i j ! Taxes Are Now Due Meet me at one of the following places ! and pay your State and Conuiy taxes jj while money is plentiful. il will visit the following places during the next 30 days and will expect you to meet me and settle your taxes. All State and County taxes are now due and should be paid while money is plentiful. ‘ I will visit the following plac' i in the county on the dates de signated: Anderson Creek at Cambro, Tuesday, October 15, 9 A. M. to 12 Noon. Stewart’s Creek at Bunnlevet, Tuesday, October 15, 1 P. M. to 4 P. M. Johnsonville at H. A. Morrison, Wednesday, Octo- , ber 16, 9 A. M. to 12 Noon. , Barbecue at John Godfrey’s, Wednesday, October 16, 1 P. M.to4P M. Upper Little River No. 2 at Benton McNeill’s, Octo- ' ber 17,9 A. M. to 12 Noon. Upper Little River No. 1 at Mainers, Thursday, Oc- 1 - tober 17, 1 P. M. to4P. M. Buc{£orn at E* T* Spence’s store, Friday, October i 18, 9 A. M. to 12 Noon. _ . i Creek at Kipling, Friday, October 18, 1 P !M. to 4 P. M. Neill s Creek at Pleasant Union Church, Saturday. October 19, 9 A. M. to 12 Noon. __ B}afk.**iver at Angier, Saturday, October 19, 1 P. M. to 4 P. M. . Grove at Coats Monday, October 21, 9 A. M. to 4 i P. M. _ Ouke at Duke, Monday, October 21, 7 P. M. to 9 P- M. i Averasboro at Dunn, Tuesday, October 22, 9 A. M to 4 P. M. . Averasboro at Dunn, Saturday, October 26, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Averasboro at Dunn, Saturday, November 2, 9 A. M. to 4 P• M* \ w ^^r“boro at Dunn, Saturday, November 9, 9 A. l* M. to 4 P. M# ^ W^H. TURUNG-TONr— j Sheriff of Harnett County. 0 HBMHm/HBHMlHilli||MUgmiliiMgai;. I STOMACH TROUBLE 1 I Mr. Marlon Holcomb, of Nancy, Ky„ says: “For quits I ■ m a long while I suffered with stomach trouble. I would I ■ have pains and a heavy feeling after my meals, a most M B disagreeable taste in my mouth. If I ate anything will B B butter, oil or mease, I would spit it up. I began to have B W regular sick headache. 1 had used pills and tablets, but 1 m after a course of these, I would be constipated. It Just m m seemed to tear my stomach all up. I found they were B ■ bo good at all for my trouble. I beard 1 ■ THEDFORD’S I Buck- iraught 1 recommended very highly, ao began to use It It cured me. I keep It In the house all die time. It is the best liver medicine made. I do not have sick headache or stomach trouble any more.” Black-Draught acts on the jaded livsr and helps it to do its important work ot throwing out waste materials and poisons from the sys tem. This medicine should be in every household for use In time ot need. Oct a package today. If you teal sluggish, take a dose tonight You will feel fresh to morrow. Pries 25c a package All dn«gtsts. _ _ONI CENT A DOS! um J LOOKNC AFTER AMERICAN SOL D1ERS. Mure than COO American women r.ow residing in England, mem Seri of the "Care Committee” of th* A ticricnn Red Crow, are regularly vis iting wounded American auldlen now in the hospital* in Great Britain, liirs. Robert Teat Skinner, wife of the American consul -general, ia in charge of th* head quartan of the committee which haa branch organi zation* in twenty elties in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wale*. The committee is immediately no tified of th* arrival in any hospital of on American soldier, whether be be long* to th# American army or to the British or Canadian forces. Mon Ilian ’5,000 American* in hospital have received personal call* from the women of the caro committee dur ing the last few weirs The visitors make a special effort to keep the men In touch with their relatives and frienda at home. Useful thing* to rear, delicacies, comforts of various kinds and copies uf the hr homo news pspers, are provided by the commit tee. THE COLORED AMERICANS. In commuting the death sentences of 10 of 16 colored soldiers convicted hi the conrts-martlsl growing out of th* lioueton, Tex., Hots somo time over o year ago, President Wilson rsya: "I desire the clemency hero order ed to be a recognition o fthn splendid loyalty of tho nee to srhich those •oldiera belong and an inspiration to the people of that race to further senl and service to the country of which they arc citizen* and for Iks ) bertlea of which »o many of them ere now bravely bearing arms at the very front of great fields of battle.” lac*Went, especially with his reason It ia h*ll*vad that the action of the Iflvan for bit elemoney, will meet with Ihe approval of tho American people. The colored Americans as a race have proved their loyalty as soldiers, aa worker* and a* cl tisane generally Thors are so exact figures of tho a moont of LiboHy loan bond* and Wor Raving* Stamps they have pur chased, bot enough ia known to war rant th* statement that according to the'r mean* and ability their financial ■•juport nf the Government has been splendid. Th* Treasury Depart ment haa na more than one occasion referred to thi* fact. The Presi dent’s action above mentioned, it I* believed end hoped, will bring a hear ty reeponee from the colored Ameri cana in the Fourth lai>lv. ix * f»i»* ••**• .V|»# 4^1 f -'tli* volant. I f..%. .it fa.I Mala St_ lluan .V. (•. • ••••#•••« • -i T. K. DABl»t\ • Veterinary Pt yxlr an Surgeon a ad DraUat. * 1‘IIONCH: 1My, AO. Nigh* yio • * DUNN, K. C. * • * • • * JESSE Y. WILSON • * ATTORNNT AT LAW • * Doan, N. C. • * Office over Flelahman Broa’ •* * Store formerly occupied by K. • ■ L. OodwffL Practice fa all • * Court*. Prompt Attention • * to all 9aalnte* • •*00000*000 • J. C. QlfTord, N. A. Townwnd. • • CLIFFORD A TOWN8RND • AltMwl Law • • Offlro on tn] Boor of First Nat- • • tonal Bank. Prompt attention • • rin*o to all hurtu • • • • a a * * O • JOHN VJFRNlCAN • • 86-88-87 PhJ|JN*tiona! Bank • PhMaKeT'Sl r~h:jh:: WRAT • " AT LAW • • 1st National • Aiiw • • H. C. • • all Court* Prompt aanal AtUk- • Uan (1 Business * • CaMastlaws Wasiakp • • • • • a • a of tht __ road, a corner fcf'D. H. McLean’« lot and runs ufflsld read I. 10 L IS eWu to aBtaJu fat tha center of aaid road a4 the taws gate, and a corner of • tha JtcPbereon nnrry known aa ‘“Green Heights;" thence aa the Una of mM eurvey if. 2* • *. 4 chain* to Una “N" (treat la the nU town of UlUngton; than aa tha aosth W« oida line of aald “N” (treat, N. 70 W. 11J» ck|u to the line of D. n. McLean a hiM as Ms Una 8. 20 W. e.is chains ft tha beginning con taining • 1-2 idaa more or Isaa. This Augustus* 1918. , F. TOIJNa, Tranaferree, and Annie B. Qsvlneaa, Adaslnirtre tria of J. BCavines*. moktcaoe sale of la ho Undar and l|F virtue of the pow er of sala contained in a certain mortgage daed wxeeuted by C. W. Pipkin and wife to C. W. Cogdcll and doty tranafarred to tha under signed. which mortgage deed Is re corded la Book No. 109, page 288 records of Ha(9*tt County, default kaeing bean mk to tha payment ?f H* n?u thereby secured, the in dorsigned will esK to the highest hid a«r for eiih st Ihe court bouse door in • LiMngton, K. C.# on Monday tha Slat day of OetobaT, 1018 st IS o' clock M, the folio wins des.-ribad uuku: KJB8T TRACT: .. Being lot No. t hi division of estate of let* Lewis Pipkin, as retarded In Book of Dl vMons No. 2, page *81 in office ofi regsder of dotdt gad bounded a* fob tows: Beginning at a stake on the bank of Upper Little River, the *th comer of tot No 4 and running as it returned N. *7 8. 47 chains to e stake pear the etd Bill; thence 8. 57 C. 14 ehains to a stake; tbeneo N *8 E. 10 cnatal to i ——fry, a corner of a 10 aero tract; thoneo a 4g B. 12 jh*1?* ,♦« t.Nako; thoneo & 47 W. 18.60 chains t oa stake near a mill; thence a 16 X. 1RM chains to a •Uko where a pine stood, pine and gun pointers; thence 8. 16 W. *7.25 chain* to s large pine, now down; thence N. 5* 1-4 W. 16.60 chains to n stake in the hank of said river; thence ap the river to the Arst sta tion, containing 182 acres more or leii. 2nd tract: Being tot No. 6 la db viaion of Lewis Pipkin estate and bounded se fujtowsj Beginning at a gum white oak Pointer*, on the bank of Upper Little Ktoor, a corner of 2ft •erse patented by J. 77. Pipkin, and running thence with hie Use N. V* B. 5 chains to a ■take, ample, oak and ptae pointer*; tbmci ti anot't*/ line of tbs 20 ter* tract N. 46 p. It» .'hams to * Stoke n MoNsilU M-rt thencs with his Has N. 44 1-f W. *5 chains to a Mon*. MeNsUh earner; thence with hi* otliar Has N. 46 1-2 B7t!*4 che ins to a stake with puts and tweet gum pointers thence N 41 1-2 77. W ^'ne ta a stake; thence 8. 46 W. 16.71 chains to a stake whore a pine stood ate* and oak pointers; thencs 8. id W. tTM chains to a largo pino, now down, gua and water uak pointers; thoneo with an old lino 8. 4u I. 24.11 chains to a comer an the b**k of Bid rtvar; thoneo down, as the various courses of the river to beginning containing 126 aero* more or toss. *rd tract: Being lot No. 7 In aaid division as above, Baginning at a stake oa the bank of Capo Fear river the «th corner of tot No. 6 and run ning as that Mm reversed 8. til, 77. «*w'n« to a Moke; theaeo South 42 K. 22.60 shaias to a stake; thearn 8. 88 W. S chi. to a sassafras, Conor of 10 acre*; thence S. 43 E. 10 chain* to a (take; thane* N. 47 1-2 E. 47.78 chains to a etak# on hank of Cape Pear river; ther.ee op tha river to fat rtalinn containing 149 a era more or lean. 4th tract: Being land conveyed by E. T. Kivctt and wife to j. W. Pipkin by deed Registered in Beak “Y" No. < page 241 record of Har nett county; beginning at a (take and pointer* 14.27 chain* op tha riv er from upper Smiley* fall corner of C. P. River and 4.28 chain* to ■ •taka; thane* 8. 48 W. 18.78 chain* to stake with pi** and poet oak pointer* on went side of small branch thence with line of Lewis Pipkin es tate N. 3 E. 10.80 chains to a stake with persimmon pointer*, Pipkin* oor nor; thane* with another of Pipkins line* N 45 E 57 chain* to a (take hi* corner, on th* bank of th* river, thence down the various soar*** of mid river to the beginning contain In* 38 acres more or lees. Bra tract: Being land conveyed by deed from Z. tTkJvsU and wife to J. W. Pipkin recorded In book 183 page 216 record* of Harnett county, and described aa follow*; Beginning at a whits oak on the north (id* of Upper Little River In the line of tha A. 8. McNeill estate land and run ning thence with Un Una 8. 43 W. 7.90 chains to a stake with poplar pointer*, hi* corner In J. W. Pipkin* fin*. it being th* old line of th* Smiley tract; thence with said Has R. 46 I 34 chain* to th* hank of Up per Little River; thence down the river to the beginning containing 20 acre* mere or Lee ff i are acl«ag a one foir;h undi vided interest In th* above described traits of land, the Interval of 0. W. Pipkin and Mary Pipkin in name. This September 19th 1918. E. r. YOUNO, Trane fere* of Mortgagee. MORTGAGE SALE OP LAND. Uadov and by virtue of the power >of sale contained la a certain mist roeoria • MmW tha Ml Mfsad wf fat eaak i th. folio bioaa eon BiMt wttk 20 a. t* i «ttMI tkan with m foot a PAYETTE VILLI’! PIEST MD FOR FOURTH LIBERTY LOAM FayaUarlto, RRa H.—1%t tot aabacriyUoa to tto tuiB UtoR L Caafc, tto tokiarftar toto* E ftotou A tow.. «to toak |1,M0 af tka alatai y IttR Par Faak ut fraaiaaa; My toals. If yw aaat ftgkt yaw aaaaaay w. —-- ■' — ■ *• ’.V: •. - a-V; ‘-V * Automobiles Trucks and . : ->...v ii •• ' .*•» ' *^*3 v« Tractors. |;| I . ."* ' ; “ > \ * * , .. „ •- V w’ftj? Dunn, North Carolina * _ ^ FALL GOODS ARE j ____ _ ■ * 1 \ Our Stock of Fail Goods are now coming in. I m Watch for announcement of our FalfOpening. THE GOLDSTEIN COMPANY DUNN'S BEST STORE NOTICE? < i < j ' < > If you are in need of wall fencing, al ready cut with poet and scantling to fit, with- : out any loee to buyer. See me before pur- j chasing. 1 have 1,200 running feet cut to fit | any older from 5 to 7 feet high. Will sell : at reduced prices. » ' * > i i « - J. N. CREEL, Dunn, N. C. I I