I THIRTEEN NEGROES ARE HANGED AT ARMY CAMP They Were ef Mr Mil Infantry Freud Guilty ef Rtot and lie tiny al H ret tea Sun Antonio, Tex., Dec. II.—A tram plod clearing In n lonely asesqoite thicket on the government reserva tion here, except for the ashes of two huge bonfires, showed no signs tonight thst it was the execution place of IS negro soldiers of the 24th infantry today. Tha negrom, convicted of participating in the riots al Houston, Tex.. August 28, last, ware hanged at one minute before sunrise. After dark last night motor trucks carried the lumber for the scaffolds and s company of engineers to the clearing. The scaffolds were built by fire-light. Motor trucks shortly after S o'clock this morning carried the condemned negroes and tha oUlcers and military guard to the place of execution. The trucks later carried the bodies to a place as Indistinguish able as tha execution site where" the burial took place. Then they hauled back to Fort Sam Houston every piece of lumber used In the ecacold so that the site sms clear before formal announcement of the execu tions ha! been issued by the southern department headquarters. The condemned negroes had known of their fate since Sunday. Twelve of them nought spiritual counsel of army Y. M. C. A. workers Tha l>th, whose name has not been disclosed. gave no inkling that ha knew Out wardly all were stoical. They did not know tha data of the <locution hut last night they wen taken from the cavalry guardhouse where they have been prteonere more than a month, and placed In separate barracks. Arid* from leas than • dosen offi cer* of the southern department and the sheriff of Bexar county, no on* In- the city or the army camp* knew of the execution, date or place. Tha other defendants warn ignorant of the fate of their companion* until after the fsipgal enenmicement had fc— mad*, : t. The condemned seen were are used this morning a few minutes before rc gnlar army reveille. TSe 'mflQary guard had boon summoned silently and no sound was hoard in tha nap where nearly 40,000 men were sleep ing, except the purring of tho army truck motor* awaiting their loada The negroes dressed in their regular uniforms aa carefully a* for Inspec tion. , They displayed neither bravado of four. They rods to thh execution sing ing ■ hymn, but the tinging waa that of soldier* on the march. Arrived at the clearing the tong ceased, the men. shackled, were helped from the truck* to the scaffold* and seated on chairs. A low “good bye boy*” ad dressed to menders of their military ] guard who had been in charge of the negroes since they were brought her* from Port Bliaa, waa tho only expression from any af tho negroes. Tho men's fast wee bound. An army chaplain offered prayer. An offi cor called "attention,'' and aa os par ade tho negroes stood erect. They stood quietly while cap* and noose* were adjusted and then stepped on tho traps. The major in charge of the execution gave a signal and soldier* sprung th* traps. A FAR DIFFERENT CHRISTMAS Th* American Boy. Host of us have never seen a Christ mat to he compared with this Christ mas. A million of your brothers and uncle* and friends win not ho at home to eat their Christmas dinner, or to delight in th# Christmas tree. Hon side at tha world within earshot of cannon, which cron on Christmaa Day win be belching death. More will be in eantoamenta waiting to be sent acron the ocean. For these million young men ChrMmai win be a day In which oadneaa will outweigh joy. ftaeeam to be our daty and tha only trn° erprumtoB of oar Chriatmm ■pirit to think greatly of the boya who havo gone to light for «a. and in each w*n ae we are able, to make it m Soldier's Christmas. If avery one of yoa would writ# a ChrMmaa letter to tome fallow in camp—or send fome little gift to ibow that you are tbinklag of him—it would be a *>len dld thing. Make aome httla aacrh flee U ghr. them pbaaare— for they are willing to make the graateat eaert llea pooatble to maka year country IM mer, b.y tfyau ~ to It that he wiahee aome aoIdler a Marry ChrMmaa. Red Crooa relief eMpmenta to En mpe average over 10.000 tone a month. In one ihipment was a aon itgumant of Ml aaaaer footbath and «« ra*t»y feothMb far American ■oldlera pureba^ with fund, raised by Harvard graduates Farm** who chap wood to aava eoal In our title. this winter wll be making tha ohipa fl, for fr^dom KtMAKAAoLK PROUKU3 IN NAVY OF AMERICA Daniala’ Report Talk af Croat la •raaee ia Nava) Fvraa’a UatlKv Washington, Dm. 9.—To a young officer, commanding tha firmf flotilla of American destroyers to roach tbs war sono when the United States entered the world war, Secretary Danleb turns la his annuel report, made public today, to And the war slogan of tha novel service. Asked by tho British Admiral to whom he reported when his ships would be reedy for work against the subma rines after a long voyage, the offleer replied: ‘"We are ready now." "That was not the la orange of boasting.” Mr. Danish says In de scribing the incident. "It was tha the prophecy and pledge of oar eer vice with those fighting in a eons non crum. "During peaceful years the navy has bean quietly but steadily perfect ing Itself to moct tha time of war. Now the hour for which H has boon preparing has arrived. Our sword b drawn, end no one will dispute that the binds b koen and free from rest rod Its temper true. "While I may not speak In detail if the greater navel operation*, it nay be stated that the record b one >f increasing power, of developing resourcefulness and of co-operative irhicvemcnt which the Americas peo >U may well surrey with national >ride. While the details of what we lave dene and how we have done It nost wait until it b permueihb to “*~u yttouc rmcoru, dim mmarjr may be given to our people: "In the navy w* bov. prepared for, tnd have mat tba do tie* of tha.'pme int; wo are preparing for and are lonfident we trill be able to meet any 'all for greater dotica, for more fz xting responsibilities. Tba bate way 0 secure enduring peace la to pra mre unceasingly, night and day. for ha winning of the war, whs User it bo ong or abort. Thla we have dMt; hla we. are data#,-as* -Gmi, MW ousted. to do." ' ' for tba coming year, Mr. Daniels ' esy.s.s-a ill (MlWgwee (I.OM.s ! 1(0.802 which is not Itemised in hie sport. In various ways, be says, it viU be necessary to aak for addition al funds as the session of Congress iroceeda. H* poinU out, however, bat appropriations for the last fin al year totalled $1,642,732^69 for ha navy and for a 18 month period 11,906,410.930. Congress provided 1 be rally, be says, sad legislated for he navy with vision and wisdom. "Thls was done too,” he adds. “i» be broadest spirit of national petri itism by members of all political lartias.” Striking figures contained in tba -sport showing tbe war expansion of he navy inrlnde tba following: Sines January 1, 1917, tbs naval ’ore* has ineeaaed from 4,500 oft en and 08,000 men to 16,000 oAV er* and 284,000 men; tbs number if stetsons of all kinds operated by h* navy has Increased from 180 to 108; the number of civil employes Irom 88,000 to 60.000; the strength if tbe naval reserve from a few hnn lreds to 49,240 man; tba avenge monthly expenditure from $8,000,000 bo 360,004,000; tbe number of ships in commission from a little more <>■— 100 to mors than 1000; tba hospital turps from 1,600 to 7,004; the na donal naval voluntesn from sero to 16,000 man; the marine corps from 144 officen and 9,921 man to 1,197 sftcara and 30,000 man. In addition tfci» »nd to the vast orden for ,B“t«r'»l placed, tbe expansion *f tba sir service and to many wholly aew setivitisa developing from war condi tion*. -training faciMtie* have been neMsMail 44. a.a of the Serel mcmdttey and other re ruler service schools. Por the Aret time the secretary does not make public the report of the ten oral board of tho navy, nia eynop •is of tho board’a work ahowa that It Ha* been of a moot eonAdential character aad the report ie withheld for that raison, Mr. Danish says. This report h tho wstl tones of the future building program of tho navy, lbs sac rotary eontanta himself this year, however, with recommending that Um remainder of the three year program already approved he author '•*». including three battleships. one ^ttle eruieer, three scout cruisers, n'°* Poet eubmarlne* aaJ a a umber of (left. Tfc* secretary aaks that the penaa nont ealietrd personnel be Increased to 1 IB,sop bhM jMh«ta, 10,000 ap ^•We* teamen, 7,000 Men la the t'4d* »«hoole and 4,*00 for the Mr Mrvlco. For war purpose* he aaks “4‘th* fleur* bo ISO,000 Mae Jackets 24'000 •tprentteea, 14,000 In trad# tehoob and 10,000 la aviation. Mr. Danish again emphasise* kb Otellnc that premotlea should be made on tho bash of Mrtt throughout tho aanry aad the -fetish" of asabrlty jba abandoned, admirut to m sign. Re recommend* that the FOOD CROPS ESTABLISH MANY HIGHER RECORDS IiwytiM Being WWt. WWU Cern. Oat,. PetaSae* end Other Crag* Are la Ihnfir Chu. Washington, Doc. 11.—Food crops generally, with tha exception of wl»oot establish record* in produc tion this year. Cotton, however, caught by an early frost suffered a sensational lose of appgpnlaatsly a million bales from early pftutuUes. Late planting, because .of dry weather, and tha risart season, due to early froete, curtail.d production of many crops. Final estimates announced today hr the department of agriculture show the com crop to have been damaged to the extent of about 82,000,000 bushels by frosts, 'Neverthelem, com production established a record with 3.169.404.000 buahtb, while its value also a record, la *4,053,671,000. The wheat crop thews a decrease of about 9,000,000 bushels from previous forecasts. This year's crap is estimated at 660438,000 bushels, valued at IS48.lTi.M0. Oata is a record crop with 1.6*7, 286.000 bushels, valued at 81,061c 427,000. The potato crop la the largest ever rrewo with a total of 442,686,000 bushels, valued at 8648.865.000. Other crepe which established re eorde era rye, sweet potatoes, beans, onions, cabbage, and tobacco. Cotton production this yaar is cs timated at 10449.000 equivalsat 600 pound bales, the average weight per runniag hale being estimated at <01.i pounds greed. Production by statue includes: Vh> lata, 14,1)00; North Carolina, <70,M9 t»d South Carolina, 141*400. ■elective system new hr extended to the staff ns well ee the line. Ha alee ixpreeee* the conviction that every Candida* for admission to the navy ■cad cm y she eld be compelled to serve k year before the mast as sa enlisted ■an befogs .searing the eehooL . The report declares that the iater :hangcs between the naval service of bs ike i paw sis aau urn uarj t> ***n '‘particularly frank and free," sdding that this partnership of de mocratic notions will yat “insure a lasting peace. It says that when the mil came, the navy supplied gunners tnd guns for merchant craft without m boor's delay. The report’ touche* on the various naval conferences attended by Ameri can officers, but adds nothing to what * knows of the questions taken up »r decisions reached. Throughout the lengthy document the secretary is careful to avoid any statement that might be of oerliee to an enemy. The secretary pays tribute to the marine corps, which has lived up to It* best tradition*, he eeyt, as will be shown urban the wur is over. The marine regiment in Fans*, he say*, will soon he considerably augmented In Its service with General Persh ing's army. Development of naval aircraft has boen remarkable, the secretary as ye, due largely to the success of the lib erty motor. “It may be stated with confidence," 4421, “that at the present moment we have an American flying boat actually flying srith aa American en gine which ii unexcelled by any for eign craft of the typo.” The secretary discloses the fact that American coast patrol stations have bean authorised abroad and will be in operation next year, but gives no details. la conclusion. M. Daniels pictures tha possibility of an international navy to keep the world peace. Such aa agreement cannot be cherished now, he say*, that all the world is at war.’ "But If this condition could not be ranched In time of peace,” he adds, "may wa not belkve that it will be one of the compensation, for the terrible tragedy of war?” Each naval power should assign units to the interaaitnol force in poporUoa to Ha wealth and popula tion, tbs secretary suggests, adding: "To such a polica of the sea this country will ha ready to —U full contribotiss, and to that sad ths ex pansion that now crowds all the eld and new ahlpbutldh* resources will seen place this country is a position to fumkh ee nanny as powmfdshlp. “ wm fro“ Ml pther country, ft irauld ha a hating ralaralty If, when this war fade, there should ltag " “ * fc*r-** »Pon a psople, already haavOy Used by war. a competitive program of sostly naval construction, •ndi country will n« doaht take its pmpor place in bringing about such provisions in the puses treatise as will never again constrain nay nation Its naval program to ths of •®aso other nation from which there la ths compsiflng aMtiacc of possible and unprovoked attack ■»ch eeaipnbion la ths vary nsgativt ** •***T*I and orderly semi develop 11 "**•*“ Ike tyranny of a pro AiAL OTATE TRANSFERS T*» foBlfiac tranafata bar* bats raeoadad late* oMt* of tha U» * Deafe UUtn«t‘">. W. a. Bine* our laat iadfe: J- O. ft. Xioc to Mpatl D. Joyce 124 H acre* Barbecue towaahtp, eoa ■idaratte^ llO aa otbar raloaiU conaiderajjbtR *• **• ®>bo*U mad W. J. Hobby 200 iiuft inborn townihip, con aad other ralaabW _| “■ J- D. Byrd d7 tavaalrip, conaldaraUon to W Q WITHawM 30 Mp* ccnUdaraUoo t •*» Pwd HeLaao 2> ak townablp, eon * w **• Moore 2 lota ’ J 110.00. ■ te d. a. daaeaa tl P W • -1 91100. Walter Caftrld It * coaaid 1 *• **CtU F. C L. R tovaahip, P. Joaaa * tract* ■O. U. Wlatearly *Par UmW,, H W. F. Hob it I. conaldaratiaa _' Traatea, Far-11 O. 8. Lm to A. a. Goodman, it i lot* in Avermaboro lotrnahip, $1500. I P. Toamc, TniatM to A. K. Good man 7 iota mmt Dana $350. J. D. Balkan to B A. Dnaiboa 1 l lots near Dunn coaetd* ration, $10 and other eogeideratloim. I B. A. Draaghon to Hasry McKaatk an 1 lot aaar Dunn, conaldaratioa 1335.74. J. B. leaf to J. A. Ivay 25 aero* Avaraaboro townahlp, conaidaration 1000. *• H. Hordan to J. B. and J. A. Ivey 40 H •en* Avaraaboro townakip, conaidcrattoa 31000 J. C. Byrd and brother to Prod Me I/O an 26 Stewart'a Croak townakip, cmaideratioa $1.00 and othar valaakto eonaidtratioaa. J. C. Byrd and brotkar to Henry McLean 23 aerae Stewart1. Creek township, consideration $1.00 and other considerations. Union Bead aal Fertiliser Company to P. T. Duyr** 60 aero* Black River township, consideration $1600. J. D. Diet* *nd at ala, treat**a to Martin Goodman 1 lot Averaaboro township, consideration $260 John Honda. Mortgagee to B. A. Draofbon 1 lot near Dunn $374.$$. George Dmilitt to Kant Jordan Co. 162 acres JohneorrviUo township, considerstioo 61.00 and othor con eiders tioae. , il*»ri««a Liaanaa leaned by W. B, PaueetU Register of Deeds, *i»e* last ieau*. WHIT* Evander B*ary to rtnra.e* Craaeh I of Johnson County. John 8. fi*H of Wuron county to Junto H. Matfbewn of Haraott county. Cloud Bactoy of Sompoon county to Alda Cuy. •* Bnmpoon county. COLORED Jorry McLean to Mary Moor*, both of Harnett ooanty. Tbo augur that goau to *uU In the bottom *f Araortoan teacup* would help *> uwuotoa Urn Ufo of maay a Pro**b homo. The NatiyMl Council of Womom, mooting la WoohUgtea for w«r work, ombraooo >7 ■*Uoaal woman'* organ iuatloaa layavaitOng 7,000.000 Am erican worn* gram dlctatdd by approhonotoa rath er than tha fcua cboiea of a ataad art (uggaotad by national no*4* and aupportad by nattoaal Monk. Aa In ternational ^vy, aa Um contrary, will make paaalkk uuch naval davalop m«nt aa ayak nation doom* fitting for Its own pevpto. It win aka oareu “tha parlta^ot of man” by provid ent a naval toon ampin oaoagb ta glvv ruhdity'to intaraallanal dacram and etroag Mnyfi to hoop Invtolati tbo punas « <*» world." • f. « • • t' -T KEROSENE OIL AMO GASOLINE IS SHORT «wU— MtatlH Will CMfrml dm fnph la • flbart While. Sap ply fauhwx The following circular letter sent to i. W. Thornton, Teuco dealer here, explain* itself. All salesman, operating inspectors. Agents and Jobb-r-dlstriboUirs: Gentlemen A very serious altuation ha* arisen in the Oil Industry, and it is my da rtre that yon should be folly Inform ad ef the condition*. Flrat, there Is an actual shortage in the stack* af Kerosene .Oil and Gasoline. Second, the United State* Govern ment ha* recently requisitioned a large number ef our ocean steamer*, "bleb will prevent us from transport lag from our refinorie* to our d la ir ibatiag terminals tho usual amount f products which is necessary te meet ihe demands of trade, even though bate was not an an actual shortage ' a these products. Third, the United States Govern- 1 went is ealUag OB HI daily, at well1 ** ether oil companies, for enormous 1 Kipp lies ef fuel oil, kerosene and lub ricating oils You can realise that 1 mder the present war conditions we ire bound te give Government or- 1 tor* eoncedenc* over everything else. 1 Fourth, due to the enormous 1 meant,ef materials being transport id by the railroads for the name root rncajcpmrnia, as wvu mm ™ uui wztatioa of smterial destined for our I UUaa, aa woH os for the use of our rwa country to Europe, thi railroad* I a** boon hampered in the trunspor nttoa af product! for domestic um. ■bh year it ia taking «ve tank ran . • do the MUM wort that on* tut car I id a yaar ago. Owiag‘to Jbe aaadt- 1 iona aaillnaii above, oar can ara i wing aidatrankail or hold to railroad 1 mods both empty and fall, and K to 1 Marly impossible to patches* t—v • ar equipment at tip preeiat tins. Tmmf merit a nature that yoa mag I alp bat realiia the eerie asanas af lay* bare been out of Peek about {I ine-Half of the time, which la thejl 'ret occurrence of this character < hot we have experienced line* our 1 Company waa organized It will be necessary for you to i *k* eteps at one* to conserve your i nock* by adopting the following i nethods: ] You are to take on do now cost*-' net* whatever, using year almost I endeavors to keep your present tiado < it least partially supplied. 1 When oae of your curtomer* < rants 600 gallons, give hha 200 gal- 1 ana; if he wants 100 gallons, give < kim 60 gallon*—giving prefer*ore to Wtoum paying cash. Any customer where them ia any loabt aa to hia ability to moat Us lecount whoa doe, demand cash on lelivery. Impress upon your garage custo mn to conserve their stock of gaso line by selling to the container for cash and not delivering the entire amount always called for. Aa to the tonkwagon kerosene oil business, I shall insist that this bo) strictly cash business, and under no circumstance me you to make any deliveries of koreeeue oil faom the taakwagen* on credit. I shall in the next day or two make an allotment as to tb* amount of gasoline and karosene oil that can be sold by sack of ear salaried sta tion*, and when you are advised aa to tbs amount that you eaa sell dur ing any one month you must abso lutely adhere to tlri*. far if yoa sell Dm MMAn.ll 4m Ik. dml kalf -a# aka ■oath, rou will have no ttoefc far U>* late half—hence yoa mast ar range to dtetrfbut • poor allotatent where It will do the mote good. la reference to Iroa barrels, ear talesmen will take aa order* what ever for aMpawnta of gasoline or koroaonc in iroa barrels, aa tha Gov ernment baa called on vu for enerm om quantities of product* la hwa horrolo, aad hare practically depleted our «iock. It k Impossible for mi to purchase v any new oqmipmtat of this character. - Tor the laforautUoa of ear Job ber-Distributors who art receiving a copy of thic latter, I with to Mate that wo will do oar utmost to moot the requirements of poor trade, bat cannot la nay wap guarantee deliv eries, due to the abnormal condi tions mentioned above. Kind Ip acknowledge receipt of thin tetter, and advtea me pour Intention to co-operate bp keeping pour take down aad wkkla the allotment, which 1 will advice pea of in the next eeupk of dap*. Yoon truly, WILLIAR THOMPSON, Rapt. TEXACO CO. Give children fruit, fruit Juice, fruit bread* aad fruit coekiat instead of candies aad rick caks*. CLIMAX DECISION FOX THE XONE4MKT U. S. Th. Washington, l>vc. 10.—With ■ S» eliion upholding (ho Idaho prohibi tion law tho Bap tub* Coart today gavo aa opiaioa which Bay ha ana of tho bom faruBKhta* vfctoriM far "bono dry" prohiMttoa yat It waa hold that a ■titutloaal right to l hi* persona) om if ■ stats wishes toi forbid H. Julies HcRoyaolda, who gas* the cootu opinion Mid that a Stats "hag power sbsoluUly to factum, gift, parr haw, porta lion of iatesleatfag I in It* borders without •oosU lotion. " "Wo further think," ha i : Warty follows from oar leeWioBS upholding prohibit!«■ ation that tho right to bold_ rating liquors for personal am is lot oao at those fandomaatal priva tes of a dtiie» of the llni tod Btatm rhieh no Stats Bay ahrldga. ▲ coa rary view would bo tocoBptaibh rlth the undoubted power to l ■anufaetare, gift, salon, r ransportatloB of sueh i >nly fcasihlo ways of U assured right of leresoorily Imply nothod to oboal* not subject to Is. tructioB at the will of tho Statu." "WELVE HUNDRED CASES OF CONTAGIOUS DISEASES IN STATE to UaaswaOy Largo HaaAor Rat _J of the State Board sf| Icalth by Dr. A- MeR. Crouch, 1 Epidemic Vo*iet. These * hooping 1*5; eoerlet W ] 111 mBPjpaa tl; ; • mm eonntiea they _ ___ cm epidemic fat Cherokee, Clpy, Ke en, Wilkes, Carbarns, Besdswi, tutherford Qsoaiaad, raHwsB. Teridsea- Meek We bur*. I asm, Mew ■oe. Mash, Edgecombe, WDm» «d n Forscyth Derides a, Oats*. Msrh enborg, Henderson Bad 'foies tearlet fevee In Forsyth, OnOferd, tocklegheas, Mecklenburg, Olsten, Ealdwell and Burke; dtphtherta, ia tecktogham. Alexander and Korth Jipton. and typhoid fat Forsyth, lendersoa, Gaston. CWr.tasd Babo on, Richmond and Wayse; —niffyig n Wsyne aad Gastoh. These maps ekpUas the State Beard of flealth, an made ap from the monthly reports of tha saiioua rounty quarantine oSeers. While the lumber of contagious diaaaata that exist this month sin«ai aaaaasfij targe, says tha Beard, K ia aet likely they are larger now thaa fat ether yean at this sees on. This Is the first year that contagioee diseases here been made lepertaMa and the first means of knowing where end to what extent of theee diseases prerail in the State. CUS. HILL’S BIG Ml*ETHEL HOI OH THE 14th Gas Hlfl’s Big Minstrels w« bs at the LaFayctt# theatre at FayettariBs, Friday, Dec. l«th far eae perform ones only. This ia what tha BalHmirs Boa has U my about *■ Minstrel Skew Wins at AndBastam A regular big minstrel ehow, with new features aad rpectal acts and scenes, ia prsssatad at Ohs A editor pany. Excellent singing and elaeai lobe make ay a program which kepi ■ huge audience In a rear hat Bight. TW# ftrst part, "Minot relay Op T* Date," coastals of the regular ah atrel circle. Special hits war* atdt by "SnaaMna Jaaa," aaag by Jack Meghan*. "Any Old Part ha Storm," by John P. Bodgam, and "H’a n Lang Long Trail," by Thomaa Hughes. But the koaac came down with n rank wbaa daerga Wlhon rendered la hk owe peculiar way "Maaoa and Dim |Una." Prom he the* Wihon appear tirely captive tod by Ms peinaakty and want into ream ad laughter ever; tlm* He ottered Me "Wall, Ah naval llaallmahU-ifa." Eddie Maietr and W. H. Thompaoi | received roomie of applause for that . comic akit "Seam Jab." Marti an “Aranas la BhekeOh" waa a hrg sang and dan** hatch, and eaceeada tag IV* In a aagre eaiiWmaart'^Th Mat aaeaa, "1%* Bhak PaBMaha. waa wel received. Oaarga WQao gives a clever teh a* roam aagtagi Watch or the Mg atraat pared Friday.

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