ι —1 mnt dii-o*ao. laaa Mm tad hub mliim : tociu > or THE CONDITION OP THE n*ST NATIONAL BANK AT DUNN. N. C-, AT TUE CUMS OF BUSINESS ON SEPT. II. 1*11 XCSOUBCE3: » I1IJMM " M.TM.4» * IT. R. kali .a umc ekcohtlw 40,c00.00 ΤλϊϊΙ W- β.' bead- tbsa Liberty Loan TJand*) a-.' twtilal* ·( UiMxln* i.. HW-li1 L>.i 7-ipWjpMl lft.TCO.C·) > oU».r ûaa V. £. bamfa (n* tnclixllag *> ■·■-■?til uv: .xir*d.. . t.'ji.l* Tattl boni . w.ihi«a, etc ..... Λομ of F.V»-j? Kc-iTTt Bu'< (30 par cast ft embeerV-k*) Vale· ot baruaf Vu*ο Terr tura and ftxturaa 1 amVJ rcierva with Kaaarv· Baak.. Ca4i La »*alt and not amoortr da* from u Ucjal baabs-.......—.....— Xrt nsaocoti dj« tna bub and btaktn, 53d titxt comnaniel Choc's * en cUwr bv.ka la tba aaaso dt]r nr te-.-η ua M*utiat buk.. .... Ckaeti on banks knM ovtMde of dty er town of raportiac bank and otbar Redemption fund w!ih c 8 Ti«a*or»r in J duo from ΓΓ Β Ti«*> Total I41T.4M.1Û UAWRIB: Cap- i! ttock paid II» t 60,000 00 Porjx i» fur.d . ... 10,000 00 profit* _ $ 19,348.04 Un cumit «mua, inunit. nd tun fold. Mli.57 16,620.47 Ctreuiattn* note* outstanding 40.000,00 tndh-liaal drpo*tts subject to eWekjc 171,880.87 Ort iata of deposit due is Wat tku SO oaf· (vdur than for money borrowed).. 39,004.00 Cert km! chrt'vi ..... ai9.es CaiH. . '· chectM ο it»Undlac 1,228 8 0 Cart :WmU« at depo«it (other than for t»«y borrowed) 63,037.63 Other time 4«pootto — 87,466.73 8417,468.15 Uabi'i.ioa for rediscounts, inclwtiltff those T-.Ox Federal Boeerrs Bank *4.706 49 K-_ate of N. C., Cotntj of Haraott, a: L J. A. CULCKKTU, Cashier of the aW^namod bank, do solomaly mu tut vH* above statement is true to the boat of my knowledge and belief. J. A. CII LB BETH. Caxhier. Subscribed and iwom to More Be this 19th day of Sept.. 1917. JAM. PKABSALL. Notary Public. Commission expires Jan y. IS. 191Ί. Comet—Attest : J: W. DEAUGHON, JOHN A. McKAT. C. H. SEXTON, Director*. Southeastern Fair Closes -H— W> WM ****** ««inwi ÛUUMI . a fair com·· tonight aad it i« αρχ.ί·4 that the crowd· in attend· MM today win ha area larger than war iL* cam yaaterda? when the "big "tuf" -«a· neiM all day aad W«Q iato ûe n%ht hjr thonaaada at rimi m lfaiae far tha excellent axhi Mta was practically naaaixaeaa aad tha coatlaoad (air weather, which haa pm<] to ha aa teportaat factor, jiaaliuda» aided rary Materially In ££râfi a. aw^t^ to aa. tha Γϊ η ■■■ π Τ Γ 1 III ·»ι Un chief ^jiatw at the casfa «TtEo* , __ ■Sort «a ha j Iach| tha ϊκ^Έκτ af depending m eot i «ariMér«V far · mommy crop waa potatid oat aad tha neod of Brink ι pwrl»C waa portrayed in etoqaaat H^Tmh _ waa1 practical aad ι hy Co -I have riritad «ha Mate fair thia aad a nuaiWr af othata thia a*- 1 an·,' declared tha tonnaaii. "and I have aaea aona that aacalhd tha Or yut* that ytt hara hm Tha (Ua phty.· in ladaad a credit ta the Un coat; le* in thia eectlon aad I wiah to can». I tola to yoa on yeor ehowfitc· Yea -hoold not call it a com «how kt ca ■»! 1-roitaiml aad Mveetoek fair." A antaal «achat** of eompKtacnta a» V tha knowledge of each with re gard jo the rorûl «ccÎ.oaa in tha Sixth dialect developed m a malt of tha fact .est MaJ. JMtph W. Little Intro doe: i du congre» «an Fv Jowina the «Una ty· in tail nu. utaara «la ting the fair ywfariw were County Igect Boyd, Sara peon; Tingle, of Columboi; Pace, of Brunawlck; awl Motrin, of Brnnswiek. Mr. A. T. Robert···, ttat· ton* ctab agent, wai mother visitor to nt fair. VUtm A™ EaM»Uln»i Coainmii Godwin and other »ia tin* iptiken and Jidm wtrt en iwtalnal at dinner at tha corn ahaw Unlit room yeaterday by the Cham Mr of Coumth following an aato· xobiW ride mr tb city. Tlta affair irae entirely Informal. The party aaa ■!<« op of fane ifenti from Ike Ma «Matin lepreeealed by the fair, la addition to the speakers on th for the conference.—Friday'· childhood and oM ift, bland easily and naturally into >nr hamsnlrtaa la oar fallaeea of leart we hear the tender word· of the Mattmr·. "Suffer little children to MM aato Me, aad forbid them aot, or af each ia the kingdom of Kearen. '1 !offer them. Cftisea· ef North Cao iaa, aaffer them. Aad whea eeeond childhood eomea yoa vfll hear the «»· companionate voie· calling the infeedled of ace. Aa patriotic citi tens of a jrrest commonwealth, we rill aot realise the fall delights of «rte· ta haamaity until we provide :omfort aad pretoetioa to the tate'a wfortaaatae. Recently article· have appeared la ha newspapers calling attention to Ae urgent needs of the Tarions or Aaaagas ef the State and appealing ο the citiaens of oar ceauaanwasltn m «et aside one rfae'a μλ»« —» ihaaa hundred _ -iffhteoas can··. maa 'Témim, L. Clirwn Grant, *eq., ' Mv ^r of the kzialatiTe from New Har- /rr, hi an eloiptent up··! to < Om - nam to do tSeir fun Nit la Dm τ .γ. formally intrcdaeid 1tr. J. D. Mat 41, of Dm department of acrl ceIt · at Waabhwtoa. Mr. Grant 1 dec! td that it is th» duty of arary ose la ba patriuto· ta tbb lolmn ι boar, as auktter what the cost, and ι •apt ncd that there aiay com way < trji.. : ko» aad that Aairlca may be ! wasbt. to bar knees, bat that < rfaer · eat ba no let ap until this war 1 is tr.M for d?moeraey. Should flsln Hiji I Ν asWtake >kn«U be mS in dooiv- I Itn* tkf a amber of bon railed ia < thfc «etloa, declared fir. XcVaaa. I who m» de pa?* the eabjact of bis < addr.m. He explained that thara was ι • A rtep and that the department < af cjHraNvt had calculated that t Kar.'i CaraKaa aoght ta make a» la- i cm > for next year af tea par caat. ! He· «a/, tuay eoctioas la the treat- ι era art of the Rata can make aa fa»- I crue » and at h consequence the | farr re la the eaatora sectioa will bare jo snake a aaeh greater bieraaas. ι Τ a rretloa b naturally adapted to ( rate* bo*·, said the «peafcea, aad ι the .artkar feet tkit two .packhm* ( hair · an ββ*τ grief ap wblfc a good I ma.- .t at Bteamacd le only a faw ι ham away by rail, nmaes It the wtaa i aad t-ypit tlila* t» da to ralee botes. 1 Da iKatod rjf the fact that bijp ι ear. itjta the chief meat «apply of I the r14 and showed the aaed af bar- 1 tan ι teat to iddp to da soldiers u t Bar yr. as wall ee to the alBm af I sta· rm people to that caoatfr· < WnSe* fer Clak Msmbm» I «I Ma* boy eM members to the l fair eto wtfi ba eatertolaod bathe < Ket y etah at a dtoasr at the m t »» 4 this after*ooa at 1 ΛΛ o'elork. .«embers of the Beta» slab are I em tod to attoad the dinner qpd i am ward the rial fefcs w<0 aa «a a » sg-js asrtAsfts : Cad to the fair «moads. Mead- a •a say thay are to have a meat a eaile, aUe tttao. aa Am Mitortoaa amr h da Usinas bjr aakros. a Jaaobt la tWiam^ef the g aad k* other m» etiw ae* Meeers. ρ : diaeaf thaw etodtof the Mr_yaa- a tords y mare DMrteto *ami fW · maa aad MtCrary a# the federal mmt· a / «Ml eateaetoa eerrteo. and Pr. Η Taear, to ehaeve af the tick saadlaa h. at of eharitiaa—oar orphan hi··». [| ao other on· chaan·! of effort ia mr roaponao to the eoustnd, "Viait lx rieV, relieve the dlrtrataed, b«ry ha dead, protect and educate the >rphan." ao *ivtdly asd practical)/ ·* •mpllficd aa it la In the work «I oar irphan hoa»ea. Hara ara gathered the 'atherlaaa «ad OMtbarUaa children of >ar State, where they Sad /ottering •are and proteetiun throughout tho rears of their develoemea'.. Merc hay are ahrea tha education and ΤΛ-Jvae ao eteential ta eue·*· when hvy go oat late tha cold world to will· for thomaal···. It la 10 one •r tKM iplandld institution» that «-r 1(7 (Mm of North Carolina la aak ^to forwtfd^a^Matribntion dining t ha 'taVeat··aTwhft1 promleea no irodiate WMtvy reward, hot will lid la directing aaaay IKtla footatep· η to the way» ef We feel that erery patriot, who la Mb trwm a aaalaaa and aa ttaaeMah Mr· to aarre Ua aaeatry hi thia rorld eriaia, will ehaarfaUy aaawer he call to aid la thia aeeded work at MM, tlraa placing Mauelf (or har «1/1 on raeard far parfonalag aa waeBlah, charitable, Chrhtiaa act, roethy of a (aaioaa patriot who land· for the eeaaec»atlen af tha iter· Manhood and ireaMwhaed of :orth Carolina. If eeery frMod of te eaaaa ihould enUat actively in aap wrt of αί ■ereaaent, tha hoaM raaeariee won Id reap a haaallfal arvert thia Thaakagiviag and tha laiatenance of Uh date an ocptaa gaa daeiag the ippn erhiag ariater 'AMU «— ■ The Dewawera af th· State her· Mherally af their apae· I· «. SfcJggBtftgas ■ » Mwlk fiat tha am g* rz * ο» ,tsj*zz vfg· m1 lsHSîsSF jS&sSgsi Γ hi EVERT STOCKMAN SHCULB SAVE EWE LAMfiS ι. ■«*· 1.1*1 MmM fer SrMdine Purpo«M From f «a» «lu T«at farm, j _ _ . . - . I — aaal Mmr Drrtafcm. Wcet Rjdàiga. Thar· bM doubUeas bwa a il» la the history of the world whan thl Ami Indaatry of the Cut tad Btatm »m ta loch a daplanbi· condition. IBd nercr a ttaa «k« (ha production >f wool aad aiattuu *«< a· Impor· tant. Thar· la today a world ahortaga Λ t3.M0.M0 aheap, aad this condition la* ariaaa daring one of tk· moni erttleal itifta ta tha history of U>t« reentry. Bator· tha declaration o< ni there waa a material shortage la Mat predmla aad tha emergency ■hick haa arisen make· the condition lie acre erttleaL Wo will aot only need all of Λ ο Beat predaota which can ha fro laced Ova lamb aad muttofl. but tha leeds of tha cornmiaent la aopptytni he aoldlars with cWithin* le coing ta ■aha naueal Inroad· lato tha aapply if wool at hand. Wool at tha preeent Ira· ta calling u high aa to casts per youad In the greaaa. aad the cbaacci in favorable thai It will ro atlQ high. ». Under pretest coadltlona thl· a«an· that tha wool ollp (roe aa it ■rage breed ihM) la worth aromd W. niaro la so other (arm animal which produce tncb a by-prodsct aad etlll •area tha aaicul for rvprodacttr· ■arpoeaa to ropleolih tha braadlni itoch. Tb· oaa··· takaa of llvactock tn Iforth Carolina ta MM tfcowaâ that r· had M0.900 aheep, aad the cwai ahaa la 1110 thowad a ahaep popala Job of only MO.tM or h decrease ol H 1-t par oast. Soch a eoadttloa ta rtlaal. aa it aot 09)7 aaaani that we to «aplata tha (apply ol toa tha fhraa aa calaal which, when wuvailf handled. Wll return tha artaat peroentaga am tha 090aay ta reatad of aay tara «nimal The alocaa of every ataelaai ihoaM ha to aara tha ewe lam be nil· ihle lor breading parpoaaa It la a to allow thea to go ta the Tbla la 00 folly roaMaad Imtoek aad kindred ara maktag «rary «Con to dfrert th« fcmaJ» broadlag adaatry on the aaatara tara·, whare * «m ttaa thl· tadaatry floarUhed. ii οιμιιτ or α· hnu ta Harth " Carolina maialatoed mm bwl of braerttu aheap Okie aaatd MM a Ami pepalatloa erf lev efltloe head, or approximately twatve Ubn Om η amber which we mow have. It 1· a 1 cocaervattve Mttuu to MM Out J there to aoirlclst rati toad on halt of u· (arma et thla Stat* to cany I thla Bomber of ikw The amownt of feed which tt would reqotre to keep thU oamber of lb·*» «otlf aoaroaty te appreciable. Oa tha trad all eaat fana la thla Stata twenty heed of aheep have Man maintained far ear- I aral yecra. Tha wool tram tha·· * tweaty breedtac ewae haa |wt baa· •old for ft.00 par ha·d. whlah to mere · than aaSlctamt ta pay far tha coat at keep, leaving the lambe etoar (rod I Whan the |«M paatara to available tha wool will pay tor β>· coat at that pamaaant paatara· can aot ha provided tn all aaattaaa ef tha Matee la aot aa obatacla to ahaap prodaotlna alDC· temporary paatmrea ara very muc* better aad there to BO eactten at tha State where each casant ha crowa. The chtof laaaan 1er uatac temporary paatore· to to retard tha * development of atltah wcraa which to oaa of the two chief troabtoa la lamb production. e . Tha Other obetoeto, ar at toaat what le ooaaaoatr mm>« ta ha aa obeta da, to the do* Thto caa ha coatroltod by tha a·· of ootrato where aheap ara , kept at aisht. There to raaOy mora ta ( the twr at tha dog thu the aataai damage which la aaatalaad. Tha writer la at tha optait· that tt taraaara I» taraatad la ahaap wait astll adeqaata 4o« tow» era paaaad that the aheap to daitry wflj In bopalaaaly. Bator· a doc law caa be paaaad It wQl ha aea aeaary to have a lar«e ammber ef to terceted atockaaaa brtoc praaaara ta baar ea their todalatara. π aa at tempt ι· mad· to aa a doc lav there < to realty aa artemeat at tha piaaaal ' ttoa. alaea there are aot aeeagh afcee* owned bp a ruffidecQy large aiiMhli of Itattaaa to back ap tha toaaa. ■vea thatch Η had a lew at (he praaaat time ahej» afeoaU be oortaOed dec aad lateatlaal weraa mlliai ahaaM aof .ataad eat ae barrière whaa aa tod «airy to htol aillai Ilea WW 8HKME5 EMISE IL C. FMIIE1I5 6REAT LOSS |: Metier* Tw»*aitaf> aimwry Centreing Eight «Maw (Um nena avoua» u· a total of s.iTt (toaertee ta MU: of tkls aomber UU m operated >04 SM Mie. The «TO «· number of tatea «foaad by «ach ol Imm MIT· «ttklbkMaU was tu •iM, wWefc U Im Hua half the nam m Ot balaa |l—>l by the ι«τ»ι« HttTi ftaaorr ta BM other atataa. Tfc* tare· naaber of ancalled *ln «ta ta 'Nntt Carotta· ara rellea of »f lltn· UnM. A foodly number β Dm· ara Inlr ralica aad wortaleaa. Hmm win kin beea haadeil «own MM Che oM eeif-ooataiaed tarse plaa ■Uni of rear· a*o Tke uae of these M, eet-of-dale omUlU M the preeeot Im t» aa UMOMBto aa ptektaf Ika let a· by ku< vaa wkeo tbaae aU rtabHitawti werf Unfile*. The Ι·>ιο>»τ gtaatng of cotto· la h· mwaa af a great loae to oar ιπμπ Ml I fael tore that the? do mt appreciate tke nalai that weald • theirs should they kin thetr tot· m H*m4 M a mi I ira «ta. Α ·Ι«ίη· inptlua ïaMf tanaera ta» la partir responsible tor Ula eea IttaN to the taat tkat ther feel that bo lowered ptU u mot· than offset Vf Uk· lBOMMd weight Tb*7 (Mi lb*c»«lrM m· biqrara mtk» «How ut· for tb· loea that U «are to oecar 1b waUbta by paying IM ter the οο<· tea. The buyer *k· bulk· many >ι1ϋ from ««ay farmer» to la better poeltloc to Jadge how much t?i· eat· toa win low thai the farmer who only raliaa « comparatlraly law lalw. Tn ran m mmtt Ikat tka buyer win protect klONlt Aa aa ««ample: Mill· aro at iniam paying about to « pound, or MM par bala. Mora tor •14 cotton thaa aew. Tba finning of ootton at oM (tria Klaaartaa that tall te «at oat «Ο the leaf «ad din poaalble baa ahnyi been aaauua.·!. and uprodteble Tba farmer who haa Mt that ha waa «al las dirt «a· Mat tor tka prtea ot cot loa haa tooted hlmeelf o»Jy Ha ha« fceea Dlttlaa hla itiwiHt IMta* kawwladge agaleet Ikat of tka aptaer vha waa mt li abia to tell w tka HMa how aaek waate «.bala at oat Ma oa· talked. Ο M. MeCOMNCU» Oottea Cliidfag. BaMgh. If. α WAST· IXTMACTIO BY MOOS UN OINNCRV. u, «Ut. rte - wM û fw botk ekvrrfc 01 2§u^^SS2ÙÎHàJÎî A. a. UVOMMTON JOHNSTON Tfca wli *f tkt fete 1. P. PMmm UHor of Om Dana 0«ld«.»u iMt *1 t· probata I» Ik· ·β«· of tko ?·* « Af Coart hat r«n4»r- THa «rtat· I· «JuoJ a| un Iw—Mm. Mr*. fttUpaa, wM *v vf lha «limit. Ι* μνΓμ n mrtfte. aa4 la ·Ιμ tfea <M«t kaaa ktonr Mari te tha MUD TU DVNN DISPATCH For the convenience of the tax payers anc public generally, I will visit the following pie.· :es for the purpose of collecting taxes. You will please meet me and pay youi axes without further delay as I must collect. This Positively is the Last Call That I Will Make. MONDAY, Nov. 26th, Buckhorn at Spence's Store 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. MONDAY Nov. 26th, Hector's Creek, at N. A. Smith stor< 2 p. m. to 4 p. m. TUESDAY Nov. 27th, Black River at Angier 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. VEDNESDAY, 28, Neill'e Creek at L. H. Campbell's stor< 10 a.m. to 3 p. m. THURSDAY» November 29th, Grove at Coats SATURDAY, Dec. 1, Dunn, at State Bank & Trust Co. 10 a. m. to 4. p. m MUSIC HUNGE R The concert season is here; but theatres are accessible to few of our homes. You do not have to suffer on this account, however; you can have real music in your own home this winter. You can have the re-created voicr^ of the world's great artists literally re-created by Editon's new art in a way that makes your own veranda or living-room the world's great est stage. The NEW EDISON "The Phonograph With a Soul" is the instrument of which the St. Louis Re public says: "The problem of music in the home is solved when the singing of the great est artists is made possible by an instrument that does not betray itself in the very pre sence of the artists. ' VISIT OUR STORE We want to give you a pleasant hour of music. No obligation. You will not be ask ed to buy. The Barnes & Holliday Co. Hardware Furniture Undertaker·

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