A Musical Miracle At the Metropolitan Opera House Dec. 10th, at 8 O’clock Miss Rorence Ferrell J ' ‘ 3 • I the prominent contralto of New York, proved the accom , phshmant of a musical ^miracle when she tannin compari < i ) son with Edison s Re-Creations of her own voice rendered i! ' " by . i . ~f *' • • • •, W EDISON “THE PHONOGRAPH WITH A SOUL” , Sh» was assisted by M41 Helen Jsffray a well-known violinist, who played in unison with Edison Re-Creations / of famous violin artats. : ;■ \ » The miracle lay in the remarkable fidelity with which the instrument duplicated her charming voice. Mrs. Ferrell stood beside the New Edison and the audience could not tell, except by watching her lips when she was singing and when the music came from the instrument. It was a Convincing demonstration that with the New Edison the Re-Creation cannot be diatinguiahed from the original. IF YOU WERE PRESENT YOU KNOW HOW CON VINCING THIS DEMONSTRATION WAS. IF YOU WERE NOT PRESENT COME TO OUR STORE AND ii LET US PLAY SOME EDISON RECREATIONS FOR ' YOU—LET US SHOW YOU WHAT MR. EDISON HAS ACCOMPLISHED WITH THIS NEW MUSICAL * > * INSTRUMENT. THE NEW EDISON IS THE PHON OGRAPH YOU WANT. < > :; . The Barnes & Holliday Co. Dunn, North Carolina. - . ... ~ —...;“***.^^^“mtt-TtTTTfttimMIlMmu nonet claim affalnM tha Ml Mot tha pm to M I—. i »r bafara tha SOIh day of 1»1*. or thla node* wOl ba_ *" AadaUpap aona ladabtad to add aatato wfll auka ; laaawdlota aanuat. TWa tba tOtb day of Nor. If IT. WO. A.MeXAY. . Administrator. Dona, N. C.. ' none* op mu ” By rlrtaa of proara eootalaad la a . eartola mortpaaa doad —naiad aad daltvaiod to tha aadsrainad by ; laaiah Waarar aa tha l lth day of Mort«ap la duly waardod la tha l» ’sssfsrjrsurjrzS. tioaa tharaln harlaa boon broken, tha andarPpnd win alar for aalaat tha •»«* booaa doaalmjtha tow* of LU Uaftoa, N. C., aa Saturday, January MiCiSSI.'iitt ; deaerlbad property: Tha aaiab bdw lot Ha aa <_ treat— igtht W. L, Had—a. the 1 aoart will ad at •tMe’aaeSaa'ta 1 szl of lot JJ^W^lMjjCatoa^tUjwtoHaad ^VV'V^i*^***^* * ' &zjjvs&rnizz*£; Mtha ncfrbTtho hSd i w>«*J&ar» Maaraa, a-*dir < SVSftt ‘jRfSilts:: S, AW *!S«'U^ toiartil to hooka I SWSJfcay "■ •*»' .JSL&t'- M““ ■Ttma of Btt*! flataidai. Doe. la. 1S1T at it a^toek mT ’ F- J.^THOMPtOW. U4AL1 VALUABLE LAND ' By trlrta* ei a dooro* of tha Sapar lor Conit af Han-tt OoQaty lTaa A. A." gtowert,, J. F.'V. *'£1" Chaa. Btawart, at rio" | > i 1*17, aa tha pronto—' a nr Caata, n! C. the traet If Wad taedWto? do acifbed. TUa tract of Wad na aold «•*<"**. IW?, aad to* Ud havtag l*t Tract. \ tag! awl ay at a M»U la tha lower In* af Ryatfcu fbow t 4th vara** of lot No. #, aad nun M 37 chair* to »tdaka; thcaro W. 11 i»0 tjaiii* to a ctakai thoaec 8 ST cha.r* to a tUkoia Un afanaatl 4ratty hy; thaaaa-K.ta tha aoyl tolas. <■*. to*"'** «t«t aad totot Ma. 4 to chi Am Divides of tha Wndt id i**ah Ptnoit, doooaaod. . *£* bwt Bogtoalac ad a atoka B » Md hjTT ReFsrajrrasva: jw.r?rwrr raft i ^rfc.-sgfta.ygau |Sg^fl«-c.osr3 . % t N. 11 W. IT# to a atoka B. Stewart', “•fi*** u to Hu g. i w t*-T» Aatoa to a atoka hi. corner, Iin* °» D. T. Stow •rt*» Baa. thence aa tha aaid Stowart Uaa S. M E. cnrt>| the ***** aad ra7.tt.viH. Bai to the jrt^awlag. containing 7# ura more J E. BAKBOUR, D. H. Me La an, ' „ Oaauaiaatonan. Tkto Not. 20th, 1*17 notice or sale or land U.d.r and by tinw of tha paw in «rf aalo contained Jo a certain aon gaga daed executed by A. 3. Cam mob and wife. oa tba HA day of March, 1*11, and recorded ia the' aiKe. of tha lUrMer of flood. of; HanwU County. North Carolina, In Oooh of Mortgage* II*. peg. 167, j dofAalt keyingban mad. lathe pay aioata aaearad tharrhy, the under aigaod uwntgagae will on the rflh jtoy of Uocembar, A. 1>. 1*1 T, at the Coart Houao door of HaraoU County, ia tha Ton if Lillington, North Carotin., at tha hour of 12 o’clock/ aoon, tipou to onto to the hlghoat: bidder far caeh, that certain tract j *r parcel of hi ltd. lying and bring' ia Barbocao Tuit whin. Hernrtt Coaaty, North C.iolina, bounded, dr oerlbod and defined aa follow., to-. wE: Oa th. water, of Barbocam Creek, adjoining the land of Mary C/Thoma. r. W. Cameron and other*, beginning o A. 3. Cuaaton’. and Alberto Cam rrogE and ran. North 10 Wart to rhaina to a awart gum tree and point-. the bank of Barbocao creek; iheaee up aaid creek to a atoka and I “mu/ v. iwmw corner;, thaoc* South 10 Rut to chain.;! thonco Booth *7 Cut tS chains to Iho beginning, containing 40 acres.1 ^ Ittt. This 76th day af Koveunbcr, 1B1T. HOWARD, ROLL IKS A CO.. _ '. HartpiM. doyls A Hayla, Attya. NOTICE Having qnalHUd as ancstiix of L P. Pittman, daraoaad. Into of Oman. Harnett County; North Car* 1»» notica ia hereby given to all mmons holding claims agalaat said ia ease id either Individually ar la his rads uma af tha Weekly Oaida a leaspaiiei pahUshad by him U Dana, N. C-, an diected to preaent ho am ta tha aadarnlgned Ew !■*»!*, and unlaaa presented within wAUeation hereof, this Atko will bo pleaded in her of re mnnr opaa much dniai. AS pereone DdiMed to Mid deceased %g% nqmt *'to mtkt \mmtitan pmjmnt.* Vvm*. N. C., December It, 1BI7. _ TOY B PITTMAN. !OMto|4 TOWNSKNbf . i'tndl... .I Beginning at.a du Joaiah Hudmn'i ituhVia W. A. Sto'e’ u!H;P£^m sM hi. hna-N. H W. U polaa to a tSJti3AJ&U5&2I da Una N. BTpoCtekaeata; tbIZ2 f- M E. ltt polaa to a stake: thence I • tha beginning, eoataining it acre* aora or lam excepting tvt acres sold • N: A. B<41 and about 4H aeld to1 loaUh Hudson. loaning 6B acres more; TUi December lgth, 1817. C L. GUY. L L, JACKSON, R L. GODWIN, Cotamimioacm. NOT 1C K. The undersigned having qualified « Administrator of the aatate of fi. L. WIMlama, deceased, late of ■arnett Comity; this la to notify all lamoae having claims againet his ee h»e to present them to the under, dgaad at his sSco la Duka, N. C., m or before the J7th day of Decern ler, ISIS or this notice win be pleaded a bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to raid estate n. e. ns C. J. SMITH, Attorney. Profession!! Cards * it r. iou.nu • AUsraey-at-Leir * U*ee hid tar Uoktotou. Udg. * Prompt attention given busman 1. MAM M. OAJUCSHK FOUND B« Dicunon cun lUrrtKBD AGONY UNTIL NX M GAN TAKNIG TWI NUHCINC "I aufforod fwa htlpaMi. mm. with My atiaaaib aa M I o«U mm to work half tko thn I hai ■Nml mm yam and Mai awaa doetoM bat tkay only gaoa mo toM Hamm —** - -* M M-a-m 0-0. . _oaa JBWmmJ laVT*t MSM K UNWIH I atoMt’eldy atak bat aatiM lavaa yam la a kaf tkaa be adh •ad I want ta taaaMMial a Aapl traatMoet ta yaayta aNTart^ Nm did. It daaaat aaot bad a date at a ud It la joat tko mm*. Oat a battl ad Aatd Ira. Mkmal at ft* .#■ r.ra* or Coo*. N. O, mod* by V. D. •fcroBMh Dtttabr 1808 iltMUil on *• Mt alda of MoEiolor *tt»*t and i^.c.rivTaa ofieo, LCMcgton, Haraott eoaaty, N. » > ► :-*--. 1 NOTICE Or ,rnMMIMlnM»»,t ALE- VALUABLE TO.AboniAXD ’ .ftr of •* authority aaatola- , ad fa. a oortaia jadgnaot raadawd at ! **• Novnoabar Was, 18U. of Ear- , eott County Bapador Coot la a aaoaa : ssKdsss'rs^c^E'; £>St & ; i «r •< «oa*t Till aoU tho follow- 1 of Bobert Barney aad ttknt uf i boaadad aa foEon: Beefeater at < ■ aa iraa rod aad potatMtalaUi Q«ok aad mao thaoco S. • % W/l" chain* to aa boa rod aad aoiaton: thaaco I. 71 W. 8.1* to aa 1 iwVlK* *"*■**•! thowo* N. IB *»» h> Uttk Crook Tttk potototo; tbonn at laid CTO* aad Knight'* Mae to «h* bo f>*“**i eoat*W«| twmti mm,.' w »'C»21»o^7 « »■—«■ , Jy?■*< iiwm* i o’clock JC. ” Tom* of Bala: CASH. ■ Thla'Myranbn ItT MIT. E. r .TOUNO. , Coaualattoxr. i _ COMMIE SIO ITEM'S SALE' By vtrtaa of a eertala jadenewt 1 rendered at tha W»T*tob»t tom. 1*17 < To Our Friends I and Customers! • -i—'• --— It you need banking accommodation oar facilities •re at your disposal.. We ars prepared• to ^ farmers of this section several thousand dollars to help them buy fertilisers ,w/^ finsnca'their and we want you to be one of our customer*. We are prepared to serve you and will appreciate your banking account, ^^hen you need financial assist* ance drop info our bank and let’s talk it over. STATE BANK & TRUST CO H. L. GODWIN, IW T. V. SMITH. Vk»-iW > *■ Ana t asfitsM *