THE DUNN! IS J —— —— ——ggg—^ I - ——- — • — 1M V0L> 111 _ , Dunn, X. roii <u<l. 11»17 11KNHOV limit njlKKII i.X lU fl ACCIDENT. Bmlthfletfl. Fwh. *•>—fleven boys o I an .on in an automobllu eu mni tr Brltna In albwi a game of l.asbr '4.11 hettren Boason anil Kail; retinol train piiotiUred a serloui min- 1 limit In front nf Turlington Kr.u’.e. i-chool tela Hnornoon. tillnn Hudson, amt nf All""' Hr1 ron. «n or'vtng nl« father’ll •: ichl.n 111 turning out lo part n wagiri th.i r«~r .-td ..f flic ear unbilled Int-. i I- p-ir no* hue the enl i.m top of th« cnr. and ml oiling the r*r L eiiod of Carl Harr-frot. fc.urt*-ee yenn old, od of Feslna Rur-foot and F,V Morgan. »nn of Jennie Mnrgi'.n. Ml; brnliing anil l-irvritti g them Yoarf IhirCfnot tout (be III tie ard hi. (Hr' lirger and will i rohnhly lo»» hl« «ec end flni'er. He mi *ak< 11 lo Dr L D Whartnn'e office where lie wn. treated; Morgan went on lo Sc'.tn.i mil roeoleed treatment. He wee not an bartt) hurl, though his hand built; mashed Other oepupanta of thr car tr-re hu.llv ph.iken up but ran tn'ned no acrlOBP Injuries. I HI. RRTATK YnAVMPKnR. Harnett Reporter. Th" folfoerlng real ealito transfers have been reenr.led by Register of l>eeil« W. H. rnucett elneo Ian* v eek. Mary C. Ruin to A. It. Hprl 17 n.rca In Blmarfi ,Creok lownibip coielilcrntlnn 5S0. iMiiir nrrnpnoa n$. a. upii i lilt In Dunn consideration $GftO. Cary Lumber Co. to J. D Lane I lot In Angler conslderutlno $110 Sam McArthur and others to John bwann 14 aerrs tn Barbacne town ship consideration $1$$. B F Pairlsli to Etlra Maurr mwn lot tn Coats, consideration $86. Beth D Brantley to Com a. Brant, ley 106 arms In Lllllnglua township consideration $100 and lor- ind af. fcctloa. W. A. Thomas «o C. F. Thoma , 100 acres In Upper Little Rtrer town ship. consideration $?400. A. D Coats lo a E. Lutigdon* blocs In the town of Coets, consideration $1-00. C. M. Dunn to J. E. Smith 67 scree bi Hector’s Creek township, oonsid eretton $360. . ->■» k*$»» m tamm 1 lot tn Dunn oonpideratton lifts J. R. Baggett, ootntnlaslnpfr tl J F.d Gankin SI S-4 acres Neill's Creek township, consideration $118 Daekhoru Land and Timber Co. to D A Collins 16 acre* In Er.por Lit ilo R'ver township, consideration $160. C*ty J. nay to Malcom J Smith tract of Und tn Anderson's Creek ti wuehtp consideration $] and otjsr vuluable consideration*. John W. Wllllama to J. R. Rhodes 1 lot In Coats consideration *100 1. T Moore, to Novel'* "*amUI 3 *-R acres, consideration $117 GO n. t. r. c. i'hooramT Monday Nlgtot Marrli 3th 1017. C*evo*oniU Meeting—The Personal Friendship of Jcnun 1. Senr— Growing Dearer l-'srb nay 2. rrnyer. A. Scripture Reading—-John *S: - 1:16—Mlse Iva Pearson. 4. Introdnetlon—lender. 6. Tlie personal Friendship of Jesus Is offered to Rveryone who will Accept It—Mr* M*,-.g1r Butler. wn«t 1* -rni» Perron*1 Prlmd *blp of Je*n*--Mr. R. L. Pen ■Inc. 7. Solo Jnui l» a Frlrad of of Mine—Ilia* Ira Foaraon. * 7h»« Perm ti*| Friend*h<p 11 at laa’cd by tho Strong**! P-oef Poatlblc—Mia* Bra Btrlcklard. A Pneh Frinnilihlp at Thl* la III* Inter**! Ml and call* for a Recip rocal notation.—Willi* Morgen A Marty ta Raolaautlinna. "Drown wk* ran down by ao anto and killed.’ ’’How terrible)’ "Ye*, bat tb* day bofor* he had hnd bit Ilf* Inanrod for 110.0*0.” "My. how lucky!” SS.SO to NORTH CAROLINA MTKRTOCK KX POSITION AND nOXFEltENCR. Wilmington, N. a. March SS-SbUi North Carolina ba« iwrniy-twn million lilla acre* Wlhy not pat tli**o loafor acre* to work? ThU ft a b* don* with Itaantock. The *» talon* of th* conf*r*are will b* (I*. r>.tad to practical dl*ca«*loa* of *ub Jrctm r*1atln( to animal bnabaadry by I1-* beat authorltl** la tb* Unllad State*. Cota* nod *#* th* big aahlWt ol rur* bred North Carollaa Cattle and hog*. Ticket* on *ate March 171b *nd IStb. and tor train* arriving Wll. mington before 1;0* P ta March rllh. limited to Midnight March >*Ui For any Information addrara AT1.AMTIC COAST LIMB Tb* St** dart Railroad of tb* gontfc. 1. W WHITBMKAL. Agt Dana. N. O. I > WAl.KtYO IMAOULIT ON HIM W AY TO U.IIKAHAL. r Mr. Uanlcl H. Ulewart the wulktn Deaucral of Hnrnrti rr.unty, wh ' bar pledger1 htravrlf (o wn'lt ti> Wai ington to sen the inanemmiyu < I ri evident TVnndronr WHhuii for whoi lie worked inl urly In thn inwt ele< lion, arrlvm in Balalch yenm-da] coming hero f.-imi Kipling. Tode hr id out for P.lehmoml cr lii> an objective Hr ru-rled letters of Ir fiodncllnn to Chai.-pinn V:.nce Mi rnrmack noil North Ca-nllna Cm rie-tman. The walker loft hf« home at Hat py TIII1 FVrtu In Unmett Mondi evening efte* anpiwr A apralnc enklc rreelvod when he fell from troatle Tuoadny lilghf delayed blr nomewhat yaatordny. flut he non 'il (bo sprain md yeilrr(lti7 declare • hat he felt fit for the trip. Mr. Btena-t hai been member o the board of ednntloq «f the count, of Harnett hu<I In the last rampalgi v aa prerlilent of two Woodrow WII sen clubs. News and Observer 1st Mr. end Mr*. Crack Carr of Bled man. were here Irsi work vlnl’lm M>a. Carr‘a father, Mr. Jar. D. WII Hams. Mr*, flam Spivey, of Norfolk Vn iflr.r ap/r.dine n-veral dry* here Ihi ran n( Mil" Wlttv williams, let Fuller tor Ifotor,level. Va ,wh-n she v.111 *{k nil Home Hire with rrla tfrea. THK «1. H. A. NKWH. Coata. N. C.. Fcby. JO—The Tennj Sonlnn l.llrrsry Society of Foal; High School mcl In the School An dil.irioro Friday Fehy JX. I SI 7 am the following program waa reartern Song'—Kind worda—By Society. Re.itr.tlnn—KUIe Orl ne» Solo—P.dna Ueaaley. Recitation—Era Keen. Duet—Beatrice Coata, and Ira 8le wart Matte—Velma Patlorann. Recitation- Meta Stewart. Reading- Olenna Johaenn. Xnalc. -Ethel Coata. Recitation -Myrtle Stewart. Current Krenu -Mary Stewart We ware eery glad to hare with an Mliaee Era Smith. Lmay Wlggtnc and Alloe Q rim on After thii pro. gram waj rendered wft appointed tb< n—»*m«ai irmiiism —irgi~iij| Iowa: I. Mlaa Olenna Johnson. * Him Ethel Coata. • Mlaa Mary Stewart 4 Mlaa Meta Stewart 5 Mlaa Alvah Turlington. We were diem 1* and by the the bene dletUin. REPORTER. tmrrlean Military Strength—Rtjwlp. ping the Army. According to Ilgam auhmltted to (hairman Hay. of the Honae Com rultter on Military Again, by the ad J. lam general of tbo army, there are 1.*14.7*0 men with military train lig In the lrnlfetl statea. Including reratari and the National Guard. Tho Executive Committee of the Mayor'a Committee nn National De fence eatlmatea that *00.000 mna in the United Statea alula the military »ee each year. According *0 th Ctrman ataadurd of 1*10 of Ihfai nnmher 40*.000 wrmld he found nhy •Ically fit. According to the French rtrndard which waa lower, bccauar Fiance waa forced to mak s tieean'ra efforta to bare ai noarly ne noeidblr a» many trained vddlnrj an Germany OSO.OOCwonltt be 111. Tbero are In the United Stater between IS.080,000 and 20.noo.00e men of mnitanr lire If the preaeo' atandard of the arm/ la adhered to. •cd It I* Ter/ high It ia eattmated Gift abnet 4,778.0S0 of theee mm would be a reliable after making de di'otlona for ;>li>alc*l defect*. morbid Hr. Induelrtnl noeda nnd depandenrj nf famlllee. The Qaartcra. after General’* de pnrtment ha* In roadlnrva equipment for the regular *'m/. the Neilon* Guard and ISO.900 additional men and In (0 da/a thery; wr II ho ar band eqnlpmeat for COO.000 to TOP.. #00 mere men. Hear/ Intrenching too la are or I and for alee dlrlalnna ef Infantry end eonld be delivered within flf'.»er dn/a. There I* In reaorre pontrooi i apply for SdO.OOO mm. Hoaldr# the anppllec parked an. ready for ahlpment for (be rcgulnn vhe Mrdle:.l rorpa haa In more*' *MI plica for *80,009 to 399.000 men mm ARMY AXT> 2TAVY. On Mar I there w*ro *7.177 an Haled men and 4.S1I office re In thi l'nlto.1 State* arm/. The Phillip pica nenula. which are additional, In ielide *.781 men and II* nfficera In the ner/ there ere E7.00# men 11,1*1 officer* of the He* Id* oOoon jin lb* medical eorpe, tit p*/mae ter* and lid medical reaerre eorpe. Mr. Joel 0 Le/te*. of near Bel*’ Greek, we* ta town /eeterday *< ront* ham* from * bnatnee* Irfp t Norfolk Y*. ****** THl VOM TO HO .NOW IX MI'K MRUlVd. • Former* who e»p*« lo lie* upn 0 product* prodaoed on thnlr nv If furtu* should now be making a f rmngemeats lo grew all tli« food a i a feed crops required fur the suopoi - of Ui* family Sail ltv.--*tr.rk for on ’• y**h. with g little surplus for aloi: » lays Mr. C. R. Hudson. Slate Afcu t in charge of County Agent Work. In making nucli o;-.»0Rtmwt» th hum* garden should b* coail-err - line or the loiporirnt feature* \ n Burden should be of tliN. loam) n« - lure, when such can be procure! an r pmferahty should s’opr lowanl th 1 oaat or south. During (he t!m i n hen the ground Is fioae.i. staid- ins i mi re should be hauled and apres - over the garden and a hundred II* I of acid plioaphalu used for every toi or good two hr.rac load of mam r Aa soon as tha soil and subsoil ar ' t*ry enough to be plowed, th* lam i should be broken deeply, without la Verting I lie subsoil, nnd sliuuld l> well harrowed the same da" th. t.i eaklrg Is done. During February and March., tl. : following crops may be planted t-wets. carrots, bale, horse ruddhth Irlah potatoes., lettuce, onions, mils U.r«l. Kngllsh peas, nullah, spinach spring turnips, strawberry plan a nni mpo. When planted on good, rlt-l w*ll prepared soil. Ilp< is t rarj,, j,. sliwbtc plant for salad It In aim splomliri for lirsatorh, Jncludtiit cl lekens. If hens are exacted lo lay Sl.uuld be well housed, well car-M f0, nad red a balanced ration. lucls.’tn; •-erne rrwn crop, such ns rape, ry« clover. Old heus arc uoi pro.'ilabP as egg producers lo this 4 T.lve-si-h <tac‘ rrlivni every family should have one or iw. n.lloh cows, each as will more ihai pay tbolr board. H costs about 21 renta per day lo I sod a cow octlrslj *Ith food purchased at present mar Vet prices For heal results. cow must hare pasturage. In nrrar(;ln( for the pasture, remember thet foi milk production, gross la much more valuable than shade, briars. anc oinnn Tba bogs, too should have paalur n*« It ts not economies! to try tr grerw pork on worn alone, when oon bushel. Farmers who have a shortage ol •lock feed would do well to plant r few acres of rich land to early F„r or May oau. •■ tmen TtioMdM dead. rw-atb snterorl the home of 8.r»b r. Low on the night of F ebruary i-.rx' at 2 o’eloeh. sod took from NT af f< ctionatc embmee. her little err. James Thomas, to be forever M real with JOdUA. Little James was born July 1905 end died February 2lrd. 1917 mak ing his stay on earth 1J years. He was the Idol of his parents and was loved by all wbu knew him. Hv wus always mindful, helpfol. and Irns In life and beautiful In death with a sweet smile resting on It It countenance. Ids last words or worth were I am going in rest for ever. He was taken on Sunday the 1 fith raftering from blood poison, coused by n taek In hta shoe. Ills suffering was severe from the time be wti taken until his daath. Little Jamev scorned witling to go. The body wiu tnkon U> hla grandfather's hnmt wbero Ihe funeral wss conducted hj Uev. C. A. Jackson, from the text, ''The wages of sin la Death, but the Gift of God la Eternal Life, Through Joni Christ onr Lord." The bodj was burled In IJu family barylnr grout'd to await Ih# rceuirrctlor Hivrii. By Onndfithcr. TMK aifKRT MAJKKTir RIIOWH COMTKQ. The show wllh a reputation, at, vf rtlso only what wo have 10 bit clean, moral ottrarifnaa. tio.oji) ( 0 Merry go-round horses. S ahress with a Nm Ihonuand dollar oirsr. J »t troua Ihe factory. The rawest Mggest most enatly Forril Wheel Ir tho world, will all eshlhlt ta Dune fo ono weak, commencing Monday. Stir 6fh closing Saturday March 10th a li:># P. M. Notice tho window* of your moat popular Jowelcrl nu< **w tho prlaa for tho Carnival Quern SO* people with thla ahow will urrln on their own apacial train on Ran day un-lor tho uesploaa of tho Puni liana Ball Association Tho ro<|donee oocupled hy Mr. I. I< Calp eaagbt os «ro Wodncidm afternoon. The oalck responte o aolghbors and tho Sro doportmot. oxtluguMied tho flaama before eonal< eruble damage waa dnuo The hod aide if the hoaan, where the lira or lulnatod. uaa damaged to tome ru , twit > Mr Rohan Rwala epaat Rondo with friend. I. Wlleon. tllfbiD Ipt'.i4 ’loKr Feb. •- ;,a». non o n | Mi'c. 8ora j B. lA 4: (i !.st0 y-iinaj n ••lot" of Mood pAou. . u slay lx ■-1*■».» Inke.i near Ar «h V,uk |il:>ei ti hi S-m'i wn cuoaA an b triad. Th. I Mood retv.P niiivd \ r. mrtr h 0 ibr lie.l of bla aAa ti\i'*iTr.ri»f ti< "Ho- The Iilaeo Aon b.-l.V. and I In 1 ‘'Vtors tbo.ixM A w. i r'-eumat st until too irta. , A vrna inbrn *| tjttturdiy- iL'd ca lt fallow.’,i* Y, I **“V illvd. JamaA ar,a o, :/ clc. JT [• > n -» i>M and tit student at C., Rinded nr hull anAjrna 3 v.ry obJ-U ; <-ot and InrablbKiny in holt hl> (. •i-hcxil Hr.d iina^pte Hfg toacbc. i. , n<> other frlendrfw Ur frmlly * ;lt 1 iidrod kind to uAtM-reaT'it ottci. Mra. H. K. I*attA*d Of Parunicinlg Frtday mnralrgflBbc wag aho»< •t-roniy y«ur* old Ad was sick only ■ short whllo. Ra&fctay Ike remalui were rent to BbuflJcarulliui for bu rlat. I lor toaa *)• ooliftrd the -lay ho for* of b«ri||)int*a hot were aiuihlo to torch jAtbefore rhn (’tril. Onr of the coniA In Booth Cnro. Iln* and the otbAtw on th<> ly-rr. der nnd w.-a aafUBto ootur at all. Mr nnd Mrg. AHl. H .rvoll left Sunday for IIInAA to attond thn funeral of thrir Mr. ft. 3. rai t'i •bog" death o«MI 8unt», after noon at n br*p:cJWh Raleigh. Itnhe, Teh. ttAg n«-r Pj? Jay vh.vd roonu at fhApethn<’l«: xburc"' » rrr dedicated RQBay morning m the eleven u’cloef^Lrrtrev. Itcv II Itjy of Mo Bo* id ca-j r. Bperpf ■'firninon r* m rrfro* •diool v.nrfc ie wa3 11 Which I,me a’.aict At the f t « •'■lifer* of r the Mod I reference AW till* oat Hie att line* of ijthevt Pur Id that th« u me ‘fid Bht p-rrl <• non. ;<m ad to uto ifiay •oboe’ nare Mr gpenre aaM that It traa. hr thought, the ea>* Mamla-rl «c> rn-1 ii> the payelt.-vltle Manic: Welle In *• Mr. Socnre war the f;je<t of • >r. K. a. YarhrouRh. tutorijiien.Vet -f llie MethntUt Sunday acho 4. <X>MMITTKK KAbfm. Tho following compose the eotp n> Wr*a of tha "ArnorlatcA ChnrltleV vbii-li were I nmod reoonlly to solicit lundr to carry on Ihlg werk: Want No. 1—Mra. W. E. Enli’ vli *'■ K Howard. M'«. Naylor and II If Frootnao. Ward No. 1—Mr. D. C Fu»*nl! Mrr, J C. H'.dgeg. Mr*. J H. Pope, atlrt Mi*e Vlofn VrXi||L Ward No. 2—Mr*. Men ITolli-lay Mr*. P. A l.ynch. Mr. B. A Rowland mo! Mr. On f„ Canrady. Ward N.i. 4—Mr. W. J. Therapeoi Mr. R. L. Denning, Mrc. J H Bill l*r<ea and Mr. John Muni*. Mr. Freeman hoi beep appointed » m fmittoo of one to provide mite ho* ”* aud have ihern Install *d lit tho ho tel lobbies aad tha depot. Longest, Guaranteed Safest Service Wot 'IwinirU, but A Kiurn firedom (rum iLU Ihnfrn »V:i jroti af.oo >oar car with IShiniI. (Hiproof VACUUM CUP xiaEs (iU-.roaU'cd nnttaAhl on wrf. If’.’i) |cw«tn('t.ijs flciaiticil <h;|«iO/ from -Jart to Will h. O* . aruiitcrd—per warrmitf tig; r • inched to tali (atup-fM 6,000 Miles If bettor lire* could br b«0it I would tu. die ilaaa ; WORTH M. POP3, JDnnn, North Carolina. P. H. i will w-n fin a ttre for •l.OA enrh. balance HI .Of# ,#cr mN*- Oomc la m1 m> fnr you#-, "rtf Hat naaUty of Uwor Ibvs. WcnoiMl Oaer from mat Office. I • • • • • • • 1 m i * .*> Town Loo. an ! * hV«"l down pm week • located Hn##ih Wad Dam, . * Htao of |«tn dOiMO • UtIMTIf M. Pop* firm, V C 1* • • • i -— UAD TUI DOW* DISPATCH t '■]—T T-0 -- - ra.KX/l. A KWH. ’ TB" oven 111 grade Mil (ixdr rag ■ l«r c** r meeting'loot 1>1*'*..« rfli-r • rw... i I . tl:-» 3 Bool l.tlrrary D-ltc ' lot.* i'iIw* rr.l fniltr. weep jpr\d b; ‘jibe -uid.-l —Uuii e| too bxcIIni i nl p .leilirklful meeting rrm h*td. ■’"’ip iwo lliprrrv r(Kiel Ion of tki the Cirri.* Ji. A ye,ark ant • be fraacia ’ v til holh moc ililr af-atn-nr c* o le o’rloeli. Tin |1'-.vh -trrir'v e l , :,r r.-omretl I./ ft <1* j help of f.l- rr* r.k r r.n Ike '■tsbjett oi .<nta|>*l«ity icl’l.rry irriMtig fur A eit-kmu engtfcf. This nrjjtmm w i» reiidcrpil iy Qlr[.rd Wl’roc’a rl'1. •>f Iilr,*vr :n-tnake. I anti all the ala •enit ire welcb.’ng a lib Intorert te f<e w Mill »fC*i It making headway tl’P Cilijn.r «r the Wilton ride. Tbr n«n.- r”c»rr for Ayenck Society will •h- «n«u-lkd today ami begin duties ’ ff* Ihl* meeilng. w:t> tie Ofirr.lag uf ebe Spring I rurtloe for tfcj uUnn High School Tnacluill club. much gnati|i and •cbool «|tlili l> heard arbniirt thj eerapu: iiy iho vurlour rodents. |i l» leterrriJ* * to note by ihiito luter oe’ed in lIk* tehcol’* .thk-titn thr f.tei [lint l.n fllia-d Witauo. the erbuol bar an /-l Plteler; la Chick Baacll. nn oter’lii.t cotchrr: tad In drckvtR. Botfer, Pi *wn-t. Cnlp. and iilbere a fail rr.'tftd for Ike IrSrld. flat Ibr •iu*VI'! - vrn *onuia,e* in# Infield In ••renr.-.ey and beauty. uni] In t*ee Werr-n. Easell, Adler. and other? • 1:5 reheil has an errrllent eorpe of urtcr y-’rorr*. It |H rumored by the rtuderl* tlt»> Maacrrr Jarkenr. of i!te c.’ub Will rerlgi. be Macrgcr of Ihe team but 1» It hoped ihrt Uc ru ne.- It fnl-e end Unit no ruck actio* •• llablr to oceurr. The lot* of ’hh-irty" J.-ck-uiri a* Manager of the ’ram mu'*! mean a (oar of a grenl flare? r.nd a*i enporlMced mac In 1 ti nt on>rr. Hr Haters err ronnding as their f»«l material for tbc preliminary tVImia iu b« held next Friday Bight rnthrMy or at any rate poan. The ':*»*! Inn of Government Ownership of mllmrds I* a vital Istam of (he day trd he* rarer orgnmrr.u pro and eon »* to the rubiest,' The dual arrang ements far Urn regular Union debate has been made and UlUagtoa and ~'ll be held OB March »#th It la pre "sard. MUa Fi rthlag. Unto and Caesar •rearher of the High Brlmol has add ■•t im.-rest to hm work among the ’ nptls hy using C rivalry method In ’ter iMb-ins. Fnrh elasr in divided In two « •'ups of aindmta nod the Ktonn that surpass-* the other Ir 'Intly nnd depottnrnt far Die month i* entitled to an hour off »f ore day lr. the month while the other arc up '* f'wved tr «try In rod make am of lrt*t;a Ir that neriod. Mina Kmltt ill. tided bar lOih Or.rde immense rlnu '!<e same way ub;1 the students of that Clare were r'-Jnlrerl to get off mr l’-r yesterday i.ftcrnon. rrTBon tn-ouxK x T.te Ounn E.raVelhall girl*, which HoM Frrm Ihr D. K. B. motored ap lo ‘i neon I.rrt Saturday afternoon r«j the yn-pouu of ptuylng Denson a m-ic c-r beahetlmTI. which they did nml ir .ro defeated by tho score of IS a. Th- locnit pro** no allbt'i and ink*- • defeat llkw Luo gportc, say Iiij. t r# though they were defeat ed ft urday next tire* they wir •taU' . cnsna.aii up and tako notice H>m ?r. thor* art a few thing, which the writer would Ilk* to lol 'he public know. In th« Sr*t place, ’ho local tenm I* mode ap entirely or in expert cncod maL-rtal who have i.ev*r phived the gam* before. Lett year and yoar before Dunn tltgf. i-.vd no girl* bs-k. ibiill tenm anil ne ts tn rally this year uo experienced I lay era existed. Th**. loo. that pr.aie na the «mt game that this tcic ever played and th* tlret of the tpftaon. naturally being harder to win than whoa in form. Further more, the locals had been accustom ed to Playing by girls rules, whith I eectBL'sly proper, and Dnuoa used tr bore rule*, therefore playing ball ho -sire hy one mrthori and th* • "her half the other.. However, at Mated 1*1 rs, the girls wake no *i enswe aid promise to wtaMf potei tie when they haul* Ttvisoa her*. " "•Vpn tj-.ilnt pal np ,a gams ' 'At revorthetrm Th* Dwoeoa Five •t'-re pul ft. * harder task than tbr ac'.re would Indicate nnd th* posnei o-d shots made by Lee. Calls, Nay lor. aad lhe others warn bob* tex 'aay to Ju.lg* or cut of by the Den. son glrjr. MIm Mamls Iss, Ceatei for tb* locals threw Dunn's only goo oa a fair shot from s teed distant j from lh« Htiakol Denson's gnali .wer* llirrtwu by practically ever] Iri.-mbcr of the rire aad s|l the tean [rtHiweg up well. Tct Woodall whi .Marie a loag «*M goal was evldoatl: ja, aad th* faat router that wa ,1-ntb sna.ipy sed skilled fay Oonaoi Km la. toy Duan as toy jward did not ahow up a* troll a* I her custom and waa not la th* bos i hi VI <1 I’ABI w THK WXMT LAM A Hroat I* Thrifty. He work* faithfully. «ut*f noth •d«. and make* the hast ua« of hla . opportunities. He aaroa hla money ro lhat hr may pay hla ova u*y. be Rir.crou* to ihow Hi need, aad . worthy to helpful object*. He work* h::rd ami rosy work for pay. but ha receive* no lipa for mere courtesies and good tuma He la brilliant aad smart am) la not a lonfcr of the ai reefs. The real Scout la that boy Vho -t au tlmra worn* to ba dofag nowcfhlng for Ilia good of the eotn n unity or other people end does all he can to do good fer alt poop!*- The ret pie admire th* boy aeoat lor lit thrift Jnrm aad hla tendency to work si all times, ne la not ong of the tery anhappy act that load the .Ircot, grouch) being*, hut Inataad I* a hardworking boy who at all timet wants to be on the Job. To aaa tha word* ha le on Uo Job. He la bright nod happy, simply bee*aae as a Bey Scout of America for natriotlam and national sake be I* going nil tbc ttmn and working to kaep op wltk bin progreaaira organisation. Thrif ty la the ward. men BTIlTH KATF VVD LOW HEATH HATH. Over nirth* t> North Oarwfl •u* row Terr Forty fer rewC Atten d'd by MldwHen. North Carolina's high birth rata •>f 31.8 per l.aot population against her low dealt rata of 12.1 gtra* her a most remarkable health record. Hf*™* recently eompflad by tha vt lal statistics department of the State Hourd of Health show that there were In North Carolina last year 56.. white birth* while there war* !4.4*2 colored birth*, a total of 4».. A*»A wai a a _ _ m_ *. - - — ■ —- Mir uwv uirrr WfTC «oproximately Sl.tM death* from an r«-ieaa la the Ktata. Apparently •Vem these flrorvs the death rata of tha Rtate has eUahtly decreased while • he birthrate remain* about the same Another Interesting fact bronchi •ml la the record* of these "Ufa and daatb' figure* in that 8« per cent of the white birth* la tha State ere al i.nded by a physleue while II per emt by MMetret Tbs reeyjne la ^M^r^%a^mdMW^rw^Oaly^ cent are atteadeJ by mtdwtreg. rrobably (hi* fact, la the opinion of tha Hoard, account* to n large *x teat for the difference In tbu death rrtoe of children ■ niter oae week old j for tlir whlli; and tho colored racoa. Arrordlng to mortality aUtlatlea. al atoel twice i> many colored babies •l> during tho first week of life as rrhltr babies While tha Ignorant midwife may be one factor responsl bl* for thU c.iodttloa among the ool oird raoc. lack of prenatal rare for' mother aad child la thought to he largely for tha graateut number of Ikes* deaths In both i ataa. THK MAN FOB IT. When it enme* time to name the appraiser of tb* Federal Farm Loan Hank, of Columbia, 8. C., no butter otlnrtlou coaid be made than of Mr. h. o. Towuaoad. of norm. M. C. The niadom of tht* selection would he found In a number of ways. Kot on ly Is Mr. Townsend a man of ability. J of wide experience as a financier aad of high character, elements necessary as the Bret stonna of the foundation. I Ingredients to nuke as efflclant ap. i pruleer—but be la a man generally beloved and la whoa the people have not ho a man with the element* bet tor mixed ao that tba poaltlna might ba filled to tte capacity of require maou than Mr Tonmeeod who ta be l»g backed by lending flnandem. taw Term, bnalaaaa non and farmer* of tha aeotinn which atratehia from New Hanover to Hamatt and tha conttgn-' oaa territory Ur. TownacmI’a farrlllarlty with tha needa of tba people of tha Colo a hta dlatrtet and bla peraonal aeqaalo. taaew with thoaaaoda of tha people' would make him even bettor qualified | for the poatthm. HU career baa' boon each aa to add to bla fitaeea for' tba pool non. par year* be waa a aaeceaafkt farmer In Robenoa county ond now be la head of a big buoloeaa ‘ ccncara in Dana. Tha object at the farm loan hank U to aerre the Interest. of tha fann-j or and tba haalaeee world; to eon nart the two. fle la Mite way Ur. Tewaead would be fiamtlfair with bath phaae*.—WHealngtoo DlapaUk. of form, rat played Hoaa and faat. Naylor waa on her faat at all limes aadworked like a trojan. Strickland ' too ntayad to the game nod the whnlo > ton* played goad hall, although outclassed by the more esporlaaaad > Henson Qatat. i Tba ftnal acort wan lt-1 In favor t of the Hannon Fire, hat the locale i declare ta Dana enthartaata and ta I ran a High bckol aplrlt. that when Deneoa takaa her ataad am tha local i field, there will h another talc ta t tea COMMISSIONER** «m Bi virtu* of the authority contain «*' '» • emala lodgment r*.*N*« Harnrn Tmm 1,1 • «* Court, to a otiM thwlu entitle* The Dana C"*ai« swia^jssys inn or parcel or lead, situated la Carver‘a Creek tawaaklp, Cukaa load County designated aa follows to Fit: It being that eartala tract of land where the defaadanl now Urea, l-otjodod on the north hy the land* of drfeodaat, bought of K F. Toeag on lha east hy th# lands of ApePet? ter Relate, oa the south by the Jobs Eason land and oa the west hy the tuttds of ths defendant, bought at ■uM K P Toung. being the same lead lh® *•*«*•« hy Wm. A Catbrlr about thirty eight years ago. containing ivm^ji, arraa manor left and known as the Thann *—1 bought of the said Oalhria. Place of gala: The courthouse door Fayetteville, N. c. 11m of Sato: Meadav Anrfl a If 17 at IS oeloekH.^^ ^ ’ Terms of mle: Cash. This February Stth It IT. V. C. BULLARD. COM MISSTOXhR'l *AI.K OP TAL padi.e land. By virtue of the authority oontatn ed In eartala lodgment of tho Paper tor Court of Harman Canty reader od at the November Term i*l«, in tiK* <«it of The Dana fMUiltooa (k l wly Co. w. C. H. Lee aad wife. Loberta loa. the n ad resigned Com mUticcsrs of the eoort will ettl the fallowing lands situated in Fataoa Town shir. Duplin County, at subtle Aurtlna, towlt: PI RUT TRACT: Bounded aa the north by the lands of Aoa Hicks aa lb* ansi bf lands at Walter Diafen p.nd Rt-ubea False*, on Ut* the south by the ISDdr ol Reuhaa R. PhJaoa. aa Ike West by (be lands of Ursay Dar dru. eoatsinlag t l.ip acres aarw ar Ur*, and bring the nee lot ar purest nf land on which the defendant lives, sad the earn* conveyed to him hr J. W. Mallard aad wire, aad tor farther Jaerrlption see their dead to him ra UT of Duplin Coast?, said lut tf Rinalac at a ataka to a tutch at tha with said ditto N. ■« 14 W. II 1-i poles to a stake aa tke ih".e* b*c* Una B. U 14 W ■ IS poles to a stake ea Bti bem Faison’s ltoe: thence Fatooa’s line g. S7 1-1 B 14 1-4 poles te a daks. Falsos’s eeraer; Inn ft. Tf »•*/•» ijftf »• a —he a. the toad. with toe read abfrt K. •• ft. the aortk by_ to tko MM hr the I to the goath by leads ot__ Thompson, and the lands of oae Har rison. on the West by the leads ad lane Bennett. containing one aero, store or loss, tho said tract emits In >tc a small (nuns hows baflt by Roes Stephens, more tpectgdaUr boaaded as follows, trlt; Rglsalm tl a Maks la Thompson’s line, Lacy rsaa’s oonver, runs X. 71 W 14 pains io a stake, thence X. 11 B 4.44 (alee to a etaks. tfaenoe S 71 X 14 poles t« e stake; thence g. it W 1.44 t4 lie beginning. THIRD TRACT; Bounded ou the "Orth by the lauds of L L. Faison, un the eeet by toads of Lacy Tana on south by the leads of defendants, an Wrst by the lands of Mae Baa nett. containing 1 l-i asras. mere or low. end being the name eograyed to ! by flalrla Bampeen. and tor fall leerriptios see Ms dead to Mm re tarded la deed Book 114 Papa 41$ Registry of Duplin county. the told land beginning at a stoke la Laoy Tsan’e Mae. runs with C. H. Lee 71 w 14 poles thence K 11 K 1.44 notes p tbr old Faison Has. theses with ‘be Fmlsoo line X 47 E II poise to Bt la Tubs'* corner; thence bar Mae g. It It poles to Lury Tens'! line, her line ll w II 14 pelsa to the begin Bln*. FOURTH TRACT: Bounded on lie north by the leads of I. L. Fal. -on on tha nant by tha landa of Rlaaa Taan. on the South by tha laete at >-<acy Tana, on tba Want by tba laad; of Mary Willisana. eontatntsg S 14 Itrras more or Iona, aad balag tba nama rourcyed to Roborta Lea by Doa Hicks aad far farther deserts Hon tea daad by mid Doa Blabs to iLiharta Taaa. Tlian of gala: Monday April Sod. 1911 at It o'clock M. Tanas of Halo. Cash. Flee* of Sale: Depot to tba tows of Faison. N. C. April 2nd 1911. B. 1. BOWDEN, Commiasloear. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER MORTGAGE. By rirtac of tba power and anther tty gtraa by a certain siortgage en xntad by Thomas H. McKay aad rife. Mary McKay to Tha Dana Cam mtaeloa aad Bapoly Co. wbleb la I* cor.lad In tba n«ee of Raglatar of Deeds for tba Coaaty of Harnett, la book lit page 997 the following prop orty will be fold's! Public Auction, via: A cam in ploee or treat of laad I lying aad being In Grass Township, llaractt Covsfy. Ptata of North (Mr. nllna aad daaerlbad aad dagaad m *• •»! Banning at,a alakr with ram patatani In tba ran at Thoraton-s Creak os tba want Mda of ibn rlTsr road in Mian MabalM McKar'a tin#, and mas aa bar Has h** «*'*»*' M « Want ll.TI eha to a stake la tba asath ami af tba land of tba lata D. MaN. Mc Klf. tbaaoa aa tha MsKay Has N u E Si te eha. ta a (taka la tba r*a of Thors ton’s Creak with gam imatsts tbanen ddwn tba raa af aaMaraah Ita tba bagfaatag. eaatalatag M 14 naraa mam or leak Mb* of gala—Tha nsilbnmi door la UrUagtaa. N. C. Tima of Bala Moaday Merab Path 1911 at IS o aloab mT^ ’ Tarsaa of ggla—Oaah. Fnb. SS 1911. THE DUNN COM. AMD SUPPLY 00

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