VOL. IV DUNN DUNN DISPATCH, WORK. Or C i IN WIN: . '.^UA riL WAF It u Alnnil t- ι 1>k| ο Pari of Patronal u. May »od Π y reason nf !t« Β"'·< »·γ*·'κ·ο to the nation last MOB.'r, the* C.iiutau <l-n movement hu» lecjK-d 5'it.- it posi tion of nut'onal iot;»r' arvor bo for* cquilM if. It· '.· «y. It hu been suddenly tr?·:..* ci from an i yttltutlon of ;·... *>.;o importance in lu one of w ii ·,.· n -oeaalty The means im|"W'v,Î by the ditrcrtM. Char] tiJIua ~ U »>t tait 3i.incn·* to .r.■>!!'■ them** lv< «if vuluo ti îhu ■ition w«r» man/ »r 1 veil·.·;!. Vr.lMotic lis \vo»i_ f<siu.i»(i c..'. a cf ihfit f nirfanii; ih* irorl. of ihe II»d Crow and tho V. M. C. A. »n.i U«> Food Adjoint»! rution vrf.» cm .v-as-led ; th· Liberty Loun ciirciûign* were adver tceii οαύ S^sii'uj in every rom>!Me τι, ; n:id :-pocial spcui.r-i a·.'! Icc turvn wi re <-roplnyed t^ brine ln<uUi f„nl dtic-,!«.!,om of the purpose* an·! needs of the war. Whatever the m*an< *m|iloyod, jo pi-eat was the stimulation to patriotism and to the •appiirt ni ihr fti·1 C'ci·, tV· Lib erty Loan, the V. I·;. C 1and the Food Admit·.;»:. rti' r., thi-l at a con vention ol Chn'i»n-i:">·. tebut and naaagers lirM in Chiei.ta at th· clo*· of th· Chautauqua fuer. the Prer( den» of the Onil.->l iletcs .ir.d "tuny of th# ifovfrrt'ner.tal ^rt'Et* and war aivncurv s· ct .1 ^Tuup of notable men to S)e-n': to thi :n ivention and to exprcas their Αρμη riation of th* pre at work arcomfil'hej. Praaidtnt WiUon aent »f hi» per un>i nprrwnuiitr, tieorpe Creel, Chalntan of tlw f'ommiiUi on Pub lic Informatiui. Vr. Ctti·! :..idrc«aed the consenti··!·. i:i retard to ike nofd· of the war, a-H ία tb· course of bia ■ddrwi ht> aaid : "I volev the ooavtrtion uf the Prt aident of the United Statu when I •ip:iu the bo(>- that your work will keep pare is irrouth with the war preparation· of the nation, for it i· almost aj inU-cral a part of the nation al defenae u mon and munitions." Henry P. Davtaoa, executive bead of the Hed Croea War Coyncll. b^iU hi· 9rat trip ^wav from Washington, travolrnir in Ma special rar'tu addre&s Upon his return to WatAinffton, Mr. Dari*on rent haci ttii· ico^skc : "It ia fmpoaaible for me to.con vey to yon my appreciation of your eo-operation with cie nnd my asso ciates in the pre f t \ro-V of the Red Crops in th.. prr-Kt crmia- Yon cer tainly ahoul·! enjoy the satisfaction of inatribntinK to a degree which few if any ran con tribute, and at a time when it ia of vital importance to nur people nnd the country. My day with yon in Chicago will bo mem orable, not brcasr-e of what 1 did. bat rather because of my observation of the spirit which ,s cenUrrod In and controlled hy your wonMeriol organ isai'on. Yon hive a \ery great re sponsibility. and are certainly ac quitin* you rsel\ <·« in a way which should pre you *at«»fnct;on all your liver. Mr. Leo j«inr mc In RTf~test appreciation nnd In eon crut Nation upon all that you and your aaeociatcx are doing." (Sifned) Henry P. Daviaon. • The Hecrel-try of TMNTy aont William Jciin'nffs Bryan rs hi- spécial reprw ntativc. The Fuod Adminis tration sent Dr. Van Hlac of the Uni versity of Wiaeonain. Tho Y. M. C. Λ. vras rcpre'wnted. and Canada rame to the convrn'.ior In the person of Mr. S. MacDoncH, editor of the TamaIa f'.tftk In thon, practically «vary great agency dedicated to the win am* of the »*r rind the alleviation of Ita suffering tent ita rcprraontatWci to Çh'cago to tell the CVinutaui\oa> that thc7 aie a mi.wt vital factor la the winr.inr of th« war. The Chautau qua movement la brpinnlnj a great national acrviro. It ia mora impor tant aow that ο·»«<■ before, and It will become inrro»alnely important aa the war eonllnoaa. « CHAUTAUQUA FED. t·, Ifilfl If y>n want to get Um· new», Βν ι ou - ticket* from th<i btaoa; If ymi'·.·» tron»y yna can't uie, Tern It over to the bloc*. IT. C. D. Ban:, Capt. Γ*ι»> Monter. Uoul. ι Η. Λ Fwteai Ml» Carrie Farthing M lei Minnie Cur Mr*. Magffic Butler Mir* Ernwtln* Cherry Miaa J alia Cor no* Mil* Marjorte Clime MW· Marjorle Godwin Mi» Ε Wee Pnpe Mr». Κ. M. Jeffrey· The Won. A Bright Fatera. (Arl.aa**· Oaaetta) llnah, IIUlo thrift (tamp, Dont yon cry, Yoall ha a war bond By and by. \ ι BE .-.Ci. CrriCER HAD I HOT CHASE FOR NORJUS I.*rUo««r Took finit I mi Bal Speedy P»M··»» Tm FhI I For Hist B*c:g* N«m Benaon, Feb. 2.—Chief of PoKc« I Henry, ''u/ïnju Officer» Q»ocg» Moor· uJ Rcbt. y lower· ««at down I In Meyd ·.: t...n-Jilp in MiRk of a iblockad· ntilL While making March It!»; oint to l>av« Lee'a and found ic.ii.-ly tw.'N» galluna of liquor «to red I nWKjr in the room of hia aon, Qitl Uf. It wu ma<1« on the day before I (he owner «aid fcut failed to aaj by I wrhnm. H· had intended putting a ι v>a-t of It on the Benaon market flat unlay. At the locsl currcnt rate p«r K»llon, S .12, the ofSeer* relieved Let ' of nearly (100 worth of Whlakey. It I· aaid that 1'oMoe Officer Henry M the lon*c*t legged man In this iee <>un evd thtt he can run tha faateet of ai: y one, having hi timaa paat taken α |«it· nt Fourth of Jaly célébrât]·» llrat »bjn h« attempted ta catch B. ] A Worm, whom he mi trying to larretl, Wedntaday ha met hia match I nearly aa ever he did. Tha ο (Beer had received instruction· from tha t'hl»f of Tollec at Baleigh to arrtat 'and hold Nurrii for 91,000 bond. I Chief Henry had arreeted hia and 'utile the detail· of Itinf tha bond I were being gone Into, Norri· got a ' chance to allp away and tha next I th'.nir the policoman knew ha waa running with fifteen or twenty yard* I to the advantage. That marathon bo I .»ΛΠ Chief Hanry and B. A. Norri» 1 x-ill go down in bitory aa the erown I «vont in Beaaon footracing. For I auvuip «»■» Μ»«ΛΜ nvma nrtu BI· WWII «rid in «bout another block ka Ml I rsndered. Had not Chief Hen IT1» l:gs be «η so long and had not Nerris deliberately violated the ftrat nb of a policeman'· ethica, there bo bo>M would have boon one caae la· ia the Raleigh court. Chief Henry Ml Mm tight with handcuffs until tka bond of 11,000 waa duly signed «y. I Mr. Haakal Pa*, and Mia· Battîtes ι Goodrich ware married Sunday night at the home of E. F. Moor* by Barr. Charlie Johnaon. Mi. Page beta*, to the national amy 'ilaHaaad a* Camp InW and Mr#. la Mr popular daughter of Cap*, and Mn. Yesterday Mr. Praatoa WoodaO I killed nearly 4,700 pound* of meat and has it mltad down waiting to • put a part of It on tba market. Ha has Mrvrral more Itae hog* to kill aad had killed quit· a number before yaa terJay. Beaidea being a eooreaafal mcrrhant and banker, Mr. WoodaB la «ne of the boat fanners in Um county ' and ia always leading ta any morve I ment tending to kelp the farmer. I W ilaon A Olive hav aold their stock of groceries to Deny Alien. Mr. I Olive, who waa Manager of ths cen ccm experts to Join the amy in a few dsjt, that being the canae of tba closing out of tba boainaee. The recant ruling ef the Pood Ad ministration regarding the purchase of Hour with other cereals la Undly disquieting to a lot of the farmers here. They object to eating such 1 onery" things aa grits and prefer lo have their flour "straight·" Boss ever. there are no more wagon loads of floor leaving town, generally now It is coming to town, for a large . per cent of the farmers hers bad pur Ichascd flour in large quantities, partly I through custom aad partly to (ai theirs in event "anything should hap I the John Char loi McNeill Book Club ι Thur- "oy afternoon at S o'clock. M TV O. A. Harbour, Tkt-piMUnt, praaW ed rrrer tlx meeting. Aecordlnc to the formation of plana by the ρτ«»Ι dent, Mr». J. K. Barbour, and alao the program committee, tka club kee, at the beginning of tka year, reaohred tu bend their effort· alone Mnea of tbone thing* wkteh ara now moat important to all Individual» tad or ranixation·, namely, all rahjecta per taining to tka war. Mm. A. T. Laa aiter made an fatenaUag talk, giving a rtrld description of Om Ufa af oar hoy· on Ike naval aktpe. Soma ka morooa aketche· from "Uit" ware read ky Μη 0. A. Barbeor. "Tka Sailor Boy'· Dream." piano aa loot la· gflren ky Mim Blanche Smith. atoer of Ike hoateaa, wae beautiful and appropriate. Mrs. Wkittoajton mad Mm. Lanier gave rery helpful ear rent topic·. Tka elak adjoomad mad while tka member· were eaje|ia| delirious fruit, mrvad ky tka k eat am, qaeetiona aroe· «a ta how to ahapOfj oar Mvlnf. Mas·· far >k«aMiw aad moatlem day· were onckergari, end ing Iq a general dUcumloa af aak J cela weighing kaavlaat on tka kaarta ef oar women. The Lacalian literary Society at the Beaaon graded aekoal entertain ed at a* laformal iweplioe. Tktnr» day ovaalng from 1st· to 1· o'atoak In honor of tke Aipkaketonlan Socle*, and member· of the faculty. Several game· war· engaged In. aad after ward· a delightful M lad aoaraa wai •erved. Theee twe aocWtlee «· detaj apWedtd work aad «ha im«^ bataf J. R. BOWIE STORY 13 DISCUSSED AT CAPITAL ■UfttMatelin GWvU Ihm Sharp SUIumiI OnnMl·· >wh Washhnigton, K»b. β.—The report from Feyetievine that J. R. BowW, of Washington, had affored to eecure • government camp fer that city provided they would contribute |5," 00· and the alleged statement which Is accredited to Bowie that he paid, 110,000 to secure the cantonment for Charlotte, caused a «enaction around the capitol today. Representative Godwin iaaued a sharp statement In which he declared that Bowie had ne infhieace with the depart aient· here and that he had bean A red from hi» position in the department of agri culture. Bowie'· friends «ay ha has been flash with money daring the pas* six menthe or mora; that h· bonfU an expensive automobile, and has had large quantiU ee of money which they claim might Indicate that he had made money la aome government deal. I Bowie i· given in the telephone di rectory as having as offlce la the Southern building. Ha coaU not he found there today, however, and the telephone people stated that his phono had heea "temporarily disconnected. Hepreeeatative Godwin, after m«k lng soma inquiry regarding Mr. Bowie gave the North Carolina newspaper· m statement, eeveroly attacking Bowie. wiiii wnwMiivAJIIUI Th* following noU addreeaad to G. M. Tflghaaan, who la at the head of th· Bmileage campaign bains conduc ted to Dunn, ahow* that the people bora ara not lagging with thia work. Th. latter la fro· Harold Braddock, director of the Military Xntertain r»«nt Council, of Waahiagton, D. C It raadai α M. Tilghman, Dana, M. C. Dear Mr. Tilghman; "TKU can be only a nota to »|ii •oat maaeure of thia congratnlattoaa which the Military Entertainment CoancQ panda yoa oa the patriotic tMpaya of Duns to oar nation'e need " CoHi&Qy your*, Mil ) m THE BOYS WHO LEFT SUNDAY Herbert and Dariiaa Taylor, Craven Baaall, Ralph Koona, Hajmoad Qaiaey, Lawrence BlueII, Oordoo Long aad Roland Oardnar, all loft Dana Sunday afternoon on train 89, having volunteered and offered their eorvkae to the government. Mr. Gardner wont to Vancouver, Waah ingtan, while the other aevan hoyt went to Fort Leavenworth, Kanaaa. Mr. Gardner, will be engaged in tn da*trial work for the government and, the other boy· are enlieted in tho aignai corpe. Until they entered the Mrvico the above named boy· held iapwlait position· her·. Herbert Taylor wui caahier of the Bank of Cape Fear and Hie brother, Durham, waa aa aociated with hi· father, Ja·. A. Tay lor, ia the inauranee buatum·; Craven EuaD waa a dark hi the pottofflee, Ralph Koona, had charg· of the forn itore department of the Bamee A Rolliday Co. whil· Lawrence Bloell waa roperiatendent of the Light and Water department of the city. Gor don Long wu la the machine ihopa of the Durham A Southern aad B· and Oardnar waa a traveling m lea man. κ »'■ wir nmm «w» rjuisngwa uw ■apply of young men abort twenty one in Dunn, near fifty baring Vil· unteersd and are already la the eer viee. The hearts of the people hack home ere with them, though. end fool ρ rood of the record the Dunn boy· ■re making. attained by both show that their «* Menee te well worth while. On laet Tuesday evening from ΤΛΟ to 1040 the Β. Υ. P. υ. gare a de lightful aoeial at the Hotel Parriak. A "eleee obeenation" eonteet wat engaged In first, in which Mr. toy SatHh proved himself to be the eloeaat obeerser, and M tee Maty Loo eecoad. Folio wise tUa each gentleman and each lady present waa given a eHp of payer on which waa written ■ staling of aoaso familiar song. Muck merriment was earned by this mancei of drawl a* for partners, as the (eat leman after singla* his eelection hat. ened attentively for the correspond ins words to bo suae by b»~u yel unknown—partner for the areata* If poeelble even more fan waa oc casioned by the "stunt" feature whie) followed. Itch eovple waa reqaeet ad to stand fat the center of the roo· and perform oextala lacwhable stonb for the eaaweiiat of Uw others DwIbi the erenlne Viae Myrtle Aah «raft delighted the audience with ι rocal solo and Mlaa Aha Boone (an • rery enjoyable rending. M lee Mar] Lee also contributed te tha pleasure of the tree las by rendering mm Instrnmentol selections. Debcioae rt freehmeats were eerred la the dining re em before the gaeete <i|n<il. HEBREW CHRISTli||»' TO ΙΠΛΧ • ( ta Da Two unique xnic»in to be k«U in our city on next laaday, at tfca PmbjrUiiii church a^ll Λ0 «'clock ·. n., and In the In thv evening at 7 S «peaker ii to be Mr. a Jcwfeh Chrtltiao of (fide (mm. Hel ww converted la a IB derk Rum la, by the'^ctdaatal flad ing of a Chriatian I A· a ra>alt, be atc^i the Lord I Joaut Chriat aa Ua bitter Γ rrwrotioo *1 and he was drtvea Germany Nat kmc agani compelled to where, and aaOad to thia roaotry ha baa klnwlf t»rtb*BlaMry| aatninary. Mr. ta ■nth the WiUiunatu* (ta to the Jew» of Brooklyn, Κ.· the found «γ if tba Leopold C hn, VIm conversion is word· of CkiWlu Lad by • divin· instinct to Meaaiah of Ismafc kid boon lu<kt led him la a art·*. Ban he foa i account of hi* own _ will alnu tell the atory pf&lr. Coki'i coiivmioii, and about tMialdi prob Wma af the preeeiit die Hk tr.t to okr city witl eflar a rara privilege of baacfe^ first from a Jew about a ; inc whom we know aa bttla. Admission to Mr. Than mi in an'a meeting la entirely fir·a," aad mry Chriatian in Dunn la cordially urged to cosac. On the laat day of th· Chautauqua, there will be a rraat deal of aapha· ate laid opon tie Importaare of the American Bad Croaa. la the morning there will be ■ aeriee of dcmoDatr* ttons and explanation» af fee work of this yreat movement to connection with MB* nursing, helping the dod tor, ftrat aid, ate. Atoa, a lecture will be riven, In which the preven tion of diaaase win be U|*d aa a patriotic duty. In the afternoon, the Bad Croaa Demonatntor will lactwa upon the •rahleft of th> entire thin organization, Um 'title of Um discussion Mat "The Story of tfca Bad Croaa ta Pmm and War." This will aot ba a repetition of the awfttl horror* of war, nor vtD It be an ef fort to raise money for tlM feed Crosa. It la an attesspt to get the facta ton es rain* the groat work 4on« by tWa great Institution Mora the AurUea people ao they wfD have a bettor Idea ef its magnitude. The le«.tuier who wtD deliver then lectures at tha Chautauqua cornea with the authorised ssssssge of Um Bad Crone, with h»ai<aartcTS at Washington, D. C., and la M Interest· tag speaker. The RedcDffs Chaotaa qua ftystom, ef Washington, D. C. Is alio wing no eaa ta afpur on ta programs this year, in the way of a lecturer, who eaaaat contribute smM anra to the Oovennaent na It oerriea on the war, and every Domestic lei aaoa Worker, Ked Croaa Deatnitis tor, aad Uectarar, will terns to o«l town prepared to deliver in forma tioi sneered from oftcial mar sea. DISTRICT AimiOIY IOAIO TO MUT IN r AT1TTBVIIXI Fsyettevflle, Feb. I. tfedleal dts triet advtaory beard Nt. IS. for th< registration district sstogiUsil · Cam her land, Harnett, Eobeeua, B«kt IVstlsnd. Lee ana «ere seaatiee, wfl meat in thta city, at the a4Us ef Di J. t. nighamith, shahmaa, next Taea day, February It, fsv examining rag ' iatraats referred from the local eat ι smptlon beads. The heard wifl aa > earn bio at · o'eeck ta tks aftoraooi • and ail ngUnurti far iMiaalM • ttoa are s spotted to appear at tks boor. THE ALAMANCE SUN Κ ι la LIVES ARE LOST «q.H.aa V——I Tmrpmâ—Λ Yaaaae Of EhM CwI Ma Urte LmI Maw Tork, r»b. 6.—Word of the 1m if Λ· Aanku rttMaiUi Ala JmWî 8Wl< by- tk« Garland Steam •hip Corporation and the rruihant Iota <( ris liraa wai raoaivad In ahip pi»f eirclao her· today, The *1 which left. New York January 17 waa torpedoed yoa terday off tha Eolith eoaxt. It waa reported. She waa a mrl of S.OCO toia. Thar* wan ao American· loat. Tha ak|p had 'a craw af 5S and a natal fm» aomplaaaant of St moo. Her Commander waa Ca»t- Ε. E. John Im·. Tha Rocktnfhaa·, · «later ihip of tha A^um ni tarpadood off thé Irlah com* May I, HIT. Two lira· Dont ha a ilaefcarl Do year bit Maka your fait a Uckat, bought from tha Blaaa. rouunnWH • Κ Κ. Polk and Wai LUHc John· •on ware aarrtoA laat Batarday even ing at 9Λ0 o'etaak, at tha hone of Om bride'· aonC Un. J. W. Lane. Ear. J. M. Denial, paator of the Mathodéat ckntk, performed the earv nony ta tha peea>ac| af only a few raktlvaa and Mak Tha coapla left Saaday afharaoaa for Calais Ma. S. C* aad iHMCjihli •oath, whar· they win ayaad hiuil day· bafaaa ntanlac to Fayett» rlUa, which towi they wOJ Βφ their home for tko umoaL Μη. Mk fa * to^Kar ι( V. t. Johaaoa. a Wnl toamcUr. Fa* «aa •ni |nb aka Mali Imt béate Vhk her use le, (U lata J. P. PtOmaa, *|_ »M W ia the pahttcattoa of hfa paper, the Wnlrty CoMa, util lt aaa-j pccded al Ma daatfc. Aa bas « ni b*r of ftliifc ta Dm aad HaraaCtj eoanty, wWi «ha haa vast Mt rf: bar Ufa. a^sggugg UO CROIS NOTES Cam* to the work too· prepared to work. We n»ed thoan who can ru machina· especially. If yoa Have any remnants of wool left front the katttiae you're boon good enough to do for the local ReSt Croaa, wo want tt rat am ad. We can combina these remnant· and make aavaral nice garmento. Thar· ta ao waata la thia work ae plaaaa let aa have the remnants even thoacfe they are Mhort. In koittiac aocka and awaatara, bo aoro to abaatia Instructions. Tha necks of aweaten matt be farge crouch ta dip an without tearing. Dont try to economise by putting on too few adtehaa. Thia m a kaa sweaters too uuQ to meet requirement· and do not wake thea any ahortor than direction· toB yoa. Socks mart bo as much aa alerroa Inchea loaf in the toon Hereafter gansant· set coming ap to all iteaeareiaanta win bay* to bo changed before we «bip them, κ eays recent criticise τ» from headquar ters. Inquire of the wool committoe about thia. forty-thr·· new rainbrn added daring tba hhU of Jtnury. Bmn tMn of fhm «m from the Dak* ■txiHary. fmut Indication· arc that our oast box will be Jn*t aa valuable Mid aa lama aa tka lut on* shtppad. Wa need mora chairs for our work roo·. Who will douai* any η mi bar from aa* to · doaaoT The·· that bar* ba·· oaad will ba acceptable. . «rid*. C1«h Th* raeabar* of the A art Ion Bride* Clab war* rharnhtftly enter· ta taxi Uat w*ak by Mr·. Juki FVrth· iof in bar apartment at the boa»* ol Mr·. Ο ray. Mr*, rmkhf waal*M the iwib at th* door «ad preaantad tkm to Mi*. Oray. Imnl imh of Auction Bridm war* played. Mr*. J. Lloyd Wad< made hlfhiwt «car· and rrt*l**d m MqiUU box οt amboaaad atattonary At th* «la** of the aftamaoa a da Ufktfai aatiaction waa aatrad. C3*b wahm praaatit war* Km ι damn J. Lloyd Wad*. Jack Laa, C1U ! GeVUlcin, John FlUjr*r*ld. Johi , Them ton aad Gladys Tnaf. 0*Ht I far (lab: Mis. W. H. William·, Μη . Oray and Mrs. T»w—*ad ■w Party at Ba.dy ImA On Ratarday nicbt, Fab. Id, w nywt to hara i' bos sapper at Boed: Braack. Yearn lad»** ara Invited t eaaf* and brine box*· and |«rlhai I tr* *ak*d to aaaaa and hay. Mia* Nancy M. Pif·, teacher. DUNN'S CHAUTAUQUA OPENS NEXT SATURDAY %urplm G««« t* Am Med Crxi. Or· TH« RadcUee ClMitiMU w*l be beld (a Data Raturday, Miihy, aad Tuesday, February 16th. lMl MÉ 1·. At · meeti.* of tk» puuton Wd Id the Rtnwi * HoOlday Co., farai ture (tor* Wadncaday «fumow Ik· iotal organisation. far the ptiyaw of atakieg the Chautaa^na a mea· •aa formed .aad the wirai eoaalt· In* named atIkU aattlmati Wa; narwhali»* IWf fereaa valM«r co th· tuc 4(lvo which wfll be aa tha remaining few day· bafare tka ereat op·»». Tka procooda, above aetaal cxpenaaa. will rot to tka baa! chapter of tk· Anarieen Red Creaa, and tkia oTtfaniiaUoc promiaca ta be aetire ta it» effort* to aak« tka Chaitaiqaa t lucte·», wkick wfll MpfkMM tka work ta be doae by tkaaa wko are reeponatblo far the Hill of tha ae eaaioa. Mima Martha aad Tathlaaa White, of WaaUnctoe. ft C, ny·*. ■wttex the Chaetaaqae. ara hare théa week lookiac after tka adeartMac and ether detail· aad aaalatad la the fonaatioa at tka m'M^aatlia Wed nesday. On Monday aad Tueaday Morataga •facial prograaa will ba raadarad by repreaentatleaa from the U. B. Food Corner-ratio·» Coaaalttae aad tha Am erican Red Croaa. At thia tixaa rpae la) demonatrattoaa will ba glu a that will ba rateable to erary^Maa aad lm. Μη. Ν. Α. Towaaeal Social ConmitU, Ε. U Oodwtft, Chairman; Χα L Γ Hicks, Ktffh WMm Ticket Cent·*, α M. TUfkaaa Ktatnl CUmn ; Dr. C. D. Beta. Captain of the Blow; Dr. Jm. Β BolWr, Captain of tk· Β«4». Sunday Committee, Be*. A. ft. Mo Quern. Haw. J. M. Vitm, Bcv. LaUk tr Devil and Bar. J. M. Denial TU Coaraal·*·. KUU Ooldetaia ElttMT.LH L. B. Pope ' Jaa. R. Batler L P. Hide D. C. KsmcU W. E. Baldwin M. Flekhman E. P. Younf J. U Wad· Λ. B. McQoeen Β. M. Gray J. M. Daniel Karri a Wad· B. U Godwin Clifford A TownMDd Otta P. Shall Parriah Λ Drirar E. C. W«t William Monran Walter ionaa ' Clarence J. Smith Ο. M. TUgtiman Geo. M. Floyd J. Α. Ε nil H. O. Mattes J. L. Thifioa J. W. Draathon Mr*. N. A. Turn—ad C. A. Baker U\m laite Omy MJaa Ν Ml Pri4fea Mi· Cor· Mclatyr· Mi*· ItMrihi Cherry Mi· AH· Ln Cvrto Mi m Mutt McMlty Mlw MoMa lhrtcWr Mi· Mujoria OhM . Mm TaWtfca XiM M tea Carotya hrtkbf Mia· May·· MlIKtkn Mi· TmMt CM*· Hobcy . Mia* Frudi Prakt C. H. Sexto» H. C. BaetoM Β. I Bbmw QUASTERLV MUTING ON Ρ A» TO IILU'I riKLO > ■ ' Paator T. W. SiWr, of Dm Ww» . Gwm circuit, wrttaa « («Imh "TV llrat qatttarty ■Mthn far MawWl Crr»a elutrgc will ooaraea wMfc Mtfl OroTt. Matkodkt drank, Ftofc. tS. mm > Mon by Dr. J. T. Oftta, P. ■, ·» 1 r a. M4 Manar a» pmii, fllwi< kf β on day Un Mtk, Dr. OkM wt μιιιί the MMia· Mm» «M * ilMtl tka Map)· Orm afc—afc." IF A COMMUNITY WOULD No •I ι bot H te m ■nitr te pmnt Nek · for inatanco, a tow woato ·(·, to ttoMag rural community to • tick child. Ho iHd that Nkaty tod wkoapiac oooffc. tot far two wMha to xnr mm m to· qelrad w knew for mm, mU «tel la •one, ho unr npwM It to too it» *—" '-f" til III Ml tlaeeé te β· to i*nt 1 it, tboro an twooty oaoto of conch fai tho woolea or Kow tMa eoald havo oothti* οt tkm hf clooin* too ackool, (or · ported of tow to «V elan i^irtol tot toot omo to too The am àvtf of lYiri |U report at no may « ta*k>r· «mm to C la M to know wH*r« wlU then (hre jrva tW tutracUeiM which «17 «hMirr (Win wtt b. |M twsnl· known for _ ho*Uh of your owm family ni of yosr neighbor*·. To· u« : •to in that you «*· ia a \ the bert provided to Mary Smith, Dumb Anaie D. Bntth, Din. Atka MeUwt, Angler MiUnd Gray, ·μ*-. X. F. Β. LMty Harrtnftoe (S «MM), fclll way. Ehr» One, Anflar Kb. I 0. Τ «Μ><—■ Coat·. Valac twH», Com·. HMtorbuiHoi, Oeato. nm (avtnaee, '"f·· J. W. HALTORD, Th. Book Ctab Mi ft> Mj«r*h WMIrK Urt Friday tftwm *Hk Mn. J. F. H Ida m >IHIII. Bu ;..et for ' tfUlMW Tiwlp JUlallon· of LMh A»«i— tarta* war» vi MiywMr "Tta Ho— <W1m uhI mm of tka Now >ιρβ»ι. by Mr-. BoUw. "Why m a OMM Mm * Booth Λ m trie» In > irtliT la k m notrT" by Mi» Ckartaa BghaaMk. ι ι MiiirtM hMkaw WM Wdi ι «Mat' rojoytec Mn. HWo itoalu ι ware Inula·it MeD. . Holl'iiy and ΒμμΒ Tow*. \ CWk 1 «IC*Vt· piimli MMAUMi 1. C r Gilford. J. W. TWnfem, Jack Lm, Ornnllh TBik··», Owl· Bfk 1 aarth JaMM Ml», M. A. W • Ml IJ*yd Wad·, ClaiMn SaMt, sub OoUaMte, & α Mm·

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