L O C A ,L 1 i A. C. L. PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULES: Southbound. No. 83 (flag) 6:16 A. M No. v3. 8:32 A. If No. 82. 3:46 P. If. No. 33. 11:12 P. M. Northbound. No. 34, 6:23 A. M No. M. 12:62 P. It. No. 04. 7:41 P. M No. 82. 11:38 P. M DURHAM AND SOUTHERN PsJuwngcr Train Schedule: La. Dunn No. 38. 2:10 A. If No. 34. 1:32 P. M Ar. Dunn No. 31. 11:10 A. If No. 41. 6:85 P. If Mr*. Carrie Uiuj hai returned Ivm a vif.lt to (rltnd* it Wtlcon. Mir* Vl,.la McNeill 1* rUltlng her •<*ter. Mr*. Prlvetl, at Spring Hop*. Mr. urnc*t M. Jeffr.r* *p*nl Hin di* with friend* Is Wilmington Dr W. L. Hudaon of Hied man. was hero Bandar. Ml** HI art r" Young returned Sat urday from a Week * rlalt to rein li*r* at Wlleon. Mr* John W. KKigerald baa re turned from a rlalt U> relatlvaa at Weldon Mr* H H. McKay left Moadiy for R'.chmoud Va.. whore eb* will cutnd the week w:th relative*. Mr. Heurjr Herring and (liter. Mr*. Butler. spent Sunday with friend* In FayettarTlI*. Mr. Herbert Owens. of Clinton, hat tmvrd to Dunn and acoepted a po klfton a* barber with Mr. Jane Our. Mr. Henry Canned), of Balembnrg Wkt 3 bosinar* Timor In the city Saturday. Mte» Fannie Stalling*, of BuBolk Va . arrived Wednesday afternoon tr v (It Mr. and Mra J. Qua Goddard Mra W. H. Stalling* and eon, W. H Jr., of Clayton, arrived Saturday and will spend several weeks here with relatives. Mr. Kills Goldstein and daughter Iloutllc. returned Monday morning from Goldsboro, where they spent Hundny with relative*. Messrs. F. O. Richardson. George Mnoro and R. I. Flowers* who nre lu Uie ravens* service, were hern yesterday. Mr, John Hodges left Wednesday morning fi r Greensboro where be has nerupted a position with the I'rown Belk Company. •luitgi James 8 Manning will i Peak at (he Opera Huuee her* next Mnmlty night at 7:»0 o’clock. Tbs 1 Chile la cordially Invited to oom* (tit and hear this able epeaker. Ita worth while to see Ihc Mill! nnry at R. U. Taylor Co-* (tore 'they have roady for you Olrl* these Ixauttful Hats by th* thousand and tney are cheaper, too. Mrs. O. L. Humphreys, of Onlld Term., who la spending several .••onth» here with her parents, let! Kkiidsy for Fayetteville to spend a few day* with relatives \ teacher’s training class h* hi en organized el th* FI rat Baptist church with Dr. Cullom as teacher < ns* meets each Sunday night Jus aft tr the aenlng serlcea. Mr*. V I. Stephens Is amlataat tet.cher. To show and price you la th< pUaMtrC of R. (I. Taylor Co. ant the npporlunty la rare when yot cap buy clothing of th* beat dualtt] knd latest models for men, boys am t’h lldren *o chtap. Work will begin nazt week on th1 le const ruction of the plant of th> l>unn lee and Fuel Companr. whlel t as recently destroyed by fire. Tb I It nt will be larger than the form* one tod will be built of brick Mr. Rerun Butler, of Lacans. ha accepted a poallioit with Wllaor l l " »« drag clerk About a year ag Mr. Butler held a position sit Vcitru. Hood and (Jrunthim HI iq<ny frtenda ara glad to waleom Mr. Butler back to Dana. Bcv;rnl of the people of Duun an rl-.mett county are taking In th W’.rno County Fair thla waek. Th •ti’iingcniei I luu made prrpnrat'o* t take care of a large crowd of up Itora and they an having tbe plow we nr doing w> thla week. The colt red ichool will op on ft the fall Marlon No. Ith. Prof. , G l-mlth. who has baen prtnetpi fuf fhe pan eeveral years, will aert l/i thl» capacity again and la nlranf laving hit plana to maka It a barm yaar Mr. James Norton, formerly a el l«*u of Haan. h»r# the Prut . ibc seek. He li making Matlta H C hlK home now. bat has not to hit lira fur Dunn yet. Ha mpmi ('•light at being her* again, If on tor a short than. W >rk lie progressing rapidly ( lb* pavlag of tbc streets or Du a Male street for several Moel through th* buatnaea aeatlnn of t! town trfU be opeaed to the pehl this week which la welcont i net to th-* merchants. They h vc be 1 radically cal off for tb* p'«» as rral weeks sad doubtless I uafs« tat been affected to sonae extern -— Mr Malcolm McKay, of Faison *-■ l*»i« tiiU wcok ekb hU family. Mlm Dora Croat rat a rood Sunday from a run to friends in Kaaty. Mr. J. □. Barnet was a batlnttt visitor In Rocky Mount Monday. Mr. Clands Otrdttr hot accepted a position with J W. Droughon Mr. W. B. Craft tptnt a few dayt In lb* city last weak with friendt Mn. John Fit it art Id loft Tuesday fcr Richmond to tpoad a few dayt with rnaodt. Mrt. Civil Thornton lift Taeeday Hr Ooldtboro to visit relatives and to attend the Wayne County rntr. Mr. II. H. Hood Inft Taeeday for Richmond to attend the State Fair, "id to spend a few dayt on basinets. Mr. Heroes Freeman returned Tuesday morning from a business tilp to New York City. Mr. N. A. Townsend returned Monday night from Richmond. Vs., t here he went on legal business. Mr. James Best, of Durham, spent ttnndey hare with hit parents. Mr apd Mrt. L. J. Beet Mr. J. T. Hatton, of Farmvllle. r.enl Sunday hors with hit parents Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Stttoa. Mr. Kooncs, of tbs Barnes and Hol liday Company, apeat Sat day In Rose . HIR. Mr. George KlUott. Jr. of LJUlag t n wan n business visitor In Dana Monday. After speeding several days kero with rets 11 ret Mrs John MUIs left 1 reader tor her hosoe la Goldsboro Mrt. J. R. Baals, of Kenly. apeat Sunday hero with Mr. and Mrs. Z V. Snipes. Mr. Joel 0. Layton, who recently moved from Dans to a country home near Buie's Crunk, was here Satur day on baslasan. Hoad the ads la this issue of tho Ji baton Brothers Department adore. Yea will be Interested in what they have to tay. Rev. and Mr* Walter Gilmore aad two tom, Walter aad Gordon Uttell. arrived here the am of the week to spend several day* with relatives Mrs. L B. Pope aod son. L B.. X... left Monday night to spend eev oral days with relative* la Xohnstom i nasty. Mr. Roy Bailey who I* now gener al manager of the telephone ex change at amlthHeld. spent Bnnday liar* with hU parent*. Mr. sod Mrs. U P. Bailey. Hob. H. L Godwin spent 8 tin day here with hie family. He left Tue* day for Rad Spring* and will spend lhi* week la Roheeos county la joint debate with A. U MeCnekllL. Mr. end Mr*. X. W. Whitehead and Vr. aad Mr*. H. 0 Mattox war* is Lambaitm Sunday, suiting at the home of Mr. Whitehead * broth er-tn l.w and Mater. Mr. aad Mr*. E. L. Hamilton. Capt. Unney Godwin, who ha* been In England for the past lew months, •pent Monday morning here with hit mother, Mrs. Beetle Godwin. Mr. Codwta left Monday evening for Montreal. Canada, where he will spend eereral month* In the absence of the pastor. Rev X. M. Water*. Dr. Martin, of Wllso*. does pled the pnlptt at the Christian rlanreh Sunday morning and s**nlng. I*, caching two able sermon*. Dr Martin hr on* of the blble teacher* it the Atlantic ChrtstUn College Wilson. Mr. end Mr*. Nicholas D«Msl. af ter spending their honeymoon la Washington, and other Northern title*. have returned to Dann and will spend several day* with Mrs L-nMal'i parents. Mr and Mr*. Jem* P. Lee. before going to Rocky Monet whom they wGl make thetr home. The registration book* In A versa 1 Huro township will be open the fol lowing I»e Saturdays. Books will ’ he la charge of Mr. Herbert McKay 1 and Mr. Charlie Thornton. wh r *111 be found at the regnUr voting > plaete. All who are not registered i rte requested to do so. Those who l h*v» not registered and fall to do so i cannot vote In tha election. r Attorney* ft. ft. Ton mg. of Dunn ncd L. L. Lerlneon, of Costs, spoke > «'- Cape Tear school loan n«ar tit ' Itegton flatarday night A large ' crowd of eltteene wtro owt to knar • (hem end their epaeehaa la behalf • of Democracy were well received • aad greatly applauded After tba Speaking a Wltaon-fttebeU slab I waa organised. Mach enthusiasm i <a manifested In that section of tba i c nnty and tba voters are deteratn i <d to eject tbe Demos-*tie candl b detea. Friday October 17 th, will be ool crad day at tbe Cape Fear Fair r Prof J. O. Smith, secretary af the I. committee ea arrangements tor thtl il day. waa la town yesterday adver t timing and wording np Interest a y moag the sot crad people. Re ask ir thay wsra srpeetln* ISOS* people •a the I7tb, and la max Jo ns to stall U « a reoord day In altondaara lor tbt if eolored people. »• Mr. ft. M. Jackaoa. secretary at • the Cepe Fear Fair Association • passed through Dana Tuesday et f i acta to 0 old ah or a aad Richmond I lake In the fain which arc In pro « giaaa Is thoee elites this week. Mr a. J lefcsoa aaya tha fair at FayattavtOi ta this year will he bigger and belts is than aver While la Richmond ha wtl (a met other oeeeeeelena aad tnteree rt owners of boreea which arc rse1e< IS t> Ihs Virginia tracks this weak, aai *- L(l them lo bring lira te FaystU ea tills sen week, and part Id pats li tha mm. MONEY to LOAN! j BANK OF HARNETT, | Duke, N. C., has money to . lend on approved security. Come to see us, or write us. E. P. DAVIS, Cashier, Bank of Harnett DUKE, - NORTH CAROLINA I FIFTY-SIXTH N. C STATE FAIR RALEIGH Ticket* will be aold for all train* by the Atlantic Coast Line Standard Railroad of the South October 14 to 2 I Inclusive From Dunn at $2.50 for round trip, limited returning until midnight of October 23, 1916, including admission to th« Fair. Proportionate* Faro* from intermediate station*. Children Half Fare. For sehedoloa, tickets and any doairad information apply J. W. Whitehead, Ticket Agent, Dunn, N. C. —.. ■.— ■ I NEWS FROM COATVILLE AmT SUITDOM. s Fall and Winter Goods ARE ARRIVING DAILY C •) ' . *" W M _ .. - -ip***.. They Are Opening the Most Select Stock Ever Brought to Dunn. ■» M. ‘ \ 1 When You Buy Furniture f I- you take a big risk unless you know the reputation of the bouse, with which ||| J' you are dealing. High grade furniture looks good and lasts. tM*ch of the HI “cheap" furniture looks just as good but does not possess the|.necessary ijN| |!| durability. Know your house before you buy . , . B ffl - i, I Our Furniture u pmitetd, aid Mr mm oar reputation ud oar bask accoast otaado bokiad tkat We Sell It For the parlor, the hod room the «M| re oat, the hitch •a, the porch, the Iowa, for every piece. I IT PAYS TO BUY FURNTIURE FROM US I For it is good furniture and cheap. [j; PIANOS. ORGANS, NEW HOME SEWING MACHINES Hardware-Furnituro-Undertaker* V THE BARNES & HOLLIDAY COMP’Y I | Dey"Phone_l 1 DUNN, N.*C. Night Phone 70 ^ <.nce. The time allotted ha* crplr , <1 and the judges want to examine imp bwls an<l rtarh a deeleton aa to ihr wtnnar. All the ladles who I anted rbryaanlbemume foe tl*« ' hrysMnthenura ahow art alao rr (.r eat ad to report to Mm. Wade l hie week. 'l OBT-ONE BLACK AND WN»TB epourd ptg; weigh! about forty pounds. Any Information aa to tta wberaabouta will be apprerla ted and a liberal reward given. R M PEAHBALL. Dunn, N. O. V ANTED—ONE HUNDRED CORDS of wood rut at 7J rant a cord, *l< m 11 re annehoast of Dunn. Apply to ALLPN H. A. LEE. Dunn N C 5 w pd R. P. D. No. 1 NOTIO* or BALK OT LAND i Dy rl'U i of the authority conferr id upon me la a Judgement rendrr I ed at the September Tara. IBM i f Harnett Superior Court In a cause therein pending entitled Bank of Harriett Against W. C. Darla and 1 C W. Clark. I will at tha lima and )>!aco hereinafter mentioned. aell at public auction to Ika highest btd lutr. for cash, a certain tract or par col of land, loeatad la Upper Little Hirer Township. Harnntt countjr. Slate of North Carolina, bounded and described na folewa to-«1t Beginning a( n atghe and pointer* near n spring on (be Scsth aids of He Lllllngtno and Jonesboro Pub Hi. Road In the head of a brunet, ntiout one hundred yard* from tha , >V<1 road, and runa thence N } 1-t V 41.70 chain* to J. W Mclmans iri.rner near a small branch; there* h If R II obalna 10 a line of Me |l.»an*e land; lhence B 17 fi 11.40 VI.sIds in n etake and ptae pointer*: 1 Ibi nr* N 40 » 4 t » 7R Chain* to a I | lne and pointer*. J R llavl* J. W IVcLsun and tbe BtepheaR land eor ] net: thence with J. R. Dsrl*’ Hn* ft t 1-4 B 11 rhslni lo J. R. Daela’ eor sir. and thence In tbe came direc tion a hunt 11 1-1 fhrln* to a tine of ilie lierk land Uimec * •* that lira •Hoot 41 1-1 chain* lo Uia be ginning containing MR acre*, more or ’era; being lut tt.me land as wet oormrad lo W. C. Dari* by C. _ v< Clark In n mortgage deed rugtn ■ II red In book 111. Page IBB In tho «. ti hi on of tin Register of Deeds of Harnett County. Terms of sale: IB per cent ea»h ' 1st tbe time of tale, th* balenca raeh •l i i on confirmation by the Conn, th' | Pearsall’s Market is again open for the sale of fresh meats. |f See him for prompt and effici y ent service, You will always find at Bline of market sup >nable prices, u need anything in 11 be glad to serve i No. 4. It par cnt raab to be rstaroori til ter bay caaaa aala la not coal)r»<*l T)alo of salt: Saturday, tka lit! day of Nor am bar ill*. at 11 o'rlort M. Plaea of talc Court Nona. Door, Ulllncton. Harnott eoanty. > Carolina Thin the l#1h day if Ocuobtr l»t( K. A. TOWNSEND. Commission or. Clifford A . nand Attemajs Mrs. Done fcaalth. of Eayotto^lU orrlTsd Monday to syoad a tow day . la tka etty with ralaUfoa Rut xmlih ion Mnpiur r.»r UiiWaboro. wUrro »he will kpoad <ar v cik wllb rclallva* auri rtlradu ai:d iak« la iba Wnyaa Coaaty Fair i!il» ! v>eak. ,i —' LltfMoa Crillawt npriifwl at Mt» i Mon fr* dark a do wlib !►» boat *»• 'tudipca In roar*. R*v. j. m. llliudp*. ako u ai lb* band of tb'a laatliatioa. la winrfc anthanod «r<r ■ lb* pro*pm of noth a pmapwrina •rrr a*x b*Mfra* 11 win prow* w | U* lb* brt! tam la tb* bl*tor* at iko aollaco. djUHl The Fall Bischof -ine contains much IS that will interest you. It includes much that will fascinate you. Models of chic grace and piquant charm. Coats cut on newest lines, and con structed of novel cloth and pile fabric materials. Suits breathing the latest zephyrs of Fashion’s desire in Poplin, Vdour, Whipcord, Patrician Broad cloth, and all the textle what-nots of the season’s vogue. i You must-just MUST-iiispect these wonder models; somewhere among them is the one onliest suit or coat of which you have been dreaming. JOHNSON BROS., Dept., Store, Dana, N. C. l—w——■» I wjm I Lu( Sprint tk* Woman’* dab of ■ Puna offotod a prtaa to th* cbMii i > town *k* woold (row tb* pr*t vaat bow or bod It la Urn* bow for Ihte erlt* u> b* awarded tad Mr 1 J Wade baa reqiaatari ■« to a aaiaM that alj wbo ontorod tb mnloot to coaamonkbM witk her

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