Statement of Farmers Commercial Bank j BENSON, NORTH CAROLINA I Close of Business December 31 st, 1917 to Corpora tion Commission, Raleigh, North Carolina. | I * • ' » . RESOURCES ' . - £ LOANS AND INVESTMENTS_ 8228.569.80 CUSTOMERS LIABILITY COTTON ACCEPTANCE 15,000.00 CASH AND DUE FROM BANKS_ 173.728.12 I % •; 8417,297.92 ! &?•■■■ • ! , y . . . LIABILITIES 1* CAPITAL__$ 50,000.00 UNDIVIDED PROFITS .... 10,110.45 • DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN ACCEPTANCES __ 15,000.00 DEPOSITS __ 342,187.47 1417.297.92 Above statement shows largest resources ever published in the history of the bank. Having the largest Capital of any State Bank in Johnston, Harnett or Sampson Counties, the greatest amount of security is offered depositors. We have a connection whereby we can secure loans on real estate for any length of time from 30 days to £ 10 years—IN ANL AMOUNT. Back your business with our Bank. It will take care of you. Im A^|BpvIm^S^ovntv[ IWM * w- D BOON. Vice-President W. H. SLOCUMB, Cashier (With the Colors) If ;;BRADLRY JOHNSON. VIca-Preldent. H. C. DURHAM, Acting Cashier VH ^^11———1————i—^^—M——i——n - ^ eps the Money at Home || n N Have you ever stopped to think what it would have meant to the South if the billions of insurance money which ha3 been sent to the North and East could have been kept in the South) t ne ooutnem Lire and t rust Company or Greensboro, North Carolina, was one of the first companies to begin preaching the doctrine of keep ing the South’s money in the South. Let us tell you something of what this policy on the part of this Home Life Insurance Company' has meant to our own community. J. L. WADE, Manager. n Insurance & Realty Co., Inc. A __ JJ FARM FOR SALE. 167-acre farm to be sold by the undersigned at public auction, on the premises, Fetmi ary 21. Plenty of good open, level, cleared land, timber, pasture and woodland. This is an excellent farm, on main highway. L. L. LEVINSON, COATS, N. C. SOME MONEY TO LOAN ON l*t MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE. MU or LAMD(WOE* DEED OT tree. at public auction, to tha hlghast bid dor, for cook, • certain treat of land located la Upper Little Rivor Tovn aktp, adjoining the land, of Mra. II. M. McKay, and othrs, bounded a* follow*, to-wit: Beginning at a corner of th* Jenct McLean land (now Salmon) on tha Baal aid* of Duncan'* Cook, and ran* with laid Una N. 1. degree* *0* K. *4 *0 ehaiaa to a atake la tha bead of a areall branch: thaaoo m the earn# Uaa ISA? ehaiaa to a atake la M. McKay's Uaa of Speculation lead; tkoaaa aa that Uaa fl. 08 W. M. chain* to a atake; thane* M. »« W. 8*0 ehaiaa t* a atake bi the edge of a bot tew; tkoaaa 8. 88 t lUi chalna to a pin*, a career of 100 acre McLean land la a 8a* of V8 acre lot of same load; three* 8. 1 W. 17 chain* wMh th* Mao of 100 acre aa Duocaa's Creak to a null red oak; three* 8. 88% K. in ■lag th* croak 11.80 chahM to tha tagtaalag. containing 80% am*, am or tare, batag mm* land e*grayed by A. K. Baakla A Co. to Mr*. M. L. Bahare. March 14 1808. TIME ftr 8 A LX: Taaaday, Fabr*. ary 8, 1818. 1 a'alook F. M FLACX OF SALE; C earth* a*, door, liMngtw. M. C. TEKMA OF SALX: CA8M. I.Alagtre. M. a 1818, NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified an Administrator of the estate of It. L. Williams, deceased, late of Harnett County; this is to notify all pomoni having claims against his es tate to present them to the under signed at bis office in Duke, N.-C., on or before the 27th day of Decem ber, 1018 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recerery. All persona indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. O. R SIMPSON, Administrator. This the 27th day of Docamber, 1817. C. J. SMITH, Attorney. COMMISSIONERS’ SALE By virtue of the authority contain ed in two certain judgments render ed at the September term, 1918 and the January term, 1918, of the Su perior court of Harnett county, in a cause therein ponding, entitled The Duan Commission A Supply Co., vs John A. Brewer and wife, Berta Brew er, Jerea Hargrove and Henry 0. Cam the three last named defendants har ing been, by pTUf’W'vorder_of the srart, indite wifCrtfnew ‘Watt? term. 1917 of said Mart, the under signed commissionsra of the court will cell the following lot or parcel of land to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, to-wit: Situated in Aeeraaboro township, Harnett county, described as follows: It being all of lot No. 28 In Duns, N. C, described sad referred to la a certain map by V. D. Stronach, Civil Engineer, registered in book 169, pago, 858, Register's office of Har nett county. The mid map contains a subdivision of the property of Mrs. R. A. Harper, sad for full description see the above named record. TLACE OF SALE—Courthouse door in Lillingtoo, N. C. TIME OF SALE-—Saturday, Febru ary 16, 1918, at 12 o’clock M. TERMS OF 8ALE—Cash. This the 14th day of January, 1918. Geo. L. Cannedy, Henry E. Faison, Commissioners. NOTICE. Notice le hereby given that on Monday, February 11, 1918 at 12 o’ clock M. hi front of tho ManJdpal Bonding tho Town win offer for rale at public auction, to th* highest bid der for caah th* atabla* belonging to Town porchmMd front K. L. Howard; at Um ana tin* aad plaea tho Town will rent aid property at public auc tion to the highest bidder for caah. B*id hide win be wade subject to the approval of tho Board of Conunlwion •re which Board will consider laid bids and decide whether tt will make ■ale of or rest aoid property. Done by Order of tho Board of ComniMionaTa of the Town of Dunn, this tho 10th day of Jaa., 1918. J. W. TURNACE. Mayor. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND Under aad by virtue of th* power Of aal* contained in a certain mort gage deed executed to the undersign ed by Murdoch McLean oa tho 27th day af February, 1917 and which ■aid mortgage d**d la rseordad fa Book Mo. I IS oa page IS, record* of Harnett county, default having boon made ia th* pay* at of th* debt thereby secured, the undersigned win eeO to th* highest bidder for cash at th* court house door In liBing ten. N. C., oa Monday th* 18th day af February, ISIS, at It o'clock M. the fol'nwing diucrlhid leads: Adjohrtag th* lead* of W. M. Black Hugh Black aad ulhuu, baglnalag at • stake and pine pointer* W.M.Bleak's earner Hagh Bleak** saUthwsst earner aad raw thanes E SS B. 14 M eheine la a slake aad piae potaters; tbeaee N. 2 W. 24 7* eba. creasing North An dersen's Creek to a stake aad dead pta* peiateis la the aid Baa; Bum M. SS «. I4.M ehatee t* a stabs aad Mack jack pel scare, the old comer, i —r=a — —warn —i thonco direct to the beginning con taining 50 aeraa more or lose. This January 16th, 1018 . lane A lane, Mortgagees. EL F. Young, Attorney. NOTICE OF LAND SALE. By virtue of the power* contained In a certain mortgage deed executed by T. L. Pope and wife, Martha U. Pope to the undersigned trustee, reg istered m book 100, page 275, Kogis try of Harnett county, default hav ing been made upon the bond secur ed in said mortgage and upon the re av.cst of the owner of said bond for tno foreclosure of said mortgage, the following lands, situated in Averas boro township, Harnett county, will be sold at public auction, to-wit: Being lot No. 3 in the division of tho lands of W. B Pops beginning at a stake and pointers, the south want corner of the House tract and runs north 86 west 16 chains to a stake and pointers, a corner of the Old Di vision Una, thence as that line north 4 1-2 cast 16 chains and SO links to s stake by a fence, thten a new di vision line south 86 east 1C chains and 30 links to a stake and pointer* south 4 1-4 W. 15 chairs and CO links to the beginning, containing 26 acres, being the same tract where the mort gagor* mow reside and same conveyed to T. L. Pope by W. B. Pope and wife S. E. Pope by deed recorded in book 1. No. 6, page 21, Register's office of Cumberland county, which record is referred to and mad* a part of this discription. TIME OP SALE—Saturday. Feb. 2, 1818 at 2:00 P. M. ** PLACE OP SALE—Atlantic Coast Line depot, Dunn, N. C. TFRMh OF SALE—CASH. This, tha 24th day of December 1817. . J. L, WADE, Trustee. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Tbo undersigned has qualified aa administrator of tho lats I. M. Avsry, and this is to notify all persons who arc indebted to said estate to malts immediate payment to the undersign ed and all persons holding claims against said estate to proeent same at onco for payment and that this notice will be pleaded In bar of any claim not presented by January 23rd, 1919. This January 23rd, 1918 Stewart Turlington, Administrator of I. M. Avery, deceased. E. F. Young, Attorney. ADMINISTRATORS SALE OF PER. SONAL PROPERTY The undersigned Administrator of ths late I. M. Avery, will sell to the highest bidder for cash at tho resi dence of the late I. M. Avery, on Tuee day the 19th day of February, 1918, beginning at 10 o'clock A. M. the per sonnel property of raid deceased, con siatlng of tho following: Corn and fodder, meet, hogs, fsrming nbeasils of sll kinds, wheat, peas and other personal property. Males, wagons, carta and harness. There is qnite a large amount of property to he sold, on amounts of I2&0.00 and oVcr, time will bo given. If approved security is made. Stewart Turlington. Administrator of 1. K. Avery, deceas ed. B. Y. Young. Attorney. COMMISSIONERS' SALE By virtue of the authority con tained In two certain Judgments ren dered at the September term, 1913 end the January term. 1918, of Uu Superior court of Harnett county, lr a cause therein pending, eutitlod ths Dana Coeamtesieu A Supply Com paey va. John A. Brewer and wife Berta Brower, Joroe Hargrove aa< Hoary O. Carr, tho throe hut names defendants having keen, by propel erdo of tho coart, made parties ei tho November term, 1917 at ash court, the undersigned commtoeiouer of the court wiB sell the foBewtag \a or parcel at land to the highest Md dor for cash, at pohUo opatten, ts wMi Being the earns loud oouvoyed U the eald defendant* by W. A. Britt C and wife by deed, dated Dee. 1, 1(11 b end adjoining the land* of J. T. Dar- • den. Mole* Hargrove and other*, con- h taining twenty-four and one-half 1 ■ere* more or 1ms. c For full description a*e the deed II W. A. Britt and wife to the defend- d ant*. John A. Brewer and Jeree Bar- ) grove, recorded in book 169. page t 202 of deeds, in Register’s ofBee of Sampson county. Sec also deed a of J. T. Darden and wifo to said ( Britt, recorded in book ITS, page U 1 In above named office and refer*nee t to the said deeds is her* mad* and 1 referred to as a part of this dserrip- I tlon, as if duly incorporated herein. BLACK OF SALK—Courthouse door, Clinton, N. C. < TIME OF SALE—Monday, Febru ary 18, 1818, at 18 o'clock M. TERMS OF SALE—Gash. t This the 14th day of Jaauary, 1818. 1 O. L. Cannady, l Henry E. Faison, j Co ram Iasi oners. i —:-— niMlVE. ur SALE 1 Undsr and by virtue of an nfu ] of the Superior coart sf Harnett i county, made in the special proceed ings entitled “H. A. Matthews et aU, j cx parte, the same being number 1857 i on the special proceedings docket of 1 said court, the undersigned commie- I aioner, will on the 21st day of Feb- < ruary, 1918, at 12 o'clock M, on the 1 promises (Hereinafter described) of- t for for sale to the highest bidder for I cash, certain tracts of land lying and : being in Neill's Crank township, Har- ' nett county. North Carolina, and more I particularly described as follows: I Beginning at a stake and pointers i in Ballantinea Hnc and tbs corner of I the £0 acre survey and runs as that 1 lint dns North 38 (0 ohaias to a maple 1 corar in Laxarus Matthews’ Has; I thence as his line North 88 Wast, 4.80 ! chains to a stake his corner on a < ditch; thence up aid ditch North SO ] West, 6.8S chains to a stake at tha head of said ditch near tha road; ! thence aa another of Laxarus Mat thews’ lines North 62 Want, 9.60 cha. i to a stake and pointers on a branch l that heads in aaid Matthews' field; ' thence down the channel of aaid I branch about 17 chains to a sweat- i gum corner at the month of spring i branch; thence np said branch with Gill* line 2.88 chains to a stake and pointrs on tha West aids of said branch; thence with another of Gills’ lines Booth 41 Want, 8.28 Chaim to a stake and pointer*; thence due Wast 10 Chains to a persimmon ties corner at the head of a branch; thence down 1 said branch abent 27.60 chains to a i white oak corner on Nefll'a Creek; thence down tho various courses of mid crmk to • mall whito oak and pointer* II re tar Matthew*' corntr of 93 *cr* »urv«y; thanea aa hla Mm North 89 Bart, 12.50 chain* to a Make and point*** on a branch; throe* up the channel of said branch 14 chain* to an Ivory boh corner; throe* North 83 Bast, 9.80 chains to a itak* aad pointer* at odg* of tha old Bald; these* South 79 Boat, SO chains to a sink* in the old Uaa; thane* as said line South 79 Bast, 8.97 chain, to • stake and pointers by a pond Ballon tines' corner; thence as Ms 11m on the him corner 19.99 chain* to th* beginning, containing 194 acres, more or lean A ho three acre* additional on th* W**t side of M*iU’a Cr**k ad joining Dm ahova described land, making a total of 197 acraa, mar* or has. This tbo 19th day of Janaary, 1919. L L. LEVINSON, CommimloMr. TRUSTEES RALE OF LAND Under and vtrtaa of the power of i ml* contained in a certain Dead at i Tract exoentod by If. L. Smith m tha > 19th day of January, 1*19 t* tha sn dorsignod and wtdoh mid daod of Ntei^^d — J » A Doeh ^d n nUPmw V ^wC^wDFti ml DvWa wvvQd wl i Trust on pnga 94 mi>h at PnniU c i i ■ j ■ i oonty, default having been nude I the peyment of tbe debu thereby teured an dtbo owner of eaid debt evlng requested me to make eela, will sell to the highest bidder for uh at tbe court bouse door In LiV ngton, N. C., on Monday the 18th ay of February, 1918, at 18 o’clock I, the following described real am its: One lot or pares! of land lying cd being ta the town of Dunn, N. I., and being known as lot number 'ire (8) in Dloek "B" according to lie plans and map of tbe said town of loon, and being a lot of land 80 feet y ISO feet in sise. This 18th day of January, 1918, K. P. YOUNG, Trustee. NOTICE Under authority of a judgment of Im Superior Court of Harnott Conn* T In the eaae of J. T. Moots at al • Alton Stewart at al pending to on the Clark, the undersigned Com* lire loners will expose to aale to the tehaat.kWdar for wak am-She pm - tea, at IS o’clock noon, on Friday, 'abruary 1„ 1918, the following (to eribad property: Adjoining the land* of L. Stewart, amre Parker and others: Beginning t a corner formerly a poet oak, Ju. ‘erker'a line and runs North 80 Was$ 0 links to a corner formerly a poet *k, Jas Parker's corner; thenee 8. 1 FmI 8.22 chains, to a corner form* rly L* Stewart's corner, thenee N. 0 W. 4 chain* to a etako; thenee N. ,1 W. 8 chain* to a pine near high rater mark of miD pond; thenee with 4gh water mark of said mill pond te be ran of Bold Branch; thenee down aid branch to L. Stewart's corner; hence with I*. 8tewart’s line to about 1 11 East 8 chains to his comer; hence with his line 8. 80 E. about • chains to a stake hh comer; thenee 1-11 W. 11 thains to the beginning ontnining about 15 aeree more or ess. Recorded in Book 8. No. 8, page The bidding on said property win tart at $876.00 and 10 par cant of ha last and highest bid at laid sale sill be required to be deposited with he undersigned Commissioner* and ■id itala will be made subject to the wnftrmation of the court. This the 10th day of Jan., 1918. B. L. GODWIN, C. I*. GUY, Commissioners NOTICE or SALE OP LAND Under end by virtue of the power ft tale contained in a certain mort Wt* deed executed by Delia Cowan to Baraea on October 10, 1019 ind duly recorded la Book 109, page 199, office of Register of Deed* of Harnett County, laid mortgage deed ind the note secured thereby Having • keen duly transferred to Clarence I. Smith, Trustee by Ed. Baraea. Da fault having bean mad# la the note ••eared by the above mortgage deed, the undersigned Trustee will on Mon day, March 4th, at 19 o’clock, M, 1019, at tho court House Door In UDinrton, expoae to sale to tho high sot bidder for cash the following de scribed tract or parcel of laadi Ly'ng and being In Averaebero Town: hip. Harriott County and tho Town of Dunn, N. O. It being one lot No. IT, according to map made - by V. D. Btronach. C. E. and regh larvH In the office of the Register •f Deeds of Harnett County, la Beak No. 100, page SM. refsrrenee to which Is hereby made far farther daaeilptloa.* PMCB OF BALE: Court Bourn Door. LiBIngtoo, N. C. TIME OF BALE: Monday. March 4, II’IB, It o’elpck M. Itr.MBOr BALE: CASH. This the 1st day of robruary, lllk CI.ARENCS i. SMITH, Trusts a ALL THE NEWS IN THE DHPATCJI

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