THE DUNN DISPATCH. Apcrfl 1st. lftU, at tk· poet οΛτ* et Om, N. c.. «ate tk· Mt »r ruA a, 11». On· fmet. 777—.»1.0d Tim· ^eacha............... J· L. BUSBE1 POPcTrebUsW THE SUtVICE PLAC <9 daddy ·<·« away, AaMf Ik· ttac* tWt /bat and blow C'lUida Ml vfBdov·. tfctn typcand Λ binar that 1 dM net kuw. Λ rttriN b(, with bar of «Utt, Ob «Utk aoa —M· stoed dm; ' > - a· not aa Kafiiak fta*. aor Vranth, ϊΤοι did it aaw te ba out owl ί'Tchad oa tk· nursery window mt, i aaUhed Η flatter in Ike brene, A'd when I htlH «7 mother'» step, i aukad her to explain It, pica·*. Λ—1 aether winked teae toaxa away. And tanghed—(K'« queer how ■other* arr !)— "".Vhjr, aenî" abc said, "yon didn't know? That repraaenta ear «hooting «tari* —Beatrice Barry, is the Kcw York SOLDIER AND SAILO· INSURANCE Than ara orer 1,0*0,0 M mm in the Army and Nary at United States who MNt decidc before February It •KhrOtr they rat the protection of • 510,000 taaaranre policy in the >i-rn«—t led brpit imnan to·· pt-ay U tka world, tha United States Cwai···!. Thia offer la made by tka Qmnant ta addition to pro vided far batter #ay for aoldier* and sailors thai aay other Gennoaat is «bit ta make, aad la addibo η to pra trl ioa for aDotmsnta aad allowance! to taabla men to taka mm of thair families and dependent*. It Is Toi uclary hnrrei, aad ao man need* to tafca it wfco doaa a*t waat It U Trill MM ta aa ordinary basin sas '«an. hoaasoi. that aayoae engaged in tha art·· hasardovss uadertakiag war waa a fool sat to take aB tko insnraaca be cooM afford to bay. Tha guf ei η ment offer* thia iasar «»m at a tha Amy aad Nary to tab· the insurance with thoir help. If that la aaaeaaaiy. •The rtmfMt raaaoa, howovor, for enry xaaa taking thia iaa»aa«e who caa (rt it ia that in addition to tha benefit it confer· apan hie benoftciary ia tha areat of Ua death. Κ protect· hha ia caae of his yeraaant aad to tal lability, aad whether injured or not be asay become oniaaarablc by rcaaoa of hia military sarvire aad aot ha able to gat iaauraace later whs· ha atarriee ar haa dependents a ν- ww· mm wmm w ywna·. A S1U.M0 policy w*u MT.IO por ^ Mrik (η Mo paid to any bolder fclio b pOMDHUjr ABd totally <£* ibUi. No sock tiberml offer In ere? boon by uy Cotirwwnt, bat Ok- offer wyhw on Fcbnury 12. for m ■ who wmtm Is the ·««{<« on Octo ber 1·, 1017. Actios ikoiU bo prompt om the put of Uw mMitn Kid Milof* is taking o«t lanruci, and of tlHir nltttrw b» orfia« them to do κ. A CA1JL ΡΟΚ A WAS SAVINGS INSTITUTE TW OM —pi «■> took tkat ton· frjnta tkia Nation la Iho Winning of I bo War. To tkia asd tha foronuars· la esMnx oe tka people of N. C. to lavaet forty-e%kt million dolian Is Tfc/tft tl—p· sad War Savin*» Car· tiAfsto*. To tka tira Id tkfa taak I* a terror—to tka Wrote It U a chal w*m If tka paopla of Nortk Carolina fMpOMd to tkia call It wilt moan two ώ!ιρι • Fin*, tkat v· ton dosa, sot nr IXbftMT boat. fcfMd, tka ksktta of thrift m*» ■try Μ nva i«nr- ■ school. and all \ . end «11 be j lboru. ;My Uar+it ; .at they are io do ar. 1 . how to do ι •V. I T. W. ΠΙΟ ·' Tarer aor. ( Th!s the 31«t day ? ..nary, 1918. ccrrriAK \ ί^τ tyyptian wheat Is ' ·". to hare had its origin in E^rpt- ι ii little known •a this country. TL ι- · d resemble rnae seed wry muck · .! the ·talks Art af cane. Tho ct. tt on of this r vtA la same as cor_- ·»>. The «^«J are sawn about tl. . h of April, i quarts of tha saad v·'; w* an acre. The same plat· Med in cole plant er co raw can· seed is used In sowing these teed. Hara r«i rows thr·· Γ«βΙ «.part and prapa : your land as for letton or can·. One acre of poor land :tm In this wheat 'ertilised with 100 f or.rult of 8-4 Ό fertiliser will «util·.· 100 bushels of wheat. If sown c·- ri. I land and hiy'.ily fertilised it TtH nuke fro-α ISO Ό *00 bushels ?C.r .tii, I :·„·■. ». jt it harvested by tH;-i . ti.o Κ oat.· u you clip the hcnilt c.; cune ii) M Inchoa below the head. 15 to SO c! the heads are tied in bandlo for l-snHling. The •*BW machin· that li salies ordlnarv wheat will thrnsh »: d' clean this Τ ha wheat fstains a small par cast of bran and :« rick in pro tain. Whan it is grow ·' and bolted mak.M a choice floar ί >r human diet. Whan it is fro and . r.J not bolted it makes a Ane food for bogs, cattle, and horsea. The brrt oown chicken food is a eompositic ι Γ ground son floor seed and gro.u.< oyster shells mixed with tbia wheat. It win Bush hi. ->·φ corn and majr be ns«i in thi :,» α facture cf candy. Its graate-' -■* la found in the production > ' f-->d for man and beast. Toe ir 'we your pa 'riotlsm In produelr "■•ήΙ if you sow one or ssare acrek ikia wheat in I91C Years truly. GEORGE L 8ΜΙΤ1Γ, Coats, K. C. Feb. b. ^818. A Peek Far Use Not I.uUs( ia Or ■amsatsl Fr«(urw. Dunn ie to have > be directory. The work now b*·done under the supervision of Vr. (J. R. Moon, will bs completed in the acar future, and will be published under the aasas of Chas. S. Gardinc". d rectory pub lisher of flensM, R. ('. This direc tory will advance EH η η another stap and will bo of greet .-alto and con venience to both Tikitora and resi dents Th§ book will ba r&m; it lad hi four dapaitmant*. *1·: an :.l;'ialiT cnuncatr. fraternal o·, .-anizatlon*, rkartho·», ichoola, etc. Th.· book with 1U va»t amount of expanse tan He m»·' y nlble onljr tbrocp+i O»' co-operr'-n if all boai nt><* a-·', '->>fesalon ' irtneata. Aa aa ad ν··* :n|t modirm '.i offer* the merchant «n ·« »lWr.·. r-.-.yartunttjr to dtaplay coi.ttanl cirerIfctinn. DOMESTIC SCIENCU AND FOOD CCFSUKVATION W» Λ7. v-rjr fort an t · In that thrra will b» a food roar-:-v. ion rapiit 'n «vrrr own town or 'h*· tond day of lh« Kutrliffc Ch* -!a mm to Le wilh u» for thr*· <<*»«. On the «nrnir.R of thU day, IH>» »-rpert, arat om from Waahtnftor V. C . will roe dart a ihrawartntlgi in the Chan· touque t»ht, along tk· Ha" of a ad· •ntMlr u»f of thr· which an at dw ««nlto c ' tH.· pcopt* of on» mmmonity WttK t/ιί l«ra>o»i at ra tio»., there will ha · »«>- of leetur n, on· of «Mail wit !»·.· Kivea la tha iBomir*. and m caiUM "MeMXstoc tha AnwrVan Kltrh- ν Ιο help win the War." In Ute tM« mom «apart «JI deliver η brton on thn topic "Fatrletlwrt F\pr»a»»d to H/.mr eiRrUnrr " ThU Pood Piaim and De ateatie fclvrr Kip rt i-^aaa to tw hna/ln«r tha aether: ,.«i tn-waa*· af tha I'lM fllatna ..iWlnlrtia tien. ondrr tha dira, li-t of Harhert Vnrrwr, mmA wi· j«r«-n»t autton wtM tha Went A dim·! t nation woald hart aa TV· la mm «f h· bit rrwntm ο4 IV "uetae*ue. rnd ihovld fee «Mead-»: V mrj nun rod woaai to thr rw»n «unity It 'prd!«l affc:t i>i Hi Ha*· · |THt deal to do with I*· ». marten ar ■ill af (a*i T.a .. « m» «a· ■unity ta rctrh tW ml fipirit of cob·' vratioB srhieh la dnmwt If w* ro to win tin war. ■HE "HOGAN GANG" IS HEAJU> FROM AGAIN ToR CmwII, K. C.. Feb. 4, 1918 The "Hojun Gang" wish to again root their friends, and Incidentally +r« them tome ides of what la going « hare. Alio w· with to Inform tha public hat February *. paaml away without he ftwat of a chance of tha ground iok «eelng his aÛadow, and with the irophecy of an early spring of good reathor. wc shall expect some visit* i«m Dunn too a. Wo ara growing anxious to MS one mora horn* people, and their omlng will not only do \m world· of [ood, but )ik«wt*« we will Bake the τίρ do then worlds of good too. Yea—lot· doing her· at present, ind will continue until the war la >r*r, but dont wait until the gang sas become entirely separated and racated before coming. Since the lrat of 1918 two batteries of Anti urrraft and foOT companies of trench aotors have boon formed from picked sen of the different old compactas, uid these new units of which some >f the Hogana arc lupveaswted In. irill be sailing before η groat while. All of the old have keen torn to pleoea and Cwtr men transferred to different ou:ita Some >f the boy* will aoon be loving foi the aviation eorpa, some to different training school· and remainder vil] remain with the newly organlted. Many recruits have beea seat here to 111 the places made vacant by new formations. At present the numbei >f men here rang· around 2.000, and, is understood. Fort CasweO will b· leer*" before the rummer pew*. We were tickled to death to htvi with vis a fow day· ago Major Pear tall of Dhsn. Throhrh no fault ot our» though, we we were compelled te (rire him a real taate of camp life He did not latead staying ove'rnigh* but owing to the falling of ose ol the heaviest foc» we ever had, boat traveling was out of the question, and Major waa oar delightful gueet foi the night. We carried him over th« camp from the guard house to tho re eruit camp; through different bar rocks, and out house*, giving htm ι bird's eye view of what usually con ■tituto· "doing*" In camp at night At nine o'clock we found a hunk foi him, and when tope sounded he wii go tag throagh the motion of deep Ing. Following morning rerille (be fore daybreak) had him stiring will us and within IS minutes afterward! Major was lined up in the mesa haï eating ebon. After Qnees Major wai NedoeUd lows to the mqtor bat' HûhfSl mini "watched the Koyi tl setlon until thé evening boat arrived Cease again Major we ell fully be lier» you enjoyed yourself and bop< that you did, but for the benefit ol those who are contemplating vWtlaj us, we will say In advance, give ui 24 hours notice, and arrangement) for a good, comfortable and enjoy able visit will be assured you. Some of the boys have bees thi happy recipients of 8m tie age Booki from Dunn friends and wish to ac knowledge receipt and express tbeii appreciation far the kindneaa favored them. Tn..M -tin "wUf. — " "HOOAN GANG" TO THE READERS OF THE DISPATCH flinc· ray article appeared hi Us iNh'i Înu, tin qtMalion ku beci aikrd," What did yon — by th< phnro "Bvrean World?" Of eourw Γ explained the pfcraao eUulj te Uu quea^mar. I am |W thia Inqulrj waa n.a.le. I bvlirvt iktrt are a fn road, ·. of The D la patch, not verj weft informed, «ko would like to r«a< my explanation, I will aaewer tke quemtion abort by aaklnjr another. What do jroi mean by the pkraee "Mohammed*· world" and "Mongolian world Τ" B; Mongolian world yon maaa tbox countriea (Cklna, Japan, «te.) whow inhabitant· belong to the Mongolian or yellow race. By Mohammedai world, you mean those eoantrte* ti the woctora half of Aa&a whoee peo pie* are follower» of th* false prophe Mohammed. By Boman world wi mean tho*e eoantriee whoee tahahl tant» belong to the Latia race, or an mixed with the I-atin race, and who* ehriliiation Is Latia. W* apoak el th»*· peep lee aa a whole, fer the] are bouad together by Uea of kin •hip, of blood and civilisation. Like wlae we apeak of the eoantriee of tfci Mohan m e d a η world Their reli«ioa, their lawa, their ealen dar, their alphabet, their mode of life are différant from oara. We kavi the Christian religion; they the Mo haamedan. W* hare the Bomaa la* »!»>«*) they th* Meilim. the baeti of which la foand In the Koran. W< roant time from the Mrth of Chrtrt Ihey from the Hegira, or eight ei Mohaamed from Maaea «2S A. D.) Their alphabet and language· ara ale« SERfiT. Flnmi-r ϊϋ TALK ON WASHER!: WIN TeQ of PenonaJ Experience* With Princes· HPat" Regi ment at Frenoh Front VIVIDLY INTERESTING Bar*m\nt John T. flaMS. an .nn. wb* war. Rerg««at FlahllT roll»tc4 In the inatnii Mm of tb· OtmdUo •κ ι SERGEANT JOHN T. FLA MI FF. fwdltloaary fort* ud ni Cbnu-n for !b« PiliinH "Hit" reglnieot—that iff· IliicC which ha* ■**« to much heavy Whtlne. He MH-ved NTtrt montât In the 'rinft»·, la Sit «J»a 1917. II· w*at l.imunh the InMt uf the 8ornm«. which I· Kill cxuMldarad the graaleat Imrtl* 111 ttw war. H» «11 In the Yprva aallant during tha biOTj flgtot Ιακ and «« at Baupaonte hack of VImy Itlilgv Twtee In big drlvee he went "over th· t»p·* an<1 «feet orcr Juifni of Uno In trmch ntlâa. Hi' followed thra· of tb· moat dangerou» ncruimtloes In tk« regiment Flrvl he «vat a bomber, then α machlao gun ner, nnd Latar g atrctrher baarer. flergenut ruMS will ipjieir la b!a Canadian acmaagt*· uniform and will xhow g*» taask% bomba, und other In Mnnaeeta uf rood era warfare. Ha will alao abnw an boltaUon trmrh. HI* lectin » 1· rail 04 bam*n lntcreat. IVrfwre going OB hie Lyrxuai toar acntvant Fluhlff delivered hi· iMhsn a number of ttsa· before Mg audl . aoea· la Ohleagp*αή ni meat entba A pnpiiMrlMlvryf thla lorture la | α gucatloo box «"deducted by Sergeiui KlahllT at tb* do*· of 111· addrc* «'ban ha flwuiM any.qocatlou» whit nay ba aaVad abaat tha war. wholly dUTcreat Iron ο un.' Surely the different·· between thaae quar te rj of our (lobe—of race or civiliaa ϋιιη—justify ga in ipttkitg of each Η another world. Let us two to Dr. Webster's Dic tionary, to. the word world. The iMond msjtni ng given is, "that part of the earth end its concern· which is known to any on·, or contemplated hy any one: Λ dWWon of the globe, or of its inhabitants; human affairs t an seen from a certain poeltion, or from a (ires point of vivw; also, state ; of existence; scene of life and ac tion; as, the Old World; the New ι World; the EÎoman world; the reli gious world, the Catholic world; the* upper world; the fstare world." "Var ious idols throofti the heathen world." ■ —Milton. Webster's Cnabridgcd Dictionary is a valuable asset to sny home, and should be In every family, ι In reference to 2 Peter 1: 19:20, I most say that the beat translation , of this vers· Is found in the Twen· ' tieth Century New Testament, pub· liahcd by Vlenuninir H. tmll A Co, Chicago. ThU New Teetament is , neither a revision nor a paraphrasa. It is a translation directly from tile Greek (Westcott Λ Hort's Text.) "In this translation, not enfjf has ev : ery word been carefully weighed, hut also Uie emphasis placed upon every word, and the effort has been mad· to give the exact farce and meaning in ' idiomatic morderm Bngllsh." The text akovo is rendered thus: 1 "And stiD stronger is the assurance that we have in the teaching ef the Prophets; to which you will do well to pay attention (as If it were a lamp shining in a ftoomy place!, until the Day dawna and the Morning Star ι rbot in your hearts. Hat first be an sa rrd of this:—There Is Be pfcoptxrtle teaching fou ad in Scripture that can be interpreted hy men's unaided rea i mo. "Vera· twoaty-ono begins with "for", and aet'gns the resaon for ths statement in vera· twenty.