THE DUNN vot_ rv _ Dunn, N. C, Am _ t." — i • wwa miLA4vn in CASH IN CIRCULATfOf That b Man Many la Circetslios Thaa Ever before la lb Hk •ary of lb Casa try. Washington, Aug. 0.—Thera |i mots money In eirrulntion In U>< United Btntea today than ever befuri In the Kbtory of the country. Th< latest circulation statement by th< treasury department shows that or August 1 than eras t4.8S2.U84.4ftI cash in circulation. This i« an in , mans erf t8.600.000, upward uf ■ billion in a year from August 1, I0TT The per capita circulation is 146.4.1 r meaning that there ia that muck money la circulation for overy man woman and child in the United Staici native and foreign. August i la*t year there waa bat 136 fur each man. woman and ehild. In 1914 II waa about IIS. The total of money ia the United Btatra W not repre sented by the nearly ID.000.000.ono In oJrcamtion. More than half a bit Boa ia bald in the United States treasury, making the total fD.513. HU94. Gold coin la the United State* has incysaaed 81.800,000,000 in the last yea*S totaling fS.068.21g.49ll. WILL AJK DEATH PENALTY FOR <00 DRAFT RESISTERS Oklahoma City, Ok., Aug. C.— Without waiting for a conclusion of the Mate's campaign ,against organ ised resistance to the selective draft in centra] Oklahoma, the United Wtatee government today moved to punish the 200 men under srrvtt In coaaectiaB with armed opposition to mill tarr/oor alee. Warrants charging tree ana warn »«rveuaiah meat would be asked was euM'tsd to aid materially in bringing*to terms the few restate ra still sheltered' ia the hills. . Poasaa in thru* countie*— Seminole, Hughes and Pottawatomie —reported toadgRL .that belated groupe refused.. to * tpmadi r. tea that they araareatly wore dtoapusm ad aad seeking t owrtid an cncOeaUF. Determination of the pneeemaB to run down all of the leaden was Mrougtheaed today by confiscation of half a freight car of dynamite which v had boon ran ee a aiding southeast M expected In preliminary beartnre tomorrow when the men in custody are arraigned befrre thi United Metis edmtnieakmer at MeAbeter. BENSON BUSINESS MAN DIES AT HU RESIDENCE Jeese R .Holm— Wu 73 Yew* Old— EU«ll«ie u to Retimed Bend* < Scheduled' Benson, Aag. 7.—Jesse B. Holmes, a prominent bSeine— mss of Beacon, died yesterday afternoon and was burled this afternoon, Rev. 0. B. Carris and Rev. Charlie Johnson con ducting ths funeral services at the grave. Mr. Holmae had beea desper ately ill for sometime. Ho bad lived hare all Ms Hfe and wee73 yean old. Mrs. M: A. Peacock gave a •ap prise party to her hash end last night, toe occasion being his 10th birthday. Only n few intimate friends of Mr. Peacock wars present- An elaborate luncheon waa served. Those present ware J. H. Godwin, H. A. Parker and I. O. Farmer. As election to determine whether the town win tesoe $40,000 in bonds for the extension of ths Central Caro tins railway from UlUngton to BwmBshoro has been called for Aoguet >7. Rev. W. C. Royal, pastor of the First Bantist church, of Frederick. Md , M Tuning relatives and friends hare after aa absence of several yean. Ha preached in the Baptiet chinch Baa day night. C. T. Pag* formerly night police men here, left Sanday for Petem burg, Ve., to work. HJa to cease or has aat yet been appointed. LAWRENCE GETS IN After Are attempts to enlist la Uncle Sam’s service, Lawrence Jerni nan, the lA-year-old brother of the Dispatch linotype operator, haa Anally succeeded In getting in. He Joined the Dunn cempany of the Na Uonal Guard at Goldsboro sad hai proceeded to Charlotte with that set At Lawrence was energetic In hie attempts te get permission to do Mi btt. He tried for the navy at Nor folk and was turned down because •f colorblind nose j he tried for the regular army, was sent to ijorl Them an. Ky., and turned out because he was slightly under weight; at Hal sigh and other places he had no bet ter hack. He took the matter m wit* hath the Navy end War Department! la Washington, hut was given Htth encouragement. With the loWerini of the weight In the army, however \h» made another try with success . New he la happy and Is confident thai ‘he eaa show the older and heeviei fellows around him how to become t goal soldier. 1 Fire destroyed the sharing houi! at Tllgtunan’s MIU, one mile nortl of Dana, yesterday about boob. Thi tamo building was destroyed by Ar several weeks ago. The damagi te several kundred dollar anil) trill be etaeed for re for the next week or ten dan tha Are threatened th of the entire plant. THE DISPATCH || PEE TEAS V ' ■-“““'A" and VOT1 UNDER THE ABSENT VOTERS' LAW Soldiers In tha National <)„nrd m*n called to service under the Be lee tlve draft, and ether persona rxf^ct *o b* abaent front their bom< voting places at the time of tha next trtmary election n May, 1018, or ai el*ctfe“ Novembei thereafter, are asking: am 1 to register and rota under the Absent Voters’ Law?” It is believed that th* folio wine questions and answers will supply tUa information. ¥ ' 9- ,Wb® Mr« reqalrod to rsgiste! now in Absent Veters' Registration Book in order to vote by mail? A. All persons now qualified to vote at either the primary or general election in. 1018 whose namka are not now on the regular registration books, and who will be abaent daring r'fuUr registration parted. Q. How may I register now? A. Apply to the Chairman of the County Board of Elections of your county, who wiD register you without charge. Q. 1 am not now twenly-ona years old, but will be at the time of tha primary or general election. May 1 register now? A. Yas, but you cannot vote until you are twenly-oaa. Q. When can I register under tha Abaent Voters' Law? A. Now; th* books are open at all times. Q. May 1 register by mail? A. You cannot. Such registration must be made personally. Q. Should I register now? A- You should. Voting Is a patri otic duty. Q. My name it now on th* registra tion books. Must 1 register on tha Absent Voters’ Registration Bbok? A. No, but bt sure your name is os the regular registration book be fore going away. Q. If by safes la aa tha regular rag 1st ratios book or on th* Absent Vt Ura' Registration Beofc how wiD I mat my oajioty .... « A- Immediately Waft thowftmAry aliclhija May, 1918 Ited befora-th* kuanl- ataction to November- lit yflotW a lgjttec to Ito^aHor mailed to you. __ them you will mark the ballot _ west to vote, AD oat aad aign the certificate, which ;-* cortitoaM coat la fay JEomB In writing for ballot* and !* mailing them to the Chairman wf tba County Board of Election* VI. Who to tka Chairman of tho County Board of Election* of my County? A. Henry Spcara, LiUingten, N. C. Q. If my name U not on tho regu lar ragiatration book and I fall to rrgUter in the Absent Voter*' Itegia tiAtjon Book, and I am away from home at election time, will I be per mitted to vote? A. You will not. Every man who ta entitled to vote matt aoo to It that hi* name ia duly regtoterad, or ho win tow hi* vote. * If further Information la d«tired. I aha II be glad to tuppty it nr. re quell. W. 8. WILSON, Secretary North Carolina Council of Defenae. Raleigh, N. C , Angnat 1, 1*17. TWO WATS or LOOKING AT IT “On* day early to May, 1*17, the general merchant ef a email South Trial town ahoared a farmer a buggy, priced at 9*0, and the farmer kicked btcaoae twenty year* ago hto father had bought on* Juat like it for 9*0. "The merchant looked up the tale and found that the father had turned in na payment for the $80 buggy IS ton* of cotton atod. The merchant then told the eon to delivor him IS ton* of cotton Med and he weald give him: One (90 Bogey One 79 Wagon Os* 40 Cultivator Os* M Plantar On* 100 Vietrola On* SO Welch Ono 10 Suit 300 worth of Liberty Bondi. ToUl, 9730 "Th* farmer vary likely paid dart for the boggy, and 1* holding hla cot ton Mod for higher price*." BEFORE EXEMPTION BOXED AT UU.INGTON One hundred and flfty young elti aana of Harnett had boon dumlnad at Linington op to Wadnoaday night by the army draft exemption board. About 80 percent were exempted be eaoee af physical dlaaMmiea. A targe number af tboM who patari th* physical examlnatiaa have flirt claims for exemption on tha ground of haring dependant*. Than* delta will be parted upon by th* board a aoon aa poMlbt*. Omty thorn kUglbfei whoM dapondent* would suffer do privation thrangh thalr abearvra wil be exempted by th* leeal hoard Claims tot exempt ten an indnatrin ground* trill be patted span by th< district board. PreMUt Indication are that tha young man of Man body who haa no on* rttirelr depond 1 ent for support upon hit labor he 1 about aa mueh chance of sarapllq 1 aerrico aa th* wall known carnal ka 1 of getting through tha ay* af lh | equally well kown aeedle. Mr. D. X McDonald, who haa baa: i oa* af th* rural carriae* far sever al years, haa been appointed dark li . poatoAca by Postmaster La*. H tuccoeds Mr. Ralph Wads, who ha enttatad la th* Coast Artillery. "II® ELIZABETH THOMPSON ENTERTAINS (Written for Tho Dispatch) In honor of her charming Wmac KUSf<v^S 8Im,w of Weldon, thia city, delightfully entertained tut Monday evening in her beautiful and •imctou. home on Wmt Broad. ™ Nd end house both were beautifully arranged tor the occasion, chairs bsiog drawn up by twos in *»rtjf"s «t ths laws f„r the honsSt of Progressive Conversation, the gams of the evening. The guests were met at tha door by ths young once ushered them !? *£• which was artis tically presided over by Miss Glsdy. Hi"?*. Co* furnished mule for tho moinf. After fourteen talks in Progressive conversation, the boy. .11 n£,t snd voted for the young lady that gave tana the most interesting talk of The guest of honor was lmmediatery acclaimed as the winner. • ®»*»e »>®* of Whitman's was appropriately presented to Mias Shew by Mr. Edwin Cooper. After the presentation 0t the prise, the young couples were u-her ed into the beautiful dining room by the ksetaaa and cream and cake, w*™ “"ed- Tha refreshments were deligktful and enjoyed as only six teen and seventeen years of age »">sy them Near Tuesday rooming or, probab ly’ .** T««w>»r morning, ths party d'*?t*?d ,.u*1® f«Ur embelhsbed with the charm and besqty of tho Thompson home end hostess with ha and her hospitality, as wsll ss its outstanding ability for choosing house nmli A PROTEST _ _ Craft. An*. *i\ 1911. . T» Tte Editor.: . Dear Sirs-— . ft» fighting, Germany or womra uJ dhlkff,eT>efoiu w. try M^nmr this question let u analite tha stteation.. .Tha United State. Ommuot declared amr.on tha Cer t, Ian mediately than . mArT aad. national h every effort to ee aod in about Sve one Billiot) man were after Wat declaration of. war Itive it fraaud tha On August tha 3rd. 1»17, Mr. Crowder issued a statement to tha prase that because of tha fact that tha army is now paring $30.00 a dsoath to ha aoldioTs, dapeadency is sot a groand for discharge (To that sffset). Why than warn it naramary ta incorporate into the draft act tha dependency clause? U the $10.00 that might be sent to a married man's family a substitute for his presence, hie ears and protection, lua ability ta food aad cloth# Wa family? Prom a financial standpoint alone the an •sear ia emphatically NO. In these days of ‘poor man flattening’ a few bushels of potatoes and salt will con sume $>0.00. ^Consider the situation for a moment from another, altogeth er'more serious angle. What of the want and privation that most neces sarily reran from a woman’s Inabili ty to care for self and children as contrasted with what this inability maf drive bar to? Shall wa picture from aetual Ufa the sufferings of Prance during the French Revolution, when the mighty rare of tamales sacrificed their luxuriant hair, their pearly teeth, their children and their virtue? Shall married men eorac bach- soma will- from tie tar eff battlefields of Europe to find their daughters and wives mangled and at virtu* by rape and rapine, thrown Into the lrreaiatabto vortex of destruc bon? Oh, but you My. what uf the charity of tha man and woman Uft behind, whet of the charitable Insti tution*. Ood, man, have you gain, ad so learning from the experience of nun in this and poet warn? What af the thouMnde of bastard children sow being cared for In England and France? What of the asurdtrod hearts of their mothers who. psr c hence, hi tha loot extra unity, miter ed the agony af daetroysd virtue? What of the haaband* who moat Urs, ■giit and die with the** thoughts in Wair minds? What of the dtseatiaUc tion and agony t^at And* H» way Into the married man’s heart as his thoughts now and again turn to those brings, whom condition he esnnot remedy? And last. Oh, God, what of tha widow* and orphan*, whoa* po dicament was mod* necessary by fill er* to substitute men without depend out*. ' Mr. Crowder, are you fighting wo man and children, the beck bone of husdanity, or 1* your victim Germany? Who or* we fighting? Tours very truly, L. L. LEVINSON MUTING OF WOMEN FRIDAY AFTERNOON On Friday afternoon *t 4 O’clock there win ho u moating at the Opera Hdhs* of tha. women of the town for the coMid*ration of Joining with the 1 woman of Hornatt county in the or ' ganlubon of the Council of National | Defense! the chief object af which. I at present, is the conservation of food. H 1* earnestly hoped that rv 1 ary woman la town, moat especially t th* hauaskeepanr, win be present 1 whether yen Intend to Join or not. 1 MRS. T. V. SMITH, Vleo-Cholr sean Harnett County. MRS. J. C. CLtFTCrtU). Chairman i Avomahorv Township. i Mm. John P. Johnson and daughter > and Mrs. Wiliam Tbontpeon and son, i rvtnmod Friday from a woeh’s stay at Wrlghtovia* Beach A BETTE* VIEW Off (THE WAI - > Om tUa la Fm WIN E*. C*« U Fight. •«a«2L Mm Tfc-* uiapd. W*r Hanger a&H waf mortaHta amotin th* moa who *1 gw to Eu roi>« in th* American rJjtnipttd or my wai not ho undnly h**vy In thi opinion of Baheoo'a StatMical organ I tat ion, which hat Just imnai a stab* m«nt on the aubiact, baaed upon tha moat ucrurate information obtsinahla ae to mortality rstioa ttnee tho wai bvKan. The men Dow bUcg drafted. ru*r Store. Apply to Hood A Grantham. WE WILL SELL YOU MUCK, OX cement for eaak or on time. Boo ua now Cm load Just arrlrad. Johnson Broa. FOR RENT—DWELLING NEAR Broad streeL Electric lights. De li rablc location. L. J. BEST WE HAVE ON HAND A FULL Line of lhma, brick and camsiil Prices are right. See ui at ones. Johnson Broa. SEVERAL nice offices for rent. Desirably located in new building. Sea ui at oaea. J. W. vsuemiu « cwRfiu, i/iHin, r*| u SEE JOHNSON BROTHERS IF U need brick, time or eement. Imre* supply on hand. FAIR NOTICE TO ALL—WE HAVE a great Stock of the my beat thing* in Clothing, Slipper*. Dry goods. Notions, Etc.; which era arc offering during August at a Mg taring In coat On up to poo. Trade now or par higher. R. O. Taylor Co. STORE FOR RENT ON NORTH Wilson Avenue, near Bread Street Apply to J. J. Laos. GOOD HOUSE AMD LOT FOR BALI known a* the Annlt Johnson Home, situated on West Broad Street ex tension. at Auction, Wadnoaday, Aug. 16th. Large two story houai and big lot. Oae-fourtb cask, bal ance tn S years, notes hearing I percent interest. Convenient U graded schools and name enourt for town conveniences. For forth, or information toe or write to Geo L. Cannedy, Dunn, N. C. SMALL DWELLING OR S UGH1 housekeeping rooms wanted by small family Phono or self It Die patch office. ■—- ■ -g . - - — ROM S. WESTBROOK DEAD Rom S. Westbrook, M years old a life-long reaidant of tho Mapl Grove section of Sampson county died Wednesday night Funeral adi vicoa win be conducted from tb late homo this afternoon and Intel ment wtlt ha mad# in the aid Weal brook cemetery. Mr. Wootbrook was wall know here and had a boat of f ‘ id among tho alder titles so of nr H* was ana of tho moot mho rti citIsons of Ms locality and wws very successful farmer The Bn husband of Mrs. Lillian Vinson wa kit son. Almon. Raymond, Earl an Mint Ruth Wootbrook are his grant children. t DUNN DEFEAT* DUKE • TO • Tfco Dana bam ball team contln ita winung streak on the Weal kM at the e spans# of the Duka taaa Boturday oftenMan, la spite of tbs puasHng Masts of Mangunt, an im portation from tbs Rrwin Cotton Kills at Durham. The hefty DuriuuS f,1W7r f**4 fo™. hut was not equal to the tmk of taking Dunn’s measure while Wilson Was perform ing on the mound. Hie m metes gnve him almost gilt edge fleldWr support but wars unable te rather mors than two hits throughout the »melon. Thaaa netted no rune; white the locals scored 5. The Dunn fellows fielded poorly hfh'»4 Wilson, but ware there with the willow. Raynor led the Weak with e triple and two two-bagwen. Wilson drove in the first run with a Texas leaguer to center for two $ If bis Inclinations point in that direction there k a strong likelihood of Girard Wtkon developing late a left-hander of really Mg league call bre. Ha has marveWua control for a port-aider, fields perfectly, is never rattled and has none of thorn eccen tricities usually attributed te msunda meu who threw with the left hand. In addition te these good qualities ha has spsad and a good assortment of twisters. Whea he gets Into col lege h seeks tl H will be no surprise V some scout for the hi* shew garners Mm into the fold of diamond stars. No team he has keen against this year has been akW to gut mors than four bits from his dsVvsry and all of Ms games would have bean shutouts if he bad had even aandlot support MORTGAGE RALE OF LAMP Under aad by virtu* af tha pow er of *ai* contained in a certain mert •BM daad executed by W. T. Warren aM wife ta E. P. Young, Guardian, daad ie retarded ia book No. 1*6 on page S7# and which “°*1P** wm bh vmaafarrad “ 1W> 1818 ta T. V. Smith, Tnmtaa, dafamh having been made to the payment af the note thereby inaraJs-ir'jffs-d: sr&‘-bsrs££ to >•!» «t II o’clock IL, tea foL tawing deecribed real estate. Eatog a part af the laada of tha aatata of /aha Smith, deooased, end “■* » Mrt of lot No. 4 of the dlvU iaa af said toad; Wiaatow at a |lnl»lb ?T£Ta*Tiha*n3*i 24* W. UM chaiaa ta a Make; than 8. M W. 14 ehaina ta the earner of tot No. I; then with the line of tot No. 8, N. 1714 W. 41 chaiaa to the beginning containing 114 acres more or tom. This being the tame toad con veyed to W. T. Warm by Jeha WIT llama. Commissioner, by daad dated March 7th, IMS aad recorded to Book. MNoi, papa 44* records af Cmabet Wad county. This SSth Jay af Jhto, 1817. T. V. SMITH, Trustee, Transferee af Mortgagee. NOTICE OF SALE A sale af tha toad* hereinafter de scribed haviag bean nude by the an denigned Trustee by virtue of the power* contained to a certain deed ef tract executed by W. H. Edwards, and wife, to tha aaderaigned Trustee which daad of tract is duly register ed to Book 114, Page 48. of tha re cords of Harnett County, and the tost aad highest hid at said sale having been within tea day* Increased tea per cent and tha sale having been m opeued by order of the Superior Court of Harnett County tinned June II, 1817. tha undersigned Trustee will by virtue of the powers contain ru !■ ibja ofvo Vi uwi uy u BCOOiQ sue* with mM order of the Court Mil at public auction to the highest bidder, fer cash, the following de scribed reel estate located tat the Town of LUHnttoa, North Carolina, bounded aa follow*: Beginning at a stake on the Here aide of Eighth Street ISO feat South from the earner of Front aad Eighth Street, end runs $0 feet with mid Xigtath Street an the East aide of said Street; thanes at right angles with Eighth Street and parallel with Front Street 104 faat; thence at right angle with the laat Mae and parallel with Eighth Btreet M feat; he act at right angle with the last line nod Eighth Street aad parallel with Front Street to the beginning containing *000 sonars feet on Eighth Street and maoing back from said Street 1*0 feet; It being the tot aad he ana new known as Andaman's Baal Market. PLACE OF SALE: Courtheum doer. LilUngtoa N. C. TIME OF SALE: Monday, Any., 2*. 1*17. H o'clock M. TERMS OP SALK: Cash. This the >rd day ef Aug., 1*17. J. C. CLIFFORD, Trustee. Using Brother Baker and Troy Monda as floats the young men aad wwarn of Dana who haven't qarfte perfected tbenwetom In the an of swimming are having noma vary enjoy able ■pert at the Rhodes MIR pond , them hat day*. No day passes that i dam not send scores of young people , to the pond, aad nearly every day . finds either Tray or Brother Baker s I vi ta i be content with joariiwut them from ■ a distance since, be ilka yen Pa atone, . hath that lean and bangry fraaae I whom beuyaacy to not equal to the i occasion. t —■ • Mice Mary Be Re Draughoa retaru I ad tki* morning to bar beam ta Dur • ham. aftor visiting the family ef W. accedes to stkikem* or Mauds, they SWT nr PATE for WAT. » CAST ‘ KSffKXsStjr"- ^ Baron Harold—Waraor Olaad iw^gaLgggtf ttg-g?? tko. condlttoa that tkay undertake EErvsi£i£ u*t£nai tr oplaodo of tka latoraatlm gsssrs-na *% Tkotiyh Patria woa-mfu) im gaNS/sTari. sa SSK3 CSJ^JSSuTcSS? ■wtwHk laoMdM violence. Tin at nicer* aro •—‘-*--f witfc am In Huroki and tkay maka a aariraTSa^u regard fc.'sare' CSS BrArrriuWe vieo and tk* Ckaaabn official °*r Yielding to tkolr advice, Patria *en Hmd. bRi *•&**—*tor By HlN|j ■ idB lid the is pHttcal. Patria Unn tlkn^ntUn iato kor own kaada and ckoeoiaga ■o^ant wkaa Deaald'a back £ smra o«t tkieagk tk* trie n. faces the itriker* all aleaa 'it, «uk«ky *S£\“ ^ Tk Pktrla lakn advantage of tko ao noat of qalat and aaka wkat tko non |M*Mnd. Tko etrikan gladly aaad rktrta. Ske aecedaa to tkoir finaiiili »n two condition: Pint, tkat tka ana l*7*Sy PfttiU s ixpeaM mw*. Second, that they hmv —" them's brother, Mr. Gee. K. Gran tham. Mr. Paul Caahwell. who enliatad la the Navy aovornl swaths age. la hart on a tec day* visit to Ua asetherj Mra. O. B. CaskwoU. Tba infant of Mr. aad Mia. Bill Cora died Monday night aad waa buried Tea-day ia Oroanwood tiai tery. The paraata hava the sympathy of frismde. Mias Madrod Head ia apaadugr tba woak la Raleigh with bar little brother, Thomas, who ia in a ho—i tol Urn*. Mra. flood aad Mias Baton returned front Raleigh Tu today night. Mra. M. W. Harper accidentally foil but week and received injuries from which abe has safferod a grant deal. Borne time ago aha fall aad broke her Up and It waa this aaaaa injury she but last weak. Dr. J. A. ElUs. paster of the Pint Baptist cborcb, la la J a bottom coun ty this woek naiitiog la a mooting He wOl return before Baaday, how ever. and preach at the Baptist cbarch Baaday morning aad rvaalag. Tba Bank of Harnett. Daka, X. C., will stars ia its vaatts free of ahntB* I valuable papers aad Jewelry, be loom ing to aay aaldUr gulag lata camp or active service They win alas be glad ha pander aay other aaaM ance. Bead their ad aad if they aaa ha of service te yon eaO ea them "Silent tragic policeman" ham bees stationed at Urn centra of ovary baoj struct crossing in Dm. These ed monish drivers of aD vebirWs ta baa) to tba light, and tba pohsa deport meat Is InetraMid by the town aaaa mlatlnaon ta aaa that tba admonitWn ia beaded. TUi ia aa H akoaM bo Dana has grown op from the vlllsg. ntago. Traffic throagh its gnetai Wltboot *rngTjlj^ions*h would be sx ooadiagty dURcoK aad am Umu vary JUagarom hrnMMmli town has the regulations aad baa ata nsodaV It b now ap to the yuHu to aoo that the rogalaMaaa era I afar* ad. i i ; • i - ■ . CONlRAVATlOtf