ÎHE DUNN DISPATCH, ι FuUbMEf Λ».-Π Ut. If 14, Pt Pou. N. C, •Uttk ». in». DEMOCSACY or TMK uo csoul itt' might aay tkit the Rod| Oroaa nyinitiil «*tr ι catah « ' t the AlMtku pahUc. That h, Si wm» up»—«tatha of ni H Mf ij hlimli a • vU «OCfcty tjpM ·( IV citloe ud tr.n*. Bot what mi ko tkt attitude ttàmj, «In to—tj aOBn of eu Λ wwkii p«ofto tin reloetarlly ea ollod oadar the hniir of tbo Awri ru M Cromt TM· |iwt ·ιΚίΙ·<· of ytopU rop ftwiti mot· than t· per cant of oar popalatiea. It nymul· tbo lawyer, the doctor iM all Mm other prrf» 'kM. It tournait· Hi no· ia tk· walk· of Mo. Big bo.In—Τ Yea, and Kttlo buaineea, too. It rap mat th· mill work, the clerk bo kind tko coa·tor, the fashionably <T)ijWil par aha· it la aaal-akJa tmm. "A .4 aow, wtt thto Croat army pt pa ir otic America· cttiaaaa back of tkla gr^ateat of all «lade loramiaata tel the world today, with a program rick h> dm variety of eppwilaiillj for ι Ico which It ι Crée», oa idraacoa ah !r iacoaceirable a okort time ago. Lot aa beer ia ariad. there repre r-nt· a trom«a4oa> rapmaMKy. It ta a reapeaoibOHy of mmaaalag ap to the uppottuaOy of playing a real pert ta tkla World'· War. Wkl!· the P. 'J Oram, tkriagk Ma vast of robuteer worker* ta Praace aad tko coaatrie* of Jit Aim, la tiuly| A. boy» tek· Uwi> plKM >α the twclnt; r.hile Κ k actually repneentir* the Spirit ef America ««til that tin· *tu oar boy· te khaU ahatl non rUarfy Spirit, the great amy of Bod Croaa| Boakan and wuiton at keep er*r faithfally at it, te oriter to tWÎrty daaioutiata oar mr wi arm to aeypoct thta gnat work. 1 btnhip to all right te Ha place. hat «•rrtco ta mora Importent atUL Do | eoaaethiagl There ia g part for ι to pfcyt . . **·) Ua Qod'i «m." -· ·*· »·». r***m Mr. Oiiyd bt Mi Hf. atady. Through hit| S ha baa boon aUa aocuro artleCic «facts, by aiiai of a aaxaB erchaatra, akkk ara aaaaDy eonAaed to larger otfaatetioai. Thla company ia compooed of ire roal Aaaricaa aradeiaaa, eaeh of playa three ar foar different ante. By froqaeat ι he»g·· te tba| of · ι ef teatraaaontatioa ia aoeatad. Tbay «iB m»«r te two concocta aa tea epaaing day of Ik· Chaatoagaa. and will bo oao of the ««at actzaeUre faatarea of Oo aatiro three day*. The yaryaae of Cap*» Orchestra ia te play a p»ag>aai that will eater taia, apBft, edaoate, bring plaaaaat thoagkt to eon amA, aad ataerin to other». They Mr· to| deliver a laeaeage af apiratioa, aad happia··, and to make people glad they caaae to town. The appearance of thie tae group of auutly fallow» oaght to do a great deal toward ertan toting the wkal Hitar e»ta of oar iwH). The araato which Cop'» Orcheatra will bring to aa will aet be ao cleoetcal that it «rill w.t ho popalar, bat it wO aot he aa pirmr that M wUl bo cheap. The (aatttr folk eenga of the I Booth, aad the favorite air· of tho| ι that the affect ia very plia» | lee, aad wwywi to en tiiiaat of having Ilot—ed to the| maaic of thai diroatloa of Mr. "VUUnr" Rmd Mart fNat Mm TkM M Par C«U WUl IrmmL Ϋ et « table product—it ^ιΰι «—By ι aWpptoc Om MmU Mon friod Ut «m aat aaira tke prablaa M thara im Um mille Id ■«·,<· far pMh| »rn. Afkii earame: ! ud corn tn m· cnaxparf, mJ ther 'tn take mot· mnco epaea tku «kJ fleer. (S) Corubruad la t Iuhm projet, iad cas Mt be ha ndfc û by tekm. Te M IM It Ml ba as λλ (tn trah ir hiked. Therefore zaeriea. «km M HT c«nt of tW bv'j| la done ai >n»a, earn lacreaae :-n><unptiea ·( rorabraad; «hil· Eu: «bava prac HcaDT ail kmJ la - ed by bakara, tan not adapt the A:: :aa Mrnbnad mira haaeopjiae r. - «tract tWtr hwM, far the otc.u '-I baking do doc cxiat la the tri*, c· Campaaa bona. (t) Our AlKea ar>; .trcady griaf a aujcture of wheat Γ ν -î «ftk potato, rie·, rya floor ud rain .· corn, but tlda mixture tan sot iierond 25 par cent (to SO par cant . r Um cmteide) and produce a good oakery product. Cora floor aa a forth - adulterant. i« therefore. neither n<...-tnij no r ad rWUl. <4) Ml another .· --f>n for ihlp jing wtiaet fctetaad of η la to (ap ply the nood ο fthe j.u .lean troope in Franea. MlMtory necessity doea not permit agpertmeam. Moreover, It la neither fair «or reaaenabla to c«U npon people radar the preeeur· of war t:mea, to make radical changea in their eating hahlta. Thoac reasons dou be kept clearly before aa. for m undemanding et facta neaat a complète co-operation on tha part of America.—Southern Cultivator. Patasl -I Hi«W Pri<«e Uaad.leahle Recently we know of a 10-1-2 ferti lisar, that la oae containing 10 par caat phoephorie acid. 2 par cant ut inon'o, and 2 par eai:t potaah, being quoted at $44 a tan la car lota. At tha mum Use · 10-2 potash left oat entirely, una quoted :t $34 a ton la car lota. - — ▼·· -"««i»uvk pw WO ■ WV mach to pay for the potaah, onpt in special cum and for special crop·. It Muu)«jtaf 910 ίο.· the40 peudi of potash la a ton of '.Y» 10-t-l good·, •r 26 per cent · pov.ii. At aocfc · prie· .with frw eacyt'ona, its uae ta inadviaable. Now 1. : e* note the ex ceptions. Roughly, by dra a Una from •oath central Alt. λ·Μ northeast ward to about Not -Γ", Va., wa will ha va to the aaat a .1 ïoatk of tUa Una tha ana ntad og potaah moat. The aoils of thla rt(ri«i ara aoatly tight aanda or land · loaase, and ex periment station tait, baft vary in· •rally Indicated the r..od of potaah. Bat a van within this area, tt ta by no w«am eertaln that potaA is aaad doubt if pataah at SB ccata a pound will pay oa corn or any af tM aasall grains In thh araa ard thara may also ha soils with a :t-oag day sub soil on which potaih w Π not pay on any eropa. Cation ar.d tobacco as·· to be the eropa most needing potaah. la tha araa above defined, where cot. ton «onetimes rusts badly, twelve or ttfteen pounds per let tvfll probably pay wall, even at SB cent* a pound. If there mams to be no tvndestey to root, ws would hardly advlso its use. Everywhere north and weet of the ■ae indioafd above, that is tha Pied moat country, north Alabama, Te_ aeaaae asd all States to tho west ward, potaih Is little nteded for any •f the general As Id crops. Certainly its use at present pric-ts is not advfa fcble.—Progreesirs Farmer. THE SE*VIC L FLAG William Her·hell Dear Httlo tag la th<i window there. Dang with a tear and a woman's prayer; Child of Old Glory, Lore with a star. Oh, what a wonderful fl..g you are. Blue ia your star in It· field of whHe Dipped in the rod Uint was bom of <«hf. - Born f' '.h» Mood tiiu our forebears| To raise year Bother, the Flag, o'er-! Aad now you're come, in thie frenzied' Jar. and nji "I an Dm voice of a uUlnr aoa Gun· to bo goa· till fie v'ctory'· won. "Iwtk Ike of tli ■ B-rvter, rfr. Γ bo of bie moi:>"f—I ifMk for Wr Who Itu4 by My window and wait» and tmn. Bot hide* fro· the othyri bar «awapt toon. "1 an tbo Itf of tb l wlvaa «bo ««It for tbo aafo return <-f a m irtiai nuu, Κ auto com fortb τ.'.ion Ika war god tbrtooa To «a»· front aatritM other bm'i wtrea. ι Ί aai tbo Πο« of tbr iwrrtbauta traoj Tbo oftoa onlbonght of -tbo rioters, taw I m tbo Ha* of a .aolb^r'a mm And won't I in d >WB tni tbo ?to torr*· woo Γ Dear little lac In Ik Veiew tboro, Kuf wM a tear aad « aiaiii'i wr*·. ΓΊΗΜ of OM Ο Wry, Wr4 wftb · «tor, 9k, «fat a wia<i-f il flog jroo aro. Tbe ladleauyol j We ο». Tbai—lb vafoatom atone aaay wDogen bneo a*. <*4y chon to tbe bear and Mary :> y-4 :e.-tf tt ibeir A 9EJLHON IN VERSE Text—"He f rostrate th the device· >f tW crafty, w that their hand' saanot perform their oeterpriae rob »:1«. 0*4 frustrate· the dark M of the srafty and «how* himself «trou* ia the behalf of hi. people. Ho frastrated th· design of Rabat ky confounding thair language there. Hit brcthraa deeigned boa evil, hot Jooeph preaorved their live·. He fruatrated the designs of Pha ι raah «gainot hi» people, Israel. He overruled the will of Saul, and enthroned the aoar of Jeaea. He defeated the council of Ahl thophal to overthrow wicked Ahaa lom. He destroyed the koua of Jero boam, bccauae of tho calrae ha wot· shipped. He protected Elijah from Ahab. and deetroyed the captain· of A.·lab. He heard the prayer of Hesekiah, and dmtiuyed the army of Sennaeb erfb. · He beard the eriee of Aaa, and •lew the amy of Zerah. He bafllod the plot· of Sanballat, and bleeoed his earvaat Nemiah. He evertorned the device of Ha waii, and «pared hit people, brae). He delivered the prophet Daniel, bat destroyed Kit «ricked «center*. And what thall I mom rayT For the time would fail ma to tell of Stephen, of Peter, of Pact, of John, add their peieaiutiona; how God de livered thasn, protected then, blam ed then; and of their triomphant death·, by which they glorified God. ; Torn to modéra hiatory, and aae hit wonder· there. He overruled the wrath of Mary, and forwarded th· causa of troth. Ha wrtW th· wrath of Phillip, and deetroyed bit treat armada. Napoleon davta*d his way, hot Gad directed Us step·. The empress Zi|«n!a warred, bat th· cause of liberty won. His face b against tha Germans, who becan thie bell-bora war. Praia· Him foe Hie (raatneas, and bleaa him fo* his teodne··· t 1. McKAY SOLDIEU AMD GIANT GUNS WIN VICTORY BY TELEPHONE By David Wark Griffith. (Director of Artcnft Fktara, who hM ncntly returned from Um Eu ropean bettMltlda.) 8peaking fmrilly, in · modern battle, the nearer 70α ι» tha k you seo. The men who taw Gettytburg and Waterloo war· thrilled with tha spec tacle of troops of cavalry thunder ing acroee Um Une of Bra at a full of charglag infantry mowad >» ■■ kr aha· In ok At «p— and generals on foam covered horaaa waring their twords and rallying their troop*. Battle tap ware captured aad («captured. There II m such thrill in a modern battle aa tha advance of the Old Guard at Waterloo or anything Uke Pickett'· charge at Getteohurg. Prom the front line trenebea Id a modern battle you look ont «crow an open field of dcaolation. There ia no enetay in tight—nothing but ragged tangle* of barbed wire, shell bo foe, tamhtod aad ton ground yilh an oc casional pitiful heap of atorm atalned clothing which ihowa where aoae poor fellow Hae onburied in No Man'· Land. Mabady 1a Sight A modern battle la fought with a fearful annonymonlty. The infantry seldom aaa whom they ara «hooting at. The artillerymen never aaa their target*. They tight their gwna by math-matte* at the beheat of die air men, who give tignale aa they go vcftvin» flomra «l*Ma #hM*i»k «W* ·<■ Th« |ta«nl on the foaming cktf(tr I· replaced by the crisp dry aputtar of lb· virtlcM or by a deek telephone. Moat of the general· do not rid· boraeback at alL Whoa they m Aght- ι lag a battla, they ait la aa office with : aa oil cloth map upon which two iraftamen an at work with water col or pafarta Laying in the changing po aitiena of the troop·. Awinn Myatery There ia a new aad terrihlo mya tery to It. Sheila coma from nowhere and an off oat year Ufa. Without the aUghteat warning ceaaea the qoeer aad awful howl of a ahell ronlnf from yoa know not where. AN you know about It ia thia frlchtful howliac. anmamberad rotee aaarling from the eeapty air above yoa; then a craah. Son· unaeen battery baa epokea. One can «ympathiae with the attt tad· of aom« of the ignorant Coaaack troopa who, on one occaaiea, refoaed to *ght "We an willing to light any num ber of Ma, bower or terrible, who aay be thrown if ta et ne, "they eaid, "bat we are not willing to Aght thlaga that eeaae oat of the eky and kill ua." P—th Mm· Uimi ' There hi M experience I caa think of ee abeelately nerve ehettarlng aa' t ÎJ lut M*. V. .ώ tiûi yuj IZUilbi κ art' wh t^f lgcet-οη you cam ο vl oui U Κλγ Uiî Uir.orUinj; (rtif i* a iKosd^i *torm. It U doBO.tll i>ft in tho i?nr· that » ;i »avs demorallr-iug. 1 net majy oulcor# and mm In II· V.tiah imy wi.c ha I Ι*·.»· nf-verrl, onnded and pent Utck bumc to drag it IIm rest of their live» as semi la· Tilldï » Ko had txrrar *nm a Gerrr-m eldior. I met battery captain· whet, nighty guna had won great Tictori?» ind who were, in fact, the mainstay >f the army, bat Ouy had never Man abat they vera «hootin* at and bad iavar aaan their <rwn victorious abcD rtrike. AU they knew about it wa> a roiee tkat eama to them ο Tar the tel», jbona repeating certain mathemati cal formula· by which tbay adjoatad .he range their puna. They began ■booting whan tluy wore ordered and tbay «topped whan they wore told to. Faetary ef Death. The whole west front ia like a ter rible factory of death. Aa I have aaid, the actual front lloa trenches ara law Intarenting, al though mora dangaroos than the por tion of the Una fou or Are mile· back. Aa you go back from the front line tranche·, especially daring · battle, the aceee become· mora active. Yob arc than with the guns. The work of tbeae guna ta a terri (Tic <pcc tacle. I *m permitted to osc one of the batter!ea m a setting for the picture I am now finishing. There have been picture· whose promoters boasted that the setting* bad cost a rniiBoe dollars. The set tings for thin picture would be cheap •t a billion. In the artillery attack that I spoke of we saw 16 guns standing wheal te wheel roaring ont shrapnel and ex ηΙοΰτβ «Hait*. Graataet of Wan Ne war ever fought bu Men any thing to approach the intensity of ar tUktj rtr« ecsn on the west front in Flanders. AD the artillery fir· la coo trolled front the reporta of the airmen. The aeroplane «cost· have a signal that correspond» to the 8. O. S. signal at sea. It means that every gn in that particular sector is to concentrate Its Are upon a given point. As sheering the Intensity of the Are and the stu pendous concentration of heavy Are. I *u told of the following Instance: A small deaarted Belgian farm boaas was selected by the geoeral staff Without previous warning one of the air mes was directed to signal for aa attack by artillery upon thia little building. The 8. 0. S. signal was Riven and wtthin a few seconds the lira of 1,100 guns wee pouring down upon thia little farm houae. Of course it waffradoced to the consist eney *4 -ta^gaqi powder. Bach by the Cans Back by the gnas yon get Into the real sphere of lntereating action. Am bulances ara tearing along the high ways filled with wcundod man often tcreamlng in their agony. Prtaoners irs being marched by to the rear. An munition wagons and ammunition males are hurrying to the front. Motorcycle meeaengers are whirl ing by like wind. Wagon trains some tiraee camouflaged with rows of sap lings fastened to their sides are plod ling their way along, looking like a ■ovine forest of young trees. Back there It looks like a real hat Je. This affect ia heightened by the Fact that the German batteries usual ly devote their attention by day to ui attempt to locate and dsatroy the rancealed batteries. The infantry joes over the top at night time, thir ne the day the infantryman are male· ng a vain attempt to sleep in trenek ■ swimming in mod and suffocating rith terrible smells. Beet of Troops dw w coarw uni· conditions ao tot continu*. After · ikort tour in Jt« tranche· the troop· ut int back ο the M—rUtloni. Condition· ire not hanh back tlwr·. In (act, Jte boys In tU· son· «etaed to ha tarin* · *«>7 food time. I met a yoang prelNiiona] man »ho had hit an efflee In London to Mcoma a aurtaon with the amy. Ha old m· ha hadat had ao mock time in rtart far outdoor recreation. Like ihe troop· h* had occasional period· >f iatenaWa work; than came period· if «port and Ihtaf ht condition· by to mean· on pleasant, with plenty of roed food, f»od clothiair and pleas mt companionship. The famflira of our boy· new on the way to France «an coaaote thera mIth wtth the thought that War la neither ao daitgerea· iter ao filled with kardablpa aa la Imagined. Oa the •iteke it la a pretty goad experience For a boy If ha coat·· back, aad the itaUstles to te ptmi that ha haa an 'xeaediitffly coed ehance ef coming back. . No IndMdpal He enact ara now re· laired by the War, Trade Foard for the expotatiea of horaea to Canada tad NewfenndUi»d. Shipper· will ba riven aotiee >hton> the pre·· If there thoald ha a *»aff in this rall^r hi ί-^^- - WALTER JONES Sell· ALL KINDS OF FEED STUFF BEST GROCERIES IN TOWN PSoa· 27 Condensed Statement Bank of Cape Fear at Close of Business February 5, 191 θ RESOURCES Loans and discounts Liberty bonds Furniture and fixtures Real estate Cash and due from banks Total LIABILITIES $225,678.40 . 23,500.00 3,350.00 1,250.00 . 33,495.04 $287,273.44 Capital stock $ 25,000.00 Surplus and profits 6,047.50 DEPOSITS 256,225.94 Total $287,273.44 Upon the strength of the above statement and the backing of our Directors, we solicit your business. No ac count too small to receive our most courteous attention. Bank of Cape Fear i DUNN, NORTH CAROUNA. WITHOUT INSURANCE Every Fire, every death, every accident would be a cala mity without recompense. Cuiineu would be disorganiz ed and the individual wholly b the grip of fate. BUT WITH INSURANCE Butine·· i* stabilized and the income of the individual pro tected against chance. LET ME SERVE YOU J. L. WADE, Manager, Dunn Insurance & Realty Co. To The Public! We appreciate very much the patronage our friend* have given u· since we opened up our store at I 19 EL Broad street, and assure them that in the future we will have on hand the very best groceries money can buy. Give lis your business and we will endeavor to please you. MORGAN BROS. I HAYNES CAR FOR SALE. % " * I H «y nee 5-Pa—anger Touring car, been run 3,000 mile· domonet rating, and in firat-cU·· condi tion. Cord tire·, Hart fora shock absorbers and oth er extra·. Will «ell for $1,250.00. TKe present price of a new one is $ 1,644.00. SEE USAT ONCE Parrish Auto Company. Dunn, North Carolina. , THE BLUE AND THE CRAY ieoryc Marrow Maye, OuuuU U. β. Ν ivy. tm'l to the blue of the wind awept North. When w· mut on tha field* of Franca I May the eptrlt of Grant be with yon all Aa the 8on« of the North advance. And, horo'a to tba Qmy of tho ran kiaed South, Whan we aaat on tho field» of May tho apirit of Lot bo with you all Aa tho Bona of tha Booth advanco. And, here'· to tho Bine and Gray aa oaa, Whan wo m«t on tha flelda of Fraacol May the «pJrit of 0o4 bo with in all, Aa tho Bon· of tho ÏU0 advance. Coma an to ne, all yo that labor kod are heavy Mon, and I win ghre rou not—Matt 11 18. Jh. well, friend Death, good friend thou art; 1 eh all bo free «ban thon art through! faite afl there la—«aha hand aad heartj There muet bo aoawwherc work to do. Helen Hunt t la never too late to be hayyy, It la never too late te «mile; It la never too lato to attend a hand Aad a cheerful word oaee la a white

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