AM OVERWHELMING MAJORITY OF THE PEOPLE Of AMERICA ARE FOR LEAGUE, SAYS PRESIDENT WILSON THAT IS WHAT WIL SON WILL TELL PEO PLE ACROSS OCEAN H« Wont Com· Back Till It It Orer, O»·*· There HOPES IT WILL BE SOON Na Party Iiim toi Ne Party Will, In *V· Lm| Raa, Dara Op It Nat» Tot, March 4.—Présidant Wlteoc apoke before an audience bare toUght that completely filled the Ha MpeDttt open boute trfaflc thou •Anda trbc wlihed to bear the Preai dant apeak Id the league of nations on tbe nt of bis departure l|ihl for Europe, ware unable to (ala admit tance TSa Preaider* wee ftvcn an enthualastic reception. TEXT or ADPUU OF THE PRESIDENT IN NEW YO*K Prealdant Wilaon aald: "My fellow cillions, I accept tho intimation of the air jtiat played. 1 will net cone back till lu or ex, ever tbere' and yet I pray God, in the in· tereaU of peace ana of tbe world, that that may be aoon. "The ftrat thmx 1 am (olrif ta tall the people on the other aide af tha water, la that an overwhelming ma Jortty of the American people ia In faiar of the league of natiooa. I know that that ia true. I have had unatietakable intimations of It from afl parte of the co entry and tba voice nnf> true in every caae. I count ■ayaelf fortnrate to apeak here under the uaaaual circumstance of thla evealax 1 em happy to associais ay aelf with Mr. Τ aft In thla rraat cause. He baa displaced an elevation of view, and a devotion to public doty, whfc» ti beyond praiae "And I am the more happy becauaa thia maana that thia ia not a party laaue. No party has the right to ap propriate this iaaae, and no party will in the long run dara oppoae It. "We have listened to ao clear and admirable an explanation of many of '***- Qf th^ropoyd itMUK laiinni then by the confmncc· of the eommiaalon Mt up by the coafer wn of pttti to draw · covenant for the league of nation·. The repr« santativee of 14 nation* sat around that board—not young men, not men Inexperienced in the affair* of their own countrlaa, not bm inexperienced hi the politic· of the world; and the inspiring influence of every meeting «II the concurrence of purpose on the port of all thaae men to cotne to an agreement, and an effective working agreement with regard to this league of the civilised world. "There was a conviction in the whole impulse ; there *u conviction of more Utan one sort; there waa the conviction thai this thing ought to be dene, and there waa aleo the convic tion that not a man there wo s Id vec tor· to go home and aay that be had not triad to do it "Mr. Taft has aet the picture for ten of what a failure of this great 111 puss wonld mean. We have been Muiil for all theae weary months that thia agony of war has lasted be cause of the sinister purpose of the central empira, and we have mads maps of the coure* that they meant tMir conquest· to take. Where did the Hne* of that map lia, of that cen tral Une that wo mod to call from Bremen to Bagdadt •They lav through these very re gion· to waioh Mr. Taft has called attention, bet they lay then through united *m ρ ire, the A oatro-Hungarian empire, who*· integrity Germany wai bon ad to reapect aa her ally lay ir the path of that line of eonqueet ; th« TÂfaA empire whoa* Intereeta *h< frrafeeeed to make her own lay in the direct path that Λβ Intended to treaA "And now what ha» happened* The Aostro-Hangarian empire has gone u piece· and the Turkish empfre hai fcctad tfcat Ml rvmtt—for It »" a rwalt of lihaiiUuB—«r· m» f »>llll>.U M the UtatM· of the umU of tkoM fteat nattea·. You not onlj would hart weak »»tlon« lying tn lfc« path, tret ron woeld kt«t nation» I» wMek that old potaernoo· >M »ttel U the coeja. of tatri*»· '«tiii caaot ««»d PuhUotty, eed Jf ««· ha |W of ?·«·»· war· BOthta* bet , craat dabattn* Mchty it wo·» kn "It I» oc· of th, .(τ··»·"** Ζ Ula corcnant that H [7 th. rifk* of nui "îî,e,'1*a«ebaf iMfoa, u can •tj^t'ea to anytfctal Aat H think· «IB th. p·* of the world, t» wfc.rc the ·«-,»« tha p**ea af tha worW whl«h la «1 'suvir will ■€**· with a· that Carman would aaw hav· mi to war if rt Si ÏÏÏÏ21 waa at larâa, tka by m· ta ma» U Germany had thought for · moment that Crest Britain would go in with Franc· and wiht Ru··!· «h· mt\*r would have Undertakes the enterpri··, and the league of nation· i* meant sa m notice to all outlaw nation· that not only Great Britain, hut the United State· and the reat of the World will to in to (top eaterprises of that aori. And M the leajrue of nations U noth ing more nor less than the anvenant that the world will slways maintain (Continued oa page β) FARMERS ÂGRÈËT0 REDUCE ACREAGE North Carol la· Celtoe Amriiliee U Spleadid Work F«i mm ■ laUrwiaJ. Raleigh, Marrk eth The move ment to hold the present crop of cotton and to raduce the 1919 acre age by one-third which ha· boon in augurated by the North Carolina Cot ton Association, U making coaeider eble headway. Mr. C. D. Orrell, Chairman of the eiecuttve commlttec of thi· Aaoocistion, utatei, "We art receiving excellent moral «apport, end some money contribution·. The State aa a whole Mem· to be thoroughly aroused over the »1 tac tion, with many farmer· In conns uni ties voluntarily pledging tbeoieehree to hold tbeir present crop, and reduce thia year'· acreage. The organisation meetings which ware held in all of the cotton growing couaUaa law. week succeeded in arou· ing considerable Interest, and, while the attendanoo la all of the aoentiaa wa· not aa desirable y It might have bean, (till a good working organisa tion era· formed by thoaa who had the interest of their county at heart, and who attended thi· moating. At this time, plana wore made and pat Into operation for pledging every farmer In the respective eouatiea. This ara· don· ia lomrcaie· by divid ing the coanty into school districts, and other· by the towaahlp plan, with whichever way being adopted call lag for a paraoeaf boaae to bouae nsnvss» by ike cowrmltt·· It I· planned t oho Id an additional meeting in moit of the counties dor iMMMiMÛHÉMMM «π-Κ τΚ»Μ al'ilul id· ht futur* activity As yet, there ere β few people who do not realise the importance of Urn movement- "Some of tho bosiaaea men and many et Ike farmere are lethargic," ktutea Mr. Orrell. "If they could realise the consequences attendant upon a big crop of cotton be my produced this year, and coald eec the danger in which the · a tire bueineee atrurture of the State and Sooth would be placed by thia big crop of cheap cotton, they would realise at once that tnla movement calls for the concerted action of ev ery single Individual in the State. "The moral effect of the movement through the future yean ts immense ly more important than protecting this present crop, or the next, though It haa for it apurpose the protection of both." Mr. Orrell rslli for the farmers of the 8tate to rally around this move ment, te organise their eommuaitiea so that tho acreage on every cotton farm will be reduced at least ooe third. and the economic freedom, of the cotton fermer assured for the the coming years. BAN ON EXPORTING PORK IS REMOVED ActW. Will Frehahty U High·' Frleee el Hege and Perk Washington, March 1.—Rraotil of pork and pork product· from the export conMnatin Hot waa announc td tonight by tho War Trad· Board, affective tomorrow. At tho- eaa· time the board rescinded the regu lation» by which all application lot ■iconaeo to export thooo commodities to Ruropean destinations wore ip^air •d to boar a certificat· fro· lh« Pood Administration showing the ad ministration had approved tho wis price. *0od Administration. In a· annoaneoment I se* ad si ta a 1 ta noon sly, ■aid thia action would destroy It. ability *· further stabilisa the price of Uj· h··* and. that it probably 1 Γ*, I» tho price of hwi I and po« '"Crsaal*, beyond the staV ; 111 sea . wVek «ho administration had deeiTod to be contlnaed to Marcl > The War Tj·* Board announce ; «çent alao bM adviaed , £· allied prorisloas sapon . ··■ had boon 4'—e'T*i ·»<> purchase· •f foodata*» <·* U ara* El**1· ι Κ ranee ««'.J'·"* wonld n< ^ kÎ.U>*1 ββΡ»«-«οη Tnis tonsiiidon +*» organtaei *«rh 1 in A· »*r and *11 foodatoffa for nj ΪΐίϋίΤΕϊ^ ta A"*ri" "·*· »■* J dia-ed through It. ι vicrroirX^AN >ili. mcnid • Wsshinctoa, March S—Praaida«y 1 WHs"» *?"·«(»» Signed the "Victor] » Loan bUL «oth5C« the Tteaaur, to ta··· if-MOMo.000 h» Aort-tom - (oration ta *wwlattag Uie country'' » foraign cofmsre» ' The ·<*!»· "ff hâân't the· U J Worry evOT troublée ! .THrlfT Tartar * ι^*»Ρ· PO» Wft4.^!!îîr" V1 »»A. DOS*' ■ rwv*»Tua«K W* *·** * grow. GODWIN ITEMS The community tu Uiocked ti he»r of thr ud death of Mr·. <5ao Htmainiptay on lut Thuraday mom intr. She had only Veen rick far ι few day*. In the death of this foo< •'l'un the rhorch ft·· l«»*t a irn feith.jl member, ϋκ· red ctOM a mn* activa worker. Our (ympathy nci oa I·· Vh« family la tj.'it tad bereave m»nl. I ho t mc of lit. Herman Stail'iH »«· \'4< ted twic * in m week and Ihi time the mother waa taken wbic) make· It all the more aad. Aha «ιι ■ victim of indurnxa and leave· | hUKbend and ·Ιχ mill children. Thi funeral «ai conducted by Rev. Α Β McQueen, and the bitcrmvnt «ω ai Old Bluff Church eematery. IV sympathy of the catiru commuait] gomm out to the family IB this theii freatoat sorrow. Mr. William Tillman and dau*hUi are visiting hia water, Mrs. Α. M Khodaa. We hear that Mr. J. M. Melntyn has pnrebaacd a Kord roa6ater aiu when a certain echoul teaehar rwturw he will us* it more frequently. Mr. J. I. Jonc· ι· recovering fron as attack of tflfluenia Ml»i Delta Dean· ha· been cuoftn ed at home for a few day* with > •light cold. Mr. Paul Starling epent a tow day In Godwin after vleitin* friend· li (h.rlnll.v.ll. V· Prof. J. C. Linaey made a Aylaj trip to Dann Saturday. Mr. C. B. Maaoo apent the wc«i «nd with hi» aister In CWspVl H1U Or. John A. Jerninn and Mr. Em mrt C. Edgerton of Dunn, motoret to Godwin Sunday aftcraoon. Mra. Bernard Stafford «pent tb< wHk^nd In FayeteviUa with friand* Mra. W. K. Lucaa (pent a few boon Saturday in Fayotte«#IIe with hel brother, Mr. Jaekaon, who 1* in High amttfc Hoapital Mr. ιηα Mra. C. W. Spell and Dr i. W. Me Lear motored to Dona Mon day afternoon. REPORTER. Cod win. Mar. 4th. KITCHIN VOICES HIS APPRECIATION la Cil» Spaalu ./ HI FHiaiifcip Fer Member* tf Waahington, March ( «I chariel the Biowjil that here oa both aidai of the aiaie. many ara the friaadaMkj made from whkh aothine, even aid the conflict· of rival ambition·, wfckl Ron. Claude Iltehta, of Notth Quo Una, in making the apeacb ef accept • nee of the lilver aerriee conferred t>] the Hmiec of Reprraenativae aa ι testimonial cf hPprMSation of hii aervicei aa leader of the majorrq party and chairman of the Committe< on Wayr and Means. The epeech Waa a gem in consrtae neaa of thought and tn contenta wher. ladneaa, ainccnty and even mirtJ were evenly proportioned The dia languished Tarheel Coogrcoinan whi haa been the taryet of presa am public for his unyielding attitude 01 public question*. spoke feelingly o: friendships formed in Coagreaa an the parting of the waiya aa floor laade and chairman of the Committee 01 Waya and M cane, Referring to Uu Swodiah philoaopher who eaid, "Wbei one'a achool day· are over the day for making, genuine frtenda are al» over. Thereafter all friendehipa ari selfish." Claude Kitchin declared "My aaeoeiation with yon compel* m to reject that phaleaophy. Fall ef E^IU. "I win h it wero uoaaible that eo α Id take from my boaowi my hear and lay Η bare before yoo, ao tha you could seo, without expreaeioi from me, how yery, very Wl It « ο the amotiun* of KTatitude and appru elation and thank fol noes for thia go η eroua manifeelation of your regard Thia and other memoriae of your eon ■tant kfadneee and consideration dar ing my four yean of majority leader fthlp will e»er be Invoked to ehee and comfort me m all tha years Urn are to cooae. In the remlniacenre of ray older age your friendship an comradeahip will be my happiest rc ΟμΗλμ "I with Η«τ« to acknowledge m profound tkula and grateful appri ciatioa of whole-heartod support in cooperation which both aid·· of thl chamber have giren me daring th two critical ytam joat petted "My frienda, if you ceobt the «in eerity of the utterance· already med< in conclueion, I beg you to be)i*v ma alneara wban I iqw the hop that two year* from Bow I win b given tha èpportanttjr to «nj jy th prMlo*· and the happincu of jolni* in ceremoniee Ilka tait to 4iM retlrli* chairman of tha wiji anil meana com mittoe and tha retiring ipeakor ο the «tsty-eixth Congrcta. W'th -J my baart I thank jrou a cam an HI· remark» ware ^iwetod wit load apptoote and tha member» c the Heuae of BopraacntatMi ro« In a body. REPUBLICANS PURCHASE THE ASHEVILLS TIME AihovQ)·, K. C., *«eh t—Tk A therm* Timet, afternoon paper, wa today aold by Chariot A. Web* to tfe Tribune Company, and win MiUrni publication under tha tamo name ι aa afternoon Republican newipapai Chart·· J. Harris, of Diltobero. I proeident f the Tribune Com pat; ajMl the following are director! Brown low Jackaon of Ilenderaonrilh Jamee I. Brltt. Fred W THaataa aa Ç. RrewrUr Chapman, of Atherllb 1 '■ β Rntley. of OllUbere; Mr. Clar! of Bendor^arlDe . .7*î* Sente 11·, ia blainaea manaj ' 1 .. .·*· »ew organisation and M "Jilt to elated to be editor or eei tribu tint editor The Tlmee win a, ! tomorrow order the new mai I »■*·»·"». Hit detail· af iter will | ι tnnotaeed ,fUr , dircctert meeil. aext weak. . FILIBUSTER IN ION ATE MARKS ' THE ENDING 49 THE GREAT j WAR COMGUSS. Washington, dJ?C.,· Mareh 4,—A I bittrT controvereyibetwMn President Wilson and the tftA* over the Je», iru* of nation· aM a Ulibueter by ι ,ifew rUpubllca* il*UfS mlrini· to iorco an immetliaOactra aeaaion mark •4 the puMi| at%*M todar of tha • esth or ffrcat wér Coaerrae. (Tailed h» Aprft Wl'i to Umw America'a wei*)d..|>te th· conflict I overseas, the Code™· kald three momentous and hlSlk sessions. Par liaanahip lav 2*Mnt during th· war, but It broke feeth la th· Wat •onion to caiminjli in a Anal filibus ter which aut«3ilj Mocked pau se? of half uf iktdi rccmlar approp riation bill·, IncfSàc »· 1760,«00^ flOO railroad admSetraLiofi rtvoMn· fund, and tha biX >1*7· navy ana merchant mai inelâdcata. LaAt't I j>r|■■ r the 11,000,000,#00 wheat guarantee bill ' £4 aschanga leave telnnf* ^tb t+Lfnjm BeeeuM of the freekienf· decxeion on the extra aaarfoo, member· who crowded outgeU^ train· tonight felt Mtured Conor«£w»uid net (fun as semble much imiar% J one I, loader» predicted then h would remain in conunaoo· M<àîe> astu the 1020 politicalewéàbea. Deito* the ro buiineee W virtually pendod. ««·»< for resumption to morrow of U»ft«an committee'· η lepubUoan< lation and Imued by and Republican· bllity for falsi· of ImpottMt urea. Moat Republican members urg ed the caQinf M as early extra aee alon. Deepite the djath of Congre··, con troversy over the league of nation· constitution promisee to he ifitotW continually by advocates and ο ppen· cnu. Prominent Democratic and Re publican cottfUMmeo already have speech making itineraries planned, Sena ton Borah, of Idaho, Re publican, and K«ed, of Mtaaosrl, and l'homaa, of Cwnd·, Democrats, to •peak soon at N*w York, Beeton and other eitlca la cmieU·» of the league cenititation. Republican Leader Udn doe* not Phf, to ansae· In tha speech making Chief Inlnw* at the flniah centered in the lenate iBViater and the loogae of nation· controversy. The filibuster continued fro· 10 o'clock yecterday morning until Π -i0 o'clock today, with Senator* Sherman, of IlUsola; J/eVrlleUe, of wlaeonala, and Franc·, of Maryland, occupying moat of the time Λ the !#"·> •■•ion. It even prevented the customary exchange* of courteay at the flaWi. In the bouse, howovtr, the usual riotous ■cc<4l marked the clot > .if the session llie flick eras f^'PPe I a few minute» for Ant.1 fiHrf'tion·, and for an honr after .· liournm »nt house mem bers ex :han*oH good by ·· wiu. music, •onf. and tajtaepia speeches Merry Tt— I· the Hem Dnr'ng the flea! hour ta the huu*e. an effort was made to naaa λ bi" ea —ι inning u β»"·!*? r<«rri lun ■ bi the war I* i.«uranoe kma p-rmlttln* '*«Ηρ*·ί1·η of ptnoni other than ia*»ediate rtlMira of a Killcyholder M> beneficiary. The Ν had puwd the aenate, bat Repro ■«nUtiTu Putat, of New Jeroey, and Knrdney, ·* Michigan, oppoein* •t, talked nntfl near adjoarnaeant, and Κ«ρη·ηΜ»ν· Raytan, of Te* », withdraw * from farther consi deration. Merrymaking continued for an hoar and a half after th« formal adjournment. After patriotic and pop alar nnn had been tunc by mem ber· and the VOctater· la the ral 1er»··, a content waa held between the Republican and Bemocratk member* to aee which &· of the hooae could «in* beat "Keep the Home flrae Burning." The Democrat· mf the Λ ret vim I of the aoag a ad were vigoreaaly ap Mandod. Led by Mlaa Jeaoette Rankin, I the Republican» «ang the lecond τ era· ao well that it waa called a draw. To celebrate the pu—rr by the hewae of the resolution which failed the Aaeerlean conference to (η lur mpv "vvndeace of Ireland, Irtoh member· of the hew demanded "The Wearing of the Oroen." Rapro ■entatlve (lelHvan, of Maaaarhoeetta. aad Repieaeatatire Donovan, of New Jeroey, aang tfet and were repeated ly encored. - (ilea LreovU* J one·, of FMfcuM fhla, waa called from the gallery to t*e tpeaker'· aland to sing aev»ral aoloa. Member· of the preea gallery were called upon to tin· *Tt'· a Uu Way to Tlppirarr," and Albert Τ Stofer, do— of the eorreaBondenta, ■au "The Watermelon Mod." la rloeing, th· member· aad the . HflMlea, at the reqoeet of formel 10. Ineeker Oaanon, joined In atngina * "Ood Be With Vo« Till Wo fled Again." in the aeaate reTOeetlnf I delcgatea at the peace c urge for the iedepoadw DEATH AND DAMAGE IN ALABAMA STORM Nearly Every RwiJww 1» Em· fala Appear* To ft· DuMftd OTHER TOWNS ALSO SUFFER FROM CYCLONE llm KsMra Te H·*· C«H«d Oh DmIK P—« Ibty OtWra KilM Eufala, Ala., March 6.—A tornado irhlcb ·track Eufaula lata today caua cd on· know· death and n«iwt| laaaaca Htlnitad la Aral rrporu at ι half aaillioB dollar·. Nearly every -emidanea in the city appear· to ha»· «a damaged aad a number of bon κ» bouae· war· railed. Tha body of K. J. Saarcy waa ra ovarod tonight and II it thoéckt thar· »u mora loaa of life. The city, with a populetioa of toarty 4,000 waa loft ta daikntu tnd It waa not thuotkt there wo aid >« any reliable accoonline of tha aaa of lif· uatil daylight Tluaa nan, Dr. W P. Dickinaon, Dr. 4. L. A dan a aad 8. P. Lawtoa. a travel· «Mr inturance man. won «aid to have Mra baried under the debrie of the McRaa building from which the body Λ Searcy waa ntncalW. Th« Catholic cbturch, Umpky'n ■hree-etory building ud an autemo-1 bile wuikMH appeared to hare been otally ilMUujtJ and a number of ether building* badly damajrrd, in rladlng the Bluff City Ins, a large frame hotel. Telephone connection vu cut off uid Dm only telegraph vira working tonight waa «M rail rood lint. Dark· una and confusion caused by treaa lad debri» atrvwn grar the atreeta made work at acarebing the ruinod building· difficult Damage at PoUard. Mobile, Ala.. March i.—A cyclone which «track Pollard, ■ tow* of 3,400 population, TO mile* froaa Mobile tht» afternoon, did considerable damage lo the buaioaaa eectioa, railroad depot uid other build in ga, tnclading a chuck. The cyclone, which came Γrooa a aoutbweeteriy direction. taraa accompanied by a Weary downpour of rain. AU wire Leading to rollard ware drostrated. The aaly town kaeerd from here waa Wnmalon, Alt arhtch it la resorted had a eeveri wind atom No Ητββ ara known Ma blown off ita Boat completely wracked, all wtreal into it being down. " M JSTSr. wind ■tornu accompanied by heavy rain late today caoaed damage to tele phone and telegraph wire· tat Booth western Georgia, many tow*» being cut off from communication tonight. The atom appeared to canter aroand Leeebnrg and America», where South A ration field la located No Uvea were reported levt and damage ap peared to be confined chiefly to wiraa. GREATER INCREASE Ν THE UNEMPLOYED Soetkeaat Lout Affected Of Any Swtioa im Um Ceaatry Waahington, Mareh i.—Reporta for the current wwtk. ahow a greater increaae in the number of unemploy ed and the area of unemployment than for aevarnl weeka peat according to the weekly bulletin of the United State» Employment Service made pobtic today. Daring the week the □umber of citice reporting heavy on. employment increased two-third· and the total η ember of unemployed from 340,(01 to M0.4Q0, almoet one-third of which i· In Ohio. The Southeast utai to be the leut affected of any nectioa of the country. Conditions in the Southeast were .. (nil»».: Birmingham report» · ahortage «I labor Wet ne «attoato. Mobile re port* aa «quality of Labor and de mand «Hk (areata of itrflua. A 1am nember of common and aMBed work men reioaeed from the nitrate plant at Xtmcla Shoal» are airplareable and lom of thean Have been traaaferred lo other 3 ta tee. JiekaonWUe. Peneacola and Tampa report eUcht durtuM. There la a general ahortece of common and farm labor throogbeiit Florida. Skill ed mechanics ara plentiful. geraanak reporta a ahortage of 314. Atlanta reporta · nralui of Allied and anakllbd white labor and a alight ahortage of negro common labor. AUaata aleo reporta etrihea. Kew Orlaana reporta aa apparent .aalltr of labor aupply and demaad with «arpenter» «till oa etrike. There ia a alight demand for negro laborer· and railroad worker*. Wilmington reporta a ahortage of I»0. There la an equality of labor •apply and demand In Balaigh and Wlnaton NaahriDe reporta a aorplea of t.· «00 with a loehoot of karaeeemak r*. Meenphla reporte a ahory^a o( ,•0 negro farm laborers, bare m» line of white labor. Chattenoogi .sport· aa apparent eqaality of label demand and espslr. r.harleaton and Columbia both re port alight shortage». Norfolk reporta a abort»ire of 1, 500 while Baehmond reporta a ear plue of 1,50·· I. y nab bo rg reporta ai eqaaHty ol labor aupply and demand No ectiritieo ia the baitdng trad· In Virginia are expected in the nea future end a heavy labor «arplas I anticipated. Do your fall doty by holding tb War Saving* (Rampe after yea be' them. The gevorament raealvae ai beneSt if yea laaanlletely dmaai redemptiea. Bay eB yea aaa. Bee] what yen hay. NEWS OF BENSON I ■ANDCOMMDWn Omtoi, Mtitk I.—Mr. Jake Cnm thai baa been in BaMÎâtra fer th. past several day· buying his stock « Xm4 'or the itaair iW Wsitioi hia paraata. ■r, and Un. J. H. GWvia tU aona returaed the last of the week from Florida, «kart they bar· baas for the past atonth on a vacation. Min Mary Jack»», who fa la school at Bala'· Creek, returned home foi the week-end Friday. Mr. and Mia. Junea tenor an< children are inndhf a few dayi at Chapel HOI with relatives of Mia MrT aad Mrs. Preston WoadaU aa* dao«htar, Mfaa Clara W.idall. bm Mrs. MUton Smith have boea la Nn ▼oik for the peat weak buytag goc4m Mr. W. V. Cevsnawh returned laal night from Maw York, where he ha btea for aevtral days bayiag |mA far C. T. Jehaaea'a rtoraa. Mr. Loofa ftyafa, depety sheriff ol Banner tosuhip aérerai years ago, waa in tows for several day· recently He fa BOW living at Petersburg. Va. «41 ba ploaaad to bear that aba «il fc· bon· thia week. Mra. Ann· Creech k (a Bahiaun b"jrt»* bor «prine mUliaary for Un past f tw day·. Mr. 1. Bifcatt Buteur, «bo Κ ι railway paatal tWk. «M km M cenUy arfar Η*αΛι* m tmw |Γ*Γ iajuy „ tfca. _ ιΐΐΐτ Ρ*! feati ti «Îtie· —Λ et the ' m* and the îmcImUm to < (•C ther en ikt mj ter kav· la <" 'pTppU "h!*1ifcj*U1 [π[ιϊ?*μΪι1· ri dut w» want to Hinn km, ef ïot -e, fall· open th· «toi·· aad «B >n «S· muxictpaliti·· u4 th· fiaae tlet. of the M«r»l kww«*I *» to do \ hat H ta vr*»* te 4e ta » m firrUM of thta tort—drew th· mn tivr mind» of the ceantTf •o i:>mt th«r may proât by tka! w» aay effet οβτ ι ord ste their effort» in aay < th* may deeta It wfte te ι la c btr word» it η the |γΙ»··μ et the :.dml an > ai « weal la acttMa ef thlr crt to he the eer>aat» et tka ·* eenUN-M e( the state· and ι tier nsd cmbUh, and w· will fem that dety «th the imle< 1 •m fjr« «m said· oa with "I dheMdeM ef Oii > »n/ereae« will take aa «(de a ■co;·* m yoe think n»r»a«ary. We arc t.ot met to dhew aay d^le or - arrow aabject. Wa ate Mat to dtac -* the proper m«thed ef y*. Hct'p· all toe labor coadMoaa of th· rojntry to a ι aa f« *iWe and to effect aHcr ef labor and liitwlif aa Um ε .f—manr»· auqr L__„ anr. 1 think I eaa testify fx I hi · aeon oa the «the* ι " wa· that we an the: tber natloaa ia ι C* •roi · S 0mm problem» that we are a bo lo dacuaa with a im4 deal at con' *. «ο—with a pod ImI to (M Ad ι that If we have · mm po ■ r* can realise that |W(« a wMoM tab AeuHy. " ·»·! thin* that haa ■o t pentiemea, aot oaly ill eon; week· when I km h" n ■ teetif .nee on the ethar * of the wat but for Many laaeA· hafora wat but for I ».·«·, aeroae ι— A - We ai ■: at laat leemJacthe* *e haal f«r the ·' at l> .· learntae that to U take «own in : .;sFEStfSSvs .ad that 4· mm ef |wt ho·, - i that * ooafar* aeea tho« «So j the^aheeuio raiUa jlMlfe jwa mrke . -7t ■ heart· of tho «m M* wo set ■ d ehtUroa of the «wM are now la a way the* haa ae-ror boe. own before They an wot t f*e4 by their 1|Ï!Xeîtaa| ei*. eora ι-.-.tea, but they are bo U I . α of what the m ?· -national •eh·- v..4 r-ul—a eoe* ι ct Γ eor.l.· t of