* L O C A L * A. C. L. PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULES, No- S3 (Fla*) 6:U A. M No. » 8:82 A. M No. SR S:4S F. K. No. 2R 11:1* P. If Northbound. No. U 6:88 A. If No. SR 11 :U P. M. No. SA 7:41 P. If Now St lliSBP.lt DURHAM AND SOUTHERN Fmioftr Train Sehadalti Lv. Dun No. SR 6:10 A. M No. 84. 1:80 P. If No. 81. Ililt A. M No. 41. S:SS P. M Do your Chrietm** (hopping in Dunn. Mr*. Pi 8. Cooper arrived in th* erty Sender from Sanatorium and will spend th* bo 11 dav( bar*. John Whit* Ivaa, Kenneth Parriah Bam Stalling* and Jo* Gwynn, of 8mHhfleld, war* her* Sunday. Bcv. and Mr*. J. If Waters, of Wilson, are hero to epand th* Christ mas holiday* with relatives and friends Private Ennis, of Camp Sorter, Grepnvilte, S. C., a member of Co. A. 106th Engineer* la boaee oa a visit to relatives. After spending several day* her* with *laOv**, W. A. Pop* returned th* tetter part of th* w**k to hi* horn* in Aahrvllte. U A. Baker, proprietor of Young's Hotel, returned the latter part of the week from Plaahomt, where he at tended a meeting of tho Southern Hotel aaeociatioa. Lao P Surie# haa psrehaaed the Pred Jernigan home on Bait broad street which haa been occupied for •esctal pear* by Mrs. J. W. Ba acorn. The consideration eras 14,000.00 Mbs Margaret Townsend. who tea boon living with ter sister, Mrs. B. O Townsend for several months, kft a few days ago for McDonald, where ihe win spend Christmas with otter relative* Mbs 8m Smith, who haa held a position in the office of T. H. Brooks at Baithflold for Severn] o.«wto has pvw op bar work them aad gone to Ullingtoe where tee will be -- Btapher for the Harnett County Ba weather. Will he given at a later data daring tte holidays. The ad mimdsn li sad Ucts will be mad to defray irpsmea.' One of tte erteob on the ear of Mr. J. L. Hatcher** marked Monday morsiag. when Mr. Batcher tamed the curve at Mr B. M. Pearsall's oom»- Aa tte oar started to stake the carve, tte sHefc pavement caused It to skid, aad om of the wheel* cut Ha collection of mokes into. Mr. Hstrher wee not hart. Mr. Aster Borne* hod aa unfor tunate fall Monday moraiag on tte »lick pavement aad cot aa ugly gosh in hb hand. However, the Injury did -not hinder Mr. Barnes* bssioscs aeti vitbs aad he Immediately ted hb hand bandaged by the doctor, aad caught the early trste eat far a bud. nam trip, that ho wm determined not to have Interrupted. Graded school teachers, —-r Praitt and McFall of fl. C., Him Butcher ef Va., Mbs Pridgen of Kim City, and Mbs Caraog of Laconia, On, left fee their various homes Monday Pa snsn J a-vn .1. — «gi_ wo a a Him Stephans loft Tuesday morning with Misses dins sad HolrUW, who •o to Wilmington. end Miss MeKei thsa who Uroe in Raeford. Tho graded school tamed oat o week earlier than waa expected. Monday morning tha sehool waa dls ■Mted for Uta two weeks Christmas holidays. Tha reasons for thodfcaUsaal before the oenal thao was tho oorere cold and Inclement weather, which wonld have esaeod a groat number of tho students to nia the mid-term ex aminations, originally planned to bo had this week. *• V. Snipes eeddentsUy fail on Ike sidewalk near the boats of Dr. 1. R. Botler last week and broke kio left arm Ha waa aMghtiog from tho nraniag board af an automobile be ta* tbe maeUae stopped whoa hia foot became tangiod In i wire which throw him with great force against tha ground. Be was knocked ancon oeiono hat soon reeevered, the broken arm^ being the oaly eerieue damage Aa will be aaee from an aaaaonea *»•** I* thla lam* the gemge owned and operated by Z. V. Snipes, on S. Wflson Arsons, wtR k closed on Baa dayn after the first of Jaaaary, 1118 Mr- Mtpm takes Ms atop after due consideration and hopes tho pnbbc md Me patrons wtfl co-operate whh Urn la Mi effort to observe tho Sab bath. Per the benefit of Me easte rners be wtB hoop span his garage aa Satarday sights until II o’clock that H. G. Poole, of 1-a Grange, was a visitor hero thia week. Herbert Bain made a basin **■ trig to Haiti store thia week. I. W. Wado, of Lacaaaa, spent eev eral days here this week. Jere Pearsall is ia town from New port News, Va., to spend Christmas. Earl Barefoot and Earl Hinson were visitors to Post Oaks Monday night. Paul Caaberell of the U. 8. Nary, ia in loam to spend the holiday* with his mother and friends. dim Monde left Sunday morning for a trip to Dillon 8. C., and rw tuned Monday afternoon. A number of tho teachers of the Dunn Graded school left this week to spend • Christmas at their homes. Malmm Summerlin, wko ia work ing in Newport News, Va* kas re turned to the city for Christmas. Hr*. William Thompson and Miss Cunningham mad* a trip to Fayette rille Monday to do some shopping. Miss Helen Parker, who is teach ing school near Chapel Hill, is spend ing the holidays hers with her fath er. Murd Dowd. Lewis Adlcy, and Bari Maynard wore visitors to Fayetteville last week, to se* Gns Hill's Ml astral Show. P. 8. Cooper, president of the First National Bank, who has been Ul for the past few days, to reported much better. Miss Matibel Godwin returned Toes day afternoon from Weldon where she attended the marring* of a friend. Mias Zollicoffer. Quit* a number *f the boys and girls, who are attending the serious colleges of ths State, are hem* to spend Christmas with their parents Mr*. B. O. Townesnd who to in eonnaoo-Willis hospital in Rich mond, Va., . la recovering from an operation which waa performed last week. J. L. Wade, manager of the Dann Insurance A Realty Company, loft Tueaday morning for a day trip to Greensboro on baiimm in connection with that firm. Mim Agnes Warns, who la teach lag school at Reeky Meant, arrived this week to m*nd the holidays with bar parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. R. War ts n. sear Doan. Rev. J. M. Daniel wfll arrive in Dunn this week and wfll preach at Mitkoffiit ckveh bmcb* Uff and uvrafog. TW public fa ta vKcf the Red Croe* Seal agulaat the White Plague. (Signed) T. W. BICUTT Governor Can for Rod Cram Soala an ash it aU tha Drug Stoma, J. L. Hatcher'i Fokoson Brother* sad Thu Goldetati Company. • Tabereufeaie b tha greatest all] hat Germany has, and hence the nori formidable enemy of tha United katas. Every Rod Cno Baal sold li i koaeb thrown feta tha tranches ed hk herrid agamy.-Over Tkm" W< say not aU he ahU to hay Llbertj ItekakiMteteMtekfeuteuwmrn nen and children, white and ua buy Sad Croe* Soak. Marriage lfeoaaa tun id knee lag mak leans: R M. Murry to Alda Betts, hot! if Harnett county. Survey Deal to Mina# Weaver of Cumberland county. D. W. Donning to Maliak* J. Jack, oa, both of Harnett county. COLORED: John McNeill to Annie Ferguson nth of Harnett. Daaateg-Jaelwoa Angler, Dee. 17.—MU* MaKeet, 'an* Jackaon, daughter of Mr. and fra. H. M. Jackaon, and Mr. Dtauie Webstar Downing were married at the ioma of tha bride’s sister, Mrs J. K Williams, Saturday evening. IV emoeony waa performed by the •rid*’* pastor, Rev. J. A- Campbell f the Missionary Beptiet church. Tha marrihga came as a surprise md only a fow relative* and friend* mm present. The bride k one ol km peon county’s nos) accomplished lonng women, who has bald a poet ion with tha 8tsto Bank and Truk Company for the past three years fhe brdle-groom is a prominent -■--- -w- « — m *«1 T ill| Li deputy sheriff. Mr. and Mm. Denning win main heir home hem. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE TO MEET Intonated eitJaana mat in Lining on the flnR Monday in November am >rganiaed the Harnett County Ctreall rair AaaactaUoa. It is the desire 01 horn taking the load that every el Jaen In the county bacoma intonate, a tbk organisation and batp in mak ng M a aaccom. The names of i tort of the officers of tbo mwocia Ion have already appeared In thi •wnlp pipcn. Vn Addition to Umo droody mentioned the following Vie. trodden to hove bean appointed: Av »»Mhoro, McD. Holliday. E. L. dad *to| Aadofsea Creak. J. S. Jobaaon loihaena, f, W. Harrington; Blaei Uvor. C. R. Young; Buekhorn, Georg kbematby; Duka, I. W. Smith E. F Unvh; Grave, Owen Odum; Hooter* >Mk, W. M. Pearson; JotmooaviUe W. 1. Oliva lilSngton, J. B. Tag rallOaa Byrd; Noffl’o Creak. W. H Hatcher; Stewart'* Creak, C. M. Altai Upper Uttla River, D. A. ColSna. ) X PnUaraon. A call baa been iammd for a meat ag of an officer* and any other ntaraatad la thla Important aerk to ho Snt Monday In Jnaaary at ton ’•lock. Plena* note the time aad earn a Iittagton to attend Ala mam ag. It wll ho hold In tha oonrthona* • ». P. OSMTBY Oee>. DUNN DISPATCH, DEC, It, t«t| * BUSINESS LOCAL * • * * * o 41 WE WILL WHOLESALE AND El tail nuts, apple*, eraagaa tangi Hnaa ate. Inject ear goads Aa ’rices bafora ms«ig year pa chaea far Chrktaeaa. Phone a write aa. John ana Panning O Next to Flatehmani, ECONOMY IS THE UND BEST AXE . lag fee tore of mt hate. W foci it oar duty to assist the pa< , P*» this community in aavia daring those trying times. Give a an oppartanity to prove this stab mant. Johnson-Denning Co. Nai ; to riaiabanan'a r WE HAVE IT. A CAEEPULLT SI Uetad Una of trait* note an candles ter CkiWaM. Coma t | aao as. rirtineen nagging C#., he twesn Barnss A Holliday and Plate mans. ' FUENlTUBE CHEAP AT AUSTIN Stephanas** Co., SosithAeld, X C 1 mmmm . _I_ 1 SEE THE PIS PLAY WINDOW Ol The Barrio# Electric Co. Maa; useful and practical prasanta or on display. * FUENITUEE CHEAP AT AUSTIN Stephanaoa^ Ce„ Smitfcflald, N. C Wateh for J. L. HActert Christ mas ad In this hays. WE EXPECT A CAE NO. 1 TtMO thy hay and • pgr IT.TO per pm cant ship start tide wotk. Haws yoi Investigated oar prices. Wa gaar •ao-Daoalnf Cm "mu, B*r»« A Holliday aad ffoiahiaoaa. GIVE SOMETHING USEFUL TMU Chrtetraaa. Saa oar wtodsw for •o®dMa» praetteal la tha oUetrfc Baa. Each sifts are appreciated Barvire Elactric 6a. LISTEN—IF TOO WANT TO SELL ar hay town or Country preport) ~ 5; mor dor job If foo waai U aoU 8ao or write toyiia at OSKE'S T(4lACCO FEETOJZKJtJ acw ob -haad. -Aaatta-Btopfccnsvi Co . arerthAald. N. C. CALL ON GEO. L. CANNADAT 5 Cb vast to hap farm tea*. 1 ra atratal pod hamfaw are noar Dana, loo -am at a*ea fc you are lataooatod. FOB SALK A SFLKNDID FARM koras. Cosh «r aait fall tam. C. O. BE INNER. FOR SALE—Sd^OOO SKICE Foi Proiapt ship an tit For prlaaa writ to Wada BririE Co., Wada, X. C. WANTED—MEN AND WOMEN ire mail drealaia at haaaa spare *♦ Band S two-east stamps for t—tror ttona P. H. Traftoa. Maachaatar OBER'S TOBAOOO FERTILIZER! Co.. 8mithftaM, llt,c!MU,k*,,*0< 1 '•AV* A KFASSEN tar PaOmaa aatoasabOa, paaettealh m food aa bow, which I will aol {ST ***** tJ'da for fana land Pfcoao a«tO ar writa to Jaaper K Barhor. Brecon, R C. i. L HATCHES HAS THS CHRIST ■aa foods that wTO pteass. noticr—i orrut rot a alb an hmiM and tot. Tho lot la 140x1* fa«t, dtoatad la boat ad tha Chria Uaa Chant. Haoaa fcaa 7 Locatiaa aaa Mo«k ban St Capt. J. L. HINES, lltth Inftp I Camp fcrlar. 8. C. i IATCHXE'8 HOUDAY DOOM AR1 prattp aa vat aa paafaL i LISTEN—IP YOU WAMT TO «ti" for you, or h« »« B»d a cta«t I BR SURR TO SIR ass VICK ELEC tr»e Co., far praaktan, alaetfi : ^•‘risraja* MAVR A LOT OP COTTON SR1| i RnJ *o haad at a paad prlaa. Oaa and pat «ar ptteaa Mata haptac. JOHNSON-DBNMIMQ 00. >faxt to Wild—mV. • TOR 8 ALB—I HAVE A ORNTU > > I . Ladies ^°at Suits and Cloak*, and Childrens Coats, Boy’s Kne_ ants, the balance of this month we will sell re gardless of cost at half price and less on many of these items. . * jj So«e$15and$25 GMMftlar $5 I All Hata and Millinery trimmed, good 1 S^a00’ $2.00 and $3.00, worth up to I $ 13.00. ■ GOOD ASSORTMENT OF STIU- :ft PLUS CLOTHES FOR MEN. I ■H # >>*>!>«* ■' ......rnniiHi *#*» ■ HASSELL- JOHNSON CO. I I HAVE AMANCIO TO BE AT B. UwV aten fat Dub . Dnutn 22nd ab4 m|^ ^ Mttte ■HA tba fra who an yat bahted • *da*nSSf*n/*»!r7 teXr'te • a LSMaqSraw; aalf what to da. Go to God with *. t. G. Layton, Dunn, N. C. WE HAVE MO TOO* OF SGOA baw on baud. Buy it nUb you cun gat U. Aoatta-Btaphruaoa Ca. StelthSald, N. C FABMS FOB UU—SEVEBAL ten ago I bought fans land north, ■oath, sate and wart whan it was chaap and now I ten aril thasa farna eloaa awl cannot laalr after than. Any aiaa hoa 40 to 1000 •craa to suit porchaaer, on 10 to 10 ynars thus. J. 0. LATTON, Dunn, N. C. BED DOC OLOO FEB SACK. AUS ti»- Stopheaaoa Ca., SaaithSald. N. C. BED DOG OSAO FEB SACK. Alta. tin- Stephenson Co., Smlthdeld. N. C. SHIP STUFF $2.40 PE* SACK. Austin Stephenson Co,. 8nuthJUM. M. C. WE HAVE 100 TONS OP SODA ■ew on hand. Boy It white yon eon pot It Anstia-Stephanaon Co. Smllhflold, V. C. SHIP STUFF IMI FEE SACK. Anmlo-Stepheaeen Co„ SmrthT.eld. N. CL i *" “■* 1 Tha American Eod Cr Baa contributed *,*00,000 frnca to needy alck aad weandad French ootdion aad needy faaafflia of eoldteta Baa eotahHailod SO tWapesaarloa hi the American war tone for raoidant troops. I A deetal ambulance at a port fai Franca for Amaricau toopo. Malatatae a hospital aerrteo which . aoppUaa *AM French miliUry hoo ' nttaln. . ptyiar 3,000 French Keep Hale Tan eon Wane on the front Use ■ la operatiap *U cantos— foi > French aoMien at important railwaj - eontroa, which aorro $0,000 eoldien a day. h oatabliahint twohra rest atetlom at important aOway eontroa and r» ««peratioa camps for Amariaoa troopi U operatiap am arttteial Batik fas lory and plants for maaafaatmro of apliala aad nitrons eslda pa Hoa a—traded for a anoraMa has 1 pits! of four —its nccoaamodatiaa I 1,000 MOB. | Malataiaa a casualty service foi I —thortap tafcrmatlia for Ska wound • sd and mlasiup aad a madias! re I tarrying em rapair wart I* tarn ▼iUacaa ia tka daraatotad ragiaa U «naMa rotarsad *~'H— (a ate] tkrooskoat tka wtotor. b imppijrtnc porubto >mn tm dw «a rflka fMBlUaa wUrt teat rat arc ad to tfcta nglon. OUR 1 WILL CLOSE NEXT MONDAY NIGHT 4 MORE BARGAIN DAYts AT ! • GOLDSTEIN’S. ' * ———mamm____ ’ ' y i . > 1 [• T * ’ * y * « . . • *<• »