THE DUNN I » • yQ^ | OVMN. M. C, KOX, M. I»l« ——— - _ ■ ,v WAR COST AROUND $200,000,c: HerwfUr Annual Burden, In terest and Sinking Fund, Estimated at 10 Billion ONLY SMALL PART Of DEBT RAISED BY TAXATION Far Military Purposes It U Es timated That All BeLliger aats Spaa I IIS BUllea Washington, Nov. 18_The direct cos* of the war for all belligerent ratio as to last May I, was reported at about 1175,000,000,000 by tbs Federal Reserve board bulletin, is sued today, and it is estimated that the coat will amount to nearly $800, 000,000,000 before the end of tth year. These calculations ware oom piled by the board from various sour ces and while their accuracy is not vouched for, the beard believes the ft curve are substantially correct. For purely military and naval pur poses, it is cat mated that all be 1 lifer ent* had spent shoot 1138,000,000, 000 to May I, or shout three-fourths of the total war cost. The balance represented interoat on dab* and other indirect war expenses. How the coat mounted as the war craw in proportion from year to year ii illustrated by tabulations showing that the mobilisation and the first five mouths of the wur in 1814 cost all belHcervnta about 110,000,000.000 In 1815 the expenses Jumped to 186, 000,000,000; in 1816 they increased to 188,000.000.000 and in 1817 they were estimated at $80,000,000,000, This year, expenses have run only u little above the rate last rear About 1160,000,004,000 of the to tal war coat has boon raised by war loans of various nations and com paratively Hula by taxation. Tbo public debt of the principal entente allies is calculated at approxiamtaly «106.000,400.000 or more than twice as aaach aa the aggreguta debt of tbs Oanteul Paw era, set at MfO« 000. This does net take late ooneid _e ration debt incurred linct am usmnrf comparison with tbo anti war debt of the seven principal belligerenta, which did not exceed $26,000,000,000. The coat of supporting thin debt was only about $1,000,000,004 a year. Here after the annual burden to pay inter at and linking fund allowances will be net leae than $10,000,000,000 and probably much more. PREPARATIONS FOR WILSON’S TRIP ABROAD GOES STEADI .LY ON. President tel Delegetioe Expected to Creae AtUatia Oa Big ' 1 . WUb Eecert Waahington, Nov. 20.—There were no developments oo the surface to day in the preparations for Presi dent Wilson’s representation at the Peace Conference. Arrangements are going steadily ahead, however, and an announcement of the peace commiselor.’t personnel with the pro gram for the Journey may be expect ed at anytime. Member* ef the Senate who attend •d the White House conference last night told their colleagues today of the President'■ determination to stay in Prance indefinitely or until all af the greater issues arising out of the war have boon settled. How long this may be one venture* to guess, so the President aril] take with him a full executive staff, prepared to transact aKarm4 akin <*• at iLe a-a- - baaey In Parli, virtually nil basin am of the White House In addition to Bscrotary Lansing, who ia to head tho Amsrloan delegu tion to tha Paaca Conference, and Col Honaa, Elihu Root and Justice Bran di*. generally believed to baa# bom tel acted by tbo President for member ■hip, speculation upon a long tfat of names baa centered upon only one for the fifty place—that of Secretary Houston, of tho Department of Agri culture He is being suggeatod per sistently in official quarters. Naey officials lot It bo known today that it ia planned to toko the Presi dent and tho delegation serosa the Atlantic an a big poauangai Host now In uaa by tha government as a traas |ort. A dread naught and a SetflU of destroyers probably will ba eon voyi. LONG SENTENCE FOR TOO-OAIKTY soldier. Camp Moods. MdVNea. IS—Ba • a uaa ho refused to carry cool for tho < etachsoent kitchen at tbs base boa iM bare, Private Rnaaell 8 PeweO of Paunayteaaia, stteehod to Urn modi 1*1 deport™ ent, has born amtonted to to Arisen yean la tho disciplinary barracks at Fort laeaenwortik, Kan. runmiiiiiiiiiiiii...... ^©aVaKcaUerk ---by PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON Washington, Nov. 17.—President Wilson, in • proclamation today designated Thursday, November -8, as Thanksgiving Day, and said this year the Ameri can people have special and moving cause to be grate ful and rejoice. Complete victory, be said, has brought not only peace but the confident promise of s new day es well, In which "justice shall replace force and jeal ous intrigue among the nations." TEXT OF THE PROCLAMATION. I he nrhclameiMM f#J I , i |»r tbm Pr«tUwl of tk. UaMag Jta|« «f Aaartaa. A fntkatlkti I ta. UM Uu mt mmmtmmm *. t.rm ta tk. utui W tk. yaar ta pr.Ua mm* ttaakryl.ta* I. AJulyta, Cm* for HU_J y— '“«* ■*•*'“•• •• « » • atta. TU* fut wa Ur. 1-M mm* MOWS «m ta ta (MMluJ uf t. rajota*. Cta tar ta Hu u.f |i*u u p.a««. It tar ut —— u m ,lr,-1lr, a| ****** * **1* rpltef frroi tk. strata rta tnfafj .f war. It tat *"" ** • sr~t trtmnspk a* riykt. Cnptata rtetary tar kraufct •ta ata Puu *l«a., tart tk. mmm£*mm, praatata af a a» gay mm ***** ** ’'kk'k iaattau •tall rrpta.t (arc mm* Jaataa. Uta|w *“•**« *k- -Utata. Oar r^Jaat tmU tar. paHtafp.tag ta a lrt**** •w*h “ ae atmf or italsta ky aay yirry... ta -•*-*■ •iprukt. IMMORTAL GLORY WON IN A RIGHTEOUS CAUSE. aaMy'taUta^ C*“" *"* «- h*~ I#Wy Hrvt" w*4r BhiiM la wrrkg —iHij 0*4 ^ todUarf ka*a cra.toa*. W. tarr Mar. far ruck — |-|rlaa ar rwr+ra. * - ! OTM^taa ta UT oil tk. tart trmgjttaar , A *“*r ****** **• *- -kMk aar taarlr taka m aal laak forwarg wltk aaw tap. ta aar Wkil. wa rwfa iU-^, fH tkata I *aak tk. girtaa (migaaca ta tk* paH. IWaa ~r«7 lar farptaaan fa. all.. ..„. pray ttat ta all ttat — ta w. .tall .traaytkta tk. JmrntMmm*. **• "•*“* —S»«t apaa wktak wa nat-■-» ta ta-uj -a “ractara af pMc uf |Mf ^ ^ “* THURSDAY, NOVEMSER as. DESIGNATED. Wkarafara. I. Waagraw WUu, »—— ^ _ **•*“*■ ’‘-d.y. tk. Uta,. Wf—gexl U a daf of ^‘hbililjs_» | uf tarHa tk. pwtata tkraaytoat tk. lata ta tau tkalta, frta. argtaary uuplta. uf ta tktar -TT.!^ Plata, af waralklp ta ratarr ttata.. to Q^, ^ka ■-•— «f la wltaut Wharaef, 1 kata . .. ta „ k._i i ■ tka Mai af tta Uaitag State, ta ta aStaag. ‘ Tf ^ WL^WU** ***• --k gay ta Hrr BAPTIST STATE CONVEN TION TO BE NOTABLE ONE Will Be Held in Grtcikibofo D§ ccmbar 3-G. Hop* to Clow Million Dollar 'Campaign Raleigh, Nov. tO—The approach ing ""'on of the Baptist StaU Con vention at Greensboro Dec. J-S. gives promise of bting the most notable one in the long list of its 88 annual ses siona Ths.Convention will fees the many and multiform problems grow ing out of oar new relationships to the world, chief among which will be that of training leaders t ohelp shape the civilisation of the future. The educational question, therefore, win occupy the centra of the stage at this session, one whole day, in the middle of the Convention, being devoted exclusively to a discussion of Its va rious phases. It Is expected that the Mlllion Dollar Campaign for the Baptist schools In the State, which was pro jected a year ago at its session In Durham, will be brought to a success ful conclusion at this time. Howev er, on account of the continued dis tressing conditions in some eecUottt of the 8tale brought about by ths tn flnenaa epidemic, H sup be necessary to oxtrnd the time limit for a short period until the churches can resume their regular work. The Intensive drive schedule for October and November ia all the Bap tist churches of the State for the rait Hou dollar fond baa been greatly han dicapped by reason of unparalleled conditions. However, from the moun tain! to the eee meet encouraging re port* are dally comiag to the csutral eflee. In every ease where anything like a thorough canvass baa been mad*, th* church" Kars "gone aver th* top" with an laareasa of from M to 109 per cant over their allotment. WALTER M. GILMORE Publicity Director. BRITISH SOLDIERS KILLED IN WAR OVER S MILLION London, Nov. 1L—Brttiah raaual ttas during the war. Including all the the*tree of arthritis*, totalled 991, it waa announced In th* Ham* of Commons today hy James Ian Mao Pharma, Parliamentary Secretary of th* War OAea. Of thla number of ficer* kilted, wounded *r m feeing ^ gregated 14I.SS4, and the men *r 997,937. The total looses la the fighting en the Franca-Belgian front were «,719,Ml. America can ship SO per cent more food this year If we are all SO per tost better Americans. COCA-COLA COMES DOWN IN CITY OF IALUGH. I* A|«k 3*411*4 Pa, g C**U Aim* With Other Driak*. Coc*-cola, real or near, with tha name roue fountain drinks that mrrrt Within 1U wake, haa juat complatad one more flyers in the war market perhaps tha most Interesting of all its ventures to meat war conditions for this time aha actually got into tha habit of reaching down Into year pocket and pulling oat two of one niekle. That happened os serai day* ago and for awhile cocacola kept iU head up in the clouds aa n dims drink. Man day about noon tha fight waa ended and it descended from tha clouds and again settled down aa a regular niekle drink. That coca-cols should be jerked out of tha clouds waa tha reached by tha soda fountain man at a meeting in tha Chamber of Com* meree rooms Monday, other drinks likewise took a flve-eont tumble s> eapt lea cream, which remained at II eents, ice cream sendees at SO cents and mis ad drinks—-grape juioe, limeades end such drinks which re msined at 10 cento _ Other ventures through which coca cola has passed aiaca tha beginning of th* war are, advance la pries, qnaae sobatitutaa, dispensation by girls, however, none of its heretofore ventures have bean so attended with lamentations and sorrow as its flight [into tha 10c clouds. Tho tumble to earth Monday waa ballad with de light—Raleigh Times. SCHOOLS AND THE WAIL Tha sc bee Is and colleges of Ameri ca ars justified by their works whan the youth af sur land and tha kiwTi from which they eome are united In on selfish devotion and unstinted sac rifice for tho saasa and tho country we bold door. Tho spirit of Dessocracy to a herit age cherished and transmitted by public education. All that America haa meant to no and to th* world in tho peat It mtat mean with groatar sad more dtaia terested devotion la tha future. Tha civic aanaa that haa made each hams and child a part of a communi ty. P«rt of a State, part af a Notion, la today deep an ad by this war end Me It aJTeeta tha (ate of tha —r tends oad peoples whom blood li in our veins, and wham happier fa ll's win bo port af tho triumph of tha principles for which wa fight TIME FOR MAILING PACKAGES 0CTENDED Novtmbsr 30th I* Lblt Find Friday hyPij^Mm At*. Id order te Insure dfce Christmas parcel la the Aaertcu eg, the War the tine of peckegee until has authorised the Croesto have ditto eel liar te te iasee te those no* recetved the distributed to the many cease these lost la vidas that each eta la U free* tha Bed eats label prov not arrived by Applicants far beta should BMot to tha efee tha nearest living la tha Uni ted Matas of the package la te be has not received i that should each it would net ha beat of Ua er Hof only one the the Slat* ban (tai this practical. Ha. Jana S. MeEmmoa, Chief of tba DMaloa of Beam Demonstration Work, suggests that If tba ehOdran, especially tbooa who boro eaffarod from Irfluenaa cad ban act pot booa it turned to normal health, eonid ba supplied with a cap ad hot milk, cocoa er a bowl of hot coop, la addition to their cold loach, hatter program la tha genera! eSeioDcp of tba papfl would be noted. Soma achoola wfB find It practical to terra thane hod diahm at leant once or twice a weak tnugiig gnd a ally ta taka care-of tba I amtlalag <Ujr». Tha dlahaa amp ba arraagod for bp the mothers sanding la milk, chocolate and vegetables to the sohoolroom. where tha tmahara and older girb map proper* them tat* appetising foods that woald ba warmly welooaa ed during them cald whiter days. la addition to tba hot dtohoa, Mia. McKlmmon raggitea tba following lunches m aapplylng proper noartah mant: Chasm sandwich** pareaga; data* Kuffad With not*. Hard-cooked agge; cvtap baking powder biscuits; calory. Baked been aad lettece sandwiches apple eauee; small cakaa. Prunes staffed with peanut butter; cold chicken; chopped green mu •undertaken. Brawn breed and batter aaadwteb «: pear*; Mall cakaa. Cemataa! crackers; peanut-butter eandwtehaa, cookie*; stewed fruit. Bella or bread aad chicken; appto cake. Lettuce or calory caadwtabaa; Jam •andwieh; cup custard. STAMP! MUST 00 ON ALL PNOM ISSOBY NOTE!. Balaigb, Noe. 14th. Im eort fukon nan to here artten hi tater prating latter No. 4B, dated Mtk. la regard to the proper attonot of Maag ta be placed open premiers 17 notes. Promlai.ry notes of all kiiuto, whether aadgr seal or not, fsqaire sumps to ha SdBxad to the satae of !• on the tltO er fraetlonai part thereof. Tha fact that the preentt aary note la huial by a ttertgaga dead or Dead of Trust la no way af fects this ruMag. ENpaetfally. i. W. BAILEY, OeOoctor. After the srur Burapa wfll souMaaa to look to Amaqtea for bolp, there will be no crepe raised eearreV. BATCH OF SUBMARINES TUNED OVER TO BRITISH Tw««Hr VmmIi BmtmIwiI od Hrwich at Sunrise Last London, Nov. SO.—Tnoati Gorman wbauiM) vm surrendered to tor Admiral BagfamM W. Tyrwhltt, 10 mOaa off Harwich tUa morning at marine, according to a pram manria iioB dispatch Tbaaa arc tha first U toats to ha tarnsd over to tha Alice *T Goramny. Admiral Tyrwhitt received tha nr-, raadar of Urn Gorman craft oa hoard ■to SagaMp a Britlch wwfait. Tha larraadarad submarines will proceed to Harwich in charge of their own crews. The U-boats then dll he boarded by ItiWfah crews and! intsryTvtars aad proceed to Parfcston fray, nearby. Tbs Oormaat will laavs submarines there aad beard Eraasports for Jheir return to Ger aeny. UUTBlCnONS OH COTTOH SHIP MINTS EXCEPT TO ENEMY COUNTRIES OFF. lepaa. It U Said. Vsry Anatom to Get American Cettea, Eetfaaeted Need Mill toe Balsa Washington, Nov. M.—AH raotrie ttone on the shipment of cotton from tha United States except to eaemy countries and to tha northern Earo peaa neutrals have been raseevsd, Senator Hoke Smith, of Georgia, said odey, after a ooaferoaea with oMetefc >f the War Trade Beard. Cotton fa expected to Sow aore freely te coon tries centiguoas to Gsriaany when that nation bat ceaephed with sB tha toms of Mm srartMiss, tha Senator mid. Cotton la tncraaaed quaati ttos already Is moving to the allied mnatrias. Because of tha fact that India's cotton crop this poor waa raf leisnt snip fa* that coaatop's needs, Senator Smith said. Japan had barn reap anxious to gat cotton from the United States. Japan's Beads are estimated a* l^Od.OOO balsa. ■tecta of cotton hi tho Sooth now tre said to exceed tOOJW* bales aad It waa became ef this fact that Seath era Senators aad Bsproa—totlne at a recent eonfsreaee decided to ash the War Trad# Board and other gov ■mtneat egsailm to madttp the «e _ _ FAYETTEVILLE WILL ■ETAW CAMP BRAGG Fayetteville. Nov. If—That Camp Bran la to ba a |i»i ■a»mf InstKu “•** la tba lapnaam gained from ra Interview with Colouei Maxwell Murray, newly appointed command ing oArer of th. camp. WhOoCoU mI If array would bo statement for publication other the athat bo or der* affecting tba rnntoi in Him had bean received aad that more labor was needed at the camp, the mipraa don gathered from a talk with him leave* scarcely ■ trace of peoMmiam ■a to the permanency of Camp Bragg. This impression to gained dibits tbo fast that tbo command committed himeetf to 90 r*r pnblication have boon received _ to atop work or rodnco tbo aoale of ronotrnctioii and tba ethar as to the need of labor. “Ton may **," bo remarked, “that we aaad labor, mom labor, and still mm labor." Tbo construction work to i-ifcg —U Mid Colonal Murray, aad wondarfml progreee bad been made toiieo ho Bret mw tba camp a weak ago. Colaael Murray csmua bo Ouq Bragg from the artillery camp at West Point, Ky, after serving over MS* a* instructor of artillary ofrsis. While la Franca bo trained tbo oA cera *f the 7*th and 74th Field Ar tUlory regiments both of wktoh rsgl monts ns units of Oensral Liggett"* Pint Army, hava mad* brlllteat re cords to action. Cotoaal Murray to from • military family, his father aad grandfather before him having bean Went pointer* Ho to doHgbtod with Camp Bragg and »Mh Fayetteville aad lTrpnmi* tba hop* that hi* dutte* wUI continue to require bie presence bom. HOLD YOUR LIBERTY BONDS Of the many male.. of asm* of public land* the title of which It to Mm Federal Government, tbo United Btotoo owns soma MAM,SO* acre* of ooftl kill To exchange n United Btetes Liber ty bond fa* stock to • coni company of doubtful value V* not sound ft. nano*. Safety «r*t to a good bust «*m motto far Liberty baud holder*. Tbs 1S1S-IS Food Program to to th t Notional and i Personal Itbflgn tki- Tbs Barter baa n*/er faikd to meet an abNgatior* *-id tba tmtirMual muni net. i FLU MORE FATAL THAN WAR TO U. &. Tbmm Pint Trwnya Want Amm Until Hirlttl ANNOUNCEMENT MAOS BY U. S. CENSUS BUREAU TAM* DniW ia 4* Cilia. An rb.WUA«ICnn. la Nat Fall til ml. WnUnctoa, Kaa. IT.—TM meant •Pldaarte of iaflanwa in tha United ■tetea nnil mam tatta tkn oc timd uMif tha Innlmn Into tinmry Foreaa flan all aanan fmm toe tfarn tM .tmt^noH laadad la TU^anmmacanmnt today by Cm. otinateo af total caanaUUaa amon* «b« oaaraaaa foreaa and reporta from 4« efctaa Mata* a eombtnad ytyula Man af tS,004AM, which ahawad »*, -M6 daatha from Mnanaa and | mania from taytambar 4 to Naaambar 4. Normally thaaa eitlaa would Maa bad 4.400 daatha tea th—. the bail of pMtod, it death* frei than 45 than 40 tiaa. Ob life i. tha Forcaa to thra of the Retell m- " * "r'" riaUa. Wav ftavia^a Cmm to M-tH.nto af tha hir. J. L. Gllaur, State Kvpraean tati * af th* North Carolina Retail lf*.-<haoU IMriaUa, War Savina* Committra. ha* jnat Uaoad a atatr ■or ; to th* retail aaarchaata af the Stotj. aa follow*: "Tha boy* have wan tha Victory "eve- then." “Mum wa fafl to do the came “ever hare?” “f, hat would the boy* thiak whan cooin bock beat* if they waxo told that th* people of North Carolina did rot hay tha *48,000.000.00 of Wa* Savina* Stamp* allotted to than:? "£ wtoh to eaU on rooty red-blood ed m.-rrhant la tho Slat* to dm bto ■PP* Hatioa of what on aoidUr bo» tot Jana for as by peaking tha sale of F: neap* right ap to Doceaakor Slat. War Soring* 8tamp* daaarro tha Snt plaar- aa tho Hat of aH articles aoM by rn re Kants.M “v h0o tbo war appoara to ba error, rot (Na need for tbto monry to J««t a* r ~at as If It wore aot. Afior th*',- nrrricra aro over, tha boy* mut ba broigkt back to tbto country. Thry ■tat* Vo proridad far untfl thry art brr -Vt baak." “V/:n th* graat body of ratal) mar tbet.f of North Car jiina fall to ■aaa urr ap to tbair prtrtioga aad tilt llga -<ia tn tbto auttar? WiH thry with V.ld tha aarrloa thay aro la po oltif to porfona to going oftor or*, ry rtmp aato poatoblo, olthor to or •at ••.'tho atoroT" “I b.-Hor* a»d treat aot." nci a you* uiumr bonds cr tha many anHtoaa of acta, of peb'i - toad* thy Utto of which to to tb* K.-daral Gereraaaawt, tb* UaMrd ■tot * owes aa* SSNAM aero* *f ell Irrda. A l . barty bead balder to a bead bald r of tha Uailed State*. aad M to a p c- aarhaage to trade a Liberty bead 'or atoak to aa ail #*a*aar of d t tfal rale*. V i-**t tb* Allied tuMc will h»K< th»r c tra, far tin Allied people* arc dar« nit tbaaaaoHra atara la ardor t« toast pan aoldtota. ▼.'» canaot adialatotor tbo food prebl at aa th* haN* of tbo g—i, 1 feed wtofa. W* near propar* fry Ion.' . * dtaeano* of tbto tokartagr.

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