******* 4 *LOCAL* * * * » » * * * 1 . Prof. B. P. Gantry, of LIUlnirter waa a vilitor in Dun today. Judge CliroN J. Smith was i Rtlal|ti Wednesday on legal bualne· Mr. John W. Thornton returned t«i day from a boilnta* trip tu Chai lotto. Kalph Dowd a pent Saturday an Sanday with relative· tn Johnjto county. C. C. Butler returned Tmida nijrht from Goldaboro whan he vi< itad relatival. Marion A. I frlsnda fear he will not recover. He waa reported slljrhtly battar yesterday but la still in a critical condition. J. H. Baflaaer coatlnoea ill at his home on Worth kin* Avenue He ha* been c. nflaed · ι his room for about three sreeka. He la gradually iaoroving however, and his many frtanda In Dunn hope ha will !w on fc-wi r'irvwi ■»·»■· · ( ■ i«w ηυι r UBVB The Turlington school In Grove township hu cloeed fer the term .It ni suspended mtnl vmIu ago ob aosoont of tkt^hlMil* epid«r»w and' the sèhsëd ocfBhfe» ÂkumI lut l w-«k mot to τ»βρ»η this winter. The Λ «aiber» h·*· toft for their rsspsctrv· httîiw * k Mrs. lock Loo and UttI* son left Thursday for Raleigh, whir» they will spend * few days with Mr. Lee who holds a position there in the office of J. W. Balky. Later on Mrs Lee will go »o Hendsrsonville where the will spend several woolta with her mother. II. C. McNeill who haa conducted a grocery business on Eat Broad street for the past several yean, has •old hla stock of goods to B. Lewi* who will continue the busineea at the tart· stand. Mr. McNeill will re tire from butines» for th· present and will decide later what work he will engage In. Dr. Chaa. Hlghsmlth haa been given a monogram pin by the War Depart ment la rscsgnitisa of tee excellent work done bt him during the war. Dr. Highamith devoted moet of hi* » time to work on the Exemption Board and in voluntary work watte the war was in procréés and hie efforts were appreciated by the War Department. N. A. Towneend was called vo Washington. N. C. laat Tuesday night on accoont of the Illness of his son. N. A. Jr. Net Jr. was visiting in Washington with Mr·. Townsend when he was taken 111 with influen ts And was right sick for a day or two. He la much better, boirever, end Mr. Townsend returned to Dunn Thursday night. John N. Gregory, of Grove town ship, died Sunday in hi* ninety-fifth year. Hs was probably the oldest man In the county and was held in high esteem by s large nambsr of friends. He waa a successful farmer and had bosn s maso» for about fifty y sera. The burial took place Sunday afternoon, under the auspice· of the Maeoaie Lodge of which he was a memMr. He waa a member of the Free Will Baptist church and a con· » «te rated christian. He wil be mimed In hi» community. Meut. LsBoy Pridgen arrived In Dunn Tuesday anH It tru*nHinv the week with hla parant», Mr. and Mr*. D. L Pridgen. He ΓκιΙνκΙ hi* dU· ehttf· Monday «I Camp Gordon, At lanta, Cl, «n« left there nniaadVatel; for hit home in Dann. Just befor· I ravin r the unte· he raakhtj ι «•oomilaelor of first. Heta tenant and «ai Iraufomd (from tha Madteml Cera to the Dental Reaarve. T>r Prldgen hae decided to locate in Fay att«*ilU for tHa ρ rait ire of hla pro. ImW· and wtl opan hia oln th»r« mum time next week. Ralph Dowd, on· of Ue Dunn boyi who aaw aethre eerrtea in Franee la gandin· eeeeral weaka hare wltl Ma parant·, Mr. and Mr* D. J. Dowd Ma M>*w* Olive and Naylor and Meurt Warren and Bain. 9. The Baptiat ipirk toward other·, by Mr. Β. M. Brewer. 10. Denominational loyalty la not narrow» ea», by Mua CI eta Naylor II. Baptiat youn* people and church onion, by Mr. Robt, L. Denning. REV. SAMUEL HANFF DEADi FUNERAL THIJ AFTERNOON The funeral aervlcee of Bee. Sam uel M. Hanff, » foanar citizen of Hal· Nth, who died yaatarday in State ν TlQe, wÛJ toa ioiJwxT at « o'clock Ala afternoon from the Churchc *1 tae οοοα BMptiid OtanL Bwrtu wlQ b« In Ο«Vwood cemetery Mr. Hanff died at 8:80 o'clock yea tcrdsy morning ftt Dr. Lone'» nar.i Larium following an operation for appendicitis Hi· condition ha·) been critic·) (or several day» H· wii a native of Raleigh, son of Mr. and Mr*. A. M. Hanff. and wan S8 yean old. Mr. Hanff attended a pre paratory school in this city and was a graduate of the State College of Agriculture aod Engir.frring AfU-r securing hi· degree of bachelor of ccience and matter of arU, be wua a member of lite faculty of the Raleigh Male Aeadcmy, then cunductrd by Morion and Denton. He took up the «tody of miniatry later and graduated 1t<.m the Univer. eity of the South at Sewanee, Tenn., la 1906. He was ordained to the dea ■ onata and also to th* ministry in the Chareh of ibd Good Shepherd. Mr. HanfT «erred hit ftnt pastorate with the Episcopal church at [hike. Later, he served at Wadeeboro and at the time of hit death was rector of the Episcopal Church at Concord. Betide· hi» parcnta he ie (arrived by hit widow, formerly Miss Blanche Smith, of Scotland Neck· three chil drrn : Blanchi Baker, Samuel. Jr.. ind Isaac IIhII, and one »i»ur, Mre. J .H. Tfcylor. of this city Mr». Welter E. Brock, of Wade· boro, arrived in the city >estcrday to Attend the fanerai. -Thursday'· News and Observer. THE 8BHNWÊ IS ONE OF THF. nine great Mum. You pay more bat there isf a reason Aak Par rtj>W-Driver Co. WANTED ALOWCE ONE OK TWO blackamiths\ ùhr Implement worV Jno. A. McKay Mfg. Co. NOW 18 THE Έ1ΜΕ TO BUY YCKJ* farming implagtnj Only a lim ited supply oLjUnd. We handls ">e beat. Jotthon Bros. CO* SALE—MCE LOT OF BLACK apd brown WMMorwill pea*. Se» C. II. RkinnelrDunn, h}. C 2-t-pd ONLY A FEW PAMÎlIHC IMPI.F nenta left Uaii at ones mad (ei what you we win tell for cast or η time 1 ^member the Molln< line la tfce best NOTICE—9ΤΒΛΥΜ» Ο* STOLEN A boat Jtn. hour·! pui>ey abou 1 XMr old.t Wi^'lpiciW will l*rr« black «toot»./ Lon« Un an< y#lio» arountl ψ*Λ. Aniwfn ^ nam· ftf raid /.ikeral reward fo any lafomtUi »« to kl» wher* about». J. W Moor·, Punn, Ko x S, Bo* «I. l*-pd w. H. WAKKFIELO. , M D- Ol Charlotte, w|l b» InAjfin. Centra Hot.) P»rt«r Wednfaday fa*. I» Duka, D*. Holt'»Aflke, Τ h tirade] - - " " »on Hotel r»b. tO: Beifconybt Beneoo Hotel Friday Feb. Il/Th· Doctor Mm it hie practice » »e medical and iur (leal tmt«« of Ui« eye. «it neee and thriift diaea»e* and fttttni lUaact. Aek^oeri'wllr »li râtelai ■beat conaaltinf Dr. ViktlWU. i( row «ALE SEVEN PASSENCEI K»o. Toarln* car Car la lfti morl»| and I» in Koed rondilio* Will aell tof caeh er m time «> win trade for land. W*nt lirtit·.· car niMn for »*t)ln(t. S«« Ν Τ Altaian. Godwin. N. C. t-i * BUSINESS I.OC AL * * ******* FC ,·> SALE—LATEST MOOEL tourlnir ear iu uood eondi •n. Going at a bargain. See C. . inrr, punn, N". C. > ι. I OR SALE.—ONE FORD CAR. ■ laurnfar, In tfeod thmp*. 00 iach tirad, equlppW with now tin·. Ap ply ti> I. W yfrtl, bun nie» el, N. C. BEHNtNG PIANOS ARE CREATED to vxceil ïbey do That I* why the;· >irv Ibc mU of the "-owitry {jolii by t'aniih· Driver Γ·ι. TARM FOR RFNT.—ONE GOOD two-J.cr.i» form «boot two miles iront Dunn for rant. Good fl*e rnom houac and euthullHin*a. Pre fer renter witK'own mule·. AmiJy ' to Mr·. J F wood. Dona, M. C C. 2 t JIJJT RECEIVED A SOLID CAR of Ked Cedar ahinglet «ut at Van couver, British Columbia. Tbea* •tunelcs average from 4 to 16 inrhoi wide. No. 1 quality at I7.S0 per Utouaand See ua for Im tatdiato delivery. Butler Broa., Dana, N. C. 1· S C. LEGHORN EGGS FOR *2*0 poripaid. Lâi vr red turkey Knna *4.00 tnch. / Lacretia rark«r. Uuke. N. C./-0 &u FOR SALE -VOUROC J Ε R S Ε V Ι Ίοι-ί λοκ, î«4 »wit>· «Id. S«» mel if intrrc»tcJ. H. T. ΗικΙ,'ΐ-». i^unn. No. P. 4 ■WOOO FOR 5AJ.F.—CREEJM AMD dry board en'eW^«ANGE—HOUSE ί «>il Crock fur auto mobll/ or iLJ| furv ^ ^ * W. H. Par I SEE GEO. insurance id a % fliM dividend· « Try year an* ha· t<&IO yean? V>^TtAl miff Orpfriai Saliic V. tftât, uui< Ko. 0, Dunn, N. C. is-tpd. WtTRY Breed f ALE—Ρ U ton Egrc*. R F. Mr, Ο ISC IJnt Johnaan mora left. WE WILL T. that ait trade ,t bondk. CULTIVATORS, for Mia try en. Only a few xte u at onca. HERTY BONDS arod u oaah for ra. Brli| ■§ yea· ; Bradais, H. C. ' lotarMctloof ot^Toad and Cliotea street· Rnurnci lota aro litoa ted in deniable part of town. For further information tea R. L Godwin. OR SALE.-vl ΚΑVI SEVERAL I valuable fiAw for talc iq Harnett Conner, loeaWd la rood nd|U*r heoda, an ctxie road·, and rear good market* with good building·. Call or or a44rew. E. L. Godwin, Dunn. N. C. •UY YOUR .FARMING IMPLE menta now whll· they are available. ! They will be hard to got later o®. We ha η die IftyTamuua Molina Use, l1» beat an tke market. Johnson Qroa. -OR SALE—> NEARLY NEW 5*7 Camera. Make*-postcard picture» and grvop·. Will ael) complète outit at oncniAr $25. Wonii $50. L. 7. Writ, qpke. N. C. 1-t-pd. FOU SALE—FARM IN JOHNSTON County. i milt* southeast of flmithfield. on River Road from | Goldtbom to Smithfirld 51S acre·.' Half upland. Norfolk Sandy Loam.1 Ilalf river land, already enclosed and fenced, food for pa it arc ; tim ber, etc. Upljid fino for cotton, peanut· and inaareo. β room dwel ling, f> Tour aDom tenant hntinrei Mr. Robert /Johnson, R. f. D.. Smithfteld, liVei oi laml and will «how U> anyone Intoreited. ■Tamce H. Pou, Kalolgh. N. C. rwo FINP FARMS FOR SALE— Kim: While Oak Farm, below Clinton, β mile· notthweat of At kinron. This wat an old taWe place, which ha· gnne down «ome. Con tain· 900 acrm, an me if which i* a* r°o -Mil, Milted to the irrowlm of cotton, corn, tobacco and treck. I Hubllc road, daily nail Three arc I »Iim and eight year* to pay fer thcni. with (mall raah payment A chance for yo·. The·» farms ' are a long war from my home and I ean't took iftor tbrm For farth er Information t*4 J. G. Layt«n, t Dunn, N. C., Route Mo ». FOR «ALC-^A NUMBER OF TO. barco pe^'A hi good condition ,1 Bee* knotefcd ΑηΛ put np a ye«r. . Enough to bby/ large tobacco bar·. Pr'c* ÏM. Jjf» m« at oneo H. || T. Hodfe·. Runn, Ν η. 5 —l-t-pd. ', sîtVIRAL ÎMALL FARMS FOR «alo. W H. rarrt«h, Denn, H. C lIHIHintinillltHRMHtMIWIIIHRIIIllli PRICE ANNOUNCEMENT. The policy of the Ford Motor Company to sell its car· for the lowest possible price, consistent with dependable quality, is too well known to require comment. Therefore, because of present condi tions. there can be no change in the priceson Ford cars: Runabout $500 Touring Car ^ $525 Coupe $650 Sedan _.$775 Truck Chassis $550 These prices F. Ο. B.. Detroit. J J. W. THORNTON, Dunn. %nuiwrauuimfltHOiMHWHnajn ι Dear Sirs: I used Royster's Delta Tobacco Guano 8-3-2 last season at the rate of 1000 Jbs. per acre. 1 cultivated 4 acres in tobacco and madë 6940 pounds, which brought me $3,6^y 80 net ($922.70 per acre) - after deducting al warehouse charges. I am delighted with the re sult of your goods. · Yours very truly, A. P. ΒΟΒΒΓΓΤ Nashville, N. C. Jan. 16, 1919. R.F. D. No. 4.» tuai fS.K. RIWIÎIMO. Older Early and Avoid Disappointment F. S. Royster Guano Co. Norfolk, Va· Batinor·, Md. ToUdo, O. TarWo, N, C. Charlotte, N. C. biâ, S. C. Spartâaterf, S· C. AtlaïAa, Ga Marne, Ga· G a. Mwtimiiy, Ala. Ζ Surprise the Family Tonight Bake thorn seme criipy. tarty, golden-brown biscuit· mad· from OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Floor. Then wateh the way thorn goodies disappear—one, two. three, tarn—sad every one as good as the last. OCCO-NEE-CHEE \ Self-Rising Flour Ibkaa the Guess out of Baking and Γ With It you. can make the Mme appetizing blecuita, waAee, nraibas end cake· time after time. There*· no more gueeriag. It has mixed with it, in the exact proportion, the very beat baking powder, aoda and aait It'· economical heeaaaa it ■avea you the ooet of thaee three materials. .Buy a bag oi OOCO-NHE-CHÊB Self-Riaing Flour today^ Look fer the Indien Head on the hag. At all ι ¥mt* H ë* i AUSTIN-H EATON CO., Darka», N. C. ·« O' . »·- W, 4"Ί^ι^Τ«Μί "W · ψ-γ" ir sviAMjtmviU·* « °*jem ·Ψ TUB WILD CAT·. a. j **SlE^fc2?*w ^*2* "•■et» u. ■J rtwiwtirtJ IT iTtbL Carolima bejr» of if "' nw*tl» >f Bfj, Ir>