THE DUNN VOUIV N. CL, J MEETING CALLED TO ORGANIZE NEW COMMERCIAL CLUB Civic and Industrial Associa tion To Bo Crootod to Coro For Dunn's Interests PreMtm Paint Ont Whet Can Bn Accomplished Through Co operative Effort With s vlnw to creating an ureso lution to car* fur tho various ch-ie and industrial problems concerning the community a number of Dunn’s landing business and professional men arc considering plans for launch^ Ing a movement that will bring repre sentatives of all lines of barietta Into sacb an organisation. Friday night, September 7, has been designated for the first meeting, which is to be held In the show rooms of Barnae and Holliday Company. The slogan of the organisers It: “DO IT POX DUNN." The object la to giro to the new organisation a strong membership and adequate working capital. • With it working as Uw promoter* hop* to make it work the new or ganisation, it is painted out by the promoters, css: "1. Bring our people together. Show the folly of fighting; that en ergtee wasted in useless opposition can be converted to dynamic force* in a common cans*—-tin advance ment of Dunn along nil line* of en deavor. link* our pnople forget per sonal or businem jealousies, if any nsist, and co-operate in community development. **fi. Advertise Dunn’s many at tractions and advantage*; Its strategic location sod splendid transportation JtefBtis*. “I. Be cor* such industries as can succeed in Dune by rsaeon of It* transportation facilities. Its available ■■ im pru duct# and its proximity to tho larger MM. "4. Develop a greater rural trade, through Ha trade extension bureau. “I. Make Dunn a aaiae' center for lire-etock of all kinds—a oalo to be conducted periodically under the aus pices of the Civic and Induetral As eoctattoo, each aalee at will stake Dean a center for such Interests over a very wide territory. “6. Aid in reducing the cast of "X Secure an agricultural expert-1 seen* Matioa for Jarvis county, aad eooduct a farmer*’ Information bu mmmmmmrnmmtmm worthy toliciting atbtmtt. M9. B# *uw U» ckitf odTocAU of hoOM DfttrOBAM. “Id. Be a veritable Information bursae ea anything and everything pertaining to Dunn and Jarvti coun ty. “11. Be managed by secretary manager, a man who will devote nil hie time to the work—who will be on the job 366 days In the year, and whose welfare will depend on the success of the work he Is to do. “12. Hold frequent public meet ings for the discussions of local sub jects and bring here nationally known men to speak on important public questions. "IS. Work in harmony with the mayor and city commissioner* for every needed civic improvement for Dunn. “14. Be absolutely devoid of any thing savoring of politics or teeter ianiaen aad will work for the welfare of tho community as a whole, re gardless of class or distinction. “16. Be free from old time methods of management and wiD bo organised to accomplish things with the least delay. .“16. Bo managed by men of ma tured business experience, successful in their own business, and whose time aad services could not be hired If that were necessary. “17. Keep in dose touch with the different branches of the State and federal governments, to learn with out delay of anything beneficial or detrimental to Dann end its people.” Examinations for Clerk-Cerriev. Civil service examinations to fill a vacancy in the Dunn postofflee for clerk-carrier will be held Saturday, September 16. All male ei tisane of the United States reaiding in the ter mory mtvm By urn ponomcc are eUgibisHfor participation in thaa* ex Information can be had by ipplt cation to Bright V. Morgan, »ccre tar y of the local examining board. Georgo f, McKay Eallcta. George P. McKay, secretary of the John A. McKay Manufaetarlag com pany, la now a mombor of the aria don section of the army signal corps. Ho ataccoaafuUy passed tha rigid phy sical and mental examination at Fort Thomas, Kentucky, last week, and will ho stationed at Fort Sam Houston Tax., for several weeks for training. Mr. McKay Is a son of Mr. aad Mrs. John A. McKay, of Dunn. Ha la ona of tha town's moat popular young men and carries the beat wkhaa erf all Dana’s people In the haaardoaa work he haa undertaken for hla coun try. Ho was chief of the Dunn Hr# department at tha time of hla enlist RED CROSS WORK ROOM 1 Rod Croee work rooms have boon Atted up In the First National Bank Building and Mrs. It F. Young has boon appointed to superintend the work of knitting garments, making bandages, etc., alts tod to the Doan aaxnmary. Tuaaday and Thursday are work days for the Bod Cress. The hours art from fi :P0 to 11 *0. and the rooms will he open rain or shine on thorn days and daring those hours. ■very gtrl aad woman of Dunn who earn And time to give to this work lo urged to report to Mrs. Young. The r.tad frr help la urgent. GERMAN WEPT ON BEING CONVINCED OF AMERICA’S AID Skeptical Officer Escorted Be fore Perth tag When Capt ured At Verdun Bolimd America WnH Never Seed Forte to Front. Soy* “All It Loot." French officers vainly informed tho prisoner that thouaanda of American soldier* have landed in France end England and had marched through Che >trccta of Paris and London; that a division of Amorican troop* vat preparing for service at the front; that other contingents, more baser tant, would arrive before the endof the year and that the United States was arming millions of men. “Those arc only adroit maneuvers designed to keep up the spirits of the combatants,” replied the prisoner, will convince yon; yon shall be corv Tbe French officer then said: “We ducted before General Pershing, the c ommardcr-ln -chief of the American expeditionary fortes in France, now her* on the Vvrdon front. You can question him yourself and you will learn whether It is the German peo ple or us who are being deceivedby those who govern." When the escort cams to conduct the prisoner before General Pershing big tears rolled down his cheeks end he remarked sadly: “Since that is the rase, it is all over. W* are tost.' “It is a pity that so much blood has been shed la vain." A German officer, taken prisoner in the recent French advance north of Verdun, is thus quoted by the Echo de la Rochelle and a staff af B*cr who interrogated the Carman ia given as authority for the interview. The German paid homage to the heroic courage of tbs French soldiers, but tried to discourage the idea that help would be forthcoming from the unaea buui. "Why delude yourselves with AW. riced hope* end than prolong the murderous atrugggtoT" be went on. ''Ten expect lneStlbU eld from the United State*. They promise k. bat they win never gtvo R. Wo bow perfectly in Cermoay what to niiil a* to the intention* of President Wli eon. He ia playing with you; ho will temporie* without ovor go lag pheli hoartodly into the conflict. tlon and win Impose a peace that BWSCy»S!r*!M55lS?,,^f will never compromise tha stan and ■tripes in and ad vector* on yoar front." COTTON MUST BE LOADED TS BALES TO CAB With the movement of the cotton crop scheduled to begin title fall at when a combination of government end commercial badness will be bring Ing tramendoua pressure to beer upon the railroads, the Commlasian on Car Service of tha Railroads’ War Board, haa Issued instructions pro hibiting the shipping of cotton in quantities of lam than alxty-flve bales per car and requiring aa many mors to be loaded aa the aiae of tha car furnished will permit. Notice to this effect haa just been sent to buyers of cotton together with a request that they place orders for their requirements on a basis of not lean than itxty-flv* bales or multipiss thereof. In tha Southwest and Mississippi Dell* districts, tha average car will load sixty-five hales and in tha Southeast district tha aver age ear eriU load seventy-flvs bales. Consequently, buyer* are naked ta order la multiples of sixty-Ave from the Southwest and in multiples of seventy-five from tbo South east dis tricts. Tbo New England territory win ha taxed to tha maximum capacity of facilities this fall and tha acceptance of freight by tha railroads serving the territory north of tha Ohio and Potomac riven will have to b* care fully regulated. Fw» OU Min Mh Take Ora* he tmtli mi GmU A iHtat. Z. V. Snip** haa pnrrhaeed tha J. W. Gerald A Baggett garaga, and will not learo Dana for Raleigh aa era* announced lotea tiaia ago. Mr. Snipe* haa for three years baan on* of tb* Boat raised citlsen* af Bonn. Since coming bora to become manager of the Doan Oil Mllie A* ha* bean on* of tb* town's leaders in civic, botsI and fodoatrial wel fare work. It was with much regret that hi* friend* here Warned some weeks age that he bad savored hi* connection with the ofl milW and was planning to Wave. Ha west aa far a* to pare has* aa inter** in a BaWlgh concern and, aa maeh aa ho regretted to lever the strong ties that haM him to Doan, was arranging to begin bis duties In RaWigfa at aa early date. The opportunity to bey the goto* concern bo has Jaat purchased Inter vened, however, and Mr. Snipe* was saved to Dana. The garage W oa* «* ta *■» toctfoa and will be under tb* personal direr Moa of Mr. Snip** from now os. Tb* aam* fere* of mechanics win be kept and the Use* carried by i. W. Gerald A Baggett will be continued. Kumiaattoa* far Carrier. Examination* far rural letter sor rier will be held at tb* Dunn Bad UBingtoa peotoSce* October IS U fill a vacaaoy la the Dunn aJBea. MaW citterns of the United States who live within the territory eupptWd by oftco* la this eounty are efigtbW for partici patten la this exam I notion. Those who wtah to eater the ex amination sheold apply to Bright V. Morgan, aoeiutery of the Waal ex amining board, for fuB Information. DRAFTED MEN ARE WELCOMED INTO NATION’S SERVICE PruakWs Mmim. Om of Af foctionata Coafidaeea and a. Prayar far Man’* Safety. “Y~ *" U »«• Sense W. dU" af Freodam." Ha Tails Maa Call ad Taday Soldlcn of the National Anay were wnlcomed into the nation •, see. 3S Mon<‘"y by President • Wilson With a message of affectionate eon/l !wE! 00,1 *• beep and gold* them. Everything the** d». the President told h?"‘,E55L5* T“wh*d with ‘b* d«*P est solicitude by the whole country, and th« •yea of tbc world wiO bo Bpoa them because they am “la some •P*-**1 the soldiers of fraodom.“ The llrat *aIdlers for tho army rais *k *ho law start from their homes for the training canton, manta today. The President asks ■T*-* “ brothers and comrades in “* treat war to keep straight and fit by a standard to high that living ap to It win add a new laurel to the crown of America. The message follows: “The White House, Washington, “To the Soldiers of the National Any: "You aru undertaking a groat duty. Tb* heart of the whole country Is with Poo. Everything that you da will be watched with the deepest interest and with the deepest solici tude aot only by those who aru near {2 y»u. but by tha whole nation besides. Far this gnat war drawa as all together, makes im all comrades and brothers, as all true Americans felt themselves to be when wa first made good our national in d*P??d*"°*:_ The eyas of all the world win be upon you. because you are In u».-- u.. °1 fTy4o»- Let it be your PrM*. IW*n, to show all men or orywhaiu not only what good aot dl«n you nr*, bat alao what good and elaaa through and through. Let M (Ot for ourwhrus a standard ao high that it wiD b* a glory to Uva up to It and than lot as Ur* up to it and add a now laurul to tbs crown of Aasasfca. My eSaMInnM* confidence gooo with you la FOUR TO GO FROM DUKE Duha Pastor Praaahaa to Metropoti tea Cherehee—Other Maw. Duka, N. C., Sept 5 —Harnett County has boen tolled on for nino Si to gu to camp Jackson, Colum S. C„ as bar part of tha Drat for aoldien. Of then nine men Duke will bare th* honor of furnish ing four rla: E .C. Anderson, E. a Stewart, J. W. Stephenson and H. O. Avery. They will report to the local board at Lilline-ton Saturday. The Sovaread Lewis Chester Mor rison rector of St. Stephens Episco pal church at Duke, alto of St. Paul'i. Smith field, S. C., ha* boon ■pending his vacation with frit ode and ralnthrea in end around Now York City. While away he officiated and pros chad ia St. Clement’s Church also in the church of the Atonement, sup plying for the rector Rev. Dr. H*nd» fteld who eras In Canada. Her. Mor rison mot with enthuaiaatic reception in both places and feels that Us va cation eras not spent Idly. Ht has returned to Us parish and conducted regular service* Sunday as usual. The Erwin Park hat made another purchase in the way of aaimnls. This time it it a bear and comes from Euakin, N. C. Shipment is to be made the lOtn hist. Th* bear wtll be pieced along with the other animals in a double eeclosuro all to himself. The two foset must have heard that the beer was earning, far they escaped a few night* ago sad to far nothing has been beard from them. A NEW PRINCIPAL AT SHADY GROVE HIGH SCHOOL I wish to state to the public that my resignation of tho prlnetpaUhip of Shady Orxrra High School wma aot brought about by aay trouble between either the teachers or traetooa and myeelf. Bat awing to elreumstencee, aad alao having a new field awaiting aaa, I deemed ft beat for all concern ed that I ahoold giro up tho place aad got another man to fill It. Prof. IX R. Blalock of Durham la alaaiad to tho priiurfpehhip. Prof. Blalock la a graduate of the Univer sity of North Carolina and baa bad five yean of experience in teaching. Ho eomee to Shady Grove highly re commended and I an sure that bo wlU make good bora. Prof. Blalock Is aa abla nan, aad ha baa those gnahtiaa that era necessary to make a good teacher. I fool eora that ha win naho tha school a racoon and will bo a groat factor la the upbuild ing of the community. It la with regret that I leave dm Shady Grove community, for It has bean with pleasure that 1 served the people I go away wishing for them tha greatest of aueaan is the school of wUeh I have boon principal. May this school, whose butory baa juit begun, continue to grow and beeoaae a utlalng fight that wHl brighten not only to Sampson County hut to tha whole state of North Carolina. With Prof. D. B. Blalock aad hla able as aistenee aa a faculty, wa fast that thin day la ant far dlateat _R. K. HANCOCK. Week aa Clank Paogaaaalog It la peobakla that tha MathodM aburih, aadar construction for morn than three yearn, will b# completed before Christnna. Workman bars bean aarployod far savarnl woolm la tha ante auditorium and expect noon to eemplste U. DUNN'S sou or.mono* ! u. s. 23nl U. S. InfaSN) Ha no! a- i ta. n.a Cm. p. ik**r • Aviation fUrdM Siful Covpa, U. > A. Fort 1 U. A Ni Paal N. I 1 A BA U. A Naval Tn Newport, Vaa kra U. A Ship No Carotin*. 1 o*r* P. N., ' York, U. ft. marin$;corp9 I Co. A., Huhte^mcta, A>iladeMfcta.T*. U. ft. NAnapft. ARMY Comp Joctooo. jriumWo. U. ft. ARftTM Urn— JoralRM Co. M tad N. C. Infantry, Charlotte, N. C. X Pr—tea Liard South Carolina Infantry, GroonriOa, 8. C. Robert Tour Headquarter* Co. M. tnd, M. C. Infantry, Charlotte, n. a K. Feitea Howard N. a Truck Co., Camp Barter Greenville, S. C. Haaid Lea Co. A. N. C. EniJnaara, Camp Serlar, Greenville, 8. C Diek Jehoaea Machine Qua C*. tad M. C. ! I Infantry, SpartenburR, ft. C. J Haarv fthatl Band, 2nd H. C. left. ! 1 Camp Sevier, Greenville. 8.C. NORTH CAROLINA COAST | ARTILLERY Ralph Wade < * « > < I 1 ► ( ► < * < * ( • I » Am M. win, lit Co. N. C. Coast Artillery 1 Fort CmwoO. N. a BeUrt J. FooiWO Heedqaarten Co. N. C. Coast < > Artillery, Port CsswsO. MEDICAL SECTION. U. S. ! AMT Preatlaa M. Iml Hocpitat Corps, Fort Caaw*)t, N. c. ;; Ear BaiUy Ambulance Carp, Unit No. < > 41 MEDICAL SECTION U. S. ! ; RESERVES Dr. J. S. TtRpw (First Lieut), Fort Dm Moisoe, DM Mateos, < * Two Fteo .. The home* of J. D. Bernes and Mu brothorln-lsw. fttyrasantetia* Han nibal L. Godwin, ere nearing eowpla Uon and are to be Ifc* handsomest in that quarter of town which they ■moo. Both Woman or* in Dtetee etroot. Mr. Banna' la at brisk and of a colonial styla. Repraoantatir* God win’* la ono of lanpet In town. Bath sra notablo addition* to Om already •■nr# n unbar of bdsntlfnl rraldaneao In team. Haw»r O. Shall Frteatpal MoaUlan Henry O. Shalt, 1» yoors aid and the only uon of Mr. and Mm Otla P. Shall, has boon wads principal atatielan far the second regiment band itationed at. Charlotte.__ __ band dtruetor. Hnury'a many friend* hero arlB learn with much alrusarr of Ma promotion. * It la racy rarely that one as young p given aa Impor tant an oSk*. RIGA, BIG BALTIC PORT, FALLS INTO GERMANY’S HANDS Gan-iacm tad Cirillaa Poyula tio. ia Full Ratroat Follow “>* Russian Cowtrdict Do Staa, Raaeia'a biff aaaport on thi Baida, baa fatten lata Oarman handi nad ita crarrieon and ehrfliaa now latioa ara ia fnR retraat aaatward according to dispatches from tlx front yesterday. The fall of Rlffa ia the cubalaatiot of tha atapeadooa Oarman off earn launched with tha eeUaaae of Roaaia'i ill-fated offensive early la Aagast Tha Oarman saccern earn with Stth effort. Since the Gomans eroaaod tha Dries last Saturday tha Reaataai had bans preparing ta araeaato Rlffa, li mile* array. Practically no op position was offered, tha Raerinm ahowin* the white feather at naart] erary point. Rka is on# of tho important port! af Kuaria. It is tha site of large for eminent sraanala and ia tha tor mioaa of tho railroad landing to P* trograd. With tho fall of Riga practically tha whole Ruaaiaa defaoaa ia broken, little opposition ia offered to tha Gerraani at any point, bat whsrreei tha Russia as are -retreating they are burning towns and rillngaa and de atroyiag farms WoAlnete* in to Ik sffsct that alone tho front of tho print offsn live the Austrians have loot morn than 128,000 men. Report* from Undine Italy give the Austrian Ion an one-third of the Int Una army. The batteries of Field Marshal Halt are still pouring aa Inc sms it fire againct the Oilmen trenches in Flanders, but aa yet the anticipated uv dash by hie man to capture them be* not started. _ On tbs remainder of the front in the west be Id by tho British there have been the usual trench raiding operations. In cue of which south eTMonehy-Le-Preux German dnasutt and machine gas* were destroyed and me prisoners taken. Artillery dual* which are violent in the Verdun radon are lac place along the front where French ore facing tho Germans. Infantry actions of importanca have occurred. German air raiders Monday night again paid a visit to England, tbs ■oeoad time la aa nuay days, dropping bombs. _ EXCERPTS FROM THE DEVIL’S dictionary (By Thomas Addi.on of The Vlgt •ante.) , _ Pro-German—a wart developed by the war; dangerous unless sposdtly i* _ __ George do H;" a plain coward. Bxemptlontot—one who sudden l > dleeoeor. that he has deoendenti whom ha naear gave a thought to be fore; a hard hailed egg turned soft. Pacifist—a peace bargain hunter ona wha would explain away aa In sult to hi* mother. .... Profiteer—a thief in broadcloth. C. O—abbreviation of Conecien tioua Objector; ana who qua tee the Bible to support Me position, and noglocU to quote It wbara It puts Mai in wrong. . __ . Peace Talk—pink pabulum for pah "patriot*.” Sedition—me* of tha Aaa art* prac ticed by the pro-Gsrmsn praaa ol America. Bluff—a Carman name for Amort ana valor; aba a steep headland, rue) a* precipitated certain twine Into tM aaa and daatrayad them. Freedom of tha Praaa * license U vfMfy America aad gut away wit) It; to abuaa a generoua confidence Status Quo Aria—A German quae! medicine to relieve tha patient of ar Hilary solareaia; made only In Berlin Boshe—a butcher; dbrntoSSui b) be far (latoiuritoual) jury, duty. Kaiaertam—a dlaaaaa requiring car tain powerful powdatu aad pellets U oHmlaate. Autocracy—tha right to do aa yet it. SeaVM?*«md Goto.* " DSJordan—a doctor of umathlag sue wha peat* peace drugs af whirl be knows Bttle Into body politic ol which ha knows lam. (Apologias U U. Vo Ha ire.) Submarine—An Amertran tnven Uon perfected in Camay and par verted lata a tael far tha mwrde of women aad ebfUrpn. Hell—a "made la Oermasy” trad* Wednesday Is Bad Cram Day ■ tha White Way Theatre. A partial of aS ratatpto go for tha ears a A merles'a sick and woaadad aoldlcn Bad Cross. Every Wadnaadai WMta Way. HARNETT'S 9 GO TO CAMP JACKSON “SEPTEMBER EIGHT Lmm X First I This Multi Tl»o And contingent of Btnutfi •mu to tee National AnaxWiU •hlher at LUIlagton Satarday am* fag and entrain In the afternoon of 2lf S*C f0t C*“P Calam ine* young man arc included u teb contingent They are Lae James Beat. Vernon Howell Mmssnattl. -a. John McDougald WiteerTBeatai Harvey Cooper. TV ■«■»»*• *•«* oHwad to re port to tea Harnett Kv-wrcy, Board at UJUngtoa at 10 o’clatelatiirdap asaiatag. They will lamata la Lflk ttaginn aatfl S o’clock la tea after ss aSi,fc"a'sai{rjB ss^asafteT^rriB Uae train far Ooluasbia. At Cohsas bta they wW enter Can Jackson for several week's Intonates train teg. Moat of tee youag men ta tea A ret contingent war* called at tbetr request. Several of teat, ~y—j-ffy Jamaa Beat, made strong efforts to Cintd tes seme* by volants*ring, spot* not accepted beeeass they had alread^Tboan called befere tea ft w»* thought until Tuesday man lag teat tea fiat coadagaat would bo seat to tea camp today, bat a lata order from tee War Department de layed dsjmrtare an til Satarday fas or der tepfau local boards could teatuughly catch up with teeir wash. The time for tea seeding ad tea aacmta contingent la thelite ef teds Math. It is nit kewa ham many wifi ha eaOad aa teat data. The fist iatontlau was ta lead M par ottt la tin-9 nwntiiyti 9# SO ptm emit mmek tUi month. r Ikt rint Rati* *f ~ "A vary sort* a* quoriiou." That Ordinal Gibbons characterise*, in a letter to me. a query which I hew* Just addressed to certain nprwuto thru Philadelphians and a few ethers: “If s young awn came tom seek ing your advice, what would yuu gt*u him as tha ftrst rale at secooeeT^ The answer I racahrad from th* graat aad good Cardinal Hou *o many thousand* of NhddHdtM love and raver* is a* follows: “A young man should drat censld ar to whut voeutiou bt I* culled by temparaaseat and toe Unction aa rath er^ by dtvlne^guideaeai and aftorda Iwbto tnsbrac* ba AeaUdmtsaB hla snargis* to ranch tbs go*] ef eae eaas. “He thoald avoid every pkaaar* and distraction that would dtvida eg weaken hie ettoatim to the puanft of life which he hee chosen. “But he dheuld avoid the esmmen error of hnagtolng that eueeeae de fends or^ the acquisition^of^weulth^er ing well what w* do and wmnhriag faithful at tha poet ef Mr, “In abort. Ma aha of Ufa thraU he to plaee principle before popularity, duty before ghgagn, andCHriatten righteousness before expediency. He , she mid endeavor, ha a word, to be a man ef epright ehnraeter, which la , more procioot than rich** and Mem I endaraig than fame.’’—ndladelptila FAMUM ALLIANCE PICNIC Thare will be a Parmera’ Affiance picnic at Mince Isnlwav Entorday, • lulwi 15th. itlT. the pnMwli ■ In riled to comt and bring weO >Eed Han. Marion Better I* ■ he pro as at and Bank, el Lecturer H. M. Cafe*. f White Way Theatre ia span Into ■ every Wednesday right te permit Bed . Orem helpers to attend after prayer I M to 4* fm at 'JTZ at to i Mr i tow* qr far 8 9 ta» :j§