AT Brothers Department Store Wo are showing now many things appropriate for CHRISTMAS PRE SENTS, for men, women and children. We have a magnificent line of GIFTS which are ideal for your friends. Come look over our stock. _:___ FOR WOMEN: Ladies Coat Suits and/Dresses, Separ ate Skirt*, Silk and Cotton Blouses, Sweaters, Coats, Sport Coats, Furs, FOR MEN: 1 I COLLARS AND TIES, SHIRTS, MUFFLERS, PRETTL BATH ROB ES, SILK HOSE, KID GLOVES, Silk or Cotton Petticoats, Bath Robes t Hosiery, Ki monas/ Handkerchiefs, Shoes, Kid Gloves, Bureau . Scarfs and Spreads to match, Boudoir Caps, Bed Room Slippers, Scarf Sets, Fine Hand Bags, Trunks, Toilet Articles, etc, . • • _• Suit Cases, and Club Bags, Bath Robes and Slip pers, Hats, Shoes and Clothing for all. Examine our stock now before it is picked over. Come,. Shop Early, and Get the Best. > ■ ■ ^ . \ I The Store With Practical and Useful Gift? for Every Member of the Family. I \ ^ f^sssttss— GOOD. ItlTBIG SifOES # 1 y ■■ ■ * ■' •* ' Don't OotoToo* on tho Brain. Poor “U joot foot tart, yon m not oSMoot,** toys’ the State Board of V Health • “Whoa the foot got on the koala. yeo mm *Ont of eeita* and yen (•aide yonr beat weak. Foot health la aiora taportaat than tee seed to think, m w tare learned recently from the oretelaatlrae wadi to get goad etiiag aa fortta army. That ao ■any and tha very Snoot looking an wore rejected as aaflt an account of bad-fast, taa tends as Brink mors shoot Ufa foot that wore to trudge at‘heae, Foot are taportaat to fight tha ersiyBny hotel battles aa wall aa tv march mrart tha Germane. Peo ple are raaUaiag this nod an dealing e lUrto More kindly with thaeo otcn* berc. They are at loaat giving them ■' totter fifing ■!)»— to wear, the lack of, which tae been etaeet the eole «rr» of m teach foot trouble. "Late winter all the Infantry la the U Peas District, M4M, woes given d foot ehoe laapvrtiau. It waa found . that IMtfi. ataoot half, wore ikodb ' a rfae or more too naall; fi.frll wore »j»4J0 too largo; tl.ffig had corns; HJB tad Jateteid or crowded toss; t^ll tad bunion•; 1,148 had oror rM’sg tots; 1,114 had ingrowing no** fi.**7 tad cofitarica. a»d iBr . dfifi tad good feet. Only 8/417 wore •boat which fitted their feat. It will be numb ■ rad that thaaa ware pith bad throws out «MB with fatten archaa and othor hail foot eo editions. Aa cgetl somber of eivttiaju bar* aada a mark ororae Atwhf, *Ta fitting a shoo ta a soldier's font, and the aaasa rules should bold with a civilian, Z la addad to tbe length; of the shoes from tea ta heel, the ball la not allowed to spread broad or than the sola of the ahoo whan the fen weight la on it, aod yet the fhoe most not bo too loose. The end of the great too mu* not bo less than two-thirds of an Inch from tho end of tho shoe. If then era bunions, callosities or corns, a shoe stretcher should be used to fit the shoe to the foot. Persona accustom ed to wearing high heels should bo cautious la adopting low hoe la. A medium heel la safer. Coma should be cured by relieving the pcsecuTi on them. Foot powders and sahrea will a* mysteriously do tUa while "you sleep.” Girl messengers are now employed by many ef the Government depart ments at Washington. In Minnesota a special war body hat been organised, knows as the M-naeaota Motor Reserve. Its sever al hundred members, all aatomebila owners, are plsdged ta furnish their ears with driven ta Iraaepeit repre sentatives ef the Governess* who re qsiro such service SHOP USLY ■ *t> < Buy It now! If for prince or peanut. Bay ItAmwl i Bay it tiny in Member, , Or at leant before Per ember; i You’D be glad if you remember— i Bay it how! ' I While the conn ten etreich before ' yon. , Bay it now! While there ore no crowds to bore you. Buy it now! ' Bay. before the sir is etuffy,' Buy befoe the girl* are huffy, Buy while things are fresh and Huffy Buy it now I Tarry not until tomorrow. Boy it now! Iran though you have to borrow, Buy it now! Bee that ehop-gtiie don't bans reason To abhor the Christmas season; Put a conscience, if you please, on— Boy it nowt —University Editor. THE POOD SITUATION IS VERY SERIOUS Feed A deieie teeter Page Makes StartUmr Statements he Letter. Addreeted te People el State Raleigh, Dee. li.—The Innaaeliig serionanem of the food dtsattoa has led State . Adminiatrator Haary A. Page to make a ttirring appeal to the Christian miaietere of North CaroUs* to arenas their people to a reel!tatfoo of what the aKualkn holds and of their individual respon sibility la mooting the eiteetien. Oth er letters have bam written to the betel* aad rastanmats ef the Bute aad to the educational institution* aad ether places where feed la hand led la eoaeidaruhl* qnantitk*. Mr. Paga in mb* of hie letter* has nmde two parttenlanly startling state Bnl) Tha United Stataa has fX ready exported to its alike aad new tral Europe this eeuatry'a normal ea poet eorptoa ef wheat; while the same b approrktoiily tree ef heal and paHi and fata; mi we ham Pm krgety en oar aermel anppiy ef tager I i I i dk |a Bampa thds wtakr from star- i mtka ta spite ef al we eae da. I I I ( I I I ttfrn • «Hkpm rn4 t"RT* r W11 t • pjmltli of the [trope from Every Pi , _ The situation Ms sifted down to B rhere H can M vttj 'clearly and V Is finite)/ stated that ovary tnmoe <ff ^ rhaat aad bstf oc petit and scalypar- ft ids of fata or tayar which is saved I >7 any individual by, snbatltatwn of I ithar prod acts » through economy V riU help not any to win the. war ■at to sava the life of some starriny ronafc or child tfi Europe. “The hsart-remfiny part of It aL" lodarsa Mr. "Pays, *is that our paapla tavo not waited ^ to a realisation rf the horrible death that threatens tevaral hundred thnamnii Individuals m Europe, or even' io the terrible neanoe of a complete German vic tory U our European alHea should wDepe* because w» do not supply them with the foodstuffs which they nual have if they arc to holdout. The irttieml period it NOW.” Fayetteville women adopt PINE SEAL SALE PLAN People Will Taiw Mem* B—dies If Mershoate Creel The Payotteville plan pf selKny End . Cross Christmas osah ia rseeauaaad id by the State Board ot Health to »tber towns -and sy series la the State Interacted la making thair salee this year the largest they have evpe had. The plan, an explained by tea Board, Is simply an undsTstaridlny h e»W t m the morshaat aad the people that on every paekays or buadls. My or BtUs, that the purchaser* takas hesss with him, Instead of haftay the Merchant to eead it, the ■sTbsnt win plaea a Bed Crow Christmas saaL “Tha manner of pettiily this un *«toandtny," say* tha Beard, “is by rlattiay tha msec bants aad aaktny for their eooperatlos ia thh particu lar way fom now aptB Christmas day. fiftor securing s list ef all the mar-' >Mn|s with ay to eooyorate, tha pub ie la taforawd aa to who they are .nd what I. expected of It ln the ■ B at OS el at to hi at tU i ■« ' i — tninfcir- Tfa'uj j Keeps the Money at Home I I 1 I 1 ♦ Have you ever stopped to think what it would f <* have meant to the South if the billions of insurance money which has been sent to the North and East could have been kept in the South? The Southern Life and Ti ust Company of Greensboro, North Carolina, was one of the first companies to begin preaching the doctrine of keep ing the South's money in the South. . Let us tell you something of what this policy ion the part of this Home Life Insurance Company has meant to our own community. J. L. WADE, Manager. ^Dunn Insurance & Realty Co., Inc. A Real Estate Loans » • Wo cm make you loan* la aar amount for half the . value of tha real eatate offered for 10 yearn at 6 per cent. Cad furnish tha moaay the day' the value and titles is shown to be aatiefaetory. No long tedious waiting whoa roe deal with us Prefer looaa running from $0,000 to $10,000. Bat will nuke smaller sees where parties cannot nae large —onnta Bay a tract of land and pay caah. You can bdy It cheaper by doing so. Put Hand tha tract yea hew own up for the money. We wtUget K for you. Will < help yea In every way. .Benson Loan & Insurance Co., * X Benton, N. C. 1 ■h—nHaHBmmammmmmuasmaMnm * O y.S$ . V . O « * * I u4 t*T tkto L Cfr i Om «• “ . ■ " |Mi| (in. The argaalaatioa bt a Caban a*fe* tioa onK to b* ©€•rad Franc* wttb Wtopkto aqoiptoaat ban btan an* naanaad in Habana Prababty tba BaaardrIDa Cubalna, aa tba A yin* tail la aalkd, will ba tba Aral body yf Afbttaf torn from Caba to aarra n Firanab n*lL

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