THE DUNN DISPATCH April Ht, 1914. It Ik· yoot rile· X. C. aritf Ik· aot «I t, im A TMOUGKT rod THE «UIL ™ ewriuri iflrttwall things. With m nation, m lAk tto iadtridmah «ho wVi vp Ht· itUea (•23ideB?U'li?tlLMfeee5S2?t1 b^ luTlf. '°Ttot !. TMUd and wtna Ou waatod. whkN k «pent im dHImt htts toon HmadJ Am (king· which mjwKr w«rrfj to tto bInmm of tk· My o»d te pmm tast NM only M w«»lth Up. «B WHtmki —■ blÎM u rn found·· t-on »oat to raiaed ui» «troetnr» of tto lofty H«kt ef tk· nirit, if tkk cattm k to property ίαΜΠ Ka gr«ol -1— "* - arcowrpthk iOUa*. f· and Mn. Tk) — — tody ara cood; tha J·"*·. ·* tto iatoOact totter: bel Vet of aB an thine* of tto aool; foi I_ ak. .«I · a · ■· . . . . '» tto nUn. aa la tto indlTidoal. la tto kmc ran Κ ia character that court* Lot aa, ttorafiin. aa a peo ple aot oar facoa mohtdx aninai "Il «ed with brood charity with kind Hmm B»d food will toward all Mon, w» oelttBchfoc doteoriaaUoa ta *»Ηβ down tto wroa*, strir* with aT tto «troactk ttot ia firon as fot ^and privât* AN HEftOIC LITTLE SISTER. The crack! cntk! crack I af rifle· «he torrilad ahriek of women, ahoati that mri Kk· Dm criée of wild beasta — . for a Uttta girt of ate «ho ha a*apt^|iatafnlly all 4^^^ L· lT—^ Hi* Mvvvtn Cwo iBtff coBiorwn Mnad on tba mad floor of her hoae. laby hatha» ana coddled within he· an·, hi* curly haal tacttd udn ha chin; father aaatchad hi» ap pâÔtd Mar iliag aa ho raa oat tKr»u*ti the 1em doorway of tha dark hot, whoa wether dnmd tha two oldo* cbOdroa alaa* wi3i either hand Daw· tha moo a tain'aid* g»7 fled with al tha ether iohahitaaU of the otd aea. for «ν tha narrow allejr ware charging flerea-faced tnrhaaad Ky* a ad tad fasaad aaliUaaa af tha saltan *■ aiaaj tha vary amy lata which tba tant aaa af tha ragiea had bean drafted aaatk before. ■Cllil crack I aad ban aad there ai waaaaa ar hay etaaaarail and fall. Crack I and father fib and hty quite at®; baby brother throwa haedînn«. bagaa ta cry. Hater with liawiailem •«tel lu in «nU fall "ΛΛΙ ■feht be, tWi vmU dnnb to fact aad »ij |ir oa with kir pn wdn tm mt dawa tk*y fell Mm 4*oi ·( aa American Her· tfcay tn» hanger. too *nk to haoeh M the <Uor. aatfl the Ble ed the hiaii ttusd tti·. ami la, kaiM, M, warned aaa ■otaarad tlm, while bar chll 4m petty baby brother to tMt haert'e caatent aad Maad km> "wafer" became ha waa. A few waaka later tkay kad ta flaa free tka ertjr taa aal fart· ital» wHk tkoa aad raV tka Britteh hara ai Ain a >n ekildren wkaaa ι heeebeea araatar tka· tka nfwt a* "Wafer* and Ma karate little ! ter for they ham and burning dae . rehed with thiret, _ . tartar af their cruel ' (MM. They hara aeaa tkalr and brother· aad afta» 1 " or left te hr the wayatto. Mow, oat οt reach M Mm Tarin, they are aafe fréta beiu lulled, bat they arc kwncary aad h aad aacewfortod. Won't yea M» ta feed aad clothe and ehel tar theee ( terri»·, forlorn little waif a? Set this iWl—t IhuI no ifmMt •ilk tt» tHM te »*nMaa· Ike purchase ί*^·1 »'·. ·Ρ®^Λ< prie· after the of hoetUStlea, ud ae a re sult tlM7 art mew baying tS«Lr «hoot trom Aipittu ud Aoatralia. where Il (M be imnhmil M little ΜΠ Iktn half the prie· which the !>mat re cctves for Η in America. The wheat of the AmntiM nul Artnlh. while produced in pUntoous supply. «η not available duriag «be wmr h»L»ua« of Um iMk ef (kipping, bat the moment , Um armistice wu signed Cng Isnd pad ! fnac« sent skip· poat kaate ta thoo· countries to Muff back cargoes of wheat, and now are taking from the United State· only the qaantity Bead ed above tkat which they can secure (re· the South. Thai the Uikad State·, loyal food purveyor to a stricken world, ta left "holdlac Um bac." Hrr word hai been paaeod to Ike producers of wheat at ho·», and Η moat be kept. Con tracta far iteel, coal, transport, moni tion·, clotkiag aad many other Items required by the war hare bees con cealed by a stroke ef tke pen, bat to .date there baa ce·» no propoaala to cancel tke ammnt made with tke agricultural Interests, nor haa there been aay propoeala from the latter to comproadee tke agreement- Instead the nation mast pay either by tke plan ef buying at tke go reniaient price and eelHm at tke market prie·, tkus reducing the coat ef Bring mata, rially, or permitting tke government price to rale her· aad tbna lustaining the price of Coar, bread and otker important necesaary items of living, la tke end tke poblic must pay. The farmer most hare his prie·. Par be it far the government of tk· United State· to stoop to a policy of repudiation Its words la as good as ts engraved hood. But one cannot refrain from peculating why one overnment contract is subject to can cellation and adjustment ' while an other meet be carried oat to tk· let ter.—Wsshine-ton P«« THE UNITED STATE»—A GOING CONCERN. Weahingtoa Pott There li a ntnlu unwliiti· In the public mla4 ta ϋκ DlM State* which la menifoatiag iteelf In varioua ways. The war haa ahaken Mirilt· ak eat of their farmer eaey habita of IUiUii—«r not thinking —and the icquiaition of knowladga la proving acutely painful to many kind· of brain·. Soma of thorn are equal to tho etruia of aboorhlnc troth. They art rominfr aour, paawmiatk or hot «heviat, according to tho tempera ment of the individual Osa type of ■aiad that wcoi to bo tncrnaaing in numhen la that which would throw iway all the nod that haa bee· ac )tured through a century af effort, :e emhraca notion» that cannot atand ta· mlantaa of qoiet analr·!·. Thia xlnd of hair-trigger American ia re ruling now ia die chaotic etate of af fair·. hoping to aee a complete over turn la which he will atand ar chance I of grabbing acta advantage which he cannot hop· to acquire la boneot < com petition with lia foliota. ,Î-WWT*·. do·· not lie the ahal low-pa ted or the merely «mrtoo UtaOaets. Soma of the etrong J* beahiae· men in the country are MafioK aa though their bralna had dawttod them. Inatead of eoecen iratiag upon the new problema that " quietly eonfi r4>uâj«h «ad I la win acta. Other· hn Jim» Into their «1>«Da nfubf to loo··· th«lr minât or their pocketbooks for the mko of keeping the wheel· torn inc. They ticuM Uùa turtle IUm Hlll «r by aaeertlng that "ne «m know· what te coming." «ad "w· sut wsit to ace what the peace conference win do," or linilu nonseaae. Of course, m ΟΜ knowm what ta roming. Bat ta lt i· not presumably that the richest, itroageft, mo*t toi rent, mut active and meet Indepen dently-placed nation la the world will -ontinae on the map? Surely that '» net a violent aeeumptioa, although. itrlctW «peaking, it Is no more capa ble of denonatntio· than any other fut»· propoaition. It li sufficient, However. for the ordinary Amencaa if ha wiB bat «top to think that he aad his fate an bound up Id the fate of the co an try. If the United Mates te to go down, the average American would inet aa soon go down with it; aad if the United State· I· to go for ward the avencs cKtsen Is Mtiifted to ge along, rather than leek h is for tune In other countries. The hanks an bulging with monev. The people of the country an rich. Their wwMwnt borrowed billions, bat M bo ι ru wed from the people who have recovered meat af the money la hi·!«ma aad at the tame time hold the bond·, which an drawing inter ret. The bankers of the country an rautloua—a gaad trait In bankers. If t does not degenerate lato men ihecptsh timidity. Weald It net be well for tho Bankers ta asamlne '.hemerlvea sad the cous try and ask whether they an not a bit too cao •Jooe for the heat iatereet of all «on seraedt Doea the United Btatee de pend aeon the peace conference after all Τ η it aot rather a fact that the Ualted States has been held baek toe leag In Ita no nasi deeacstlc develop ment until It la toe crimped? The IΜ,ΟΜ,ΟΟΟ Individual· of tMa coun try want more raltread·, more build lags. man fana·, mon gardena, men of everything that brtiyp comfort. Mat the people ban what A^wut when CUy have the atoaey wiw ail ana rmKi to Um atmii|tl of Λ4 Uto Oinaaa mpjn, It ·ιι·ι to η Um* an? AbnInh ara tan Mdhur to· «acll to tka ptamim at Km «mm wkni tlt«7 ara tfnM to (· farwart <■ batoaiai of m MIM wnèMtt Ar» Dur afraid that C«mMF wdl toat back an4 •tori tMkir «art Nat a afcaaaal Mar «fl aarMy 4m (toit · war that aaa4 fciMiir Um Uwtod Ma to· TWa aridity, tifw natWa to aaffa* •f naw fraa natbia* «ara tku · fafca atoto ef aM oa lb· part af Ma ••a paayla. ι hay to*· baaa toatoi aa4 ara aaaaajr.- Lat tWai tB Wla« aa4 ito» «4U aarxtr· Éat (to >M Uattad MaUa to Mart, Wm ae4 rWar^tto» ^a^. «M» gÉB tog It ha·» aa4 abnml iKaa arar tof«ra. ι Ito rletanr af ttoitr 4M aat toil UH'W· MMVBl OTVfTWi Win·!/ I *nbM G a—a ay. Tba fraa aa Jaaa «fl «H* aa · battar autol >M Cinaaay avar 4ri—if af ftr a*. AM Mm* Aftoia* ml lo 4a ST'aS f-'""t?'j-Î*a!r aa·*. Mwaar away Itotr a all y rrar ha aaaaa liafinan aa4 *a aallla· MM af faratpi julliai. ral ay Automobiles, y Braender Tires • / Willard and Exide Batteries Pianos and Phonographs BETHLEHEM TRUCKS We have the Famous Bethlehem Trucks in Stock from 1 1-2 tons to 2 1-2 tons, also HAYNES, DAVIS and DIXIE Automobiles The Braender Tires for all cars. Guaranteed to give satisfacti on and adjustments made here. CALLED HER FAMILY x - TO HER BEDSIDE 3h Twi Af·, Tlhkfac 9k Kite Dfe, S«7.T«»Mr. telWw 9m b * Wtfl, Stonf Wmmm mi Mm C*M Far ■»T— City, Ttt-Hn. Mary Kll BM. ·< tu· slMft. an; "Alter a»· btftk * *T UttU gtrl...n>y a^· eom ■nrf to tart m. I had to ι -I wtU tta ml—ry >. ..I η ta M for tknt Booths ul wgmd iooh acony that X «U Jut drawn bp la a knot. I tall my husband it h» «nM pt as · bottU of Oardnl I would try H. I eaaannoad takla· lfc>taw«*tr. that natal I called taj faifty' abeat as·... tor t tot* I eould not last I tad a cfaan·· tor Ο· batter. That «h «s rmn •ad I as atm km u4 tm · «ail aUoac wxa&A, aaâ I rw· *17 Ut· te Cardai. I had MBj tekaa taUf Ote Mttnrf rtett M Ute tka O^M •uOl I had tâktal ttm kattlaa aad ■ 1U aot aaad ur non ter I «m «d and nrrw telt batter ta my Ute... I kin unr had anj tnabte traa that d*r to thli." De ran aoffaa fr—t h—«ad» a. haate aefca, palaa te alita, ar aliar tiwi· forte, uh noctfc? Or 4a jw teal waak. iiainM and tint ait Τ U aa, ■Ira Cartel, tha «taaat teste. · trteL j. η «m Who's Doing * A /Your Plumbing? \ "l OUGHT TO BE" 1 have opened a shop in DUNJvI and am prepared to take care of any kind of work in the plumbing and heating line. Send me your order and I'll soon be on the k · job. Ν , hot air heating pipeless furnaces. Now^is the time to get your estimate for W. C. KANOY, Dunn, N.C. i Opposite Poetoffice Phone 263 THF. GOAL OF DEMOCACY. TV· ftnrchlicht, W· raalljr ballaae thai foil drmo rrwry cannot rid t· the fall MfkU of lU gpptTtanhiaa antil tkara coma· t tewntf af labor un) h» a «at tall, •kkt a>M m hand in hand with IIm tpraad of Ckriatiaa elviHaatfaa «Met aateiat dar will ka aujt paaalkla irkae tka «Μ la tka "epfar nw" α Franca akaU ha va baaa ctiidtM, »nd aar ffitl PraaWaaC «ko la tka laaihtant Ifirt la tka·* IHWiM i^afl dwkra ta tka war Id tkat "all m ara fraa" aaduaid kr tka It Craa *r wttk aartala auairvn rWkta, ate. rka traa nNm af aM world ΝβΟ Waa aay ka fiaad In ika man praad af CkrMJaa Iraialnc, — Otaa ra4«d In tka Ufa and lwill»iat af nfit Lata, tka laada* af praaaat day «ta» L|l^ M Ira* Ika walti af · fraa* CkrUtaal LkaaaaM tka i»iiCi af anUtaT \w9tef and tkat enttfilWIad leedtf ■ Μ» at tka MM tafia af tka aHU.1 lis UMBliwf la— —4 twrf ■n r.. .XX IW^MJ JIM..— JJU I qualification· have htm shaped and ennobled by that bliss· J «Id book, the Bible, «kick ha· Wmm the sheet of nil that to rlerieoa la American man hood If Om ship af State ot tkia nation la ta ba raided securely and «afely tfcreagk Ita litlra Itapnto oua billows and aapi aaaa of aaktta prpMwai. graft tad wklrlpoola of eto «aldsd hadmhlf, aaralj aba wat mer* and am Md open Mm eternal rock of tratk and rlgkiooesneee to all •laaaee and tdndtttoaa. Without tka aoldlnf and «oaMvocthra laffaeaee of tLI. IJ. · 11- »·-. — — «-a · » » » tktofSl· Wk, Um MUml to dsatlaed to Mid opoo- the qatekT sande of racial strife ud Mlad toack CHARM OF THE^WELL-KNOWN Bsary Cabot Ladga. I» Scrlkner'a. Raam'i solfla*·? kaaiaaja* "To be or aot te ha" la arokakly aa faaall !·* ** »|J» N»*Me fa* a ay word, aot fc»" 'ttopyWa '·*«·" ■·* la Mm Rlkla to ka. aad kaa Mrtalaly kaaa declaimed aad raattod aftanat tkaa aay etkera, fx· tka boy at Mfeaal to tka mat actor aa «ka sto#e. Haa ka tower, ha akflaaoaky, Ito daw ftoea of a« taiafiaattaa, kaaa *iwl) la aay ι deer·» Impaired? Where could ODI turn mort rarely at the chown mo [ment for a noble quotation? Airain j no I In·· in Shakespeare ar· probable [more mhirMll; familiar than Por .tla"» speech, beginning "Th· qualit) of mercy α not (trained." Hu um I at ail laaaened Ha axquiaiU beauty? Deaeend Lb the scale of froiut Life Worlfa on th· rren of th· battit upon the Plains of Abraham, boys ■« girl*, men and wom«n hav« bean r» pelting for more than a twtui tki "Klify in a Country Churchyard." Il might be deeertbed in tbe word· el the yousg man, overheard by Mrs Κ érable at th· theatre, who remarket of "Hamlet" that "it teemed to h made up of quotation·." Doea al this familiarity in any way effort ita beautiea, tbe charm of the verae, th< perfection In the choice of word· the aoft twiligfcr of the picture and taa^hongbta? Ttere is but on· po» NOTICE Having- qualified aa executors ol the eetate of 8. C. Neighbor·, de ceased, late of Haraatt County, North Carolina, thia is to notify all pereons having claims agalnat utc rotate o1 •aid daeeafted to prevent them to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of February 1920, or thia notice will be pleaded is bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to Mid estate will pleaae make Immédiat· payment. This February 6th. 1919. J. 8. NEIGHBORS, Ε D. NEIGHBORS, E. F Young, Attorney. Executor· of tbe eatat· of 8. C. Neighbor·. iiiXCO-iiohi Γ Tfc· KUrtrU Uaki m* Fewer MM) ./ Operate· a vacuum cleaner—ϋ>· modern and sanitary fray to twacp. B. J. HUDSON. DmWt, run η. N. C. THE MOMENTUM OT THRIFT. Picture a powerful ship—ai large aa roar imagination can conceive without atntchlni it rat of propor tion—a diip stalwart, maaatra, majw tk. In your mind watch this ship from ti« dan of ft rit coastruction the laying of tha keel, the lnwrring of th* enormous beams and plptae, the rmttla of a thousand riveter», rwarrna of artlata, artisan· and me chanics «limbing arar it lUca beea over a |lnt honayeomb, until hi your miad'e «y» you oan aaa tb· great task cooplatad : * Aaa bearing the word "Sac Bitty in golden btten floating St th· bar* and another cuv hlason.d "Thrift'· ai tha masthead. Yob n· this ship a* the dock in · put harbor with a toweriag aky Hna aa a bMkpvasii a powerful creation of mas baih to withstand tha shocks of all agea The thunder ing baas af bar wMatle sands vibra tions through you as tha roaring rvoleaio and as tha huge Mlk raovee away slowly, alasaat Imperceptibly, r ou, aa a small specie an Ha wide dock, real it lacreaatag la Motion until it fleers into daap water and foreaa ■ head at tap speed. talpN tl TW» tn apprexiauWly §0.000, 100 boarfkoM.r· hi the United étataa ,e»«miiM«t. Tor a Urf, part they ir« iBTWtor· who hava not bwa κ· :qato»»d le aevin*. TW bonda they low hoM hav· been s uqutred by rtaady, M, eonacientinn· Jirl/t They hav· trt Um h«Wt. fhey iww hav· wirtti« Ika Mnr| u4 bafera. . They have a Main. U MM of Miw lb 1 they kt· JttAftOl# MvrCI Ο* rtTIBM. | >·»· learned bow ta la*· ud to he ka*a érUvn a rt»»t In tkaf farfal, —aaKa ihtp wht«l> la| at top ι, laMt it apUaiUt wvtaf I _ * TWak what H will maaa (a tha na ian hi · few year*. It win hare « I» baa Hay ea eret S3SL aMl Κ yea wflj be «aaMa ta Kaat, waetefol hah its even if yon wanted to. The result will be · nation of ■>»·», not enfy of money but of the thin** that m«an money, and before lone w« will hav« erected a monument to thrift that Benjamin Franklin In hia mnt opti oiiftir dreamt, never conceived. bi order to make war taiutht thrift and the praeti<e of inving a perma nent and cheerful habit in America, the government t* promoting a cam paign to encourage wise spending, in· tellifrcnt saving and iafe investment. The powerful fo/ce of the 30,000.000 bondholder» of the country it behind thia movement The object of thia moAment ia to encourage the public to continue to bur war mvlnn (tamp· and Liberty Honda to help the govern moot mete war eaponses and at the aaaie time »auin|e the ea tablnhment of a sound economic pro gram of thrift among the people in order to make the moat or th· era of prosperity. When thrift ia popo larliod and become· a happy, every day national babit we will have estab lished a national family rtablhty that will enable a* to cope with emergen ce! or take advantage of opportuni ty when It knocka at oar door. VieaaRse the moment απ of thia great thrift ahipt What can itop the economic pow er of · nation of savers 10,000.000 etrongT If you are an li*va*t<>r In thia great •raft yea have an interest in the graeteet economic organisation the world has ever known.— Rrlccted all ocrr or bouts. Ha* Aay Daaa Nmw F«U That Way? Feel aQ out ef sorts? Tired. Rio·. Irritable. Merveast Back feel lane and achy? Prrhipa if» tb« ftory of disordered kidney»— TUd blood circulating about; Urie acid poiaoning the body. There'· a w»r to \am right again. Stimulate Um iMwiak iddnvri; Do it with DaeViiltldnei Pin». Doan'a are φ<omaewWd ^y many Dunu paopU. f 1 Η err'a on· ira··. ' J. G. OattdLiOO W. *df«rion St., «•y»: "I «*(Γ«Λβ Tor a lone Um» Vnth my back and kldaoya. I Had lombago and my back waa to «ore and painfol I could J art about keep going. Wh»n I «tooped. I could hard-. ly «tralgMro op again and awful palna would catch ma in ray baek, My kid ney» acted irr«Kularly and tha aecr· tiona were «canty. I started nting Lioan'i Kidney Pilla, which I bought at Wtlaon A L*a'i Dru iter· tad they did m good from U· «tart. Be fore long, Dean'· cured ··." Prie· «Oc at all daalar». Doe't limply aak for a kidney raaady—gat Iloan » Kidney P1I1»—Uia asm· that Mr. Oattii hid- Foater-Mllburn Co., Mfga.. r.ofPalo, Ν. Y. Time »p«nt In laying a atrong foun da.ion tm a building I» «et lott tie· n«r la tin·· that 1* «petit I· building up a «trrrg body.—Forward CLOCKS TO BK SET FOB WARD ■ In accordait·· wltfc Mm prertaion· of h· L)»7!*h« Having Act, »lf»ad by !*re«!dert TVIWon »» March 1·. 1*18, and·? which t» to ordered that "at t o'clock ant· iMrtdian of thd laat Au», day la Ma η h »f »««h y«ar. th· (tend ard «I·· of ttch «on· «tO h· ad vanced on· hour" th· tlnl· tknuk m( the United Btet* •OktiK fir ward en» haar en Monday, Marek 90. neat ANNOUNCEMENT! 1 wUh to announce to the pubHc that I have open ed a Vulcanizing Plant at 117 N. Wilson Avenue op posite J. W. Thornton's Garage, where I wtll be pleased to serve you. Will also carry In stock a complete line of Auto Accessories, Gasoline and Oils, and will do car paint ing. Our work is guaranteed ot be satisfactory and ■we will take pleasure In pleasing you. GIVE US A CALL STEAM VULCANIZING WORKS J. P. BUTLER. Manager. DID you ever think about teaching that boy of your· to be self reliant and provident for hit future? Did you ever think wbat a help it would bave bean to you if your parents bad started you early with a bank account? * * \ Early training in the care of hi» own fund· will equip him better to succeed in life than the gift of a fortune at maturity. AN ACCOUNT HERE WILL BE A STEP IN THE v RIGHT DIRECTION. Dr. Paul A. Stewart . Eye Sight Specialist Will open a permanent office in Dunn, on 4th floor First National Bank Building. \ ~ Ready For Work After Feb'y 15, Ί9 j >>>·<*

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