L P C A J t A. C. L. PAnSI-iNUKR train SCHEDULES: Southbound. No. 83 (Flay) 8:1* A. 1 No. 03. S:32 A. S No. 88. 8:48 P. h No. 38. 11:1* P. » Northbound. No. 34, 0:38 A'. 3 No. 80. 12:62 P- * 1H. 7:41 P. h No. 82. H:*8 P- » DURHAM AND HOITHERN Loaoruger Train Stlif4»b: l.v. Duo No. 6:1<* A. h No 31. 1:30 P- h Ar. Dtin: Na 31. 11:10 A. N N.. 11. 8:38 P. y Hr. Riigriiu Col > Vlilted relative Ir I'nyeiirviDo Sunday. Mr. Ryr-I llrnlrr "I UUlineto: uaa a hltilnr b-'o Oil* wook. Mr. \V. H I'.muli »i:n a buMnav % :kIC r in UulcUii iSIs Wf-rk. Mr*, v.'j'.v r I loanrd and sen an > rltlsg rotative* In lli.'ky Mount. Prof. J. A. Camiibrll. of Dair’i i i«k, was a vUilor M I’iwii Wcdmi* s it: South Carolina. Mr. Robert Young, of Durham i-pent Sunday hore with hi* paronin, Mr. nnd Mri E. F. Young. Mr Jpmr-* rh-iii, of Hurliaiu. visit. #•5 his parents. Mr. and Mr*. L.. J. lust. Saturday and Sunday. Mr*. Mr Win 'fade. Mm A. I_ Neve lorry ami Mnt. J n Duller, eprnt Tuctday in Fayetteville llrv. K. XI Ilr.yle a[>eiii several days In Ike eltv tuts week Hie gueet of Mr. and .Mr*. T. V. Smith. Mr. Harprr It.illldny of Eton Col lege. la spending several divs here with hie parent,, Mr. and Mru. McL) l.'ollldry. Sheriff Turllnrtcn. Mr. D. II. Mc Lorn. Mr. I'wm and other eilixnna of Lllhneten. wne visitor* In Dunn ytwterday. Hr. Correll. of Wake Forest Col bue. will preach at Ibe flapiiat rburrh here next Sunday morning nnd erenlng. , '*'»• Mary Ann Jonca. of Ksyetle Vlllo, hny l-larned home after spend l"B Several daya lier« with Mr. and Mrs. \V. J. Joaen. Mr. Karl Darcfnol, who waa oper ated or l.mt week for apper.dlrltla at it I'ayetlrvHIo hospital, I* rupldlv D-eoTciing and win he able to return h« me In a f*w daya. Mr. 0. R. roarer was carried to " hoapltHl In Raleigh (hla week where be will ha operated on. Me haa been *lrk for aoma tinia anffer 1'Hr from pneumonia. Ml*-* Melon Marne*, after upending r-reml months 'n tho city anil a* Wiabinclnn, the jurat of Mlaaer. hubr and MnUI > Bello Godwin, leri Monday for her home In Jackaon v»lle. Fla. Mr. W. W Weft. practical eahl irt maker, linn tr&Ycd hla place of I naltteaa from thr rear of L P Burlaw* Mere Into the hill’ulng next to Mr. 0 ft. Lee nn Kn«* Broad atreet. II ilora all kind* of rr blnet work. You will not'co an announcement In thU lamre froc. Mr. W. D. Hollaed t t op hla nrrlrnl home he will open a Hue of henry and fnnry grneerle* In the Howard Building on Hart Brood atreet and lollclta the patron ago of hla formar tuatoirera. We ate pobllihlng In thla tame atetemanla or the Flref National Rank tho Bank of Harnett and the State Bank and True* Company Gach of theaa tnatlintlona mahe i:«md allowing*. Iht rmlt of excel, lmtly managed loatltuMone Mr. Harrey Tyner, «f Fairmont he* returned In Dunn and accepted a poaltlnn with Langley * Barber ahop Mr. Tynur mad* Dunn hi* home for •cvcral year* and hi* frtenda her* are glad to welcome him bach. Mr* Tyner will join him horc later, A letter from the border reeotny thl« week atate* that the boy* of Co M Second Infantry, will leare foi Runn tomorraw. It will take them ai«ont a week to conplri* their trlr end they w'll arrlre la Hann the lat ter part of next week. The rlttxea ■I Dnnn •hop Id mahe arrangement* b> axte-ot the boy* a hearty weleoaii upon iholr arrival home. Mu. L C. Bull of Florence, 8 G ■* U In the city vlalt. ng hor mother. Nr - Jr hoton. Mr. Lovett Warren of Raleigh N**snt Saturday and Sunday In tli< city with fr*nd*. » Mr. Claude Bataea. of Jaekron . vlllo, Fla., waa a hualnene vtaltor It I city this wark. Mr and .Mra. t T. Hnr*. of At'an [' u- . arrived lo tba city thla weel nnd are vlaitlag Mra. B»*V air tar Mra. Vlrgle Warren. | Mr*. R r. Younx returned Lhli . »«l from Griffin. »e,Tl. at, ; *rei't errrrl we.lt wlih tar da.ph l-r. Mr*. William*. Mr. and Mra. \\ A. Town/, m! and eon. N. A. Jr., anl Mr* .1 J Wade, returned 8'ieday attcr ion fron Itlrli i-.i'nd, Va. wherr they np-l.t *cvcral tlnya. i Htahop 0. W Clinton, colored, ol Charlotte, will proach tvt the A. M. B Mon church In Dunn Wcdneada • night, 21at. Public la Invited |0 hear Mm. Mia* Tva Batth*. who la a atudent »l • Durham f'ouaervatory of Ml', 'c. Arrive*! Tn -riday nflemnon t > i Mend rcvcrnl day* In the city with relative*. The Imille* did Society of the Chrlitian church will give a Whit* , rale In the mm ol the Woman * * Inh no Railroad Avenue. Thjraday n'ter Barter. Mr. Cbnrlle I'opc. aou or Mr. and Alta J. C. Pope, who Urn a abort Jlv tnnee eaat uf Dunn, waa earr'crs to Fayetteville Ihla ' eek. wl ere he waa operated on. Ilia friend* h- pc hi* ncovorr will he ipwdy :. ol cnmp.olo. Mr. Johaeph J. Cook haa accepted a p*i*lflnn In Iho aale* dipaMinent rt the n C. Taylor Ccmpeay. and Will lie pleaned to havo hi* Irleada ivtll on him In the city FV>r a num tcr of year* Mr. Cook waa a mor rliant here and t* wall known lo the f r-in..i.n_ Attorney L. L. '-win von of Coats, wu • r*»‘tnr In the ally Wednesday! Mr. Imvtrson .aid Uit people or Ctufr were highly pine ted over the resell of the eler'Vtn to Issue bonds it' build e 114,000 school building nt Cents, which wee held thle week its people voted In fevor of bond< l» a .mill majority. The concert given by the singing class of tbo Oxford Orphanage In the Opera Houee Saturday night wax well ai(ended and waa appreciated hy the large crowd pfreenl. Tbo , com '■* ft wax up to the uruel standard which la hard to oxcell. The re celpts were near one hundred dol lars The class sung at the Matho diet church Sunday morning nt the 1< o'clock servlet. They left Dunn Monday at noon highly pleased with •heir visit. Mi. I. n. Wllllama. of raisen. has rioved lo Dunn nod la a*- .. n.lb Mr. R. L. Or-dwln In the prac* tlcc of law. Jlr. William. I. a .or of Mr. and Mr». Marshal] Williams, one of Iho prominent families of the Bute, and oho are well iuinwn in r.unn. He was educated nt Blag ham end the University of North Carolina, graduating from the latter institution rod received bis llminsu to practice law In February. He Is a blight, aftablo young man and tv I eopln of Dunn are glad to welcome hi n as a eltlsen. ■ i I BIIIUUK IN 110X011 OF MIMA ETHEL HIAIAX.. One of the prettiest parties of the Mia eon was given Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. John Flligcrald and Him ■Jlnriys Young et the former's home In compliment to Miss Ethel Sloan, of Oeneva, Nebraska. who Is ths at tractive house guest of Miss Sue Smith. Ths entire lower floor of tbs house waa thrown enaults and lav ishly decorated with carnations, hya cinths. Jonquils, and beaks of fsrna. Tables worn arranged In ths musk loom for auction Bridge which waa played until flva o'clock when a de lirious buffet luncheon was served ft How ad by less. Miss Sloan was presented with a lovely hand embroidered piece of lin gerie. Miss Smith mads lop score and received a pair of gold and whits silk horn. Dainty little embossed booklets of gold and while were tha souvenirs of tha afternoon Tboua present were Miss Smith and honor Sueat Miss Sloan. Mea de mss M. A. Townsend. J. Lloyd 'Vadf. Jack Lou. Harvey McKay. Oran villa Tilth* tit. I Faison Hlcka. Italia Wllaoa, James Farthing, Jno P. Johnses and Ellis Goldstein HOOK (MIL The Thursday afternoon nook Club waa onLertslnsd by Mrs. John F layers Id and a tnoat delightful af ternoon was aajoyad. Ths meeting was called to ordar by tha President. Mrs J. Lloyd Wad# Minutes of last meetlag and roll roll read by Secretary, Mrs. *. Smith. An Invitation was vrteadsd to tha e»«b to Join tha State F.deration It waa movad aad anaalmously voted that they Join. Mrs. P. 8 Cooper aad Mrs. Lloyd Wade ware si sot ad at—B5B5gMi— .'delegate* to tb* ooovanUoo whlc i ccnvanua la WhltaviUo next wook. I Tha aabjact for tha afternoon we I American Colonial Fnraltmro. Ur J. W. Whitehead rand ao Interval Inn papor oa CUppandat* and HI Furniture and Mr*. Lloyd Wade re* an article oa Urn Jacobean Pcrhn after which a three coaraa luneheoi waa aervod. Membere praeent war*: Maadamaa Granville Tllghman Jack Ixic, It A. Townaaad. H. O Mattox. J. Uoyd Wade, J W. Whit* bead. J. C. Clifford. Bd. Smith. J R. Batler. I. P. Hick*. P. S Cooper Kill* dolditala, Chart** Hiahamlth Invited Ouaata: Mr*. Kara eat Jeffrlae Ml*se* Rue Bmlth. Glad ye Toana and Ml*a Ethel Rloan of Nabraaka. REPORT OF THR CONDITION OF THE BANE OP HARNETT AT DUKE. N. O. In tha State of North Carolina, at th« cloao of hualnea* March Ith HIT. RESOURCES Lo»na and dlacoant* .. HO.321 12 Overdraft* unteenr e<3 ** »« . 33.33 All other Stock*. Itonda and mortgagee . It.OII.M Furniture and Flxtnr m 1341.41 . 1.34*46 All other real eatato, ow“a. *13.36 toe from National D*“k*. 14.37*. 40 Ou* from Stato Dank* and Banker*. <(.741.30 Ca*b Item. K.343.0* Gold Coin . 31*.00 Fllvar coin Including all minor cola car «■**» . 1.700.14 National Bank Notea and other U. 8. "OtM . l.Sll.t* Total . .. ttt.flt.il LiAnm.mii s. Capital Stock paid la.... 20 0*0.00 Surplus fund . tO.OtO.OO 1 ndlrlded Profits Ism current expenses and Taxsa paid . S.SIS.ST Deposits subject to oheek . 117,111.64 "i Imc Certificates of Deposit . . 1.416 SoYtngu Deposits.llt.717.lt Cash ter* Chucks out* standing . M7.74 Total . ttt.t4t.tt FTATB Or NORTH CAROLINA — County of Hanctt. ltl? I. C. 3. Hicks Vlce-Pres of thr alK>ro named Bank do solemnly r» ear tkat the al oxe Is true to the List of my know ledge asd bell#'. C. 3 HICKS, Afire Vlce-Pres. Subscribed *nd sworn to before me. this 14th day of March Itt? Wan. A. WHITE. Notary Public My rntnralrslon expires May St*i lilt. Correct—Attest:: Wit P. HOLT. J. M. HODQKP H. P. DAVIS. Directors. EFFORT ON THE CONDITION Of The State Hash and Tnaot Co, at liven and Angle* In Iht State of North Carolina, at the close) nf bad ness March IMh itlT. RESOURCES. liana and discounts.... 4t.l1tl.ll CrerdrafU unsecured... 11*.to All other stocks bonds end Mortgage*. 4.*2K.tO Banking Houses 1,4*4.Oe Furstlnre and Mx_ turee. 4210 ft. t.tlO.St Du* from National Bank. 1,485.04 Do# from But* Pa oka and Ranker* . 8.281.04 Creh Item. 1.177 42 Cold Cota . 180 04* Pilrer coin. Including all minor coin currency... 842.81 National bank not** and other IT. S NoUa .. 1.81 (.00 Total .or.cva.es LlARILITIPd. Capital atork paid In . .. 11.It 0.00 Undivided prollta. Idea eurrerl and 'um paid . 88 8* 3 11* payable . 18.000.00 Repot!U tub} act to chuck. 88.847.84 Time CerttAcataa if de poelt . 8.888.01 Cashier** Cheek* out nt ending . 188.78 Total . 87.088.8* statb op north Carolina County of Haraatt, March 18th 1817 I. 3. A. C ilbraih cashier of the above named Hank do eolor nly ovruar that the above state* ant u true to the beat of nay knowledge and VUof. J. A. CCLBRRT84 ft hler Bubacribrd and aworni lo before nt-, tSI* 1.1th day f march 1*18. JAR. PR ARB ALL. Notary Pahtle. Commlatlnn eaftrea January l*th 1*18. - Correct Attest: H. o. TOWNOKXn MaD HOLUDir p. *. ooortti. Director*. WATOn LOBT.—BATURDAY AF tomoon, la my shop yard, ana •842 fk«*. Waltham movement gold watch, with chain attached Reward for Its return to J«at. Johnson, Dan, R. c. » COMMHWIOKKR* BALE OP LANE Under and by virtue of the povroi tf aale entered la the Superior Conn of Harnett ceuty la the cnee entltl 1 nil or this notice will be plondcd In Imr of tholr recovery. All nerson* In debted to said estate will pleare make Immediate pay moat. This the Itb day of March HIT R L. Turlington. Administrator Of tbc eelats of A. D. Tnillngton. deceased. L. L Levinson. Altomey. Coats N. C. mortoaoe bale or tauiaulk HEAL EflTATB. By virtue of the authority contain ed in a certain mortgage deed rirnt led to R. T. Dane* Jr. by R. S. Par. rlsb and wire Della Ptrrtsh on March !•** *»< wa* ‘•“‘I traaaferred hy B. T. Hornes Jr. to me. Betug registered la the Registry of Harnett county In Dook No. its Page tl« M -m- salt hawie. 1.___. . .. ■ •nt of the not* aernred by earns I Will (*■ April 14th 1*17 mr,r for sale for cash to tbo highest bidder at ll *»■ at the oourt bouao door la Ulllgg ton N. C. tho followlog desert bed i parrel of land In the town of Conte ™ ( c Harnett rsuaty Ort.ye towa ficurfanlrg 175 ftet from Wash ington atreet on Ida atreet and rung Weat 10» root. Thence Snath 175 f«wt to JaCkson efreef. then re tv«t lot faet to Ida street thmrc with •*M Ida atreet 175 feel to tie hegtn nlng eoatatnlng the frarlional pert of •" “T* **• aaaae bring two lota In Block N In the plan of the town nf m7* N*’ C’ ThUl Mareh 14,h 8 T. Barnea Jr. Mortgagee C. X. Neighbor!. Transferrer of Mortgagee. NOTICB OX HAL*. By virtue of ike outborlty contain ed In a certain deed of trust oxrcnted ' by W. H. ParrUb to the undrrelgnrd Trnataea. and registerod In Rook - of tbo Records of Harnett county, the undersigned Trustees named In aald Ared of treat win uu Monday—The TfHPTTky of April. 1*11 at 11 o'clock M. at Ike Poatofflre Door In the town of Dunn, N C offer for emle at public auction to tlie htgheat bidder for caab for Ibe par— poae of sailsfylag the liidcbtednrsr •ecu red by amid deed of trnat. the fol lowing described lands In Harnett Coanfy. North Carolina, to-wit rTWlT TRACT: Adjoining Dcr erau Matthews and Arron Matthews beginning at a stake on the Rrmili aide of the road near Willie Johnsons kouaa sad 15 links Southwest ni Ceo. Matthews' corner In rho center of road near aald Wllllc Johneen’B house, and runs nearly parallel to l» path 8 II R 38.50 chain* to a stake In a branch; thenee N. * I-I W Id. 130 chains to a ntoae corner at the run of Bale's Creek; thence no the channel of said creek about 10 cha. to a point la the canal srhe-r tho :!ne between this tract of land and Pie J A. Wntlaraa' ImbCic.l lamia t.nch said canal tbruce vtti this llac N Si W 10.55 chains to a alike on the hill tad nn the North allr of a branch Qeo. Matthews' line Bnutb Ihea.-.c trllh Oan Matthews' line B. 21 W 20.31 ehuiae it tie. beginning and Is 77 1-4 acres of land. mote 3K(r/ND TRA'-i" I loginning at a -take corner in the L. V Joik«‘ old I n* and rune aa Ur Arum old Hne did rnn 8 21 W 1.74 rlwin* tn a (take and |i motor* corner; thence aa a »•» diTlsimi Mnr with Arran Matthew*- lino N «-.< W 10.11 <*«ln« lo a ataka corner In the wa ter of the new road thence aa the new road N. 11 E. 1.7» ehatna to a atake corner ta tho center of the road la th* old line *7 link* from th* old corner on U* wcei *td* of the rmd; tbonce aa the old Mae of th* lone* house tract 8. SI E 10.4t eka to the beginning, and ta 1 3 4 nerc* more or lean. TRACT TURCB- Adjoining B. T. Barnea and L. T. Daniel*' flrgliv. king at n large dead pine at the Kant side of Black riser Hiller? btownrt’a corner, and man na hie line V. 47 1-3 H 11.50 ehatna tn a atako anti in«tn lara; thane* N. SI K 7.4# c-haina to an old pina with pointer* liicnre M. 1# E IS.tS chain* to a stake and pointer* J. L. Juhaaou'a aorxer; thence with hie lino N. S3 W 13.So chalaa to a large Ilghtwnnd atnmii; thence N. 34 E 3.16 chain* to a ted oak; thence N. »t op tag llaa M. •» 1-1 M 14.44 cha. raaalng Dnantag'a anraar aod with f R. Johnann'a In* to a atoke ond r«tntara la C. R. Johaaoa'a; llaa 1 Ik non B. 14 W 14.74 chalaa la a Make oad pot a ten la aa oM Raid: thence N 14 4.4 W 14.44 ekalaa to U* btglaalng noalalalog 19. t4 acrm ii fore or low. „ Thlo th* 14th day of Mnreh 1*17. WILLIAM t>. BLACKVOMU * J. C. CLIrKOBD, Tranter*. 1 Th* opening of Bpring god gam. ntr good* In moot at th* (tore* I* Ik* ctty taking yta«c thla work. The dMylar* ora nrrr altroMlro had th* d«»lgan tad qaauty and e'rtoty a*** la lh* atorta of liana reeabty with thooa a*an I.. rr **er*» I la Ihli MClioa tt th* state. Tv laarohmla km graporad to take wt at thatr raatwora ssd that •Mid raaatr* fl.a patroaaca «tM >« la total to nat|hhortai| nau »