THE DUNN .. .. _ j——ji—— i | "tl>_~~ WALTER P. BYRD GETS 44WRIT UP” BY WALTER SILEF Solicitor Toll* Clerk, Throng! Greonahoro Non, That Ha . U In Wrong Attach* by l— L Wrens os Thou Whs Criticise Drsft Opposcsta Ksepesjlbls "la an lodgment, men Kite you ao< Mr. Wrenn aid men of like Ilk an giving more aid and cumfortto the kal mt than all the Canaan epics whe may be lurking between Mala* and Minnesota," says Solicitor Walter D, Siler to Clerk of the Coen Waltei F. Byrd in a public letter published la the Greensboro Daily news of A<f£hcttor Siler’s indictment was drove by Mr. Byrd's Indorsement of a letter aublkhed In the same journal from the pea of L L Wrenn, of SUer CKy. This latter was in eriti (ba of things said by the solicitor roue*ruing those who opposed the draft. The correapondenco between the dark end the solicitor, as it appears la the Dally Newt, follow*: Editor of The Dully News: "la your last Sunday's issus you published an article signed by one L. L Wrenn, who K would appear from the enclosed letter from Mr. Byrd, sms indended as an attack upon ms. I ask you in faint*** to me to publish the letter of Mr. Byrd and my re ply thereto. "WALTER D. SILER. “Siler CKy, Aug. 18, ’17. w(IbcmmqniI ‘"LilUagton, N. C., Aug. It. 1817 “Hen. Walter 6. Siler, ’’SUer CKy. N. C. “Dear Sir: *e|-1 etlb s evuat deal of la tercet and commendation the letter nbMahed in today’! Greensboro Newt by Mr. U U Wrenn, of your town and county, in which ha ao nably defends the good name of Chatham and therefore of the whole atota •"I construed hit letter to be er in stalment ef ren because -ef the sik tWIty you gave runeon to Chatham - if wmI ai in buKdaicnt of thoot . Mehsr up than you, all of ahich I •‘•The thrusts by Mr. Wrenn at tha Mad Mullah of tha East, Jamas H Peu, were timely and appropriate. “'We have aome sensationalists dawn here also, but wa hope to be ahla [a inDfttl UmBL. ,trLlko Mr. Wro&n and nombora of other ettisens of Chatham inform us of the real condition la Chatham, than is no trouble bare. We ale neither foots nor rebels. We art law abiding generally, and If w* oe . rationally violate a statute you trill know it and cal) us to account. “‘Your* truly “‘W. P. BYRD. “Siler City. N. C.. Aug. 18. 1917. "Mr. W. P. Byrd, “LilUngtoo, N. C. *'Mj Dm Sir: •'Your favor of Sundayt th« 12th last., eras received upon tny return from Johnston court this morning. Among other things you my: “1 read with u greet deal of in terest and commendation tha letter eobllshlt in today's Greensboro News k Mr. L L. Wrenn, of your town * — d county. In which he so nobly dt fends the good name ef Chatham and therefore the whole state. 1 con strued hie latter to be an indictment of you because ef the publicity you guvs rumor* In Chatham, as wall a* an indictment of thorn higher up, nil of which I must my, in tha best of feeling, I most heartily subscribe to, .1, “Candor compels dm to atota that I should expect the avenge North CorttDa Be publican ta swallow at a nk the partisan assault of an ax radhcal office-holder, like Mr. Wnnn, CtTonce voted for Jim Yoeag. a negro politician, agalnat M. B. Breach ten, a Christian gentlemen of exalted character, bat I am not only surprised, hot am utterly chocked that a gentleman of your cultivated mind, distinguished family connection aad high standing, should permit year partiesaahip to eo ran away with yoar aonao af propriety that you baaak tbs devotion* of a quiet Sab bath In your mad rush to give ap proval to on attack upon a public official for doing Ms duty. "I have no apology to make to you, Mr. Wrean, nor to any other tea, who In thta time af public dis tress is el vine aid to tha anemias of h wvraa mm men vi uiv iik »r« giving more aid and comfort ta the kaiser than afl the Gorman mis*, "ho may ho lurking between Maine aad MlaaeeoU,for you appear to place year aeuatry, Hu safety aad tha safe ty of the wnmanhsil and manhood of the republic secondary to your Wind party prejudice, aad I have, not only no Mmlogy to make to such o close of ctttaans, bat deem It an honor to bo “indicted" by such patrtota(f). “The ootf-appotatmeut of yoar co defender, Mr- Wren*, as rbaamlan of Mm patriotism of CbatkamVa rare take ta those wba kaew Mm, bat ttnee you, aha recently boasted la the yakile yrtet af the patriotism and war-dike servieee of year for bears, easy aaa be as wall acquaint ed sritb the ama under whose hanuar af f^eskem (you am ta imm7fe Mi sniela wua aimed af me)' I will ■dd that neither yea Bar Mr. Wroan 33LIES BULLETIN O NTEETH »t>W Board of Hoalth Eaplaiaa Dkr oaaoa of Tooth and Sot* Out Method* of Caa*bating Evil* . „ “The Cara of tho Teeth," Special Rullctin No. SI just brood by tho State Board of Hentth, without mote mg term* and without donBog with tcchnieaJitiea, aot* forth tho fund* acotnis of tbs prevention of tooth disease*. "The teeth were plnced nt the eate wny or inlet to the humnn bov to adequately provide the very first of tho vital proceene* which go on With in tha human body of coaverting the food wo cot into muscle, bona, brain and brawn," *ays tha bulletin. “With dirty, docayed. diseased, broken, mbs lng tooth we can no more expect to properly chew or grind oar food than a miliar with dirty, broken or defec tive mill*tones could bo oxpoctod to properly grind hie com or wheat. "A weil cared for month and aot of tooth are a mark of well being refinement and character. A dirty, vile smelling mouth is ■ reproach to anybndv and a partial set of docayod diseased eaags and remanta of tooth are so many monuments to tho own er'* stupidity, Ignorance aad Indol ence. Bad teeth are aa annesenary ovll, a aln of ombaloa." With a simple statement of the story of the teeth and Injunctions re garding their cars, tha bulletin sota forth the throe principal tooth dis orders: Decay, tartar, and Bigg's diaeasa. A competent dentist, aa early as the eigne of the disease are recognised, b urged as the first ea acntlal of providing rrsoedy. As for prevention, tho bulletin Beta oot the simple expedient of a tooth brush frequently used, aad a aotnl-annual visit to a dentist for purpose of ex amination. PROF. SMITH HERE IN INTEREST OF COMING FAIR The colored department of the Cape Fear Fair, to be held X Fay etteville lets ia October, la goh« Co bo the moot creditable ever gotten together, according to Prof. J. 0. South, head of the local colored acboots, who was bote yesterday In the Interest of ties fair. Prof. Smith la secretary of the col ored department at the fair. He la MW soliciting prises to he are to be contributed by tilotJesT pic and will be awarded exhibitors teg-'” The colorod exhibits are to be placed In position before the opening of the fair so that all white visitors will have an opportunity of mbg them and becoming acquainted with great progress being mode by the colored people of the Cape Pear sec tion. One day at fair will he given over entirely to the colored people, aa In farmer years. feel a deeper Interest ia Chatham county than I do. Nor are yon and your self-selected champion more proud of He history. My ancestors helped to make Its history. Prom Guilford Courthouse to A. pp mss tor some one from whom I am descend ed fought for American bberty and the honor of the state that gave aa all birth. My father, a grnadfnther, and four uncles of mine followed hie southern banner from Bethel un til it was forsver furled at ftaprimaln» Their record of duty performed ia the only heritage nay at them left me, but I prills it more than I would a legacy of stocks, bonds, lands or n title to nobiUty. My Information is tht your family record ia similar. So when you add your seal of approv al to on Indictment against ate made by a man, whies ancestors, while yours end mine wore lighting and dying for their country, wait Utaf in caves, and whose sole service to hie country has been to draw n salary from it oo postmaster you couvineo me that partisan politico has carried you to a depth of degradation to which 1 could nover have battered a gentleman of your amiable diapool “When you •ought to evade tbs duty, which was placed upon yen as elath of the court at your county in regard to the registration matter, sod rushed into the pabtie press with your view* as to how the army aught tobs raised, I was frequently ached: "What manner of man is this dark «* «*• in HarnettT** Ami I unhesitatingly rep Had that yog ware hi.noet In year opinions and ware patristic at heart. It saassa that ihe charity of judgment with which I measured your sets, when you sought to irsde yottr date, is to as denied me by you, when 1 am attacked tar trying to do mine. "In conclusion, I would admonish you to devote the holy Sabbath mace to reading the Holy Writ and lam to perusing Partisan articles written by political patriots; hove a little mare charity of Judgment and ha n title •lower to axptuas eoUione about things you know nothing about „g above aO try to Web and think be yond the boundary Bnpa of a single county. The *k*u nation is at war and It Is mors important toad our country win la thia great conflict Wan It Is that your party triumph la Har nett county nest yoaf, and while H will require effort /or you and Mr. Wrenn to ever acquire samcisii scopes of etswn to res Has this fnat. I sincerely hope that you ■»! Iw see yourmlf as ethers sa* yog. and cease following n course thot tajurim the country to which yen both appear la be so devoted. “Assuring yen of sty Ugh person al regard* and my deep sorrow Wat you have assn At to east poor wt with cava-dwelling patriots sad them who have veted far negroes, I hag to remain years very Mr, "WALTHH D. ULlbr allied offensive IS SUCCESSFUL ON ALL BATTLE LINES Bi« Cain* Rhd, By British IWck, aad Italians *** m C.n Mia Tml PUfi Him With MUJtmry Itattoa* ,7V for Which Am Kj-*r ,£3 froata largo galna wars mads aad a "»»»»antal air attach In 'which tfc*» »M hundred machines took part, wrought havoc with miBtaaa depot* sad monition plants in Oar Juan Uwm far beyond tba fighting ■fading feature of operotioas tor »"* week and has raoultod in the captain of tka Belgian town Of I^tp«orek and Hill No. 70. around which so ranch slaughter has ooeurod In recant montha. Notable gain, •round Verdun were made by the French. The offensive Is still ta pro tT,M’ Canadian troops plsylag on Important part. ,.^t week's lata dispa tehees man tionad Umt savaral American wound g£ i££Z ^r£C£f£rj£.S£ *s attached to British or French farces It la not kattevod that- any pari ot tka American atphihtionnry fprpa boa yet boen sent to tka float, though rainy of tka odfean hove visited the treaahee to aoeustam Usuis.Was to cooditiaaa aad team oi trench Ufa mV Aato k_- J It has .boon definitely determined that a lazy* part of the Natinnal C/aard arfll be am-mg the next ron UffouA of American troop* 4c He cent to Fiance. The engine*ring fore* win bo mad* ap largely of North Ctrotlui troops.* Jadgo Spoor, of the Federal Court, Washington. tlmrUia in Ubm of war is punishable by death. No reply has been mad* by nay *f the warring anti asm to Hops Bens liet's pence proposal. pobUohcd oarly hat week. All of America's allies weald welcome peon now, bat none will eoneot to nay arrangement where by Germany will be left aa a menace to national oafoty. A little while sgo all would bare been willing to (Hit if Germany would restore all wmqnnmd territory, indemnity Bet yinm aad SorMa aad promise to be rood. Sine*, however, weakened i>ermaay has resorted to additions, rrightfateeas it is oot probable the poo tiff will And any of the poorer* it war witb Germany willing to let up until tho German war machine a permanently crushed. Any Gor man pane* overture b looked apoa is merely an effort to prepare for rurther war. A strike of miner* and other in dustrial worker* called la the West by I. W. W, loader* failed to me tar si! se when 17 ef the leader* war* inested aad held a* military pris oner*. It has been discovered that many who are high ap la labor or [sniutioni and tho Socialist party are German agents. These are being turned over to the govern lent by the real labor unionists as fact os they are found. Mexico** plea for financial asMst incs has Anally hoe* granted by the American government. American banker* have been told that Jiey would b* permitted to float the ■Unit Ctrnnu’m government. The Htileui bar* been trying tor more than two years to got aid tc this country, bat satU now wars denied Measee df the we ak nee■ of their [ ore nun eat Secretary Daniels and bis advisors its preparing ta make America's de ■troysr Seat the graataat the world kas over known. Thio plan in aim ed at the destruction of Germany's ■ubmariae Seat. BIG PICNIC PON SOLDIERS AT AT LtLUNGTON, SEPT. 4. ~ LUlington. Aar. BO—At a meaUng >f the Harnett Cewaty Bar hold to Uy ta the Courthouse at Lilltagton, ho —dm of the Bar wiuIsmw ly tsadtrtd thoir prafomlonal aer rtow of the drafted and enlisted men rf Harnett County. Some of the 1 rafted and onHeted soon now la the Array from tlda County have legal Better* which will aaad attention faring Urn nbeenrs of them men, ud it Is poaelble that nni of them nay net be ta poaltJea to employ at torneys to look after their interest NKh thla in slow the members of the Bar bar* umutkmesmiy tendered their ssrsiuse to aay enlisted or draft id mas wha may have any legal mat ters which will require attention dor *Rhia abase*« In the arm. Tha Bar aleo aaaabneuely decided ® eet a* ealemdar for Tosoday. ley* rate it 4th. and agreed that with *• eeaaant of tha Tadgs no court eoold b* baU as that day ta order ha* tha entire County might aeto mto — a great rally and picnic to **„H,r***f Caanty boys wha ora to leave to go lata the >™qL J* * that tbs esttr* aty wffl turn oat and asset at Lit lagtoa aa that day and — to tha ■oily a gnat mum RAILROADS PLAN TO MOVE DRAFTED TROOPS ' TO CANTONMENTS I — M'"—l W Firm aOAJM WUI Start Sap*. S| Netiaeal Caard Already Om Kara New To*. An«. lB-_pi*na far tba moat important troop moTamant aver attempted it tbit cetuatry I evolving tba treaaportaUoo of ttffiOO mas. an bain* perfected by tba American Raihrny Amoctotioh, accordmr to an announcement mad* baa* tonight by Fairfax Barriaon, ehefamaa of tba Railroad*' War Board *Tha mortmaat of tampo from tba r aria a* State* to army mntirnminta trill atari September I," mid Mr. Harrison, “aad I between that dato and September I the nflmb will com plete the entrainment of tMAM mam. approximately udrty par east af tba total number to to moved. . Hi* expected that a msoed move ment af 100,000 mem wfla begin Sept.. IS, continuing for fomg-toyi. and a third move aunt of tba am atna on October t. - “Some ceoceptloa -r the teak whfth cepfronte tba amaWatioa may to gteeeedfrom toe tamt that «M nut; made up In *M train*, with ae many lecomotfrae and bain arrnwe. “sSS T “ “Tba mOreada hav» i bee* mak ad to amply tfanapartJ for HOr 000 aotdMU of the n»tx guard to sasrxisjv in icrraeaina vohuae been moved." SARF REACTION Fliaaa el Om Tlam Fraa Laat Weak’ ia nothing if not err aad how rrkoo an likely to ■> tram woo day to an other poxalea Xl fow PM P»*. The rapid apturwM aarly hat week. whaa October A to t|h emu aad the rot at I now crow months to about the 2« ■ oset baaia, encouraged some to t|B that t)J market was headed oXan omlw: but Monday at this aow the list down too points fre^Kaac Heals except March, which k^KId points. wasasfei cents to M III Wd£zsi5tf$& ly been exceeded during tha war pe riod, bat they an safieieatly strik er to iUoatrato the abnormal condi tions prevailing aad explains why action has been takes to tank price changes to three casts in any one If disappointing to some specula - ton, other people have found reason for encouragement in -the fact that weather end crop advices have made mom cheerful reading. The situation In those parts of Tam* whan rain fall has been deflcleat has felt a good deal to be dashed, hut tha gen eral tendency la to raise natlmatm of the yield for the belt aa a whole aad then la an Ini I sasdrg disposition to regard the Government's recast condition estimate of TM par cent aa being too low. Talus In the main, sentiment is bearish on the theory that the crop wi> tun out better than was earlier expected and «*-♦ when it begins to men* *•» vohams tha weight of th* bales will toll on prince. Other arguments an also beard aa la why tho market should work down ward, including tha ewUifcncat of operations at British prills that is to begin In September, aad tome capital has been mads oat of the reduction In domestic consumption in Jafy as compand with previews months this year. Yet Um total of 1,000 halos of lint cotton can hardly be tsrasod a poor showing, and It ia observed that In tha season whkh er.dod with July tho quantity rowasmed was «0Sr 000 bale* larger than la the previous isiscisjsr as* McD. HOLLIDAY MADE HUT vice-president RICHMOND ASSOCIATION McD. Holliday, mt Dm, has Um elected Bret rice praaidant of a pa tently formed Richmond Msarlation designed to keep trade ta» tha Sooth •Ad combat tha mall order Auka Hr. Holiday's election followed an add reas da Ur trad by kMs bafora tha emaciation at a cewrmdion ie Rich mood last weak. Ha NO Kidmaaf bafora the stectloa aras hold aad waa rurpriaad to ban ml his election by Utter yastarday. I. B. By door, prealdeart of tha Rich mond Dry Oooda Company, bt no mminUns Hr. Honda? of Ms auc tion, writes “that year pUas aad ye«r talk were as Inspiration to am and I want to ask now that yaa do year Mt la amUUng as la tbs rac cssafal dereloptasnt of *W organisa tion." COSTS U. S. SlSd.Sd TO EQUIP INFANTRYMAN FOR FRANCft Fins Saldisw to Re dated Wish Washington A eg. IP—It costa tha UaHad States jam (ltd.SO to ogMp ba Infantryman for aottUa In Prance. Figaros mads pablis tonight shew that of this total elothtog nsisasals HSLSlj Sghtlng saaismsM’ sdTSS and sating stomalla ITT*. Tha aoi dUr'e gaa mask casta fit: hit Stoat hatasto |S Bad Ms ride Sl*.SO. Tha aj?n“.sr1r^nss: 133 OF HARNETT’S QUOTA CHOSEN UP TO TUESDAY NIGHT Nmm. at OtWs Not to Bo Hodo Public Until Tomorrow r > I •orti TmwUt aftwamT p£hTuf aliuady voluntaacud ud IS failad te ik» wo for mu jastlosa. Practically tbs sboh quote bn beta —kftad, Wt b<riim tbt to" todt for AlH^ ZLptZnVJml ■*<«■»**• oota teteonow for tefM who went tudud after tbs ^tj«*b tboir aaasos wfU act bo nado public until than. Dtuta famisbo* SS of tbs aaaber tslactad. Natbaa Johnson, Edaar C Varum H. MaaosisJH, cXssIls Udsrutea. Koanltb P. Howard, Wit Us*. WObate Habort Ksuss, teSftastiaaaja ria Brows, Ellla Thomas, BdWuMatea A. Ksaady. AnMi [■ Los, Lewis P. Trw. Jaaaa | ftetbia*. MUtec Jobss, Mack 0. Pops. UsUo tWoBSS, Haary McAllister, Oswald Bmi, Char Us Las. H abort L *»*■< ood Hoary C. Warren. mom ad white bars already aalated. lbs tboss aclsclcd frate Dean. Tboss of Duan wba failod to rspan [or sxuai nation aro Os seas Mr I pan . Leslie C. Jones. Tba nbitM m* and Ux order ha etleh they war* chosen, fellow: I—«H John Williford Buie, gwtu Station 1—1466 Saule Lee Peel. Coota I— MM Walk, rw t-UlTmuui Tkoaaaa Pace, LU i-uinr&a Bsinlu. Tart, Dana 16—1476 Hwhsrt --- rrlTiT iMttafaMM. tl—6T1XS.! Harry Cooyer, Klp Hnc 18—1166 Denial McArtan, Linden !*—!»>* Makom Williams. Dana 37—686 David Kirk Pilmis. Costs 10—14P5 Lonnie Cleveland Parker, Daks w—1679 Meio Manley Sawyer, Daks 16—1711 Benjamin Earl Stewart, Dtkt *6—378 WflHam McKinley Cos, Broadway *•—it*! Andrew Jackson Wester, ••—466 bH Evans, Dana 66—616 Andrew Joaae. BonvfQe 66—1666 William Hebert Besna, Dana, Enlisted 16—607 Ltanle B. Baals, Daks IT—437 Joseph Daniel Densen, HoBy W—IS 24 Robert Lee Murchison. OBvin 58—604 Win Groves, Doan 10—43 Walter Edwin Andenoa, II— 1766 Gabriel Smith, Daks 13—1364 Lloyd Me Donga Id, Baan 16— 430 Willi. Makom Dorman, Dana 17— 1014 Abort Major, Chalyboate 16—614 Marvin Richard Edwards, Ufflactoa 10—416 Henry Dm via, Boont Bpgs. 76—1046 Yemen Hawaii MirnuU Dane II—1705 Bilm Raymond Stephen*™, Holly Sprint* II— <87 Limey Bnnl*. Deka rt 90— 13X8 Amo* Reid McNeill, Cam eron 18—140 John BoUer Bowden, Certs 10—8011 Bertie* Wicker, Lillincton M—488 Duacaa Ooldie Dnrreeh, LIL >8—780*J#bw Martin Hawley, Dunn >1—1$ Jason Allen, Daaa >0—1148 Coo. Met eon. Done 101—1108 Mack Prtaeo, KipUne 104—1771 Bonte Bratton Smith, 108—818 Joe Leo Elliot, UUmyto* I OS—1081 Hector Neill Stewart, Dvm III— tOM Herman WUliana*on, Coats 118—117 Mack Mart, Daaa 117— 800 Vance Cam erne, Joaeahore IIS—78 OaMa Brown. Dean 118— IBIS EBb Them at, Dana ICS—777 L. Grey Halt, Joomboro rt 181—7*1 Mercia Keiby Holder, Broadway Its—70S Loyd o. Johnson, LiMnrton ltd—1840 William P. Hater*, LJUas 118—880 Bennett lerael Cotton,' Pa 177—1 RTaXT MeNefB, Broad 188—William Hoary Mathew*. Bab*. Creek !R=?SSr&J <££• 1 ttl887^^{jaamTSeM**11*** 148—80S Jem* Cent*. Dana 145-1700 WltlUm Henry Owen Smith, Duke 140—1104 bane McLeod. Broadway Winwm Harden, Baa£2 180—lOOOOnbert C. Weeds fl, Car 184—1118 Arthar M. Btaybeaeen. *BI PVue* Mathew*. ISO—OOSJrta Albert Eeaaedy. 18*—081 Archie J. Lee. DbbiT^ "LORD. SAVE THY PEOPLE* bp Iw. A. L CmM • frit Iwtbt CWA-Oiafan W IpMtwaJ fleshon. ktt. A. L Goodrich, lb the ab ■mpe of Dr. J. J. Hurt who ie bow on Us vacation, ablp UUd the pufcft of tho First lUirttit ckftTfh vmkba dap moraine, uSagUs teat front tbs ■srsntb vans of (£• flat chapter ol tbs book of Jrmlth: "For that L"r!,‘ ^ with rridnsm for Jacob, and shout among tbs chisf tho rsssaaat of lsrasl Prsfactog Us somoa by s fhw as pis ns to ry remarks U cIsm us tbs connection which tbs owns footed ha. t. tbs hook of Iwutelah with tribsr poosajos of script nr., Bov. Mr. Goodrich said that ft rnfsrrod to tbs Jews, hut that last*ad of am failurv of tho Jos? IwtEnted teT net the attention of Us —*«—w to thoir own church, their on nonals tbsasaoKwo. “Whot does tho tsxt asaoa. what doa it IwlvsT- hsgaa tbs noohor. Flint, H irvolvoe daanar. At his torp of tho shank bos bis, a hlitMj of lbs doagora of tho chbnh. Tho church has not boon *1—* M much 3:i«ir,«fssi?ais of tbs church tastes of it the WMak sr mads plain at «hs nataot Tbs spaaksr than an mas rated tbs dooms of tbs chsreh, tbs Bnt of which ho said was aoacowfomttp, or tbs act of followlag the world. "Jo ans sold: “follow aw.’ Lot poor tn Boomc purify tho world," and tho spoakor ban cited Blast rstiro otorioo to nwko Ua point Tba aacond danger is that of dash srs, or tbs ssaMdsa of nliHasI ia monr^and Uassut and ptepf^TLord Tri bWb«|sr lo that of nlhrii non. "Our laoritatiosm an alfawflp ^.g^/TTl *u' J*- wu Shawls church k Uhonl'doos'h^onsoo Ur tiU and proop mao," addad tba «wk or. mt the _ __ ceneictlon thai Qod mill i fee th. wot bafag W Bee. Mr. Gcedriefc Vi 160—1681 Lather Green Keek, Duke1 164—1641 Lewis FruUU Tew, Dunn 146—686 Jamm 8. Farthing, Dan 166—6M Milton Jena*. Dank 146—14T0 Deanie Cloeeland Parrish. West Durham 166—646 WflMam Beery Honeycutt, 170— 216ArioB^T1*Ke, 171— 6t0 Loose 1 He Trim, nifci 172— 1684 Joe JUhn KerdaTWcr 174—1611 Erwin Jooeph Btaphanoea. Angler 176—61 Clyde LeaHe Aldanoaa, 176—1727 John Wiliam Stephenaon, Duke 186—961 Denial Baxter Leach, Cam 184—77* Thomas Nickels Bohnee, PJncvicv •77_K«m<^ Felton Howard, 1**—1211 Allen B. McLean. LlIMng 1*2—1417 Meek 0. Pone, Down 1*4—2084 Oee. Leo WiWo, Broad 1*4—188 Themes J. Block. LUHngto. 1*8—1278 Mathews MeMUUon, Lla 1*8—1791 James Thomas, Manning 800—1966 Edgar C. West, Dona 261—792 LeaSeC. Jonm, Dona 2*2—8 Joseph F. Andrews, Chaly beate Sprier* 2*4—1680 Bafts ftephanaea. Bale's *06—64*Enrk C. Worn uunw *bLo°*,i F' rha,rt*’ 109—1132 Rnrv IliAOWUv. Dni 210— 440 Jim k Dirmh, UMur ton 211— 142* Jtnu M. Patter***, LU llagtMi 214— 1054 Edwin M. IfaHn, Orw MUi 215— 1275 Dock McLaua. LMl 222—255 Arthur Campbell, Bofel Cr*ik 228—535 Honry E. Chuwpi—, KJp 235—tool William A. WMto, Duka •51—431 Orwuld Ctnoro. Dm 225—023 ChorUo La., Dm “•- I®*’ Mur^y xj.ill Mntthowu, ***—Cuaarat, *41—575 tochA Lockoaan, Dnk. 242—437 rofwt f. Holland, Buia’a Crook 245^1557 257—1155 Lothor E. Cok, DnW ^ 155-l^a-k, Allan ’aTbotmo, *51—2512 Joka MoD. WWtharu, UU iS=|fefcr’ t*T-l^y» Vondor Stapbomo. 255—Mlmn. W. -rvn STB-1M?WMm» Loo “ 221—1112 Bald MeXayj 8-*gyJjS* ] _ ** * *■ | I si % £ ■■» • • : 1

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