•LOCAL* ACL PASS KNURR TRAIN 2CHRDULKBi Southbound. , Na aa (PUg) aua a. m N» N. 8:32 A H Wa m. 8:42 P. M. Na aa. 11:12 P. M Northbound. Na 24, 8:31 A M Na M. 12:82 P. M. No. *4. 7:41 P. M No. 22. 11:H P- M DURHAM AND BOUTHHKN Paaaeager Train Bdicdulo: U. Dun Na 38. 2:1# A M Na 24. 1:2* P. M No. IL 11:18 A M No. 41. 8:82 P. M A 11-Tb girl woo born last wook to Mr. and Mn Norman Yates. Mrs. Leon Poo nail, of Rocky Mt, visited relative* hero this wook. Room*) Smith, of Johneton coun ty, visited relative# hero this week. Mrs. Hattie Wlioon. of MayuvtUa. la bar* this wook visiting relatives and friend*. Mr. and Km. J. H. Haley have re turned from a visit to relatives in Clarksville, Va Mm. T. M. Pridgen, of HaUsboro, ie here on a visit to bar slater, Mrs. A L. Newberry. N. T. Paterson, cashier of th* Bank of Coots, era* a badness visitor in Dunn Wednesday. Mia* Madia Bell returned tbia week from Qarkrrille, Va, where she spent the Christmas holidays with friends. J. R. Harrison, of Whiteville, baa accepted a position with the Langiey Barber Shop. Mr. Harrison will move , his family here next weak. Wa wel come them to onr town. Mm. Clyde Wilson, who baa held a position in th* ladies department of the Fleishman stores boro for s number of yearn, baa given up her' work with tbia firm to accept a pod-; tion as stenographer and bookkeeper with th* Dunn I neurone* A Hoolty Co. Ford for sale—Practically now 1917 Modal aad In flrat-dam condition. Equipped with (hock absorbers, ertra horn, and cat-sat. Haro jost pat on a now sat of Fisk tires. Car can be eoan at The Dispatch ofiee. Saa me at one* if Interacted. Parry Jarnigma, Dunn, N. C. A ley Parker, a member of tbs' "Hogas Gang”' at Part Oaswall, ha* been transferred from the Coast Ar tillery. of which Be has boa A mem ber Macs enlisting in the eervtcs to the anti air craft department. His new work will take ktm “aeroas'* within a few weeks where bo will enter active service. Prentiss ExxsU, who la stationed at Fort Caswell, aad is a mmber of the Medics) Corps, has been promoted from sergeant to first sergeant. This ' is tba aacond promotion that has come to him tinea be entered tba service last rummer and his friends hare rejoice that Ua work is being recognised by those tn authority. Z. V. Snipte is moving Us family from the residence formerly occupied by him on B. Layton Art., into tba house just back of Gao. K. Grantham's home. T. C. Young, who baa Uvad on a farm just west of Dunn for tba past two yarn, has decided to move bis family back to town and will occupy the residence vacated by Mr. Baipoa. Bright Morgan, who has lived in Lumberton for the post four months, being in charge of a jewelry store there, has returned to Dunn and assist J.W. Jordan in Us business. Mr, Morgan has been away only a short time and his friends bare are glad that k* wfll make this Ms ha— again. Mrs. Morgan ad tba baby wlD return to Dunn In a few day* Jim Driver, junior member of Dm a n.i... wV- v.. baen in New York tha past two wsehs In the inters* of Ms tan, returnee bom* Wednmday night. While awtj Mr. Drirar rial tad tha various con cams which they ropraoant hen and familiarised himself non thoroughly with tha instruments the] sail. Mr. Drirar states that Ms tri] was bath profitable and pleasant. Mrs. Bertha McNeill and O. T Woo lard wars married fas Rmlthfteli la* Saturday night in the present of a faw intimate friend* and rein tires. The anouncement af tha mar rings came as a surprise to a nuns bar of her friends hers. They laf immediately for a trip north aad all return in n faw days to Banafeit which town they wiD Make their born Mrs. Woo lard la a daughter of Mi T. L. Oemld, a prominent steak deals of Dona. A. J. Holmes, who has boon engag ad in tha Jewelry badness here. fa the pa* |N> with J. W. Jordan, b* ing the junior msssber af tha On of Jordan I Hotmaa. baa eoid M latere* bare aad mired to Immb* tea, which town he will make M Home. Mr. Holasea was popular her with many friends and Ms bushms associates all ef whom regret tha ha derided to make a change tha took him to another town. Be eel hie Inters* to Mr. Jordan, feres* owner ef the buriaiss who wCl ear do* the buslae* again In his aw aaasa. Mr. and Mia. Hehnaa M beat week for their now heme. A Hue boy waa bora last weak to Mr. and Mn. E. a West. A girl was born Saturday to Mr. and Mr*. W. H. Newberry. G. L. Cannedy wap a business visi tor near LiUinglc-n Thursday. Dick Taylor, Jim Mends and Dock Adlay wars in FayetUviUs Tuesday. Gao- Prince and N. A. Taylor were business visitors in Coats Thursday. Perry Jeruigen and Braxton Bag (tU spent a few bourn In Bute's Croak Sunday. D. C. Fusaall haa returned from a business trip to several towns In Robe son county. I. T. Bams of Atlanta, Ca., was here teat week visiting his sitter, Mrs. Virgie Warren. Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Young return ed last weak from a visit to Camp Etevlar, GraaneUla, 8. C. Robert Jordan haa returned to RaJ eight to resume his special work In music at St. Mary’s College. Prof, and Mrs. J. E. Dowd have returned to Clinton where Prof. Dowd aseumso hia work for the Spring term st superintendent of the Clinton grad ed school. Sergeant-Major Robert Young, of Camp Savior. Groenvillo, 8. C., waa hero this week on a short furlough visiting hia parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Young. The fuel situation has been reliev ed here somewhat. The Dunn lea A Fuel Co. unloaded Seurday a 52 ton car of coal which has bran distri buted to tbs people of the town. Wo arc publishing this waek tbs statements of the First National Bank and the Bank of Capo Fear, made at the close of business December lint, 1917. Both statements show the in stitutions to be sound and prosper ous. The X. G. Taylor Company is in the miitef nf kilt annnal N^nrtlnil tale. This Arm U offering Its custo mers a number of bargain* which they Will do well to call and Investi gate, If they are in the market for goods Kenneth Fe'ion Howard, of Camp Sevier, C-menviU*, S. C. it spend ing ssveial days b«*e with his parents, Mr. end Da K L. Howard. Ken neth It rs-ovsrlng from an accident in which be broke his leg several weeks ago, hot is not ahls to walk yet, except With th* assistants of crotches. Jno JK. Hodges’ variety works, under .th* water tank. Is n plate of interest to thoes who have not visited his place. Mr. Hodges is always on the job and take* pleasure in showing visitors through hi* shop. H* makes excellent meal, bays and sails corn, •boss horses sad runs a general re pair shop. Be also sell* odd sped mens of furniture and does cabinet work. He knows hit hnatans and takes pleasure in serving his custo mers If you want something In Mi line sc* him. Capt- J. L. Hines, of Co. M, 111 Infantry, stationed at Camp Beviar has tendered hi* resignation to th< war department and it has bean ec espted. Ha left Greenville last Waal for Charlotte, whsrs he has sceep*. ad s position. Capt. Hinas has baei in the service s number of years, bar ing seen active service on the Mexi can border last winter and has bsei faithful la tbs discharge of Ms duties He has • number of friSads in Dam and tbit section of tbs State who rs grst that be wjll not make Dsnn M boms again. , Jsda Morgan, who enlisted a montl ago as mechanic in the aero servio and has sines bean stationed at Pen taco la, Fla., feU with one of the m chins* in which ht was making i flight in company with another am on January 1st, and suffered a broke: collar bone, on* arm and several rib Hs had given up his work as mschnni and volunteered for terries In th flying squadron and bs made bis An trip up with tbs shove results Th machine feU a distance of Sevan hundred feet and hs eras fortunat not to have been killed outright. H it in the bast hospital in Penaseoi where be is recovering from hi «NM Sergeant W. A. Jeckson, of Co. M 118 Infantry, who te stationed a Camp Bevier, Greenville, S. C., ha been made tnd Lieutenant of Co. 1 of the same Infantry. Mr. Jackaoi , wai among the firet of the Dean boy , to volontaer last Spring and eaterm the service as a private. Hie entha elaem end the efficiency with wfctel ho mastered the'details of the wori 1 assigned him toon broeght him re 1 cognition and within teas than a yea ' ha rasa from private to a corn re lesion ’ od officer, the first see of Doan1 ’ boys to receive a commission throng 1 Ssteal service la tha army. Ho I 1 • eoa of Mr. and Mrs. «. S Jaei • eon, of Doan, aad his nnmarov 1 friends hare will read with iatarei ■ of hie promotion, p .. NOTICE I P We take this method of than kin ■ oar caatomere for tho liberal petrol i age they have givea as daring tl • Ufa of our co-partnership. We deep] - appreciate the consideration give* I • by the public generally aad aaagi i yea year patronage wae appreciate l We have eold our steak of good t to lfargaa Brothers, effective let t Thursday, and foal tha* you will mat I no mistake In giving them the bos r nose that formerly came to aa We amnt te eleeo op all eceoon i doe aa within the neat few dayt as t will thank these who owe os mom to sal] at the store at enoa aad eettl Your promptness in this matter will greatly oblige an Yoon truly, J0HN80N-DKNNING COMPANY Dunn, Jan'y 10th, 1918. RED CROSS NOTES. Now mamhocs aro being added each day and yet we need you. The chest dens tod to tha Sad Cram by Mr. W. W. West waa greatly ap preciated as it was much needed and to already proving just the thing to store tha garments in while wo are accumulating a sufficient number to ship. Thanks again to Mr. West. We had needed brooms tot our work room bouse keeping, which is getting to be an item until Mias Sally Fertile supplied u*. For which we thank Miss Purdie. A business meeting of the Dunn Auxiliary is ealled for Thursday after noon at two o’clock, at the work rooms. The last lot of wool to tha prettiest yet. 9115.00 worth. Its gray and splendid quality. RESOLUTIONS OF SYMPATHY “In the mid it of life wo aro In death.” V The death of oar beloved member Lida Baiting, which oecurad at the home of her elite r, Mrs. George M. Floyd on the morning of January f, 1918, eras a ihock to our poople. While ahe waa In our midst only a short while she made many friends who wars grieved to hear of bar death. We extend to the family and loved , ones our heartfelt sympathy and piny that our Heavenly Father may com ion mem in meir hoar or elrocbon. Therefore b« It resolved: 1. That are tha members of tha Dunn Baptist Philathea Claas are eon* •clone of tha great loaa era have sus tain ad. t. That in bar death we have lost a faithful member. Although wa shaB mim her wa will cherish bar memory and thank God for her life aad loy alty to HU cans*. I. That these resolutions ha in scribed la tha lainntaa of our class record, a copy aant to tho family, also Dunn Dispatch aad Herald for publi cation. "Not now, hat in tha earning yean, i It may be in tho better lead, I We’ll read tha meaning of our tours. And there, son stints wo’B understand Ida Maya Pittmaa, Clara Pope, Xatharyn* Allan, Committee. • Narw Rad Crnas members ssnssarl la Jan. 191B: Mrs. R. 0. Primrose, Annual; Mies Kathleen Jeffreys, An nual ; Mies Adelaide Jeffreys, Annual; Mm. P. J. Jeffreys, Magazine. MORGAN BROTHERS PUR* CHASE GROCERY STORE Parry and Willie Morgan have pur chased the stock of groceries belong 1 ing to tha Johaaon-Denniag Co., aad took charge of tha buafareaa Thurs day. They will carry tbs same line 1 of goods carried by tha former con ’ cam and will keep tha stock fresh ' aad up-to-date. These two young men are sroB 1 known in Dunn, both having made this their hom-j for a number of years. Par 1 the peat tvl') years Perry Morgan > has bean in tha eivil service, serving - aa one of tha rural* canters from i Dunn during that period, sad bar • proved to ho one of the moot tffl • ctent men in tho service. Ho bar > given up this work, however, end - wiD devote hia ontir time to thr c now business. Willie Morgan, for thr • past several years has keen aa am 1 ployee at tha Gao. Pope lumber mil ■ hers. 1 Messrs. Johnson and Danninf • who are retiring from business an • two excellent young men. They an a both of military ago aad sold that ■ business to prepare to ear*# Unci Sam. Neither has beta called yet I, but both art expecting to enter tb t service before tong. Wlbea-Lewi. Mr Jh. W. Wilson sad Mias Mattie Lewis were married last week at the Methodist personage. Roe. J. M. Den ials, pastor of tbo bride, performing the ceremony in the presence of only a fow friends aad relatives. Tha marriage eras a surprise to the friends of tha couple, bat few of thorn bo tag aw»r« of their intentions until tbs announcement had boon made. Tbs groom Is a young man who has made Dana his homo far a number of years, being engaged la the tasur aaeo business bora. Ha is popular with s largo eirclo of friends aad Is wall known through this ssetton of tha stats. Tbs bride Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Lewis and was tha escond I bride la the family during the both days, her sister. Miss Hattie Lewis i being married tbo week before, the ' boo a number of friends in Duns 1 where she has spent most of her Ufa * Bor the present they wtH reside is - the homo of Copt. W. D. Holland is > the southern port of the eity. W. M. BAGGETT DEAD William MUm Baggett, a wot i knows eitissa of Dana, died at hh I hems oa Bast Broad street There ’ day afternoon, after a brief Olaem . tearing only a few hears. Paralysii DUNN DISPATCH. DSC. IS. tMT * BUSINESS LOCAL • MONET TO LOAN ON APPROVED m rarity. Call an «r write Ikt Bask of Haraatt. Dak*. M. a JUST RECEIVED—A CAR OF SOT Bran M«aL Priea |S.TS pw tea. Walter Jonea, Dm. N. c. SL SEVERAL NICE OFFICES FOR reat. Dwrirabty located la BCW building. See aa at aaaa. J. W. Gerald A Baggett, Dana, N| C. SEE ME FOR CENTER BORED colonial celaaana, guarantead aa* to crack, and-all te* of turaad work, man tala, Ubtea. and odd fund tor*, Jaa. W. Hodge*, Variety Work*, under water teak. FOR SALE.—I HAVE I SMALL farm, which I can aall at a bargain on eaay term*. Bat aa at aaaa. R. L. Godwin. > . » -—-—< WOOO SAW—CET THE TRACTOR to taw K if yen want It aawad bow. 8a« Charlie, Ik* law. LOST—SATURDAY AFTERNOON an PayetteriHa road Mar Dana a black laatkar band bag containing faraitara and trade natalngnaa pair of OTaralb. S aebaol bo oka and baU *f cbalk Una. Addraaa of ewa ar under Sap. Liberal reward if r. -onud to Diapatek a fie*. LISTEN—IF TOO WANT TD SELL or buy tewa or oaaaNy arapwte — Geo. L Ohnaady, he VuTaJ& for yea, or ha wfll Sad a aaa*. m*r for yon If yam waat to aaU. S«* or write to Nbm at aaaa. FOR SAI F—I HAVE * GOOD Horae* end 1 practically n«w open buggy far ante at a reaie noble Price. So* me at oaoa If iateraatad. Perry Morgan, Dhaa, N. C. A raumwiWIAl MAN WANTS | to rant a t, • or 7 room dwelling' in Dona. Apply at tha Dhpatefc Oftc*. CALL ON 0*0. L. CANN Aft AT IF you want to boy farm hah. t have lavaral nod bsTpofns saw near Dana. Baa Ma at eaae tt yon aro lataraatad. WOOD SAW—OCT THE TRACTOR to ww It if yon want it oawad now. Baa Charlie, tha Be war. FOR SALE—-4 HAVE 1 GOOD hone* and 1 practically new open burty for Mia at a R—Mi price. Boa mo at onca if iataraatad. Perry Morgan, Dunn, N. (X LIITUMP VdkP WAMT IS MUL or buy town or country pssassty aaa Gee. L Gaaandy. ha wC aaU for you, or ha wiB tad a eueto ■er for you If m want to aaU. See or write to Mm at aaea. FOR SALE—I MAYS A CUTTLE hoiua for aala. Good all round farm bore*. Goad toiler aad oafa fa* women and childraa WIB aha eaO buggy and haraaaa. Apply to Maa. J. W. Lana Dana, M C. FOR RENT—ROOMS SUITABLE for light bouae keeping. Light aad modem coavanieaoaa. Apply to Mrs. Colon Pearson. % LOST.—A LA VALUES UT WITH three diaaooada. Pindar will plaaaa return to Tha Diapatcb of fice and gat reward. FOE SALE—I HAVE FOUR thoroughbred Da roc leraay pigs far aala at onca for flt.60 each. Baa or write to Rev. H. H. Goff, Paleoa, N. C. 1-S-4L FORD FOR SALE—PRACTICALLY new 1917 Modal and la first-*Mm condition. Equipped erith shock absorbers, extra horn aad cut-out Hare Just put an a new act of Flak Urea. Car caa ha seas at Tha Dis patch office. Baa ma at once If bt i tcreeted. Parry Jeraigwn. I — *“• nuiiu—a urru rwn ml* bi boom and lot The tot to 140x1*0 fset, situated la framt af tha QMa tiao Chareh. Heme baa f toeme. Location ooa bleak from Kate It Capt. J. L. HTKia, UOtk lefty Camp Barter, 8. C.' I AM OFFERING FOR BALE THE Taken plaia at Falcon, N. CL, con taining BS aeraa. Jteaaom far aaR in* barn found other property nearer Imam. Far further infor mation nee er write to A. B. Jokn aon, Poor Oeka, N. C. ft Fd. NOTICE Tha nadesatened baring qnaMftod aa Adrainialrator of tha estate af E L WilUama, Imuj late af Harnett Connty; this ta to notify all person* haring claims against bla aa tete ta peasant them to tbs snder siyacd at hie oflee in Deice, M. C., on or before the Bltb day of Decem ber, 1B1B or tUt aotimwfl bo pleaded la bar of their racoeary. All pereoas Indebted to aald aetata This the ITtb day of December 1*11. _ C. J. SMITH, Attorney. area the eaaee of bla death, aboat *0 yeere of see end b Dana bis boam far a ahmbey Be waa a maa af eh and dorter bin Ufa ha ritht ranch Deceased mil of tV First National 1||| Condense j1 rencjr Bp§&| , RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts_...._9 272301J8 U. S. and other bonds___...._ 41,782.78 Liberty Loan bonds_ 25,900.00 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank......_ 130800 Banking House and Fixtures...'!__ 48,980.26 5 per cent Redemption Fund____ 2,000.00 Cash on hand ana in other banks___ 258271.96 Total Resources-9 649,827.53 LIABILITIES: x Cash Capital Stock-$ 50,000.00 Surplus and Profits_.... 25,297.96 Circulation (money issued)- 40,000.00 Dividend (declared this date)_ 3,000.00 DEPOSITS... 531,329.56 Total Liabilities. J-$640,627.53 Deposit* Dec. 31, 1915.$168,780414 !| Deposits Dec. 31. 1916-. 352£22.72 11 Deposits Dec. 31, 1917--- 531,329.55 - || ^ OFFICERS t I P. 6. COOPER- 1 W. B. COOPER- 1 J. A. CULBRETH_ W. B. BALDWIN_ 11 8. D. PITTMAN__ j I M ■ - i ii —b^m—— T^ACH year sees an increasing number of automobile ^ buyers wbo seek not only Performance in tbeir can but Comfort and Convenience. You, tor example, enjoy leaning back against the cushions or your car and delight in feel ing them give comfortably under you when you strike a “thank you ma'am*' or bit of unimproved road. You want springs that will absorb the Jar and not make you bump the tonneau top. Wheth er over rough roads or along the boulevard, a Dixie Flyer is an easy rider. Similarly, with every other feature, there la a point at which satisfactory car comfort and reasonable price come closest together. a ami point is me jutoi-wc zmiia into every mxim c iyer. Bow convincingly we Wo attained that foal la shown by a most satisfactory increase in sales each saason— secured, not by spending hundreds of thousands in ad* vertlaing, but by word of mouth from satisfied owners to their friend*. Bee the Dixie Flyer at yourneareet dealers. Drive U—Cast its instantly responsive power, its quick pick-up aod get-away into speed, Ha smooth riding comfort, sad you will uadsWsnd non readily why this is so. tM 8 Seeend Boptfat ckmreh end m UKk fnl In Me ntteUdnnee. Be took In ternet In Ike week of Me eknrck end eaported K liberally. TM fanernl eenltee wen eeodne ted front Ike keeee »rtdnr efternoon kf Dr. J. A. Bli end lidefiM won • » .1 » V. • *Y y •

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