THE DUNN DISPATCH. Pu bliahnd Every WebteUr — m. - m AprJ^rt? |tti et'*«'pateTnBte *» Dwm. M. c, ante tea ate af Kerch a, im Md Jd -v*1 LBUSKZPOK,PriUUar In xn artieb U> this low of Tho Dlrrvtch Mr. K. L. Godwin. Chair of tea Imidn Cnmmlttn im Harnatt county «f tea National War Saving* Committee, hna dulgnatad Tec. day. Janaary Sind, aa tea day oa which tea committee arm wd to oryulM and got down to bateaaaa. A meeting of tho Kncutivo rnmmH too rnwo to ho hold Friday, January 4th. but an accsaat of tea nfumotj had weather it waa thought hate to poitpoaa It aatfl tea ahovo tkm ad data, whan Mr. Godwin a to have a fall ■■ an Godwin haa arranged to have war al proa inant apoahata prooont oa tela •caaaian. among whoaa will ho Col T. H. Friao. Stoto Diraetor for tela work. Bon. B. W. Winteoa. B. D. W. Connor and W. B. Tho aoaetp. t.gateor with tho patriotic npJrit which b oa aaaaifote fat oar dtilMH. BflIBfM m Ua— ppiiml Tho mooting win ho hoU in UBing ton - hat pooplo front aB sactiono of tho c maty may attend. Mr. Godwin b mpoctaBy anteono to have ovary ■acmber of tho Bnecniloa lMtt prevent and oa many mote pooplo m Witt attend. Co-operation b neeee aary to mako tea aCeit a rarrma PUL Tha Irani of a* whole country, pablic u won ra prirts, by fora* of tho ratio eel Mods at this crisis ars subordinated aadadjaatedto tho grato Liberty Lam. it——t-g *T ~r7~is is • rather greet ladratrlas end all les sor private financing asst ha aaral dsrad||irhrarily ia relattea to tha The aaeda of private internets, tha a—ey necessities of tho hail. of tho oratory at writ ae that of tho Govennrat Itself ere aU rail, i l by tho Boerototy of tha Tirasirj la lira ef Liberty Less hah, aad tha effect of tho iaeae of hsh oa aO other .. «ad oil othra 1_ >gives doe The ditto ref ora. M natron h bo aeet belief sad ' trati^n, t, hafmfal, aad Secretary Me Adoo ra nersasbse M Iraaad the fei "The report that tha aost'iooae of liberty Baade wffl bo at 4 H per cent aad oa March 15, 1*1*. is wholly rafoaadod. I I could aeako the patriotic ■tea of Aawrlea reaUao on* aad hartM-te tha lattints of K wiB be wbBu. aO other aow mmr bo dhnfwM.” Oft. ITU. KMtjr thing* sight be Mid with w the troth of the high character, ex rwghry ritbemoUp aad noleee ipirit °t aeartp rrery saa in the clergy of the Beth* ft— church. A czseDer —— - k— •* ft— ia weetera North Caw Uaa coaferooco. bat aet aa tiimri dorabte group, aright each be tether deiMttbed ia «ach breeder aad high er goaotalhis; ee to talaat, Re thought, loaliwhlp. Aad ia reopeot ad peep dahghtfal guebttee aad cartata tteoUtaeU’lUT. Dr.Chee. W. Byrd *•" that ha ha geao hraaowgits men aad wosea wfl hot repeat tha tWagf they awe acceatoaed to oay of hha while yet ha ttred. It ia ■ot i case of the belated offering of the fewer. of •*-* -' * ~g sd offw Ueeoto TTtiia. whoa the roilpfaaf ft* paeotd forever beyond the iafta eace ef oech (triage. t>r. Byrd peaaoaeed a eerpesbv ea Be wee a aghelar ef Wrrtal gMtoftg wee tie! (aariicto ity fn wbieh he Ufa sw toHty wee. Tier* waa ettoeadwH H . ft pV / A . • ■ Tt*oc nruisMcu n un. WmU Tn U Cnat? Tin fum ■■—, Far It b tha Staff Croat. mm U Made Of. tha tragic, la. ®* wartt kaa annahad tha Ufa of aaary ganaration tinea k's own; but his Ufa was a bag, dark day of suffer Tha man wm Ladwi* >as Beotb •na. Ha wm ban la a h a'jb cottago b Sana la tha year 1’, '6. Hia par aau wart poor, bat U* is a Minor Mattn. Tha parents . * aont grant Maa barn bans poor. Tragedy entered Ba» A. Ten’s Ilfs aot by raaaoa of Us par-si's pa ratty bwt because tfcay wars a.tarty Inca pabb of sppmarMng tSa Ana —Mb M»y gift that wm la tbt bay. Hb father had no tVsght but to oxpbit tha soak m nates! islant. At tha ago of abvan bo was plnying la theatre orahaatra aad c« -rr’ng bar dans far too baanry fr.- Vo you— * ho olden to boar. Hb health waa poor: :h*r* wars mb* to appreciate hb go* **: aad la tha glory of kb yoaag *d. whan bo WM jaat baginning to -.1* pow er, his Ufa waa clouded by • o trrasaa dlabb calamity. He bagas !o Iom hia ho* ring. Think of it. ' A musician, dapaadoat og the ftaa harmony of oonado for his socesM— aad deaf at twenty- air. Poverty-etriehen baler ad, batrayad and Aon tad by the nephew for whom he had sacrificed orarythiag, thb an. conquerable —bit yet gar* to tha wortd music that baa (taddsnad the heart* of mitt*BS of mob aad eniaan in ovary bad. * hu uimm . i non an einni (to mid). Bat I know that ia 0*7 heart Ood to mum to mo them to •than. I approach Him without fear; I hare always kaown Him Neither am t annou* shout acy mu ck. which no adverse fate wiU over take, aad which will tree kirn who no de ratando it from the misery which afflicts others. Aad at another hate: I want t» prove that whs soar acta right aad aahly caa by that stone hear Briefertaaa. No man aan read thaw words, ra mctsbaring Baathorea'e Ufa. without faaHag hie own soul earichod and It is a eignidcaat thing that a laiga prapertiea of tha great Kras of his tory have bean conceived in suffering and nartniad aa dfcappeiatmeat and pill. We think of Lincoln m tha groat ■taty toBer. Bat If yon wool! know the real Lincoln, look at tha deep Horn la hie foes. Mspelean —a gamed «he woridl yak ha almost never laaghed. Ha was sever (tally well; never rose from his bad feeling rested; he was so de pressed a* a. young man that ha aa riously eoatahfUUd ending klaUfa. It was a famous writer who soldi “What km keen wan written has beau The lives of tha groat harem were Uvea of long martyrdom." mys Bo Mm Holland m the Ufa af Beethoven ftnm which I hare quoted. "A tragic deetiay willed their toah la be forced oa the aarfl of physical and moral grief, of mieery aad 01 health." ' Thera ie thia consolation to yea fat your hour* of disappointment aad dia trsos—that ruffering Ie the atnff out of which trac groatnop grows. Yield to K weakly, aad it will de stroy you. Rise a conqueror off it, aad by that act you become a finer ■pirlt, a greater man or were an. "I. if I ho lifted ap, will draw aU sma unto mo," Jms of Masareth. •y "lifted up" ho peant “lifted up on the cram"—crucified. Only by hie Buffering and. death coaid ho bocamo the Cam aad Saviour of the world. Thera was so short cat, no easier way to greatness sad glory for Him sod there wifi never he for say maa. —Bruce Barton in Beery Week. Cincinnati, O., Doc. Bt.—A hoard id dollar k a stacker aad a dollar SWat for aa aaaereamry thing k aa '•By of the enemy," Frank A. Von lerlip, national diraator of the war READ 1 The State Journal * CmwLfew U/a AALEWH, N. a OWto ltom OuiMm WmUt NWrtit M the km -igtm «*»!«« ALOO far ail MaatkL pTana.^ Vigitaea, Ckaa^laetntctire, Bama Greta and ah. for th* Bs*y Maa. h* ebon poor vn daki and year ova Un Yea need k. ■ yea da net read A. ft* aha tnawiMag natty math wUa la tha political. aad adnrarinaat Mia e< yarn Stem Theet ■onlhi trial nhaarlptlan. JS one Sample copy hr*. j ancjm bank declares DIVIDEND Angiar, January 8th. Tha dJreetora of Dm Angiar Bank A Tiaet Co., it their nnnnnl malting today, declared a 10 par cant divid end to the Stockholder* and carried over to undivided profita to par cant After peing a 10 par cant dividend their atock k now worth AllA.OO par ahara. Tha aaeatln* waa cnthutlaatlc in pralee of the management and to elected the present oflcer* which are aa follows: President. P. B. Cooper, Dorm, N. C.; VUs-Preaidant, W. H. Gregory, Angler, N. C.; 1. E. WU liama, Vtos-Ptooidant and Caahiar. Tha dltocton are P. A Caspar, J. A. Bockaday. W. B. Gregory, W. H. Etsphanaoa aad J. E. TTill uma tn one of tho first sddtemo» of a two. work's rpcsktjig tour of the Middle Wort and South. Ho urged purchase ' of war saving* stamps aad certificates 1 for the double patpoto of directly as sisting tbs governmsnt to finance tho war aad economising on materials 1 aad energy devoted to producing now •a* on tick. “To hoard a dollar is to ‘ ■—ho of it aa idle dollar an *aem- 1 ployed dollar," said Mr. Vaadertlp. '▲ 1 dollar that la act at work to almost 1 as truly a drain upon society as an 1 idle man, aad la the time of this < crisis when the world urgently needs 1 every dollar, a hoarded dollar to a 1 atocker. Wen. Then Ihton “There to something worse than a 1 slacker though. A slacker to only e 1 negative quantity. But a dollar spent 1 for aa unniremary thing today ha- 1 comae an ally of the enemy. It to 1 a traitor dollar hoeaaae tho labor of 1 moo aad wetasn to employed need- 1 lernly to make useless things, when 1 the government needs that labor to 1 make things that are smsntlsl for 1 we must see that tho doOar^qpsat 1 to our country, a menace la this 1 world fight for freedom. * “It to for every person to stop and 1 consider, before spending each dollar * into which paa ef the eeala they will 1 throw H. Will they bur the sbiums * mut thing* and by tha weight cart on that aide pftheecala contributed to our defeat, or wfll they refrain from the naneceaeary pmrtmeee and put the dollar into tha has da af tha govern ment enabling K to png the thing*, the weight of which will be a reel ‘ help toward, fietoryf Let every one * picture that ecale in front af them ' when they are apendlng money. Need, of th. * It i. lmpoeeibia to pmduc. alTthe « equipment a great army win waat in * the ahortoat poaaible time onleae the ? government ia amply (applied with f labor. 1 “When you Ure a nan to produce 1 for you an unaoeoaaary article, yen *IW competing with tha government . for that mac‘a Ubor. By juat ao much , ro« are helping to make ineffective ud more daagoroua the work tha American aa idler baa to da. Too are * paying to mako that ao Idler meffi rlent." m ■-* All official motion picture# on war * tctivltlfe In the United State. bear E *« name of the Commtttae on Public tl Information, and are distributed only c through the committee’. diviaional headquarter, or by Bute coenclb of ? lad.-.. " Real Estate Loans ^s»a?as!amrS5:« £ _ .No lea* *o4i«us waHtajr wIm you 4oal with us Pntols«HnuJs«emi)fHllt^t,Ht. But will —la —aBoc mm wksn patla oaaaX sss lam f—mta Boy a tmt of Iaa4 aa4 pay sash. Too can kay It eboapor kr 4sfn* so. Pot !Ua4 tho tract yea *21tZ! £?iiL2r* W* “ tor you. *111 ■••p you in ivif| wuy. Benton Loan & Insurance Co., - Benson, N. C. i;* . ■*1^ /i• '• 5^ • ’V * "• *■ ?^v . . * navioc qualified aa executrix <n P- Pittman, deceased. lata o •can, Harnett County, North Caro • notice to hereby given to nl • ■»»! holding claims against salt '• nltbor individually or in hi »n«nn of the Weekly Gside i „nwiw. v, M. ■ • Dnnn, M. C., are diectod to preeea' 3*° f* undersigned Exo and noises presented srfthii '?,rcarfr— paMUmtlon hereof, thl notice w01 be plended to her of r* rojwy upon mack claim AH person indebted to said deceased am request ed to, make !■—-»-»- payment. D***- N. C_ December 1| 1«17 ___ .WT B PITTMAN. Executrix of J. P. Pittman. -I—fn-rd CLIFFORD A TOWNSEND. Attorney. NOTICE. Notice to hereby given that or Monday, February », 1818 at 12 o’ clock M. to front of the Mnakipe: Building the Town will offer for sak at public auction, to the highest bid der for cash the stables belonging to Town purchased from K. L Howard et the earns time and ptoca the Town will rent said property at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash. Baid bids will be made t object to the approval of the Board of Commiasion ira which Board wHl consider said bide and decide whether it will e.l> ■ale of or rent said property. Done by Order of the Board of CVwannaloners of the Town of Dunn, **• the 10th day of Jan., 1918. J- W. TURNAQS, * 'Mayor. NOTICE Under authority of * judgment of he Superior Cent of Harnett Conn y to the'caae of J. T. Moore et el t Alton Stewart ot tl pending be fore the Clerk, the unde reigned Com nteaiooere will expose ti> ale to the ugboet bidder for cab on the prera •a. at IS o’clock noon, on Friday, February 1„ 1918, the following de icrlbed property: Adjoining the land* of L. Stewart, tomes Parker and other*: Beginning it a comer formerly a poet oak. Ju. Itoo and mu North $0 Wat 10 linka to a comer formerly a poet •k, Jas. Parker's comer; thence 8. I * H chatn*. to a corner form rriy L. Stewart's comer, thence N. 10 W. 4 chain* to a Make; thence N. II W. 0 chains to a pine near high eater mark of mill pood; thence with ■igh watermark of aid mill pond to he run of Bold Branch; thence down aid branch to L. Stewart’s center; hence with L. Stewart’s line to about f. 11 Earn 0 chains to hie comar; hence with his Une 8. SO E. shout > vo * *tu*a bis comer; thence L 11 W. U chains to the beginning onteinlng about lb scree morn or Rocordod is poyk & No. t, page 1. vbr* The bidding on said property wilt tart at (878.00 and 10 par cant of he last and highest bid at mid sale rill be Ttqulred to be deposited with he undersigned Commissioners and aid sale win ha made subject to the onftrmation af the court. This the 10th day of Jaa., 1818. R L. GODWIN, C. L. OUT, Commissioners. administration notice. Having quitted u administrator f the estate at Chester A. Barnes, sesssed, late of Hanett eounty, N. L, this is to notify all persons hav ig claims against the estate of mid •censed to exhibit them to the un cisigned at Coats, North Caroline^ B at before the 4th day of January, 919, or this notice will bo ploedod i bar of their recovery. All persona ideb ted to said estate will pUase taho immediate payment. This the 4th day of January, 1*18. A. F. GRIMES, administrator of fcaster A. Burses, deceased . L Levinson, Attorney, Costs, N. C. NUTICE OF SALK. Undo rand b* rlrtue of tbo power of ■uo contained la a certain dead of «nu* executed by C. C. Bailor aad wlf# to Claroaco J. Smith, Tmatoo. eaJd deed of Croat being recorod In Book No. ill, page 1<J |n office of tho Kegioter of Deed* for Haraott County. Pofauk hartag boon made la the W-nt ef the note aecurod by oftrnet, Dm aadoroigned sstiSsJSis.'irsriS: axa.’teajssi'vsss accordance wttb tho tonne deoeribed *» •* tnut, tho following doocrihed tract or parcel of land dt oated la Aroraaboro- Townahto, near tha town of Dana, la Harnett coun tf tract ar parcel of land being k«o»d aad deeerfbed aa fallow*: >«■ U Htoak "E” to the plan *•|tr»P*fty ** recorded In bei^One (1), aad fire (6) In aald TIME Of SALK—Friday If. M SSr TMa tbo f»th day of DecMaber. IMT. ’ CLAKEHCE /. SMITH, Trootao. NOTICE OF LAND SALE. •? Ttrtoo a# the powow roatalaed I * M necoted I C-eJMWWffiS' w#»iaarS?5: «a?!iar5ri3,fir: hiTTr*™#. * sHfiSSSS: <n*4 I The John A. McKay Mfg. Co., hum I | (Incorporated) § 1 General Foundry, Machine and Meta] Work*. 1 moke, deal in, Rebuild and Repair all kinds of machinery. We have one of the best plants . class in the State. We carry in stock at all a nice line of Steam Fittings and Mill Supplies Shafting, Boiler, Tubes, Pulleys, Mandrels, Swing ,>aw Machines, etc. We carry constantly m stock a large stock of the celebrated James Ohlen & Sons Saws. Incerted and solid tooth, both Cut-off-and See us for anything in Machinery or Machine work. Orer Quarter Century of Knowing How 1 The John A. McKay Mfg. Company, I_ Dunn, N. C. I Announcement! I We take this method of announcing to the public of Dunn and this community that we have purchased from the. Johnson-Denning Company their entire stock of gro ceries and the good will of their business. We already have assumed the management of the business and are now ready to serve the patrons of the former concern and our mends. It is our intention to carry a complete line of heavy and fancy groceries, the freshest and beat money can buy, and accommodate our customers in every way possi ble consistent with sound business methods. Our store is situated at I I 9 E. Broad street, between the Barnes & Hol liday Co., and the Fleishman Bros, stores, where we will be pleased to have our friends cAll on us. Assuring the customers of the former company that w^ will appreciate a continuation of then business, and so liciting a portion of the business of our friends, we. are, Yours very truly LMORGAN FROTHERS U Perry Morgan Willie Morgan 1 north 85 west 18 chain* to a (take and pointer*, a comer of the Old Di vlaion Hue, thence as that line north 4 1-t *a»t 15 chain* and 60 link* to *, •'•b by a fence, thton a new d> vUton line south 86 east is chain* and 80 links to a stake and pointer* In the original lino, thence with it south 4 1-4 W. 16 chains and 60 link* to the beginning, containing 25 acres, being the same tract where Uie mort WSyiJ bow reside and same conveyed j*r.L Pop# by W. B. Pope and rife E. Pop* by deed recorded in book J- No. 6, page 21, Register's ofllce of Cumberland county, which record 1* referred to and made a part of this description. TIMS OP Bi^LE—Saturday, Feb. 8. 1018 at 2 :00 P. M. PLACE OF BALE—-Atlantic Coast Lins depot, Dunn, N. C. TERMS OP BALE—CASH. HPT**' day of Docembsr J. L. WADE, Trustee. ■ALE OP LAND UNDER DEED OF TRUST PvmStnt to the authority confer red upon mo in • deed of trust cre ated on tho 28th day of August. 191# by C. C. Jannon, and wife, C. M. Jar won, registered in Book of “Deeds of Trust," Pago 1««, in tho often of tho register of doeda of Hamott Connty, end upon demand of tho holder of Lho notes encored thereby, I, the troa tae, therein named, will offer for mle « pnMIe auction, to the highest bid Isr, for cash, a csrtaln tract of land located in Upper Little Hirer Town *i», adjoining tho lands of Mrs. M. M. McKay, and ethre, bounded as ’eHows, te-wH: Beginning at a comer of tho Jo not McLean Innd (now Salmon! on the last side of Duncan's Cask, and runs Nth said Una N. L degrees SO” E. I4.M chains Is a sinks in tho head of > small branch; thanes as tho some too 1147 abates to a tlaka la M. (eBay's line of Specula lion lend; hence as that line 8. #0 W. *0. chain* • • Makes thenc. ft. to ft. n.00 koine bo a Maks to the edge of a hot- 1 sms the nee 8. •» E. 1I4S chain* to l pine, a comer ef 100 aero Mr Loan . utd in a Uce of T» acre lot of some • end; thence 8. 1 W. 17 ckaina with < bo Hne of 100 aero oa Duncan's i koak to a small rad oak; tkaaco 8. •H B. sroastog tho crook 11.00 i htona to Urn beginning, containing i VIRGINIA SCHOOL TEACHER TELLS WAY TO RELIEVE STOMACH TROUBLE For Thro* Or Four Ywara Suffered Himself Witi Indigestion. Leek of Appetite, end Would Often Have Nervous, Diray, Vomiting Spells After Breakfast. TELLS HOW HE CURED HIMSELF "1 wai suffering terribly from stomach trouble and indigestion. I had suffered three or four years and after trying several patent iut dkines with out getting relief I was greatly distressed. I lacked a good appetite and after breakfast 1 would have vomiting spells and ditsy nervous attacks due tu the condition of my stomach. After those yean of suffering Acid Iron Mineral wo* recommended to mo as a great remedy for such troubles and I was completely cured of indigestion and steknem after using two bottles. It helped me when nothing elec would and I believe It will help others with the some trouhlu* because I k- -v what It will do. It Is a great blood purifier too.” declared Mr. F. G ‘ lieon, a school teacher at Van Dvfce. Va. Jtacfters, proiwon, surgeons, hospitals, and people all ortr the United State* daring the put thirty yun have praised tWa natural, highly concentrated Iron In liquid form u put up under the Ferrodlne Chemical Corp. trade mark "A-Ht." Thia trade mark la the user's guarantee* of Quality sod full strength. It ia on bottlg and carton and'Add Iron Miner al may only bo bought in origins) bottles. Any man or woman, needing more strength, richer blood, and better di rection aad appetite, can, by using this Iron, hope to ful an Immense im provement in their general health Inside a couple of weeks. Being power ful, economical end harmleu, ft maltu aa ideal tonic for seasons of the year when tb» blood n-eda cleansing and one /cola run down. Get a IS ounce bottle at yonr druggists. This large bottle of which a few drop* mir ed with water and .-kaa after meals makoa a powerful dose Get a bottle today. land conveyed by A. E. Rankin A Co. to Mr*. M. L. Salmon, Mareb 14 1902. TIME OP SALE: Tuaaday, Febru ary 4, 1918, 1 o’clock V. M. PLACE OF SALS: Courthouae door, I.illtnyton, N. C. TERMS OF SALS: CASH. LUlinfton, N. C. Thia th# 2nd day of January, 1818, CHARLES ROSS. Truataa. » *V*. Notice ia hereby given te Ike prep ay ewnen redding in the Town >f Dunn whoee property abate open IdewaUu recently pared that the ride, ralk paring her been computed aad bat tbe Town of Dean haa ascertain 'd tbe total caet thereof an*,tbet the rown boa aaoeoaed the total roat there f according to law and haa made oat ia aseaaomrnt roil thereof giving the | amee of poreoaa aooeaeed. the amouat i ownaed againri them respectively 1 rith a brief dcorrlpticn af late ar par I ate of lead iteawid. The (aid aa- i • Moment roll baa been deposited in tbe office of the Clerk of the Town for Inspection bp persons interested and that a meeting ef the Board of Commaekmert ef the Tewn of Donn hoe boon called and Is cat for 7*0 o’clock P. M. on the 14th dap of Jan. 1918 In the Municipal Building of tho Town for hoaring of ollogations tod objections In reepect to said spe cial ■—cement. Notice la kersbp riren that at the said meeting the Board of CenunMooert will sensid ir making correctiona In rack mm nent roll end will either confirm the lame or aet K aside and provide far e This December 81st 1817. t. W. TUBXAGE. 1 Mapor. C. C. Gllnartf, who hai lived la laritbAeld for a nambor of jraatM, baa noved back to Dunn and will aaka Ma hii boaia. Wa are clad to bare fr. Oiltlard aa a ottiaan of Daaa «ala

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