*L*tf fc *A*L* * A C U PASSENGKK TRAIN ttCHKDUI.ES: S»utM>iiiicL Na Rt (Flag) ii:l* A. It Na »3. 8::tl A. M Na 1*. a m P H Na. sa. 11:12, P. M NortMxiund. t Na 84. 8:88 A. M Mo. a*. 12:88 P. M. Na 84. 1:41 P- M Na. 88. U>88 P. M DURHAM AND SOUTHKRN Paastngor Trala SchedoU: L». Duna Na 88. 8:10 A. M Na 84. 1:80 P. M Ar. Dunn Na. II. 11:18 A. M Na 41. 1:88 P. M J. J. WADE, Local Reporter Mr. i K. Pope returned Sunday afternoon from Raleigh. Mr. John M. HodgeA of Linden, -van ham Satarday on buaiaem. Mr. L. L Grantham, of Lomherton. la a boalnaaa rial tor In tha city today. Mr. and Mra. Hannibal L. Oodarln are homo from Washington for a f*ar daya. Mr. PrnnkHn T. Dupreo. of Angler, arm a > minus rial tor In tha city Satarday. Mr. Oflbart WhlU. of Durham, «aa a hoeiasaa rlMtor in tha city this trook. Mr. and Mra D. E. Harley, of High Point, ware visitors la tha city Wat amok Mr. Bnitoi Btgptt Wft Monday for Now Bom, whore ho will rpand a fow days. Mr. E. O. Oay, of Durham, la ■fading a few daya in tha city Hlaa Alice Briley, «-f Broadway. Mho lea Battle, who attended tha Boatham Conaerratory of Mnaie at Durham, haa returned home far tha Mhaii Hatha and Pearl Wlleon re turned thh week from proenahoro, where they whre rtodanta the poet year at tha Btete Normal Mha Hairy Warrea, who taught tha yaat year at. BahV Oaefc Academy, haa rein read to Doan for tha an (ear, tha achool haring closed last Lieutenant W. D. Ho Dead, of Golds horn, —ant Sunday hare with rala tivea. Ha aarHad beck with him additional recruita for Co. M, of the Second Infantry. Mr. aad Mr*. Herbert Stalling* aad Herbert, Jr., spent Sunday tn the city with relatives. Mf. Stall lags retmmed to Clayton Monday whit* Mrs. Stalling* will remain ben , for several day*. Messrs. Henry Lee end Henry Shell spent severs! days this week in Goldsboro. These two yosi| ass are eonddariag enlisting ia th* Beeoad Regiment band aad wenj ever for a try-oat aad to look tbs proposition ever. Mr. Beady Btewart, of Buie*! Creak, wee a visitor la the city Bab srdej. Mr. Btewart Is devoting * great deal ef kis time this year tc teeming end says ha has been doiag ■emejmeJ wank. Ordinarily be writw Mm 0.. n. ItrieUrsi, wbo bai ■ Km la ■ hospital ia d«bmon>l Va. ftr th* peat several *re»n. rata rate U> Dana yestsriay. having rocevsrsii l'om th* operation. Her aamerem fv end# will be pled to know that h*r health ha* been r-.t -rrd. Meeers. Barf Westbrook, Oliver Wei Mdward Lee, George Oraathaa fc* Btspheasou sad Mlaeea Katl Westbrook; Florence Cooper, Chris B*F*le aad Pearl Oraathaa *"* those who attended tbi Creek wnamseaeement lee Mr. Bohott Yoaag left Monde] fer A thru, On., *W* he wffl stem ea examination to eater th* quarter w■ mar's departmeaL Th* beys eon tins* la tear* every wsefc to ends U the varies* deportment* «f th. ee*h eae seeatiag snifto* t< Be Me ML Messrs O. T. Pep* sad L. A. Tart •*B»t aadar the ha Bern* of Pepi * Tart, have garihs—d the taaiba PMat ef the JehosUa Cenaty Lam I" Cempeay, bested at Post Oaks ■» O. X. Measengfll was the prta ef lb* plaaL The* have pleat* at Wade Oaks aad are do ini l \ ' •' See. O. F. Taylor, of Falcon, waa a visitor hart Saturday. Mr. Byron Butler spent Sunday with relatives in Roe*boro. Mr. Johh Hall of Benson, was a visitor in the city this week. Mr. F. J. McGuire, of Norfolk, la in the city this week oo bulueaa. >'-ourt is la session at l.iUioaten I. « week, with J idea Got pretiding. Mr. Karl' Westbrook eras a visitor to Norfolk and other Virginia citiaa thij week. A large crowd of Dunn people at tended the Buie's Creek commence ment last weak, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Soaaamon, and eon, of Ckariotta, ware visitor* In the city laat areek. Mr. Lewis Strickland -r want ta Raleigh this morning to attend the closing exercises of Marsditk College Mr. Roy Prldgon spent a few days in the city last week with Mr. and Mrs Marvin Wade. Mr. Hardee Warren, of Sampson county, who has been ill for some time, is reported better. Mr. J. C. Clifford la ebla to he i gl again after being confined to bis loom for several days. ***•• Bonnie hu.uu, of. HayM, is spending a few days ia the aty vltb Mr. and Mrs. J. f. Cab. Mtae Lye; McKay, who attended school at Balamhurg the past year, has returned home fee the naner. Mrs. J. J. Starling, who Urns near the school bolldlng, b reported at suffering from a mild turn at small pox. Mrs. Chas. HighamKh left Tues day morning for Bailey where aba will spend several days with her par ent* Little Mbs Lottie May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. R Westbrook, b Improving after aa (Baeas of levers] area km. MilUnery ha bow rdntd to one half plica at Johaeoa Broe. Depart ment Start. Now la the time to bap cheap. Bead tb.tr ad. Nr. Kalph Warron, who ta attend ed at hoot at MlB.y Boalmaea Cob lei*. Rlehaand, Va., arrived Tues day afternoon, to ebb relative*. The Chaotaoqo* advarttalng cant ed" b or ia earaaet and much work b being dona to Baba R a •Occam when It rldta Doan the eariy part *f Jana. - Mr. Robert Jordaa opaot the bttor part of tha week with hb parent*. Mr. and Mra J. W. Jordan. Be b a rtodcat at 8L Marfa Knlelgh. tak ing eporial work *a the rloBn. lodge Albert Con, erto.b prodd ing at tha Superior Coarf In Marta* at lAUingtoa, tkb weak. ep#d The May reduction teto cad mU. raauaor opening U on at OoUsteta's Until Juan lad. this atom, will e.1 foods at a raductloa and thay an offering many bargains ta their ais Brricm are being baM aaeh morp tog at the Mathedtot church at 10 rot o’clock aad la tha ereaiag at gtO< o'cloe. Berrieasr at tha Bapttot am haM at Id! a. at, aad • p. ns. TV pubOt la cordially Incited ta attorn thsaa aarrteaa. Masara. J. -W. Dfaaghoa, J. w Thornton, tissue T. Laa aad Sn R. L. Warm aad Jas. R. Bettor, W thin morning far Kooky Mount wham thay will attoad a mooting of tV ShKaara being Hold- fat that ett this week. •Mto r*in faced*y night rtarty*. tha sropa ta tiris aaetoa considerahls Oroya ere fact roeorertag from th •at hath aaaaad by the cold waatha Mat week and tee ta better oeu2 tieu than Mad poopto **-lni.to the would be. Meat of th* festoon ha? » peed stead of cotton and the etk •r sropa ere «• Waged to-a Leea as too*. •Th* Firm National Beak ef Data baa panha aad M.Md.Ot worth ofth Liberty Lena Bond.., Thto tadtito tian aapasto to tawny* thle parehao at a later dpd*. B* far as ws bam thto Is th* flnt yurthaa* of bond ta thto tom ititis territory. If thar are than* «h* >ar* tatoraated ta Ss saating theta matoay ta thto Way, M> Oacyrr, at th* Flt« National Bah wfllhagtadtegtaaymaayjfti rrad *nm Dunn dofatom V.. , '• y ■ :;v * BUSINESS LOCAL 4 * 4 4 W 4 * 4 DON'T PAY nMKTUCU WHIP yoo caa borrow Too D#y from the State Beak A T^ort Company tc Inane* year crop- They will lw dad to help 7eOy why not save Wonky by bo In* now to A CL Taylor Co’a U bay TOOT Clott#I, Dry Goods SSppora, ate- Tbay kart blotted oat hifb pricoa id kavo a grand stock, bought lAn tie big ad vaaeo. kakmebs abb umrrKn to call at tha State Badl A Treat Coca Po*7 It they noadQtoonoy to Aagnca tboir crop. » POK SALE——A MUSE AND LOT oa North Wilaoi Aron**, Dona, N. G write to D. 8. Parker, Smithfisld, N. 6 N ■-Jt-i IP YOU HAVE 'NOT BOUGHT your coot raft ytjj .mo tho Hao be ing abowa by laiaaaa Brother*. They are tolling them cheap , FOB SALE—IBS AfBK PdUUt |fi mila from T laden. known aa tha Cedar Parker Plena For Informa tion write to- D. A Parker, Smith field. N. G IT'S YOUE OWN FAULT IP YOU pay Ugh prioee far Fine Clothing, KUtiarTy, Dry (fcyfe Slippen, rtc whO* A O. ~ MOVL4HE MOWING MACHINES «a4 Kate) for tfa by iabaaa MShMi 1W kart om tba awik at ' * _ • .W ‘ THE STATE KfUfK.'A TRUST CO. tea aararaJ - Satlara to tei.ta tba terti of tbu aac tton. - _ * »_ . ' . SOB t«I.E I BOftii DWUXJNC aa Tavaanf Mtlba. tafartar ar ts TOO WANT A Two Raak ertth Harry Myon and Beaaawry Tkaby. WOMAN’S CLUB NOTES Lot oB tka beryl aad gixh read aad try tka Phymkal Efficiency Contest •hawker* in thh kaaa. Blip aa aiU tka Chautauqua a Mb aaeeaa for Dunn aad tka rowad ■boat coawranKy. la dalig thb, yon Win brlnB aa nearer oar goal a public park which yee will aaaa day •ajoy aad rejoice that yon had a part la having to paatarfty w areal » gift. ; • « you Mirt to kaop doom n poaoto hi your kHetoa writ* to tba "Agricaltwol Eatotgioa Borneo” fcWF. *• C.'foy rircalor No. f. For tba am aoUag. a ballotSa o> I toaPtog MU bo Mat you by Hit s“0. JMeXinnoa, BaMgb, N. C. fdgiaalag wWh Monday, May M 1 too to room MU ha oponod mq l ^to ta-r-doot forgot lb - •MdwtohM MU b« orod If yo« «g| . Una to tbao-igo in aad o«?o wbot I I to bo Man. . I Romoaabor tbgt'yoa woat to m . yonr ttoat for tba Ctootaaaao * •toy ao yooalbU. Look oror tot program aad bm If It bat wort! too _ l to a aaparilalli, ago*lolly trmiaod a • Joaebort CoUogo, CohaaMa Uoltwn t Hy, M. T. la etorgo of tba pla; I grtouto—dogt Vat yaw toy\ar «U » too* ttooo Pro dayi of plaiaaro fo r ^ FtotoMTdtoMMMiZthto to *«• to rah* tooa yoor aWUt top* ijaaM'bMaMba^.^ * . ‘ • deem to bring into jmr tow*, year bow,, yw fnmfly and Into ywn m Ufa only nek thing* tto* wB to worth white and whleh wfll totp^te ' CLOd me uucttu Tto Daw Graded total, eaferad, win cam to a alaaa tonight. *— ciaaa war* told leet night la tto school tMrild&g. and tto pragma* win to tiiaplilid tnatght. Bar. i. 1. ScarWtte. paator af tto That Beylin ehareh, of PayottrrtUn, wffl drifter the addraaa, after aaaaatt atarebe* by tto tetooL Tto paMte b ear dlaDy baited to attend and gahl ■ante wfll to nitwit far tto white people. * BBD MBN HAVB MO TtW Laat Triday night, Kay 10th, Chi earn Trite, N*. lit top. O. B. M. tod an iatoraatiag Meath* whan they Uattntiiterad rite w>rw>rH togmte toloyad >y ri pikiint Tto ant t lag wan ana at tto Meat btteaitlag > that tto laari trite b wMan«nafa i *«d anjaytng an/tan of fraternal paat parity. tlmto. -Janma i. KM.__ I'**™ ykaaaA ter tea af - faOawa: Ufa af • Oa^td by ttim Kmnmm Laa, Mary af tea ayara Lada Di «-nn ,, by Miaa Mary McKay. Vocal aaktttiaa fiaoa tea oyacm by Mjaa laa-faacaam. Aka rfcttak •f^tJVaaaaa’B cS-* * * ^11111 N WW. Wba Ckb Mia Raaefl'Toon# waa tea baotaaa te tea laat aoatfc« af.tha “WbaV Wba” aa laat Saturday a*aafe«. Of v , . . * * . a y .a’ Ob«»fca (hHteft Malabar la ta ayoaatek ter tea Aroctiaa af tea »fc baa.' • . . ; COAT WTTB AOE*~OOIMO AT* A ter M^Wbaraa. W» >— *■■*»! Mbaiaiaa at Kap. hh €UmI. V * .b * * V * % J-— - • •• . P B *Xr.*. * *v il mi S*..\, I • * you Millinery, prices Will Johnson Brat. Dept Duni