DISPATCH ucust, ι. ι··». cornsimita. The fighting > «the baa π eit the Antrtcua have experience^. Their conduct Is winning the prtiac sf th* French obaerrera. ^ Loodon, July 80.—4:41 ρ m. Α· mfHcu troop· in the SoiasonvRhckft! sector have been fighting firtoeDj without oeesation along their whole Una for the lut tweety-four hour· The German defense la stiffening and the A Baric ana had made rry little progreee up to noon today, arcorti Ing to dispatch·· this afternoon A SHOOTING AFFRAY. Lucy Tomlinaon, a mulatto wui •hot by har husband. Hubert Tomlin •on, algfat alla· East of Dunn ii Sampson county last Saturday, l.ucj had gone to a colored man by th< name of William Walker for ρ rot·, tion. Walker aaya that Tomlinsci cuu to his bona and found Luc; ttandisf In Ml yard and Immediate ly opened fire with hi· pistol. (Lhi Tomiinaona had been in a row be for they came to Walker's) Three Lull 'penetrated her back caoaing mucl damage to the internal organs, caua Ing moat intense suffering UK. agony as wae indicated by ber pray era and pitiful eriea. Ber body indicated that she ha. been bnitaly and onmerclfull beaten. Black spots as large as tw hands appeared on ber akia wher she had been bruised. Dr. Hicks gave the woman thre hypodermic· of morphine; and as sh was aaonc strangers and witboii money, ha broaght her te Dunn i his automobile. It took twe mm haarffetaûcs ai .morpljin», after nh qnn ner. r>n dth'i hotpltal i _ j faint hop* r all probability ■! h M of any aam«tunr a reportable darky »< flrat time that Locy be yard. fomlihion hat not ai y< to jaatico. JnelivVy bava btM Ui· run'*· ι >», NOT KD ΤOB A) CO KING, DEAD wf Wtatlfm 3ai' al Croat ToU«é· Bu· Gmraw Attend· fumai. I Wti»a>a» Halia, N. C., July. tl> ·. flebard Joabaa Reynold», *«a d B. J. K*ynoM· Tobacco eom|Man ' · year*· fllaeaa, died at hi· Hon p-Baynold·, «erly today, e«ed 68. i wu on· of the moat »ucrea»/nl ku n··» mo nln tbo sooth. Bia aetata la aatlmatcd at <10,00 000 or mar·. H· la «arrived by I wtfa and fee» thildrea, for brethc aad one «later. The fanerai wrrlo Will be be Id Wedaeaday tnomlr>« V/TzatCA is Μϊε» το GCt OJy SDÇArf gATI (Wj*M whartaaa and 1 ΟΓ W*r flake It N« 1,2 lofWae* CoDMiotjH " wiAtyrton./uly 25—1 mràlk it ukad by U>· nbtiuttVNtlea. to ko en · tuyar I of two φοβηά» per capita monthly b#-| ^r*nJn*Auj ,V*Wrar ip Au«u»t 1, lo m*«t a world " tW», ebn«mo(ift>· «ad to i|anx'4l»te daeand* of Uto ^(.Hiea and American viliiar •njito' ι -*V &ν ι, ν , ' '^**1 ν»*"*»-·»'»» . · Η - '·*** f' y'· . •ίΓ-^Μ'Ι *<£*' :p2r*z τ-:,,, ;rJ r\«y Uo4· Verra i-egfcilU "1 M:· 1 tarooce I :'< r Set- heme I '■> 1-. Hl ■ ■ '''t.''· "Ι . <■ »vr. *<·»■« Mr* V »' »y ι* S IANDMENT9. I *·!«. ,ζ Λ 4 ' —The wonoak of the Learnt of quarter»-in Γ*γ1·, baa distributed ■ French to coder· |it tli· rMtrietiooa tan in the Interest of I J%t following la Et forvet that we ar«| pm «aallcat expendl | atfbt of IK· In tercet· Cl» on the product ι tifi of the oonotry : milk, *uK*r, wia· Ration yoaraalf a· ι product· of French I yon deprive yourj jroer kak«-\d, w, blood to iwtmi 1 M prod seta that froai the foreign) aiat drain mm Indlapeoaebk to J AU waeu U the nation»! ÙM W». according to your hoard prortalona; I niu· price* and da altor maana of to axiatesc·. die. Ac k(ld jrour ability, M. Do BOt «·«· PREPARING FOR RAIL CHANCES AT FA YETTE VILLE CAMF. SITE. • Fiyettevill·. July 2B.—Lyman Dol in, fwltnl Director of the Atlantic Co ait Une Railroad «ywtcm. General Hutftr Percy Albright. and W. H Ntwcfl, Dhriaion Superintendent ■pent WMnnday |oiif o»or lk« ·% (tion here with m.rmj enir nrer» hi re gard to changea and Improvement» to be mad· in th· railroad aannea io con η action with th· training camp to br nUbHibed went of thia city. Th· visit of th· Coaai IJm ο metal* waa on· of prrliniury impaction rather than of preparation for the carrying oat of plan· actually formulated. It i· not know· at thl« tin· what to». provuBMrta Uia government wQI re quire In the already excellent railway wnlci at till· point, bot th· prwtiu· on th« apot, thia early, of the highnt official· of th· A. C. L «yitem ia one indication that th· requirement» will b· promptly met wb«n they ero mad· known by the War DeportottaL Official· connected with th· Camp have given no indication m what portion of th· laif· ait· U to be cho. Mn fur th· location of th· canton ment. Th· attnr*y b «till oncMB pietod The camp having been cinched, r*y«tteville baa nothing to worry a boot now bat the «election of a name 'for the trainia* acbooL Sogge· lion» not wan^nff. The. firefll nine «uggetted, which Sec ret» ry Ba ker has found in hie mail by thia time i« "Camp La FayatU." j Another ■nqtiUd by a wail-known Fayette ■vitte rf tison, ia '"Camp Baker" in honor of the Secretary of War him 'jelf "Camp Retmea," haa alaa been ptuy—d la honor of General Theo HoItbm. aoidier of th· Amari· In the Mnicta war aad In 'ederacy. General Pctaw ve of Baaapeoa cotaty. met." for North CareUaa*· PAINTER IS RUN ovuOy a. c. L. FREIGHT CAR. Hal»— ■)■!«■>»■ m Baity Hart That Beth F«| WIS Hm t. IU AaipaUlW. Faycttevillc, Jety ZT.—Nelaoa InhnKnn. of Co«t*. > painter la Um ;mploy of the Atlantic Coaat line Railroad, wai tub oeer and ao ·*H oualy Injored that both feat will k)>t to be amputated, when hi* creep •lipped h ka «ai «winging on · dun Ijr ear attacked to a local freight at Wade yeaterday afternoon. Mr. Johnaoo alio igfend an injury to Ilia ana, bot thia was net aariaaa in comparison te the arverity of Ma other injur!«a. He wu brought hare on the freight and taken ta the Highamith Hoepital, where it era» ■tated laat night that the operation of amputation woeW harre to ha peat poned owing to the weakened condi tion of the patient. The «parada· was perforated today. The force with whieh Mr. Johnaoo eras working wae to ha trMcferrwd ta another point, the Aaatiea being tiLaod oa a local freight for the per peae. A· the train wae palling out Johiieoa'e hand slipped from the handrail and he plasgad under the wheel·, whieh paaead over both tha unfortunate'» man'· feet. FAYETTE VILLE CAMP TO BE MA TJOJCS LARGEST. wai Co·» $ I Ι,ΟΜ,ΟΜ POO Aim Lead, 111. Th· military (lap to bo ι *d at F«y«ttevtt1» will coat $16,000, MO, win raquitw a hundred and elev en thousand arrta ef land «w· will ae· roaamodate at kut £0,000 aoMltn, according to ad rte·· received by the DfcpatA frees Bepraaantativa Hanni bal Lafa)«n· Godwin, at· la aptal· ht a faw day* at U ka·* la Arcordin* to Mr. to to be the by tb· m I h· to M| Cke Mr. Hmjr and Mm· is which bar· participated, haa I In Um caacalrty War Pumil·—C A ««< da tad Jaly nth my »U5t tht tudttr-i Hat of 2tS nun ta tha loi|Mt U ha |hn oat dsn Awri· tan anlta sad· thatr ayp«araaca on tha battla front. Tha Mat, huawar. It waa taUavod, glaaa riwalHia f raltinf from tha >nm> Gcnrun ef (cuira aparatiaaa iathw than from MMtaMUilia saw la pro —* ta. la Um U.7M death·. iacledln* t»l an brt (t m «•α kilVd in action, dead of woand* tfiacM·, mcUmI mmà other c*uu> number··) 6,4»» κ·» mi 4,Ttt; marine· Tit. Th· ι»|·<ι< ■—n gate T432—army am <440; at tisa 1,1 βι. In· HIWMH total T41 CH; maria·· S4. Of th· wttft la et—ι. 949 amy dm and 101 la ectlen and other ι 1M, .i^iwd with 4«7 th· prartow wMlt; tfca aeuM naWtd Ml. compara aad th· compared with *1 tkt Th. army eacoal fieiaQy awmwd f( Killed la actioa ( at «M.) S.009. Died of »>mafc. TU. Died oi timm. 1,4»». DM at in. i·? M»1 iv it i' » et ion· in affcct fa Pruct, , Cngland and Italy, the statement 1 r\n that while togar η often aaed 1 I mi. m luxury fa America, It has be •-our an essential element for tie .orttn of the war uwug nations of Kcrone.'' ' "L'poo our action bora, '"the stat· ; rient continue·," depends the poesi ' bilay of maintaining ths ration to jour own mon and thoae of 1 thi aWvs u.« well a* of avoiding a '-v.;' î-ir'.hcv réduction of tho allot I to (.lie civil population· of tk· ;*i·fiu (iwbliag Germany which are Jvtioody down to a point far undar 'bei" rn-inal need·." >i- i.i-ure equitable distribution of ,*h. rr"jr the Amercao public la to .-lluweH the food administration ■ α·_.· worked out a ichetne of allcation •'j t- ■ (ate* bated on population and ..ι' η o<is of tugar using industries iUi ι h j states. Each state food ad *n.!i.'wtritor will have charg· of dia αι·η In his utate. ij MUtsok Watch»·· far Shiap. Il ι! W'itaon, July 28—For aaveral ■ night', in rucenetion last week da 11 predatl'int were mad· on Mr. Chart!· -j Da-iitl'* watermelon patch in the o«t of the town of Black Creek. I Fr'-Iay tiLfrht about ton o'clock after fi.V . Dan.vl had bcon on the watch >! ii. h-i patch for aom time, three -Iprovloin came along thumping tha 'n-lon*—looking for the choice on··, e V.t. Daniel waa squatting and waa as > " (/*:« nl»·»» »i n ittlae, and nn« of tj'vii. t.iUi.iu" tbr Wktchrr for a stump, i t.H Jl.jrl a luieioua "July haai" over I'liia hiad '"he hunch ran, Mr. Dan f itl fi'cd into the bevy and bagirsd ι- > -fj '.nt of three. Lee Dudley Is now ^; <n ι Icrsl hospital with hia back pop Γ ··. τ··1 vritii No. 7 1-2 ihot. Loul· t'M ...Γ4ν»Γ· a <lraf«d negro, stopped S a'··!' t!»o I'.nilnn pellets and the third I paΛν made a *et-away. J S««Uty Entertafau. * i^îlii.cton. H. C., Juif 29.— The It' V.ltrnunt Soclily of UlïnftM ·» ' '.crUir.od the c<*tnmanily with · vari ft. ti'mv ·ιι Τ hartley rrrning, the ,;γ.4·.Λ of which ar· to be o»ed ΐ tha Ικη-At of the IJlliagtoa high l.^ot KraUm* of tb« «Tcnlnj '*·.·<■« . Λ patriotic (trill by mteUtor* >1 1 ou Çr'»« ntirt···; a «hurt play, "A t.. oh. lor'i· Orna"; clot Iwdof, ■ ραβ, wsternMlon Aghta, and rv/. n»grit7 «injrln*. A a»at ton wti -:rsa'u**<l trum th# «tt»or ·Γ«η·α and ι* In* xalc of lea cream Amm* tki V, oi.t-if-Unn /neft* w«r» : M ta Mabal o! Dunn; Mi· Annlo B#!U le Ua-nnrçUjn, of Joa««*>or», Mm Ma '··'■ réunit* ItkluH, of Sallabaryi HI· Ujuc llarhrr. of Pnlaaki; Mm Pm II· roll. TÎ H*ltunor» η ΤΗ* mm «ho f»t· hi· picture ·η ι μ ύ ill board h«> iotim rat*» to b< Jtk op about M. 'l FROM STATE COLLEGE. Dr. Riddick bu not filled up the colI»p quota for Plattaburg. Under • recant order tha colh(· can send Sftj-flve of it» stodertta and two toachers. Men wSo go receive all expanse* and army pay for tbe tine Stadent· of the colleté who wM> to to should write or telegraph the col lege at one·. The Anal date for re porting at Camp ia Aug. 10th Some of the State paper* hare been gWn» figure» sa to the Dum ber of men which the different col leges have in the servie· of our coon try. 8 ta te College has 952 nseo who are known to be in the service. The paper· give only TOO. That figure is probably about right for the num ber of Stat· Collage men who are overseas and on the way. College will re-open en September 11th. The catalogua calendar says September 4th This postponement haa been made necessary on account of the preeenee of poldisn ia the col lege dormitories and shops, and on ac coont of the absence of many of the itndenta at Plattaburg Barracks. Five στ six special practeal war courses win be announcod by tha college in a few day*. TheTe will be a course In mechenie arte, a eowrae In automobile», ■ course In electric wiring, and parkapa a course In road making. HAGNiriCKHT ΓΑΤΚΐυΠΜ. Pomr hundred and twenty-eight taaehera in tiw Uofmatty Suami trhool pledged (ΙηομΙτν durteg Um national war tUap week te mII i hundred dollar* worth of war rtaapi a pÏM» to tbetr adtool children and through thorn to tha people of theii ■chool commanltlee before January 1 It makaa a grand tote) of MI^M aai it ta maf nifleont exhibition of patriot la». ΤΗ· cempetgn waa beaded by 8upt I. O. C.rlffln of Shelby, M ta· U]U< Jonee of th« DwUa eeboole, aai HIm Bottlo A. Land of the QuUfon coanty ecboela.—University Now Letter. Canned tomatoea All nek an b· portant place la feeding °«r ana that the government aid for an la ereaae of fifty par «eat from tamat> tuning State·- la addition le fat aiaMng food vafee for energy th . tomato qoenekea the tfiriet of ■* ι and caOe for lea water eonraeptlo In the camp or on marab. Suce «—fui storage depends on the control et rilssaeas. careful handling, proper atone*, «ad proper sanitation daring tbs ttsn· the crop m being handled. Old potato bed· should never be uaed, and the crop should not be dux until it is Hpe, though. If possible, It is wise to cet the pete toes housed before frost. According to Mr. J. B. Jeffries, Specialist hi ftweet Potato Storage for the Division of Horticoltare, too mac h emphasis caanot be pet ea the proper handling of potatoes, la fart U ia nearly sa Important to handle then with the saw care as ages, because any tubers which aro braised or cat will b« attacked later by di sease genu. The leas <m potatoes are handled Ike better they w{| keep Mr. Jeffriea «specially «tatea that it is wsll to avoid throwing la piles It is better te threw then oat alon? the rows aa dug. as devaa keep each UU separate, If possible. This gives a chaace also is Make seed selection ia the β eld Before potting In storage, the damaged, braised, and 'rat potatoes shoald be pat in a sep arate nlace from the nod oaea. What Jmkmmj Said. Om afterneaa a aul Wjr earned Joiraey want running op to Ma Math cr <aitaf ι walk tkniffc the park, with We face full of nana* and hi· hande full of eaady. "Ok. mwP ha kapplly exrlaia» ad, exhibit! a· Ua treeeure, "that la if βτβτ tbe.-e (ara m» all this candy I "That waa certainly vary η lee m ι her** reapuadad ■■■«, glancing to. I ward the lady in «Motion. 1 true· I that r*■ war* vary polka to har." "Ob yea, mm," waa the umur Hi* reply of Johaay. "I waa pa»it« .. "J-· (ted » hear rataraad th. r another, endUMly, "What did ye* ee; - to hart- i' > -1 aaid #her,- waa the etarthai • rejoinder of Jehaay. "that I wiehe. ι papa had Ml bar. before he had be • ι AD «ha Naai la The DISPATCH the beet m· ia the 1st· doogfc At this the highest jolt· is in a cond: • limp of iicdhnt fla Ç'u rat earlier than this th· ΤΖλ ia too frees sad the linp w® here sa unripe tsete. 12 it is eat when the eeed· srs very herd it is difficult te clarify lbs juice sod the flavor of the sirup ia not ao good. Harvesting bsj bs done either by hand or with a corn binder. For small areas it is naaaUjr does by To make a pars alrap, of |t»4 fla vor, the leaves sad tops of the caas| nuit bs removed before eruahix It I· generally better to remove the Issves before cutting. The quickest way to do this Is ts strike oS blades of the standing ceas with s aort of wooden sword, or flat stick, about three and s half fast long. The eanea should he cut not ever fix iches frost the ground, lower if possible. When the ratting is done by hand the itafka should be laid across the row with seed tops all in the aarae direction. They can thea be gathered lato bun diss and the seed tops removed and put away for curing. With a harvester and binder the seed head· arc always at one ead of the bundle. The host topping in strument's is s carpenter's brosd-axe. I The topping may be done by laying the heads en a block. In raioTln( the tetd hndi fro· ώ to elghteoii Incfcaa of the upper «talk should b« cot off, aa this pari contain* little purpose and many im purities For the sa ma reason any unrip· atalka or Immature nuktn •hould be dlmrM. It is bot to work up the can· eoox after U ha* been cat, bat It nay be safely kept for Many day·—even weeks— if the case· are tied in bon di·· of forty to fifty stalks eect and tha bundles set on the butt ends cloae Kpthn, under shelter; jro they May be laid horUentally ii compact piles, and la either case shielded from sun and rate. Frosting or freesing doaa not injur· eor*hu«B far drap, provided H i worked op rery aooa after Κ thaw la frssia cane the joie· ferments Ι) the stalk vary quickly after lhawlni and make· It uafH fer sirop To (et the beat reaoHa the sorgbua grower ·οΜ be meet hi· crop whe ι It le ready and not await hie owa com ' I renienee Γ . It's easy enough ta admit we ar I la the wrong after the other felkr ■ has oa dawn. tt doeant take math work to eoi vlnee a atan that ha a—ds a raat_ to bkI hipr Itu Ik Ont «m a warded to Fayattevfll·, vkkk *M la· tar ukm mwy and located, at Char lotte. The new camp «01 eMt a bMt |1MOO,(I-U to eon«trurt. »«d about one hundred ud ilm* Hill· ■and acrca of UaJ wOl ba rtqiiiil It «111 ba a Hmtj artillery camp and will be permanent. At loaat W 000 soldiers will ba trained titer· at a time an dat certain interval* many store than that number «ill ba qnar tred at this ram). It will be the largest camp yet eautnuttd by the (TOY rrnmeet. Of coana we axa prond te bave H in tbe sixth district.' Mr. Godwin says be «1Q eWt WU minirten within a few days and ex pects to inepert tbe twe ehlpyardt wbicb be eoatlden. aleag with tbe open ins of tbe pert af Wilmington and tbe taking over by the fo»en> ment af the barges to handle inland waterway* traffic, will make wit· mington not only tbe largest bet tbe most important commercial center on the Soetb Atlantic coast.—Wilming ton Dispatch. UNCLE 9AM rRAtTICU lltWil BY PATCHING (OLDIUI CAAMENTS. Method» of thrift now enforced ia tha Army Qmitimiinr General*» Ο flic», including tk· repair of cWtk tng and «heoa. arbore pueefbt·, km cut down the imae of bow elotMag and aboei from 39 to 40 per cent ia «cm· inatanrea. Th· plant· whore tha mmdtng Η donc ara nra ia connection with foot· and campe by the Camp QmiMm» ter. Whoa a acldlec teara or ripa l ra*m»nt ho tan» H h> to hie snpplj officer. Whn tha eolaa of hia »hooi wear out or tha hoal rut down, thi ihoea go hack to tfca aam· officer TtMM çanaonto an itihaaa are take· to the repair «hop· managed hy th< conaervation and riflamatinn officer When repaired and prt ta order Ikd are rataraed to the original ownei if paoalMo. and If the original «weal can not be located they aerre aam other aoldiar. Hundred* of wwaoa arc being em ployed by the War Department It the work of repairing the garment of m Mien and in tha ha*Mti a campa and can toam enta. Profat > ence hi thk naplejmoat it gieei ι the wtraa, aiatam, and Bkuthar· ο > 1MB hi tha aei «tea. By paptae H ι traonth a aoldiar ia aatltlad la r weekly handle at tawdry ia wWa the namhar of artfalee ii not limite ι The womea atead an drepair all 0ti ι menu betfara they aro laaaderad. To aatato the flag la eaayj to t an intelligent dtlien takoa thougl ■ time aad inrolv»· aomo aacrMoe^ r Kendal and fttiyfcar'e '"Hlatory I the Betneatery School. " h| The wheel of fortoa· heepa bmi a man'· neaa down to tha griwèatoa -zsw^senmρ hand» οί aaomy, I; 78; to tal to M·, 1.9M. Oflwi hdiéii ta the corpe WIT totalled U. The oftcert free enHatod M ΚΟΙΤΗ CAKOtIMA DEAD. At the uevellLrt* of the MlVtnt and rtatne to the CeoMint· lai at Uorcanton » Jane, 1»W. the iMn· «U delivered" by OW J« Wce Clark. TW following wtnet from hi* qieoch to of morm than pw laC Interact: "A* agahwt 2Λ50.000 M ta the Unie η Mm the South, fint aad iaat au Abl* to «end to tt» front ah ο at β 10/00. Of tbeee North Carolina Wot 325,000 or Marty one-fifth of the Whole ntaalwr. Of tfcoac. itflOQ at «or b*et and breveet, M^OMthM, oaiac not haaa again. "They di«f vktra the «(War Shen aadd - ah nweepe (kag; mm Teat aa Um Height» at Qattyahorg; boom •leap by tka waMfai aaa at CharW· toa; vthaca a* Vlckaburg. "Ey tfca |Tlal hi land rfw, whence tka fWa of tron km <M; And the giooa grave paa qotvera above tha rank· of the daod." Λ. »!.. ■ « «.# ***" J •nh« (want nt an'f Mit· wffl (Ml * krr fV"i Met l|ÉM 4

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