Poles hasp urtsheidu *t wr bogua. The eras. We eaaaot comprehend earti vfeoleaale annihiletloa of huo-nn life. Oar minds are tnlte. We tee " meesare distance by the Inch or the t«Oe. or the dreamtareace „t ttla tt rth. Bat we cannot think oa sad ' u. bemad the sun. beyond the Stan i nd say that sosMwbers Space has a Mmlt Vtor e^ace la latnlte. Tho 1‘nlte mind eaaaot eemprehend the i Unite. We aan think of aa hoar ur a day. bat we cannot imagine ikat Ttmo had a hegtanlag or that U will rrsr have aa and. For time >• latnlte. We can estimate the horrors of the war by the *ocrlloe of the Let i *snls aad 1100 dead, but that 14, r*0,044 tames beings ahoold hart perished la Poland as the rssul: '.'the war man aacb Infinite tan «h| of broken sad etarrsd bodies neb latnlte agony of torn sffocUoc “ that the evert paaem the eemnati <-f Urn kiiau brain. Bnrapa took ap ana* la It it w;lh lam ikaa a bab's eomprohan ilt'B of tk« macaltofa of ths avil* ■ ar would sot la motion Aftor all. maa la aa a Uuks rkIM wbo throws a pabbls late th* aa* ’ Mi (tarta a Uay wavs, bat tba mo * ttoa of tba wava nt toads to Ur 41a | last ahora at a land aaaaaa balow . Ur hartaaa.—Durham Bus. Tba toBawta* dssds hava basa . «ad for ra#l*t ratios la Us offioa at I Ktfbtw at Dtada alaaa oar last Is i im: 0. B. Baals, is Alrta Baal*. It > 1-t aeras lb Ultlaptaa township I OsaaMsrtUaa. 11 aai otkrr eoastd- ", r aratlaaB Dsdtf datad Bsptsmbor > at. laid. ( Jska B Rodyas sad wits, at ala. to Coraslla kllkott lit asm In Bta wart's OWk township. Oostldsra I ttoa. dirtatsa dsod. Dood 4atad , Fshnsarr MU. Ibid. | H W. Isralfaa to Alma lladooo. l ooa lot la koara of Dtua. Cooald I aratloo II.Mf. Dood datad dap > tambar Id. ldld. I- J Boat sad wll# to i. D Bara as. oos lot la Oook praparty, Damn. , c—aUaratlaa. ltd. Daad datad Saptambar tl. ltll Rarsstt Past. ' - Tba Wllaow dhattla tartary waa dsstroyad by drc last M- aday aiyhi Ibta waa tba saoaad Bra Ula com [ Wtay baa swBscad wltbta tha pant | Iwa -sara rba loaa was oamplrt* Bat was partly oerarad by Haaraao*. ). t woaaa waa tba awaar af tbs