’ ••••;•••••• •" ^rS^na&sHIH THC DUNN v°L. iv , ^ . m—— - -- - " ___ THE ENEMIES OF GERMANYEMBARCt ALL THE NATIONS More Thu Throw-Fourths of the World's Population Now Fighting Germany Nearly AM the WUta and Ysllss Race. A>| Lined Up New Against the Teeteaa Waahlotea, D. C., Ort. 27.—Mon then three-fourths of tha world'l population lives in tbs eighteen coon tries at war with Germany or hsi silica, according to compilations from government sources. The persons Uving within the cen tral countries an outnumbered more than aaven times by anti-Germanic populations, and tha proportion li swelled even higher If consideration is taken of the populations of the tsn countries which have broken rela tion* with ths central powers. Qer maay's enemies now incloda nearly all tha White and yellow mess, and tha physical resources of about half ths world’s area am mobilised against the forces of Genaany, Austria-Hun gary, Bulgaria and Turkey. All the World AgaUet Germany It la pointed out hare that, of ths world’s total population of 1.4*1.000, 000 about 1448,000.000 live under flags of ths central power*’ open en emies in tha war. A boat 40,000.000 Inhabit tha countries which have broken mlationa end 182,000,000 are neutral, while ths population of Ger many and har allies are about 177, 000,000. Of tho world’s total arcs of 57,. •00,000 square mites, 27,000.000 arc under nnti-Gexmaa domination, while tbs Germanic aOisa control only 6, 000.000. State department records shows the following nations at war with Ger many or her a Hiss: UaltuJ States, W* Ml Wtiww, r iBMbg, m t— i »i, otioia, Japan, Belgium, Italy, FortguaJ. Ru mania, Greece, Montenegro, San Ma rine. China. Cuba, Panama, Siam and Liberia. The alignment ef thane nations Is shown by tha formal declarations of war mad* since Austria precipitated the world strife on July 28, 1814, by declaring war on Serbia. These de claration* are as foDewsi Hew They Doslasod Wav against Bulgaria, Austria, Germany and Turkey; Greece aguinat Germany; Italy against Austria. Btdguia and Germany; Japan against Germany; Liberia again** Germany; Moutcne aru against Austria, Panama again 11 Germany; Rumania against Austria; ttcrWn easier! *Iu key, Saw against Austria aad Germany; Turkey against all the Entente nations November 88, 1814, and Inter agaiaet Roman is; United 8tata* against Germany. WILL AMERICANS DO THEIR FULL DUTY? The l-.ee WUT Be ValeaUs U fesyb WM Lm»s te • Washington, D. C., Oct. 80.—Am erica's place in the industrial com petition of nations that will follow pane*, wiO be determined in large part by the response that the Ameri can people make to the present Pood Pledge Campaign. This statement comet from the Pood Administrator and is ons of the thoughts that is sparring on the army of over, a half million men and women workers In the greet enrollment. "When this war It over”, the Pood ' Administrator declares, “Europe wlU find herself with a reduced standard ef Bring, with a people greatly dis ciplined in all directions and In a position to compete bi the world’s markets In a way that they norm have been able before. W* shall sko face a world with a reduced consuming power, and unless we ean secure seme discipline in our own people, ere wiU be la ne position to meet that condi tion when paste comes.” It has been pointed oat nanny times that eras ban BUI* to recommend It, however, if, the American people ean Instill in themselves the spirit *f self denial, can cut out aoma of the wan ton extravagance aad restore the uhw4Am lm »Wptn tkmf pKgrartAritpd tkftHB • half cantary a*o, than will be an actual pain, even from this war. Al Mr. Hoover puts' H, "Practically the only moral aaoaUaatioa than it ir the war la the iraptntion to eetf eacVi fice and to carries that comes eut of war. That la Its only moral balance and anlam wa can Inspin our people to o yreater extent than they an to day with the neoeaaity for oarviee. for M If-denial, than wa will have loel the only moral benefit that ean pos sibly be derived out of the war. STANDARD LOAF WHEATLESS BREAD WILL BE ADOPTED Pinas Aba Adopted Bp Hetai Man Pea Two PUh Dope a Weak Beaton. Oct »0—A standard loo! af whaatlem bread will be adopt* by hotel* throughout this - State, t waa announced after a doufereno< today betweea laadJai hotel propria ton and Hoary B. Endiccti, stafc food administrator. A committee wa appointed to compile reelpee frou tnwk As hast win be submitted L ovary hotel chief la the State am ■ado public for homo ase. Plan won aba adopted to enforce tw< flab days a weak at all he tab TV hotel men all voted to institute pent try daya. ■_ A fall piste at the and of a me* moans a fall vietery for the Raise at the end of this war. A clean plat maaaa a clean defeat far him. Bar feed la save democracy. I NATIONAL NEWSi ; j OF A WEEK j ; What A Busy Nation is Doing ! In Wartime Groat excitement has been create! through the publication In El Uni vernal of a statement by Gen. Pabli Gonxalm, former commander of tb< Carranaa forces in Mexico City ant a well-known constitutionalist, favor in* Mexico following the example ol other Latin-American countries ant severing diplomatic relations wit) Germany. Continued speculation in cotton seed and ita products despite the re cant official warning against it, cans ed the Food Administration to cal' the attehtlon of the public agair t othe prohibition of such spcculatlor by the food laws. Rules and refills lions under the licensing program t« be imued In a few days will Includs paragraphs aimed particularly si speculative transactions. An 84-mile gals with a heavy down pour of rain swept Boston Tuesday. In lees than six hours 1.88 inches of rain fell. Several persons were in jured. Small craft In the harbor were driven ashore. The temperature rose to 12 degrees, but tonight the wind backed into the northwest, the fore runner of a cold wave. Two more of the notorious Count Von Laxburg messgen to the German foreign office from Buenos Aires were made, public tonight by Becratary Lansing. They provide official conBr mation of Germany's plan to control Southern Braril, abed additional light upon Teutonic intrigoo in Booth America generally and reveal that Luxburg appealed vainly for a squar doa of submarines with which to awe »oaoe Latin-Americans and to Batter others with selutes. Chicago, Oct. 80_Demands for a o0 per cent wage increase will he submitted to the railroads of Um Uni ted States by ths members of ths Switchman's Union of North Ameri ca, aa a remit of action taken by a special committee at a two days’ meet ing which ended in Chicago today. The Adamson law enacted la 191* to avert a threatened strike reduced the dally hours of labor of the awltch ■en from ten to eight, bn: did not Increase their wages. . IWsuditsm of Oanav* scientific hsfomadbmln this country was- span ad toda^to American mena/octorteg citisens of the United States. LEARN PROMTHESOLP1ERS CKKUm* C«a Ldtra 1 J*~TT T of Hooltk mmd EAtUocj Frwm Sol^MCO If camp lifo srHh ita regularity, its Insistence on cleanliness and its Sadly practice of healthful living ha bite Is proving such a boon to ths soldiers' health, what would be wrong in adopting some of the camp methods of living to civilian Hot asks the State Board of Health. Perhaps the first lesson or practice the civilian would do well to adopt from the soldiers is his habile of cleanliness, particularly personal cleanliness Arising at an boor that city folks know little about except by beer-say, he Ant makoa hit toilet which includes a bath, a shave, and cleaning the laeth. Afterwards, be cleans his tent and leaves it a model of orderliness. Cleanliness of ths clothes as well as of the body la kept at a Ugh standard for the soldier knovra that cleanliest In all things net only adds to comfort and decency bat that it pays hi health and effi ciency. Perhaps the next bast lesson the civilian can learn from the soldier it that regularity in all things, wheth er it ba work, play or sleep, fa essen tial to beahh and efficiency. He has a set time for every thing he has to do and does it at that Urns. When it is tlms to play ball, tennis or to engage In any sport, ho Is there with all his might. He begins his day re gularly with reveille and ends It with Another important lesson tbs sol dier can lseee with the civilian ia the importance of regular rest—eight Konn of avarv nlvtiL NntliTng W allowed to interfere with this im portant order. Every good aaldin aoon Warns that early taps is aa os eantial to Ms health aa are regslai naaaW. COACH LUNCH SYSTEM FOE SOUTHERN SYSTEM Washington, October SO_“Coart lunch service" has bean inaugurate on Southern Bailway System traim carrying dining ears for the benefti of paaMagare who do not care for i complata meet) who* on their Journal Dining care nave been provided wtti basket tray* and the waiters past through the coaches enouncing “Sand wishes and CedesP The sandwicbo ura wrapped in sanitary packages Moderate Prices for this service wfl In order to cooperate with tb I United States Fooa Administration • the Southern's dining car service l t obeerring Tuesday of evary weak a "beetteas day. On every day of tb > weak An plea of Food Admtnlatr* i tor Hoover to the American peopi< i to “oat plenty, but wisely and wHhou | waste daring the war*’ la brough I to' the attention of every paaeenga i oeing the Southern's earn by an at » tracflvsly printed folder out being th > general plan of tha government1* d« • sirs to reduce food sraata to a min I Unless our altlss are fed they nan1 ' Bght. To feed them is one of Aater » ca's vital abligutUaa la thW war. D • Tout “Ml" by an rotting an a rnsmbe of tha Food Adzeiaistration. EDITOR PITTMAN OF THE WEEKLY GUIDE IS pEAD at Hh Joseph Pinkney Pittman died at Mi home in the south an part of Um city this morning at • o'clock nftei raftering for Wn day* with diabetm i end erysipelas. The announcement of his death east a gleam ef Borrow over the entire community as there were not many who expected the end waa so near. He wa* it yean old and had been e citizen of Dunn for twen ty-three yean. Deceased was bon in Johnston county fortyeigbt yean ago aad waa a so* of ths late 8. H. Pittman, who moved to Dunn a shot while after hia son located here, aad who died here several yean ago. Before moving to Dann Mr. Ptttmaa held a position as printer on ths Bmithtield Herald, where he learned the business which he eras destined to follow nntil the end came. Upon the solicitation of Oeo. K. Grantham, who, at that time, was engaged in the nawspapar btmi nsea in Dann, Mr. Pittman gave up hia work in Saaltbfleld aad cams hare to am 1st Mr. Grantham intha publica tion of the Centre] Times After working for Mr. Grantham a year he bought ths interest of 1 f. Young, in the paper, and, together with Mr. Grantham, continued its publication for a year, at which time he became sole owner. That waa la IPS®, end since that time ha haa boon constantly engaged in the newspaper and job printing business hare, and ■t the time of Ms death was editor and owner of the Weekly Guide, the oldest end widest circulated paper in HaruoU county. Mr. Pittman area faithful in Ms work aad in each Issue of his paper he pot forth hia beet effort to gtve Ms reed sea a paper they would enjoy. He begun wHh the town, sod grew up with It, and Increased the equipment ef Ms plant it ths town developed, and leaves one of the beet equipped weekly news paper plants in the Mate. August 9th, 1900, Mr. Pittman waa named to aum n>y Borneo, ol BuWe Creek, who auravas Mm, Be children having been bens to the couple. The widow, aad Mr*. J. W. te#*. hte teeter, ore the oab survivor* of the immediate family, hte mother, (other aad two brother! having pre ccoded him to the grave by several yearn, (■mediately oa coming ho Dm Hr. RBtman >olnod the Baptist ehareh and eaa tinned «, faithful aad active INIMMM dam la hit chuck Ha took peculiar pride in hte touch affair* aad the knowledge acquired ia the itudy of bia Sunday School literature made him an excellent aa wall aa interesting teacher. Sunday School work waa hie delight and he could ahwaym ho counted on to do hte chare Ia addi tion to hte Sunday School work ho had carved hit church as Chairman of tho ipiritual committee for twin yean, which Important pateticn ho AUed c o node a tiouaiy aad with true devotion until death. He waa over ready aad wilhi^ to do any duty placed upon him, aad did it cheer fully and well. The funeral cervteae win be con ducted from the First Baptist church tomorrow (Thursday) morning at 11 o'clock, by bia pastor. Dr. J. A_ EUU. The burial will take place in Orson-1 wood cemetery. During tot twenty-three roars Mr. Pittman waa at tha hand of hi* news paper in Dunn he exerted, through lu columai, an foflueoc* for good. Ha was Invariably on the right aide of alt moral questions aad toe decided •tend he would take mada blc work affective. Through hi* afforts Dunn and tola community eras placed upon a higher lave), morally and socially, and the good toot ho hoe done ia deep ly appreciate! by those who know him best, and will Urn. GERMANY DURING THREE YEARJ OF WAR HAVE LOST TOTAL OF •^00,000 MEN Washington, Oct. 10.—Germany loot six million men in three years of war, according to the declaration made ba the rate hot a g by the Inde pendent socialist Lade boor. A re port of his speech reaching Wash ington through Switoerkad states W». rarumpiKiiii uh pnupwt ex a fourth winter campaign, tha social ist leader aaid: “You hart not stridently, (nth man, aa exact conception of what war men. We hare bad 1,(00,000 dead; three or four million wounded, of whom (00,000 are crippled for life, end two mllHsn absolutely In valided. That makse It' altogether eix mllHon men Uet during throe year*.” It la elated that official Informa tion confirmatory of these figure* hare been in tha poaessemn of Aaerri* cub officiate far aoaaa time STEPHKNt-HOWAKD COMPANY TAKE (MOO WORTH Dunn, N. C„ Oct. Sfi, 1017. Hr. P, ft. Cooper, President. > Pint National Bank. Dunn. N. C. I Dam Sir]— At a meeting of our directors a I resolution vs adopted to subscribe i for this firm the sum of fir* Ihoussad i dollars worth of th* second Lease of i Liberty Bonds, and I am Instrweted > to notify yea In this manner. W* bars seaftdsaoe In th* Amort i can peepl* and feel our* they will t got fail to remend to the Nation'! t cell and that before tha setting si r another Sun the prepeeel amount wit ■ be over subscribed and ws win thm i deu^another blow tooths sassy. ^ - garde, ws slUj THE STEPHIN^HjwAfc 00. t H. ft. Priimsa. fiee’y. 1 s^— * > » That pound of wheat Boar yoi r tors every wash ail weigh rery hoarl ly on th* Kaiser'e mtadT RED CROSiCONVENTION IN RALeSOH TOMORROW Afl North Werhae* An la ‘ Thle Twe A eenventlow of Bad Crow Chapt era, Auxiliaries Branchoa, Dnita ant workers In NeMb Carolina hm beet caned at tUlcjph. N. C.. November 1 •flu Fad Catoe orpnalr rtloo la tha olhciaJ inatitufian for relief at hoim aad oa tha battieflekie on aecoant el tha rrext war. Ite mamben will maki tho bendvraa efth which oar wenadcC will be treated, wifl loalt tha extra aaraatan, halr^eta, aocka, ate. ta pro tact them fi^p tha cold, while Ha nuia win attpwd tha aaffarinp in tha kora* tala. Thera aa "a North Caroline HU Bad C ratrre, aad aboa! (00 aexflia laationa. It le de aired that .. tham will be rep reseeted In Um eenveotioa by from three ta five iM—Ufei Bart ee (hate are many eodaaunitiee hot yet ar gaalaad. It la hbeo daaired that dale retee aha]I com—hath man and we own from arWy community la the State. ' The object M tha Convention h m-foU. . the way far eat Rod Crow or CareUna. U • part In thia to thia eonveatioa required to f ana * n ' _ and iaatract orpaniaationa ftnady formed in tha mat teaks nonet hand. There win bdprwctical BamOuatra Hone end dle^fina aad technical la There will .&ao be addreaam by lad Cram epeAMi ml National re U opan Thare r let, and eloee mber Pad. • town la North ... «>pciu« ease dollars. to which I because fall* ea waa the bo pi of tha money would with the news paper tha itam,with the porpoo* the atone/ to its nghtfml JAPAN 15 IN THE WAR TILL ENEMY 15 BEATEN flinne Meets aad Aeeeeela Meet he Caeeplete^ Crushed. Declares New York, Oct. SO.—Japan's full co-operation with the United States te the world war onol Germany la crushed was pledged by Dm'T. Ifaeao. chairman of tha Japfsaa* paHimen tary mlaeion of five, at a luncheon given in hotxy of tae acted nn hare today by the Japan Society. “Tha Japanese are determined to cooperate with the UnltodSUtea un til the test," Dr. Kaaao paid.” aad will net stop until our monster enemy —Germany—the pirate of tha seas, the eeaeatu of the air and violator of all decencies on land has been completely crushed. Whan this mon ster enemy of onrahae been thorough ly bouton down, then aad than only, ■hell we have a lasting' pane*-” In explaining that the purpose of the mission's visit to this country waa to enable the Japanese to get better acquainted with the United Statue, the speaker mid: "There ie. no reason why there should be any lack of mutual knowl edge, mutual Confidence nod mutual rrspccT pnvwvq AMIKini ana JiputM. Let us km that oar aa coda tion and fellowship aa alHea la this war will PTodaea ap parfad knowledge af «»ch other, aa perfad confidence in'each other and ao par fact toped for each atherTthat the American* said tka Japan tea AeU *1 ways be alliaa—after tka *ar M wal w daring the war.1* Lindsay Rsaasll, prssddant of th* socisty, in Ms add rate af welcome orgsd upon th* mam bars of As sale Sion far their consideration on that) return to Japan the following "thra* constructive liana «" “A rsdoctian of cable tolls batwaai tka United Btetaa and Japan} tka ax tension of Japanese pub Bastions print ad in KngHafl for foreign consump tion and a mare general kaowladr by tka people of Japan of tka Hat Ush langusgs te faster copunerce sec international Intarcourss. Viscount 1AM waa elected an ban or able Ufa mssabsr of tha society. Assssstasaml TV* folia shag announcement (a n V1 dad to >ba •’•dies af Ac town. ’if are mi ally is«M ta «i lend tha s» -lai weak af pcayar eat date of the Missionary Satiety of A Methodist Church from Mar. Ml t 11th. Tka nrrlite will be held A A church at IM o’clock la Aa aftai naan except an Friday whan A Bright Jewels srifl bars okamo a tha program md Aa sarrioea will t at T o’clock la tka amakg. Con muffins am asighty goad ft ■ breakfast. Bat than asrsrsl Mm a wash and kalp win tka aat MONTHLY EXPENDITURES . REACHES BILLION - This A men a I Was lass! Daring tha ■bath ml Oitshsr Washington, Oct. tl.—Govnmman! • expenditures of osa billion dollars it i the record which the month of Oete her haa established at the treason I department The total, which inched ea loans to tha Allies, utay exceed even this huge sum. possibly lay SIM, 000,000. Thus far, it steads *986,312.897 with yesterday*! spending not includ ed. For the twenty-throe working days thas far coasted, it shows aver age expenditures of approximately «I,««AM daily or almost 980.000 every minute of tha day and Bight. Expenditures for last Friday, the 1st eat recerd published, were 988,979,. 994, bat this was an auittsual day, considerably higher thaa tSe average, though not by any means a record. Increase Greater Thaa Month Ago. Tha Increase in daily expendHurae is greater bow thaa it was a month T, is steadily growing and b espeet to continue to grew. A two bit Hob dollar month, oHcitb assert, is not far 08. It may be reached, with the retirement of short-time trees ury certificates—to he met of Liberty bond receipts by mid-winter. FieeaJ Year Already Over 9 BMW Expenditures for the fiscal year thaa far have reached the total af 98,444,999,764, of which 71,770.TM, 000, more than half, h represented by mans to the Allies. These loans and the interest npon them ere to he reps 14 to the government by the bor rowers and therefore, do not ropro dent actual exponas to tbs American PBOOlc Wkne October Menog is Colag October's bugs volume of funds paid out is maos up as fellows: For tha army and navy, tha Ship ping Board, tha aircraft production hoard, the Food Admiidolmtion. the ms in tenants of demmtir governmen tal machinery and all other federal government activities, $899,894,800. For IntaMet^an^AorMteea cartlfi the puhMt _ Liberty bond r*c*4p<* of the teM. IlUftMftIf Far bond*, interest-bearing notes end certificate* retired. |1M. During tb* lest year, before America'* entry tate tb* war, tb* total wee Ml,026,8**. Tb* total expenditure* of the current decal year to data, 8M4«,*68,7*4, comperes with MS1.2U.818 during tbe mate parted last year, aa tirrim of more tana 800 par cent. TO ORGANIZE COMMUNITY FAIR FOR THE COUNTY A meeting of tb* ddieai of tho county Is called for Ullhigton seat Monday, November itfc, for tbe pwr poee of devising plan* by which a community fair for tb* county may bo held next year. Quito a number of Harnett cKisens have already been invited to attend and participate In this meeting and it 1* the deal re of tho promotors to have a typical Har nett crowd proeent Monday. From what ws can gsthir tea ides is to get a number of citizen* from all part* of the county interested enough to ftaanc* a felt that wiH exhibit in sever*! towns In the county, flay Dunn, Cents, Angtor, Buie’s Crock and LWington. In other words, expand the community idee to toko In the entire rouaty instead of each community promoting Ha own fair. By doing this the prooaiam Hat could be made attractive and the bordeu would fell on no individual to any great extant. Tb* people of tb* en tire county would eeo the exhibits and H would bring the people of the county closer together and make the anneal event u thing worth white. Everybody la tho county I* Invited to be present at LUttngton Monday sad offer suggestions toward perfect ing aa orpatHtation with this end la view. Ofioeis will be elected if the organisation Is perfected end work will begin at ones oa next year’s meet. If VOn etc oaaelble do *o *t tend this meeting and egproaa year vtows on tba matter. C. i. TVINACE DEAD C. J. To rang* diad suddenly at Ma bom* la Dak* last night and waa buried this afternoon in Greenwood oamotory. He Had boon In dadiniag health. for acveral months, but Ms sudden taking off cam* aa a surprise to his numerous friend* and rela tives Ui rough out tba roontv. Heart diseaaa waa tha eaoaa of hi* death. Mr. Tarnaga was 01 yaan of age and had lived la Duke vine* the birth of the town. He had madv tha towa aa Industrious citlaan and waa h*M in high aataaaa by all vrito knew him. He was a man of atrong eharaetai and waa latereatad In tba welfare oi the community In which he Head. Deceased waa a member af tbs Method let church at Duka and wai active la tba woih of bis church. H< waa also a member of lb* Bale’i Creek Masonic Lodge.* Re late priced by a widow am . aavan children. He la lha father oi Mayor Tarnago af Dean, aad aaotbei . af Ma sons, D. Tarnaga, is a cltlaai . af awr town. i The burial took pine* thlaaftsmooi , at 1:80 o'clock in tha presents o many Manda and rdatlvaa. ! What YOU save from what Y01 • serve win hoM tuns tba seals again* f EatarrWa* Think If Uii* whan yo i *it dawn to eat The cues* of food conservation oi r fern to every America* dtiaen a chance to render a patriotic aorvt* that doea not entail a aaaritea. : AWEEK OF THE WAR ! Dispatches from AD Frosts Boiled Dows WMNMMMMMHMMttH Tbs nation yaa thrilled Saturday by ward that Americas troops at beat wars face to faaa with tha OtmaM •cross No-Hut Lead. Anaanaea mant by Gaseral Pacahteg that caress! baltaUeas of hie infantry < ia tha tromt Use tranches, ny id by AmoTicad bittwia which i dy had tons ia actios fanned a saw throsghoot the The War out the hehedsie army regiments, bow la tha | which they were aaat for agaadm after the dastoratton af war, pH ha traniferred to whiter wiitai at am tional army raatnamawli ar natiaaal ruard eampa. Thera tha maw aril he better pee Verted weather asd also a the national army Pr malic front. The noU U the i___iw> liter haa began the elaharattoa ad a •ehema for tha re irgaalmlea af pert af tha army oe tea totes ad wparsta nationalities. As a of the caatiasaaoe ad. tial tow haa boas cities and Admiral nadisvestov, who was te command of tha uring tha Gorman the Russian Islaade _ disappeared. It ia hattoswd he Ml v*rboard draws w Tbo drive af the Uv-Hungartea *go again,t tha_ me tarn frusta af the__ -hoatre, cswttowaa ar-* atal. tost srtte the Italian cavalry hghtiag tsar award Mtioae to cover tea mtataC at tea ItaLaaa ta >«U. Mo maty nrttowt ogntoed to this Item at I Tb* first _ __ trenches mtM today at a km too pitaL Ha to a tootosaat at the «*•>•> .WF. Ha wma Ut to tha tog to a shall splinter. From tha teat of telegrams * changed between King Cemtsntlne at Greece and Emperor WHttom before the king's abdication, tha itorlyhiilNI at which will be completed shortly by tha* Grnali gomraM—t, It 4a ^lopa that Osastantlns "to pat it mildly, was a German agent," says a Beater dlspateh from Athene today. FIGHTING SPOUT OP ITALY AKOU5C3 Boom, Monday, Oct. tt.—The win ing out of party diffemaosa and Urn Strengthening of Italy's morals ia tht fae* of ths prssiat military effort by th* Aastro-German emit ton to exemplified In tha statasnanta isaosd by taro of tha political r~rtlm ths Catholics and the oOcialBociaheta. No party isn tenant most ha fmgih od to this Uses at trial, thsaa state ments declare. On* effort of tha parttolpattea of German troops In tha offamtos hm km tto among*tha*Itahana % ‘gsa mah ***1 ‘ ‘ Gensral Cad arris's hnlUUns am I» fating a aeraw total, bat tha praai a apiilt af detanMaatton aa tha part of tha paopla that tha lata of tho fraita af victory wee ia (ha poat ahaB bo bat h Tka —rt rapid ala day* am r —‘ da* a at ao aaMh to _____ aa to tho ilaiai of amrattoa. According to (ho QioraaUd, Italian ao dec hive bettia haa yat haaa foaght nMhoagh oaa la la aapaotad to dom&p. Such a battle, it ia predicted, wfli ha aa a large aaala aad Imh* arid# araramaata ia ht apaa Sato. ia Mm sid-faaMonad atyla. Tha. Italian retreat, aoaotdlag to tho Moaaaggera, io being ac ad in good order, with tha laved or daotoayaf aad ad I magaslnea Tha Ma iCTtSoTh paMkaBy - 1 vert tha eouatry lata •ia." It aaaarti tha* I tieeaiy Ida* to ataka a In haa dfaappratad aad that M « nation will fight Ml and lut 1 big paooa haa Tha big fair kaovra aa Sflh aa aoal corn ahow, He* atock nafwinai aad poeMry aahibit far tho taa aeeth . aaatam toaatiea af (ha State to h [ **±1* **■*■«»■ •• WnuiMh., M I to teh. toctoatre, pnaihia to ha mm 1 wiiarfiil a af elMtar fn» tha i dtotriato ar agpacted.__ IM aaaaaa a - tha con ahow aad it proadaaa to fa t aarpa* free* way pitot af ria* | SIGN PLEDGE a f ' - . ;Sf y ft ■ 3 f * A ? ..