THE VOL. V ν»., ; ; ■ ..fc,'-fAjr *·'· ι·- ··"·-;·*^y-kr ϊ;-λ| · ·-·· '·;·^Ι ...,.; .w-l.-- Vi CRUCIAL MOMENT OF WAR IS NOW NEAR AT HAND. CrMUit Billlt of War of Tvll Re trMt of CtnaiBi Eip4ct»d WltK· I- > WmL Waihlngtnn, 8ept. 11.— Behind the apparent loll in the battle in Fran'" events *rr awiftiy Khapim: for oper ation· of crucial Importance in th* opinion of official* here who arc keop ln« in clou* touch with dovelotimonl* Thotf observers believe η wa-V'a tim* will *e* either th* jrrc*te«t Iwt tlc of th· war In pr'nrr·»* alnnp th* old llind*nburg line, or the enemv ο train In full retreat toward th» D. U Irian frontier refuting to meet Poih» forte*. There i· evidenee that the (remian high command may plan further ex tensive withdrawal* in order to *hor ten defeiultf liar* and aaae Iho strain upon Gerwian'i waning mon power. There ia now little doubt that it was lark nf fighting effective* that forced the enemy to ah'indnni all he had gained In hi* drive of this year and narrow hi* front. Unoffi cial a*tlmate* from France say the German* have left hahind them Hur liut the withdrawal more than 300,. 000 prim· fighting men. killed bad ly wounded or prisoner*. Thi« H in additior t» the heavy Intact in the frontal attack* by which the en.-my early in the *viramer drove hi* way toward Pari· and the channel port* With *uch lowaa a» the»* draining the rank* and with Ameriran troop· pouring into Franc· at the rate of tOO.OOO a month. It would not (ur-j pria· officer· here If th« German lea-1 a m*ch shorter front th· old Kiml*-ti-| dera hav. b*«n compelled to fix upou; bars line a* one which would offer any hope of itayine th· Aille*' on ward march. Preparing to Quit Dosai. Unofficial report· from Dunkirk, where Allied air patrols are bax-d, in dicated that the preparation* to evacuate Douai, northern commtnne of the Himlenburg arch Id Fraser, are well advanced. Thr Allied air men alao are aaid to have scan the onaoty airdromes and aviation sta tion* fifteen mile* beyond Douai be ing hastily evacuated of heary mu te rial From other tourte* come re ports that the civilian populations of tha towaa In Otmu hand· ia this· Ifftga are being driven out, a etcp wnicn Biwty* procrara ■ wnnarvwni by the enemy. There Is Uttlc doubt in the mind! 1 of officer· her* thai Douai enuld be huM only at gnat coat if the British ' are unt forward to take ft. Already |1 Sir Douglai Haig's men have a firm ' hold astride the line between Dou.ii ' and Cambrai and observer* helirve ' ' it will be little abort of a military mi racle if the enemy out of the confus ion unavoidable in hit swift retreat |' can organiie a defense for Doom, ; Cambrai, St. Quentin, or La Fere which ran resist successfully the full weight of the allied armlet. If three towns fall, the llindcn burg line troea wit hthein. probably a lone 'ta whole length, it Is said. Foot by foot Ui« French have forced their way around the northern aide of Jut Fore, while to the south French and American troop· have rhtnj: to their hold on the height# kIjovi* Vaux Villian against repeated counter-at tacks. Another mile of aavar»cc . here, and juat to the south, will put Gerteral Mangln's men actually on: the northern end of the Chaiain draj Dames, the bridge that gusraj t .an η from the Franco-Ameriean force· > long the Aisne. Call Up»· Wounfletf A* to the straits In which me Gcr j man leaders And thema«fce« for men, further information reacheo Wash ington today. Official iflspatrhes from Frame said orders have been isMird by the German cur/imMit·! in' get wounded men back into thai rank· even before fcomplete cur.·» have been affected to employ at once ; German prisoners released by th:' Ruasian· even though they had not fully recovered their strength and health, to torn cavalry intn infantry (o All gaps in the ranks. tuner order·, the dupâtes*· un.. direct that at certain interval· in1 rjuiet «cctorm an Austro-Hungarian ! division H« placed between two Oar man divUlon* or that Aoatrian eold nm b· riiatrlbutad in Qcrman re«i menta In a proportion of sixty to a company to make op the fall com pany strength of about 250 men. Those advieea alao atato that the re duction of the battalion «trtngxh to tiirM eovipanioa Inatead of four, pat into affect in at leaat eight enemy di vision», wa« larfaly far the purpose of making good loaaaa id company and itoncommlaaionad offlcera. A children'e Piatrt Day will be oh Hrvtd in the Erwtn Park at Duke Saturday afternoon All children under fourteen yean of a«<· are invi ted to participât». Several pria·* will be liven away «6 the wlnnrra in the varioaa contesta which will take plaça. Miaa We«tray Rattle left Wednes day far Oreatuboro wfeore ah« will enter the (Mata Normal Celiac·. MANCIN'3 TROOPS FRKSS AITLR HUNS. Now Practically i> tlx Old Trancha» of 1917 B«Iwmn AUna and OU·· With thw FTcach Amy in Krwirc. Rrpt ember β. (By Thr A»' «elated Pit·*·.)—The I roopi» nf Ocnornl Mtn gin hrlwvrn th" Aisnc an.I the Oiuc nver» now arc virtually Iwhind their old wire entanglement» in their old tranche· ·>» 1017. AU alonj; the cdfro of th* fore«t »f Uoucv and through the viilcrn horn til ihe St. Gobuin for*··! the Cftrmant m-j only two hundred yards nwav It. Wjmii place* they are in portion» In the old Hlndenburc Una. whiifc arc piaiulv visible from the hcitrht. we -t of Cha teau Couey. The Oimt-Aian* Canal anil the nv ar Ailette thnt runt bi-twe-'H the height* and the CLxuteau and which form· a aort of «dvunord poit of their imam line *ix mile* farther baek at Fre»ne* ware not abandoned voluntarily, bot wrratcil from the en emy after a atrugg'e of Ave d*y«, :lur nu which 1vt tii.i ι · Γ , division* tried to hold off a tm>.l<i French division. "The diviaion* which trii-d to pre vent Uia crottin* of th renal und river," th* Associated JVe*» corre* pondent waa Informed ον η French officer, who ha· participated In rao^t of the camimit'nj of the war, "ac complished the irre*te«l cor centra tlun of machine jrun tire that h*i keen \*ttne/»c.l :n 'h« > u;·." The Krench troop* were obliged to face thai Ml·- >·'. ι· I-: i:> >-f yarda In order to cto»* th» Oi··· Αι»ηι· cunjl m,.' Se viver V·ί lettr. Ρ oneeta tlie.>wi,·;'. '** r ».*·* . the Canal seventeen yard* wide «α:* fer*d not unly from the quirk-Avit but were in pood range of German grenade*. It required two day* to advane* to the Ailette from th* vil. lag· of Bunt-Saint Mun! and foar day* to gain Λν· hundred yard* of ground. The machine gunr were moased thickly ell along the Canal m frost jf QJ.t..'>' ·.· :<t <ti t.i wooJt, th;ek."tA und ni*r»h<->. The French «ngluocn* finally *ue reeded· in brtdglntr the Canal ι»id oeor the Η rat bridge an enraged ffer geant charged the German· around a machine *'Ui -τ·-:·.Ι·ιη : :-d i.-igH· handed mad* twelve of tbem prt» tun Sufh _ waa th.* work thnt wfnt on Both' along tfte riVer oMd lay exhausting German'* Uni div siona. Twenty-4wa <p^tck-ftem «trt found In a email thickot called Eta iruiiwiiK* wood. They wore ulmoi'. m thick in Vache wood and the nioro extensive timbered land froatinK "oucy-lc-Chu tenu and Coucy-la-Villc Where the French could pet ot them -hey rharirrd and killed the German iunr.era on their pieces bul m»nj· emplacements wet* to well hidden or protected for a direct attack and il was neo-»*ary to shell them Dtirintr sovoml lu υ ri Frcnch pro jectiles salt ι > p!liiL._ r-- fly in* all through the timber and when the in fantry charged they had to go on to Coucy-la-Ville to catch the enemy who had 1<"! leaving b:* ji,tl an enormous amount of mHtenali and supplie* behind. Coacy-la-Cku Leau and the height on which it stands worn thua tamed from the north and flanked at tin· same timi from the youth while thousands of sheik Ailed the ruin* of the surround Ing poalliina. Chateau Notent tothe touthcurt was taken about th<· aanic time and with it the Germant lort f.nail'anx on which they had npent « treinemloti* eifort. They retired beh'.nl their Lhroc line* of barbed-wire oc (he Ιίι·ι 'λ Freane!· Tbf booty thrv left be hind in two immense enifincen··».* dump· Included locomotives tailrvad material of all aorta ami a grvtat •■•mher -if quiik-fler* and <ir>l»lae«» ment κ-ιη» and une fifteen-inch Itun .·. If. which they had hon^barilwl French towns far behind the lines wt of the Ailette SECRETARY BAKER AND TARTY IN FRANCE Wmhington, Kept 9—Seerrlary Baker i» in France for hi» κχοηΒ τί» It to the American array there. John D Kyan, amiotant Mciitinr in charge aircraft; Surgeon O.rnrral (•orga* and Brig. Gen Htn··, ehlof of the embarkation aervic*. accompani ed him. Mr. Ran will devote hi· attention while nbrunri to Ui« air xervke and among other thing* ·· expected to inapoct fartorle» turning out air plane» for the American expoditinary lorcfc». Genera) G or* a» will τ wit bofpllala and Inquire generally Intu ; health condition· among the troop· whll» General Ili nee will rtait the ' American port of debarkation. Joniiita anil Grace Crocketl huve returned from John«on City 1 unn. whor» they «pent wyenil u'-ct% with relative» Mr. W. H Availing· ami «on. W H Jr.. Ar.*i/«1 Tur«<lay uftcrmmj from Hprinp Hop»·, to »l*it rvlnt vr ■ GAVI5 WRITES TO HIS SISTER. ' .■ - r»ilo#;M· letter *u received •ii pirtl; by Mm. Ε. M Jeffrey· fro· V", nrMk'f who it in Prance. He .« -.vil knoftn In Dunn and Harnett ··· nl; .ird his mrsuire to home fallu .·■">· 1 It .-••ml with intwreit. . It fol low·: Pïiir KIBei— W»ll hert I «m et lut with η chance to l>reatbc atmin. I am get t'.nS atentr fine, Κ » ν ρ * nice place in wh eh tn iWp, and our fare U tin*. Λ '-houiand Vim»» better than /ou «nulil npect. 1 nm juat kix mil·» from Parla, la Mirht Can hear the >hcQ· exploding 'runt the long ranee |tni· that you have heart·. to much about. 1 have learned »o count French money pret ty well though, and can make aigaa for wh*t I want. With you and Dert had drilled · littl« French into my heud when I wu coming op initaed of mi du m much about table man ner· rte. It make· me hot te think about the hour* that I .tolled over Greek when 1 ihould have taken "rench. You Ought to *re me on a good 'ongr hike with a pack on my back, /•iii'J think 1 was old man , When you think aboet me you can c,xn up your Old*' 8 a little «peek more. E1T. they have torn· ofthe raott '-iiutiful building» over here that I have ever teen. I t^ent la(t Sat ur-iMv end Sunduy in Parte, I ran up with a friend of mine who I» chauffeur for a Captain ao he drove nu- around for an hour or two. rh-rc la no roch thing a* apeed lim .1 ···«■«· h^rr, end if you run over anybody he pvta tried for blocking traffic I went through a cathedra] the -ithrr day that wet the moat beautiful work of architecture and sculpture luu can imagine. You needn't try to tend me any thing in the «mail article Hne. aa - I *m not allowed to receive anything not ahaoiuttly eteenUal. Then if ocvaiion comer up I will neod a r*i|Ue*t for tome «Ignod by the proper authority I will write again in a few day·. You can «cud thin over to Bart, aa Ofwt ia a. Kim article over here, t T86i UéJNIw we can writ*. With lu*·, JAMJES D. DAVIS. CAMP TO CAMP ROAD IS BElfa PLANNED. ln-pr»vmJ Highway fr» Fiyallrrillt To RaWtgh Via. Lilluifton ScUo·. (Raleigh New» and Observer.) A camp to camp highway from Fay vttevtllc lu Hrlciph. Lilllnfton U one of thr rirvtlopemcnt· promt<*d h« th; result of th» aatablbhment of lh«i rampi at th* two riti«i. Thr matter win. brouk'ht to th* at REGISTRANTS Ai » Loften Stock, Wright Μμπ, Frtd Brow·, IJ William Devil B. ». John L. Byrd. Ulyaaa McPhermm, ' Β. N. NorHa, Oliver Bjrrd, I>«ka..i Clyde 8nirth. Dunn, '* OU» Oratory, Boyee Chapp BonHj Cary H Johnson, Jnaaph l.iater Mel Jam*» Fenruaon, ! William McNeill. Shadrick Fallot*, Perry A loon Jer William Dunn, R. J. , Odell McNeill. Fred Uarrlt, Bu Ijitti· Th Ealjr Welch, I Rim on Wilklna, Jama* Artbmr Lonny Allan Bare^ (Hear Smith. Jam*· Mtltec Wil U. 1. Robert ZmD Beaalay, I Nathan JonH, L<-»t*r MeKoy Yo Roy L. Harrall, J. C. Faun, Oak·. Barney Β Jackson, Sandy MeDovgald. N.tll McKay John Pou BradWy. Percy W a taon Ιλ·» Loyd Mitt] Albert John no, William Haary Spring·. R. 2 Walter Canary· J« McAnley Butler, AM* Nonk, Roy C. Will teotioo of the n>*r«e yeatorday by ettev llc eltuena with that Ike Cumberland tic· would co-op*rata and Harnett aoth read In firat elaaa ι fart, there ara. aa it npv Manda lion aad than, R I '«•y wiU be i A ~ BunPy. g.^ matter to tb· atMriflMEVCTerari ty corrmiaajonm and eLu· ta tb· attention of tlx State Βι«>τ Com miaatoo ta the htpMkat federal fond» may ko Mcawil|r tb· pur pose of building tb· rofls E. C. W«*t w*f in *»w> Tor» <l»y en legal bns'iictt J. 0. Wrrt of tb· naval rc»sn·.· eoip-i, who ·» at Portminnth Vn. urn* her' lut tr··* vUtt'nif t. ■ I rothri·, ί· V Wert -moor SHIP TOMTSDOKD BUT NO LIVES WERE LCST IMp, MOO fa Κ amber. ftee««eJ| nylti Diii/tfw·. Wu&itkfton, Sept. II. New· of tlM torpfdolim of the D«itl# h liner *Penle. with t,«oo American ! on "board ip tW war lonr. Scp'.'HBbi r. β. vat ifivan te the Amri .u.n people, Coday. Throujrh til· ΠηΙ· h 8dm° itty and thon later tjirejrh Navy &<··, pertinent All the mtdieni \ver<> »·**-! Cord bjr" accompanying de«troyer<.. Uh itaeH «a» beached and tht aJby (ubmarui* ia believed to. ΐΜΜΪ,^ηιπ^ for OOdâfc fcar* viewed Uw mal', i.f, Ik* Mtan more aa an allied lacce* at a disaster. The fact the waa torpedoed whan »h;·, eras «■^aavnrlng to overtake tha eon- j το/ad fleet of transport· after over·' eoaalaf angine ' trouble which had ι forced her-to la*, convinced officer· | that tubman ne commander* (till a.-c : fearful of attacking troop» iu I convoy. And the immediate atid I completely aocccuful aiaintanc* rci.-j dered by the drttroyem eraa taken i>. ' aa additioaal evidence that the CO.I voyine lyiten now in vo(p«e If pre Mc*lly perfect. Pir*t word of ilie attack on the Penoe. it waa learned, officially naeh ed the Navy Department on the night ι of September β, in a brief ditpetch from Vlce-Admiral Sinu, allhoujth I navy official* have caphatieally de | nied. in the interim, that any i»i>or·, tant new» of Mibminnt activitic* wa< J Vine withheld. It wa* uruli-mcod ι tha! the Urltiih admiralty uiprttKc | the re'iuaet that they be p^ttar.tvd. 'o announce the Mri of Uie atun-k j Xomorx that a Iruop nhlp bad beer | rank, peobably with heavy k» «ι* ,:ff have b cei> current ia T'uiii tine* the pablh-atmi. ο Γ ν hat ν» · ι d-ntly wiu> an inspired Loudon <L'> | patch etaUoK that allied naval cir -le» had rcwott to bflteve ihst Gir-j man eubnrmrim··. won would γπικ«ί traie tbe-.r cCort· ia ·» aitemia u mpedc the stca iβ tnw of America·. .-Mjid trtr over: «a*. No explanation of th* purport» of ih.y k-Ucl». could ^♦^b'.iiuad hovevvr fr..m navy of ■Μ* <g truip itup* by rabmn an e*pecu«l bv jf t be that LtMlr «net·-«. lie «nwUat poaaiMo l»rot<-ction i· oTurdid troop atdpa and thM im-rimac: at tho American »v(] ftifTM In the vat «on» tit to liy oew ronM.njctk.ri in ui. r»rd». Thr record· erhUvtd by 'hi Α ττική·-;-11 sn<f allied ηηνίι-* In IV·· lian«p©rtinir of moir than 1 f.ftO.OIK· Amrrlrno «vcivw with tlic low of ouljr 291 of them, *tHI It fotj r!d»r*H mirarulouA AM U i* r^ ccptf d Uy nival oWct·r« ns u-stifyinc to th* imrcr.» of 'So convo» vv"i TREMENDOUS WAt PROGRAM FOR NORTH CAROLINA FAIRS North Carolina Fain Will Rndi ■ Milita· Fallu. Raleigh, N. C., Sept. »th—Ar rangemuats have Juat baata completed for the biggest v«M1m program for the fain of North Carolina in the hi» tory of tlx country, Breaking all prcrlou» words the country over, F-cpUtnbcr 1ii Llit cloalng date for appltcaUuo*, found a icrard total of 210 fair» n|W«red with the Cites· Mon Service. Nothing Hke thla haa rrer been done in nny other «(ate, lid the Washington ο Ace of the Stelae Relation· Servies of the Fed eral Department of Agncultsre la coiling for a complet· and detailed report of the work which will ha sub. mltted to other state* for tint Bar application. Incladcd in the liât of fain whote application· have been received are two ejmcial fain, «ne a livestock . how nt Clyde and the other a fruit ■haw at AibevIUr, Mvnn district fair· forty county fairs, one hundred and seven tytwo community fair·, one colored Stata fair, sight colored county fair· and twenty community fairs Fiftern Judging contest* far young people In livestoc»: haw alee hesn amir!, ioclsdinc four con test· with beef rattle, two contest· with poultry, four eoalaats with dairy rattle, two contests with sheep. tws ennixsta with «wine, and one butter fat contest. Judgse are now bete* assigned by the District Agents of the Demonstra tie· Division and jhs Fair Coassait, ter. La»t year 107 fairs were rs cord.-J. this year'· representing a ■ ubrtantial Increase ώ epits of the war. The fairs will he featured by War Savings aad Thrift Stamps for premium·, démonstration·, rontcsts, Utter*», addrsnes, etc.. nil bearing on the war and Improved agriculture. L!«t» of the fain and thair date· crt now being kent by the Chairman of the Fair Committee te a number of prominent organisation» that wit assist in the promotion of thia work by displaying various features. A mong eorae of Usns organisation» are the following: Food t'.oo. State Beard of State Department of Education, Stata Insurance Departs^nt, Y. M. C A, h ·1τ ' ' 1 - . - . ^ λ ment of Highway Engineering, ud the V. 8. IteputaMDt of Agricaltore The varioaa railroad· of the Btatt are alao aikiiit lor an opportunity to coopérât·. Or. D. H. Hill, Chaîna*» of tfca «ut· Coancii of Defenae ia pbid to provide a apaaher lor M(k fair, an) «U1 draw upon the County Coun cihi of Drfenn for Ma material. Something of the nature of tbo pro cm·» can be Inferred frem the an |n uweeit nt by the Chairman of the ' Kair Comnitt«, who plam to aend two jodg·· to each community fair, tlireo judgei to each county fair, and four Judge· to each dittriet fair, ' la addition, <xtra rapervitora " will be «applied tboae fair· that hare sched uled jndging contnb. IMPORTANT RULING AS TO MEN REPORTED MISSING IN ACTION. Washington. Sept. 10 Depend· enta of soldier* reported "hlninj in action" will continue to racehre gov ernment remittance* for allotment· ami allowance·, bot nntil the man are officially reported dead, no payment# 'of voluntary insurance of govern ment compi-nastion will be made. Bo far the War Department ha» not ear-, tided aay of the men which include prisoners taken by the enemy aa<l those kilted whore bod le» ar» not din· corered ai to be ccieidered dead, U war explained today by official· of the war risk Insurance burca.v If the mother, father or other do pendant· rf the wotmderl or ihli nl dWr lier iw Oarm^-jr, Aurii-fi, Tur key or Bulgaria, payment h to the Alien Property Custodian. to l>e held until the and of the war, when it will he forwarded. CHANCE NOTON ABOUT CALO ffaw Variât, WM Okttki U P« f—Ογ Saf« m4 DaUiUfiL With afl of the Hvct cUum« «ad frltM» pnrifyinf qualltlr» of tlM old ■tyW ((batl, but r*l)M of lu ifok miwr, Rripiag and Aangvroaa «ffacti, CaioUb* t« dertlnad to bacoMM tkr meet popular of al) haw raandl**, aa Κ lut aJaridjr fcaiowa the favor tt· of al phyrictaa». TT» mw »tyV ealooMl, tailed calo taha. la ptrfectiy d«K«htfal ln «ffert Ou· tablrt at bodtia··, with nrallow of water, —that*· alt No naaaoa no frtpln*. Not morning »o« a waka faaliac do· your liver active, , your nyauia purified and with a hear ty appetite for breakfaet Cat what you plea*·, than I ano restriction af hahtt or diet. Ctnoinc Calotaba ara nwear tatd ta hulk. ΑΛ for Ik· original, Kaiad parkar·, prie· tMrty-A*· rewta Year dranrltt rwn—inil» aad guarantee· , Caletaba.- (A*rt ) IMPORTANT NOTICE inc the new lejiKW or ' dunn ruauc tU«Mon 1NMI1· ·( l)«M 8rhool will bogta M umbw 10, and parent» «m i urj.-ed U> raUr (Mr children ao amAy Τ h» plu of Mrt for the lnt two il» ye will be u follow»: Monday it I ι. λ it the achonl bufWiar there wiH be » nmtlf of the faculty win Um work for the ιι·κ*!οα will bo thoroughly plaanvrf and ditneeed. Monday at 2:S0 P.XdMW pa 0'!·. above β rat grade will report t*> Wflwi for rlaraMleation. At aaaae hour all papR· who with to lake aa y e^sminatton for peoofatio· will rv VK '-t ta the tti|>efintendent. Tucwlay morning tba entire arhool wiD anenble f«r retrolar work ΛΙ · o'rleck there will be tba ejrr ■nr areftieaa, after wkkh a li*t of the text book* will be givaa the ρορβ-ι and tatou» ·η«μ4 for tba day. OM pajill· are rvqueoted not to repart for work not3 Toaaday ntniar; titer tw.uV r<>m· bringing all tboir lnt bock*. The groatct rare baa beon taker, •n «alactine tbr faenlty for the now *o*eion and M 1* 'oaOdcntly Mirnd a v«ry Krone con* of tmrivn ha* !»"«·« rho-βη. With the ht-arty roof» rraiion ef echnol aulberitlra, teach er*. pupil· «nd pu-rote ant aeaeion rixoUd be made the beat In the h> tory of Γ>αηη tebooL Riven brio» i· tba name and ad drrn of the loarhmt I it Grade—MkK Krneatine Cherry ftrrUrnd Xecfc.JÎ. C. let Grade Hi· Cfci* Mclrtyrr. Tr^e. Ν C. ?rd Γ rail* Mia* Kaol Fildae», Eii.i fity, N. C. 2nd Grade—Ν bo Martha Dav* Buttock. N. c. 3rd Grade—V.;*» Marie Moiwlev, *ir*ton, Ν. Γ. Swtion 'ni aad 4th. Hiri Claire Hoilxea, La Cranicc, N. C. 4th Grade—Mia· Lata Wrotau. Deraarit, 8. C. 5th CiÉdi Miee (TWrietinc John atun, Bewland, N. C. Portion 6 and lib Grade» Mta fctV-l Ο air. Uallaa, N. C. ■ ï.tjAi Mm] TtaAwv-MW Car»·' >711 Farlhii»*, NorthaMp, N. C„ Min· Au·1· Ipark, OtMaktn, N. C. Mhw> Ea.iV Crouch, Saluda. S. C.. Hte FU.' β McQartn, D»nn, H. C. MOU ATTENTION GIVEN 1Ό THE FOOD PRICES. Fo—ί A4nl*lilftll<· CmtM Nm O.· * - iwi fer AjfiiUHa H Cetuty tug Up rtkM. Τ •'.laifrh SrpL loth —Tb Pood a«l m» ''.ration t> H-adcd toward ■ «ter· rlr 1 >rd farraarhinp f«nll*l of JV ta"l : ricaa of food commodities a> - nu·'. >f in a> «nnouncmofit «ea.l.· b* St:·' ; Food Administrator Himrjr A. IV ·· Urffcty. Κ .m# '«ma nno th «detaiW ivpojti cac/ rvd v.y tfce Food A die itiiat r «'.ion from Jobbar» and whalaaalar· ware *ar; largely done away with, and In thrir lirai) a ryttcu of IsrjW^im w<< mnu;rn'>il»<1. At that trmr »ho an r :nrtnwnt <»aa mad· that hare ■Γη .'! prier* woald be eHaakeil ft cm tli· nnnmor'i end, the frv μ»λ ran bain* that tf there a-aa nny ui.: . itianria at any ata«a nf aienu fa<* 'ta or aal· It WO*Id ahow in tha prii to the ralMilar. Tba new atatn* add. <mphaai> to the nacewity for tha prl· Intarprvtfnjr committee* *f Fair Pr ." ·" Comrailtae». which tha Poo.! Aiii.i'.'.ratratioD ha· rvqBoated every Ca> ι y Food A dm in Ut rater in th· Str to appoint. ι <R*r Administrator Par· nor K*< ;Uve Secretary l.oraa lux M it. '.K U «·»· te tlw direction of :L ·* frttro of Un work In th* 9Ui; τ Hat Ha importance hae d—iaa do.· und, rltftrr* tW* week, · price let .retint divMoa haa been creet wl tb MUa M. baeth Tattle a* rte*. Ml- Tattle la a «radeau ef T» ·. ir CoHrsn and Colasabta Unl V·»··:·/, aril <· at iiraaaat a member of thj Faculty uf the Mate CaM«aa fer .. «me* at Cetuaabua, Mtaa., from whi ι sbr haa been κ ranted a leave rrf ·"· nm la order to take «ρ the jw βΐ work, Hhe la a» «mwaat ol · ■ >>Nd training, and haa Um tot tia · · and ngrea^hreeeea that la *e q·; <· to the eocoeaaful perfe of «V Jutlea at her iwe A eet deal af cette· la *■ V! ι the Dana Market aew. prive '..«la» la TMfftnc | ten' -rid It la earning Hi Πα, rlhnin* fatllltWe are ΙφΜ>'. «kick aacana that 'coM·. ' than υ neat w<U ho aeU .V·. W D Holland haa ra»oW4 to foin ι:'ΰι fraea Capt. Holla· d. Mi rât» '.hat h· will retarn hoai to It., next Um we aha. Ca«C SPECIAL NOTICE To the People of Dunn: Wc. the undersigned Retail Merchants of the Town of Jimn take this method of giving the public notice, that be ginning next Monday morning, Sept. 16th, there will be no delivery of - ny groceries, produce or any food or ferd btuff of any kind whatever. After thoroughly considering the matter we are con vinced that taking this step will he bénéficiai both to our customers and ourselves a· we will be enabled to cut down expense» and sell to our customers for less money. At this time when our country is at war and sufeh a draft in being made on our manpower, we find it impossi ble to employ help enough to conduct our business as we have heretofore. In doing this we are only cooperating with the Goyernment in winning the war. This rule will bo followed tor the duration of the war and longer if the wme good reasons continue. ■ι A Β Ν ay lor L. P. Suriea Morgan Hro·. A. η rjaj 8 Q K|rk| H. O. Mattox Waftar Jonea K. G. B»ntw Jtiliu* M. L·· J. ρ Hodge· W. J. Jortfca !.. Alphln * ^Hoaj··^ f c RuUm> m a RUck' Eubank» A Strickland J. R. Jordan iAvïrki 4 «o- î ^iiSa, 5. S: ^Tn w ÎÎÏÏÏ'â Son W H. liâmes Marvin Wade Co.

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