I^IAY CLEARANCE SALE^ Q MID-SUMMER QPENOtcl 99 • HR 99 99 ¥ ^ _. __i__ t 99 mi R Good* reduced alLover.the store. If}—k early N y and get your choice U h -mm Rk ■* ^^IDuim's lBest Store i ■anr****waaMaBmoBBoa9maea DIRECTORS Of COMMUNITY PAIR AT COATS MEET. Oi Saturday, May lllk, tho d!rae> ton mat * uurtw oif Mood* hitor astod I*tho CowaumUy Pair at Casts s**t sad parfaatod a paranasal or CaaiaadaB fas tha snMrt{ this nnnar aad aott f*a This moatfag sbowod groat latoroat la tha Pair work. With tack sno aa 0. A. Ob*. haad of tha dapartatsat of Said crop* aad ^rdoa ^rsdaets, aad Prof. B. p. Ontry, haad of tha dopartaaoat of Mat tloa, tho outlook far tha aaaoad as < naal Pair at Coats is Wight for ona a grist at sauisi thaa last yoar. Mas. •lab work aadliNMtf bar part to ban oMMtlts from all tha ofcMa la TW - name Saada. liaa Te—Saa as4 Na—( Suatit, SwSM ■KW1NO DBPAXTMXNT (We—a Mm *Stew«” ** apa>. Oflry^WM, Bailey ud Reraata laata, Safa*. BSWIMO B***BTMCN*MA 1 ton. . *cm ou*m 'aurB>-*r. B^ r rart*k md tL JL vtnanmjun or tlanutac TUMMO—G. motel. £~D*. (MU 4rNM, i)MlM> Miaou I WOW DM'I T MBMT, J. H. ifaiK' o. aAmm a w. wnimin, Mi'an,’4. m • * A; IHBMW -—^- - --‘ Bfc TRUST CO. 3NDITION, MAY 117. Call ICES: ..._$ 64,435.15 _ 15.61 nks_ 20,693.41 .$85,144.17 I LABILITIES: I Capital L&r...14,300.00 I UndivkWMfcrofit.. 1,926.36 I Bill, pay**#,.15,000.00 I deposit. SX---- 53,917.81 I TotalA..._.$ 85,144.17 I HLGQipi, T.V. SMITH, I Pre^LijL Vice-Prea and Caduer FASH|ONS ON SALE DEPT. STORE ’DUNN.'N. C 'Mftftowmo MOMkr and but.’ INC GOOOB ON CUD IT It .way bo—pad. often to—jood huriayaa ,to borrow money, bat for ■way poopto it to'o daagoreoo habit. m“T * BMtMl toi boon written •ad nanny « dollar baa boon bor rowed duria* tbo pact two wooka **■* wlU aertr bo paid back aava by foroeloouro of tbo noitfift Borrowing u • .troachoreae habit. It to oaoaBy an acawy to tbo prop parity aad happbwda of tbo borrow «r aad a paotHaat anaay to friead ■bip- Tap often than cone* a Hat whan tbo borrower aad leader would rrntbur Dot ooe each other. Sotae ttoteo tbo borrower think*, aad uot wttbout pood rtaoou, that tee' Wad er to eeld aad oarypocttvo. It to true that nil bonowun bo Uoao tbot^lt tjwadd bo • bowowiaf tboy are ao ready to toad oa they on to borrow, aad oaually thoy'aro right —if tboy hooo anythin* to toad. Bor rowing owl fcaprdrideaaa *n twin Oman, wit way araao nearly related ty; that they ara likely ti tom war* af her grace than they fiaam la raaltty, tha eoauaaaity la dlrldai lata barrawata aad leaden, and Um leaders are obliged ta bare- anoagl far tbawaiHra aad far tha othan •ha. tat It takas aalf-dsalal aai forathoagkt aad pradaaea to aeaaw »Uah Oat. Aad tbaa to ba eata Maaa. a* la tha naval fata af tha had n. ta bard. Far tha panaaaaat sathfaetiea a Ufa it la batter to belong to tha had **« ta», aad tha way to da It h b W*a yaaag. Hard to aava mommy 01 oooc»» It K whan all aorta af If. to aowtote are gnat, hr. ad an « ■ harrawiag. tat moat tMaga yea p la debt for yaa aaa da wMhaat. J talk with aama af a«r heal nafah pata cawrtoaad aa that noat af th aad-eaDcctfbla ™nta aa thS haaha wata._«*ada by paaph who dt ■at «mH an tha good, they mat I i to* to ebtoto. Tha amt than ya> i want a aaw hat, a coat ault, M aval i coat or a pair af •koaa.'da aat S* u * pahaa yaa haraa tha aaah ta k ! far Ik • Tr« wM than am m I dtadH ahd at tha town tkaa aagafr v\* • . • v. . . ' 5 ' Ifl SPg $sM **%& • wj« X *•>• t*M«» JW to^rS»nt heavily *f iwrM -—- T*** the prcM’uctioa *f h!£ ■U food rroli will be ft ftefimM