THE DUNM _____ f VOL. IV DUNN, N. C, mtjAM. ». 1*1* ■- *' ' COMMITTEE WILL MEET TUESDAY, JANUARY tS. Mr. (Msh, CUran Far HtnsU Cowsty, Hh Anw|W u lotov «lb| Pr«fna Owing to th* extremely bad con dition of the weather on last Friday, Mia 4th, tha meeting of tb* Executive Committee for the County of the Na tional War Savings Committee eras postponed to be be Id at lidngton, N. a. en Taeoday, Jan. IS, U e’eloak A. M. At that meeting I hop* to have ferty at fifty people from cash town •hip ia the Coenty At thia meeting we have prominent speakers who will make addressee. Among (ha apeak ere,will bat CsL F. I. Fries, State three tor, Mas. R D. W. Connor and W B Drake of Raleigh. Tka campaign la thia *onnty will be laaackad in asm eat en that day, far th* raising dar ing th* peasant year af Mfi7.fill.00 which is Barnett Caanty's chare in fill campaign. Tha Government Is eeeVtng to rams daring (ha current year a war savings fand *f (we billion dellars ($1,000,000,000) and North Carolina’s ehnia is 140,000.000 In rwand numbers. The Drat and aaeaad Liberty Loans in denominations as low 00 150.00 did not reach tha email iavoetor. Than a to millions and widen* of Aaoriaana to wham (40.00 Is a large sum to got together In a brief period and the •40.00 Liberty Rend waa beyoad th* roaah af tha majority af to* peopla. Tha Governmsnt sow asm** (a tha ■wall tavastor with a proposition whieh every man, woman and akild to th* United State* may accept with profit. Thrift Btampa mobs it “peeMble for every pemeeeei of 14 aaate to ba aome a creditor sf to* United Mates and to contribute dlraetiy to the ono ooooful pve location of too wag. in yanMM at a nnn nwg far •• Mad Manna a sard ta wfakb ba adtxaa k. Tba «H baa apaao far Mxtoem Thrift fttaatpa wfakb map ba altaibad am# by aaa aa faat aa tba pmnhaoat aaa tfnd ta bay thorn. Vbaa ftt ard b ftB tt b utki|W by poynaart af II aab additional far a War Waal ago Stamp, paatad tpn a War Saaimet Cortiflaato. Tbk oartHUmt* baa qua far train War Baring* Stamp*. Far aaaay War lar> wiD pay am Jam. 1» ItU 11.00. Ia "• •* ward# far arary 14.11 yau land fta Oarammaat now tba Goaoamnamt win r*r*r M-00 lm ft*a yaaaa Tam gat back tba principal with d par aamt tiitaraat nmpommdod quarterly. Tba msthad ia vary alatpk amd It taatbm tba great loaaos af saving mad aarrkt. Tba fallowing ptriau have been added ta tba oommltto* tram Black Itrw Was. ft. D. Ortrby Mm. B. F Steph ana**. Ms*. C. ft. Adman, Mm. C. ft. Tammg, Mrs. D. W. Damming, Mr*. F T Papraa, Mlm Ada Oaarby. Mis* Mary Mania, Mn. J. W. Haakaday. Tba fallowing panama bar* boom addad ta ths Exaeottr* Oammlttaa ftmm Grew* Towmahip: Mima Ida Costs, Aka Tmrlington, ft?* TarKmgtaa, Dalphk Baiky; Mrs. W. B. WUbok. Tba fa Hawing poasmna ban boas addad ta tbo luerntte* Committee from Dmka towmahip: Mosdameo. D. L. Batts, ft R. Thomas B. ft. Tarbreogk, P. W. McKay. A. F. Fawkr, E L Haaaall Tba fallowing panama bay* boon added to tbo Committee from Won’t Crook towatMp: Mss dames W. X. FbnUpe, B. P. Manbbamka, C. W. Plena, Miss Lottie Feme. MW Man Occam. I Mn to maka aa a riant, annast appeal to avary paiaan to tha amity to lanttotaly bay a War Having! aortifleata aad Thrift Htatoy. Not all of aa aoa ga to Ifca front tort wo aro aonding ear young an to tha (rant and H ia anr 4aty to asa that (hay arm battor sqoippad than may athsr aaldtor to tha war. Tha Got armnant Is aaaiana la da this hot M kihaavaa svary ana, aid a? young to da bin part. PraotUaOy nothing haa boon dona as far towards raising Hamstt’s pro rota part of this fond. The ananpoign ia aa at whits hast la •that aoaatiag aad at tha and af Um yoar ora da not oraat this ssanty to fall ondor Its ahara. B. U GODWIN, Cbaimaa. CARD OF THANKS Wa aro Maaoroly thankfal to Uw goad paapla af Dora whs worn a< and hslpfol dartog toa taunt Nek aad rtrtiii Hi. ”* MR. aad MRS. D. U URRTNO MB. aad MBS. OKO. M. FLOYD. Thaa orffl ba a Boa Fart aad noaiaa aatittotowiat at toa Pansy So bool Friday night, 3 mm. 11. Tbs girls an lavitad to bring bates aad tha hoyi af thi ■a. THE RED CROSS DRIVE WAS A BIG SUCCESS. Uadar DlrecMea af 1. O. Tmtnd Seeerel Hoadred Haw HtaWi Wv EaraHad. It win be rrmanbered that mm chapter win called apoa to famish XOO new members during IBs “Christ ms* Drlrs." When this number was aOoted us by Division Heed quarters thoy were snswars that wa ware than ready to tarn la 1M of this number which ws did. Oar cam paign manager, Mr. B. 0. Teems sad and his assistants have eesarsd 11* additional which la reality swsblss as to add mors thaa the rag ailed Bom ber to oar shaftsr rsIL PsUcwlag era names of those added daring tbs “‘Christmas Drive.” Mai Driver .. fl.00 (Solicitor. Mrs Hal Driver) N. M. Johnson.B OO J. C. Hodges.1.00 H. L. Hsmmingwsy .......... 1.00 J. L. Hodges ...1.00 (Solicitor, B 0. Tswnassd) Rot. J. L. Davis_....-1.00 (Solicitor, Miss Mattie Phillips) B. 0. Townsend__1.00 (Solicitor, Mr. R. R. loons) J. W. Dreughoo..........._100 Mia. R. M. Warm ......._1.00 . (Solicitor, Miss Coos Warren Mia. (too. P. Pops.1.00 (Solicitor. Miss Margaret Peps Mia. Coe. W. Gardner_..... 1.00 (Solicitor Mtm Msttio Phillips) Mrs. B. L. Cook.1.00 Mrs. U Bashes Pops.1 00 Bov. Coo. A. W a thine.1.00 Mrs. Jaa A. Taylsr ........ 1.00 I A. Rowland . 1.00 Dt. T. E. Dsrdss.1.00 R. R. Koons-......_... 1.00 Jaa 8. Farthing.1.00 B. 8. Shaw..........._8.00 (Solicitor, Mn Jaa. 8- Parthlac) Nm laaaal llwUn la Sals Nr Nr hit flHMan Mn Bari Barrfrrt .............. 1.00 (Solicitor Mia Clara Papa) W. -O Jahatam .............. 1.00 Mr* Baaaa Lao Daria.1 ft Mils Maud PkUUpa. 1.00 : (Solicitor Klaa MaMa VMBN*) BNIl'.IMi ...... i ■ ■ »a^4Al (SoCellar. MM Waataay BaMN) Mn.G R. Warm..l.H MM Kama Warm .l.H Ear. Gar. Watkiaa ..._.... l.H MM Apaaa Warm.l.H (Solicitor, MM Loaaio Gaimay) Bmfaa Smith . l.H B. P. Ploaaaat.l.H Frri lifptt .............. l.H G. A. Barafoat.l.H (Solicitor Mn. Mai Driaca) Mn. J. P. Johaaan ....._ l.H D. H. Hood . l.H Hit Loa William.l.H (SaUcitar MM Ma4M4 Boat) Joseph H. William.l.H (Solicitor Kit B. M. JoTror*) T. P. Tart. l.H Nathan Barefoot ............ l.H Hit Janatta Barcas .......... l.H W. D. Bam at ...._....... l.H MM Cartiaaa Jaahsaa ........ l.H Hit O. P. ShaD.l.H Mn. R- M PaaraaO.l.H (SaUcitar MM Rahy Oadtria) WITH* Morgaa .............. l.H J. D. Papa, CaaM............ l.H Hit B. H. Babaaha..l.H (SaUcitar—MM Harpers* Papa Hit A. C. Barer*_...... l.H A. C. Both. ............... l.H Carl Barefoot... l.H (Solicitor Mn. R T. Forte*) B. L. Cask.. l.H (Solicitor MM MaMa PhDBpa) Loftta A. Tart...... l.H (Solicitor MM Mary* ret Papa) j I Ti.ii.* _ i at Mrs. J. 8. Halter.1.01 Mrs. B. J. Godfrls_1.01 Mrs. L. D. Ennis_1.01 Mias EIsm Paps-... 1.01 Mrs. Marti* Butter.1.01 Mrs. W. P. Connor_ 1.0 Mrs. J. w Basaam.1.0 Dr. W. I. Cattrsa*........... 1.0 Miss Ft* da Park or. .... t.o Mrs. T. U MtfteM.1.0 Ralph Warns, llwiii, Ta... 1.0 0. C P*e*. Csnpsr, M. C._1.0 (Solicitor Mias Cara Warns) Darld PsarsaD............... 1.0 Mias Xbaahatk PsaaaB.1.0 Mia* Marfarwt Faa*iB.1.0 Miaa Kathaita* Pamall.1.0 X. W. MB.1.0 WlUsa L. Joknaaa, Cholyhaat* Sprint*. *. C. ....... ...... 1.0 J. Claude Graham............ 1.0 0. X. Grantham.1.0 1. 0. BalHran................ 1.0 Edward Smith.. 1.0 Miaa Ethal Haaks.1.0 C. X. Aycock. 1.0 Mrs. Carri# Last*.._....... 1.0 R. M. Rrawar............... 1A Mim Olh* Trader.1.0 W. J. Joeaa.1.0 Mim Laara BhaB.1.0 P. B. CnDom..1.0 Tam Royala.........._ 1.0 I, A. Blaylock................1,0 J. W. Wilson.1.0 i. A. AsOrawa.............. 1.0 M.A.Lo*.1.0 **. 0-.»A SOME CHANGES MADE IN LIGHT SERVICE Beard Dacidaa to Cat Oat Part ml • tract Light*. Tatal Dnrbaocc Altar Midnight At a Batting of tba aoauaiaakman •f tba Uwn mt Doan bald laat Wed naaday night aomt changaa warn made affecting tba light and water depart ment- The foal aitoation baa become aa aenta it ia impoeeibla far tba town ta bay enough coal to hoop tba muni cipal plant going aontlnnouoly and tba eaaaMonem have decided to cut aff all llgbta at It o’clock midnight and tara tba torrent on again at 6 a- m. They alto decided It would be naaaaaary to dieponaa with half tba etroet hghta ia tba city and cot dawn tba brilliancy of tba white tray to • eeneuUreble octant. Baprame effort woa mada to avoid tbia cortaUmaot of aafvlra. but it became naoaamry trhan every effort to oocaro ample fact wma exhaaeted. Tbia arrange - maal la anly temporary, however, and aa teas aa tba foal aitoation ia re lieved regular service will bo inau gurated again. Aa (team baa to be kept op at the power hoaee during the day in order ta pump watar, 110, 000 galioaa of which ia need every <4 boon, they decided tbay could fan lab tba town day current without additional eanaumptloa of foal there by petting revenue from tbia eourec oud at the acme time accommodate them who are depending on tbia eer vtae for power By tbia cartelheent It It thought they win be able to an regularly, according to the rwieed ached ole. and It la hoped there will be no farther diaappotntmcBt or in •envenienee on tba part of tba pa trent ef the tight and waUr deport ment. The pabHe, however, eboald oo-oporato with the town, not criti. •Be, nod remember that thorn ore war timee, nod that oaoridem moot be mode. STOCKHOLDERS HOLD ANNUAL MEETINC bah af Caata DaaWraa u—-*-Oi etlial. Olaan aal Dtawaiaca Elaetad mMl Mooting Taeeday, Janaary 8th Tb —*l»r, Mr. Paterae*, Made hia aaaaal report thowlng tha pan year ta ha profitable ta tha hank. A dteld aal af It pm cent wae paid to tha ataakhaldan and tl.000 an aatda aa a aarplaa fand. bringing tha total a ■»«*• af tha aarplaa fond ap to W, Nt. Tha following were elected to oorra aa dlraatora for ISIS: P. 8. Caapar, 1. F, Caata, N. T. Paterron, IN. E. C. Roberta, H. A- Matthew*. t. % Baggett and W. E. Nicbolaa. AfVaa tha alactlan af director*, «B mm wrra elaatod aa faDowa: P. 8. Caapar, ymeideat; EUar i. T. Coat*. Haa pmldont; N. T. PaUrym, Caah »•: o. D. McQneen, easlatmt earhiar. After aaatplitnmtary rwaarka con earning tha teanagaiaant of the affair* af tha hank tha paat year by J. R. bCTtW. P- 8. Cooper, J. T. Caata aad Dr. Rabarta. tha Mooting adjourn ed. MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUED. WhHa. D. A. Marriaon to M. L Strickland , A. B. Andrew* to Prndanoa A Ban. , Bad Nartto to Wnaia Snrtaa. 0. J. , Hoaaar to Mary E Tart. In W. WB aan ta Mattie L. Lewia. Tbadiona Lea to Eatia Simla. M C ABen to BoaaU Paalkner 1 C. C. GilBard. who hao lived In SnlthSald for a anatbor af year*, haa ■aval beak ta Dana aad wfll naka tMi hi* home Wa am glad to ham Mr. G intent aa a eittsen of Dnan ' again. } ^ a __ Mi». Eathar Byrd__.... 1.00 Mr*. B. C. Aaary...1.00 MM Rath Waathraak.. 1.00 Fairy Janie**.............. 100 A. L. Mawharry___...... 1.00 D. A McDonald_... 1.00 Oaa. F. Owana-......_1.00 C. L Wllaa*_..._... 1.00 Mr*. A. B. Fraaman......_1.00 MM L*aill* Haward. ......... 1.00 Mm. A L Haward_ 1.00 Baikal Jtinman.--1.00 (BaUaitar Mr*. Jaa. FartUae) Haw Aaaaal Mamk ankly Pna DaM Mm. A L. Haaaall..' 01.04 Mm. A A Tar bra neb.. 104 Mr*. Bray la. 1.04 MM. I. F. Lynch. 1.04 Mm 0. A BiMyain. 1.04 Mm F. A Smith, Jr. 1.04 Mm W. A. Erwin_.... 1.04 Mm L. Gordon. l oc MM Lawn Parkar. l,o< MM Laeratla Parkar. i.oi Hr*. William T. Smith. 1.0< MM Edith McKay. 1.0< Mm. D. H. Holland.. 1.04 Mi*. M. M. HarraB_....... 1.04 Mm H*daaa. 1.04 Mm Waa. a. WTdta_ 1.0( MM A**U M. Gihha. 1.04 MM Hal) BM*M*. 1.04 > (SalaMaa Mm V* a. WUta TEACHERS SALARIES ARE INADEQUATE AT PRESEN1 M—■» •* Mwin Kmnit K MahUi ISahM] ia MmIi af North Carol la. A aertom ntwtira confronts tin ptklt x Wools of tha (tats. Tcacb «n aalarlss ara attoriy inadequate to ■■at tha pwtl] fasrraaaad cast si living la these war times. Many teachers—perhaps a majority af thaw —And their praasat estates jam1st sat to steel their actual expenses oi living. Ia many "instances traohsn ara paid 140.SO par month far mai ■ora than Ave or six months a year, and are paying *10.00 par month ai more far beard alone. Tha average annual salary of white tea there ir North Carolina fat 1BL0 we* Ititli While the aalarias have baaa increse ad slightly during tha praasat year tha swell increase has not boas at all la proportion to the great iacrsiii la that? living exapenaes apr la paa portaoa to the iacraasa made la ethn mm af worh ia tha stele aad Brtlea. Many af tha yeoag maa, especially ia tha high schools, havra base drafted for tha service ia tha army; many oi tha wawca taachara ea account of la ciaaaad demand aad incensed com panaatioa la other lines of worh, aad ■nay on necoant of their obsolete Inability to asset aetual living ax paaam aa tha salaries offered foi foarhing, have been forced ta laavs tha prefastaen. Tha result is that there ia a great dearth of toacben ta Nora Caroline. tha demand foi faartaafi ia greater than tha supply Many attach have not yet baaa able that maay will aat ha able to arcurs thorn aad wfll ha rnwgiBill either u ha closed far leak af tear ham or U employ entrained and lns«rlm< situation, tha Neeth Cerolloa Teach Charlotte passed strong rmslnttiei tea dents. derated much Urns to tfc serious discussion of this situation and passed strong raaolutiona sTgiiy increase of funds and Increase ad sal atki far MMtlif thl iltiittw Graft mltteee vers appointed to ceopermt with Um Btato Department of Eda eatiaa in waging a campaign la ds vising way* aad means f so increasing schools funds aad increasing tha sal arias of teachers with a view to re Uoetag this serious situation aai thatehy preventing a ear Loos into* ruptioa of thha work of the school and serious injury to tha sdlricnc of tha educational work and of th teaching profession in the state. i eoafmoaco with Unas committees, la eluding the Executive Committee o the Teachers Assembly, will he calie by the State Superintendent of Put lie Inetraetlon on the 18th of Jane ary to formulate plans aad laaugv rate n state wide campaign for la creasing school funds and teach 8* salaries for re baring this serious all nation. Tha following moans far h creasing school funds and salaries a* available by the people under the law L. By eating special county wid turn far schools eadar Chapter T1 « the Pehlie Law of 1911 and by eoi ing special township tax for maint* names of township high schools and* \ section 4119 of the public school to [ 9. By IncTeaaing the number « i specie) tax acheel districts aad eetin I thereto special tax for Um amis* 1 nance of the district schools unde • section 41U of the public school to | and by taersaeing the special tax f« , schools lu special districts heretofoi i setabKshed under said section to r maximum of 96e on the *1011, an I f 1.99 on the poll, and in special eha ■ tats it cits aad town schools. to a aai inw of 91.00 oa the 9100, aa yn vidod by tba Cereal Aaembly < 191T. 9. By Increasing tba diitriet fast by private wibicriptioo. public ante to tenant*, providing wood f 100, oU 4. By incnadag tba batgct ft coterie* af teachers, ale., Mbattt by tba county board of adaestioa fi school tor tbo year 1919, under Cbo tar 99 af tba Public Lwi af 1919, 1 subsequently aarandad by tba Cano al AoccteMy sad laeroocing Aa aye tel county levy by tba scanty car ■icoicicri required thereunder f tbo aeemary aayaaraa of tbo fr aumthc tom. I. By tbs adoption at tbo Nora) bar election of 1919 of tbo ccnotit Uoaol aaundmwrt making it atand Uty upon tba county eommiceionc to levy a social tax to aayylmc tbo regular county sad Mate tax f ■dwib oaAeteat to yraoido a al ataao school tarn of ala mantbo I stood af four swaths. Hi aaeb court Whatever kayyana, wbatovar It al cast la BMcy and aacriftco, • aabsab mart bo miatalaod at faB 1 ■ Bctaacy far Aa yrayaratlan af I CHILDREN'S HEALTH I* THE COUNTRY'S PNOELEM ha chfldrew of today aw era will fall tha aw of tha war thereof rmdj noting conditions ted hy tha war. Ta a*t the ready fat this taak b the wa in* than ta i aad haaMhfal Nets* wN ha *e dhart* art aad aaraat read ta bath |tfdid and ^ plaa it for tha ta of l thaw ta lacalaata la their habita that will webs far 1 pi—a aad aflctaaty h rood health arcaded by tha I are aa foDowat 1. I wilt bnuh at? tooth at laaat oaaa a day. *. I will beep at sight wMh mr ‘ * - - - - M I Cm . haartadly lata tba walk. Aa waa « r wW of tha ahotr, tha MhA w claw, ant waa takfay aa aatiti par r ta tha walk af tha Tauf Fnpfil a Unlaw. Aa wf ha grawMy mtaaat 2.aha aald that aha waoM nat aaaaaw s and callad far bar paWar that A E-'wtgbt land a farokoB wart A A Ml MW f A«w ml mm tm bw lar M r t •» «" 4 it Tba Altai waa it tba f aaaw w tary at bar bowa naar < - Tbaa M waa a Arpo k bar ta Attiag taattmony A tba akyi r- tha A A ► ► « nr aAat m a »- Man 1 2 muTty tharatbawt ifwr A "2 at ran A at nt yaony mm, tor aarih d- at tha front If tkn war aawAnaa, M n- for attatont aarrlaa at kaaw A atr y. ant I ad—trial Ufa Aa* anab wrah iy wfll bo woatat waaoa Aw oaarbaA ar I. T. lOYXEm. < MnA Apt Mk laatmokan. A Ralalgh, N. &, iawonrp 4. Mil , , r; | mt m H*. -** m mm— CM 1 i M H toato (to ki fet? >*v Set H r>M abm, vm. a. W. HALFObD, P. r. SHAW MAM Mrun COL of intonat to Ua TT-^aA iito>|. Hi la « ■ l!« Htoy, Mac a i «*nty Atoa M. Maw, tat » to *** «k Mlt Mi Ban* to UTm* » to*, li baa M to fWito to* to I p«*t arrant ym a*4 to b*M to MM t hmb bf to a»«»li A to bito* I t»**. Ito arttito Mtoai • naab Maw, to aMy ywa i a»«bt ■■tobill af Titobnan. aa4 tot a towa aaa af to* Mato Cnrirt to • r*«*>or», baa f*M baaa appatotaf • P-**to OaBattor a( btoiil Inam i b? Catoatari. M. Oatoiart. Mr. Maw ( b*a a Aaa i ‘ yato r M**, iA Mi toto M*. ’ CattoMt toto II yaaAfc «a *!•»* Mr. Maw to to* warb at M I rl ba lira Oak. ■* wfB Mala* aa ' »r I'Mwtnto towtotoJa! • a T>» tt4Ja*a war# braapM bar* la a a Mt*r to th* atotar a# toa >WiHa * A.-to fra* Mr. Maw, wba la aaw to a »a«W**atoto." a ■ a i*to ha faaiaia rtoaaaaA Wato wt' • r* to* waa a r*—t al Mtoa Ua*

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