* Arrived! _^ ___ ___ ■ 1 have just received my fifth shipment of INDIANA Holes “d Horses _. e _ i i Each one of my mules and horses was carefully se lected for quality and service and are first da— in every respect.. It will be to your advantage to see what I have to offer before buying elsewhere. Come to See Me To-Day ! J N MONDS, Dunn, N. C. Next to Thornton Garage. §§?^5%'S ii,r.,^> tbo WMU Ho— triofc. Wot ooly dooo *»MwVm *«*■ * tbo *Moof dlo POtcbM bat tkoro o i compfoto print W «fcf oa board tod both Praoi dcat.—d booylo oo tbo ohip baoo tbo mo«| njidinui of roartloo a atom u ■* **• win «f tha editor —of .hearing the regular morning (^use^'er™'* *»—Wit.—Charlotte ... .. Write it Bight. * naeer bean one of those «-£^fu“‘»a. ondlgnifr Christ ma« by writing it ‘XmaaTaaii a good woman of tht tows yesterday after noon, and I want to appeal to the t^naral public—the Christian Ann. can public—not to write Chriotmai, Xaoas, this year of all years, when we want to emphasize the religious significance of the Christina* season. Teach the children to write It ‘Christ mas, and thereby un-teach then in •irUing of it inaa-^wSti Observer. Don't Worry. (Elixabcth City Independent.) But don’t worry about the affairs of State while Professor Woodrow is in Lumps There art about fifty thousand department clerks in Wash ington any ona of whom is capable in his own opinion, of running It bet ter than the Professor. Abundance of POTASH j ^ For the 1919 Crop We are prepared to supply users of * ROYSTER’S FERTILIZERS With any grade of Potasfngoods desired Ni.C' Afrfcuh4,r*1 Experiment Station Says:— "3*Mh“b**n•specially in cotton, tobacco and pot*. rh yTTSLa ™! b**’n ,Wn?*elk,,> cru« of cotton and potato**, nwo potaah haring bean ood on tobacco, relatively. than on then* two crop#.” *** V.4, !L'||BAW^' ,dip#e#<>:’ 01 8> 9* A#rkult'Jr*1 Experiment Station Soya — na to baEU-'Sl.^S I* i",.*nr ““f*. of [hr cotton situation in South Carolina leu*. /_*,* *M* 25 P*1- reduction in th* cotton crop hat raaulted thia ST? “T* «•*" half a crop ha. balmpredue IftfTtk^t Whlt w Lh t_>* ta E?*"1*- Th* »Ppcaranee of the pfcnU indl ar^tharefore, recommending that HbSS an!f!£uff>^[llb hi fUd iftJtShL, fol Enquire of Rofreter Dealere. Place Order* Early. F. S. Roy ster Guano Co. Norfolk, Va. > NOTICE or SALE OF LAND. I'.vij- r - d by virtu* of r apectal ■rtc'rdh* ii* ths Superior Court, be foci the el»rl-, entitled “,'m A With ,or» Guardian far Abtier B. Wtthvr*. Ex Part*," wune being No. 1687 on lb# Spec's! Proceedings docket of I said court, nnd the order obtained therein the unden ignrd romrenlnnei vrtll, on Monilsy the 6th dnjr of Jan uary. 1919. at 18 o'clock M . at thr courthouse dour In Lillmgtor. N. C , •oil to the last and highest b'.illc- a: public auction, for ouh. the follow ing described tract of land lying a-u being in Barbecue township. Harnett Cc'Urty, and bounded aa follow*: Beginning at a gum on tho bank of Upper Little kivar and runs thence S. 8 W. 13.40 chains to a stake; thouee S. 1 E. 11.67 chains to a ctaks; then W. '22 chains to a stake; then K. 6 E. 80.40 chains to a stake; then N. 78 E. 88.50 chains to the begin ring, containing 50 acres more or loos. This land waa under order of tho court io this causa, on Oct. 7th., 1913, and said sale was not confirmod by I ha court because of tho Insufficiency of tho price bid, and this sale is made under order of the court for a resale. Place of sale.—Courthouse door, MUingtoc, N. C. Time of sale.—Monday, Januarv Gth., 1919, at 12 o'clock M. Term* of ealo—Cash. This December 6th., 1918. J. A. McLEOD. Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF MUNICIPAL BONDS. Sealed proposals will be received by th« Board of Commiwiontn of tho Town of l-llllngton. North Carolina, until Tueuday tha 84th day of Decem ber. 1918. at 8 o’clock P. M., for tho purchase of' tho following bond* of •aid municipality, via: 86,500.06 Funding Bonds, said Is sue consisting ot » bonds of 8600.00 each, and 8 bond* 0f 1250.00 each, dated December 16, 1918, due and payable 1500.00 on Dec. 15, 1920, ard 8750 00 on Dwetnber 13 in each years 1981 to 1*18 inclusive, and uuanng interest u uis rate of six per centum per annum, payable sami-an nuaUyboth principal and interest pay. abla at American Exchange National Bank in he Cit* of New York. SUte df,N*w York, In geld cnia of tbs Unl tod States of America, of the present standard of weight and fiaenms. 83,000.00 Water Supply Bonds, X™, consisting of « bonds of 8SOO.OO each, dated December 16, J»18, due and payable $500.00 on December 15 In each of tha yean 1020 to 1925 inclusive and boaring interest at the rats af six per centum per annumpsyablesemi-annuany both principal and interest payable at the American Kxchaitea National Bank in VoerVC,ity “LN” i ' *•»« ot New York, in gold cow ofths United autes °» of *ha present standard "f weight and fineness ■** h« uncondUion sl and all bidders mast deposit with the Troasurer „f said town before *Mhln* their hid. or .present with their bids, a certified chock drawn to the order of said Treasurer upon an In corporated bank or trust company, or a sum of money for and in an amount equal to two per centom of the fata amount of bonds bM far, to saws tha musictpslity agi‘ ing from the fi Wjddar .. s.vt kccrusd int .c right'll wseived to rsioct ani all bids. fy order of the ird of C oral nu ll .iicrb. . 1. B. BA3CETT Msvor. N. McLAUCHMN, Clerk lil'inglon, North Carolina, Iiccember 3, 1018. PEOPLE DO NOT CET INFLUEN ZA FROM THE IICK. It it established on good authority that since Septsenber fmt op to date wc have had 350.000 eases of inflnon xa in North Carolina, and that 250r 000 of thoao cases wars contracted from well people. TWa Is moie than twice as many aa wore contracted from Sick people. We all know that one is much more liabl* to bo bitten by s snake hidden in the grms than by one in the op«a whore R can bo aeon. The earns reasoning la true with many diseases. One is not so !«ablo to get influensa, scarlet fever, 1 whooping cough, measles, diphtheria, and many other dtoeaace from sick people as from wall people who carry «ho disease germs In their mouths. When the news gate circulated a has a contagious disease, moat people got afraid and stay away from him. IT*e few people who do go to tea him usually wash their hands snd Me mhor precautions before leaving the >ick room. Sick people are confined to a very limited area and come In contact with vary few people, and therefore they can’t spread disease very widely. But Hstanl the fellow who gats the diseaae is Infested from one to several days before ho comes down. Between the time bo gets the diaenne germs in Ma mouth and the time ha gets nek la tho moat doager oua period. During this time the in fected pence, rot suspecting how dangerous ha a, goes into crowds at theatres, dancee, moving picture onthestrei, dances, moving picture •hows, on railroad can, and In other Pu“b ^L?*"***’ *nd ‘her* ha scatters to« nwRM germs. Paopla should know these facta, and they should also know that many persona carry the disease germs in thetr months who never ha vs tho di *"«. People must shear* ho on Board If they hop# to provont get ting hnd spreading dtaausaa. They she aid always use saparata drinking P'fie-dishes, and tesuXTor kava them boiled before using them after an ‘inssr,. ??§: In analysing the requirements fee the prevention of dimaeas, the math ^?-^ryr. th”,,r.t^ee *►»" «a hSt itivah. I Imorf all rasas af __ > cugh 1?—% diphtheria. ,4 Aaat. Callaherating ' Ta hddb Thai, Own C*_n It Is astonishing haw mush wo ••bee la being talked by these who . •ogkt so know hotter about tho | "great problem" involved In the eo ewllcd Industrial and eo-cial assimila tion of the bovs In the army and navy who are aow beginniog to come back. And as they romo bock, with delight over their home-coming written all over their faces and expressed exu berantly in their words, it it very sp oore'it that th* rcconstructore in . ongrem and out of it, who have can beating up this great problem •alo n whirlwind of mcnecing poasi bllitiea, have really been beating the thin air, utterly a great deal of hot aid and absolutely arguing without. For out* thine, could tnythiiu be their boat, th* boy* themselves. For ana thing, could anything b* morn ridiculous or more foolish h»*q the suggestion that because a young man has been in the serviee of Code Sam for a year or *o. having willing ly B<»en up all those things of which he was part in this country, when be returns he is so metamorphosed a human belong that he needs to be coddled, mollycoddled and. among other things, sent into strange por tions of the South nod Southwest to take up arid and other wild land mc to do those things for which he has neither tnete. liking, experience nor dew re. But this sug gestion, made by nfTldala of the gov ernment and other*. •• tupposed to be taken seriously by all of ua, and particularly by the soldiers and mXl. ore who are returning to civilian life; and everybody It asked to get very much excited over the lnuo of th* arid Land*) and Jilt* opportuni tics always enmewhere else than the fkmtliar borne end to urge this eola tion on all the boys. W.n as those who have already com* back settled down Into their old home circle*, their old tociel. professional and industrial life, it it very plain that th* most significant thing* la that they mean to paddle thoir own canoe. Thle nttituds is the ono that every one endowed with common sente would expect. For it is against the known facts of human experience, the known attitude of Hie men. to think that A, B. and C. be cause of a brief military experience. ilv, friends, old huiinvsv and profts st« rial reUtlonih.o and start life somewhere. And for whut rea * • '• Of fours*, when it .nmm to those whose com OJT back d:ee pre sort a problem—and them wil! be some.—Mr. Henry W. Teft, in an ar ticle in the New York Tribuno. has made tt vary clear that Just os the local boards seted as neighborly ad Wscrs in retting the quotas for the army and navy, so tt should be the dnty of those local boards to handle the question of the return of the men In the service to their former duties. As he pots it, in dealing with the local boards wh«n w* were at war “rotfiatranu war# made to feel that It was their neighbors who were to determine whether they ought to be pot in the service of their country." And he holds that on the return of the men “the mutual feelings of friendship and confidence thus en gendered have naturally not ended with the departure of the men to the front, and upon their return will re vive with increased fervor and pride." Mr. Taft is unquestionably right sad there is much that the local beards can do. But after all, tha “peddla-your-own-canoe" idea is like ly to bs the guiding star of most of the crusaders. For, Indeed, one of gm^toa^summ^ spjtke o^mhig.ba<J^ “therman on thit'ihjp. ' We "have been out of touch with polities. —< “ •vsrything bat home, sinod we left America- Until ws get our bearing* and brush op on tfftln w* wont get very excited shout govern ment ownership, prohibition, Bryan forlW20 or say other iaus. This is the situation in a nutshell. If not too much intei-ferred with, the assimilation of the coys will taka on such a natural and simple character that nobody will know anything Is koine on or any great and grave prob lem is being solved. And this is si It should be. So let the meddler* and ,hesp hands off!—Philadel phia Public Ledger. HOW DOCTORS TREAT COLDS AND GRIPPE. . physician or druggist and *** wl® tell yos that the best and only effective remedy fer a bad cold, sore throat influents or la grippe is what he calls "a brisk calomel purge," which meant a big dote of calomel at bed time. But as the old stylo calo mel hat some very unpleasant and dlffHMPrina rinalUia. .L_I .I_ a ' druggists ars now recommending the improved naueeelem celomol, celled “Celotsbe” which U purified end re uzMd from tbs sickening and danvar oue effects end whose medicinal vtr | tues aro vastlv Improved. I Ono Calotan oa the tongne at bed I In 7?U * ■w*Ilow of water—that’s ! i.'K.ii® “H*' noosea nor the sllghtost interference with your diet, pleasures or work. Next morning your cold ha* vanished and your en tire, rate* ia purified and ref reshod. Calotaba are sold oaly in original scaled packages, price thlrty-ftve eta. Your druggist guarantees Calotaba by refunding the price If you aro not da looted.—Adv. Dr. Htmta Harm# M«oUomiL Wo have heard the name of Dr. Herman H. Horn* mentioned hi con naction with tha presidency of the University of North Carolina. Dr. Homo is an alumnus of ths UnWor *[^1 and ia a man of broad scholar* ship, and commanding ability He la now prsfaaeor of the School of Peda gogy in tbo New York University, and also dean of the Unlvsralty. He is the author of several Important tast-boalm on education. We should Ilka vary much to sas this North Car olinian who has won distinction In othor States placed at the had of our ***** nstversrty We believe be would AD the position admirably— Biblical Recorder ANSWER THE CALL. A eold, a strata, a sudden wrench, AHttlejause mae kart the kidneys balls of backoffs sfieri follow. Y* ***** jwWfianty of the urine. A splendid remedy for such attacks. A mediclne that haa satisfied thou-1 *» Pills, a special | kidney remedy Many Dunn people rely an It, Hesw to Dunn proof Mrs. Frank Baby, MO N. Clinton A vs., eaysi-- “I euffsred for a lot* Krae with my kidney. My bach ra • •o L»me and aore. I eonld hardly get ■£.7h*n * wmi down. Dirjy, nervosa ■pous were a common occurrtnea end orten colored specks would float be fore my cyea, blurring my siffht. I bcpn using Doan's Kidney Pills and before Ion*, they had mo feeling Lika *y<eurod"mo/’,°B' IW' •* *11 dealen. Don’t *«np.y aak for a kidney remedy_ *•» I>oan’« Kidney Pill.—tie umi k“* r™' Foiter-MU bom. Co., Mfga., Buffalo, N. Y. "I hope to sec my Pilot face to foee. When I have crossed the bor.” __ —Tennyson. "Childhood (hovri the man, A* morning shows th* day." —Milton. t,yanMPgagHmi»Wmmmilllllllltllllllirillllilllimmimiiii-mn;»niiiiinii||fr Comody — Pathos — Tear* — Laughter METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE, I Night, SATURDAY, Dec 14. ROBERT SHERMAN Presents The Drsunatic Sensation of the Season The Girl Without A Chance. A PLAY FOR THE MOTHERS A Model and Fearless Plea for the Betterment of Yoong Girls Who Are Without Parents and Homes A SOUL-STIRRING EPISODE PRICES* 50, 75, $1.00 Seat* now selling at McKay’s Pharmacy RED CROSS FAMILY REMEDIES. ... Many able Chemists and Doctors were railed Into service in perfecting this Una of Bed Cross Remedies. Thia la an ace of Specialiata, and while one may have distinguished achievements to his credit in one particular line, another is excelUne In somethin* else. That vcTy thin* makes it poa-ibic for u. to have a Red Cross Komedy for each ailment, and enables ua to uive t-ue consumer more ta»n w* promne or chirft for. Each formula Is compounded with as much care and practsion as if our entiK success depended upon that ona Ramcdy. That’s why NEUROTONE r*P*U?.Jlk*tUT*d Cross 8TONE ROOT and BUCHU puts your kidneys In a normal and Hralthy condition. H Bad Croaa Ramadtaa are not Patent Medicines. The formula is nrint sd on each carton hi plain En*li»h, to that you know what they irr com SdmH,s°nd‘Toill^fti™JSl,t*kln*- #0* V,“indTr'1 **•<! Cross Rem •<!••• »nd Toilot rrvpvraUona in void vnd Ku*r»nt«©d only by. WILSON A LEE, Dunn, N. C. 1IVER DIDNT ACT DIGESTION WAS BAD hjif5 year OU htakj My, Who Tab How Sha Waa RafiarW AM • Few Dm of BhcbDm^k. * w ■Mlilfllflltb Ky, fit. Qyuthla Hlulnbofhaii. of thu town, mya: "At jar ega. Which k M. the llrw doee “* act ao well u when young A tew yMra ago, my stomach waa all ant of Qa. t waa eonatlpeted. my liver dldnteet My dlggstioo waa bad. and It took ao little to upeet at Hyiy patlte wea gone. I waa vary weak... I decided I would give Black Dreoght a thorough trial aa I knew It waa highly reeomm ended for thia tronWa- I beau Ulna U. I fdt better efter a few doeee. My appetite Improved end I become atrooger. My bowela aeted notorally and the rt CyooMe waa eoon righted with a tow -—» tf ihi* nimmM i . Sersnty years of successful am'him ^ ' mads Thedford's Black-Drstxht a standard, household rwnady. Urmrr member, of every family, at «■«"— need the help that Blaek Draogbt can «**• *® cleansing the system and ^ llarlng the troubles that from constipation, tndigeeticsi, buy ]fvm>, eta Ton cannot koep veil uniats your stomach. Urer and bosrala are tn rad working order. Keep them that way. Try Black-Draught It acta promptly, gently and In a natural way. If yon feel elugglafc, take a deaa tonight Tou will fml fresh tomorrow. Prim tha s package One cent a* dme All draggled, j gg • • I BUT DON'T WORRY ABOUT THE PAST. The Important time Is TODAY_NOW. BEGIN RIGHT. COME WITH US. ■purred on by a new determination to save and next year the record will be all in your favor. START YOUR ACCOUNT HERE with only fJ.00 If you wl«h—but START It One day a delay may lengthen into year*

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