THE HFa FIRST AMERICAN FIELD ARMY IS COMPOSED OF FIVE FULL ARMY CORPS. WILL TAKE OVERTAKT OF LINE ll Place* the Aaiartcaa Army a France aa Sana Fact tag With Frame aad Eaglend. Washington, Aug. 18.—Secretary Baker was formally advised today by General Pershing that tho drat A mcrican field army had been created General Pc raking retaining command of the army an well as of the entire American expeditionary force fnr the present. The dispatch added nothing to details of the army organ* nation already made known from Tens, however, Mr. Raker esid The announcement is regarded as having deep significance et the war department, mainly because It plarei the American army in France on the aame footing as the French or Brit ish forces there. Formation of the army is taken hers to mean that the Americanisation of s definite portion of the front has been completed. Supply line, railways base*, storage facilities, debarkatioa ports sad the like created and operated by Ameri cana. (tend behind the first army. The only statement of the location of this American front is that it is “south of the Marne.” Presumably this meauts s pert at leant of the long tine from 8t. Mihiel to the Swim border, where American troops hare been put in at intervals during tbs last few months. Army el l.ZM.OOO Man The extant of that front baa not beau cleaed nor ha* tha definite strength of the army been given. The advice* Indicate that it comprls ea, however, five fuB corps which roaans approximately 1.260,000 man. Tha affect of tha taking over of tha Una is to make a definite begin nlng at apportioning the long front. The Britiah hold the left flank, aid ed by *1 e Balg'ai.y, froir th’ NVrili art to tho Jnnccure nf th- I'.ntlvh frunb army mr.d tha French firtt amor hi Picard-r, where an offanaiva in tv nr coodoated at nrteent. In that portion tha Britiah are net enlv hold ntr their there of the line hot -‘nud between the enemy bad tha a v .. channel parts which would be Ida aaiy " •• v Had tp Ragland white the Britiah are being concentrated wholly be tween the Picardy Juncture with tha British and the American left, be yond Verdun. They block tho roe da to Paris. THE JERNIGAN RE-UNION. Descendant* of Rader Jernigam Gatk ar at Steey Rue Church Nearly a Theetead Strawg. Stony Run Free Will Baptist church In Mingo township waa tha scene, a few dsa ago, of a great as semblage of Jamigmns and affiliated families. It waa th* occasion of the re-union of tha descendant* of Kedar Jamigan, who aattlad in Wayne coun ty, Just after the Revolutionary War coming, it la supposed from Currituck county. Tha day waa the 160th anniversa ry of the birth of Wiloy J. Jernigan. on* of tho younger eons of Kedar, and th* father of the family historian and the speaker of tho day, Rev.F. P. Jernigan, at present pastor of th* Methodlft church at Coming, Ark. Thera war* nearly a thousand people present, the larger portion of whom worn direct descendants of the tame Kedar Jernigan. That it myy seem more reasonebla that so many could gather (and of ecu ret they ar* scat tered to th* winds and possibly hun dreds war* not present > consider that Kadar Jcrnigaa waa the father of twenty-one children, nine by hi* wife, a Mlaa Blsaell, which marriage aflliatee the whole Blnoll elan of Uiia section of North Carolina, and twelve by a eeeond wife, whole name the editor failed to note. But that la not all for Louie, oao of Kedar’i tone, reared eixteen children, all of whom lived to bo over twenty-on* yeara of age; while Loait's oldest son, Bod. was the father of twenty, a number of whom are living In aad near Duan. Archie Jemigan ie a great grandson of Martin Jemigan, the oldest of feeder's eons, and a great grandson ef the original Wayne settlor; while Rev. Frank P. who is still a young man, is a grandson of the original Kadar, being a son of one of those younger children. Or, la other words. Art his Is two goners tlons farther removed from the com mon aaosWoo then Freak P. though there it compartlvely little difference in their agsa Martin Jemigan war bom in 17M. After tbs death-of Kadar Jamlgan his widow aad her children moved id Tran tease. Among them was Wiley J. the father af Rev. Frank P. As eordtagly, the visiting preacher wai reared la Tennessee, though be non lives ia Arkansas Ksdar’s childrec by the diet wife remained In Mort) Carolina, aad it is the tl see andante ol these who farm the Seas peon brand of the family, »U ef Biaaell extras % DRAFT BILL ACTED ON BY SEN ATE COMMITTEE. !• Ordered Favorably Reported) Chamberlain Went* Considers, lion by Senate Monday. Washington, Aug. 13.—With a broad work or light Hmrndmrnt de signed to prevent strike* and a new proviaion for ednratlon at govern manl expense after the war of ymithi under 21 serving ;n Ihv military 01 naval service, the sdminiUiollon manpower bill extending draft ages so at to include all men between 18 and 48 year* of age, waa ordered fa. curably reported today by the sen - ate military rommittce. Chairman Chamberlain pinna to report the bill next Thurvday and u> take up Its conaideratton in the »en ate naxt Monday cutting short the sonata vacation recess period by a week. The bill, which was prepared un der the direction of Secretary Baker ia framed to enable the nation to Increase it* war program in accord ance with an undemanding reached with the allies. About 13,000,001) men would be registered under the law,- and Provost Marshs! General Crowder estimate* It will mske a callable at once for military service 2,398,000 men between th* age* of 18 and 20 and 32 and 48. Action by th* committee followed •bout time Secretary Baker, General March and General Crowder appear ed to explain the imperative necessi ty for extending the draft am and lo urge prompt action. The work or fight amendment, ac cepted, was offered by Senator need, of Missouri, aa a substitute for one presented by Senator Thomas, of Col nrmdo. It provide* that "When any person shall have been placed in de ferred »r exempted class, he shall "not be entitlod to remain therein until he shall in good faith continue, while physically able to do so, to work and fotlnw such occupation," Should he fail to do this ha would he roin* subject t > immediate draft While the bill was before th* com mittee, Senator Kirby, or Arkansas, attempted to amend it so as to make 21 the minimum age. Fie failed, but announced he won Id renew jfcg fight ^«n the bilk reached the IJulr tamed hi honor of Miaa Mary Ellen Travis, of Wakdon, bar attractive house guest, on the evening of Au guest fith. The Thompson home never look ed more beautiful than on this de lightful occasion. The spacious hall, drawing room, library and dining room were thrown open to the young er set, a number of whom were pre sont. A guessing contest was the feature of the evening. Punch was served in the hall. Mis* Madred Hood prraid nr over the punch bowl in her usual charming monner Music which wan rendered by Misses Travis and Hood, added much to the pleasure of th* occasion. Sev aral social functions have bean giver in honor or Miaa Travis since *h« has been visiting Miss Thompson, bui this one, perhaps, was the most de llgbtful. OLD SOLDIER’S RE-UNION. The annual re-union of the old sol dier's tit Harnett county will be held at Lillipgton , Friday August 2Srd Rev. 8. J. Hooker, of nuke, will dc liver the add re m. The Daughter* ol the Confederacy wiU serve dinner an< it ia oomeetly requested that si many of the old soldiers as possible attend. Lillington will wolcom* ui all. J. L. SMITH, Secretary.. Unexpected. He waa calling on the one and enl; t rl, rrlaUa Harper’s Magaitne "William." she said, softly, expect ing the usual answer: '‘William dear, hove you ony idea whet hnevei moat be like?” “Woll, I’ll tell yoo darting. Uati today I had never given the matte a thought, but now I believe I haw a very good Ids* of what hmven t like.” ‘‘Yes?’’ ehe murmured, breath • leeely, "Tell me what gave you thl [idea.’’ "TFell, U’s this way,” said dee .William, softly, ”1 waa listening to ' recruiting officer's description of lif •in the amyl” !-— I Mr. John Pleasant, age about * years, who lives '4 miles of Anglos rut hts throat Monday morning. II waa burled Tuesday. Pleasant wa • man of means. But other affiliations with ths Bii i sell’s brings some of them Into clove tooch with part of the family, an among the hundreds of the elan got) cted at Stohy Run were Meesra.' I C Blaietl and J. 0. Bisssll, of Clit ton, Mr. W. A. Underwood of CHi ten, and Mr. A. M. Holland c Taylors Bridge township, with tl family of each -Sampson Demoera JOHNSTON COUNTY CRIMINAL COURT. Hmlthfleld. Aug 12.—August term iof criminal court Is in icsaion here with Judge Frank A. Daniel* presid io* sn<l Solicitor Walker D. Liles prosecuting. Five murder ranee sra on the docket for trial. Austin fSwdiss will be tried for murder in tbo flrvt degree Wednesday for the al Weed killing of Eltfhn Crise in Retina ITerton Hudson. John 1). Mriamb and Sell' Rrsls will hr tried for mur der in the first degree Friday for the oil. ircd in inter of John M. Wabb in Ka'-ncs' township. Shain Bailey will l*c tried for murder in the second de gree for the alleged killing of his brother, Manly Land BaiWy, on April 4. Feed Butler was Indicted for the Wiling of Charlie Flemming last Wednesday and the case was con tinued for the term. All the stove defendants ere white men. Joe Averu. a negro, stands indicted for ihn killing of • fellow.laborer. More man have been killed at home than from JohnstonSn great msiijr year*. .Several other eases of importance including an indictment brought by the Insurance Department against A. I’, and W. M. Holmes for alleged burning of dwelling and storehouse acvcrul yeui* into. PLAN TO ATTEND THE FARM ERS' CONVENTION. Summary of the Program. W»*t Raleigh. N. 0., August lJth. -The present high prioa of mat on ale. the shortage af labor, and the Tieeoaalty for inrrened production has brought about now problems on the farm and ii> tba farm home. Ia •order to protect tbe country and enr eclvct it is arc saury to take ad ran* tage i.f the moot practical methods of production and conservation. In preparing tbe program for tbe Far nner'e and and Farm Woman's Con vention to be held August Eg, IF, and 30th. tbe committee has pocsid , •■red unly practical demonstrations, and discussions which apply directly to present needs on tbe farm and M ■ he farm boms. Tractor Dtsiosiirstisds. Tbe present need of Persons who widb had an opportunHy to kinds tested out together._ reason arrangements have boon l_ to secure eight ef tba standard makes of tractors for demonstration on tbo college farm. This will give those attending the convention no oppor tunity to «ev in actual operation un der field i-ond'tiona the Avery. Cleve land. Fordson. International. John Deer, Moline. Sandusky, and tbe Staode Malc-A-Tractor. Good Speakers. Among the speakers for the con vention arc Governor Biekett, Dr. Wilburn of the U. 8. Food Adminis tration Office, Mrs. Matthis of Ala bama, and Severn! moo fro nstba U. S. Department of Agrlenltura State Agricultural College, and State De partment of Agriculture. All of these persons sre familiar with our local and net >tmnl problems. The convention is fortunate In sscurlng me-i who hare knowledge of th - pro«cnt wi.r sit tut in 1 and Its ra Jlvt'on to agriculture. Women's Steiioa. 1 he women a Program Committer have airangod practical damoiutra tion* and dlscuaaion* which will be of value to all housekeeper*. Among the things of interest are demonstra tions of simple home labor-eevfng de vices, selection and preparation of economic foods, butter-making In the home, preparing, the aoy. boon sod soybean products for food, preserv ing eggs, drying fruits and vegeta ble and canning meats. la addi tion to ths demonstrations, several ' good speakers have been secured. Among the subjects to bo diacasoed are ‘‘Food Economy and the Dhnin > I thing Dollar,” "Control of Rata and I Mice," Poultry Raising,” and "‘How to be Healthy In the Country.*’ I Soybean Harvester* sad Seybeaa Prod eats. The Increased acreage of aoybemni > will require improved methods foi harvesting, In order that aoy bean ’ growers may become familiar with ' the different type# of harvesters, see er*l manufacturer* hav* been Invl r ted to exhibit their machines st thi > convention. A complete exhibit oi > soybean varieties and soybean pro ducts have been, prepared, la. is operation with Mrs. McKimmon'i 1 division an exhibit of foods msdi I from the aoy bean product* will hi * mad*. T. J Gardner, who haa bes^^w ■ Lai Clerk in Praocc baa just rt „h0 ] * and spent Wednesday in jowt c)ww r Gardner'a borne la In Fa ' * ii -> r1 A birthday . ‘ honor of -, given recer K i f * l HELP FOR i. A lout year >u thrilled when trvrr the .wire* -{ha had twee delivered from of the Turk The feeling that the Holy City to the people ho with whoee hietory associa ted. Thla ie * bat flner end vastly than the me to ratios City, is the salvation of Jaws from hungor death In Turkey, lo in Russia. in starvation In the fare. So, their wivae pale and fade away Silence. Deity Jewish frantically at breavta and dry; •"d la heard one# mor# wmmp mg for refusing to he they are aot. I call of North to thla ery, to rally to helpless and once thasaeatvaa Worthy of they arc privileged hungering mrricin hdrpmlmr. T*OB. WALTER B1CXETT, Governor By the Governor: SANTTORD MARTIN, Private Secretary THYSICANS MUST .RETORT COMMUNICABLE DIS SEAM. Stele Beard ef Health Agahi Eaaphc. ■laaa lipertaaaa af Trill as* Aeeapwie Reperta. The Bute Board of Health is a (nio emphaiiiing the importance of tho prompt and accurate reporting of all eommoafcabb diooaae*. There are atID many (action* of North Carolina in which report* are not made promptly, and ia which the indication* are that the report* are far from accent*. The prompt and accurate know ledge of tho occnxanea of aay com manteable dlsoaao M the Brat require laaa the attending\phyiidsn, or the householder ha utm homo the dis aaa« occurs, report* tha tam to tha county quarantine ofleer promptly h* cannot perform tha dattaa raquir cd af Mm, and an Wee county quar antine officer promptly and regularly to th* State Board of Health the letter Is unable to perform Its dutiaa in th* prevention af epidemics In cheeking communicable dtaoeae *■ tie** 1* of to* meet Importance Only by prompt teolation can th* neighbors and th* People of th* oom munity generally b* protactad. Whan tha report ia dalayad for aavaral days the preventive m so versa can net be undertaken for tha protection of the public health. Oaring July there ware nearly twe thousand casaa of whs oping coagfc and nearly one rtmul cases of ty phoid fever upcrbl In tha > Btota to mention only the two .common tea bin diaaaaa* which Were moot prove, taut during tha. month. Every earn wa* a source of M actio* from whirl the dlooses might opraad to eaom Illness and oatp Mg, and poaaibl) death, to massy - Sopie. But theos Casaa which won gepOsUd war* hen died aa aa to prertwt, aa far ao po» Mbta, danger to “ THRPAl.CON CAMP MUTING. F»«i«« Preaebcrr Tc W «» Hud August 14 !• 71, to Taka Part . hi Maetiag. The Falcon Crop htoetlap, which always attracts great crowds from far ud near, will be bold this year, beginning August 14 and continue through August SS. Th- prrorhera for this year are Has A. U. Doner, of Peterboro, Canada etui kev X. D. Reeves, of Roaapka, Va. From the circular tent out la re gard to the meeting w« tako ike fol lowing paragraphs: "It ie our intention this year to en courage a larger co-operation on the part of oar local mlniatry than usual, and to use them more largely then before, so that a deeper interact and fellowship may be manifested among our own people; eo instead of renting ourselves so contentedly in the cn joyment of the good preaching of visiting brethren, we desire to wel come them ti our ‘"'allies" In the warfare, and with the encourage ment of thotr presence, we want t-J go Into battle with our objective haed at the point of greatest victory poeeihle to a united army of soldi an saving on “the whole armor of God vidua! U expected to co-operate with the actively engaged forcea to ac complish the purpoaei desired, and the services of the man outside the battle linea U jot as essential to vic tory aa that of the soldier In uniform •o we desire and need help in giving jublicMy to the approaching Camp •looting.” Falcon is about three miles from Godwin on the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad between Dann and Favitts rilla. NO COLOR BUT ENEMY’S WHITE (Little River Record) A nephew of Booker Washington, a respected citizen af Louisburg, Roecoe Conklin Simmons, U r himself beside that of hie now, when in be He and of negro ever military map or secret to a foreign government. No eagre ever ran under fire or lost an opportunity to oetvv. to fight to Meed and to die '■ the public's cause. Acute ue af what you trill—jaatly or wrongty-no man can point to a single instance of our disloyalty. We havo bat one country and one Sag. the flag that set os free. Its language in our only tongue, and no hyphen bridges or qualifies par loyalty, Today the aa iloo faces danger from a foreign foe. treason stalks and skulks op and down our land, in dark council! in trigue is being hatched. X am a Republican. Woodrow WOaon is my leader. What ha commands me to do I shall do. Where hv com mends me to go I shall go. If he calls me to the colors I shell not ask whether my colonel is Mack or white. 1 ahull he there to pick out no color except the white of the enemy's eye. Grievances 1 have against this peo ple. against this government. Injus tice to me there is, bal laws there CASUALTIES PAM Mill MARK _ TataJ ef Lists Imaf Darla*, Pm W-efc 4,916. tuadag List. Tata 466. Was hi Dp ton. An*. 11,—Casus Itiei la the army and marine carps ovar •ear. made public today, xrt»i« 182 bringing the total of the weal to 4,91 A and the total tinea American troop* landed in Franc* to 26,1 If Mott ef the casaalties for the week irprei rated losses in the fight! M on the Mama-Akne front. Of the total thus far announced t<»l«y 946 soldier* end 87 marine* whil* *f the week** total, which in. eluded today** lists 4,198 ere re eol di<-r* and 718 marine*. The weeh'i aggregate ef 4,916 compared with lr 480 the weak before. In the 20.112 caauaRiee. total ilea the including 3*1 lost at tea, men killed In notion, dead ef wounds, di retsa, accidents and other cava* numbered 7,71*—soldier* 6881; ma rble*. 633. The woanded aggregate 19-874—soldier* 9,049; marine. lr 628, and the miming including pris oners, 1.622—soldier*, 1,481; — riae*. 91. Of the week't Increase death* frees sD cause*, aggregated 3,8TJ a* com pared with *61 the week before; the wounded Belabored 2,610 compar ed with 782 the previous week and the miming nad prisoner* 784, oom psrvd with 74 tb# week before. While the proportion of the death* for the week as compand with the wounded was large, attention sens called today to the fast that the c*a ■altiee being reported aaw by Gan eial TYndiing repeeeeat an accama latlon as the-result ef tb* figktiag which began JaJy IS and H is a at to be » seemed that th* ratio ef kflUd and the wounded win be maintained whan the final toU of the Him*. AUae victory is complete. *— «db*. An American soldier who had just t(B* »v“ •>** a Canadian who wai an IvaVe In Paris. “Say. eld thaar. Ut] mo skint those bhr Mmlla. and whot they do whan they light," he “Wall. an acre af groand, and the eteel fife* over the country like ao auk raia." “Coe. kMJ Seme fight!** “Yea," eaid the Caaadian eerleaali, .‘‘aad tome poor *--ggmi don’ll”— Provoot Cheater M. Daviae, Royal T mope. MARRIAGE LICENSE. D. C. Stewart to Belt Morrt* boU of Harnett. LcaHe K. Wood to Adelaide Jef frey* of Harnett county. 4. 1* lee to Viola Bryant of Her nett Coeaty. COLORED. Neill Ray to Mary Bailey J. A. Co* to Corn ail aa Moore. Onlla* Lydc to Carrie Draughon. ell of Harnett county. Make thrift yoer buy-word. arc upon too statute book*, bet il this hour of peril I forgot—aad yoi most forgot—oil tbooght of ealf « creed or politics or color. That boy* I* loyalty.” LAST NOTICE | YOU MUST PAY NOW. All town tax, all street assessmt nts and all side walk assessments must be paid at once, or collection will be made according to |£, positively is my last notice. RKER, Clerk. Jnew REGISTRATION THOSE I REACH DM* *1. Washington, AagWrt U—Rogb tmtioa oa Satorday, AunM 14, if •U youth* who ktn raashtd tho age of SI uuo tho second ragiatretiox ten Jiim t. woo irlwil today by Provost Marshal C aural Crowdsr. andor a pn>damattoa by tba Pr**l dont. The purpooo la to ad guieU/ to tho almost oahaaatod elate on* to ' moot army draft ealk hi Tiytraitiir About 1»0,*M young moo will Tx-g htor. Moot of tham win qaoUfy la Horn on*, and thorrfor* urlH iota tho army probably wHhto a month after their names ar* recorded. Telegraphic orders to local sachet Mkc to arrange for tho sugMswu'ce hove already been distributed. PrcJ dent Wilson's prnrlsmallan exempts tho territory. of Alaaka. Hawaii sod Potto Elea from tho mghkmtton tom porarially but a later day WiD U Aaod for thosa. It was pointed out at Che Provost .Marshal General's oln that this rag istmtion would ho aattroty distinct from tba ngbtmtlae that will be net aasary shortly when the draft agrs ar* antoadod, and It also was explain *d that thr surge.ted dote, f-rtml-t b, would not bo tho day for regiotra Uon of man from llbU even If Congram paano* the Ml la thus bo catmo the laiguat States in the Union held primary aUetieua an that date. Tho Provost Marshal baa na Inten tion, It wua add, of eraating rsgis tmtioa dates for man ranching twen ty-one throughout tho year hat tho proa sat registration wua mad* nnn •OTT hy the approaching dsSrioary of man-power. UAL UTATZ TKANSrZJU. Alonso lorthNif to 1>. A. Kin*. one U>» >o Anyler const .'emtioa fnon. C. X. Altm. i *t N. a. Want 4t ““"oh in Acdv •«. t Crook Townahip. cenidoraJkm HUM C. L Canandy to X. J. lot in Dona conoklaiation r.i. tot la H. Donald ! $$0.00. T. E. Daria to W. J. Ottro l lot la Oliv a cfmatdarmtton $10.M. J. A. Hatpa to Dairy OUra $ Iota in Olivia eonaMorntton $1400. Ixrrctt Ennis to J. E, Fish nan lot in Date's Crook rnn.ldrratlBn $1040. *• 0. Lcnratt to W. H. Mink oao tract in JoknaeavIBo Townahip con side ration $1*7.00. J H. Urtinoa to H. X. Yonn* in am» in Honk Riror consideration $172.0$. P. 8. Coopot to L. acres In Avocaaboro tfd.iattoa $$00 and toms. J. L. O’qttinn to W. E. Nordaa H here; In U. L. E. rid atat'on. H. D. Was then to Trnlarc I w 5-4 aero* la X. C. , aid .ratine $1.00 and Uon. * p IWctay to T. ■. Callow 1 tot fo Dunn eoasMferatioa MJM. T. V. Stewart to W. p, Byrd a— lot h LAKofioi coRtidtntlon T. J. Olivo treat** to L. L. Carria *•(-. 74 1-4 mm* to Stock River To- nrMp, consideration St.lSS.M. n. A. Pa tow TV—tea to J. B. Stinnd at J. ». Hen ton i 1 tract of land ia Black Blear tow-hip $10 and oth r consideration. L. L. Lrrlnarn cm. to D. H. Me Lnnr ttl acres to Hacton Creak town hip. e# raid nation I4797.M. V. R. Hoyt*, com to L. See well 4t uat— to JatoaaevUU township •ten. . 1. M. Byrd, Sheriff to W. T. Hock •4a. 4* eerie to U. I. B. towaahip. L Otjataa to W. K. Nerd— 1 trad liO.Ul Township eoncUcra ttor. II.M. Kcrraath Cameron u4 Nip Cato ** *'CTaa to Barbecae teoraaWp cow ••4c atiaa III. K "«»•** Ototoran to Nip Cain M acrci to Barbaca* liTrntolp so—id- , oral na |M. K, O. Natthswc to T. "ntiliiii M act < to Black Bhrer Township By will T P H. StHhaca Administrator. to Baivhe last Co. Ml acres to Bap toe ii To—ndrip consideration t4U. 00. I nrt Booday UOtnpton tod earns •at Ms viator* to tha pare— of Mr. aad Mtp J,hn D. Roekefoiler, Jr, and Nip Jata D, Be. TVoee, with the r party, were travail np thro—h hy a itstoahBa to the torfa aetata aad f" r-tf—ttoa aan-4 by tto BaeUcfaOaia at OverhiR to tto saath. I era part of tto aawnty. Tto ,mrtr 4'WJ far Manor at tto Washtoras Bat.I—Haraatt Met

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