. · : : : V,;. THE vol. rv DUNN. H. C, wlf. FEB. ST. 101· f3* 1 . THE SOUTHERN FARMERS MUST PRODUCE RATIONS Iniparatin Tk»t Thej RaIm Enough Food te T«k· C»m of Horn· Dtmnli "It lh· South neglects tkli year tu provide her own food and feed, *he in likely to suffer serious privation, md khti «1U put a burden upon the N'atian which may prolong the war and even imperil our victory," says Clarence Oualev, Assiitant Secretary of Auriculturo. "I am aware that thsee art strong word»," continua* Secretary Outlay, "but they ara non· too strong- I am not erpremunji an alarmist personal opinion- I am seeing through the eye* of 48 agricultural colleges and of eouaty agents In nearly awry agri cultural county. ] bava recently eroaard the continent by the depart ment'» 18,000 representative* and a· many mora employoes of tho agrirul tural college*. I have considered the conclusion* of the International In stitute of Agricultorc at Rome which has report· from all the world. "The plain, hard truth is that with 40 million people withdrawn from productive industrie· and engaged in tho business of destruction, it is not humanly possible for production on the whole to exceed normal demand. The question la whether production can equal necessitous demand. "Bngland, Prance, and Italy must ; be aoetalned or their populations can- ι on aeanty ration* for mut» than Ihrc· ■ ytan. The chicf cans· of Ruuia'i eoilapae m hunger. SotdlTvn can not flght whan their wive* and chil dren are starving. "8*cretary McAdoo has given warning that traasportatlon may ha lacking in IBIS, Vo haul food and toad to Btatee and eonununitlaa that do η<4 provide for themselves. Many cattle have b«aa sacriAccd in the drouth r«(ieaa of the Northaiat and th» Southwest during the laat few month·, bccauao railroad car· could not b» obtained ai needed. Military mownanu nuit ha*· Art* consider ation. and military movei*«nls will ba ' imUr is 1B18 than la 1917. Jhm prim· question for the farmer ia not what product will brinjr the higheat price, hut what product· will inaun food far hi* family and feed'for bdla liv· atnck. and th· answer U: a veg etable, a milk cow, a brood low, a poultry flock, ample.corn, oat:-., pea nut», etc. and then a· much cotton | or tobacco aa ha can cultivate well. "It in the highest demand of pa triotism—it is the Aral requirement of living—that in 1918 every State, , every county, every neighborhood, ·ν- , cry farmer, be as nearly self-sustain- \ ing as poaaible. , "For the South to plunge on cotton ι or tobacco or any other speculative ; crop and te depend upon the corn , halt for bread and meat will be for ( the South to engage in · gamble , which may cause privation to Ita peo ple and diaaster to the Nation. For , any man now to determine his bust- , η ess operation· from the standpoint ι of proAt alone, without regard to the | Nation's needs, ia for him wilfully »o , profiteer inthe blood of his fellow· , who ar· Aghting in Prance for th· | preservation of tho ropubUc. No man , can be vxcused for not taking his share of the reaponeibility. "My whole Hfe has been spent in the South. I know the Southern farmer. He will do his duty as h· eees >L I am appealing to rrery man to the South to make known the·· facta»—to consider it his bon nes» to make them known—and I shall have nn doubt of the rosuHs. If they are not mads known In a way to impress th« crisis that con fronta us. there may be hunger this bountcons land or hungcT over yond er in Europe, where it win spell ruin for all that Is worth while in Araeri _ »» WANTS TO LOCATE STATE COLLEGE STUDENTS President Wallaco Carl RidJiek, of the North CaroHa* Stats Celiac· of Agriculture and Eagineering at West Raleigh, is preparing a list of all former students of Ma college with the ftddrm and occepation of each. Ev ery man who has at any time attend ed the college is requexted to mail ( to the proaident a card hearing his full postal address, and his occupa tion. We anderataad that the college ha· always located its gradaataa one· a y»ar,' and this ia only another stvp In which President Rlddiek manlfaet* his Internat la all af the men who have attended this great technical collège. In reply ta la«o»H«s regarding the poalhility af redistilling seised spirits for alcohol the War Department kaa aanoaneed that the small amoaat of alcohol recovered, the cost of trans portation, would make the coat to the Government greater than It Is now P*yln*· The average yield fro·· con fiscated Hifonr would not sjtceed ( per cent of alcohol ALL THE NEWS IN THE DISPATCH TWO BIG DRIVES FOR ' WAR SAVINGS STAMPS kcwuaJ Dollar Club Wm4 *md to OrtnlM War 3«*ir.·· SocmiIm. Slat* U ε<ΙΜ( artera of the W*i Snvlnx« Ci.mm.itee It Winatcn-Salem ia malciii/ Lw c,h;s drive· In the inUr tmi of tSo V'ar flavnga Stamp». Thau er» t'l.) "Thousand Dollar Club" and Uir "Wcr Saving· 8ocl»ty" Cam palgu*. 'lhr Ibounand Dollar Chi h i« popu !λΌ>· ln»w-, olio ·· the "Lirait Clab," 'or the rtuon that all member· pledg· Ih-umvhre» to purchaM daring tbe i-car of Î01S ll.UOO of W»r Savins· kampi which ia tha maximum amonnt th» law at prraont allow* any on· [wnion to buy. Tha Campaign for member* for thla clnb begin· March It hftml continues through March 9th. Loral Committee* will be appelated ay tha Chairman of tha Connty War fetting* Committee who·* doty M will χ to make a brief aurrey of the roucty and distribute application· for ncnibvrihip The membar»hip eorpe ■eqvir* that the applicant pledge bia ;lf to Fyttemalic saving, to refrain 'rem nrnrrearary expenditure* and ,hr purchase War Saving· Stamp· to υ ou rage Thrift and Economy, and ο purchase War Savings Stamp· to he amount of 11,090 in 1918. Every ounty ia crpected tn enlist a* many ι* ooe percent of 1U population la · '«urty Thousand Dollar War Saviaga :iuh. I h« War Satlnff* Society Campaign :■> for lu object tu pit every BU, roman and child In · War 8«>l*gs lociety by March 14th If poaalble. Thi wnbtnhlp pUdp roqoirci In brief hat the applicant aave, invest h ta vain*· In Thrift aad War Savtatgs ttaiapa and encourage other· to save nd Ineaet- School superintendent*, earhera, fans and boa· detaonatr» ion agent*. and all other organised ten and wumcr are called on to act ι» organizers of the·· sodetlee. 'residents of club·, league· and ao leties are aaked to coavert their or ganisation* lato War Saving· Socié té· and appont Committees from heee to onratiiae bm aad w— hreugh these organiaatiaae. A War Savings Society Committee - ςν»σ .fgaatt tUI ht innalfkit. irganlsers andThe eecratanee of tha ifferent societies will make their e ports to the County Chairmen. IO NEED FOR ATTORNEYS TO COLLECT SOLOIEJt INSURANCE The Secretary of the Treasury has nrounced that neither the soldier·, mlors, nor their dependents or any .•nrficiarir* under the soldier and B'lor ineurunce law need employ at »· n*ys or claim agents to collect the ( n-orance; that the employment of uch intermediaries Is unnecessary iwl inadvisable and a needless es »nn. I The procedure for the presentation nd collection uf inauranee claims ia erv simple and the proper blanks can r reeored from the Bureau of War !ik Insurance m Washington. The «π»·· of the person in the service who rus killed or injored aad the rela i>n»hij> which he bure to the person nuking the claim should be given. If urthi"- information or assistance is enuired by the claimant the Ε ureas if War Risk Insurance will gladly 11 rniak it Circa Un have been Mot ont by txum ureal* end ■ ttorney» offering η arirl p?r*ons entitled to the be ne ts of ibiit insurance in collecting hc:r claim*. The "pension sharks," rlto oncc thrived and fattened under tuT pension lawa, arc «till a rank n?mory m thia coontry. ft tu hoped thitt when they were •fliUtoH out of existence we woo Id inver see their Uke aguin. Bat their iiceoteor· itng to survive. Mid the .ction of Secretary McAdoo in giving ■rompt warning «gainst these wcmld ►c profiteers under the insurance law eitl be commended by all. moke men enlist. Tfco Local KiemptioB Board enlist 'd the following young men for the rovernment servie· thia week: Andrew Clyde Crimoa. WIlHs B. rurl ngton and Benj. V. Turlington, >f Coata, and Cerlle A. Guy and Ia »ri" S. Utepheneon ef Annier. Thcae young men collated for ser r'ee In the spruce pin* limbering wines* which tho government is eon lo< ling in the Bute of WaaMn«ton. rhsy are under the ansae regulation i . any other department of the mlU »ry service, and receive the saae They left Tueaday evening far Vancouver Barracka, Rtate of Waah ngton, which I» abosrt aa far away from their Eastern home «a they ean let, and still be In the United Β ta tea. —Harnett Fort. Morris Fleishman returned the let ter part of the week fro* a twe wecka trip to New York and BeW nore, where he pur*baaed good· for the B. Fleishman store· here. IA PROCLAMATION TO MASONIC LODCKS. To the Musters, Warden· sad Bre thren of tke tubordinate Lodge· un der Um Juri diction of the Grand Lodge of North Carotin· Α. V A A. U. Br· thrcn: Our Nation U at Warl Many of our poo pi· are awake to thla (act, but thousand» have not yet resitted what It m»sns. Th· pruerration of Tour liberty and fioedotn, your homes and loved on·· li at (take. Mire than a thou «and North Carolina Masons and another thonaand ton· of Mas on· are in thia light, and thta la bat a beg· nnin* uni··· we pat oar hearts and tin· and money Into the eaoa·. Titer· can be no doubt of Una] vic tory if we «apport oar Government as we ahoald. At · metiif h*ld in Washington in Uecember, repreeentativee of all fTatcrnal orders being present, the President and the Secretary of the Trearary requested oar co-opot'on and h»lp. Our repfWnUUv· at thla meeting pledged the loyal support of North Carolina Masonry. The annual communication of the Grand Lodge held la Raleigh last and a resolution «u onanimonsly adopted calling upon the Hhou of this Grand Jsrisdlction to assist the (iovirannit 1π all its odarin, es pecially in the ala of ita afcsrltln, and instructing the Grand Master to Issue hia preiamation according. Now, Therefor·, I, George 8. Nor Seet. Grand Master of. Mama fa North Carolina, do call spon «vary loyal member of the craft te aid and isaiat oar GovurnaasnUand Ha iianta in every way possible In the eonserv. ition of food and fuel. In tha aale of all ita sscaritiee, in gift· to tha Bad Croat and T. M. C. A. war fonda, and In tba cheerful payment of all taxaa Imposed apon oar people, to the end that our Army and Navy aad thoae >f oar AUe· may be sufficiently J ««had, amply eqoip|>ed. properly fed, ind diligently cared for, that this hor rible war may be brought to a speedy tad •uccesafnl end. The campaign on joat bow is for the aale of Thrift aad War Saving* hampe, which many believe to ha tha >eat investment the Government has φ .. * ta ■ ..ι f ι fi··» heee stamps not onty helps oar Na tional Treasury but cncourages thrift, ι ranch needed practice, among oar people. Tha Grand Lodge has purchased ins thooaaad dollar* worth of these ■tamps, all any one is allowed to >uy, and ! urge every subordinate jodjfe in North Carolina that has Ponds available or can save about teventy dollars per month to do the Lame. If your Lodge cannot buy a houaand dollars worth, bay every dol lars worth yon can. I call every Ms ion in thia Grand Jurisdiction to par· hase every stamp he ran pay for op ο the limit, and I call «pen you forth ir to hold all Government secaritiea uid to sneonrage others to bold them, rather than sell them at a discount, :hus impairing oar nation's credit. Dont do your bit. bot IX) YOUR 3E8T and do it NOW. The need for ηstant action is Imperative. Oar sons tnd brothers have already gone to give their Uvae, if neccteary; shall »c withhold oar dollar*} If yen do irour beet, victory will be much sweet ir to you when the boyi come march in* Κλ»«· •Wheb thou of our boyi return bono from Franc* Who mlaatd death in tin war'· aw ful toD, 9Und and named a ad crippled for lifa But ennobled in (pirH and «oui, And they gather with friend* and the dear onea at home By the Are, or oa maimer'· lone day» And ten of the timaa they went "οτ*γ the top In the early morn'* twilight haze; Should they aak you what you w*Te doing the while In the world'· greataat war to help «1· It, Be sure you can look there right aquare In the eye And thruthfully lay, "I was in it." If you hart sot already done ao, ( anggeet that you dtaplay our Na tional «a, in your I-odge room Let thia proclamation be read to your Lodge at I ta unit regular com munication and let It be puMlahed promptly la the nest lm« of your home pep·*· Fraternally youra, Oeo. β. Norfleet, Ο rand Maaler. Attest: W. W. Wlleon, Orand Beey. Washington. Feb. Ιβ.—Ai a mean· of etlmulatiivg movement of farm p»· deeta to the «onaumar, Howtmaater General Burleaon today Inereaaed the allowable weight* of parrel pod pack age· effective March II. Package· whon mailed in the flrat or ateond aonea, for delivery in the flrat, leeond or third aonea, aaay thereafter be a· heavy aa 70 pounda. They ara now reatrlcted ta flfty. The weight limit for all other tone· waa inereaaed from SO to 10. KEKTUNC If SPEECH ! LAYS DOWV NEW BASIS I FOR DISMISSING PEA Ci !s*r« H· FeadamniUll, AffM WuT-Hm Four Pris dp le» Pr^Msted by Λ» ! Amsterdam, ΐφ. ïS.—Spaakiof 1>«" iior· th· iUicka&t today tlu laper ' of pMee Whan Pr* aya Mwt 1a apeak In* entire world, I mm prcjitdie (tr*«t It. If arbitration ·* ild co-op-rule At t» "Unfortaoately, no trtu of Um part at the Rntent-. thoroughly taper to iapoM on the cordinr to "When E«*Uadi peupla·' rt*ht of ■be doe· eat think."' principle to Ireland^ "1« hai " we do tat ooat Belgium. bat that guarded free» Um < with which w· to lire la paact coming the object] (round of eanajr there is ! power· of the mi are (till t and ihf «tntl • peace ac about the termination, applying the ■aid that retaining mat be tafe ' of a cc entry adopt an antagonistic attitude, era though the illm'nakin at flnt night only be unbinding. A Step Forward "Moanwhile, I readily admit that Proidrnt WUaoft'f ac—ft of F«b ru;.ry 11, ronetitnta· perhaps a «mal] toward a mutual reapproach With reference to a statemen* re cently made by Walter Bunetman, the former president of the Board of Ag riculture ia the KHMi cabinet, the CfctnceUor laid: "I can only agree with Mr. Bimcl ir.an if he meant that we »honld be L-!-.ch nearer peace If proper rerpon •IVle representative· of the belligcT er.t power* would meet la conclave tot diKUMloa. Thst would be a way U>( rstnovc all Inteatloaal and unla x "'.tonal rai·us dertteod tags and bring a'jont an agreement ο many Indivi ilul questions. I aa thinking aa ptciilly in tUa eonnection of Bal· S'va." COLLECTOK BAILEY MAILING OUT FORMS Collector J. W. Bailer. the Fourth Dirtrlct of North Carolina, la which this county-U located, is now mailing out For·» lOSt on which all corporation* tf* required to file their annual net income return» for the year 1917 to kis ofllc·. H* is a bo maillet Forma 1094 and 109» for the nee of corporation· la reporting the namst of employs·· to whem waa paid 1*00.00 or aon dur ing the year 1917. Thee· Last named farm* χ ho old be seat to the Commis sioner uf Internal Revenue, at Wash ington, D. C. Collector Ballet eta tea that In view of thr fact that the blanks fer cx ccew profita tax hs»e not yet been re lesx-d by the PeyrtaMnt. it will be neccMsry for all corporation· whose annual nst income during the year 1917 equaled «*000.00 to withhold their report ea Fen» 1011 and aiake requests to hit «Ace for excess pro fit· Forms 11N. The eorporatione liable for aces· profits tax must make out that report before staking out the income tox report oa Form 10.11, as the uMs profite tax due is a deduction le Computing the cor poration income to* do·. The time for filing the·· reports ha* been extended by the Commission er until April 1, 191·. It is desired, howi· *er, that a0 reports bo filed as βο··η at possible, as no farther ex ton*! on of tisse will be allowed. Before the war the Nary*» Sweat of IdentiflcatiM had the finger print record· of 100,990 men In th· las* year th· number has Increased to •boat 600,000. In taking U·· tngar print record of *fce Navy ι·«ι·Η the Ironreeslons al 10 Angers are obtain td. FARM AGENTS HAVE MANY DUTIES. Ralegh, N. C. C»b. te.—Id mal itif tholr plana for wori darinit th year 1·1·. the du tin of the Fan Demonstration Apcntl mib te b multiplied considerably iJnce th« tim this pl»w of agricultural work «n ftrrt bojom In North Carolina. Il KtkUoc ecmi· of Ih- thine* wlilch th< agent* arc expected to do, Sir. C. Β Hudfton, Stat· Afcnt, «alb arten'Jor to th# fart that a lui· nnbtr ol thaaa inoU wrrr cillnl on vwnitl) te make a food rurvoy oi th« hoiuei id their rrwpcctiYC eouotien. Follow inf thia they war# *Ι»ι·η the Mattel of iuperintendinit the dulribntion oi nitrate of aoda from South America for fanner*. la 'ill connection the) had to take the application* from farmer* for araounia wanted, t<>e*thci with other Information, and will Intel be culled upon to handle the dUu-i butiom of the aoda. Hoc cholera in many coontfea, a* a prrTentive meaanre In «Vine pork, la demanding considerable of their attention. Id controlling thla dlaeate, the doty of the «cent (· mainly to demon ftlrvtr the uae of aorum, yet on aeeoant of the amount of hojr rhulera prevalent la the SU te, it require· audi of th· agent'· time, la addi tion to thin, they are expeeted tn pr> mote the mis of War Saving' Starape • fwl Ubortr Band· in rt»ir Kirht »t thr» t'm?. Λ;·!5·»τ ι. .1 <·τν Id tii· pruning sad spraying of mT~ rhar# aril tile renovation of old or chard* ia IkIhk don·. All it the -.:»c or the year, clao, when the Boy·' Agricultural Clubf arc 1> dng etcinii· ed. In «hit eonnrrtioii thu sh arc »orktnjT with the echnol·. Q .:·* « namber of Ik* ajrvvba »re bti·* rj.Ud tpoc to aid à· locating tile-drainage ditcbei and terrace·. I,ater in tba wor, general farm me wort ο IK η» op with Ha m altitude of dutiea. TVja. the men find that they have aO the work it ia pomible for them to do. aad that their aarrioea are ia g<*at demand by tba peaple. With the many dtfTormt special pnjttu bnoi conducted oat ta the State by the expert· of the Afrinl tarai Eiteuiea Service aad the var tharr eoontiei. On the whole, how ever. they are provint t hemic Wei equal ta the taak aad an rendering valuable aarricc. AMERICAN RED CROSS GRANTED LICENSE TO "TRADE WITH THE ENEMY." The American Red Crow haa boen (ranted a lirrnae by the War Trade Board to "trade with tba eneey." Thia ia how it came abovt: the prtrilega of Hitdiif letter·, food, and money to American prisoner» of war In Germany haa been «ranted cscla *ively to tha Bad Croaa by the German government. Cierraany demanda a return far thia privilege. She aaki the Had Croaa to aet as the medium through which German fa then and mother· can «enκη<1 Çhe waa Waa Janie McBryd· J*o.~hirj of tlx lata Rav. D. D. Ma. Tîrydc. of T.lndea, aad atoter of fla perintendant of Education Β. T. Mc Jirytle. of tkia city. In Utilise of tlM kuuiinf work, which I* now brine takaa up by th» FfdrraHan of Utiaeaa' Aaaociation, the Waakioftm paper nyi: "Through her Individual effort· Vlr*. Alexander E. Willi ama. wife od Cut William·., of the Qoartemaatei Corpa, zaoo Nineteenth HnX. kai foar.i roonu for mora tkaa T#0 *trta. Mra. WiFUaina begun her caoeaai fer aval labia keuaaa lut April, and ai her own expeaaa paid depoaita to kaei them. Ska adeertiaed that yooa| firli coming le WaaMnftm m «ht oh tain acrommodatioaa ky plication to her. l-ka •i»t«->t —omen te act aa I ι unt-1 nov, under kar there are cIom te SO Iwmn IM wttt >oung women wbe an aajoytof fo4 food «ad hoaiMa roadttloaa "At Mm nM the ktiMi «m to b« ήΙΜ tic Southern Presbyteries Ποη·, three being aide by side to tka •te'xhborhood ·( sevsataeoth Staree* on J (xjlumbU Itasd. bit ■ rba—s la ûi> program wm wÉrtM ! "Μη. Willi*·»» «t—imil tb· capi tal for the furniture, linn, «te., il jbsing wtotoM with tlM mam wk< dUtH **tu î£!t*&r tepSTwST B52î!y?Éâ^taftSf *££ mû board Mm!) range free >ΜΊ»<Ι> About SO rrU arc accommodated in one bovss. · "As far m pcwibl» girts from Mm •am· e+tjr or Mate ara placed t«|llliii and an effort la aiih to pnf tkta according to rsligtow belief. "Tke Her. Andrew B. Bird, paatM 'of tb· Second PisabjFtsris· Ckud baa collaborated with Mrs. Wflliaai la ber work. "At preeent all rci ι«ι are filled aw a large number of appUcMta e· tka waiting list, bot Mrs. Willi· ·ι is try lag to plsee all who apply." The work thus inaagnrated by Mm North Carolina wneaan baa gui»Β U •uch proportion! that it is r«e*irto| (he «apport or active oo-oporation ti the Federation of Cttisene* Associa lion, tbe War Department Bote»· oi I floating, tb· District Cimailllaa ol Dirtrfbiillun, tbe R —tm Regiattvtiof Bureau, tbe Y. M. C. Α., aad tka Τ W. C. A. I NEXT DRAFT EXPECTED το η made ill Aran WaAlnpton, Frh~2i.—WWk Vc Department oSeial· reiterate that m I date ha* definitely ken rtaed for Uu I ratlllnf of the second draft fer tk a* • imna! amy, all avaflabe outward In dice tien· would ma to point to eem I tien· darinf the month of April « at la teat early la May. fturh an wtinau ia baaed oa |1m knows preparation» for oqaippini and boo·ln« men. It U no miittar wtpt that eqglpmiat and —ppUa ' for awn of the aaeond draft «11 bo come available uoa after April M and careful obeerecra look ter tha Ont increment» to be nailed eoea af terward. The atabw of «sen to bo raited b the Ant increment bae not yet bee· determined becaoee the qaeetion M hoaeln* them hae not hoaa dtapoaod of. There win bo ao room for aomi of them ta eampa aad centowment ' now occupied by tmepa, and It h poe •ible that additional tantiM—rt may bava to be provided. H le tbi pon)t4c tiiet boim oi Um nation· «nord camp· may be Mod daitag lb .period. I TMa phase of the nhjoet le boim Iffhrea earefsl etody bat nothing he [bee· decided. ι roe e*a ranee to a retettvo In the Co* > tral Empire· throaph the Bod Croei . If tho me—HQ ta teglttaMto. h η ι munition of tbie work, tha Germa ι governroent frente tho Red Creee eta . Iter privllefoe regarding America 1 initoneta of war la Germany, tho m > lure of which can not bo revealed I t tbi· time. li ■ } Tho inane) expenditure of the Cn ι ted ttetre for caady le apprastemtol f ΜΗ,ΙΜ,ΜΟ. tl RiWrt r*. Utk—JJUrty : ι hicwii ■ fact, ta no bramd nay I t· imilii for tka bakb* rf a < loaf wfcicfci •c la I ■■ fMtar· ia labjaet to a> rvla· ι .inctfca other 1 et m «é«M I •bm ar M·* «Iw· quartata et a r *m4. Tho prie· of tfaii bit ahaold h- i*Unl; lower tku the prie* af thi ραηηΛ loaf, moi will MÛ BMt c m tally at le. *-_■ j «Κ*·—!·Γ i. ν IJipm. - "Sarnaa." Ml» J. V. After adjuajnaieat tl Vt*4 kf Mit Bayai, « ou· aalad mm . b tMay waa a^maatli» ta tka cakwtag wkick «m i4 IM>i< «Ml th» rlaaa «o»* a» 1. 77. Whitteatm. Tha I Ut-n take· ep and dl^iwd «f, 1 vli>h the profran, aabjoet. ' Opport«aM«a," w*» nateW m M Papac. rngrw mmi Serrica, by Kyrtla ~ * Γαρ»τ. nddk Barriea { b: '".i*. Bate. rapae, Co-operation with Β. Y. T. V.. by Kk Julia Caaa4ay. Paper, Xmp the Bom Vin· Bam In;· by Mim Minaic loan. TUa «abject Mb tfcaa ^ rnul by 'the claaa, aa4«tMi lan- preaant waa aiaJi ta reallao Ban Jf-jl» how baportaat it ia that wa «ri» 'advantage of aw « [jBU-re. 0»( te Λο. sat only ear "W bet NT baak tht* After the ht» ti ar.d Kl"~ TUTS ARB UIBD TO PBOVK rUTtlCAL FITWStt OT KM ■v A· m» . I- a1 aiaam of iltl" athletic caliber a ftha ι 'in l';* dirlaloa. Bach Man to I t. to ι·*·* fa> alffct af the faOawac taate 11 to · ~taa a peeltSee Mill far Ha t* ■Imp · feet fro· a [tien· cbta 1· tteaai Uaa* a ha» «I 4 f-rt Β inebai; tteew · It |iul •fc·; IS feet: eNab a «O-feet raya hi It ecoa*; te* M >u4a te Τ iKtoiAi ru» a alia hi · iataetao> Bft a f; jowrd vaidrt im 1 o- Haa4; »H ap fro* a l'en wHh a »· yaaa4 ad Λο*β tha Seek af «ha Ι η λ JeBraye. mif _ >- r*"~Mtfva fhMNM. Brtec fart r *r Ojm, haa pwehaaa* a In* ear. I