Johnson Brother^ Department Store NEWEST STYLES IN FALL ' • Models That Express the Latest Fashion Features In Every Detail. ^ ; Just fresh from their makers are the*X^^r. new Fall garments, so truly represen tatmXV' ^ .....of the vogue. Even the most critical of men will surrender to their graceful linesTWIj^® 1 »■* the very appropriate tripnmings so«clev<*l*dfi® ;■ applied. There is so much of variationxkT-'^T details too, that every model is distinctive®-W individual. *’ These coats, suits, waists, dresses, anjf ^ . skirts can be accepted by the most ardent d® . *' votees of fashion with confidence that thft j * styles and fabircs are authentic, for no gai£ 1 ment finds a place in our selections that ao« not bear the mark of Fashion’s approval in every line. J WOMEN WILL ADMIRE OUR STUNNlNf NEW CLOTH COATS l|| They were picked from the creationaj which are dwelling in high favor in the fore^, most centers of fashion at the present timep They are cut upon lines which are simpti and straight, and are radiant with a “dresw , incss” wl lich will surely win your admira^ tion. As no two of them are'alike, the field?.’ of choice is a broad one and the chances foa making excellent selections are great. Ther have been priced economically. f WE’VE NEVER HAD PRETTIER WAISTS* THAN THESE -- r, We searched the show rooms of the mos^ exclusive manufacturer for the prettiest W£ could find, and we feel that we have them*'. We would like however to have you •©* them, to give them an examination and then to inform us if you feel the same way about - their prettiness as we do. They introduce various style treatments in collars and cuffs. . and come made up in many desired materi als in every popular color. At such low prices, they are bound to sell quickly! THE NEW FALL SUITS AU The Newest Styles, Fabrics and Colors Are Shown in Garments That Coat Least Here! m They are supremely graceful of line, -trim and neat in appearance, distinctive in style and tailored to pe»fact*a»*^toyp+<»al-—-■ Jonnfcon Bros, garments. They reveal those charming style innovations that are so con spicuous by their absence in ordinary models so generally offered. Prices are pleasingly small. GET YOUR FALL SUIT HERE AND YOU’RE SURE OF RECEIVING SUPRE ' ME STYLE, QUALITY AND VALUE. MOST CHARMING HATS IMAGINABLE Wonderfully Graceful With Their Symme trical Lines and Effective Trimmings. These hats are reflections of the season s hest styles, with many little refinements and innovations that make them unusually at tractive. The best developments we’ve * seen yet. of the prevailing tendencies both in large models and in turbans. You'll like to choose from this large as rortment, and you will also like our prices, for they give you splendid values. FURS ARE WONDERFULLY POPULAR Fashionable Folks Would Call A Wotnaif Unfortunate Indeed Who Does Not Have Furs For Fall and Winter. You will look more attractive, be warm er and most (important of all) be in supreme style if you’ll wear furs this Fall. Tnere s no end to the variety of GOOD models youill find here—scarfs, muffs, and sets in the choicest and newest styles. It contain* only the absolutely correct fur coats, pieces and sets, made up of all favored pelt* from the most inexpensive to the least costly. Furs are going .up in price almost by the day and we’re almost positive that these values won’t be equalled this year.