VOL. IV t Ν. C.t Νβτ. ΙΑ 1·1Τ JL m «lin nvw FOR UNITED STATES A*m CU ef A^rU· M·*· Oui Phi CmUm·*·! "Trtink 1 I·—" Fer Aerial Teweei—CWt. ead Ail. New York, No». 11.—Γ1»η» for ae UibUahing four trana continental air ways m ths "f" ·*Μ«Ι·· of air neri cation In tba United States haro been ■pprored by the executive committee of the Aero Club of America, H wu announced tonlRlil. The «leb'» committee on lending piece· of which Beer Admiral Γ car) is chairman, haa beon instructed to make ell possible tpeed in charting the route· and selecting landing place·. "Under the club'* plan tbe airways would be named tbe "Woodrow Wll »on," the "Wright Brothers," the "LangWy," and tbe "Chanute and Belt The ftr»t would be chartcd from New York to S an Francisco touching Cleveland. Toledo, Chicago and other important dtiea. rhe second would start from Waah ! ne ton, running through Virginia, North Carolina, the state In which Uio Wright Brothers mad* tboir his toric lint (light; Oeorgla, Alaba ma, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, with a station at Ban* Antonio where an airplane was used fer ths first time in hiatory under conditions approxi mating warfare; then throagh New Mexico and Arisooa and aeiotng at Ban Diego, CaL · . The La ne ley airway, althoufrh de γηιι» pian· nave ηοι yri «rn maae, would rus from Washington to Loi Angelee. The Chanutc and Bell airway, nam ed lu honor of Octave Cbanut# and Alexander Graham Bell, would ran from Boston to Seattle. North and So nth airway·, under the club'· plana, would be charted from Banger, Maine te Key Weet, Fla. and from Popt Sound to San Uiego, Calif., while an airway to be called til· "Galf" we aid «stand from Key W*st to the mouth ef the Bio Grande, touchiag «vary Important city on the OiH ef Masco. Theas main airway* would ha eeoee ed by hundreds of —·■ «<ιφ Ί reutea ao that the country, mt al» waW ration develop* would become a vaat network of route·, laid out with as much precision and care as the thou sand· of charted *aa routes. HOME MISSION. ΡΛΟΕΛΙφ .ΙΟΙμΜΊ·' >aiili>" al Γι nl|rt«ria· ^ Chaweli Swwday nÛIflPÛlMi tecnth at 8:16 o'clock. The object of this Panant la to •how oar mat opportunity to give Cferlat to all the nation· of the earth in America. Columbia, clad in white draptod with Mar· and stripe·, nnd bearing a torch in her uplifted hand calls the representatives of the dif ferent nations and pooplaa dwelling in America to tell why they had come to har aad what tbey seek. One by one tbey make their plea for Chritt in America. Columbia replica that •he has given liberty to alL la acknowledgment of this the re pre ventative· of the nations sing My Country *Tts of Thee, and aaluto the Star· and Stripe·, but they urge that liberty and justice are not enough plead for Christ In America. Co lam bin then turns to the church aa the only organisation that has a mes sage of truth and light" to give to tke nations, who beg that the ehfcrch of Christ shall hast· her mission high ful filling, pledging their allegiance to the Crom and to tho Saviour for Who·· Kingdom H stand·. A collection will be taken for the cause of Home Misalons. BERLING ADMITS MAKING SLAVES OF YOUNG GIRLS GWU RequUltieaed la Alea«e-Lena· late Actively Eiaplnxl el Ike Fmt. See·· ere Under 17. Washington, Nov. IS.—ConSrma tion has been given by the German government itself to the often denied reports current for th· past year that young girl· of Alsace-Lorraine have been carried away from their homes una lorceo ιο uni I or in« uormui amy. . From Switzerland tad·; there ruse a cable report of the reply made by the German undersecretary for war to a complaint of a nAleetlan depaty in the reictutag agaliuit mistreatment of these young »irU The goeern raoat'a reply toek the form of ao offi cial communique, which In eubetancc Jtatad that the array administration had taken meaaurea to aaaura the girl· "•quWUoaed in Alaaco-Lorraiae and actively employed la work at the front haneflu of moral and rellgloni rapervieion Only eight and a hall ?îr.^ J» *· If Ma ara lew than 17 year· of a(e, the deputy «ai aa * .SC& o{ *·» ir u-^bMud * ,e~.· * "YOCTK* IN LOVE" TO 11 AT FATITTKVI» ι a Prom all «cceanta -Yoa're In i^_ « . Arthur Hamme ratal»'» h teat * comedy «uceeaa, which ta eeheduUd a I. the LA Fayette Theatre far Friday. Not. M, FayetUvill,, H. C la ooe af the moat taaefal eoneocUom of fan and melody baud In maay a day. The name reliable reporta erad It the book aa being considerably «m of the panerai order. Otto Haoarbarh and Rudolpk Friml, who were jointly reapnneible for "Katiika," of the moet not» worthy mulira 1 comedy hlta aver re corded, have evidently Head op te thetr reputation» la preparing "Ye«'r< In Lore," and Haiufar Hammer «teln'a faith In their happy team wort wae ctrong enough te warrant kii moat latanaa care la amkliw rvadi the elaborate predwtloa, one wrl calculated to command admiratloi Mftd rUftci • I nr.TV UHAt I rLAJl IN MOTION SUly Dtp Will Ba Raqoircd to Or· «uIm end Cluilfgr NI». Milliou RifklrMU. · Waahington. Nov. 1ft.—Preaident WlUon furmnlly pul lb* new machi nery for the currying out of the ad jective dr«ft bill into operation to night with the publication of the fore word he has written to the reg»I« liuna under which the «ι-cond calf will b« made. The rcgulatinna tbemaalve» and the quealiona which mora than 0,000,000 ragiitrmntji will ba raqalfed to fill out, are baintc forwarded to local boards, bat havo not yat been made public. War department official· estimate that the whole proceaa can ho com pleted within AO day·. Thin mean* that no aocond call will ba made upon the draft force* between now and the middle of next February. at th* period of clarification will not begin until DcuaW 16th. p)| « - -n hmu Hvi already mobiUaod Into five claaaaa, aobjoet to military aerviee by claaaoa, aa being intended t.i prodacf "m more perfect orynniraiiun of our man pow » "The tclcclire principle moat be curried to its logical coachwiun," Ui» Premdar.t «aid, and he added lhut tliere mn.t Ik· made a oumplctc Inw-n lory of the qualification!. of each r»(f iktrant in order to determine "the place in the military, imluatrial or agirrultaral rank* of the nation In which hi· experience and training can baat bt made to nerve the common Tl* inquiry projected in the qaes llenatre wi'l tfo de-p into the quali fication» of caeh of nearly 10.000,00· men. The euccem of the'plan and tu completion » Lhin th· estimated Iud« real* absolutely upon th* whulehcart •d luppc.rt given by th· people, oe pecislly by the doctor· and lawyer· of *·<& community. Th· PraaMcat'· fa reword follow»: "Th· task of aofeeting and moMBa ia* the bit contingent of tha na tional un ta uaiisf completion. The and accuracy of it· ac ^j!S^^38L8r% dm ocra tic ln*tj talions. The swift ness with whk h the machinery for Ita execution had to be assembled, How aver, left rovm for adjustment and Improvement. New regulations put it^ftk·· iBaroJnMata lato effect aife ίμμΜΝ,ίΝΜΙΊμμΙΜΜ today. Tktn i· M chance hi the uiiallal 'Th* time hru come for a more per fect organization of out man-power. The «elective principle meat We car ried to ita logical conclusion We met make a complete inventory of the qualification of all registrant* in order to determine, as to each man not already selected for daty with tac colon, the place In the mili tary, Industrial or axrtraltural ranks of the nation in which his experience and training can beat be made to serve the common good. This projeel involve· an iuquiry by the selection beards into tho domostic, industrial and eduratoe-'il qualifications of near ly ten million men. "lumber-, of these hoar is have reiiderwt a ennspieious servie*. Tho W)·1. una Uon· without reg**! to pei sonal convenience and under a pf * «urc >f rame J late nece.uty which imposed great jetcrlflces. Yet the ser vice of men t Mied by *ro experience el the hr<t oraft mus' -if novw»:>y be ri'iniM s. ι" the «election Kovd must provide the directing mechan ism for the new clarification The thing they havo dono is scarcely one tenth th· magnitude of the thing Urnt remain· to be done. * · · An aa timale of the- lime rerceaary for the work, lead» tu the conclusion that it can be accomplished la sixty day·; but only if this great marshalling of our raaources of men U regarded by all a· a national war undertaking of such significance as to challenge the attention and compel the assistance of every American. "1 eaJI upon all ciliaena, therefore to assist local and district board· bj proffering «uch service and such ma terial convenience· as they can offei I „j k. ι— ·—« - · "«ν Miv uiMMun either upon lumnoni or upon theii own (nitatfvc, to *1»· »uch informa tion u will bo uaeful in eluwif jrinc re. iitrulv 1 urge man of the lffw profceuon to offer ihcmwlvea a· a» r.oclot» meajbera of tho l»g»l advtaorj board* to be provided in each cm» jnunlty for t)M purpoM of advtaint rrfiitnuita of their right* ·η·1 oblig* ton· «ad of aaaiating there In tb· preparation of their answer* to tb« qutfstona which all man eobject tc draft aro Tfrçuied to submit. I Ml thrt doctor* of the country identifj with tlie mrdiml adriaor] board* which are to ha constituted it |Jk« varlou* dlalrict· throughout IIh United But*· for the purpose of mak i*g a ayatematle phyeleal oaminatloi of the reentrant*. It I· Important •l*o that polke officials of every grade •nd elaa· «boald be Informed of theii duty undrr «elective aervtee taw am reguletione, to March for persona wh< do not rewpond promptly «ad to aerw the lunmons of local and di*tr»c boards. Newspapers can be of von neat assistance la giving wide public It* to the requirements of the lav and regulation· and to the nmWi bad naascs of tho·· who are called U preeent themselves to their Voca txmrd» from day to day. FinaBf, art that during the time hereaftei to be apetlfted a· martclay the 60 del period of the cleaiflratiMi, all cm •ens gtv* attention ta the tart in ham in erder that the proceea may proceed to a conclusion with awtftneaa am yet with even and coaatderate Jostle to •Β." I Geo L. Oanady returned from 1 IbueineM trip to l>rak*wfl!« and Rprsj >· wa* called there to render hi rmrtcee at auctioneer at a land sat which wa» conducted by C. C. Marph ! MR. PACE WILL MEET WHOLESALERS THURS. DmWi is FM^ahSt lUqutM to ba Pimrt. lUdtol Mwiaj Kaleigh, Not. IStb—State Food Administration Henry A. Pace ha* lust return ad from Washington where Bit attended an Importas! confcrono· of State Representative· of the Pood Administration with Mr. Hoover, the I conference IkIhk for the purpoae of iliscusaintt at length the detail· of the operation of the licenae system aa applied to doaleri in foodstuff*. All of the rule· and regulation* under which llrenaeea will operate Have been worked oat aad Mr. I*·*· announce* that he will meet the whole •alert, broken, and commiaaion men of the 8tat* In a conference in Ral· ilgh, Thursday, Nov. 16th, at noon In the Henate Chamber at the Capi tuL No communication ia being ad i! ι rued to the Individual Mm, but all aie InrHed to attend thli confer ence. A elmlllar conference fori the re tail grocer* of U»e State ia snaounoed for aoon Monday, Nov. lVth, at the same place. Only tfcoao retailer* Uo mir business of |100,0»0 or mora μ year are subject to licenae, but all of them are subject to the provision* of the Food Control Law aad all ara invited to attend the conference oa Monday. The operation of the UlMM 8ys t»m will Impose a tremendous amount of work ana authority upon the Food Administration and already the oBVce is being organised for Ha Increased eaponaibWty and work. Mr. Page declare* that there lg bo consumer In Uie 8late who will not he benefitted by the operatioa of the license system and that the prod ace rs of the foodstuff* will also he benefit ta. «ι κ« hav» nothing to fear, the big purpose being to stabilise prtcea, And iHmin •te speculative profit» u4 Injuriousr trade prtctfaM. The ronferenoee bar· tka 16th and 19 th «111 no drabt iwtl la · much clearer conception of the Food Ad ministrate»·* porpoe· and plu» upon th· part of the deeltfrs. SEASON'S PAIR WOMt SIC ACHIEVEMENT *elel«h. N. C., Not. 1·.—Submit ting · preliminary report of th· Fair work for tht· union» Λ» Administra tive Division of tha Erteoaiea Bervio· call· tttntioa to soma of tha out. •tending featnree of thh yaar'a ectivV Viâ the College of Agriculture, through their Joint IiUgrira Bervice, have ictlwljr cooperated wHh 101 While all return· have not a· pet cone la. It la iaf· to « that tha fain thinuelTM hare broken nil re cord» for attendance. Not only has this been tru· for th· State Fair, hut for tha IBM 11 est of Um communi ty faire a* well* Characterised by the trend of the tin*, tha fairs bar· exhibited splen did cooperation with the Extension Serviee in emphaaiiing Ban* concrete demoastratons, educational exhibit·, lecture·, addrCaaai, and all foima of visual education which would stitnu lata greater food production aad food runaervation. One of the moet notice able things haa been the tendency on the part of moat of the fair man agers to remove objectionable aad in moral feature· from their ahows. With the fairs in the St^to divided Into a comprehenalv· d:v:so:> for the first time te Includa definite typea rop .■OK-nting cr-nmunity, riUtrl't t.-,ir» ami ihe Stair "air ·» urn the l—tri*nii .· of a Bute-» i» f» r <ystem i>n a rral « iucation», h>ats ttr the agrlrnllurrl con*t ta · · · «>l Nxrii· Carolina. "We have cooperated extensively in tha following way," statee the prelimi nary report, "empbealsing these ten feature·: "1. Standardising prises and pre miums. "S. Potting up educational exhi bita of aa agricultural aad home •ionomics character. "I. Encouraging exhibit* of boys' and girls' club work. "4. Addreeaee and lecturoa. "5. DeeaourtraUona in canning, dry ing, preeervlng, treating cereal· fer dincmece. ttc "β. Exhibiting charta ud noetera of the rood Adminiatration OAe·-· "7. Eaicouraging *rwt«r prodeo tion of food "8. Organising and incorporating fair uoociaiioiu. "·. Seewlag namea and addma r· of iateraated farmer*. "10. Working toward· a biff State «yitam of Mai valuable fain. StatiacaDy, the informaUon at the preeaat ttmea repraoeata a total of 207 fain, 81 bains in tlaa coattal plain, 88 in tka pMnoat, and M ia the mountain aeetloaa of the State. During tka month of September there ■are M fair· bald, In October 14·, and In Mo»aa>bea 4·. If the tain ac cept an of the MX) which ha* bam tendered lb am. baaed an tba mnbai with which Uia Department cooperate* Κ will «aa»Ρ an expenditure of I®,· 001.75. Tba magnitude of the wort can be Judged from tba fact thai each ceunltr fair a ear aged twr Judge·, each county fair three Judge» end tba illaUlct fain four ]·4μ touting 41· Judges far aB of tb« ι fain, eselaatve of the Etta te Pair ami tba negro fab·. Matty of the com· I munltiee ara already organising fai t next rear, and tba Department la eon tempi·ting the iaruanee of a nuanbea af publication· to meet tba earl) need· of next year'· work. The will of the lata J. P. Pttdaai 1 Editor of the Dann Onlde, waa admit' > tad to pre bat· In tba oAee of tba Clerk of the Se perler Court laal Toeaday. Tba aetata la valaed at lei I thoumnd dollar*. Mr* Plttman, wid ew of the doeaaaad, hi naa*e4 m ex ι eeutrix, and ia a Wo the ehief bono ι Aciary named la tba will. Harriet r Poet. food srruATioi VERY ι , THE ι (By «Ubaid H. Iluf paopa I raalitiee, apparently W _ , u tkn cm fool tbwmilwoo* tk· pub lic ions enough aoee (' pkM wblch will obeli » of faclna facta whan din facta in anpfcUUbk, 7m Thl« country faceeS£«ry aerloaa food altuatioa, bot the ■hitod Stataa Department of A(rl{i)tJthia allU the natloB. and in dolac §a milled the admlniitratlon iUelfTv* Praaident Wilaon'a appeal for «Bftc· la order to conaerra food for oar Am· tia aald : "Our eoentry, la Mu—d with an abondance of MMatuffa, a«d it oar people win t -enable in their ■, proriaentiy confiai·* tbamaalraa to tha quanti tiea ragômd for tba maintenance of baaltb··*! aUancth," •iC- 'j Praaidant Wikon wM - thoroughly bonaat la hi· own belief Ml to tba car roctneae of ttta »l»taaiai\«r ha would not have made it. Hat AforHiniOely H it Incorrect. Tba Wllij la net abundantly (applied «Ml fwxMh. and it la a aerioea Tqiafcire. rieweJ from every an*fc, to hawauu inpfaa· iloa created. If tba dMatry ahould be convinced tWt thaaa Ma aa abund aacc of foedataffi fdr our own aaada, thar* would ba ieae rea&atioa of. tba aacaaaity of lncraaaad fao+ production and increased food apaaar» atium, and no juaUAcaUoo could W, found for the hi*b pricoa proaalUai· If tbaaa bleb price* ware daa- antuoly ta apac ulatora and (amblaaa. dto gambler· and apaculatora ahouiC ba Vaae or •bot. But unfortunate^/ba facta are aucb aa to demand tWvoat aariooa covide ration of tba nail a· Wa meat face the taaue with exattil tba aaae aplrit that wa muai face tba Vaalitiaa of tba war, and prépara ta aaaet tba food qaaation with exactly tba aaaaa dejrree of eelf-eacrlftae wHb which tba aoldiar offera hia Ufa. ~s Are Food "tl.th^i " www Τ·00. WuO contuMof mort of wheat bntd, beef, per* tad Batten dMB.il -actually aocdtd lor Ui naUaMM, is a ikck or ia thi· boar of wtfridteweedy. H« la Lnflaltely nor* of a dMÉBr than the of. to eecase the war. TkiÎttar fro nr. coward to· ma/ try -to <V Ui life: The former, from ·Νφ gtattony Is unwillla* to Mtrriflqp- MM mm of hie appetite. Tbe M· or the mcUI club which finkk* it· MD of faro a larrer —rtly l^JCuudaliit» thaa shoald be ImmmmM Atp-hour, at which waste· by |U|V· lay· · to «tend JÛrsAe^KÇkt. aad there fore it seek· to MpMM the (tattoo ous appetite of tfcffoed aUckar. Tb· tùmo has lone KM passed for toinc Ib« word· ia tb· discussion of these problem*. ' Let aa ince the facto a· to < ^ f ood eueitioci. This year"» wb«at crop is 1*0.000, 000 bushel· Ism than the ·τιπ(· yield of the last A*· years. It ta ov er >0,000,000 bushele short of the crop of 1001, or If years ago, though at that time we had a popu lation of at least 29,000,000 Wse than we have today. At the avança rata of consumption, based on aa increase of 26,000,000 people, we need at least 115,000,000 bushels Mora of wheat thaa we then aeedfd for oar îbmm tie consomption alone. Bat tnetcsd of that we have a il— of 88, 000,000 bethels ihort of that yaw's yield. This year's wheat crop ia 70,000, 000 bushels short of the yield of 1B1Z. It ia 108,000,000 bushels short of that of 1P1S. It la ΙβΙ,ΟΟΟ,ΟΜ bash-, els less thaa that of 1915. If this year's yield of corn and wheat had baen Increased in propor tion to popnletion as compared with the yield of 1»00, we would have (>5,000,000 baskets More than the se gregate yield of Hhqae two crepe In that year. Grain iftPlW·* ·! ·»■* il· IWrt The total prodoction of wheat and corn for the last two years h ■ 000,00· bushels short of the total pro duct loa fer 1914 and 1·1Β. It is troe we have had a lane in asd l· ι few Other things this year, bat It aeeats impoeaible to «et government author! 6m to recogaue that this ia will not be suBcieat to ftU crease will not be sgfldnt to BQ up the τ ace am created by last year's short··· of nearly 1,400,*00,000 bask eta of graia, potatoea and other food· nun*. M caawu wilB 1 vie, mak ing lest. r«*r the no* OmUwi wi; year In the history of tho eoontry. Ws ha*· 18, 100,000 head of *oop ■ tku we had In 190·, a decrease of ·νοτ II par east; while ear popula tion ha* lacrvaeed la that ttm* by probably nearly 25,000.900. W· hav· β,ΟΟΟ,Οί 0 heed of beef eattl« Un thaa w· had la 190·, aad 4,TOO,#00 laai than u far back H 1900. And aa though thepa facta la regard to ·Ιιν) and baaf cattle war· mot ee rions «nough, wa hare the reoes! ■ta tain eat of the dapartneat of agri culture that oa 8eptmb«r 1 the eorun try had *,400,000 Imp swine than aa« 'car ape, a «Increase la It atontha ol 1.4 per cent aad tb» average mMI of Jiftffs now going lato the pjaclrlag house· is vary owe* leas than former ly, due ta the fact that the hlgt price of feed has baea causing farm, (.m to sell of their hags without wak ing for their fall growth. raats AroJtartlWg Theae facts ara startling eaoagit They ara in llnuidrtl the atrougeel srysswat Ukat eaa possibly be I t* In behalf of food efsai istlon. W< cannot go oa naitpg feude*.a<fs ai wo hrfvo done In the past. We havi reached the point 1«eg forsasn by aï thiujhtfal observer· of a grade· Ih rirrreaslng eapply ef feadataA, whkl coald only be Met by au>re eoaeerva tton In toe 0a* ι f bod la iwdor ». prwsnl noAitant jrteia. ami thte en tir*ly without regard-to th> e'lrtenci of the war. Tb#· r«i#iUon was In «ν idcrre loag bafm IM war. - There are many iiM»h for the Ut ••tion wMcb wo neww»». - Ono, sn< EXCESSIVE PRICES WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. S-mJ? ·< ftateUera. WW Tpj to Geag» Peblie. WH1 be Cat Off. Raleigh, Nov. IS.—Under · new re gulation of Ûm U. S. Food Adm'nfi tration. retailer· who violât* lb< Pood Control Act by ihvilu rmwlvr pricoo for uaecMia-y lead may hava their (apply cut odf. WKtU the «nail· or rotalUn *«f food art except from the beenxlng promotion* of the Act. thoy art subject to the provisions of Mtthn 4 of the law which forbid., excauive price* on accemariaa, WrJ inc. deatrvylng food or coneplrtng to raetrict production. The Pood Administration ha» pow er to instruct whulctaU denlert and other food handling Industrie* undor Heraa* not to supply retailer· who are •hlitiac the provision· of the Act. Thar· la no Intention to dllturb legi timate boalnoaa and the Pood Admin istration will initiate mtainrea agnlaat only thoee who an taking advantage of the war condition* to exact un· reaioaahlo profita on ataple neceaaar iaa. RAIUtOADS MOVING BIGGEST POTATO CROP IN HISTORY WaaWngton, D. C.t Nurember It.— Fairfax Harriaon. chairman of the Railroad'* War Board, astharisa* the following: The railroad* are now awing what promisee to be the biggaat potato erop In the History of the country. Thia cop. which i* eettaatcd will total ap proximately 4M Wll!on btMhcl* or haM again a* much a* latt year, hat been OB the way aineo the middle of September. The movement of it win eooUaoe ax til about April lat next year. Report* received by the Com minion an Car Servie» indicate that area with iai*aaivo loading mora thna 7(0,000 can will bo needed to hanitl* the potato crop. ha* bean going on for (he lart thirty yean in th* ahifting af popuiavloi. m - vw MW »» WM »« / W inv «IMV », ■ tkul· M «Muabiat that lU iroptrt uci (kMW km b*ra rrrognizod long ago by *D stodonta οΓ food supply ud pecnl Mniomki. la 1M0 thi· country ktd a Mal population in roui Kl flgara· W tOr 0*0,000. Of tiu« number 14.700,000 Hved in towns mmà Mttm, and 3S.300, 000 In the nu—try. la 1910 wc had 42,600,000 ta th. dtie· and il^N. 000 la tfc· country, la (W time «ban papulation atout Ιι«ΜΧ. while mUij popuhll»· gained only about «0 par ce a·. ' b'Ta«jgwi letton was 4(J per cent aad rural HT ptf cent- tipmwd In (im figure·, we had In 1910 Marty «·, OOO,000 mora paeali living in ctttaa than In ISM; whilew· had mmty 14, 000,000 more living in the country in 1910 than in 18&0. The mort atrik ing change took jftacc between IMP and lflO, and the aaaciag advance in city popalatlon mid· at that time «till got· on. Between 1000 and 1*10 city population increatad naarty 12. 000.000, and country population only 4,200,000. With thi· tnornoBi relative de crtaae ia country population, which prodaoaa the foodntuff·, and the oa oraoo· Increase In city population wtnrb consume· the fooaatuTa, Ma can readily understand the grodoa! decline in food production In prrpor ttoa to population. The nation must face the tmar, and we moat learn food conservation to • greater estant than we havo «ver known it In the past because war or no war, we cannot waste food as in former yean: and at this tim· with the call of the Allies for food, it i· aapramaly important that we should conserva food ta the utmost estent of our abflity, and that at tim same time every eWort which farmer·, busineae men nod national and State govern - —ta in cornbiaation can make ah raid be pat forth to Incraaae the food pro ductif* of the coming year. Power and Machinery Fsetor. Industrial develovmrnt. which haa brought about tkt great Imnie Id city population, ha· luta dw largely ta the asarraloos remit* of power ms chlnery. Ia the factory and on the street power machinery, with all that it ««ans hi better street*, belter home·, better facilities for getting area no, betUr facilities for doing bu» incaa, t^a* aided city growth. In the country animal power and mar ml la bor still predominate, and the cm try has U a large extent been with out the groat benefits wh.ch the city has had in the atiliaatloa of power and machinery. Country life has been hampered by Intolerably bad roads, which hav* been a strong factor in driving people from the roan try to the cities Farming operation* nav« been hampered, at compared with 1b daatrial development. because while the latter had power machinery Ike former did not. We must bolt to the development ol machine/ ■ pow»r, on the farm In th·. ·■nap· of trartor· au'i to good roads which Will lemen the eoe) of .·. »·> ag ape· 4 ' -nr. «< vilal fact.·'* In 1-rmgi·* abi>u··. s larg.tr ;ν.ν1·κ·«ι·<η of foo<fctu*i la proportion to the nua bel c.'.rsged in (s'ft'lt* ewe n' i>r< · . r*. ■ .tSirwi.λ κ* >hiH h«·· a c.n tinu-d sdran* In food*tofft tn tb· n-imt whoro li< g in the city win be forced back from the cKy tn th· eountry hy the swing of the pend» Ion, reversing the movement wWel 1ms gone on for (0 yean from the reentry to ths city. Hiding In the laad Thee* facts demand the nation's at tention. Every effort to ignore thetn merely imitatoa the ostrich, which sticks Its bead Into the sand and re fasse to as· danger, bcHevIng that hi this way then wll be ne danger ferchanoe the oatHch may sometime· escape seeing the danger, but we art compelled to fori the danger of Um decreasing sapphr and the advanela| ' eoet of foedatum; sad as a whole flM ysipls do sot understand the roe •ana therefor. These facts amy par haps threw a little Mgbt on nni I ahaaae of Ike sttoaUo* aad intensif] I Ike effort fag feed naasnatlsn. feed sw* t— Va^£~&ΕΓ Be»t "Feed Ala milk te ehUdraa. Dent frod to kfi «bat thouaanda of dM· m in crying 1er «ad dytaf for," «y» the Ou»te Beard of HaakL "WhiU akha milk U rood fer keat, il hi eieo rood for ehildrtn, ud why not çive childr the prafcreaeal la the lm place, · U U too nhabb a food for hoys- Créa at the hi price» recently paid for Kofi, raiCt fed to tana la worth net than one cent a pound. Yet oaa aM a pound, a* appmxlmetciy one cent a pint, la very cheap for any ha· oaa food, and nartlcaUrly far a food «ο high in nutritive value aa mUk. It takee twenty pound» at milk when fed alone to keaa te pro duce one pound of pork. Tka aaaal quantity will mal» three aoaade of | cottafo cheeee. Cottage choose I % time· ae autk protein aad tliird as mock aaergy aa pork, aa that I thr tkija ml'V la tke ekooao fen* «Wee I quite aa mack energy and « M umea| m such protein m it would if ·.·· rted into kaai or bacoa. Milk i« not only the boat food for children but the rkaapwat Of bottled milk oao cent will bay forty-el* calo rie» or ose fifteenth ounce of protein, Mkrreaa of porterhotac etaak oaa cent will bey only thirty calorie», or of one >t will bay «farteon ealorlaa. la other word·, one quart of n»U jd'n» η leuek feed aa tea of portarhouae (teak or eight Milk i« abnoet aa «aoeatia! to tke healtk of ekOdraa. When the priea of Bilk roee ia Now York City aa to prohibit ita aaa by tke poorer peyla. of bahfea dlod , rkod diaeaeae. Aad thia ia ia addi tion to the tho—Bad» that uadenioarinhed who will w ·ττ!7 ι ■«■»* β cularly to tuberculocis. INCLINE IN MORALS *ΐΓ tuiudon BBODL Uiftdiemtcd la «KflMits captured ptiaotMO, wkQc ti qs mT SXeer^aSm'tfcatl SmTÎûmt eAoers 1· Us β"1""4Μ Utk te A»hir, mm «I yards biMud tbs frokt ikl ~ ■a ι 'Λί h •ad fils. The ere lead to the wtah fabric of Oanoaa ι •feytker by htti* mon Γ clpline. Hmrw liillalm la stated to be ah»est empty, men And expcric&cMi c—t bavins beta sent to the Italian frost I aad 4e riasaiataa available m Im | draughts Co the rooBsmmmowi RESULTS Completing tbe W|tr Pood Surrey this week, made ieiatly for tbe Federal Department ef Aerl cultare and the Office of the Peed Administrator, tbe Ad Offer of the Extaaiioa nouaces some interesting < Tb· surrey «as repneentative ef all sections aad all conditio·· ef tbe| State. Three cities weisi sslirl representing a population of 80,1 . or mors. Each city was to furnish ttrnrty-fHre reporta. Fifteen Nanties wre selected for condition* typlfyma seat, urban ecanaanitle·, and each con.ity «as asked to make twaatyd»»·! rojy.rti T*elv· eooatiee «ara *eiee-| ted for tbe typical rural districts, and csch county «as charred twenxy-free reports. These 750 repoita represented ty retained." states S. O. RuMaow, who bu completed a «tad y of the aarvsy, shows a number of iptsNedac facts «kick stand ont rather prs«2î«u£ "1. The survey show· that, as aa srsrage thing. very lttte meat it «as sumed at tbe près s ι it time, «■·! «ech article· as oorn ί Bran orbaa lu the raine of the w canning aad praoaulag by ."■tbia . aarved and canned food, W UKU» a. P.. atgnifytng aa frolU, place· of 1 lb ik any freah m el thno the forrey' wan mit, abaoat «Tory 1m>m waa to tp foaadj a certain amoaat of cured aàd aaltod "4. That largest >ndialiaiw of Aoaad rood· «aa to bo foand ta the caoneri vegetables, lathdiif tha com oion gardon vegetable·. "i. V«ry faw homes Umd aa lanoaally largo amowat of food «tar ed away on flu day upon which the laveatory of food suypHee waa··do. eora prodocta, lard, aad ahsat daeta Mm oa band la aaMoat average iiaaalNy. ■ . "I. It waa to bo millli rural biaaa would a bow asllhrr storage nor tka eonaaapUoa of — aaWaamis articloa, ruck aa nf, rWolate, ooeoa. ate., bat H la tatou, acting to nota that the arhaa boawa aho failed to show oltbar tka atorago or coaaoaytioa of thoae ooausedltlaa. "7. Aganta hare raaortad thai, o· tha whole, people ha va basa WW glad to too ;tarata la bbMm this «arret aad la keeping matfc -·. Vn^obcedty, the «array boa pwrod to be a ga«d thing for thooa who ha»» beta aakod to ko«p the re cords beeaaoa It baa baaoaM eettala tMnp to NgM contenting wt gaWa sot tboagbt aboat Wl r«tw Kl es Hi 10 wdtm ΒΛ» *»!*, the r 16. «ad tgMio for th. win ■ I •f — tW art·» at Dr. L. if R^£9&ôsss&: "J1 acrati ar rhlHH of local Kcd Qroe Bi§j îtTiwIttiw "AB local afants «01 ha atfâctad tftiiyear*·-* 11," un Dr. u)u Ik WfW<· "W· km four itlhoa mil with which ta Mpfb roar Mad·. We trust you will <W« tkraa tiaM aa bmu m |n 4M laat If roe «euhmot* the -At tMa time," my Dr. • whrt· pauiotlm Wat· it rrrry W ft t ind warn· tha Mootf aa Η ι min», wa ÉwM all mMa In the Bad Crawl htrawa» tabareutoala to pi«U* a»T. It haa 1 K>l<iiera aa (U utilWv· It- It· •!aia koot tfco Mgk joleo of airr ooid Of* IfiiniM. "feat f U the? «NU pnf-r tm trr uotiin poM tf _ - erytHiw tWj thnn ■■■»■> tt»t Uif S· tka M*k price· Wetter." Pwrlo wmUic «a atkrleo la town· •ad rtttaa km ·μβ· reason to rom pfcir. bat ο former who baa M the r*·.' MM to Mb bit Hvtag a* bnu end raa sit down ia bta not-(M born* br a hot *re aril «f nri tbat eon hb aotMar bat to «at Κ and bail H ta A* bo—». aad «ko aaa oat ·· · - fo«i kail M «a Mo boeao-t tfaa» a day «Kk aa tk laabt of a boo. ν nota; bill to at the end ef cn:i amk, lilkihi laMillnil ia »1 CARD or THANKS Tk» aiiiwk»ιd.wMi to «ι tkt mod poeple of Daaa thai riotCm oftboir tkoaghtfal I da» IS tM loot ifcia of oar author. A»wo pea· IWiMk rath hMumm eik TTrttim mtYTt' ***** *** A. ^rVwaSoaif Β«LTS***** * ^ ' Ji>tHiO«r at tbo elooo of kail MM «·1<1·*«1 Π th. l»tT, ^d G. jH.·"· oNurri ond takw pfea . d. In Mokln« «m ail! et OmU

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