THE DUNN j i ' ' ^ ; VOL W Dana, N. C, Oct* 10, ltI7 ' 1 - ’ — THIRTY-FOUR MORE HARNETT MEN ARE CALLED TO COLORS Sertntydbm An Examp tad For Various An Even Dmn Fail to Sko- Up Far Euaiutioai By Board Thirty-four mori llsmott men have been called Into national army service from the 800 examined to date. 73 othere hare bean exempted and an even dosen are shown on the records as having failed to report. Those accepted are: 826—228 Boas Bailey. Duke, rl. 846—1736 Gao. A- Strickland, Duka 763— 1867 Monroe F. Norris, Lilli ng tea. 764— £46 Oyda Barnes, BunnleveL 768—488 Leslie Elliott, Manchester. 757—*0*7 French Williams. Duka, rl 708—1879 Andrew Hill Williams, LU Nagton* 771—1576 David K. Stewart, Buie’s Creak. 77*—1463 William Pagram, Puquay 8 pci ns* 774—447 John Dixon, Duka. 776—1947 Lovett James Wood, Dunn, rd. 779—1819 Garry D. McKay, Over hills. Z95—1646 Angus A. Cameron, Jonesboro. 787—393 John Archie Ray, Buan lavaL 700— 1068 Gabriel Matthews, Kip ling. 701— 344 Henry David , Crowder, Duke. 702— *072 Junius C. Allen, Bunn leveL 704—814 Mack Jernigan, Dunn. 706—1*18 Dan Mack Morrison. Broadway, r*. 711—87* Frank Cromartis, Dunn. 716—964 Joseph W. Lassiter, Wil 71C-^S6?Crie Atlas Jackson, Kipling 718—707 Kelly Cameron, Pineview. 723—1901 Geo. W. Wilkins, Chaly beate Springs. 71*—778 Crovsr C. Harrington, Broadway, rl. 738—1880 Harvey Mack O'Quinn, um— 754—1899 John Arnold McLeod, Jon *1 boro. rt. 795—1807 Thom. B. W«nr. Costa. 7M—681 CkarlM A. Ouy. Ang«r. 746—744 Bol G. 'Haney, Bock HiTI S. C. 748—662 Hick P. Gardner, Angir. The Fellowmc Hm Beea Ena»ta4 676—1682 Herman Smith, Dunn, r6. 687—100 Tom Cameron, OverhUb. 606—1088 Stewart Morgan, Lilttng ton. 750—1876 Geo. Vann, Coata. 761—1740 Vm. P. Bemoan, Duke. 768—820 Haade M. Johnion. Dunn ?68—1011 Hanale C. Mann. Klpkir*. 60—600 Howland L Gardner, Dunn. 760—444 Jam** Henry Davit, Mam in 761—1106 Matthew McLean, Lining ton. 762—636 Charlie W. GUehriit, Spout 76»J!?7«<?*Wm. Henry Series. Bonn leveL 764—1877 Needham Vann, UlUng ton, rl. 788—786 Nathan Lee Hawley, Duke. 766—1863 Thoe. 1C Upchurch. Lining ton, rl. 767—634 Henry O. Graham. Olivia. 760—1504 Archie B. Parker. Camer on, rS. 770—826 Thoe. Chance, BonnleveL 777—78 Jay Brody, Dunn. 778—1897 Elbert C. Water, Puquay Spring*. 780_1602 Nathan Sea berry, Dona. 747_070 Wm- P. Lett, Jonesboro. 744_1037 Sampson H. William*, Pa>4» 741—1227 John W. McCormink, Duka. _ , . , 741—481 Teen Ewell, OnoataL 786—588 Charles Bom Gregory, Lit 780—780 (Athol Praneh E. Harrb, PI ae view. 7*1—1162 Luka MeLaan, Dunn. 728—1181 Noah V. Me Lamb, Banaoa. 727— 882 Jamea Boyd Johnaon. LB TtJSBTjohn Swann, Swann Bta tlmi* 781—1828 Iehmiu Tart, Dunn. r5. 728— 888 Oker Lea Johnaon, UUhr 71«Joi74 WUUe H. McLeod, Coats 710— 888 Shepherd B. Cerbiaea, LU 708—tf*°B4ward Jonea Byrd, Doha. 708—441 Mark Lee DnonW, Mam on. 898—818 David U Fry, Duke. 8fT-j4*7 Jeha F. Bethane, Bunn 8*1—1*88 Walton McLood, UDlnC ton 8*4—481 Mofll Hall, Dona. 717_8*80 Albert Wicker, Dana, rl 7*9—1881 Bs F. Upehareb, Bule'i 7l8_5i4«2 Darld Wat. Parker, Ul 728-^1 “"t** Oftm 7*^^^ Duke, rl 719—282 OotarH* Co^ftoa. Dafca 717- 5*1 Dalamr LOrtaa, Couta. 718— 1848 John ABtn McLeod, LU 711— ifiSToeear M McDonald. Ul 7*8—5l84*Konaan L Doan 7*7—1788 Henry Arthur Turtinctott 748-?i7*4 Jamaa U 4*8—718 David Hkk*K£,hl* #*8—4*2 Lermaa C. Pt,?',D?» *88—172 Vaaon Cattaa. Braadwa, •82—1888 WlBta WUBaW* •81—88* Jaaiaa Archie Johnaon TBl-^r£*Robart Hmeh4oM. Dnnn. W-IHI Wilke Norataa Norrla ... i; NATIONAL NEWS i: i| OFAWEEK :: ; Wltat A Busy Nation ia Doing ' ] | la WartiaM ’ < __ __' i None of the northern drafted ne ffrwee will be trained in eoothere •taUa. according to aa aaaouaeemsat mads at tha war department. Negro, ee from the north were assigned to the following camps: Teptsnk. Wnghutown, Annapolis Junction, rhllhcotha, Rockford. Dae Moines, and Fort Riley Tbs nearest camp to w bo a thorn lUtM It that At A nni polls Junction. Md., jnet oa the out skirts of Washington. Vies Admiral time has cabled the Navy department that aa American patrol v esasl, oa duty at night ia the war tons, had Arad oa aa Italian sab marine which failed te answer re cognition oignalo. ktiling oae oAUer and one enlisted man. President Wilson has signed com missions aa generals for Major Gener al Tasker H. Bliss, army chief of staff, and Major General Jobs J. Pershing, commanding tha Aaeecicaa troops ta Prance. Though both oflaese have equal rank. General Bhas takes pre cedence by virtue of his position as the directing head of tha entire army organisation. Aa axlanstve muvemaat to lead and express public opinion on the war has been Inaugurated by formation of the League for National Unity, represent ing church, peRtieaJ, labor, agricul tural organisations, to which Presi dent Wilson gave his endorsement In an address emphasising the need for team play by tbs forces of Am erican thought and opinion. Oklahoma Oty, Okie., Oct. t.— Half a »iWoe baahels af wheat will bo fed to Uvastoek ia Oklahoma this fall, It k Indicated by reports re ceived today by tha State Council of Defense, from twenty-three western counties. la moat of tha counties aa Increased acreage of wheat pleated is indicated, but no hope k hold out that planting will be farther stimu lated by aa increase af a few cents j^bushel possible .under aaw marfcst the Ecuadorean Foreign SSlatar^Bm -- --- equivalent to a raptor* of ralatieaa with Oer mmay. Lieut. Randall M. Mattson, of Rochester, N. Y., member of the mili tary police, waa shot and painfully wounded Monday night by William leads, who waa (impacted of teLling liqoor to soldiers, and Tends waa is torn shot Rve times by Lieutenant Mattson. Mat toon *W recover, hut leads’ wounds an thought to be fatal. Greece fa nearly ready to put a: large and effective army la tha Raid] to co-oparate with the aUaa accord ing to dfapatche* from the Athens foreign oftce to the Greek Legation at Washington. Lack of equipment fa being remedied rapidly with tha atHes’ aid. Revolutionary bands of Oeaoral Perilrio Gonsahs yesterday store re ported headed for Mendea, a email interior town Hi TamauUpae, closely pursued by governmeat troops. HANS AMD FRITZ SATURDAY MIGHT • memama “Oh, you HsOaad Wooden Shoes,” was the newspaper headUa* In a re cent caption welcsmiag to the stage, “Hands and Frits,” Um newest of musical cosnediaa basad on famous newspaper cartoons. ‘Hans and Frits," fa a stags venloa by Frank Kenedy of Use excruciatingly funny R- Dirk’s cartoons, after which tha now hilarity fa nesnod, ResitShlag hi tha way of artistic detail fa said to ba fsund regard leas ad scat, In the aeiwaet Dirk’s conceit. Leo Kd wards and WtH Cobb hare written tbs Incidental mimli. Prank Kenedy baa written the Ubersttoe, and Frank Tannehfll has rehearsed tha company, tndudlnj fafa baste. of at. tractive ehorosteri - who sfaig aad dance their way through the play's three acta. The local engagement fa announced at The Metroponlaa for Saturday night. • » . — i A., la mm- ■ ■ 7**—1M0 Arthur Wiaror, Baoaon. r*. _ 7*4—94* Jo*I M. Lm, dm, r*. 7M—1*2* 8am Thoraaa, Dann. 7*9—*9* Wat. Hanry Matthew*, Sr., I flTHinka ri. 7IM1MM. MeConakk. Broad way. TM-^Tfia'oaotaa k 7*1—104* Mom T. 70S—Ml J. Millar 7*4—1111 lab* I ' 7*4—14*0 Wllba 7*7—1*11 ArUmi 7**—17*7 Attkw *00—1M Jaaaa K. VAHID to Bcrorr. Tba foBowta* did aat rayort fat (12 1424 La* V. PaBard. Aaglar. 747—140* Aba Paablm. Dm. 7M—1*2* Moaea MaafcaB, Daaa. 771—204* Va. B. land***. Dun*. 774—172* Va. »■ Mnwi Dm 7*4—1*49 Va. Ira Nanfe Dm 799—1 Ml Va. Oram 8****. UL 79*—iJilTdablay 9. Pm Daaa, 701 —ton Janiaa & ADk, Bona 1^)1 711—*7* Trank Cromer—. Dm. 71*—904 Joaoyb W. I—tar, Wll alictaL 74*—1*1 Marta* B. Baradaa*. Dm Loaal Board far lm* Oaaatr ) I CUS HILL HAS A SUCCESS IN HANS AND FRITZ W«a Kewwa Comic CWhIw la Appear al Metropolis. Saturday Night It It known and commented upon throughout tha entire theatrical world, that no cartoon musical abow toe «v«-toan n gm.ln. .ad lari lag ■ueceaa. that has not been under the managerial banner of Mr. Gua Hill. There U no question .boat tha ebill *7 «t Mf. Hill to select the eort of ■aslcal (how beet suited to the taatas of the great nt.aaat of theatregoers, and patrona of the popular form of amusement. Hie life's effort baa been to amuse the-and not the climes. Cartoon play* appealed to hi* aai a showman because the ckll dreo like tha funny page, to aalact “**•*; < ha rectal'! bast known and beet liked by the kiddlea, baa ever *>••» bte guide. Mc-Feddan’a FUU. Hnppy Hooligan, Mutt A Jeff. Bring ing Up Fnthnr, hare al) been made fa*oua by their various concaptora All four of which wore aalactod by Mr. Hin as containing the greater merit of tha nomeroui funny picture •arise, than in vogue The eucceaa of each one of which baa baan with out tha least precedent in theater dom. AD four have created new sad unapproachable box office records throughout tha country. Therefore, when R. Dirks, tha originator of the katsenjammar kids desired hie brain folks, Hans and Frits to become ac tors It eras quite natural for him to aaak out Goa Hill. The produc tion coming to the Metropolitan next Saturday will be a positive revelation In numerous ways and mean. Sc antes liy and otherwise 1 It if da doed. first last and all the time, for the promotion of hearty laughter. Fun, pretty girls and music reign supreme. Tha book ia by Frank Kennedy Music by Lao Edwards and Will Cobb. Tha entire production under tha paiunual direction of One Hill. Mr. Tanaahin ia director and Win Smith stages tha numbers. Don't fall to bring tha children to see Hands and Frita. The Captain. Mrs. Katxcn Jamaser, and tha Inspector and til tha friends of tha family erin be than ju* ee you hhre seen tha* an tha funny page, weak after weak. Ia this world-war Into which tha United Btatas has bean plunged and ■Mih. before paaca comae again, will almost certainly lay h» Heavy hand Mt Only | tha flint horn bat maybe tba Wcond aad tba third, it is the mother* who era going to me it* tba supreme uni Ac*. Big boaineu may groan and Httla buainaas grow faint under the heavy war burden as they poor their trnaauTaa into tba national hopper, but tba mother who sends her boy to tba battlefront to giving more to bar coaatry than all tba gold and all th* totvar that waa over min ad Writ ing in th* Bmrthflrld Herald Mrs. C. A. Jantigen, of Benson, a widow and tha mother of two sons who win soon be lighting “somewhere in Franca," calls on tha mothers of the state and nation "to stand by their aona.” "Never sine* th* beginning of hu man existence,” says Mrs. Jernigan, "Have wa bean tasted to thoroughly as w* ara at tha present, so far aa history records; no time when such a' universal sac ribs* was demanded of us as th* on* we are now making. Tha horrors of war with its para phernalia of man-sating machines have drifted across the Atlantic and chiliad with horrors th* heart of mothers who foal not the thrills of adventure and warfare, but watch the vulture that hover* over th* battle fields. Thar* to nothing batter for ua than to do than to torn and face tba facta, staggering aa they era, and than brae* ouiastva* to moat unflinch ingly whatever comes, looking over th* question of Uf* or Death to tha greater question of Honor or Cowardice, Justice at Tyranny Nd mother ia weak whan God instilled Into bar heart th* essence of th* lov* He bar* Hi* Son. H* also will give aa strength to sank* th* sacrifice Ha mad*. Thera will b* tvs* that bum with unshod tears and hearts that scha with lonailnss* aad grief, but paaca will find the noblest woman aa earth ia America* beams, for t*. rifioa does aot lmbittar, bat refines, a true heart. the aother of the con.cripted bay. Hi. love for hi* home end hie work hee been stronger then the tore of adventure wed warfare, end when the hour cone, for l|la to ghr* ep th*e* tUnat ao deer to him, them will aa tnrnHjr be eone regret, .n dperhapo • little wavering on hi* pert. When thle solemn. honr ooaee, a* come It bmL aether an* not foil her hoy. There meet be no crying oat, no rebellion on her pert, bat Inertly the auet point ent the wey where danger and heeor, duty end doth, are blended in awtel harmony. "Be meat go. The ebrongn of S^ffSSUT^Fs; no hiding plane eecnre enough to pro rent a traitor from meeting a trai tor*« fate. Shall ho go wiuiagly, bn la hi. bebaf of the jertlcTof the cone*, or ee a aalrellag coward, who, haring disgraced hi me. If for ever. cere, not What fate hold, him? In th* din of the cannon** roar ■ Hfci^ rote* erll be heard. Win I* giro aecumagcBlnt, or bitteraaa to the meet terrible hour of Me life? WIU K b# a Mature of bepc and tore, or on# taut dcacr^c and rc eefvaa n •nkUar's acorn T Mother* yen aoit etnad by your eona" The mother* of North Carol!** nay net here reload their eon* to be eoldlcn, bet now that the die he* been en*t end war la e grim reality, they wtn arora I* th* world that they dMnt ram* their eon* to be (lack WB^nMB cowards, either^ ...... a,?. . . a • OUKjCIlEAT HQI^g GUARD’ • • toj^^£r^aL^*SS * ia to break down aaltilaad- * • anil, and wa wom^'ftMt aaak • • to prereat this. • Wi an the wAMr Bel- • • dial* of Ik* of • Tbo Homo. Wi alJbd »»■» * of Franco ia iwdSi rtk** * • did conduct of tl. fir— and • wa may wet] MgaHilWi as- • to protect tha^eCSjL of the • nation agalaat tjXViwolte of • • tbo dislocation «■£* boaM • and eebooL • Our tahk^Ja^ tk^kU.^Wi • «erve our’foo7ea^E^u>4>«n- • courage and tnea^Ha* meo. • • W. suit heap ou^bda WraL • • wo rauat ba ord^Ka^kbia * • and^diwnraoSlJ® ^ • toe of which I kjlhi^kMN rapt the work of t^KfWnnhn- • tion, or to create me- • chinery, hot to b^H into co- • ordination ttowHwpi of * women already oi^Baed. Oar • • portion ia hard wdB>vd Meet- • • nee. Fxpcniira drMnS aow bad • • tartc and extra ra^Ba ia crim- • • al.—IVtorial K«*K • agiucultu^Bmta. The §rf«ae« °TdB*fr7 U+cb— that tho whole mW^BU «arth and •vwry thine on it coa^Baf tWmou tnd ibetr com poimde^^V An clement ia a thiag that cannot contain anpt^B olaa in Ha com position. A ea^Bntd ia the union of two or aidHjMa. There are .boat Blr tiiaiiiita that enter into the ^H*tt°n of the earth. Tbo farmarj^Vbnctly con cerned with only ftni^Ba of the «le ninU and their ee^Butda. Them am nrnrtirallv dl t^Hct ItdPaaaarw for plant growth, ap the air, wim, Thai fo« ' divided Into tw tba air-derived’ sulphur, udlito, Th» dopk plant-rood elements la tba i iog on constantly, •rough I sorption into crops, and by loathing or the draining away of plaatfood in solution. • Nitrogen is the half alasaaat b abk) to be lost to’ any astant by Mthing, and than paly whan there are no crops growlaf on tba soil 2000 pounds of coon-fodder wd re move fro mtfas soil SO pounds of ni trogen, 6 pounds of sboapboric add. and 28 poonds af pottoh. 2000 pounds of ui—on-choTor bay win remove 41 pounda of nitrogen 8 pounda of phoepbodc 1 26 poonds of potato. 2000 pounda of torn will 27 pounds of nttl sgad 14 poi of pboaphorle odd and 8 of potaih. 2000 pounds of winter wheat will raraove 47 pounds nitrogen, IT pound* of pboaphorle meld, usd 11 pounds oi potaits Calcium carbonate «nd nitric at id are tbs essential alstoenta to use la the soil to task* last forms of pot ash a va Dab la. a Yours truly. o. L-miiTH, _ Coats. N. C. PREPARING A CAN SHOWER The local chapter of tba U. D. C-, la preparing a ’’can tonjsar" for the \7omen’s Confederate Home at Pay ctcville. All the eud»n of tbs tows are invited toeoptrlbdta a can of roiac kind of fruit . 01 iwdatlii, vhirh may ba <er,t ts tbe Pardle Ilooka Company store/ Wo are anxi o-;e to get tb s off aa Ttoekly as poo »i »lr, and ail are roRMgtad f- send ■n ::ulr can at tnca. 'An/ gift will be appreciate!. PRESIDENT i’r;D. G Jadp* B. B. Clin# BM wmwW da emon In the contempt can* against connm) for tho atato J» tho Oaatoa B. Moans caaa poithf Mt of that* refusal to tam oror tj> «u court eer tain paper* 1« ought Mow Tort by Assistant Dtalrtt Attorney Dool IbC He stated Oat •* the paper* in tbo cm rtitald b* i> poaooaoioi of the court, but that «Ac mathad oi wearing them io to <Udd*d~ A Caul aeaUoat gunned neat Parttoa Saturday. .WUltam Barth and Edgbart Jtdnea, tdMta man, wan hunting and whll* womta a btanah on a log Smith, who tfuTa front of Jackson, fan off and M> (an m db charged, tho whole load ontortag the back of Smith** hand, eSnatag tnataei death. Thta la the ttformattaa a< obtained from tbooo om* wore pro oont at the Inqoeet jo+ordhf. _ ryrpr Cline, aaod ld> HIM Mm PtataL He died CUne had been i of Southern I Ala maratng want to ha had preaaeota or on the Bible a not* addroom wife, who la a bride af Bee aoatla to wmeh ho breathe* ardoat loeo fw bar, but admitted InaWHty to ear* tel hor. Bit. Ohm omf tho mart] Imam of bar Motor. Jin. T. L Propot, whoa tho UagoBf ooowrrod o' Mrs. Jab* Stewart’s, iilyn tho coapk I **a* RANKIN VICE-CHAIRMAN DEFENSE COMMITTEE BoMsfc FbjnMm Ckwaa by IMI..I •Mho of Norik Oraaaeboro, Octobe r 3—Dr. W. & ®**kln of RaMgh. w raUn of the StoU Board of Heel.h, boa boos ap pointed by tbs Medical Costtee. Copn gJJ ®f Nation*] Dafooao, oa Vioa tVImm of tbo North Carolina coeo oHteo of National Defense. Dr. i. W. Long, Chaimoa State Dofooo. Coaunittao sari of Dr. Rnn kte'a moaitawti •‘The War Do Part* ant and tbo profession **-—nrft btat* art to bo congratulated te appointment of Dr. KomJdn mertenco aa tbo aetive baad bate Board of Health. Me organisation aad detail, m energy, wW odd mack ■Mini of tbo State Cm of tbo BaL ftaaMa win term te___ North OwoUao wilTU ip Jba load." Tbo atiggale b on Oortaany no. toesata all that b depraved and do rlliab. R by any possibility eke •boold win tble war'the world would be la tae dorll’a beads. As things bar* developed for past three nmatho. tbo troth la dawntag oa mankind that the aBlaa am Sgfctlpjc, not to Mako tbo weald mfa far democracy so mack as to make N safe fer religion and mor ality. It tegk g lom time te ksspltsh'. M ft do ipoiU women and antflataa little children—Germany h the exponent of hell's (scions and itself forces the issue of Mcht or darkness open the world. And four-ifthe of tha world has reapondsd la faror at b*ht and truth. So this is altar all the real imne of the tftante conflict. Shall the devil's minions rale the world or •otT And Oermhy has mads that Imps I Charity sad Children. CLUB NOTES Eh. Dsslya Boryalt—AdnX Me sack. That as art MeOitesoy Adntt Me sack. BmeMs Xntsrtainsrs—Admit Me, Children admitted at half price. SEASON TICKET afcdesfcrrjrraa Toon* people nador IS ywan. IlM. Gat a i _ _ | anra money by k. Tbs SS.00 ticket wfU adnMa or ana adult and a child. Hava yon dona year Mt Vy hojlnn a ticket for the Lftenm conns. Boh Boy Quartet, October Sdth. JlnrrzrL'?*!** • A WEEK OF THE WAR DfapolclM* from All Front. Botlnd Down

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