THE DUNN V«L S DUNN, N. C BAD ACCIDENT AT BENSON MONDAI ïkv5« *" WkUk H. vu RM!·! ■•I'M"·. Ν C., March 17.—Ai «1^1 I Mr-old ion of Mr. Juniua Bn ni·» "ho IHrn ι few mil·· «Ml a her·, waa very badly hurl today «toi h*·*»· running a atalk cutiar ant cot caught In tha machinery. Ha aai taken horn· and Dr. Paricar caQ«< to render nadlcaJ aaaletance. An «s •miaatlon revealed that he wai Mumij cut and hmleed in aavara plaça» Ha will be confloed to hii MM MOM tin·. Am «nets· afclfting can bar· todij ran e»«r a Ford track loaded wttl wagoaa and drivas by Mr. Jen· Me< Ι«·Κ who la eta ployed by J. H Bom A Bon, hurting Mr. MrLaret vary badly and completely demohab Inf Ik· truck and wagooe with wktel U araa loaded. Nllt The csr ». W. Y. at Ms boas sser hare. . Ths win auks tMr tea· at the aaaat with Mr. J/ïiaynor, father ttoS fTdOBL W.Ai-yt.r. March IS.- „■ lion* governing the payment of $80 bonus ta honorably discharged sol diers wast* srsenrisd by tks War De partment today to parait ths sccept aacs by disfeoratng ο Befalls of a "true toîere tks'ariSl] certMcatae wars rivalled, bat It «ras found many sol diers refused to part with ths papers, preferring to lose ths bonus rathsr than risk Iks tes of official evidence of thsir hoaocabla rslsass from ths T5 copies submitted under the smendsaent «etherised today must be certified by the any recruiting offi cer user «et the soldiers' residence. facts ABOvrjry bavimg» War Bavines Stamps to the amount j of aaptadaataly I1.01M00 ware sold in the United States from December 1917, to Jaoaary 1, 1919. War Sarines Certifie*tee wars adopt ed and Drat issued in England in the spriac of !·!«. In the Ualted States War Serines -Stamps were first issaad in December 1*17. I· Great Britain, nearly three hun dred million certifies tee have been said. since 191·, to January 1918,1 bringing la approximately 11,100,-j War Barings Stampa in forms sim ilar da those of the United Statee and Great Britain exist la Australia, New Zealand, Canada. India em) Japan. War Serines Stamps of the United tin— ar· laruaa m unui oerlee, end •uk Mita· lut ft uniform data and matarity. The iitawt ntta k kept uniform by Increaalng Um parehaee prie· osa «Mt each month, beginning at 14 11 la Jftnaary. British War Saving» Stamp· ara dated whan purrhaaad and ara due •va yaare frota that date. Gertift cataa aJwaya tall far tha lame prie·. lSa.«d <»*.·«). BOOY OF AIRMAN POUND IN THE CAFE PIAI HIVER FayetterlUa, March 1·—The bod/ of flft. Walter Plcomf, aero aqua of M. •Tbo premium ratea for Umm con verted policie· are lower than thoec ch*rrwl by private insurance corn pa nlca, ' «aid the announcement. In pre vioue announcement It waa aaid the rate· would be 30 per tent lower. "The policiea contain exceedingly liberal privilege·," continued the an nouncement, "providing for caah and loan value·, paid op and extended insurance, and further providing the in>ared will be paid for lifa a monthly income In the event be become· to taDy and permanently diaablod. All of these policiea arv incontestable from the date of leauc and are free from reetrictiona aa to residence, travel or occupation. - The hold·» of th* poUeiaa will be eligible to «bare in aod receive divid»»i« '»— —'—1 u« saving·, the proceeds of the poli cies u· exempt from taxation. Prem ium· ntsy be annually, semi-annually or quarterly. Tbe monthly prem ism*, du· the Aral of each month, may be paid at aay tira· daring Ue month." Secretary Olaas expreeaed the opin ion the "unaaual vaJuaa and libérai provtaions" of the bow forma "should encourage all bolder· of war-time terra insurance to convert aa rapidly aa their ftnancial c rtumaUncM will partait and In aay «vent to continu· without fail the tau»a< nooalbla pro portion of their present insurance „An opinioa by Attorney General Palmar that insurance taint be paid to the eetalee of decaaàed peraou to day removed the last obetsrie to la sumacs of th· oew policies. by Collecter BaOey Y Oftce. (Raleigh Newi and Observer.) 1 The office of J. W. Bailey collector of Internal Ritcdm for the Eaatarn district of North Carolina, baa Is th· laat ail daye collected nearly four ' mi 11 κ)ο dollara la inoome taxe· and forwarded It to tbe Federal Reaerve Bank In Richmond. The work ha· in volved a greet «train on the office force which had to be increased Sve or lix people, but under the experi enced guidance of Chief Clark Dela mar the big job was put thro Oft with out a hitch. The whole forea, to keep ap with the work, found It necaaaary to work Sunday and up to Sunday night. Only ons-fourth payments were made ao that when the other three fourth· ta paid, the total for the dis- , trlet will be in the neighborhood of Rfteen million dollara. It ia animated that the total Fed »ral tax to be paid In North Carolina thla year will be in the neighborhood of 1100,000,000. PUPILS OF DUKE SCHOOL , GIVE ENTERTAINMENT j Duke, Mar. IT.—In connection with j Ibe graded school work for the prea int terra Mia· Iva Battle of Dunn has >een conducting a music class and , Misa Edith Savag· ha· had a clase · η expression. Friday night the two , : lasses combined and gave a most { :raditable entertainment la the achool auditorium. Twenty-one selection· , vera rendered and many of 0>o pupils , thawed real talent along thaae lines ind the teachers have dons splendid , eork ia developing the talent. The | itage waa decorated with native long Ittf. *»ln— #'■■■■ —1 *- J — Sower. and preeenteda beaottfol ippoa ranee. The prowrara cloaed rifta ehonu Red White and Blue. .T^ ^r*n,„of Daka is in th» midat vt Clean Up Wa«k which ■ tart ad Wedne»day, March lath and «111 elote the lftth Inat. TKa eitiieaa iro taking much interest In th· work ind many pilea of trmah and rub blah tava already bean dlapoaed of. The town aathorltla· have arranged to «•ul ail traah away and farniih neeea ■ry lima whara It l« naadad, fraa of 'i"**· I» «ddition to c loaning up î îïtm2nt" h·»· mid· to 'umlah Bow ara. eeedi and other £P beautify the irrangemeota have been 'omleh Aow tK MuTorttUi, Ta" SdrtteT th. HMM gnrdea mt· aroaad the ion»· of the runloy»·· any necee larr laade required fer garden·. They rill alao furnlah fartiRneia at eoat ind will aid all poaalMa to make the tardant coma up to the «Undard Kt year. * β. YARBROUCH. >KATM OF MR- HMMAW GRADY The death of Mr. Horean Grady »aa a great ahoek to family and eotn nonity Ha wai Aot and killed by tli uncle, Mr. Wank Gregory. H· Uft Hia bom· at 4 oelook not mowing that death waa «taring Ma η the fare. The remaiaa were |aid ta raat at Pleaaant Grmi Ceaaetery. The floral offering wu very «•autifel. Th· community extend •>"lr rreataat aympath* to the family. A FRIEND ■»e· the man wKaaa Hf» la an oyeo •aek occasionally Kkee to paate cowple ef *" CHAMP CLARK WILL FACE HARD FIGH1 MmUn oi Cnim Arm Omh1. HI- ». Minority LeW«. in Ktmoif Willi Party Washington, Mar. 1» Admin·· tration friend· in the Henac, rrpn ΜηΙΙηκ all section* of tin country have undertaken what promtlu to b< ■ successful ftfhc to prevent th· m Wet Ion of Champ Clark by the Utnu ii"',-.ceecua *or minority leader ii the Sixty sixth Conrrew. Leaden of the movement declare a majorrti of the Democratic membership wiL upholil President Wilton by repu liât ο κ the prcacnt Speaker'· war cootm und "itufutic antaffoniam" to ch« Administration. It ha* been an open aacret ίτι Washington that Spealter Clark baa never tonrolten nor forgiven those irho contributed to or beneflUad by hit defeat for the preeidential som mation at the Belt ι m ore convention in 1 & 18. HI» anima· ha· bean shown re|>eated1y by unfriendly seta and r» ferrnree, and by hi· attitude on legie lation recommended by President Wilson. He rcfuaed to vote on tht declaration of war, earned country wide condemnation by hi· speech as serting there was "precious little dif. ferencc between a eonacript said s ι-onviet," and ia now reported to con template a tour of the United State· η opposition to the Lcifde of Na tion· ·~ Represeatative Jamee H. May· of l.'tah, a member of the reorganisation :xcf utive commit t*s, consist in* of IS l>emnerate representative· from 11 states, haa Israed a Statement sppeal :lcct · Ueder in accord with Presi dent Wilaon. The reorganlaation committee hu declared that without entiled I—derahip the part? la "doom id in advance to défait.'* Thia ii not time to pat jealoaa en m&Im or eoreheada In charge of tlx party leadership, "Mr. Maya iaaéaU. "We want a laadar who win not in arardly rejoice at the abase of the President. Wa cannot have aotag onlatlc leaden^ "The Prudent 1> being bombarded from the front and 111· ambueh. We muat not bistlll and amw ladd er· who will (hoot from the rear We cannot afford by oar rote* to ap Cve aarcostic antagonism to the rue of Natioaa. Oar peopla «r» heartalck and waary of war and WU1 rebate their aenranta who go counter to the earneat determination of the Preaidant to cr?Mt£ao the ho pea and iartraa ot the tlrUimd yo& iajA ι #»*-- —* nan of the reorgantiltlon executive] ■ommittoe. On the committee with him ara William A. Ayera, Vice-Chair nin, Jamea B. McCllntic, Secretary, lanej H. Maya Utah. Richard S Whaler. S. C.. Ouy B. Campbell. Pa. 1. L. OodwlD, N. C . Henry T. Rainey, ÎL. Curtlli 1). Benaon Md„ Warren lard, Ohio, D. H. KmcheJoe, Ky., M. « Neeley. W. Va., Patrck McLone, Pa., John W. Rainey. 111.. W. W. JiiUni·, Okla., John V, I aahar. Pa. I B. Boom. Ky.. Harry L. Qudy, i. Dakota. Since Speaker Clark hae bean quot ed aa having said to a group of Demo Tata that "Wilaon'a Leafu of Na iona haa aa much chance of adoption La you have of being Pope of Rome " ha movement to prevont hia aelec ion for the Hoaae leadership haa «and many new f rien da In Admlri ■tration circle*. GODWIN ITEMS Quite an enjoyable occasion waa the irrttlly appointed dinner given laat roeaday night by Mlaa Beaaie Rhodee It her home on Old Mill atreet when he entertained aeveral of her friendv "ollovrin* the dinner the hostess In Itcd her gueota into the parlor where *m·· and music waa enjoyed for the emainder of the evening. The many friends of Mr. C. C. Me lellan were· aorry to hear of hi* η jury in an aotomohile accident on aat Saturday afternoon. His frienda lope for hia speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Denaon are pending a few daya with Mrs. Den on'» father Mr. C. C. MoOlrllan. Mlaa Viola Jemigan of Payette-, ille ia spending a few da va with! II· »e*aie KlWd». Mr. »nd Mr*. Π. A. Batn of Wade 'ore vtattora ta Godwin Sunday af crnoon. Xl«n Martin and Elotaa '.onn«lly «pent Tunda; afternoon in )unn with friend· Dr. and Mr*. J. W. McLean and L E. Vick w«re visitor* to Dunn ut Friday. Miss Johnnie McLean ayant Wed esday afternoon in Dana where she ι an· of Miaa Jackaoa'· ptaao «tu enta. REPORTER, lodwtn, March 19*h · HRW1 N'9 CHAPEL ITEMS The Orphan children from Paleon •nr at Erwio't Chapel Sunday, Mar. «I A liberal offering waa gfoen, the mount be Id* ITI.I4. | Mir· Neailie CoMTW of LIUInftOfl, pert the weak-end at the boa* of Ir. Frank Kennedy Mia* Bhelleum who has been via %Λ «* « — - ting Mr* Horned t — ... Ml»· Mary Johnson Mat laet tioraday nteht with M lea Lata Aeery. Mr* Loyd Arery ef new LUlinff t»u, «pent the week-end at her lother In-law*·. Mr*. Jaatea W. Mr Charte* Tailafften haa H»r haaed htm a nte· ear. The (trie wtl) e on the look out. Mr. and Mm. Sen Upebureh of taie'· Creak, «pent Bandar with their arenta, Mr. aad Mr». Bob Parker. SMIIJNO JIM. A CLEVER HIT —Can you tell me how the deril |Γ eaked aa Irreverent fellow ef a Uigy—a. "Mr friend, you η oat keep roar am family record," area the reply,— (elected -- V-. *"7 *· Crawford. K*. etnrnéd Ιο hmr kemt In Athrrlll· BENSON NEWS lowart Waafca Mr. Howard Brnion Afuta ■wiei» army. Ht ed fail dltiw|i. . Mi·» Brelan 9fk^ urday (rum Wia»to It tn returned tc teriat «pant £"£· to ** ^ Ac it tn ooflaga, f, »t«tt to bar parent. W. D. Boon· R«v. e. it. run, U.nson Metbodfart #h hi* family ban Uni Hav. G. W. morning from ductod MrrlaaL Mr Jaaaa Baynor Hill Saturday te rfc'ldrva, wbo ara Mr WiUiaaa Ca '**n In Β ->r two, ia ban on · Ό ralativaa. Mr* W. D. « prat Satarday Ip Mr. and. Mr». Dunn, «pant tba ( vitii bla bratbaa, I aon. ' Μ π. A. T. Laà_ .-ctumed yaatardaju f» vinit to ratad^aa tm, | abte V th»eM for m put bare on a-{Via y»' I yrt racahr __ Bat . where faw dan' lad Mn. .or af tha •wfl) move tfala con to Cliapel arlte aad raa there, wbo bu Mt yaar | riait j _ children I topping on, or tarda jr John eUldraa day*' _ the —, wbcr* ι bla wif«1 rapeading " Mr*. ■Wit W«ek Ια Μη: Ml*· Leaeie weekend her· •'rtenda. Mr. J. α nreet a fir· lenec on »' hi· pn Mia* Ιπμ Mr. and Μη.. riad Saturda ■ohaaon, of couple dnn throu from her· to 'eyat. -"*»onr m perfo ->« tlw night tnin J 'or · hooojrmo popular yoaag I Jt the srcMDt tWJEGr· Jnd«tai!l • rem the number /ffîfaJU that have « t>een rocently Uk^by jtfce »itw I TO "OLD HlClèbKY^ 8rKpuA HOLLAND COVINGTON. 1 North Carolina, Sooth Carolina, Tan η «înt, I C online home from oror tha mm, VooVr fourht to maka tha whola world fna, ■. And you're broken dawn bold Ter-,' anny, ~ ' \nd we're ρ rood of yoe a· we can be North Carolina, South Carotin·. Ten-'i( η m oc, Dor own beloved "Old fikkory." [>h our hoartleat walco·» to oa awns | for yoe—who'ee wo· ttareortal fame, Whoao valor burned 'like · brtrn flame, rill the world eel at»· at tha woeder f u ] ntoie, Morth Carolina, Soath Carolina, Tan· Sold blca. Von ,1U "O* Hickory.—'J rtiough hearta ara aad «a the noraber la told, I 3f tha aarvlee «tara that have to reed. - to cold, I" If et I think parhape their iptrita bold 1 *re marching, too, down our itraeta" «way, Vod joining with u* o» thia wonder ful^ nc wi ι oay. 4orth Carolina, South Carotin·, Ten· naaaae. ·. 1 : rhrlce welcome hoo·, "Old Hickory!";' ARCHIE ·. Η«Κ»Ν DEAD Archie Β. Hiiuon, wail lax·· car- J tenter, of Dunn, died 'Wit nUn- ' [ y r«»t#Tκ be in* erected 0* Wlbon atreet 1 tear the Municipal beiWin*. when he ' •u atricken. He feB, te the ground * ekile at hi· work ma* waa net eon- ' «•lot» MC*>n. dying aheut three heur» . later la the Clerk1» office at the ( Municipal building «hara ha «a» ' aken for medical treatment. Deeaaaed waa 44 Tea*» of afe aad * tad made Dana hie heme for a aum-.1 >cr of yean, fill home wee fait 1 terth of Dana. He f«a aa iadaetrt- * >o* man and waa held hi high eeteeta * ty thoaa whe knew hi*· I He leavee a widow and eae aoa te 1 aourn their loaa. The fanerai will he _ Mid from the hama JM· afternoon * ind internent will -take alaee la the J I or le·' «rave yard, B»ar Dunn Much «rmpathy ie «tended te the ■ ►e reeved onea ia their hear of be ■eavement. •ACKTO TWO CENT! JULY I Weehlngtoe Star. \ Keturn of the twa-eeat poeUge < rata for oat-of-towa letter» la aa- « touneed for th) Id «f July nest, κ rhe people hare edjoatad themeehree.i λ the differential peeui rate eeeOjr 11 tad have cheerfully paid the astral* «•nay, even tbowk It eoeyelled them!I Mi keep two Mmi ef aUapa ahraml mi hand, or rather really three klnl»,ll 'or the penny itanf· Wee a*fH had I heir oaea. Tne reduction ef eat-of -1 < ew» peetaire from tlwaa te twa eaeta »1U maae ■ Urge mrteg ta tea ptiMe. I Mill lone ef deuan heve bear paid fer I he aupport of tfce govarament < Utroagh the poatel riveaaee daring I the two jreeea that the ikne »»i>t ι rate haa prevailed. < SECOND CHANCE FOR INCOME RETURNS Auumm Pelier e# LmUmi Ttwa>4 TU·· Wm Hm Owl Iww Wtt»hlnglen, March 17.—Peraoni who nvrleeted to pay the Ant iaatalt ment of income uu· laat Saturday bar· lo»t the installment payment privilege and mini now pay tl»eir cu ti Γ» tax Hemxod of a revenae celiac· tor. To avoid the penalty of 2J par cant In addition to the regular tax, per aon» who failed to fila returna Satur day nay now submit belated retarna with ■ rwora étalement of tha rea son fur deliaqneocy. Without thli tha penalty will ha impeeed. Th«*e policial, announced today by Internal Revenue Cowi—tonar Koi>er, aro intended to grant a de of leniency to thoaa who fer - . «wiwwnv/ vo TnO— Vhû SSr UUmd * .. ■ i«u«l W VU· their raUru when they were daa. By law, however, the laataUxaeat μ»/en ut privilege la removed from all fail me to male payment· on thee and the internal revenoc berene haa authority to chance thii or»»» ~ rwvonw Dornt Haa ίοΐι. ®° previa-j ■ A *·*«■">· bereau eUtement in ex plaoation follow·: ' itrlUTeBU* eoUeetort w.ll accept ail delinquent, retvrna presented after arch 1 β and depoutnaypnyment ■ade therewith. Under law failare to ■alie trat payment by March It anto Ul "T'a* payer* filing ln< :m« retarna |Bb*equent to Merck 10 therefore ir enbnita a partial payment he «fil " notltWd of the balance doc later η tb· regular procedure af Η nine ind mdlni notice*. la reference te lie penalty of IS per cent additional ΛΆ for all delinqueata the policy wifl >e to proceed qaptlkellcaDr la ac ordance with the regulation* permit in* the tax payer. If be deefree, te aa e«da~" — line the te eta ten pfTNAI — —· m m ■ . wmmmmr MUM ■tar than Matarday may have aa nodi a M da ye in which to pay the re aaining Ihrcc-ouarten. Revenue collector· have been ta t rue ted to nea their ova diecretlea α determining what eonatitatae a taaonable caaaa (or failure to Bake etunu er payment· on time. In eoeae cltiee, according to report· peeking Conmieeleeer Roper today, oil acton' oOcea vera garth to fc the lut boor nth ©.' ap • nn affidavit within ten dap· "en ^n.nt the eaaaa af dehnqoaS/. Tbe statement wee tabea Co adt ** i"1"* P·"1 «heir tuna _ nU lay net be enforced. Reporta today ahowaf beuandt of naall tax payer· paid beir entire taxe· Saturday aad iail d to take advantage of the tsetall ient privilege. JGHT SENTENCE FOR INHUMANITY leoegia Win·· Gives Only Two Yean Ob Cnvhlhe af ■ ratal Hy Ta Oiyhiae Marietta, G a., March IS.—In. latia·! B. Campbell wae eentenced by udge H. A. Morrli hi Cobb connty uperior court here late t&day to erva two yean at the State tmrm t MUledgevfUe on conviction af two harge· of cruelty to childm at the •nomination*! 'ndenoznlnational Orphanage f whkh abe was head. The wemaa raa convicted yaaterdar ea one in ictment alleging aha had caoaed a »«r-year-old child to he held againit hot grate aa punishment, and on nother Indictment today charging ruelty to another child ef the same *c. C. Campbell, hnaband of the ccnaed woman, waa acquitted today η chargea of amank and battery pon Mary Hoaey, a 12-year-old in iatc of the home. Five other indlct lenta are pending agalaat Campbell nd ftve more agamst nia wife. Their lapoeition had not bean ,Βοα ££&?»·· «'««*<«. lampbell «nUlned the loae of » 1m ι ■ railroad accident had Iaraaarf ΛφΛ him fof .dire won,. ÇÎL "•pWI tanned ali the dam· tain* her "ilea" and «aid "X Save •rat bean crasy and I an aa trath ibbed Mit and pepper on har. forets* •e ekM to ran ajTTnd dowi bUl „ enlehmant. waa teld by aitotker *tt 1» danjrlnf the acoa i^rrtAv^tSt CL*AΝ UP I The repaît bjr the Actaartal f loeaaa far 1»1· tarai* n mm of ke beet nwwti far · real "Clean to Weak.' The Are loeaaa attrtbaV I to "RubbtaJi aad Utttar" throorh at the enuntry waa t?77,»M. fiii Dltiai propertloa for North Oaro na would bra bean ΙΙΟ,ΙΜ, whOe be actaal Um raperud waa IK, ββ -practically una Uatee aa laoch. ε-Εττ *- -ÛSP ι oaly e0ert ;ir£,,3a;,M,,53isss: ■ wentoiM for el»«p ctaiU, ««It ècy ^ on't atir —, y BANK OF HARNETT CLOSES GOOD YEAf ^xritrurûiïs ν·Ι··61ι itrvk« to tki Monle of iku pypr-. Darfa* thTr^ la' »441tlo·' to too ibm, ul after I artiCr lissrîs.'cs 9 toad*i abort tijM low to to· U. Gcnrnwut, total 1171,000.00. Fn tow traroo yaa will §m too* Vu. ι total mou) of asuajr ralaad by tool Bank of Haraott, darlaf the yoaxf IV1I for tlM u. i. Oovoraaaat waa IS004M 0·, vUch to ftfuea ten tta -rait.l .t~w * ■ · * " " 1 ..,,Π—-—«■» w niwen τι·» ι tta 3fSLkS5*tetJS2i iUçM dinetOT· r«t tk· «muc «m, t AL.% Z>iL Sf'nSS: I 8. Hick. J. ιΰΎώΓ η^ α Bank of Harnett, tie ecjy ttrt to h .■ ·' - __ aft t>.tl Λ η hi· Mttin iTgrdi M α tir» Ι *ti·» «a tk· AoU of Dm*, tke poo»!· of tk. t*wa U4 tk. ""*» — —TiXlntUy «#· *r -·«·#· nte ..k -Γ *!> OcUWr, 1904 ««· syjMgasSaj'A: nuated by aay bank in UmMo. a» director* iai««aaat mot· i»h haa do the director· of uur "k to North Carolina uultko «ί mm of »u>*y> mot -mfol and la tk· Oatead _ UM lMtk ta U. L, aad lortk Tk· , _ beeht· aaf rtytofi «· ban booa co< , , » loin· ncmd by wDrtwil. or bit ■at MUto Maa, aad tka baak haa Iwaya .ndaavorad to leader Mr»if » Out it would »aat tka indivtdaal cod of it» emtiomn. Thta policy m wmxl ι wfa· mm, ladnriaf any g ion· buataeM rotation! with tko lut of Harnett, which they hors •«or ragrotted. Th· deposit· kan —mil, aad daring rai».» tarts!.*» zva a.'Siffsjyss tW'KW.OO rywMt th· Saving d? M*t» «· wbtck tka bank aara font ir eaat tarter·* nnM|iuual»d quarter f. Th·· —' -■ ~ - *— ioplc of Mate I'HPPt ualJy about M.OM.M io"tDtaraet"lt ι doabtfa] if My atbar cotton BrfX onuaunity t« th· loath can hooat t a record to oqaal thia. ave proved wiao far each year a oodly na baa booa added to tk· ■rptaa food, which aow aiaaMrti to 20,000.0·, aad «till th· aodWVWd roflt account ahowa 114.000.00, takiac M4.M0.M Tk· baak today ι ahaaot«taJiaMa M atroag m wbaa aak Uaa* not iIom >■ Fu bat la *. baractar and flaaatlal raapaaaftiUty f tba mm «W Ha affaira. rojUwta* Dm adjourrrmont «f th. tockbold an îmûm tha ànctwi ïf* >"■?*·»« ka« « mmmtinm, and for daelarfar a filial dwTd«Bd, laetad tba fofcwln* Bicw for tha η win* yaar: Λ. ». Daka, PrwkWnt: W. A. wSjrajW··*; C B. ' ifiik», ArtWe WPfmM«*I W*. A. Whit·. M WlWUf AMOC1ATKJM AY IIU LAQItllll ANYHOW Hew York, March 18,—Tha Uattad tataa Brtwwi AnoeWtian, coeiprt» i* thraa-fourtbi of Ua liSmtn krouabout th· eomatrj inmmea4 ta aux.·» A£ s*$a£ drMa« brvwara Aat tkqr altbt η 5&£uâî*«Bë •ariatlaa W takoa ■· aetiaa ao tha P*4®»·.. »«··«· daela*· that tbay ss&ra&S I Ttetetty I r~H*tlea (jjf "aaa iaH baar ta thoaa of ba *lf of on« par cnt. AY MXTHOOUY CHURCH Suaday Seboat at 9*4·) » 11*· a. m. aad 1Λ0 ». m Prayer miMw Wtdaaadi__ t at TiM. TV» >wraailln raadueUd kr bmtk Lain hibita tordMly Invltad toil fMMtc (ordtally Invited to ittnd 1. ■· DANIEL " · - <«a Î (DEAD BABES AIE THROWN IN WELLS evidence is gvem BY KALCiCH WOMAN Om Umé TV Myatary wnwUln tha M ta* aavatal 4aya «ββ of A· tei Mjr •f aa bifut la a wall at fapwy •P™*· "· we*" paru/ MKM ·7 the atract of Paly hk a Mgaa eaak M Joaa·' Hotal fcathattawa. to the .Waka caaaty JaB far Mai <■ Mrior court aa a ilafi «f Ma·· u· The a mat 0/ Ik· caak Jw «adlac 'e?i_____ ain't Moaday ta a eaeaU Χί*τΚ "ΊΙ. » lacatrd at AlMi "rarahaoaa. Tlta ^ 1·Γ»β«ο «ai la a aaal at aa i*t»d MtM In tha eaator af the o*n. Whea pl^"d"oaHtriil"1i - ■ , art tka b«*to cook arUI |>*UM^h· ar«ad with α* nariar af bath ta 'harjrad with u.« _ 'aat« aa —'-*-nra that hm\™ Into th* ILVEJI f . ». t» hfxa» of Un pflkaa o< tka ·»' al Aaaeaably wttk * nmn te k» -if mM> ni good «11»·, tai ih ■·*« h·· km ao aacattfan te « ι·Ίβ, tat en Uua oa«aaioa I (M ι»·. :?d te Mien tel It b te··* et t itoa. for I t»IUii «t t «··!»·■ th«r« ta real L. ho ' Itkwl vlth «MM «f ! en >m ky tad oar mmMn «μ 4r ι phauat. °TMa Marin I km if · η «luttent far art (mi id Say hare nate aa kaaraaa M. ray Wit tea* ttew WW at kte r,£x C rliim ti mrv. ( nwi(lm n. W I* aH at Ok kaapHal, tear kj ·' ar gtrla Γ ·■' * beautiful . H arraaa of ι t -1 ieknaaa depart. t akaS atear in. - '.hia act. While Itoa M a»d •r:· ·» at ml· ''at a_ rh nintad tka μ ι j jl M w»a _ la v> ry air that »a •a»·-, fana■ Tka aai __ te.. j «te tear· te tka Hiwwu. Okf *M" rf. J»·* "IwûaSÇT H - rrtaaoa, tko ttewla tmI «a» ε: y π »« Win kmw te aait. kat . ®te?1 te Tialt jwr r. I *wt te < 1? ■ Inr a W ) · · In ■ " yaw frteed 'r./*&&%rss3Lm. «- r«* Mat i»n va· al. r·. M t' h t !▼ t Ί ta box suma •rirt te a k»« a· ■ lai h tlat. Tka paille la