THE DUNN i D _ _ . ' t vol. rv ~"i ‘ 1 : Own, H. C, Aug. lat, I 17 , BIGGEST EVENT OF WAR'S THIRD YEAR ThU U the View «f On. F. B. Maarke, Fameue British __ MIMUrr Expert The third year of the world war with the fortanee of the eon Rlct bearing the Entente. The Central Powers sustained mo meatoua eetbacki. both military and political, during the twelve months. Oa both the western and eastern froata In Europe the Teutons And bheaoeetve* on the defensive at the advent of tha fourth .year. They fight on linea newly-established af ter forced retirement from terrain which they had won In earlier days at a tremendous saerciflce. Meaasrhile new enemy powers, notably the United States hare been draws in by the Central Empires aad progress toward tha achierement «&Wa aim ef the Entente sad Ha allies has been furthered by pabUeal disturbance which will ro maln memorable in the history of all times. Chief among these are the fall of two erowaed heads-Nicholas of Ros sis aad Constantin* of Greece. In Russia autocracy has glean way to * R’pahMc. In Greers a kingdom »ua»atas but not a pro-Teutonic one. Entente pressure haring won supre macy in this part of the Balkans. FuBtical events within the German •ad Asatrian empires; featured by tha faO of Chancellor eon Bethoaan Hollweg. have led to open dieroasione of peace la the German rcichstag as tha fourth year dawaa. In Great Britain, the third year eloamf with Winston Spencer Chnrcli hill, former First lord ol tha Ad Bdrugy, returned to tha Cabinet with the p-rtfoBe of Mlaktet of lfuai tlooa. “A {teaman In threw la their forianee with th Eotsnte short tf after tha thin* year boron The UatUl Sts las sained la April, fol jMgMm Ualtad StatelT’bn rid la *be Panama Canal Costa ftt baa aaori haaa at oar ds> P**aL‘ Chins, Bob rib, Guatemala bar sympathy for tbe United J aaw nations wore bora dnr 'niill***' Patead was created a direction. In Mecca tha Arabians srsrtkrew Tarkisk rris aad dsclarod fadspsadsnos. la the Bailees, liber ty was restored to Albania, which eras sidahHahad as a re public under ItaU. an protection and with French mili tary rid. An —riseste mads two moatha be fore tho sad of the third year vaieed by Arthur Henderson. of tha • Billtah War Connell—placed the num bar of man killed at 7.000,000 since August. 1914. French General ITsad qnartasa r-matly aatimated 1,100.000 G-mans had haaa killed op to March 1. Mr. Haad—aon aatimated tha tetri caanritlaa at mesa than 46.000.000. The Am and —ad American con tingents of troepa landed in Francs aa fans >4 aad 27. | Nearly 10^X10,000 Americana nf military age registered on Jane S pdar tha select!re draft law, and Frem thaea are being selected the men who will comprise the groat • army contingents which America Is phasing to sand te Europe. la dementing America's associa tion with the nations now her allies naatsrotm exchangee of missions wars arranged. Francs, Great Britain. Italy, Belgium, Russia and other En tente belligerents sent delegation to the United States aa a step toward sattention, military, financial and sthsrwhs. Tbs United States sent ■hsisns te Kneels aad other conn . trim. VUUlmm /ma iVa-» 9_4 j_ lac »ko tkird poor of tko war my rotuMr ka divldod into its pkoooo two la tko latter put of 1916 koforo wteter«|Bod * holt nod fo«r after la tko oarty oprtac At tko oteoo of tko aoeoad yoar tko Oormaao woro atm onwmin* u con oodo foliar* In tko oyontioiui eonter taC on Vardan. After Aacoot t, l*l*i tko Frith go food tko ooeoad aaoy, oalaainotiar la tko rotekinc of Oobm, TMaaaooBt onrf Fort Von, »*tk tkonmifc of prtectaon and >y Movmkpr tko Fronok of tko ooa i rirolo of tko Volute!! <*• too book to tko i of tko Franco-Brlttek •rot hotel* of tko Sm if* o* m«. By aiid-Sop tkda kod naaekod oaeh promo '****ll WWf Cffwtid ■» tevon bow divte tko ftrtttek and •▼* tko Fronok. It waa ootlmtod Ikat IB Okmoi dtvidoaa, ar. baaod o* Ik* oteonflk of tkooo Oormn mm ko at 8M ported, akoat 7MjMg moa, y* *• ****** a*d Fronok on ddo temty-telo froat. fa, tkte kat MESSER PARDON Gmmd Record of Price err rad Circa m •teacec of Crime Bring Claaemr Governor Blck.u yesterday nr dooed o. J. Meacer, of Harnett ram ty, who in September, l*n, m, convicted of mansiaaghter for bavin. inA,e**d “P00 •»» wounds from which she died. According to evidence the crime waa committed under the moat aggravating circumstances. Granting the perdon. Covcmor Bickett said: ‘‘Upon the recommendation of Judge W. A. Devin, who tried the rase, and Sobeitor Walter D. prosecutor for the Statt. and upon! tli« recommendation of ioai S00 el Utcna who live in the community in which the crime waa committed . the fact that tha prisoner baa baen up to tha commission of this crime a d.llgeot. Industrious farmer, peace able and sober, a pardon is granted this prisoner. The aaltigatiag eircam •tances surrounding tha ease worn that the wife had proved fake to the marital relations, and at the time of the shooting was making bar as capo from the woods. Tha defead ant wounded his wife la the lag with out any iatsntion of killing bar. but ■he died from tha effects of the ■wound. The defendant bad six chil dren. aB of them smell, and to whom he has always been faithful. One of the children, since hk imprisonment, the oldest, who k a girl, has been placed in the school for tha feebk ratnded at Kinston, and oaa of tha boys has bdvn taken in custody. Tha other children are scattered la tb« community and am at tha mercy and charity of the geod people ef tha neighborhood. nad^ntaSrST father is released so that ha assy earn far the family they will all become a charge upon the county and com munity, and bettering that he has bean punished suSetemtly and at the same time that the ends of j settee ham bom mm and tha family Beads hk labor sad support, a full pardon k granted."—Sunday's New* and Observer. man position* for a depth of at* . miles. ' In the spring, the Gsreaana, autiri patinc a resumption of tha Bin operational, began what has hirnu knows aa tha “Hindanburg victori »»i retreat" to newly eats b bated Oar man Mass. Ia this second bsttls of tha Bom me, Bapaoaaa. lrlaa. Per ona«, Neals, Payette, Orieourt, Vasa, Roy*, Tergnier, Hem end hundreds sf other position wars last by the Germane In aa French critics regard as the German* toft a track of spread devastation_ world-wide Indignation. The_, claimed capture of aaarty 5,000 pri soners In V>e throe —»>— af this German rvUresaeat for a depth of From live to If mils* along a fnoat sf about 45 miles. In April tha British transformed their offensive anithsaal off Arms, Forcing von Hind-burg to redtotri tule his fore** along a ffftoaa anBt Front. Canadians played a hlrtoria part in this ffgbttag. ItsiuirfIs Praux was token and Vtoay Bldgs waa captured after oac af tha Ploodtoat battle*, ridge' against lacks. Thto aarreaa east of turned Hlndetthurg** J tad British critics regard ad it aa tha rreateat la tha history of British anaa a the present war. Thia offagahts* continued, placed tha British aaMda ha iUndenburg Bn, and tha Ovr siaaa retired to poaHlama a gsila aa wo west af tha Deo court Qwaasst Inc. Those they held aa tha 4dr4 rear closed. Meanwhile the battles of Chora, laifn and the Also# had been wwrhd is by the freoeh, who hi April aap ured Aeberire. la the dad daya A 'kaiapaicn offensive. ana ef the pat >et itrooUa at the war. the Oer oo.oot killed, wsorted and tphoo Nrtwmers throach their digerati da ’eoetve eparetfcnu. Flchttnc la throe »«*•« rontieoee after three omlHi larinc which the Freoeh have ad vanced tram see U tea laiUe -’rrc i fifty-mile froet. , The present French line rani from northwest ad leleeene, Ihreefh Bbefcae to Amber V*. In fane, 1*17, the British be«sn >■ »« Meerioee nod Wyehoeto n an effect to strafehtM dot the rpres salient. Acain British flyers / l««ta**#d the sir. The British hod 1 peat aa satire year the earth or title offensive, which woe hey- * rHh i explosion ee terriile that it * res heard la London, Beyond Met inoa, fee two ntilsa coat and north- 1 •at. the Brtthh won aad-»ti 1 d land, eaptarad aare than T,4*o 1 iriaenea aad treat etorea ef artillery 1 lalninp every ebjoctfvw, they pfaeed * trtrtdv the W|— *n*l. ha vine rf-jnul theoe •' a an e«cht mile front. Pertawneae >' (Ceattanod ea pace fan,) 11 THREE HUNDRED f!Al I rn BEFORE THE BOARD Tha Uni CaatiagMt ef Thn Mm ia Hindi AM u Pnml Thsmiih ■■ Far Physical EunlutlM Haal Weak The #r»t contingent of the young ■an in Hanatt county have been lasllad notieaa to present themselves before tha Exemption Hrj at IJI I "flee* itea* w *<4: f«r pi.yei.-al evim inatran. Three hundred are in the call, and they are to appear on the dayt and at the time designated be loir: Monday Aagmet the tlh. 1—IK—John Williford Bole •—HI—Malcooi Dtokeoa *—14»*—Sen ale Lee Pool 4—*44—Robert Kutn Jernlgan t—11*4—Frank Sherwood Wall 4—Wm. Alrtn Wade 7—IMS—Floyd Morrle *—*•**—Atlae William* •—141b- —Tillman Thorn*■ Psgr 1*—7•!—Matthew Mack Johnson 11—HIS—William Border Tart 1*—1IU—Walon Watson Thoms* 15— ITU—Joseph McKay Spears 14—1117—Hector McLean 16— 1*7*—Herbert McConnell Stewart >4—174t—Roger Bettes IT—**7—Bartley Washington John sow. It—*•*«—Pete Weathers 1»—*17—Pink Alrtn Cross *•—«T*—Carl Robert Hodgaa *1—FT*—thmlel Harry Cooper **—*•*—Jamas Britton Edwards F*—HI*—Daniel McArtan *4—*44—Peal Elliott Orean 7*—*44—Jamea Thomas Lee **— l»t*—MaJoom Wlfttams FT—It*—David Kirk Orimes Ft—1**7—Bddle McNeill £*—»*•—Ooaacfl L. Pay Jr. *•—14*b— Locale Cleveland Par Si—*4*—Jamea Leans Fowler —Dame Black *»— IMS—Modi Mmtar Sawyer 74—1**7—John Malay MoOlll **—l*4—Joaaph Nathan Johnson 18—17**—BoaJamU Kan Stewart *7—714 — Banja tala william *•—1*7—Rodger Byrd H—1144—AMfkaa lay. 44—144S—Mama Badsara i1—'U( 'mb «»hu wnlTi, 4|—*7*—William MeKanley Oox <4—1474—Robert Milton Stewart 41—1144— Alexander McLean 48—1**1—Andrew Jackson Wester 4T—’74—Rmery jmm Holt «l—414—Bnaoa Break in »4_404—OaJab Walter Good wit 7>»”4ay Aagaat 7th 81—!•••—Winiaas Archie Wade 8*—410—Aniraw Jones 41—14*4—Will Lam Herbert Reese 84—*••*—Chan as I tew art 88—8*7—Lonnie B. tub 8 4—*40—Other Cobh i 87— ‘*7—Joseph Daalel Denson 41—11»«- Robert Lm Morefclaoe ; Cl—f»d—win Orovaa 88— *1 Walter Edwin Aaderaon **—174*—Oahrtel Smith **—7848—Marion Lamnol Roll I a, j 88—1884—Lioyd MeDongmld **—l**8—Robort William Moor- 1 88 4*4—Jack Lewis 14 474—Willie Ms loom Dorman 77 141*—-Albert Major 88—117*—Mart W. MeQoay 88—114—Marvin Richard Edwards 1 7*—4**—Hoary Darts 7 !_!***_Jem* Neely j 7* !• Pwcy Baton A dam a j 77—144t—Veraoo Hawaii Maaoon- i Kill ’f—j"1—Brfgbt Morgan j 74— IT**—Silas Raymond Stephan ifrn I?—' ***—Warn^rt Wltllam Norton j —-D»«iie1 J«f«noi 8t»w j unnt Eaata. *—l,»J—Alou|l«r KaLaap A"°« M* KeNeOl 1—1,4T—NebemUh Thomrr 1—7»T—Waller Hyatt Johnson *~H*—Jrti Batiar Bow dan *“«> Taaay William , O**®- Mewert —>'•*• Tha^a. 8.1th V*W* * BoOre ►—1811—Rwrttaa Wlefcw, Hayt Hon— •*»—Lapata Oraaa Lawrence «—14*4—ltd ward Laa Parker *—»*•—Jraaa Mam, RtwI#y •—mt—Andrew Btawart T—Ml—Ifcthea Haary Oodwtn *-'1**1 — M«n»ky Paraaraon HeJCay *—1148—Oaarwa MaLaaa *—HOI—Henry Hantaan i Mr AlUetar tt-llH-Bwk Prtaae ••—A**—Bohert Jaaper Oarpal m—I*8 —Hathaalal I. Bleak. H—17T1— Baali Britton •min, *—*1*—Joe Laa ntltett *—44—Jawaa Hoary Aah worth :*•>•—Ladlah Btr4aca( Hat tkCWa »—1411 Matter Natl) Mow art •—1444—WUMo OaaW Wllklaa | Wwtneadey Attaint IU)I * 111—tIt*—Hunter Smith J lit—111—Arthur B«Ut M •13—1018—Harman Winiteeae 114—1441— Lauaou Carll# TLrrtaii 111—117—Mash Rlark 11*—«®l—Bylraatar C- Oi4l» 117—310—Vtnnr Cameron ? Ill—78—Calrln Brown K 111--111I—Kill* Thotna*. I; -.10—771—Robert Htr*hB*li|] 111—Til—Marvin KeTby Irik lit—1411—Frank La# Parte 12}—714—Lloyd 0. Johaao*!? 114—1841—William Pareto Qtear* *18—1471—Winiam Albert Wrier • 24—180—Bennett larnal CMaa • 17—1**1—Arable Clinton liKHlI HI—ITS—Walter J. Lnoai £ il>—Oil—William Haary wfifbaw* 110- -- 7 47 —Geo. Otho fill lllBjlhl 131—III—Carlton Fartfla LMl 111— 8**—wane Joaea M US—isj—Leonldae Martin Bat*a ■ 14—17*—Jamaa Elijah CtaBi 148—1840—Matthew Ray B * 1M—841—Marti* Field* B * -*7 184—William Henry Mm' 138—174—J. Manley jnaaa B 140—651—Ahaon Falrctath flf/ • 40— MOO—Brtey McKay fi 141 — 1 lit—Hdhry Plaice A MI—111?—im winiaaaa 9 143—190—Jaaale Coat* ■ *44—076—John Martin fta^K • 4S—17 44—Wm »- ~ - Al ii 140—1194—taaae MnLaod B 147—1 140 — William McNaBn l'»—1447— John WnUrBler fl*M ■ 149 — 1 354—William Nordaa A U9—1944—Gilbert (Theater A*al ■61—1917—Jneeph Vndaa bB£l 1 Ml-loot John^ro^f!" (SL, —lilt—Arthur Karrict-^HEaa eon IB-' 15* —Til—Andrew Hobhn^^B^* I5T—16—Stephen Aatry 4H ?' '**—»0£ —John Albert KedHp' t»t—»ll—Archie F. UeZWjl *°—'*11—Letter Oree* a^BA 1*1 —11**_ Vt9 , ' l«l—46*—/ Alexander cmB 1*3 — 166-Ceo AUrnn/aB. 1,4—1 *<•*—Lewie FmaktUU^K. '**—•••—Jeaee A rnrlMSP <>~ceu<—WIU<<LM -J*'' [ l7*~11»—Annoa Bailey. ’;• i ! Tl-ZHHP*** ±&?UST W* it* L?"*° wnu* Omen , 7fzi^£/££Hor*. ' | ~^?,,~*Twin Jo"P,> j ISziT4-^* Henry Gilbert ’ « n^i45*3E!uuv!* AvESua i ?i-m7^aiVfisr SK21! job ™prvcn" JJ—2047—Fiord Ljjob Tomb I i^sJcSBsJsiir1 1 fcaag as-*» : stKfcteSSS&S; ! st^s^sAfa'ssi • ' 55——Che rile C. Upchurch 1 89— 1809—Bern 8hnw ihuntkn 4 90— im-AIkn BTMcuSt^ 91— 6*5—AUleon Fuller , 92— 1417—Maeh O. Pop, 4 08—1574—Chart!, SaHh 1 9*—2034-—Geo. Lea WileoQ ■ JK**« ! fcSsaa&aatf’ > fifr—1791-Jjbuj ThMBBB c M *fl ffi Tdf r C. Wiat I 01- 7B*Z£Xc. Jane, . J 02— 6—Joseph F. Andrew, * 08—860—Albert H. Crawford 04—1680—BnIMe StepheneoT 4 06— 64—Erwin C. Andoreon t J« -870—WUHmd Joeee 07— 1714—Jajeee F. Stephana 08— 549—Cert K. Pitch.** * OP—1188—Bear* MeAKeter • 10—4 40—June t. Dairoch I itZwizSSr^.SSSS- ■ liiMtsttr ; 18—1*75— Deek McLean I 1«—711—Caewcil 0. Halt 17—10**—Milliard F. Matthew. . ■ *-HI—W 1111*01 K. JMhm 10—6ns—Dooaia T. HarWy * 10— 1012—William Vum ll«on • 11— 111—Paarf OilUpU t It—260--Aathor C CampUO 21—W—AkB* T. Hohr« 24- -1141—Wllllaa It. XcASotar 25— 1114—Enoch McLaad a 25—* 010—Nathan A. Matth^r, , 17—1411 B*h*rt B. Mo j 2l-m—Hcnrv C. ChM^tM .1-1410- Ca')l* B. MSF ,,-7,4.5--Wlttlaai A, Whi* FRIDAY AWJUOT 10TP 21 —til—OnraM tom It—till—Hoanr Mtih , J6 -036—Chart* Lm a 14—1101—Jims MiIim 1 St=?Si 17—1714 I— ri«Milm a . .- 7i- rriT I 10—1 H4-T*»» JlM lIWh I 40— 151—Oao. Waahfoctoo Chita, j tian a 41— 170—tarthor ' — 42— *17—Foraat P. il 41—1475—lama* W.-' 44—1014 1*10*1 A _ _ J 41—111- John Hoorjr Chw , 44—HIT—Mom* Rite 47—1041—7ms* M. Yo«n« 41—1117—Colon MePteifl . 40—671—Toroar P. a 60— 1171 Mala— J 61— 415—Joatoa 8, It—1141—Shaft : M—704 Ww«h C. I 64—71—DarMRaaf* 64-111*—Otha & Wi RP-1705—Oth* B. W, I ' 0 V rrmiiB prom duke - Dak*, July «T.—Mr. "—jT Ryato •f tto United State* Nary la at bom. oa a U hi* fatter, Mr. A. D. •pain, it la httenaaly laterwtiBg ta S" S' *•* toll af tto part U* .hip took in traaapnftlM tto aaldtefB to Prsaaa aad ad Ma foar day* atay la Fraae*. Hia atep *tefa. u •** ** *** ■* H bmt mimed H tod tW ukturiM uiuppurtd. Invitation, war* yaaterday ra«W ad ia tawa aaaoaacinc tto_«■ tog —rttega .f Mto btoSTtotdi » .SSf!? Va" *® Uaat. Prank R. RaE af Ft. Ogtottorp. <ra Aagmt 4tk at tlctoaaai. Va. Mto Amite wa* formerly aapartateadaat af Oaad Hop. Roapfcal tor* and rategnteto no**pt * atoflor poaitioo with tto Higaa* at Dr. Buff w*. *■» “4 tto Mkdieal Inina Cotpa aad waa aoeo ardarod to Ft. Ogtottorp*. Ot* Writ R. lodgan of Jaekaea, "to tea earn* to Dak* aad will to. “*• too la cooneettoa with Dr. W. P* Holt. Or. Sodftn is § ■an aad tea aaeattoot toapttai train tog. A "Poor Mlaato M*a“ eomaHttea haa to** appointed for Dote vtoaa to*y "to object It *ton to to Bate madUteaa™ **** ^1*0** to war aid ttom bTtto a^k.'^Tto ■ ■■tortu to, *. S. Yarteoagk, Ctoir tetoiRT. Daatoto aad E. R. Ttoaaaa. »«VE FOR THE PALL CRAIN BROUN wtui a circular totter to aH tto ■*. i. mot*, th. (Motko of ■■■■mill th* Mf*lr of Ptod wheat aood aad with d aafl to taBI" —d «ph*teuil mah to of rya Mod riMtkg thk wtetar, th. North Caro loo itrhdtuil fayrtawd atotioo *. aiding ia th. patriotic poke, kn of mch stapk food | rU to TaU at tha •a* provan tk _ kat wtoat for tha apikia yiak • totawM tto tnt aad IM af Oo ohar aad It k bopad that th* fug. « *f North Ckrwhi will tovTd •kaa and. aad th* gad aad aaad Mdy far pkatiag hy thk tha*. Tto Dtvhtoo of Agronomy k hood. ■g if* aaaagto* toward th* pradao kn of a gyaatar crop of wheat than var tofor*. North Carohna farm *• »B h* of atroag prieaa ar thk carol far whok parted af to war aad far a eoortdaiahk “— ftorwaida according to thoaa who n familiar with awrfetiag condi kaa. As an aid ia thh campaign far dtoar grain, Dtractor & W. KOgora ■a wrtttan tha Coanty Aganto to ■a after to* matter of eeaaarvkg k aaypty of tyo aaad. Thar* too **■ a toortaga of too oot crop aad It • toatohk that vatch and riiitoiii lover aaad aka wU to hard to get. ly* win tharaf.ia have to toka th* kaa af toaa* croya. Oaa thing af vita] tntarast k tha •mtka of goad aaad aad H k tor* tot th* aika of th* atat* have *m askad to aid. At to* yrroet toa they nr* totng gtro goad wheat f high ykldtog varietla* to grind •to dear, tt mama at thh Mod k n*d far the tea it wfll to avail, hk for tod aa* of thooc who «U at k an taanaaad aenaga. ft ha. aaa toawn hy aoaiyarativa tasto that mm grows aaad ar* tha toot whoa •totally aakrtid aad csrad for dmr ig tha ■•amir, whao preporty traat I far moot, and fumigated agniaat to attaaha of inoacta. t I ——I I I 1 U.UB UHUAHUEO— . nm COURTS TO RR BUILT. V «• m *• tOkMtf Mnv 1 ink r. N M ■ Nk Ukjjj k» «k* ^\ ■ nk» JMHjlik /■. ■path IMM ■ITk » «4 I Im Itew *r m s3 »w ■fcta* rf MM B. U M Mm BMt M*H. f Wtfr ' !■?"*

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