-" s^amasBs.-— * The Barnes & Holliday Co. -y * !; t a I Hardware—Fumitw ^--Undertaker*. I THE EDISON. 9 | Dunn, N >rth Carolina __- _ _ Professions! Cards ** + *••••••• * a r. tounc * iSWMMUtt * Offlo* Sad tout UoMaUla bid*. * Prompt attention *irec *--—i W. A. (inm, Kuiik * All etyiee enlarged permits * But Main It, Dm. It. C. * •••••stsst * T. a DARDEN * Veterinary PVy.trlea, 8«r*een * a4 Den Hot. * PHONES: Day, M, Ni«bt. MO * DUNN. It. C. * •SSSSSSSSS * •SSttSSSSS * JAM. a BUTLER Dentist * Suceeeoor to Dr. a P. i. Lee * Otlee oeer Wileoo A Lee’. Star*. FVano ltd. *•••##•»•#* * SSSSSSS * JESSE F. WILSON . • ATTORNEY AT LAW 4 Dean. N. C. 4 Office oyer Plcietimnn Broe' 4 Store formerly occupied by a 4 L Godwin. Practice la all 4 Court*. Preempt Attention to all Beeineae ' I. C. Clifford, N. A. Towammd. CLIFFORD A TOWNSEND * AtMntra-tl Lav * Cdtte. on 2nJ Aaar of Ffrtt Mat * lonal Bank, Prompt ottaaMao * rlran to all buaiaoaa. ’♦•••ooo * JOKN A JmwiQAN DENTIST * 85-36-37 Pint National Waafc Pboua No. SI * • • • 9 9 • • •0 • # |||0a * E. C. WEST . attorney at law ; Dm*,; Ird Soot lot Natioaal * rroetioo In aB Coat* Prompt and Paraonal Attorn I „ -ll°* «+"« «S Buainaae * C.H«.»Ua, Mad* a IpaaMItr * 9 9 • • • • 0 • •••0000 • MISS LULA CRENSHAW Tralaad Homo • D*a«, |f j • Aajr op* aoodlnc aarrieo *iU • And mo ot 15S. • + •**••• % _ • enemy concentrating' large OFFENSIVE force P«t Ika Proaab oad Srtabk Kooa Craatlr SlfMftUad Do. lavka Paaltlaaa Waafcinpto,, /an *1—Tba alUm ara malutalaiac aa aapaitaal attttada Comparative Statement State Bank & Trust Co. at Close of Business January 23rd, 1918. A<5«TTB. fn? Loans and Invest ments. -$25,420.84 $78,740.81 Cash on hand and in banks, 12,124.66 34,839.27 $37,545.50 $113,580.08 LIABILITIES: Capital and Profits.$13,879.00 $26,198.91 BjU. payable.... 20.000.00 DcP0«t8----. 23.666.50 67,390.17 $37,545.50 $113,580.08 We solicit a portion of your patronage and will do all in our power to render you pleasant and satis factory service. H. L. GODWIN.. „___ R. L. GODWIN.. „„ „ .. T v svtTH ----' Ice-President T. V. SMITH-Vice-Preaidest and Cashier 1 on tho wmUti front, Baker * «taU4 today In Mo week It war review, whlla recent erect* in *0—U *_ ' geatly lnr». need •tmt'i'i* freedom for 1 the cealral power*. Tha following review t* fee A* ’ **,k onding Jenaary II. It nyar "There to little te wword in the ’ way of military activity during tha ’ pact waek. On the western front 1 the eJlire are maintiwlrtr on exyao tant attitude. "While the enemy has been boay concentrating hhi* ofwM forcea,the > British and French hare grsatlj strengthened their disposi tion*, reorganizing their tactical or. rongemmta which la many Instances are as were hitheto, »hiefty of an ef ftneive character, aad ere now poo IWti for every eves tea lit y. “Tha recent events la Reeaia, which *** am b 0 rtlloe of front U tha am, tha tnvaetoe of Italy and tha conaoqaeat ahorter ing of tha hat* tb Itaa m thb mm hr nearly HO miu* hwre malted in greatly laeraeo. •d etratagic fradta far tha contra] ftipinf. "*eri»aring the ^rattona arhieh took plane deria* the period nnder omaialmation, it U noticeable that aacandaat initiafiv* o' 4 alertncaa la admin dtapiayed hr the alliee. “Wo 8nd tha Brit’vk .ad Front* •ttiaaly raiding the Oemon tinea, driving In ootpoeta end retrain. "Along the Brttleh (rent the eueay for the Hrat tha# bi vv wee lea aaaia toined • relatively p*Mv« attitade. The Brttiah tent eat evneraM raid leg portion. of Looa, r •h»*»1y roadneted aparatioa by the Dt l- h tree brought < ♦« » HHtfil aoaalaalan. Tha Brit ish kaka late tka Qaraan Him «•*»•« a a an bar af priaooara. "Karth af It Qaaatfe, sad aaat of Markaart, tka Brttiak kad braakoa witk tka aoaerty whlrh reauhad favor ably. "la tka aatykboHaead of r—rt a Caned las dotaskaMat laaackod a raid •calast tka Gamaaa, wkkk waa eraWMd with aataaaa. Mot aaly wars tka Caaadlaaa abk Vo yanatrato tke •aomy'a ystfttaaa, bat tkay bald tka as kn« aa tkay daortad it sxyadiant, •ad aaly rati rad attar tetktin* aart **“lhi*aAairt>.<f x^** *r**oaaia. ***y agalart a British out b««t bat waa ayaadily driven back. "ArtGIsr ywetlvity waa notad la tka Yyroa aartlaa and aaaaty flre waa Uvely to tka area aawtk at tka rv». *»M* U haetOe territory wro ****** * °** ‘“I* «■ A* '••‘•a t Swim »»< la« U* ud cantonmeats la HiiadM graved pod targets, but da* Mtfkt attacks by aircraft la force were °*« ■••*■* 0**—» eHlee. ^k* Midi M Zarfcruhe prorad Hrticwlerly effective. | "!■ the Italia* theatre tho •• «f tke pcecedlag weak bare bee* , ••kwgad and iitolil. |7 alaag three Mg—da Mgtacsu of < the liaa, a serial ef fwaidabh sseenfu ■Wch raaoHad la a decided adraa , laga far their feteaa ngaged. "The An* attack waa nada —t of . Oaga MU ia tha fhn delta, which | Uaagbt .beat a Material artaaaUal. 1 **• Mdgahiad aUag tha , JMi. 1910 “**J. Coda Du.’ MU Mm^ -Jim Me aad | ban bMlabu op a boa war In tba encpdopadU at aebool. W. found that in tba war batwaao dec “d Fraaoa la IFTtMl. Canaan; *°* lb killed aad ——rflcd amm dlara wblla rnoca lost atwat ax tlaa ■ **““»' aad baUdaa that. aba tea i arerp battla. Wo otfead Prsfaooar Bio caa Whp mu «U tla mb that tb. O«™ao amp waa bichip tralaad ant ablp Commend ad, wblla tba Fraud •oldtara wars postlp trike] i aad tba1 thalr war department waa bouap •'•“"bad with jMbinap end aaUtUa that tba officer* wars aot maab pood and tkafa whp Ftanc* teat tbs wai and ao aaap maa. What do poa thin l •bout It, Cada Daol" "Wall.- add Coda Du, twBmb Bloeaat U right. Bp laaffictoDcp Franc iMt that war. taMthar with two o< bar bast prulaow tlaaia aad Low ralna. aad had to pap a bunco dot lata Indwnaltp mtmgj. rraora todaj lamed bar laasM bp that aad expa •f«uc% m da pat la aatrasaal miutan balalac. aad aa a result. |« mfn mw know hoar la Bgbt aad bow U Ptwtoet tkMHhU Thap an loalnt m ta tba war than tba Owaaaa *raacs alao pat politics aut ad Mr waj Hapartawot. ao that expert aatborttp, *®*wad of baraaacratlc stvptdltr. now £*•«• tba amp. Tba rasaU U IVaaoa baa aaa af tba baat aad atd •ndoot ami a* erarp **eembiad. aad this abowa what tberonga trainlnw aad food IsadaraUp M* ta waiter* Thla acred franca 1* thla crtsU, aa wall m the liberties of tea world." "Aa war la oow eondactsd. thara la m place far aa w"»runed man. A bodp of 14000 wan tralaad •feat Bra era! la aad paratlsatp >P« train ,n« laath aad eaaaaltp rata sandMrd of arhat U otb •iwtM weald ba and rl#rt Kara to an atolttary training ^ ^ "***** "Our goaaratotet baa aa acral rlxbt T..,0re» ■■■■IMW MTTta» property training thorn tor tt. T* do ao la simply murder, tomes tha frantic effort that la arm m.j ■—< «■ #*• bar aoidlan aooo training bo *ora they ara root ta tha front. Kara aro ta wla thla war, it win uka tralaad boo to do M, and It vm caha tralaad i—i *» vtn any otbar war that nay oa la tba fotora If vs muM fight. let aa debt ta via aad aad to loan" That's tha staft* au Butte. Undo Dam soldi "Oar ospaadsd about S800, OOOjOOO to pur «m ousoaeau and training «tatiooo3>«J»to-to tstoa the Whoa Uvea* mao tralaad tbs train In* at«Hops should bo Issmtdlatoiy fill ad writb yoangar ass, say *umf la tbtor alnotBonth your. to rwcalTO adz Boatha of Inteuafrs military train log along tha llooo ad tha Chamberlain bQL Thla win ba ad Imrasasntslils baaedt ta them Individually. It vm do than mar* good tbaa aoy athsr tva yoars of thatr whole Ufa; It will thorn strong, manly. asU-raltaat. gulch ta aar aad quick ta act; it vm equip than far a successful Ufa. la abort. It wfll rebuild American manhood -H vm alao giro tha garanmanl a body od^trained sns ta draw from la'eaee eaunttyT^fa^nuet soul* ttoa quartan od universal military truiniog tmma dlatdy, atbarvlaa thsaa trulaiag ——I— may ba demolished. Tbo adoption od unlretual military training arm fee mo tics to tbo world that from tbaa oa va win ba prepared to defend ear mtlroo promptly and dhelenttj, aad thla erm do mors ta heap as out of war la tha futura than anything alas va ctdl do." T>o yoo think, toother," said Mrs. Oraham. "that than will orer ba an other warr 1 tom «> dotol snoot If nM Undo Don. 1o Mt m m in —HIM. so km« m nations m ambs Oont to aewlre territory, ao lw ao population presaw sad -yinTe morn room, ao Ion* aa ton remains a will to When ths^dmo~M^IS Thlt wa reach tto hfeh plana for which wa hops and dream, whsa aO win racan tdaa ths fatherhood of qq* and the hrothsshood to am than, and than only, win wars cease When that day coass doers win nssd no laths, banka will need ao vaults to pretact thaw trafcaarsa. hat that day la a lan« "The anly mfa aad a*aa plan la ta to able to defend ourselves at all times. Therefore, wary dttsan t*J Ustat that senators sad dull provide fa tralalac, so thst country ha caught a ready aa this war tuaatalyi ta this cash aw enemy has torn MM back, ao ws have tod a tow meotto la which to W*P*ru. This ad vuatafs probably wV navw sews *«^*r. _ la aa Ulead to peace la" «" eee'to! ww. Safety drat U toad, but safety Mwaye U better, la streadth theca la I safety. Ten atom •» ■ tin can > dad to tho^tatl to a bauds* Thar* ower PUT*. "The ncoiul, la tha region between b* Manta Tomb* aad the Mont* Sot-' mU, mi • tactical fata «f poetttre aloa, la that It greatly artreagtfeca 4 the Italian dlepeeUtoa I* thfa am. “Tb* third, aay by far the meet M» ertaat endertaking, reached la bring' »* abort a rectification of Italian tepoeltiona U the Mae to Aacleae a**-' *■ vhfch rendered aaeure trench I *•»•»»» Heretofore not deroid of I erleoa weaknem • ' . • . \ \ •’■'If IT IS YOUR DUTY TO YOUR COUNTRY TO PRO* DUCE MORE CROPS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION TWS YEAR IN ORDER THAT WE MAY WIN THE WAR It win pay you to 0OO m and investigate our line of fanning implement*, ineluding the famous MOLINE LINE of walking and riding plows, disc harrows, cultivators, ate. Also we carry the famous VULCAN PLOWS and cast ings in stock at aU times, together with tire best upright plows on the aaarlcet—the SMITH. Sm it Ufom buying. . ‘-i' > We want you to caO and get our prices. Everyimpfe. ment we aril is guaranteed as rsprnssiilsil JOHNSON BROTHERS, D.,.., looked upon »» nf —sntialajgnafli inn i nthrt H kas removed the —itlen ef •ho twioj being abb to tm the Italian flank in the —glia at Mo Monte tort cart of Capo Mo. The wac driven back srlthoet ga'nlrg My ef Us objectives, and suffered severe casualties, it weald seen that K b now clear that the |— i, ^ ^ Austrians In this area has bees gp terially lessened. “Artillery was intermittently as live along the entire treat and the British batteries rendered good am vice in the MoateUo lector. “Clear weather fevered the tart of the aviatocm. Numerous hi sills air raids took place, directed agalnrt venous centers in the Veaetiaa v*-^ •bar to the lighting area. “The enemy was busy ksaUm m defended Italian towns, Padua and Travbo were attacked ia bread dap light and a am arose • accent* re ba tweon Austrian and ItaBan airman were recorded. “The Italians in tom wane boar breaking ep textile working pertlee ud harraseing centers ef Mfltery activity. “la Bomb a deadlock in the peeee , negotlatbaa of Brest-Utevek Mi again been reported. “The British forces were aattvs b the Palestine theatre. Qememl Ah baby baa strengthened hb fifaatiia position and extended kb liman, fro. qaoat patrol oncoantora are gated. Tbe enemy b being cleared atf vflbgea north of Jinaka and g firmer bold oa the holy city b that ainnl “ READ The State Journal A WmUy Mirror •/ Iftrtk CmtUam Uf* HA.LEOR, H. U EUZABEIH CUT BUSIER PRAISES DffiiGESnONREKDY ‘ t** ?WM> *** w» rT* w< aa I «ut *• fM***«4 MtiiO wm 1 tWmk Am h Mtfctaf Uka It." A«M im MtaaaaJ t» t\« m^t af a aaaaial aM trmlr r* xifaUa u. faanl la Vfeahai «m .T-t r¥—**7 rif JUmiUm yj ■a?, Maatf aa4 aria • - «a* a batata May. p mCULASE will raws* taeptag Maw Tear «aaJ5£>!![ aad taw tta wtD play* a great part, • witter aayi: *f M Inclined to beHera ttat mar ■taa ^‘“a1** wlB pawar. for *e a raaponaibOity, aad if bTtoa tta right mt af stuff to Mm ta at •*« atta w Mi will ta rececid. Be U earn ware money h> ecdee •tat ta aay give hla wife tta thingi •tat eaecemful maw give their wires. Ha alhainstaa time westing tana ■aata aad bad habits that ware relic* •f hie bachelor days. Marriage aotara fcta aad giraa hies poise. Opportaii Saa nrrieetrd through ataer trdrlraet *■ Mia bachelor day* are now eagerly tail Hla hand* are an tta rounds •f tta ladder ttat U'U to success. ^ Mi. wife is behind him, waiting w dom( Jtiai b^. •Waay bachelor. achiera a fair tawn of saccate, aad then stick la oaa place aB tta root of ttatr Urea. Ttay lark Mtatira tacaats they baron*t any ineemira to da bigger thlnga. This ie rery true la tta case if wan wta taro bo oaa dependent »a ttom. If ttay tad a wife or a •other or sisters, solely dcpeadaat ■pea them ttay would mrart their wiDa to soaw parpoaa. Lacking this ttay are aathded to let wall enough liana.M DELCO-LIGHT I * Keep* the Boye and Girls CdH—d am the WCMAEM farm efficiency Tha promt seardtj of farm helpers la duo lares]/ *? **• fact that meat he/s and *lrU hare been laarinr a* as atrip ap. T*—r »#e«tle« hU ken directed to the city by the wen-Hthted. cheerful homco, ud the many other deeireble city eenTenieneee. __ J* * *•B*dH‘** which must be corrected, ud DKL004JQHT w01 help U de it by brlnyiny to the hoeeo ell of the modern benedta. f E. 1. HUDSON, DUNN, N. C I — ' -V. ~v.

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