α» (Γ:?.·! ···:: 11. . . r vl·'tcr In Tfnr»' ; Γ. C. CiV-.ri «port Su'.«!i? w:th lr"vij.lt in Smitlj'icV. Cherl' i. 1 » ί ι. Γ..:νι1 their ad. Ρ F. l'ooe. ' •.i n·'·' η \r. of Cold»· bo je, was a t î it: .· k'.itor here jcMordiy. Mr*. J.j! 1.1 V." ^.'Ir.K'rekJ r '■· '"'cr. Μι··* UUdy> Îocnç. .ir> vi».i:nj m l*t.v«« Id RKhRtc.i, vj. Mrv J. P. Suii^h rtvu ViiniWy ικοηΓιηρ to hi·,· hoi*- '-ΓΛι. 'lit. «fier ν;.Λΐι::: vu Λ.·.,.. xïv Λ. Κ. Smith. Η. T. iJnll. ' ■»' «.h» r *· <Ά· er* Co.'.iwι je; si :l; î.>< Y»Ltt»*r .V - * · ~ *v·*! f* 1 II·*'.·· vu itor.· htrr i P. 8. C»..pj -, v.fcniH.til α Γ thv Tirrt Nioirntii L'«. ν irtu-pcj M->a. y t atn a visit '··. hi' .on, ν,ha Is a c-.uucnt Skt Portor H.lltary A;« ktxi ·. ri.·; «v«i:afi ior Februa ry. Italie rwfpi, oi Cf.. > £ι «ι. Hi' ri*. 1 Γ·.: π»;· ν t.> « furlough wïtîi hi* }:»·<■,;♦». Mr. »uJ lin. G«o. L. Ita^xt·. ο t Iti* Spring Branch srrl'cr of F.^rsrîftn cunnly. After «pending tmnl difi here with her mo'hcr. Mr«. V. !!. HcKjiy. Mui Iva Brfic tluia.-d '.uh0*y moMing to D'irlism, wh**rv ►he it a •Udcul in i!;e (oi i«*sts!7 of Mimi·'. All tUc pijaor·. I ι>τ<·;·«.-.." ard -;·] cr-ti't» Scloaflr" f t'.i' HI* V7. 51. I» CvU ν-11 .· ,'ilJ .1 (■•i-'w tit ton ny Oc<·. L Cvnnudy, o.' Ρ.ίπτ day, March 2"d. Rcf.d tfco î:' in tlr)·. ivro for furtUcr f.mic.ilar». Owen Odum. oi Copt», V7. a bu»l n*M viiltor in Γ>;;.η Mr. Oduot *>n* «<<·· lly ritvHj- fain demonUrato.. κ: «Tfi r·»·:} M r f.olv who reiiijji-d 5.·ν ,-al .yecla ago to takd U|I v-urk cVv.wjciv. Η. E. Br'wcr. -■£ Ke^ won her· th? ?atL»r ji.i.t of lit wmV v'nit inft friend*. Wr. i3icw:r lived in Dunn η «ur i.-! çf > envi i.?Q auù h** • h."3t of f.'kn-is H*re \vhu ftre al *ay» slad to kc h. n i)i.*« lu :oWn. Geo. CcnnMÎr loft Vjl» morn ir.y ,'rr ΟϊΓ.·"! «ν'···;; - >»«' caiWci th'-r»· bv s T'*sti tî ..rtKir.i" thr illn-r tl hi* ^φΙιί.Λ Κ ι· \ vi.?-r· in,: f.urr ματΊλ';·.:» ni κιΐ! be «•rbd to IjuiVaoi t.^cuy f'-r an opera tioti. .îmV" wili. b"? petrsnttd at F05hi UiU ni^ht, February ICtb. ftt 7Λ<· u'.-lock. The iti! will h» roin^niacil of ^Iptln who ire ,n lli» whsol. Rlaht much time nrirt ■.•(Ter., liai Vcc τ.λτ 'η prepar ir.r: the pi ν/ 'hv vho ht» prcir>;?-" i ρ '.*■-> ">niivrvtit «tonte fr->ro u •■reont attark ol pu- m >t 'A ar.tl Η ·ιον well on lh< ft*t] to 110.f ι: :.ha itzvery." Γ>>·. J. Λ. Κ:, decided no to lot'.'ito tn Uo.iy ί i . v«r itetcc In la»t work' jKipvtch. ΰΐ. -.rrt'.n the prêtent denii*'» t! G,mou, tr'B no loer.te In Kalcigh RF ta intcaJe*! t< (Λ. and w:'l continua h> >>a»-tiee h 3»·· Cf. ixfjçr.u „u ïetai„ hi nZ,:: «.·> «Ικ* " ' <' .1a«r ol tho Kiiv Nation^· βv.l. t-J-Jl-,·, obéra he wil epr.'.lnifc! 4o ..or·* 1"' f>lcn »'*» h«a be»i held in hii'.h e.sicon b.· ft nii*nb«r ο I>nnn people for the |W* ·" Tteol» year «•ltd at hi* bon,· ty.·!"·» Ivt veek, aftei »al7orine a neeon t >'to'-f- cf ι*Γ»Ιΐ?Λ Π- waa IS rit «flhcc-.d "'·>· •Ikibi twon ye.ro afco, ι· »·· «I" ηαΤα abl·; to «io bit nur i aj lu.-'xic ry.aIn Ilia «hit» fr erd, tçnn t intrlimta |.li-.ra!ly to hl< «οριον* rfUî.* rJktlM bebim ar.d ft r -'-../τ «-< Λ0& I' j« to hie ftieni. fct ceplHbu'Ue m tr. u'.îc Οι !·» Ol the etro'ti J«t!l a rcw rfiys bo,'or he died. I »esr Sergeant Flahilf at the opera house tomorrow (Thursday) night. \VLi.—ii ntuntd ym "xrtloy from » bunineoa trip to Dax hum. j Mote the change la the ad of Um * Realty Company la this issue. J CoTurrctsmen Η. I·. Godwin return . rd le V» a.kir.k'Oii tnday after spend inc t*n u* ->u day· hare wtth hie I famll"· ι ant-Colon·! A. E. William·, iti u «ΰ.ω,ιβι, D. C.. arrivad ia Ifcij morning for a ihort riait ι ίο vcliitlvc». Wory^n Druthers will be (lad to ' r ' a.) order from y.^r for rroccriea. ■ .«ii their all anc in the Γ hautsuqua. oiseux here Saturday and continua· thro!.·;■'> Monday end Tueaday. TV· r.il.umu viU take plaça in the . ."i't '-.ouac, Gtt your tkkcta now. 31.00 «ri 7.Ί centi. The I aen duly traneferred to the under I niCTcd trustee aad default havh)« ι (»cn made In the payment of th· Is ι ilcbt* due*· therein leeared, the foV f lowing tract or parcel of land, alt ι tratcd la Averaahoro tawniMp. Har· ι wU county, w(H be aold at ptUlt auction, te wit: Ik being Uvl certain tract of land whar* the mort^jagor* formerly liv ed. bounded oa lh« north by the lands et CeraeHua Hodtti, en the Mat by the land* of BilHe Stewart, on the south by Uia land· of Randall Non-U and on tho w«at by tba land· of J oka Su«nrv containing st acraa, beginning at a stake In the Benton road and run* N. SI E. S.44 chains la a stake, thence 8. 74 E. 4.15 chains to a stab·, thane. 8 28 Κ «1.80 chs. to a stake, thence 8. 41 W. · chain* to a stake, thancc N. 40 W. 4.8U cha. ta a atak*, thence N. 11.4 chain* to a atak·, thenca N. 25 W. 11.80 chaîna to th* road, thance aa the road run· N. 16 W. 8.10 chain· to the begin ning except thoaa portion· Η the •aid land hU to Laun tefp and Mary Strickland and amounting to about 8 1-4 acraa. Tka a bora tract being the plaça whara tba mortgagor· form erly resided and the same conveyed to thai· November 6th. 1806 by A. Q. and Mary Sugge by dead recorded In th* office of the Register of Deeds of Harnett county in book L. No. 2, page 438. PLACE OF SALS: Tha courthouse door, IiUingtaa, N. C. TIME Ο y 8ALE: Saturday, Mar. 18th, 1918 at 18 o'clock M. TERMS OF SALE: Cash. This th* 14th day of February. 1918 JESSE F. WILSON. Traita* MAKES DISCOVERY DIGGING DITCH # Owmr of Load Made Rich, Man Digging Ditch Cured of Tenacious Disease STORY A ROMANCE Rk.ua.tU w tkla AfwlU· Acid Iron Mineral (non-alcoholic, ! natural iron) la taken fro· a gnat deposit found upon a poor (βπητ'ι plaça near Hickory, Miasiaeippi and the (tory of tkia (ml gift of ae terVi, which made the fanner rich, and the medical world richer, and "«k· H poeelble for people to quickly treat stomach, (tigeetion, kidney, blood and rheumatic complaints at boa·, made interacting reading. An old man while digging a mill race on the Born Fan·, ran atrcss it. Ht waa afflicted with an eld fever tore and blood troubles which wire considered Incurable. Daring the several weeks digging hie feet and legs were wet each day as water gath er· and he noticcd that this water turaed a reddish color caused by mixing of water with the rien of pe culiar looking mineral, abaoet Uke powder, which had apparently laid for ceaturiea encased ia a auWt-Uke | casing of rock and clay. The sotv on his lag began te h*al and by th· time his work was com-1 pitted hi· leg waa sound and well. This was considered so very remark able by the poople of that section that an investigation was made aad H was found to b« like radium, gold· platin um an dother woadroas soereu of ne tare—a natural compound containing inimitable proportion in proportions no chemist has sttempted to dupli cate though · large sum was offered he who could accomplish this. Today, like radium, which ia uaed in earing cancel·, x-ray work, all 11· lamiaatlng watch dials, se Acid Iron Mineral has Its many usee being a re markable remedy externally or Internally and anyone troubled with bloed dise s see, eruptioas, rheumatism, kidney, bladder or atomach disorder· of any aort may wisely visit the near est «tore aad ymton S bottle. A twelve ounce bottle sent prepaid on receipt of $1 by the Ferrodine Chemi cal Corp., Koanoka, Va., or «end stamp •d envelope with letter telling what your trouble ia for folder telling mors s bout this great Iron prepara tion, Acid Iron Mineral. Qoitl Perty ui Bos Ι·μιι Tbere will k« a quUt party and box tuppcr at the Mary Staart School, Dana, Bout· 5, on Friday evening February 22, from Τ'AO to 11Λ0 o'cloek. The public to cordially lnrited to eotae and enjoy tbe «τ·γ JUROR S FOR SPECIAL TERM OF MARCH COURT 1. A. J. Cumo». Barbecue. 2. HP. *i*"l l-iwn«ton ». T. L. Do»n. Ba*khom. 4. Ε. M. Lyneh. HmU>i'i CmL I. J. T. Sanith, JobneoavMa. β. D. A. McPhaU, Uppar Little RWer 7. Β. F. McLeod, Barbocoe. r E. Barnaa. Grov. ®. W. H. BmUK. Haetor*i Creek. 10. H. M WWttoet·», Grovo. II. O. ■. Thowaa. BuckHorn. IS. N. A. KcLoaa, Uppar Little Rhrer. IS. J. W. Thornton, Averamboro. I·. 8. O. Brawn, Back born. 1«. A. L. Newberry. A»araaboro. 17. I. C. Oflckrtot. Upper Uttle River· It, J. C. Mtttkawa, Nam's Creek. roR rent—booms suitable for light houae keeping. Light and modern eonretileacee Apply to Mr· Colon Peareon. FOR RENT—I HAVE FOB Rr.N1 twa aiea dwelling bourn far col ored tenant*. Ptoaaa ece ma al once. L. J. Beat PLANTING SEED—PURR STRAIN «lean and aaialxad, froat finest eot ton (town la State Far «aie fcy Β 0. Tu amend, Dunn. N. C. **«*·¥* « * BUSINESS LOCAL * FOR SALE—TWO 000D HOUSES. If bteiciUH apply to Perry Mor ican, lit E. Broad Be. Daon, N. C. MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED arcurity. Call «η oc write tin Buk of Demett, Duke, N. C. SEE US FOR THE MOUNE DUC Harrow». Nothing l^· Η «ο th» market. Johaaon Broi. SHIP STUFF, COTTON SEED maal. corn Baal, ttà oeta, H*d oau. Buck wheat Sour. Mayftetd nailed oaU for aal« by Morgan Brvtbcr·. Phone St. __ ι I SEVERAL NICE OFFICES FOR rent- P-mlrably located la new building Sec m at once. J. W. Orrai·! * Raggett, Dmn», N) C. SEE ME FOR CENTER SORED colonie) colueaa, guaranteed mot to crack, and all kind· of tamed work, mantel», table», *»d odd furnl| tore, J bo. W. Bodge», Variety I Work», under water tank FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—ONE good family horae ead one rubber tire top Hackney baggy good as mr* that 1 win aol) or exchange for Ford ear. W. E. Grantham, Maacheeter. Ν. <χ Mt-lt. for sale—1 have s SMALL farm* which I can tea at · bargain on en»y term». See Be at once. R. L. Godwin. LISTEN—ir του WANT TO SELL or bey town or cooatry property to* Οco. L. Casnaùy, he will wu (or jrou. or he will Bad a cinte rn· r for you if you want to sell. Se· or writ· to hia >t one·. FANCY «LEW». GOLDEN BLEND,' White Houae. Morard aad Arbuc clea Breakfast coffee at Morgan Brother!, Phone 8». THE SMITH UPKJCHT U KNOWN to he the beet. Bee tt at oar «tor·. Johnson Broe. CALL ON CEO. L CANNADAY IFj Cwaut to bay farm lands. I e several nod bargains now new liana. fUt me at one· if yon are interested. SUNSHINE CAKES AND CRACK· era. All kinds pic Usa, eaace·. ιοαρβ and canned rood», sach at Shirley Brand Tomato*, KaHy Jaae peu. Lirao Beans, Pin· Apple, Gold Brand peaches. Herring roe, Salmon. Tom Fish. Lunch Tanrrea, May A anise dressing, Chili Cob COM, Aspara ru" Tip·. Old Poet Spinach, ate. U or ran Bretfcua, PWu It. PLANTING SEED.—PURE STRAIN, clean and anmixsd, from finest not· ton crown in Bftm. For sale by B. 0. Towneend, Dsnn, N. C. VhLCAN PLOWS AND CASTINGS ia stock at all ti·— Com in and let us sail you. Johrvaon Bros. CALL ON US FOB * P. V. VIRGIN la »tyle hams freak from the pack ers. Morgaa Broa, Phone 88. LISTEN—IF YOU WANT TO SELL or bay town or "entry properly use Geo. L. Gaaaady, he will sefi f«r yon, οτ he *"D ftnd a caato mor for yon V 7°° want la sell. See or write to kirn at once. WE HAVE IRISH COBBLERS AMD , Bed Bli» aeed petatoee for ■>·. All Main· grown- Morgan Broa.. Phooe 88. BUY YOUR IMPROVED FARMING inai-hltiirr new. When pisaent rap ply is exhausted the price will he higher. Act a·» John»on Bros. INVESTIGATE UTTLE DUTCH Biding Plow*. I*— draft and ng dont have to —For Mb fay Johnson Βro·. FOR THE FAMOUS BUTTEBNUT bread. Beeehaat Paugt batter. Re i tin and Poo··» cake. call Mor gan Drotkore, Phone St. HELP TO WIN THE WAR BY IK· «rcailng your faff· prod ot to. Tbe euleit way te do tblo la to boy Im proved farming implement· froo· Johnson Bros. LOST—BEAK SKIN LEFT HAND ibn- Finder wU· bo paid well If returned to De. Peeblea, Dou, N. C. 1-t-pd. YOU CANT BEAT OUB LACUAY ra green coffee. Try it Morgan ' Brother·, Phone SC. ir YOU WANT QUALITY AMD ■ereleo In a plane be acre yog bey tbe Bckalag Parrfck Λ Driver WANTED—TO BUY SMALL III· proved farm with dwelling, wttkb four or ftve mit·· of Dm, State prie* and ten*. Ad few· Locki Box 10t. Dunn, N. C. YOU PAY MORS FOB THÉ BEHN Ing pie no thaa Ao average, bat' there la a reeeon. Parttoh âj Driver. HOUSE FOB BENT—GOOD FOUR room bowaa oa North Wlteon Ave nu, kite am aa the Mre. Baehol ParCar bouee, for rant. Boa·· la nret~ctaoe rendition. Apply te Clarenee J. BmlBi, FWu ST. To The THERE WAS A SPECIAL ACT PASSED BY THE LAST LEGISLATURE OF N. C. KNOWN AS THE "BICKETT LAW" WHICH PROVIDES FOR DIRECT LOANS TO FARMERS TO BE SECURED SOLELY BY CROP LIENS, AND CHATTEL MORTGAGES UPON PEKSOKAiu PROPERTY. THIS LAW RELIEVES THE FARMER FROM THE EMBARRASSMENT OF ASKING SOME ONE TO ENDORSE FOR HIM AT THE BANK, AND FROM THE BURDEN OF HIGH TIME PRICES FOR HIS SUPPLIES. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DUNN IS PREPARED TO LOAN MONEY TO FARMERS UPON THE TERMS STIPULATED BY THIS SPECIAL ACT, AND WOULD BE GLAD TO EXPLAIN THE TERMS OF THE LAW AND MAKE LOANS IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH TO THE FARMERS OF THIS SECTION COME IN TO SEE US AND TALK IT OVER WE ARE THE FARMERS' FRIEND First National Bank, Dunn, N. C. m ^Kyf! THE DUNN DIRECTORY The proposed directory of Dunn, now in the making will give the name, occupation, and address of all reel cknta cf Dwr, both white and colored. Besides thk it will contain a tlreet guide (giving description and location of all streets) a business directory (in which all bminsss and professions are arranged and classified together al phabetically) and a miscellaneous directory, giving infer· mation of town and county officials, clubs, societies, churches, schools, etc. The work is being carried on by men of wide exper ience in thiz work in other cities and no pains will be spaired to make this, the initial directory of Dunn, ell that k should be, and one to be proud of. To the Public I ■ ■·. V.κ ·' Î& Some tune will be needed in gathering the nemos and data to be uted and you can assist ns materially by GIVING INFORMATION FULLY AND FREELY - WHEN REPRESENTATIVE CALLS No questions of a personal nature will be aslred which are not necessary in making a good directory. We aim to treat everyone with all due courtesy aad respect. The book in printing and binding will bo as nest attractive rs the best printing houses k the south can make it. It will be sold so thai you and e . eryone may own one. ALL TOGETHER NOW FOR A GOOD DIRECTORY HELP THE GOOD WORK ALL YOU CAN ! ■ Chas. S. Gardiner, DIRECTORY PUBLISHER. Florence. South Carol»*. ADMIN IS ΠΙΑΤΟ*·· ΝΟΤΚΙ TV. «·4«η<*η·4 havln* qoallfUd m wlahilitnU» ·( tka citât· ef W. M. Batf*U, kit· of Raniftt C«*»t», tkl« U to notify «Π p*netii Having rtahn· Ik· mM to ff wot A# mm* to tb· b4 ■intftratar on or Mm· rAnu; 1% !·>·, or thU not** will be pimA . lit*, α L. C AHMABT,