LAST CALL TAXES ι 4 I wtD be in Dunn TUESDAY, FEBRUARY lê, 1919 at the FIRST NATIONAL BANK For the ΟοοτβηΪΗΚβ of ThoM Who Hare Not Yst Paid Their Taxas. This la the last time 1 will he in Dunn, and thoae whoee taxes have not been paid should see me orTthe above dale. Immediately af ter Tuesday we will begin calling on you and cost of collecting will be added. Serine T^jp day if you want to save cost ' \ \ -—— , ,.r ^ W. H. TURUNGTON, Sheriff Harnett County. I» ■ 11», Pm— lit, la tka iflM tf mM ÏUttaar of Dm* n< Vr tMm of ■β£η dLd t'u tautejl thai Ik if oaidl of the «m ·· Km· ter. tho 1ΤΛ 4» of Pohraary. 1»1·. u ta «'clNtï at the Cwt^w Do·». 1» the Towa of LUUaatoa. aoH M Mkhe aacttoe. to «teUduat b ti tt pablie ucttM, to «la ! , ter. for wk, tho fottoarlaa I tract of Uni. ΙιιΚιΙ h Bin»» Contr. Stoto of Unit Γ laate of X.T" M to Mm Btaarh la X. L. m raaa aa tC. L· Howard ami i. I Ba*wirt Oao •.•14 W. tM· Γ ... μ·μμΜ< Hi nqalionmta of Chapter II. luteal of 190·. oattUod "OMymttnC ψη Hatinarr to the Mm of thbCortM thMofoM, I, J. Bryaa Orhaw, Iwrttârj of State of Noath * te horoby certify tel «ho foraUoo M, oa the tad tey of Jaa ItlMUo to ι «■M by a0 to te Hilati»a of «OÎ4 corporation •i#eaU Ik* aoata mr 1 Koritol of rtoe. -- 1M M·—." mValutr to Um I—ta» of IU C«&tta ·( How, tborofora, I, J. (>71· Oriaw, «mtoir «' Ikt I t ι < · of lotfk CrnllM do karafcy certify tkat te mM corporation did. on tho ?tk t> of JuMiy 191». fll» In my oftoo doly oxoeotod oad attMfd (omit ■ writing to tfc« dlathtiw qt aotd onortdt· ntculod by oil lk« atock ■Mot A—of. wk'.ek aid cooooet ad the rocord of l*o proceeding· a iwH ara bow oa ffla 1· My mid An a· Wiildit ky tow. la Toetieoey w ko roof, 1 kara horo • MW kaad aad dud mj oOotol Ml itbMfi Uii 7tk day of Ju» «y. A. Dill·. J BXYAN GKDUES. Bocrotary of tfPUCATIOM FOa PAJtDOM OF TONKT MATMOK Application will ko and· to Um 3ovornor of North CaroMaa for Um («rte of Toaoy Maynor, oonrletod it Um NmaUr torn of Um Ro : ardor'· Conrt of Honott Coaaty. UlUnctoa. N. C-, for tko «ri·» of ι Manlt and aootoneod to weril oa tKo road· of tbo Dm Bead Dttiiat for > toiM of aiao m«atk· AS porooao who oppooo tac of Mid pardon an iarttod toi (•«ward thai iptutMto to llu Gonra· w witkoat doioy. TWl tko lttk day of Fok. ltll. CLAMNCE I. SMITH. Don't wait until your cold develops Spanish Influenza or pneumonia. Kill it quick. Prefauiooil Cards κ. r. Toime AUHMftl-U* lut e*cr Goldatata bid*. Pi (mpt «ttwB· gin» Ih éiwh T. Κ PilDD TMMun η ' J. C. Clifford. it. CUFFOBD ft TOWNS Κ* Β ittnqMi Lw ·■ M floor of Πι it N«t loa·] Ink. Frompt «ttootio· to »Π JOHN A J WMimi DKNTtar U44-IT mi NdloHl hik No- SI ο ο · ι. ·. c. win ΛΤΤΟΒΜΚΥ AT LAV 1 M floor Ut Natl oui ■ïLMS FtmOn la «0 Couru n< FunuI oU BRO - MAL - ONE A HEADACHE R£ MEDY . f . with a perfect record. . For 25 yean Bro-Mal °me has been «old for sick nervous - periodical and neuralgic headache·; it has relieved thousands WITHOUT AN UN PLEASANT SYMP TOM. Bro-Mal-Gine is the only headache remedy sold in North Carolina that haa the endorsement of as re putable physicians as are to be found in the state. It gives splendid results when taken for thoee aches and pains which come· from the Grippe, and Colds. Its liquid—Its pleaeant— it does not depreee the heart· In lOo, 25c, 50c bottle· and at all Fountain·. Announcement Of Interest ' TO * Automobile Owners I with to announce to automobile owner· that I hare recently remodeled my garage building and made additional improvement*, affording me much more room for repair work and storage. I now hare an up-to-date garage and am better prepared than ever to give you the beat workmanship. I have a first claaa corps of mechanics who have had several years experience in the au tomobile business. 1 have also secured the services of Mr. Chri^Jacobs^an^o^the State's best mechank^Tw'^wÎUÎavroîm plete charge of thetoechanical department. There is no job too Complicated for US of Oils Gasoline Accessories If your car U not running properly, bring it to us and have it adjusted by a nun who know· his butine—. My garage is located on East Edgerton Street next to The Stephene-Howard Co. All work KOarmnt—d to gir· perfect —ti»· faction and the beat of attention is assured to ereryone.. I Grre os a trial and be convinced that it paya to have first-class mechanics do your work. ' Your» for Service, Black s Garage, DUNN, N. C. Turn to Nature's Way for Health Can Chiropractic help me ? " (This U th· pa thetic and even heart-rending Question that fairly voices the despair and sorrow of 111 and suffering ones everywhere who have searched In vain ror relief. Perhaps you are suffering—or you know of friands who are ailing—and are trying remedy after re medy with no results. To unr, Um record of Chiropractic proMots a saw Hop·. Th· rosslta Mcarod tvin hi stabborm mm of long standing ihow that while CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENT will not do the impossible, ft will· benefit even after other methods have often proved Tncapable of reaching the trouble. It ia sane, sensible and sufficient as a natural health method. It corrects the cause of dis ease and is in full accord with the law of man's being. TlnuaJi »r» UU| full rutmUu te Haallk Tkm|k Chiropractic Adjustment. If you tra mI well »mj w· mi yr«)iiil»ii. look ml· tli· wijwhil aw Health Ithain ç«*».dt«»i·· FREE at th. Om*·. OFFICE HOURS : 10 t» 11 ι. α.: 1 t« ( p. a. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNLSDaV of «Jch w· Dr. G. C. Eiliott, Chiropractor rr- SI, 43. S4 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Dunn, N. C. M.G Butler & Company We carry a complete line of heavy lAd fancy groceries. Also a full stock of feed stuff· of all kinds. Our stock is of the best and we will hare at all times anything to be found in a SANI TARY GROCERY STORE. by Butler Broth ers. We solicit a portion of your business and assure you of perfect satisfaction. M. C. BUTLER & CO. C. C. BUTLER, Manager. Sale of Personal Property I „ at Auction The undersigned will offer for tale to the highest bidder at the residence of the late S. C. Neighbor· on FRIDAY the 21st day of February, 1919 at 10 o'clock a. m., the following person al property: One 12-20 H. P. Avera Kerosene Engine. One smaller Avera Keroeene Engine. One Corbet Truck (nearly new). Three head of Oxen. Five head of Cattle. Several Log Trucks. Farming Utentfls of all kinds. One Saw Mill, Complete, Boiler and Engine, with all fixtures Ten (10) bead of Hogs and other personal property. Terms of sale: One-third caah and balance on 12 months thne with approved security, the deferred payments to bear interest at β per cent., on amounts over $200.00. Smallar amounts cash. J. 8. NEIGHBORS, E. D. NEIGHBORS, Executors of S. C. Neighbors. |E. F. YOUNG. Attorney. MONARCHIST* MOT BNDKO. Net all 0» kin*· ef the Mirth tn to go. Albert of la ilmdr >μηγ •ted mm the mat national bare. Η la SATTbJt· Victor famal of Italy, Wa foofkt «tU Ui pee·to, lafaml wtth kla ρ » of 11 tad wept wttk We paopU Ho m ami· la their heart*. Oaoraca of Oreet Britain haa ihown htaaaalf a patriot and aa lafMakaaa, and h la aiuwii la aaian. The Qaeen of Helhadrtli· ktav of DenatiV, Norway and lhn tkaaa rater* ara el titer tnu nmnti of their HOfb or they ■ " feet U«rr>ln* the Wn that in order to itUii · emra fa> thm èT» one mart ha a <»■ nil·!. ImtU lui Ii it u end. bot the bedUtfan ef klajphiiTwlll pnbiMjr continu» for a wtilU wimtrw th·*· are monarch· who har· th# lev· IMfjMÉMj of dt laen piiylw D«twl> flM hw. WHICH OH* DO YOU Ν S EOT Half ef nhw l« to tMtoff *ie drnlflcaac· ef Wttla thta*·. Sftnathy to * key that ftto A· took of aaj heart. Tha^jp. that Tto» to—» to tojtoa a Mrm fee da tie. fera haflSa ^ «or b thae that la «P a rtren* Mr