. " I •• I | _I.U **¥¥¥¥ ¥ * L O C A L * ********* t ■ is tow located at Southport, was a visitor in the city this week. Geo. L. Caimady way a business visitor in Smithfichl Tuesday. L- L. I-eviction, of Coats. was a bu siness visitor In Dunn Monday. Geo. Long, of Llllington, was a ho liness visitor In Dunn Wednesday. Capt. Bynum formerly superinten dent. of the Dunn Koad distric t, who Mia Marion Homl, of Selma, vis ited her slater, Mrs. C T Noel this weak. Mr. and Mrs. John Monro l*e, of Rorky Mount, visited rclativaa hero this weak. W. A. White, of Puke, was hi town Monday an ronte home from a visit t» Wilson. Moa. J H. Ballarsee Is in Baltimore whore the is being treated at u pri vutf ssuiitorium Mim l.ury Mr Kay student at the 1'ineland School for Girls, visited her jmernte here thi* woolc. Norwood Hope has returned to Wake Forest College. This is his sceond year in school there. Miss Mary Gibson has returned to her home in Gibson. after visiting her «i-ter. Mn. J. W. Whitohead Min Annie Lamb, of Fayetteville, arrived in Dunn Wednesday to vieit hei mister. Mrs. Jas. R. Butler. Deputy Sheriff McArtan. anti W. H Faucette, of Lillingtiw, were bu sin ss visitors in liunn Monday. Mayor and Mra. J. W. Whitehead Save returned from a visit to Rich mond, Va. and other cities north. Ellison Godard, of the U S. naVy, is spending o short fn-lough with his parents, Mr. ant' Mrs. J. G. Coder/* Mrs. W. F. Stalling*, and son. W. H. Jr. have ivtuined to their home in Spring H>-pe, after voiding relo Uves In Dut ... Kdwln Cooper and Alfred Blaylork laft this woek for Charleston, 8. C„ where they arill enter the I'oi-ter Mili tary Arademy. Miss lla Bars*, of Raleigh, spent several days here this week with rela tives. She holds s pneitiui. in the ollce of the Corporation Commission at Raleigh. Mrs. Sue Allen left today for North Emporia, Va. where she will make her home with hor daughter Mrs. John Kusaell, who recently lo cated there. After spending about two week* here with hie parents, Carey B. Tay lor returned Wednesday afternoon s ... ' ■ ' ■ 'T Mrs. I. P. Hicks was in Raleigh last wssk where she attended the United War Work Convention as a delegate from Dunn. The meeting wes wijl attended and add-rswes were mule by people of nationsl reputation. James Hope, who has bean working in s bank at Crews, Va., for the past several month* returned to Darn this j week. After remaining hvtw a f*’ days with his parents, Mr. end Mr'.1 Willie Pope, he went to Wilson., whe.-o hr entered the Atlantic Chris-1 tian College. Congressman H. L. Godwin is homo from Washington and will spend several days in his district. Ha will make a eanvas of the district later on, speaking for the Fourth Liberty Loan. He does not intend to make a political canvas, but will maka several speeches of a patriotic nature. Little Margaret l.oeas was right badly bruised last Thursday night when she was dragged several feet by an automobile. Mrs. Jim Perth ing had several children out for a ride whtn something wont wrong with tho ear. They managed to atari it again by pushing, and when it started Margaret hesitated to turn lours and was dragged hy the ear for some dis tance. Her injuries went pailful but not serious. J. H. RaT'ance. one ot Dunn * larg est property owners and » aaeceas- . ful farmer and business man. rinsed a deal this week for another farm, . (nested in Cumberland county. Tbs farm purchased by Mr. Batlanre con tains 822 acres and the consideration wav 150.000,500. It is one an-l n! half miles from Wade ami is one of the best farms in Cumberland coun-! ty. Mr. Batlanc* own* a number of other farm* in llamett sml Robeson counties. The Masonic foneral of the late Zack Taylor will be held next Sun day In the Opera House at Puna. The foneral exercise* will be concluded At th# TayVr timetory near Dunn. The public la cordially invited to at tend both the sermon at the Opera Kona* and the exercises at the grave. The sermon will bo prsai had at 2:80 >p. m and all Master Xaeon* am re peated to met t in th» lodge rooms at 1:80 o'clock Sunday afternoon. After (ponding •■vcral months with hie daughter, Mr Filward Smith, Ur. -Floyd left Wednesday for hh homo in Clayton, Ala. Dr. Floyd la a gen teel Christian gentleman and made many friends during his stay in Dunr. He la an active eburrh and flunday School worker and aaet with tk« Wea liy Bihl* tie as of tbs Methodist church every Bvnday ha was in the city. HI* presence was an in’plottlon to th* class and He will be mlaaed by the entire membership. Dr Floyd thinki Dunn is ana of the beat assail town* la the Sooth and always t njoys bia visit here, and th* people of Dunn enjoy having him with thorn. Mr*. G. M Tilithman ha< returned from a vlnit to relative. In Norfolk, Va. Mr*. Kincaid, of GrilBn, Gw- waa here till' w-rk viotinp Mrs. Williama at Vounjr's Hotel. Mi*, wnhii Rmlirert, of l>itlinaton. la in town vltilitur her aiiter Mr*. Florence .lxtkaon. Knrrer' Coir 1**1 thi* week for WathinKlen, P ('. where he will do Rover, m* . i .vrrk. Re* •• fi. Daniel re to mod Wod neodx, nfternoon from Warrenton, where hr visited relative*. Wr. n -H Mn Z. V. Snipes, Mr and M:.. D. G. Fu.'iiell and Mr*. Jack I-e* wcio in Rolelirh Tuoedsy shopping. T. iVade, Jr. left Wednesday for Woidbeiy Forest, \u where ha en ter's! the Woodbury Foreat achooL IMali darnel and family, of Jack sonville. Fin are spending aeveraj da>* here > i.l: ,f. TV Humes and other rvlniivo*. Mrs. Pari Hood and fathar, Jerc Praia ill, returned the later port of tli^ week from Hamlet, where they . sited relative*. ,Vn K. W. Myers and sister. Mil* 'ime Wade, of Balelyh. spent Sun 1 here with thoir psrents, Mr. and Mr*. Willie M. Pop# returned last Fri day from u buainae* trip to Georgia Ho is interested In real estate down there and went down to look It over. In last Friday’s casualty Hat ap peared thw name of L. F. McGee, of I Angler lie waa reported u being lied in action somewhere in France I Mrt. J Lloyd Wade and two ebfl dren and Mrs J. J. Wade, returned List Friday from Hendersonville, '.here thy hnve been since the ft rat of %ncust. Joe Creel, who recently entered * ’mlirH service and was sent to Sjrra New, York, has been tranaferr -d tv Norfolk, Va. Hr spent the veck-end heTe with his parents, Mr. \r*d Mrs. d. H. Creal. Mi vs Magpie Lucss returned last • *coV from AshoviTle. On her return :•> t he ap»nl several dayi with her unt. Mrs. Full Hatcher, at Carpen •jv. Her cousin, Axeline Hatcher, iccenipsnied her borne. "The Mon Who Playod the Fool" •I! be Chr teat of a special sermon J*o be preached Sunday night.at 8:46 * •>'clock by Rev. Fugeno L Olive at ' he Fim Baptist church. The pub ' c is irviu-J to hear him. John Henry Pope returned last I ’ridny from Georgia, where he spent I wcial de.ys looking over his prop j rty dov. p there Ho alto purchased * ddKional land on thia trip and now I wn« several hundred acres. . ! iry service, between October 7th, ■uni lRlh. These men will bs sent to Camp Sevier, Greenville, S. C. nd will come from Clue 1. Still s few earn venture out on "un.lays. A largo per cent of the eoj have (topped using their cart ! in Sunday, but a few paTciat in tak ; mg their arual ride on tha Sabbath, in doing this they forfeit a certain •cr cent of Ihc respect their fellow r'.ltizen* have for them. There will bo a mooting at the '"luelv Grow school house Tuesday .debt, October l»t, for the purpnae of ■..'raniain- a community fair. Be id'S the orV of organisation, aav 13! other .nat'.ora of importance rcl :*.tiva to the Fair win coma up. Mon. O’n-n. boys and girls arc invited to ,1 ure-ent. | He - tval services will begin at the , Methodist church neat Sunday morn ng. Psv. C. K Proctor, of 8elma, 1 'ylcnd'd singer and preacher, trill -rive Monday and primeh through rut the wick. The afternoon sendee ■ ill be held ot 8:80 and the night varvice at 8:16. Everybody la eor ' >1 lolly Invited to attend and taka part :n the envies*. Those v.hoee subscription to The v.Kpatcb hi3 not been paid in ad 1 'nrx-r will bo marker) from thv list in j.-tober. The government forrss us ' io take thir step, and will not permit m to «end any paper* to itjbaeriber* ' h.i are not paid In advaneo. State ■ ments arc beinnualled to Dispatch 1 .i bwriberc and immediate response la •*i“ »vnr if you do not want your 1 s.ps - discontinued. A letter from H«ut Jackson, who i« tho American army in France Vi mo thtr, Mrm. W. S. Jarlteon, ■ ulna tK.it he wit altghtly wounded *hHe In "no man'* land” the letter i»rt of Anguit, and ia now recower 'tv; in n hotpltal beck of Ufa Unei. The wound w,i rot a terioua one, be betr.f* hit «>n tho leg and on tho arm, when n g»onede exploded which waa th'rwn at them by the enemy An .fleer who waa with him loct an eye •it the nemo time and waa otherwiae Injured. AT THE WHITE WAY. ft ia not often that motion picture olayc-t take the name rale In two pro ilut ion within a few waelu of each otba.. «■ grout 1, the Mope allowed l.i them on the ecreen and aa many parte there are to chooee from. But Martin ia two of her recent .i riurca. "Idttla Mb* Optimlit," and now "The Trouble Butter," which la to b« ehown nn Toreday at the White Way Theatre, haa played tho part of a “neweia” and eary wineome one the makea. A b- id darker it the Kaieer', hacker A man who wnn't land la the Kal 1 ear’a friend. Tkrtt (m ia Service. Mr. K. Lee. of Dunn, former mayor of that town waa in the city yesterday on business. W r. Lae ham three sons In the oervlce and one Lieutenant W. C. Lee, of Wake Forest and 8tate College athletic fame, is in France.— New* and Obeerver. letter from France to miss CLARA BYRD. Mias (liars Byrd, of the Steu Nor mal faculty, ha« received a letter from hvr cousin, Sergt. Major Paul K. Greene, of Harnett County, who il in ariive acrvico in France with the 105-h engneers. The lettor waa written on August 16, and lh« loca tion la placed -Where tho Great Cum Roar." Extracts from tha let ter follow: "It is evening time tn P-, and the ewallowa, arc flitting In the flow of the tired sun. A greet peace i over everything, after a heavy bom bardment out there where one for gets his noma. Just such a solitude is over the camp now as often catch es at one's tool along tha Lanes in Carolina. Not often la it my privi lege to feel nn hour of peace like this And to complete the picture that would draw at the heart strings of a Raphael, there are the peasant wo men working among the beets (You understand that we are back behind are In tha breasts of those Ill-clad wo man yonder? They have aero uuot tcrabla woa. Arc they brokenhoart ad? No. they ar« a part -if Franca A mother of K r a n e « •mile* with her dead baby in bar >nn* But auch a snulc! But be as it may, these poor people work their corps drepite the danger from enemy ■hclla. They cannot leave thtlr homes. A borne ii part of thtlr rtcrh and bone. Every piece of far nituro is endeared to them by a thou 'and mrimories. And yet I have teen tbrm lost upon the road a of Belgium with all their remaining property is a wheelbarrow. But I cannot tell you what one thinks of whan ha tees a crowd of refugees on the roads— tha crying babies, the weeping moth ers - well, well, no more. “It seems that 1 Started out to 'vnta you a letter. If I finish I shall have to forget such things as these oragoing. Thsy make one inclined in use many word*. But before 1 leave that subject let me tell you how thankful «a should be that our mother* and babies are far removed rom teener like thoec. “I have not seen much service at tha front yet. Bat the few day* I •ras there taught dm worlds. Often I have thought af meeting death fee* to faea. And the first night up I met him. but he turned and walked vway. Ha meat not hm Bked my ■ » ■■ ■■ ■■■ ■■ lo leO yon how 1 fait whan tha bal let* began to whistle around my head and the shall* began to shriek In the fir. At* that time 1 waa leading a "latoon of men. Doubtlsea I appear 'd braver than' I would if I had boon -done. How strange it is that one -cgulate* his actions even In death n the opinions that to be born* n tha minds of hli amoeiataa. But » it ia. The sou) is a mysterious tiling. Sight* that would have driv :n me distracted at home have pass 'd with little concern here. It's death here and death there. But 1 thank whatever God's may be' that death loves the Germans far better than a*. And yet, the chance af loa ns one’e life are not so great. There irr *o many men in this thing that 1 many'are of necessity killed. "My brother hat baa* In ton* heavy lighting down at But so far h* ha* not received a icratch. Once hia rifle waa blown lo splinters by a bomb, and yet ha got sway with hie life. H* quietly nicked up a dead boche'a rifle and waa on . the job again Oh, it’s wonderful to see how the A meriean farmer boy* can walk away with tha brutal Frits. They are,the ?im* i .-f the beat fighters of any agrs It •* apparent to the blindest i*<id 'hat William's hours era numbered, fbe old Bible verse about the haugh ty spirit and fatal pride is proved a galn. "If the censor were not so strict,' I might tell you many thing* that would make yon laugh, weep, thrill , vith pride, and declare that yoe vo old rather be an American than he highest princess of any realm. “I shall never be willing to give ever my part of tho fight until Ger many is absolutely crushed; hut how happy I should be if I might walk a ?atn the shady .quiet lanes of home, imelling the yearning jasmine, aad ' hearing the frog* down in tho pond. I gums I'm a bit more foolish about North Carolina la regard ta such Jtinga than moat boys whether itt vise or not I do not know. "This letter is written Id tho greet ‘it haste. Not often I get time to write."—Oreensboro Newt. SOME FINE FARMING. The N. A. iiell Com pony has one of tbs windows decorated with firm products which were grown eu the farm of Sym Jones, juat south of Gunn. On a single stalk of eottan -frut/n by Mr. Jones on e fifteen acre met, are 68 bolls. Mr. Jones put > under this cotton when planted 600 1 pod ode of Armour's fertiliser and la f retting a handsome yield in spite of > the enfavodabls weather while, the cotton was maturing. There Is also to be seen In the window a lot of vei i vet beans end eesae eeja beaut. Ail of It la unusually fine stuff and in ample evidence to convince the - friends af Mr. Jonea that be knows how to fartfllea end to farm. **»«*«« * * BUSINESS LOCAL * ♦ ******* WANTED TO BUY—SEVERAL bushels of Hickory outs. Bee Paul C. flood at Hood B Gres them's drug store. A COMPLETE LINE OF DRESSES. Coats end Coat Salt' now an dis play at COLDBTBIN'B, Dean’s Drat Store. Come let us show you. FOR SALE CHEAP—ONE FORD Touring cur, olaL modal SO lack tread. Extra motor. B. 0. Lee, Dunn, N. C. Route No. i. P<> FOR SALE- -ONE CAR LOAD or nice milk raws. P. 8. Ctrl tom. Dunn, N. C. FOR SALE—TWO FIRE MILK rows new fruk. Bm me at ones. ?. B Monde. Dunn, Routs «. rtJt BALE— TYPEWRITER WITH dssk. sad a roU top dssk. Also a Ford Car, aud sossa tirmut a bar-'1 gala. W. H. Parrlah. Dana, N. C.1 FOR SALE—SEVERAL NICE SOW I and pi«m. ssrsral also am for tall1 farrowra* aad a lot of Ada ahoata I r. 8. CuUoaa, Doan. N. CC JUST RECEIVED A SOUR CAR' of R»d Coder shlnclaa o«Eaj Van eouTCT, British "llOarfM Thaos' •hinaloo arrora«o tnm 4 to II inches wide. No. 1 oaafcty at1 97.M par thousand. Boo • for tm-\ modiats dolirory. Bg||r Broa-' Dana, N. C. FOR SALE—A VERT HANDSOME Jsrsoy bull, two yoan'old. A boanty and not riels'*. t. A Col *»», Dana, N. C. •----f _ FOR SALE—10 SHORTS the ri*ht also for fa 80s »• at oae*. A I 1 Duna. N. C. tf. ; ————— • O' GRIFFON CLOTH that (It and woaf STKK'S, Dona's WANTED TO fara naar Dann. house on H. if wanted. AIoosq e. t-t-pd. ELECT TOUR STYLE and Straw Bats ! dww yon at Bast Stars. WANT TO anal ■ ■ jiCTnSwK' ANYTHING W chin* 11m. ba glad to larva J. T. Bryaa, Dm, FOR BALE,—HOUSE, old aod 3 -horea «n . Good gantla takm condition Saa tot tanaa. Joaaph Lao, B-lB^pd. SLIPPERS and high high an dlow btala will plaaaa you. Iiona'a Boat Btora. LOST—A GOLD RING white aapptur* aoa‘* Drag aura Return to Him ?OB SALE—BBS farming land, from Lifllagton aad f j Camp Bragg. 1B0 Poor aat chaap bo timber. Pann wall -a la floe for atoek far*. 120.00 par acra. Tanad to atoLl Apply to Hiram. Baggdti LOUag ton, N. C. Mt-4£*d. LOST—A WHITE AND hdond dag, vary large. Jttaaa_ •Inca May. Rawart of ft.00 foi information ai to Ua rtaiaabmiCi W. D. MeLamb, Baeadn, R f. MB I 4t-Pd. SILKS OP EVBRY DESCRIPTION ! at QOLDETEDra, Dam's Bast , Store. ALL THE NEW THINGS-IN DRESS ' in Trimming* sag Co Hare at QoUUtobiV Doan's Beat Stare. , POE SALE—GOOD 5IXTY«F|VE TO ] Mvonty.ftr* sare fan* ksated in \ Upgar Baatprea eoaaty, .boat IS. mflas northwest of CHataa and a boat 10 reiki soutbaaat *f Dnn nnd on* mil* rents of Hoots HOI. Adjoiho landp mf Psrnt# Tart, an* .til* of the lata Bare Daaghtrr, Joe William* and ot^are. m Baa good dwelling and bass; aka itrtom that nrear runs <ry. A hoat half aadsr c»lthr*tion It •Ire*. W. A Godwin, Valdosta, Oa. PHONE ITS FOB UPHOLSTERING spd repairing of old fornttare. My work k flret elaas aad gaarea taad to ba ' redkfnctary. Aka phon* me for poreh fasnRure and other furnltare at aalgai designs. In. W. Hodges, undos notarial Phon# IT*. , n« i »f the ralDloaa U land the ! Mill.' . I It k a* reach the d»ty U the ton* i re mar to aat lare re R b tho’daty of the fanner U psadaag tow* Auction Sales Farms and Town Property!* City, Suburban Or Farm Property Is Put Into Our Hands For Quick And Profitable Disposal. • ttcft ktSm—litktsctka Ts Whr—MWacta Ts km Tkw pihtdalaa that hart aadt thia otyaaianlao Hu laifM and matt la da—wl I j far tht quack aatUaf ai Him. city at nabaaki j j tOw l a all art let aalaa la naaaaahla-oM that aaahlaa you to aaju a Hbtral andi I ! ■Ua tka atrauph oI am otpaaiuiiou pnalacaa raaulta—aaa^rtic publicity aCt- IS hk, art— nravyota ad a*pan mda—t | We Suddwide And Sett At Auction AM Kinds Of Property—No Matter Where, How Large Or What Your Property It II Let Ut SeUit For You-WriteForFutt PAKM lAlH OU* SnciALTY-TBRJUTOEY DHUMITID ! Atlantic Coast Realty Company I Tkr Kami Tkml iaKifn IW f'ra/dit 1J «•<" Kaf kami >a GmravUlt, K. C. ar ftanlaf, fa. If rrnms»tec.V4, omen—-okxkkvbxe, ac I —‘-ntnmrmnm A Sale cf Attractions i * • . 1 Coats Stock Farm, Coats, N. C. OCTOBER 15th, 1918. - . . ,.14—H^AOa-14 . . I A choice lot of boars and a few selected flits, from the herd maintaining a great number of big sows that are not often seen of the Big Type Poland Chinas. 8ired by Grand Mammoth, A Monarch Wonder Joe, Stand Pat. Jr.: Big Walkover. The offering is of-spring pigs out of the sows mentioned above and sired by Mam moth Coats one the big two year-old boars of the breed. He won first premium and c hampion at the State Fair, Raleigh, N. C., in 1917 at 15 months old. 1 own noth ing but the beat.. Also one Jersey Bull 10 months old, to be added in this sale. 'Sale Begins at 12:00 O’clock. A. D. COATS & SON, Coats. G. L. CANNAoY, Auctioneer. JONTEST FOE BOY* AND. OIPLS r« the Boys and Girl* of Sempeon County i—. Tht Fair Association has decided to put oa a “Serine Judging Con Laat*' for all beye and girl* under eighteen year* of eg*. Tble eonteet it open to every boy or girl in the county, end er* expect a large number to enter. Ekpecially do we urge sU club memben to avell theaeelre* er thie opportunity. All who enter will be given an opportunity to attend meeting*, lectures, and get practical experience hi judging iwin*. Tha premium* will be very attrac tive ahd era earth the time (pent in preparing for this contest. The ex perience and education derived from the work will be worth a great deal to all tboee who taka advantage of the opportunity. The meetings will be announced later, and I with every boy and girl to take an active, part in this vary Important work. I shall do every thing 1 can to help you learn the Important points ia judging swine, and win have a specialist from Raleigh to help me. Yon are a* intelligent as any other boy or girl, and I believe you will win one of those handsome premiums If you will try hard enough. Thu prrmiama era as follows: let 118.00. 2nd 810.00. 8rd 88.00. 4th 88.00, 5th 88.00, 6th *1.00. Let me li*ar from you if you wfc<h to enter this contest. Your* very truly, H. L. BOYD, County Agoat Glisten. N. C. * ANGIES SOT GET! COMMISSION Er.»lgn Erwin J. Btepheaaoa, • m of Mr. J. Q. Stephenson, of Angler, '*• at b * homo this week on Icsv* of ■ hasps*. * K.itlpn Stephenson enlisted ta tha W>V7 at ths outbreak of tha mu. gad b-e by a competitive ssjnieetk,,. -ran * commission aa eneig*. Sa p»«Jm‘ofl from tha tiglii Mgh •schucl. clary of 11*14, and waat to tha State University, wham ha m- . •c«:ntd until he aaatrad tha nary. He la now to taka training at tha Nar.nl Academy till next Pebraery . hafcia nvnbt going on active doty.— llarnatt Poet. FINDS UNEXPECTED SOMETIMES HAPTENS. “I suffered far It years with tla mach unable and dactered away a 1st of mosey before I found a medic eUe that rraa a rani benefit U me. Since taking one done of M/yr*s Wonderful Bamady 14 weeks ago, I have had more raal Jay of living than I had in 10 yean before." It Is a simple haimlaaa preparation that re moves the cataahal mucus from tha latret nal treat and allayo tha inflam reation which eauase pmeticaSy all stomach liver and Intestinal ailments. Including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money rafnododc— Hood and Grantham and Druggists everywhere. REAL ESTATE TRAMSPEBS. John Block to Tboww and • Spaa re IS arras Jn Andaman Cmk township, ronsldaration $176.08. G. P. Pope to Victoria Stewart 1 lot ia Dunn consideration Stood. Charlie Lawrence to Cant* T. Tb mu 181 acres ia U. Ia B. Town, •hip consideration $>00. W. A. Stewart to t~ A. Stewart S M acre* In Averaaboro Township cot indention, 8600. F. Smith to J. C. Thomson, 10 aero* in LUlinylon township can*Sd«ration StM. n. P. Edward* to M. W„ Black 12 town lota io Haaen conaiderut.on •lft. \f. U. ParrtRi to J. A. TrieheC 2 lot.- ia Cents consideration $100 hnd other valuable! .1. P. Pom We to Cbaa. It. PornWo 28 1-2 acme In U.L R. Tewnehtp reirMint'ea $1000. A. J. Johnson to J. W. Aster 1ST acre* la JohatooviUo Township con sideration $10. •* renry Johnaoa to J. W. Aitry 8 act.-* ia JohnaonvNla Township can ddcration $18. Laura Saxton to Maggio A. Patron 1 lot in Bilia's Craak, -i'll R'm H. M. H Shard to J. H. Maooo 1ST at on MOM.. J. H. fhsith, to H. M. Hilliard 1 lot of land in kackton Townakip cotr deration MAO. |. vd Brack to John Black SS acres la > derson Crook Townakip renal d erat •••» 91.00. * • A drew K. field on. It. to Goo. T. Ker. dey 3 acre* ia Barbecue Town Shir consideration $10.00. Andrew K. Saldan to H. C. Caanr da 4$ acre* ia Barbecue Townakip, con ;j (ration $UM. Ji-t.n Bondi ''Mortgagee" to Hiraa Bati-ott 10 M aeraa in Aadnaoa CrrA Townakip consideration $$$. L. O. Powell to Ttaa McCay 1 lot -a r :nean cowafatoraltoa fMJft. P. J. McGutro to Capa Poar Crar ol Cc. ISO 1-4 aeraa la LttfegUa Town -hip consideration $10 and other rahubiea. R ckhorn Load and Tliakai Co. to lfor-v A. Pattoraoa 11$ aeroa Hi t). L. V. Townakip conoid eration $11M. Jt’.B Elliott loW. R Locos t$0 H acr ia Stcwarto Creek consideration M. Tfli K TI. Luninas to Ws». Kettaa $ acre- In Barbeeua Townakip eoaaid orat $300. Vr. U. Turlington Sheriff to Jiaa Bay. or 1 lot la Angier cc moderation IM t' D. Brantley to J. D. Brantley 3$ ,c . -as in Ljlliagton townakip tan rid*-. Jon $1.0$. J. r trontley to I. O. Brantley li acre.- in Llllington townakip mdfcr at>«. $1.00. 5. . carat Murchison coaaaaiialaa IT t« v . o. Murekisea $4 aeraa to Ste wart Creak Townakip aanatdaratloa Land Co. to F. taMk Bit act. .n AtwiAih and Dak* team •fctT , conaldsietioa 61006. rid* *.,«■ $1000. F mlth to r. H. Barm*. *0 1-t ear.-. h Aumtoro aad Dak* ton side . ion |1SM. J - Uarhoer and K L. Osdwln. com • -.Iomt to X. C. A J. ■.'Bara foot *f teres ’.a A▼ ersthere Town idMr - - nsidarst.ee >4336.76. J. n. Barbour aad X. U Godwin, 1 earn mioper to BBe Barsfoot 44 an in Amratbore Township tan sir ion Ilf66. I. n„ Bar bo nr and H. L. Gadwin, com. doner to M. C. end J. H. Bar i st If earn* in Amtashate Tc\. . * :lp conelderetion $4ABI.7S. y •> d*a proms tbit bowo-csr nar* '.am method the foal, 1,>00,. 000 o quarts. TMe, by the vsy, in nan ha boon pantry, for tb» Oot eial ;!«k for tbe Amy. V-.o •scrMeo of tbe A writes k..ma add ta the rfferte of fee AmrrVeea ; ten.. , hem meet id leer treat the 1 r» Oi oar A Nias, for fete ymw, at hvt r!

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